Complete Composition 200 (19 required)
Write about breaking rivers and mountains
2024-05-27 06:26:51
Senior 2

Complete Composition 200 (1)

Mr. Lin was my first grade English teacher. She has a head of black hair, hanging on her shoulder like a waterfall. Her smile is as sweet as chocolate, making people feel warm. She is gentle and beautiful. She is the most beautiful teacher in my heart. The teacher is lively and interesting in class. She didn't criticize us as other teachers did and asked us to copy, but we all obeyed as if we were under a curse. Some people behave badly and don't listen to the teacher in class. Teacher Lin always looks at them gently. The beautiful and bright big eyes seem to explain everything. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, making people reluctant to break the peace in her clear eyes.

In the second grade, Miss Lin left. I heard that I was going to study in the UK. I was very sad and happy that Miss Lin had the opportunity to study abroad. Sadly, I will never see Miss Lin again. Mr. Lin, it is you who opened the door to my English knowledge. I will always remember you.

Complete Composition 200 (2)

On Friday, Teacher Xie assigned a strange assignment: Let's watch the live video of the teacher's class on the Internet. There are videos of Xie giving class 2 (3), Chen giving our class, and Chen giving class 2 (2).

I like teacher Xie best for giving lessons to Class 2 (3). Why? Let me tell you. From the beginning of class to the end of class, Teacher Xie always gives lessons to the students with a smile. Even if the students make mistakes, Teacher Xie is not angry. For example, at the beginning of class, when Teacher Xie let the students read the text freely, the whole class read it together. Teacher Xie smiled and said, "Children, listen clearly, it's free reading, not together reading." So the students read it freely and loudly.

I also like Mr. Xie to insert some small games in class, so that students can understand knowledge in the game. For example, after learning the knowledge, Teacher Xie asked the students to play the game of passing the three passes. If anyone can pass the three passes successfully, he can become an announcer of Red Scarf Radio.

This is why I like teacher Xie best.

Complete Composition 200 (3)

Today, Jiao Mengqun kicked me at the drill and dirtied my clothes.

I was very angry, but I thought he was careless, so I endured and continued to do exercises. After a while, Jiao Mengqun kicked me again. This time, I think he did it on purpose. So I wanted to revenge him. After a while, I kicked him, and his clothes were also dirty. He shouted, "Why?" I said, "Who let you dirty my clothes?" He smiled and said, "I didn't mean to." I wanted to forgive him, but his smile made me very dissatisfied. I said unhappily, "Why are you laughing? You've dirtied my clothes!" He raised his hand to hit me, but Mr. Zhu saw him. He quickly put down his hand without saying a word. After school, I walked alone in the street. Jiao Mengqun followed me, put his arms around my neck, and said, "Wang Yimin, we will not fight again, OK?" I said happily, "OK." So we parted happily.

It's so pleasant to forgive others' mistakes and understand their mistakes

Complete Composition 200 (4)

The teachers in our school are very disciplining. It is a big mistake not to concentrate in class, and you will be called to the penalty station. As long as Mom and Dad call to ask us what to do, we will be trained immediately at school.

He sends us a lot of homework every day. He doesn't understand that we have to learn a lot of talents when we go home. There is no time to write so much homework.

In class, he doesn't like to follow the timetable. We can never guess what he will do in the next class. On one occasion, on the eve of an exam, he even took back our textbooks, saying that he wanted to test whether we had listened carefully to our lessons. In case of failing in the exam, he will be punished to write the evaluation of two large papers.

He is my teacher. I can't help respecting him, but I really don't like him very much.

What I fear most is the teacher in our training class. He is 100 times more strict than the school teacher. His training is also fierce. He can train for a long time even when eating. If he can't finish eating, he will be punished. There is also a lot of homework after class. If you don't finish it, you can't go home.

Teachers! I'm afraid of you already. Don't always lecture people. Don't just send us homework. If this continues, no one will like you.

Complete Composition 200 (5)

Everyone has his own animal that he fears most. The animal I fear most is snake.

I remember once, my grandfather and I went to pick wild jujube. Along the way, my grandfather and I talked and laughed and walked forward. I just talked and didn't look at the things under my feet. As we walked, my grandfather suddenly asked me to stop. I turned back and walked forward and said, "Grandpa, why don't we go?"? Grandpa said look! I looked in the direction of my grandfather's fingers, and there was a snake. Grandpa said to me: "If you encounter a snake in the future, it will not attack you actively. Don't disturb it, especially don't shake the ground. It's better to wait for it to escape or wait for someone to rescue it. In case of being chased by a snake, because the snake runs fast, you must not compete with it and run straight. If you want to run in a curve so that the snake cannot see you, you may escape. "I nodded and said," I know, I know!

Through what my grandfather said to me, I know what I should do when I accidentally encounter a snake.

Complete Composition 200 (6)

In the season when the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is blowing, I want to finish a very favorite job - making a beautiful paste picture with fallen leaves.

My mother and I saw many fallen leaves in the trees in the community, and we went home to do it. It's lovely to make a butterfly with purple leaves, but it's too lonely. What else can it do? Let's be a little fox again. Stick the leaves on the lower right corner with double-sided adhesive tape, make its body with purple leaves, and stick its ears and head together. Don't say it's similar.

The two partners danced in the jungle and enjoyed themselves. Looking at the stickers made by myself, I feel very happy. Do you have the same feeling, students?

Complete Composition 200 (7)

Spring girl came quietly. The trees in the garden have sprouted new shoots, and the younger brother of grass has poked out their little heads from the ground. You see, they are looking at their "home" with curious eyes! Sister Hua, who always loved beauty, was like a shy little girl. She covered her face with a thin "veil", unwilling to reveal her "true face on Mount Lushan". Spring is really a scene of vitality!

Hot Sister Xia is coming. The trees in the garden have grown into strong "boys"; The younger brother of grass has grown into a veritable grass; Even Sister Hua, who loved beauty, was so hot that she took off her "veil" and showed people her beautiful figure. In summer, the sun is still hot and scorching the earth.

The gentle Auntie Qiu came. She yellowed the leaves on the tree; Blow yellow the grass on the ground; Sister Blowing Flowers showed her last beauty. There are golden leaves all over the floor, which is really "golden leaves everywhere"!

The cold winter is coming. He covered the garden with a big white quilt, and the flowers and plants in the garden fell into a sweet dream under the warmth of the quilt.

The four seasons in the garden are beautiful!

Complete Composition 200 (8)

In a year, my favorite festival is the Spring Festival, so I am very eager to look forward to the arrival of the Spring Festival, and sometimes imagine that every day is the Spring Festival.

During the Spring Festival, we will receive many words of blessing. But what makes us children happy most is the moment when adults give red envelopes. I don't care how much New Year's money is, but as long as I receive it, I will feel happy. You can not only receive red envelopes during the Spring Festival, but also wear new clothes! When we wear beautiful clothes and play with our friends, we are really happy

The Spring Festival is not only a time when our children have made great achievements, but also for adults! For example, when we visit relatives again, our children can set off firecrackers with our brothers and sisters, while adults can talk about home customs with their relatives and friends in the house. Dad will also take advantage of this time to have a drink addiction! At this time. The whole family is happy and happy!

Complete Composition 200 (9)

When spring comes, people begin to plant rape.

In summer, rape sprouts tender and green. Then the rape began to grow tall. At first, the rod was like a finger. It grew to the height of a correction sticker and then rose to more than one meter.

When the rape grows to the proper height, there will be flower buds. Its round and yellow flower buds are similar to those of winter jasmine.

It bloomed, and the rape field was golden. The golden flowers attracted many bees. The edge of the petals is curved, very natural. The petals are thin, yellow and tender. As long as you touch the stamen gently, you will get a lot of pollen on your hand.

In autumn, the rape finally came to fruition! The fruit has a hard shell like a pod, which is light green. Inside is the rape seed, which is about larger than the sesame seed. The color is black and a little green. It can not only squeeze oil, but also reduce fat and blood pressure!

Rape has many uses!

Complete Composition 200 (10)

This article "Diary A 200 Word Composition" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

garbage collection

April 23rd Monday sunny

As the sun sets, the world becomes soft. My father and I had dinner and had nothing to do. My father said, "Let's go outside for a walk!". So we came to the river and walked leisurely along the path.

There are beautiful clouds floating in the sky. Some are like galloping horses, some are like sheep eating grass, and some are like girls' hair, dazzling.

The breeze brushed my face and I felt refreshed. When I walked under a big tree, I took a look at the supermarket. My father said, "Forget it, it's more than 8 o'clock, go home!" So we went home.

I really want to take a walk every day. Walking can exercise my body and relax my mood.

garbage collection

Complete Composition 200 (11)

This article "Spring outing diary composition 200 words" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Spring outing report

On another annual spring outing day, the weather was not beautiful, but this did not affect our mood. With the gentle wind and rain, we came to our destination - Cicheng in Jiangbei.

What attracted my attention most was the City God Temple. It was an antique building. When I stepped into the threshold, I displayed my bird cage as big as a house. It was really novel and interesting. By the corridor, there are official hats of different dynasties of different sizes and shapes. The ancient instruments of torture, such as the gate bed, the guillotine, and so on, make me jumpy. Fortunately, it is the age of civilization. Otherwise, according to my reckless personality, I don't know what punishment I will be subjected to? I was dazzled by the vivid rubber man, the greedy dog who tried to devour the sun, and the official clothes made of gold and silver.

Tasting the delicious Cicheng New Year Cake in your mouth, you can see the unique scenery in your eyes. In the noisy laughter, we ended our journey.

Spring outing report

Complete Composition 200 (12)

1 The Day of the Lottery Continuation_250 words

At dinner, my family sat together and my mother cooked my father's favorite beef soup. This dish was only available for our family to eat on holidays. Father seemed very happy that he told us a lot of interesting things. He said that the first birthday gift he got when he was 8 years old was a blue toy car. He liked that car very much. He had to hold it even when he slept at night. From then on, he wanted to have a real car of his own when he grew up; He also said how he repaired every car carefully when he worked in the repair shop and treated them as his own. Looking at my father's cheerful appearance, I wanted to ask why he made up his mind to return the car to Mr. Cooper, but I still didn't ask because I knew that although my father didn't get the car he dreamed of, he had more wealth than the car, which was honesty and credibility.

2 Under the pomelo tree (continued)

I rowed the rosewood basin under the pomelo tree, looked up at the pomelo root standing on the pomelo tree and waved the red vest at me, shouted, "pomelo root, come and see the lotus pomelo and water chestnut I picked!" The pomelo root shouted, "Come up." I picked a lotus leaf from the pond, took some lotus pomelo and water chestnut from the basin, wrapped them in lotus leaves and put them around my waist, and came to the pomelo tree, He climbed up the familiar pomelo tree and sat beside the pomelo root. I took down the lotus leaf at my waist and opened it. I said proudly, "Look, I have gained a lot!" The pomelo root son asked, "Are you not afraid after I leave?" I replied, "I am afraid, but if you hadn't left me alone in the lake, I would not have overcome my timidity! Come and taste the lotus and water chestnut I picked!" We shook our legs and told our own stories, Sharing the joy of harvest, I am very happy. After eating Lianpeng and Lingjiao, I proposed to let Yougenzi teach me how to swim, and Yougenzi readily agreed. We both slid down from the pomelo tree as soon as we smoked, and the pomelo root plunged into the pond like a fish, and I followed closely... In the harvest season, I also had harvest.

3 The continuation of "Lu Binghua" _200 words

Xu Ling from Class 6 and Class 6 of Chengxi Primary School made his sister, father and art teacher Guo Yuntian, village head, headmaster and director who cared most about Gu Amin feel very sad since his death. In order to let Gu Amin rest in peace, these villagers have watered, caught insects and sprayed pesticides for Gu Amin's tea every day since then, so that Gu Amin's tea can earn more money every year to make the house more beautiful. Gu Amin's sister Gu Chamei was respected by teachers and classmates in school. She was proud of having such a good brother. She helped her in class, but she also often helped others. Since Gu Aming's family became rich, the tea they planted every year has been distributed to the teachers and students of the village school there as a reward. At this time, the people of Gu Amin's family smiled. Gu Amin also smiled under the Nine Springs.

4 Continuation of A Bouquet of Flowers _200 words

When I drove to the hillside, I met the little boy who bought flowers. He saw me waving to me and said loudly, "Sir, my mother likes the flowers I gave her. Thank you, sir.". I think: I am far behind this little boy. His mother has died and he still loves his mother so much. Besides, I should repay my mother for bringing me up! So I slowly turned around and drove back to the flower shop to ask the boss, "Did you send the flowers away?"? "Not yet". Said the boss. I came home with flowers. My mother was surprised and happy when she saw me. "My child, didn't you say you would go on vacation with your friends? Why are you back?"? "Mom, this is for you. Don't you like flowers very much? I'll buy them for you.". I said. Mother looked at me and looked at the flowers. She was too excited to speak. Tears came out of her eyes. Then I told my mother everything about the little boy.

5 Continuation of A Bouquet of Flowers _ 250 words

I drove to my mother's house to send flowers on the highway. I locked the car with flowers. I opened the door and saw my mother sitting by the bed. I shouted, "Mom, I'm back." My mother slowly raised her head. When I saw the flowers in my hand, I was surprised and said, "You're going on vacation? Why are you back?" I said hypocritically, "I remember today is your birthday." Mother asked, "How do you remember?" I said, "I went to the flower shop to buy flowers before I got on the highway.". I all told my mother and mother: "Did the little boy make you change your mind?" I said: "Yes." "His mother died?" "Yes." Then I sent flowers to my mother and said some words of blessing to her. "Good son." Then I said to my friend, "You go first. I'll go in a few days and then turn off my mobile phone. The day I talked to my mother passed. Although I didn't have a holiday with my friends, I don't feel sorry at all. Because the person I snuggled up to beside my mother is the happiest.

6 Continuation of "Playing Bowls and Flowers" _250 words

One day my grandmother led me by the canal and passed far away, and she saw the red bowl flowers in the powder. I hurried to pick the flowers. Grandma still repeated the old saying that "whoever picks the bowl and bowl flowers will be asked to break the bowl". I quickly believed in myself and said: "Do not play the bowl and bowl flowers!" Grandma said seriously: "Who said that?" I opened my eyes and said mischievously: "I had picked a bunch of bowl and bowl flowers that day without breaking the bowl!" Then Grandma "puffed" A smile came out and immediately went to my side, touched my head and said, "Silly child, this flower was originally called" Guanguanhua ", which really won't break the job, but adults use this method to prevent children from damaging this beautiful environment." "Oh! So it is." I understand the intention of adults not to pick "Dongguan flowers" anymore. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Since then, I found that someone was picking flowers and damaging the environment, so I went up to persuade people to become good citizens for protecting the environment.

Complete Composition 200 (13)

Dear Mary,

I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth It is the day for the elderly in our

We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them We should be back around 4 o’clock in the If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the gate at 9 in the

Looking forward to your

Complete Composition 200 (14)

Dear Carl,

I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying your holiday in my On behalf of the Student Union in my school ,I invite you to give us a talk from to next

Please give us some advice on how to learn English, especially oral English in a more effective We’re also very interested in what American students do in their daily addition, you can talk about some differences between China and America from your

Is the time convenient for you? If not, can you suggest another time?I’m looking forward to hearing from

Complete Composition 200 (15)

Today is Sunday, and I have got up early before dawn. I quietly came to my father's and mother's rooms and saw that they were sleeping soundly! Today is Father's Day. I want to give my father a special gift.

I quickly ran into my bedroom, took out the paper, and began to write my father. Because I once asked my father what gift he would like me to give him on Father's Day. My father told me, "My father doesn't want anything, as long as you write a good article for me." I carefully wrote it, quietly put it on my father's bed, and then went back to my bedroom to pretend to sleep. After a while, I really fell asleep. A loud noise woke me up, and I ran out of bed quickly. Suddenly, my father picked me up. I said to my father, "Father, I wish you a happy holiday!" I stood on my father's neck and thought of my father's love for me in life.

What an unforgettable Sunday! On this special holiday, I sincerely said to all the fathers in the world: "You have worked hard! I wish you happiness and happiness on this holiday!"

Complete Composition 200 (16)

Observation Diary 200 Word Composition No.1

At noon, the sky was overcast with dark clouds. After several thunder blasts, it began to rain cats and dogs.

I stood inside and looked out the window. The water on the eaves flows down like a waterfall. It suddenly occurred to me that the little weatherman with a red scarf was introduced in the Youth Daily two days ago... I thought: Let's do an experiment, too! So I quickly ran into the kitchen, got a small enamel jar, and ran to the yard. Grandma saw it and shouted, "Mingxin! How can you run to the rain? Don't you come in quickly!" I said mischievously, "I'm doing scientific experiments!" Wait till I go back to the house to have a look, alas! I got wet all over.

Half an hour later, the rain stopped. I was so happy that I immediately took the enamel jar back to the house. I use a ruler to measure: the water depth is 2cm.

In the future, I will do such tests to see which rain is the heaviest.

Son, there are still small buds hidden between the two leaves! He always said, "The first batch of new leaves will grow."

Observation diary 200 words composition II

In the afternoon, I went to the vegetable field with my friends to observe ants. I caught a very big ant, locked it in a glass bottle, and then kept it while observing. Because it is very big, I gave it a name "Big Mac". I found that the mouth of the small ant is different from our mouth. Its teeth are like a sharp machete. Maybe it is this machete that can better cut food and eat it. The body of the ant is divided into three sections. The first section is its head, the second section is its abdomen, and the third section is its tail. It has eight legs. Interestingly, it has two tentacles on its head. I wonder why it has two tentacles? So I ran back to the vegetable field to find out. At that time, I found a small ant found a dead green insect in the field. It tried to move too big to move. At that time, it quickly turned around to find its partner. It used its tentacles to talk to the partners. After a while, I saw a small ant standing in line like a black dragon swarming toward the green insect, and then, Everyone dragged hard to move into the hole. I shouted excitedly to my mother: "I understand that the tentacles of ants are used to summon friends, and they are used to communicate." Through observing the small ants, I also learned a truth. Although the ants are small, they are strong in unity. No matter what we do, we can succeed as long as we work together.

Observation diary 200 words composition 3

Mother often said that the cat is a very elegant animal.

It happened that Grandma had a yellow kitten at home. I plan to use my summer vacation to observe how it is elegant.

First, I observed the kitten's eyes. I found that its eyes were not only smart and lively, but also changeable. Although its eyes are small in the daytime, it always squints into a slit, as if it can't wake up. But once it comes to night, its eyes are as bright as jewels.

Cats like fish very much. On one occasion, Grandma bought some fish and planned to give it some bones after we finished eating, but what she didn't expect was that it was sneaking and ate the fish when it was born. After eating, he actually licked his mouth, walked in the catwalk, and went to sleep gracefully. It seems that nothing bad has been done. I wonder if this is what my mother calls "elegance"!

The final result, of course, was a beating. But the cat's nature of eating fish will never change! ha-ha.

Observation Diary 200 Word Composition 4

September 9th Monday Sunny

Today, I went to play by the stream next to the school.

How clear the stream is! It was clear enough to see the small stones under the water. Little fish, how leisurely they are, swimming freely in the water.

There are many dragonflies on the shore! There are golden, green and red dragonflies flying up and down.

Suddenly, I saw a big dragonfly stop on the dog tail grass. I walked quietly with my right hand slowly close to it. I caught the red dragonfly suddenly.

The dragonfly's eyes are like small glass balls. They are very beautiful. After school, I took it home to my mother. Mother said: "Dragonflies are beneficial insects and can eat mosquitoes."

I heard that dragonflies are beneficial insects, so I quickly released them. The dragonfly flew to the clear sky. I wish it all the best

Observation Diary, 200 Word Composition, 5

My mother took me to school by bike this afternoon. On the way to school, I unintentionally looked up at the sky.

Ah, that cloud is really beautiful! I found a cloud that seemed to be a big turtle moving slowly, and a cloud that seemed to be three roosters fighting for a small worm. They were out of breath. Beside that cloud, there is a small cloud, which is like the small caterpillar that the three big roosters are fighting for. There was also a cloud above the little caterpillar. The cloud was like a cute little white cat. It watched the little caterpillar run away and didn't say anything to the three big roosters fighting.

Although these clouds are not eye-catching, these clouds of different sizes can form beautiful pictures together. As long as you observe and think, you can imagine them as animals, articles of daily use

Complete Composition 200 (17)

We came to the garden with a feeling of appreciation. Oh, a snow-white scene appeared in front of us, and the water surface was also covered with transparent frost. Although the fish disappeared, there were some more children who tried to be brave on the lake. They were very happy in the winter garden.

Look at the pavilion again. There is a thick layer of snow on its top and icicles on its edge. It looks like the Crystal Palace where the Dragon King lives in the sea. It is beautiful and elegant.

Next, let's take a look at the lawn. Hmm - the grass is covered with a layer of "ice quilt" by snow. Eh? What's that? oh It turned out to be a pine tree covered with snow. Although it was covered with snow, it still kept its indomitable and indomitable spirit.

In this beautiful winter, you can also come to the garden with a little song and a feeling of appreciation!

Complete Composition 200 (18)

Children's Day composition 200 words 1: Happy Children's Day

Today, I went to Zhouzhuang Watertown, where there are many rivers, stone streets, stone bridges, boats and tourists.

But what I like best is a strange building. It's fun there. There are floating in the air, wall walking, invisible people, magic cabins, auditory hallucinations... I played wall walking, invisible people, magic cabins, etc. Walking through the wall is a glass maze. You have to touch whether there is a door to walk through; The Invisible Man is a table. There is a mirror around the outside of the table. There is a bowl on the table. Standing behind the table, put your head on the bowl. You can't see the body, only the head of the person. Ha ha, everyone becomes invisible! The Magic House is the most fun. As soon as I walked in, I felt that I was about to fall and could not stand steadily. The ball in the slot did not fall down, but went up. Do you want to know why? Go and have a look!

In the evening, I also watched the Water Town Lantern Festival and the performance, and ate the snacks there. How happy I am today!

Children's Day composition 200 words 2: Happy "61"

Finally, I look forward to my favorite day. Can you guess what day it is? By the way, it's Children's Day!

This year's June 1st is a Friday, so we still have classes in the morning. With parents attending, we performed exceptionally well, even two "naughty boys" did well in class. In the morning, there was no milk at the break meal, but ice cream, which we all like, was served. What I ate was vanilla, which was delicious.

The best is the buffet at noon. Let the uncle in the canteen add whatever he wants. Oh, why did I forget to introduce some food? There are sausages, cream cakes, steamed buns, vermicelli, chicken wings, green vegetables, and colas. There are countless varieties. I have tasted every dish of my number one "greedy cat". In a short time, it changed from "greedy cat" to "flower cat".

I can't say any more, and I'm "drooling three thousand feet" again!

June 1 Children's Day composition 200 words 3: "June 1" Children's Day

June is a sea of flowers, a colorful season, and a season for children. The annual "Children's Day" is coming, and teachers and students in our class are preparing some colorful literary and artistic programs to meet the day. For example, there are chorus, solo, and instrument solo. Each literary and artistic program has its unique performance characteristics. For example, all students are required to sing the chorus well. If some students sing wrong, it will affect the performance of everyone. This program taught me that unity is strength. Another example is the game of eagle catching chicken, which let me know how to protect myself no matter when. And my favorite activity is guessing games. Because this activity can enrich our knowledge. I wish all children in the world a happy holiday!

June 1 Children's Day composition 200 words 4: celebrate "June 1 International Children's Day"

The long-awaited Children's Day has finally arrived! The first program is "English Song". The songs sung by my brothers and sisters are very beautiful It's finally our turn. What we are performing is the little tiger. There were twelve girls in total, six of whom were wearing white and beautiful princess skirts and shining ornaments on their heads. There are also six girls pretending to be boys. They are wearing trousers with white stripes. We danced with great spirit and won warm applause from the audience. I also performed the model walk. Our female models and male models wear the most fashionable clothes. My father bought my clothes in the city, but they are too big. The next day, my mother and I went to the city to change a special suit; The second set is a "six and one" gift bought by Ganma for me, all of which are glittering little policewoman flowers. I don't want to disappoint the adults who hope that I must go well! How happy Children's Day is!

June 1 Children's Day composition 200 words 5: celebrate "June 1" Children's Day

The Children's Day is coming, and the students held a get-together in the classroom. At the beginning of the get-together, Yiting, Shu Ting and other students were the first to come on the stage to show us a sketch of caring for flowers and plants. Do you know why they chose this name? It turns out that taking care of flowers and plants is a good habit that students should form when they are young, and it can also prevent many students from picking flowers randomly in the future. They walked to the platform with their heads held high, their chests sticking out, and their faces smiling. There was a lot of cheering under the platform. They wore beautiful clothes with beautiful movements and loud songs, which spread out of the class one after another. Finally, they left the rest of the time for the students. You see, some students are dancing, some are singing, some are doing magic tricks, and some are reading poems! This year's "June 1" Children's Day is a smile brought by students' sweat. I really hope that next year's "June 1" will come soon.

Children's Day composition 200 words 6: Children's Day I am happy

Looking back on June 1st, our school held a large-scale artistic performance, and more than 40 classes were ready. We were very excited not to dance!

At about 8:20, the performance began, from the first grade to the senior grade. What impressed me most was the martial arts of Class 63 and the Latin dance of Class 52. The martial arts of Class 63 are actually from several classes. Only three of the dozens of people are from Class 63, and one is from our class. Du Runtian is a traitor!!!!!!!!! Latin dance is very beautiful with beautiful melody, but it is not as beautiful as the rhythmic gymnastics performed by our class. The chorus of Class 61, especially the accompaniment, was performed by them. There are drums, guitars and some other instruments I don't know what they are.

On the whole, the June Day of this year, the last one I spent, was very wonderful and happy

Children's Day composition 200 words 7: Happy "61"

Today is Children's Day. We get up early in the morning and the sun shines brightly. I went to the botanical garden with my father. Ah! There were so many people. As soon as I entered the door, I heard a lot of laughter and laughter. Many children were playing happily in the botanical garden.

We first came to the fishing pool. The small fish in the fishpond swam happily, as if the fish were celebrating the festival. I looked at the little fish, and my curiosity suddenly appeared. I caught four fish and was going home to observe.

We came to the Music Square again. On the square, many children ride scooters to and fro. I also joined them and rode happily.

Along the way, we also saw many flowers. Flowers are in full bloom, red, white, yellow, pink, colorful, beautiful! Each flower smiled and opened its mouth, as if to congratulate the children on a happy holiday!

Ah! What a happy Children's Day!

Children's Day composition 200 words 8: Happy festival

Today is the Children's Day I have been looking forward to for a long time. That day, my mother took me to the park to play. I saw the park was crowded and noisy.

I chose a bumper car project. Although the time of playing bumper cars was short, I experienced a kind of passionate fun. In the crowded park, I played another game of fishing. I put the net into the water first, but the fish swam around alive for fear of being caught by me. After a long time, I caught many clever fish. Then, I played the water engine and rope bridge.

Children's Day is a children's festival, and today is also my most memorable day.

Children's Day composition 200 words 9: unforgettable "61"

I am a sixth grade student. This year is the last time we celebrate Children's Day in primary school. I borrowed my uncle's digital video camera. In order to take pictures with my classmates, I also helped my mother do housework and earn some money to buy food. Not only my whole class are taking action, but also working hard to make the last Children's Day wonderful.

Yesterday afternoon, we were all discussing how to live on June 1, but the teacher's words seemed to pour cold water on the whole class. The teacher said, "You will have a holiday on June 1 this year as usual, and the June 1 get-together will be canceled." At that time, the students were all talking. Some said that our efforts were in vain; Some say, why, why? Some people say that the teacher doesn't mean what he says. The teacher said, "I don't know that you have a holiday on June 1st. Don't blame me!"

This year's "61" is really unforgettable!!!

June 1 Children's Day composition 200 words 10: Happy "June 1" Children's Day

Although today is not the "June 1st", I am also very happy. Why?

Oh, it was Miss Li who turned on the TV and let us watch wonderful programs. First of all, the first grade entered the team. They all wore bright red scarves and saluted. How proud they were!

Soon, he performed a program: tap dance. First of all, there was intense music. I felt like an earthquake. Then, they kept running back and forth, but the team was still so neat. Then, the intense music gradually subsided, and sweet music began to ring. They continue to dance colorful dances

"They really can dance!" I thought silently. With the sweet music, I feel I am dancing too, and disappear into the dense clouds unconsciously

How happy today!

Complete Composition 200 (19)

"Jingle, jingle, jingle..." Ah, Christmas is coming again this year! Dear students, have you received a gift from Santa Claus? If you ask me, I will proudly say: Yes! The Santa Claus who gave me a gift is my best friend, Xu Jiahui. Do you envy me?

A beautiful gift and a warm wish and greeting convey my friendship with "Little Santa Claus"! Although it is just a small card, look at the picture on it: houses are brightly lit, and a small and lovely Santa Claus is stretching, carrying a large bag of gifts, and then climbing into the chimney. Many English letters also came to join in the fun. They sparkled and were particularly eye-catching under the light... Because this card is three-dimensional, it looks lifelike! On the back of the card, there is a sentence: Although it is winter, our hands are still warm! Yuting, I wish you a happy Christmas and hope you will receive many gifts this Christmas! Come on -- written by your good friend Jia Hui. After reading this sentence, my tears involuntarily flowed down, and I was moved to cry!

Although I didn't receive more gifts as Jiahui expected this time, I was satisfied with Jiahui's heart and greeting card!

Part II

"Jingle, jingle, jingle..." Christmas is coming, make a wish quickly, and Santa Claus will help you realize it.

On this day, Santa Claus flew through the sky with a milu deer. He didn't have a driver's license, nor did he need a driver's license; There are no traffic lights in the sky, because if there are traffic lights, it will delay the time to send gifts.

Have you hung your socks on the window or wall? If you don't hang your socks properly, please hang them immediately, but remember not to hang smelly socks that haven't been washed for decades. In this way, the next day you will find a faint person beside your socks. Go to see your mother before you go.

Ah!! Of course, we know that there is no Santa Claus at all. If there is, it is just your family. If you have a small wish, your family will help you realize it. If you have a big wish, it may come true. Then you should work hard. Come on.