Pupils' Composition for New Year's Eve Dinner (16 recommended)
Smile away
2023-11-14 08:30:43
primary school

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (1)

On the New Year's Eve, my mother said that we should go to a restaurant to have dinner this year. I jumped up happily.

In the evening, at six o'clock, we came to the hotel and entered the room. Wow! Grandparents, aunts and cousins have arrived. At this time, the service personnel took out the camera and we took a picture of Zhang Quanfu. Then we took our seats according to the number and had a happy New Year's Eve dinner. Our children took the lead in toasting adults, and of course adults also had to pay red envelopes! We all had a good time at the New Year's Eve dinner. After the dinner, adults talked and laughed, and we all went out to play.

When it was very late, the New Year's Eve dinner should be over. We went back to our homes. At home, our family watched the Spring Festival Gala. Of course, there was laughter and laughter! What a happy New Year's Eve!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (2)

Today is New Year's Eve, a happy day. My father and mother and I went to grandma's house to have New Year's Eve dinner happily.

When we arrived at Grandma's house, a burst of fragrance greeted us. Oh, Grandma had prepared a table of delicious dishes for us! I hurried to have a look. Wow, there are laughing shrimps, chubby dumplings, pearly dumplings soup... everything! Looking at those appetizing dishes, I really want to eat them all in one breath. Before long, our whole family gathered around and ate together. I scanned every pot of vegetables with my eyes. I first attacked the pot of shrimp. I picked out the biggest shrimp and put it in front of my nose, smelling and smelling, fragrant! It's so fragrant that my tongue will fall out! I couldn't help taking a bite. The taste was so fresh and tender. I ate several more at one go. Adults laughed when they saw my wolfing down. I can't wait to eat other dishes again. Just as I was enjoying myself, the sound of fireworks suddenly came from my ears. I rushed to the window like a hundred meters away. I saw many shiny bullets bouncing into the sky, and all kinds of flowers burst out in an instant. It turned the sky into red, yellow, and green. It was really beautiful!

Ah, it's great to have delicious and rich food on New Year's Eve and see such beautiful fireworks!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (3)

Lan Zijin, Gui Dayu, Ding Ya'an, Cui Xiaoyun, Xu Pingping and Zhang Moming are friends. On the evening of the New Year's Eve, they had dinner at Cui Xiaoyun's home. So Cui Xiaoyun brought a cookbook and asked everyone to order. Lan Zijin said first, "I like to eat 'peerless twin jiao'. Give me a 'peerless twin jiao'!" So Cui Xiaoyun circled the dish 'peerless twin jiao'. The second one is Gui Dayu, who ordered a 'Farewell My Concubine'. So Cui Xiaoyun circled the dish "Farewell My Concubine". Next came Ding Ya'an, who ordered a dish called 'Not Tomatoes', so Cui Xiaoyun circled' Not Tomatoes'. The next one is Xu Pingping, who ordered 'My hand through your black hair'. Finally, Zhang Moming asked, "Is' a standing fish 'a dish? I'll order this." After she circled' a standing fish ', she said: "' My hand through your black hair 'is soup dish,' peerless twin jiao ',' farewell my concubine 'and' a standing fish 'are hot dishes, and' not tomatoes' are cold dishes."

After saying that, she started to do it. She also cooked two more dishes that she liked, 'fried eggs with vegetables and mushrooms' and' pumpkin pie ', with cream on the pumpkin pie. The first one served was pumpkin pie. Everyone took one and ate it. Then came 'Not a tomato'. When we looked at it, it was pickled radish. This pickled radish was cut into thin slices, red and bright, sour and sweet, and crispy. Gui Dayu said, "This pickled radish is better than my mother's!" The third dish on the table was' fried eggs and fried green vegetables and mushrooms'. Everyone liked this dish very much. The fourth one is' Farewell my concubine ', and' Farewell my concubine 'is a three color fish fillet. The fifth is' a standing fish ', which we have never seen before. Other fish lie down, but this kind of fish is standing. The sixth is' peerless Shuangjiao ', which is braised chicken with red fish meat. The last one is' my hand through your black hair ', a yellow soup made of spinach and laver. After eating half of the dishes, Cui Xiaoyun found a colored bowl for rice. There were only five colored bowls, so she had to give Ding Ya'an a beautiful crystal lamp with four pink hearts on it. Ding Ya'an said happily, "Cui Xiaoyun, your crystal is really beautiful!" So everyone began to eat rice and vegetables. After dinner, Cui Xiaoyun said, "There are puddings and ice cream for dessert. Come and get them." Two puddings were taken away by Lan Zijin and Ding Ya'an. The ice cream belongs to the remaining four people.

Everyone had a happy New Year's Eve dinner and said a blessing. Friends said, "Next year we will come to you for New Year's Eve dinner."

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (4)

On New Year's Eve, the streets are bright and colorful. A variety of fireworks are blooming in the night sky of the program. Every family is hung with red couplets, and every household smells of the New Year's Eve dinner.

The table is filled with all kinds of delicious dishes: yellow and hot scrambled eggs, red hairy crabs, red and green carrots and celery, sweet and sour sweet and sour ribs, delicious braised pork in soy sauce... The smooth and delicious duck stew is steaming hot, and the duck is so soft and glutinous. Dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms float in the fragrant duck soup, making people salivate.

start to eat! My mother suddenly shouted, chopsticks were flying on the table, and my father put a sweet and sour spareribs in my bowl. I immediately gobbled up and ate with oil, which made everyone laugh.

I held up a cup full of cola and said with a smile: Dad, Mom, I wish you good luck in the office of the Year of the Dragon. My parents also raised their cups and said, "Daughter, I wish you to study hard and make progress every day in the new year.". I came to my grandparents again and said with a smile: Grandpa, Grandma, I wish you happiness like the East China Sea and longevity! Then everyone wished each other well. The words of blessing echoed in the restaurant, and warm waves flowed into my heart.

On the evening of New Year's Eve, I really had a good time eating and having fun! If every day is New Year's Eve, how wonderful it would be! I know this is just my wishful thinking. After the New Year, school will start soon. I should devote myself to the hot study with more enthusiasm and strive for better results!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (5)

The Spring Festival is the first traditional festival of the year for Chinese people. It marks the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. The New Year's Eve dinner is one of the important activities of the Spring Festival. Chinese families attach great importance to it. On the second day of the first lunar month, my parents and I went to grandma's home for New Year's Eve dinner.

Today, there are so many people coming here. Grandma's house is very busy and full of new year. My aunt, uncle and my father are talking like crazy. They talked about various topics while eating melon seeds. Cousin and sister-in-law amused little baby in the room. Looking at the baby's smiling face, they were more than happy. My two cousins and I were even more unscrupulous. The three of us sat cross legged on the sofa, leisurely playing with the rope cutting on the iPad, and from time to time bursts of hearty laughter came out.

After a while, Grandma kindly led us into the room and gave us each a red envelope with an "x" printed on it. We took the red envelope and thanked Grandma with a smile.

It's six o'clock in five minutes. My uncle assigned us to each seat on the round table, and two cousins and I sat next to each other. First, a dessert "vegetable salad" for appetizer. The three of us took spoons of salad one after another, and soon the salad was almost finished. The aunt smiled and said, "Eat slowly, everyone will compete with you." At this time, the second dish, "Fish every year", came up. The dish is full of color, smell and soy sauce. With the green onion flower, it is beautiful. After the fish is served, the next step is "boiled shrimps". This dish is sweet and delicious, with a bowl of balsamic vinegar. Later, a lot of good dishes were served, each of which was delicious. Today, I really have a good taste.

In the evening, after dinner. Everyone broke up one after another, so my parents and I had to say "goodbye" to grandma reluctantly. Today, I had a happy day. It's a happy thing to be reunited with my family.

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (6)

New Year is coming! Everyone is one big man and two big men. They are very busy! It is the custom of the family to worship ancestors in the evening of New Year's Eve, so adults and children who seldom come back at ordinary times will all rush back to worship. Therefore, the usually cold and quiet hometown suddenly becomes lively.

In the kitchen on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, it became like "the country of women". Grandmothers and aunts were full of gossip. Everyone's mouth and hands were busy picking vegetables, washing vegetables, and frying vegetables; I'm not idle. I've been looking at the clock, looking forward to the moment when I can worship my ancestors and set off firecrackers, because next is the annual highlight - New Year's Eve dinner.

"Served!" the uncle shouted, urging the smiling children to wash their hands and prepare for dinner. The big round table that is usually placed in the corner has finally come into use. Even the big disc and table have come out. Wow! Red, green, white, colorful, chicken, goose, fish... delicacies, so rich! There are also radishes representing "good fortune", fish representing "surplus every year", perennial dishes representing "longevity", dumplings representing "gold ingots", hair dishes representing "fortune", rice cakes representing "rising every year"... Grandma also specially cooked dumplings representing "reunion". Grandma and grandpa were so happy when they saw everyone coming back for New Year's Eve dinner. The happy family life of the descendants is the most lively at the New Year's Eve dinner!

Eat your fill. "The dishes have been collected!" I was very happy to hear my uncle yelling, because the next time is the time for receiving red envelopes that I most expect! Adults talk and eat melon seeds. My brothers and I play firecrackers and fireworks until my aunt asks me to take a bath and sleep; Before going to bed, I secretly counted the red envelopes and pressed them under the pillow to continue my dream of getting rich. Wow! What a delicious and happy New Year's Eve dinner!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (7)

When the Spring Festival was coming this year, my aunt and my second brother came to my house to have New Year's Eve dinner with us. So our home is bustling.

It's time for New Year's Eve dinner. My second brother and I can't wait to know what to eat. When my mother brought the dishes up, she covered them with a lid, which further aroused my curiosity and that of my second brother.

Open the lid and there are delicious crabs hidden inside! This made my second brother and I so excited that we even forgot to wash our hands. We picked up crabs and ate them voraciously.

I broke off the crab's feet first, and then forcefully broke off the crab's shell, revealing a lot of crab roe. They hide in their shells, like blushing children saying, "How can you find them again?"

I finished the crab meat again, and started to eat the crab legs again. I bit the meat out bit by bit with my teeth, and the crab was completely destroyed by me.

After dinner, my second brother and I started playing games again.

I had a very happy New Year's Eve.

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (8)

"Mom, are you going to have New Year's Eve dinner?"

"One more time, you can eat!" Every time before dinner, our dialogue is always like this, year after year, and there is no innovation.

I am so excited, not because every New Year's Eve dinner is to eat barbecue, but because I can borrow my cousin's mobile phone to play, and stop playing until the phone is out of power, which makes me feel very happy, but my cousin is complaining, because the phone is out of power, and it is impossible to connect the phone.

During the barbecue, everyone will ask me to bake because my barbecue technology is very good, and I also love barbecue for everyone to eat. Unless you ask me to stop when I call my mobile phone, I will be angry and say, "You can't bake yourself if you want to eat!" Once I said that, my mother not only scolded me angrily, but also prohibited me from playing video games. Since then, I have been more restrained.

Many people say that the meat I roast is very delicious, because when I roast, I will sprinkle pepper, salt and barbecue sauce on the raw meat, so the taste will be particularly delicious, and this method of seasoning barbecue is my own idea!

Would you like my roast meat? Come to have New Year's Eve dinner with us next year!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (9)

Today is New Year's Eve. My mother said it was the last day of the Year of the Dragon. After this night, it will be the Year of the Snake. Watching my mother preparing dinner early in the morning, I know that today's dinner must be very important and must be very rich.

Now let me tell you what delicious food we have prepared. The first is chicken. Although I don't like chicken very much, chicken is "lucky", which means good luck. We cooked black bone chicken this time. Its meat and even its bones are black, which is really funny. The next essential thing is the rice cake. The rice cake is high every year. My mother said that if I ate it, my exam results would be higher and higher. Ha ha, is it true? My mother also made some dumplings and made them look like Yuanbao. This dish is named "Full of Gold". I think my mother's wish is to make a lot of money. There are many dishes with their own meanings, such as "beaming", "reunion", "annual surplus"... Can you guess what they are?

When the food was ready, my father and I went downstairs to set off firecrackers, and we officially started eating. Did your mouth water when you saw the dishes at this table?

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (10)

In the evening, our family got together to have New Year's Eve dinner, because today is New Year's Eve.

Mother prepared a lot of food that my brother and I like, including Coke chicken wings, roast duck, sweet and sour ribs, and many delicious food. As soon as the meal was over, we started to grab it, just like gold. Mom and Dad didn't eat any of it. Our stomachs were as big as leather balls. After dinner, we both paid New Year greetings to our grandparents. I said, "I wish grandpa and grandma good luck and happy every day." My brother said, "I wish grandpa and grandma good health and good luck in everything."

Grandpa and they gave us lucky money. How happy today!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (11)

On New Year's Eve, the streets are bright and colorful. A variety of fireworks are blooming in the night sky of the program. Every family is hung with red couplets, and every household smells of the New Year's Eve dinner.

The table is filled with all kinds of delicious dishes: yellow and hot scrambled eggs, red hairy crabs, red and green carrots and celery, sweet and sour sweet and sour ribs, delicious braised pork in brown sauce... The smooth and delicious duck stew is steaming hot, and the duck is so soft and glutinous. Dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms float in the fragrant duck soup, making people salivate.

start to eat! Mom suddenly shouted, chopsticks were flying on the table, and Dad put a sweet and sour spareribs in my bowl. I immediately gobbled up and ate with oil, which made everyone laugh.

I raised a cup full of cola and said with a smile: Dad, Mom, I wish you good luck in the office of the Year of the Dragon. My parents also raised their cups and said, "Daughter, I wish you to study hard and make progress every day in the new year.". I came to my grandparents again and said with a smile: Grandpa, Grandma, I wish you happiness like the East China Sea and longevity! Then everyone wished each other well. The words of blessing echoed in the restaurant, and warm waves flowed into my heart.

On the evening of New Year's Eve, I really had a good time eating and having fun! If every day is New Year's Eve, how wonderful it would be! I know this is just my wishful thinking. After the New Year, school will start soon. I should devote myself to the hot study with more enthusiasm and strive for better results!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (12)

In the dead of night, the breeze crept into the house and brushed the hair and shoulders. I turned the album page by page, looking at the bright and joyful smiles on the faces of relatives and friends. Memories rushed into my mind like uninvited visitors.

I still remember that on the night of New Year's Day, Grandma invited many relatives and friends to visit her home. "Ding Dong!" Those familiar faces with bright smiles greeted me. Grandma cooked a table of good food for this New Year's Eve dinner, and the smell of food gradually drifted into my nose. In order to worship my Five Zang Temple, I quickly asked my uncle, aunt and uncle to sit down. We sat around the round table. I helped everyone to fill a bowl of rice and the largest bowl for myself. Then we started. I ate with a big mouth. The fat braised meat was sweet but not salty. When I bit it off, the soup rushed out immediately; Steamed fresh fish. The fish is soft and tender. It melts in the mouth, like a waltz on the tip of your tongue; Moon shrimp cake, crispy golden cake skin, with full and plump shrimp, delicious! It's unforgettable that we chat and have fun while eating.

When everyone is full, we will be full of power, take out our wallets and prepare for an unprecedented war. We sat at the mahjong table, watching the "Legend of Zhen Huan in the Hougong" while playing mahjong. We saw that everyone had different expressions after getting the cards. The eldest aunt still stared at the TV, as if she didn't care about the game at all, just wanted the story to be free of any fish in her eyes; This is easy to deal with. The little aunt is like a bird flying on the branch, smiling into a flower on her face and filling her heart with honey. It's hard to hide her happy heart; Ah! finished. Cousin is a poker face, eyes staring, as if there are thousands of cold arrows shot at me; It's really incredible. With fewer and fewer cards playing, the most tense and exciting moment finally came. Everyone frowned. The whole face was like dried musty vegetables. How could it be uneven? Bead of sweat flowed down. I played each card carefully. I thought I could kill the enemy without leaving any pieces of armour, but I lost blood in the end.

After playing many mahjong games, my cousin decided to take us to the park to set off fireworks. As the fireworks "whew!" burst into the air, the sparks shot in all directions, immediately like a flower blooming, so beautiful! We warmly welcome the new year, new hope, like fireworks scattered in the air, let life glow. After the fireworks, my cousins took us to buy scratch music. For today's event, I wore a red underpants and red socks. I hope good luck will come to me. After I got the scratch music, I finished it quickly and checked carefully. Unexpectedly, I won a thousand yuan. I couldn't believe it. My mother looked at it and screamed, "Yes! Yes! I won a thousand yuan!" The whole family cheered happily. And of course, like the prime minister of the country, I stood majestically on the stage and accepted the praise from my relatives and friends. "Oh! Thank you, my GoodLuck! Oh! Thank you! My red underpants, red socks!"

Under the sound of fireworks, we reluctantly said goodbye to our relatives and friends. A lively New Year's Eve dinner ended like this. School is about to start. I must be ready to relax and go to school!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (13)

In the ordinary study, work and life, we all have the experience of writing compositions. We are familiar with compositions. According to the characteristics of writing propositions, compositions can be divided into propositional compositions and non propositional compositions. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the composition for the New Year's Eve dinner organized by the small editor _ composition for primary school students, for reference only, welcome to read.

"The flowers are similar from year to year, but people are different from year to year". Every New Year's Eve, every family has a New Year's Eve dinner. The New Year's Eve dinner is a reunion dinner and also a festive meal. As the saying goes, hit a thousand, scold ten thousand, and have a meal on the 30th night.

In the morning of the thirties, my parents hurried to the supermarket to buy many dishes, including lively fish and shrimp, aggressive hairy crabs, golden pumpkins, swashbuckling cockerels, green olives, and cold dishes. Looking at this pile of dishes, I knew that the dinner was rich enough. I am a small artist at home and have a rich imagination. I am good at cold dishes. I put the same kind of cold dishes on one plate, and try to put each plate in a new shape. I put the bamboo shoots in rows and named them "Little Bamboo Chops". Put the steamed pumpkin in the center of the plate, cover it with the egg cake cut by mother, and put coriander around it. A sunflower will be in full bloom. Put the mother fried small yellow croaker on the bottom right of the plate, cut the dried tofu into thin strips, and put it in a dragon gate. Ha, the carp jumped out of the dragon gate. Finally, pour the juice that mother had prepared in advance. Look at this dish, red, green, yellow. Not only is the color matching harmonious, but also the shape is beautiful, which makes people salivate!

Babao rice is an indispensable part of the New Year's Eve dinner. I can steam the semi-finished products I bought from the supermarket directly in a bowl for half an hour. The steaming symbolizes the rising prosperity of the coming year. The kitchen smells of meat, wow! Mom is stewing my favorite chicken! When I opened the lid of the pot, I wanted to hold the chopsticks, but my mother said: "Not yet. The chicken has to be cooked slowly. Usually, it doesn't matter if it's burnt. But the New Year's Eve dinner is about the pious heart of the Chinese New Year! Only if it's cooked to the best!" I had to swallow saliva and wait for the holy time to come.

Listen, the sound of chopping boards from every household, the sound of firecrackers from the streets and alleys, mixed with laughter everywhere, rise and fall one after another, full of ears, interwoven into a happy New Year's Eve movement. Ah, the New Year's Eve dinner is always sweet in everyone's heart!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (14)

The table is filled with all kinds of delicious dishes: yellow and hot scrambled eggs, red hairy crabs, red and green carrots and celery, sweet and sour sweet and sour ribs, delicious braised pork in brown sauce... The smooth and delicious duck stew is steaming hot, and the duck is so soft and glutinous. Dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms float in the fragrant duck soup, making people salivate.

"Dinner is ready!" Mom suddenly shouted, chopsticks were flying on the table, and Dad put a sweet and sour spareribs in my bowl. I immediately gobbled up and ate with oil, which made everyone laugh.

I raised a cup full of cola and said with a smile, "Mom and Dad, I wish you good luck in the office of the Year of the Rat. I wish you a better life and good luck every day. The longer you get, the healthier you will be." Mom and Dad also raised their cups and said, "Daughter, I wish you to study hard in the new year, and make progress day by day." I came to my grandparents again, Smiling, he said, "Grandpa and Grandma, I wish you happiness like the East China Sea and longevity like the South Mountain!" Then everyone wished each other, and the words of blessing echoed in the restaurant, and the warm current flowed into his heart.

On the evening of New Year's Eve, I really had a good time eating and having fun! If every day is New Year's Eve, how wonderful it would be! I know this is just my wishful thinking. After the New Year, school will start soon. I should devote myself to the hot study with more enthusiasm and strive for better results!

Part 2: Eating New Year's Eve Dinner (497 words)

"Happy New Year! Happy New Year!" In the laughter of people, we ushered in a new year, full of festive atmosphere everywhere.

Spring Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation, so adults attach great importance to it. My family got up early for the New Year's Eve dinner. My father killed chickens, my grandfather bought fish, and my grandmother and my mother wanted to make dumplings. My mother and I were supposed to paste Spring Festival couplets.

At this time, the aunt's family came, and each of them had something delicious and interesting in their hands. How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, it's evening. My father is wearing my mother's apron. I asked my father, "Why are you wearing my mother's apron?" My father looked at me and said with a smile, "Let my mother have a good rest today and watch my father show his skill!" Then he rolled his arms and sleeves and walked into the kitchen. At this time, I saw my mother's happiness. Then I followed my father into the kitchen, and saw my father holding a frying pan in his left hand and a frying spoon in his right hand. He was already frying. My father was very agile, like a chef! I applauded my father while watching. After working hard for a long time, my father prepared a table of delicious food, including chicken stewed with mushrooms, braised meat in brown sauce, boiled fish, and my favorite braised prawns... Just look at me and I'm salivating.

At this time, the sound of firecrackers outside kept rising. The new year began. My brother and I paid New Year's greetings to our elders, and each of them gave us New Year's money. I'm so happy!

This is a happy year, an unforgettable year. I wish you all the best and peace. We should learn to cherish the happy life now!

Part 3: Eating New Year's Eve Dinner (550 words)

Today is the New Year's Eve. Our family went to "Celebrities" for New Year's Eve dinner. I led my brother to run into the big box first to see if the environment inside was suitable for my "appetite".

My brother and I ran breathlessly across the second and third floors and finally came to the big box on the fourth floor. I looked closely, wow, it's so beautiful! A golden and resplendent glass lamp on the high place shed warm light, curtains of different shapes danced with the wind, an orange cloth sofa leaned lazily against the golden wall, with exquisite patterns carved on the wall: there are two flying dragons with teeth and claws, beautiful rainbow, and rich world scenery

time to have a meal! Delicious food exudes attractive aroma, including light brown goose liver, orange carrot, dark green vegetables, golden chicken... I drink my favorite corn juice and slowly taste the delicious food. At this moment, I heard the sound of someone setting off fireworks. My brother and I rushed to the window like a hundred meters away. We saw that many shining bullets had jumped into the sky, and all kinds of flowers had sprung up in an instant. One moment, the sky turned bright red, another time, the sky turned grass green. We only blinked a little, and the sky turned purple red again! The high-rise buildings in the distance are also changing colors under the irradiation of fireworks, as if a model is doing a fashion show.

I really had a good time eating and having a good time! "If only every day were on the 30th of the New Year!" "Xixi"! I covered my mouth and secretly smiled. What a silly girl! I know this is just my wishful thinking. After the New Year, school will start soon. I should devote myself to the hot study with more enthusiasm and strive for better results!

Bless China, Wenchuan, Shengzhou and myself!

Chapter 4: Eating New Year's Eve Dinner (600 words)

The Spring Festival is the first traditional festival of the year for Chinese people. It marks the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. The New Year's Eve dinner is one of the important activities of the Spring Festival. Chinese families attach great importance to it. On the second day of the first lunar month, my parents and I went to grandma's house to have New Year's Eve dinner.

Today, there are so many people coming here. Grandma's house is very busy and full of New Year's flavor. My aunt, uncle and my father are talking like crazy. They talked about various topics while eating melon seeds. Cousin and sister-in-law amused little baby in the room. Looking at the baby's smiling face, they were more than happy. My two cousins and I were even more unscrupulous. The three of us sat cross legged on the sofa, leisurely playing with the rope cutting on the iPad, and from time to time bursts of hearty laughter came out.

After a while, Grandma kindly led us into the room and gave each of us a red envelope with a "horse" printed on it. We took the red envelope and thanked Grandma with a smile.

It's six o'clock in five minutes. My uncle assigned us to each seat on the round table, and two cousins and I sat next to each other. First, a dessert "vegetable salad" for appetizer. The three of us took spoons of salad one after another, and soon the salad was almost finished. The aunt smiled and said, "Eat slowly, everyone will compete with you." At this time, the second dish, "Fish every year", came up. The dish is full of color, smell and soy sauce. With the green onion flower, it is beautiful. After the fish is served, the next step is "boiled shrimps". This dish is sweet and delicious, with a bowl of balsamic vinegar. Later, a lot of good dishes were served, each of which was delicious. Today, I really enjoyed myself.

In the evening, after dinner. Everyone broke up one after another, so my parents and I had to say "goodbye" to my grandma reluctantly. Today, let alone how happy we were. It's a happy thing to be reunited with our family.

Chapter 5: Eating New Year's Eve Dinner (561 words)

"Happy New Year!" "Happy New Year!" In the laughter of the children, the "Year of Pig" was ushered in, which was full of joy. My parents and I paste Spring Festival couplets together. My grandparents are cutting vegetables and meat in the kitchen. The family is full of holiday joy!

On New Year's Eve, our family sat around a big round table. The dishes on the table are very rich. The most eye-catching one is the "sweet and sour cuttlefish" cooked by our "chef" father. You see, the cuttlefish slices cut with a knife are fried and poured with fragrant vinegar juice. They are both delicious and delicious. One bite of them makes one feel reluctant to swallow them.

The bottle of fresh orange juice on the table tightly attracted my eyes.

I asked Dad to pour me a cup, but Dad gave me a "problem" - "Siqing, tomorrow is the year of 'pig'! Please say at least five idioms containing the word 'pig', and I will pour you fresh orange juice. I looked at my grandpa and mother with my eyes. My mother said softly: "'Mud pig and mud dog'" My grandpa squinted and said: "'Mud pig and mud dog'." So I said two more in a loud voice, and my father nodded happily and said: "Yes, yes, five of them are awarded!" Then he poured me a cup of fresh orange juice.

I stood up and raised my glass high: "I wish my grandparents:" Health and longevity! Pig (Zhu) safety! I wish my parents: "Year of Pig (Zhu), good luck! Make more money! Buy more for me..." When I said that, the elders laughed.

The sound of voice, words, clinking glasses, laughter... is sweet and beautiful, forming a beautiful symphony, rippling in the night sky on New Year's Eve for a long time

Chapter 6: Eating New Year's Eve Dinner (692 words)

"Oh! It's New Year's Eve!" I shouted happily everywhere.

The New Year's Eve is a time for family reunion. As the saying goes, "If you have money, go home for the Spring Festival." This day is a good time for the Chinese nation to reunite and enjoy.

My family is no exception. My mother and grandma make New Year's Eve dinner, my father and grandpa paste Spring Festival couplets, and I play firecrackers with my friends downstairs. Everyone is very busy.

As the mother of the "experienced vegetable market" shouted, "Served...", the New Year's Eve dinner kicked off. Looking at the steaming New Year's Eve dinner, my mouth watered down. Mother pointed to a plate of braised carp and said, "This is' more than every year '!" Grandma pointed to the braised chicken and said, "This is' good luck'!" Dad and grandpa clinked a glass and drank: "I wish you a happy old man and a long life!" He picked up vegetables and said to the two elders: "This is Changgeng cuisine, I wish you a long life." Grandpa stroked his beard, Picking up the dragon's whisker cake made of corn flour, I said, "This is' Double Dragons Playing with the Pearl '. My grandson should eat it and try to get even hundred!" I jokingly replied, "There are four exams

At this time, grandpa smiled and said, "I will give you a red packet on the premise that everyone must answer a question." Everyone suddenly became quiet. "Old lady, please listen to the question:" A long string, a burst is better than red beans. "Grandma thought for a moment and said:" Firecracker. "" Winning the prize! "Grandpa happily handed the red envelope to Grandma.

Grandfather said to his father again: "A small book, calculation is the first." Dad blurted out: "It's the computer." Dad smiled and took the red envelope.

"It's your turn, grandson. Let me test your math. 5 × 6 × 3. How much is 14?" I thought for a moment: "94. 2." "Correct!" I also won a red envelope.

"Daughter, you are a housewife. I ask you, what is smaller and smaller when you wash it?" "Soap." Mother also got a big red envelope naturally.

The laughter in the house and the sound of firecrackers outside the house echo the Spring Festival couplet outside the door: Spring is not old everywhere, and Jiuzhou has endless happiness.

Composition 6 of Eating New Year's Eve: Eating New Year's Eve (880 words)

The pace of the New Year is getting closer and closer, and the festival atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. The streets are hung with red lanterns, and the sound of firecrackers crackling in the distance from time to time. Ah! The new year is coming! Every family should call their relatives to have a New Year's Eve dinner and say goodbye to the early New Year.

On New Year's Eve, my grandfather and grandmother invited our family, aunts and uncles to have New Year's Eve dinner in the hotel. When night fell, we came to the hotel and said, "Happy New Year!" and "Happy New Year!" Everyone said New Year greetings to each other with happy smiles on their faces. We children are more happy. We stretch out our fat hands and ask adults for red envelopes. No matter the old or the adults, they have become "old children" at this time. When you enter the hall, you will see crystal lights shining like the sun. Then, the waiter took us to our reserved room, wow! splendid! I quickly found a seat, sat down, touched the glass, touched the plate, really high-grade. Everyone sat around the table. The adults talked about the success of the year's work. How about our children? Smiling, he talked about his academic achievements in a year. Plate after plate of dishes are brought to the table, and the "pagoda" is folded. There are red skin shrimp in the powder, delicious and fresh fat head fish, and braised crab... Looking at these delicious dishes, I am salivating. I put several kinds of food in one chopstick and taste them one by one. "Yummy, yummy, yummy!" I said as I stuffed the braised crab paste into my mouth. She also asked her aunt to pour the juice into a goblet. Grandfather took a sip of coriander and said, "The living conditions are so good now. We used to only eat such coarse grains as steamed bread. How can we eat such delicious food? How happy people are now!" "Happy New Year!" I held a goblet and said to relatives all over the table, "Cheers!" Who knows that my little cousin also followed me, standing on a stool, bending down, holding a goblet, After saying "Happy New Year", they raised their glasses and touched the table twice. They drank the juice in one breath. Without refusing, they also raised their goblets and replied, "Happy New Year!" They wished each other and stood up to drink. The room was filled with harmony and joy. Everyone talked and laughed, "Yao Yao!" Grandfather said to me, "In the new year, I hope you can improve your study, do your homework not too carelessly, read good books, and contribute to the motherland's homework in the future." I don't know how long it has been, everyone has a round belly, and some even got drunk, and their faces have been red to the root of their necks, leaving a mouthful of wine in their mouth, and they walk unsteadily, It's like dancing.

"Bang! Bang!" bursts of firecrackers ended our New Year's Eve dinner. We walked out of the hotel, looked up and looked into the distance. In the deep night, red and green fireworks rose and fell, making the night sky colorful.

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (15)

New Year's Eve Dinner Composition I

As the saying goes, New Year's Eve dinner is a time for family reunion. But this year's New Year's Eve dinner is only for my father, grandmother and I, who are no longer reunited. The three of us waved our chopsticks, and there was no New Year atmosphere at all. I can't hold back any longer: "Mom, are their factory directors cold-blooded? They only recognize money but not people! We don't take a holiday on New Year's Eve..." I kept complaining there. "All right!" Dad shouted. I immediately closed my mouth, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. "Tingting, why are you so ignorant?

Mother goes to work to make contributions to the country, which is extremely glorious. If you think about it, how many people around us don't have New Year's Eve dinner at home! The aunts and uncles of TV stations, the big sisters of telecommunications bureaus, and the uncles of police... It is because of their work that we can have a happy, happy and safe New Year, do you understand? " My father looked at me affectionately and said earnestly. My father's words were like a basin of water, which woke me up. I suddenly realized: Yes, it is because of them that we are so happy, and there are mothers among them! She is making contributions to the motherland!

New Year's Eve Dinner Composition 2

Finally, we look forward to the arrival of the "Year of the Pig". It is a traditional Chinese custom to eat New Year's Eve dinner. On New Year's Eve, the whole family sat around and had a big meal. The dinner I had this time was full of fun.

In the evening, my mother and my grandmother, two senior chefs in our family, are ready to show their talents. They are busy in the kitchen. We have two pots in our house, so we let mother and grandma each have a pot to see who can cook delicious food. After a period of time, the two chefs cooked the dishes. When I smelled the aroma, I was salivating. I am one of the judges tonight. I picked up chopsticks to taste. The one on the left is made by Mom, and the one on the right is made by Grandma. There are many delicious food on the table: fish, shrimp, crab... everything is complete. We started our chopsticks and tasted every dish with sweet taste. I ate with relish. When my mother saw it, she said happily, "You are like a starving ghost." I smiled at my mother. When it was time for the competition, all the judges could not make a decision, because the dishes they cooked were very delicious, full of color, smell and taste. In the end, we decided that they were equal.

How interesting this New Year's Eve dinner is! I believe the next New Year's Eve dinner will be more enjoyable and happier!

New Year's Eve Dinner Composition 3

Many of us are waiting for New Year's Eve dinner! The festival is a happy thing for our children. We can get a generous New Year's money, play, and eat a delicious New Year's Eve dinner. Of course, my family is no exception.

Grandma and grandpa were busy cooking many fresh dishes. Soon, there were many dishes on the table, including crabs, shrimps, leeks, cucumbers, and so on. As soon as I sat down in the chair, I ate greedily. Soon, my stomach became round and round. The New Year's dinner was delicious. If I ate the New Year's dinner every day, how wonderful it would be!

After dinner, I paid New Year's greetings to my grandma and grandpa, and then grandpa gave me a red envelope, which said: Happy New Year! Healthy growth! Study hard! Excellent results! I looked at it secretly. Wow, it's 260 yuan! I jumped three feet high with joy.

"Fireworks!" cried my sister. Just after dark, my sister and I rushed down the stairs. My uncle lit a firework. Bang, bang, bang! Fireworks ascended to heaven in turn, just like flowers competing for beauty.

My family is not only full of big meals, but also so happy. I am proud of having a mother who can cook delicious food, as well as a happy family.

New Year's Eve Dinner Composition 4

"Happy New Year!" "Happy New Year!" This year is the New Year's Eve on the 30th day of the lunar new year. Everyone is having dinner on the New Year's Eve.

The year of "snake" was ushered in in the laughter of children, which was full of joy everywhere. My parents and I paste Spring Festival couplets together. My grandparents are cutting vegetables and meat in the kitchen. The family is full of holiday joy!

On New Year's Eve, our family sat around a big round table to eat New Year's Eve dinner. The dishes on the table are very rich. The most eye-catching one is the "sweet and sour cuttlefish" cooked by our "chef" father. You see, the cuttlefish slices cut with a knife are fried and poured with fragrant vinegar juice. They are both delicious and delicious. One bite of them makes one feel reluctant to swallow them.

The bottle of fresh orange juice on the table tightly attracted my eyes.

I asked my father to pour me a cup, but he gave me a "problem" - "Siqing, tomorrow is the year of 'snake'! Please say at least five idioms containing the word" snake ", and I will pour you fresh orange juice. "But when I only say three words, I have to scratch my scalp. I looked at my grandpa and mother with my eyes, and my mother told me a few words in a soft voice.

Our family happily spent the New Year's Eve dinner every year, and we were really happy.

New Year's Eve Dinner Composition 5

On New Year's Eve, our house is the busiest. Because my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, sister and I... The whole family are sitting at the same table for the New Year's Eve dinner.

The food is very rich! There are: yellow wine chicken, white cut chicken, roast goose, roast duck... I like roast duck best because its meat is very fragrant and its skin is very crisp. I also know how to make roast duck! First, kill the duck, then pull out the hair, and then pickle it. Then string a stick from the duck's buttocks to its neck, and finally take it to the stove to bake while turning the stick. It will take 30 minutes to bake! After baking, you're done!

On the table, the one year old sister smiled after eating the food made by her grandmother, as if to say, "Eat well, The whole family finished the New Year's Eve dinner with laughter and conversation.

The New Year's Eve dinner is the last dinner in 20xx. I hope that everyone will be happy in the coming New Year tomorrow.

New Year's Eve Dinner Composition 6

It's Spring Festival! It's Spring Festival! Every family has pasted festive couplets. What I like most is the Spring Festival! Not only can I get lucky money, but also can I have a big dinner on New Year's Eve.

Just after lunch, my parents got busy. After several hours of careful preparation, a table of sumptuous New Year's dinner was completed.

Firecrackers have been set off! "Pilibala, Pilibala..." The cheerful sound of firecrackers seemed to tell the joy in our hearts.

ate! Mom poured a glass of Sprite, and Dad poured a glass of wine. I like juice best, so I poured a glass of juice. Everyone drinks and eats at the same time. There are so many dishes this year! There are braised perch, sliced roast duck, sugar fried rice cakes... Each dish is full of color, flavor and taste. Every dish is my favorite. I don't know which one to eat! However, what attracted me most was the braised perch. Its meat was fine and smooth without fine spines. It was tender and smooth in the mouth. It was delicious! Our whole family sat around, happily eating, laughing, and saying good wishes to each other. In a happy and peaceful atmosphere, we finished the New Year's Eve dinner.

This is really a rich, delicious and memorable dinner!

Pupils' Composition New Year's Eve Dinner (16)

At the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone said goodbye to this year with happiness. At the dinner table, everyone should share their happiness in the year. Dad volunteered to be the first to say that he first moved his clothes and then cleared his throat. The most interesting thing in the past year was that I accidentally put on the wrong shoes when I went out, and I was curious when people looked at me in surprise. When I found that I had put on the wrong shoes, I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a way to sew them in. "Later, other people continued to tell their funny stories. With these words, the whole family arrived at the new year in laughter. Do you think I can not like it?

At the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone greeted the New Year with blessings. There is a rule in my family: on New Year's Eve, we should mobilize the whole family to make dumplings and put three sweets. Who eats sugar, who will be sweet in a year, and send blessings to others. This year, I sent eight blessings and received six red envelopes. I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

At the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone warmed their hearts with family affection. I ate while watching the Spring Festival Gala, and soon finished eating. At this time, my little brother gave us oranges. When I received the orange, I immediately felt a fire burning in my heart, which made my whole body full of warmth of kinship.

How wonderful the New Year's dinner is! I like it so much.