I did it (15 popular articles)
Ink dyed Enron
2023-10-30 07:07:02

I did it (1)

In life, you must have met difficulties and setbacks, but you have overcome difficulties and been inspired by yourself. Now listen to my story!

That happened in the fifth grade. I had never scored 95 points or more in math and wanted to give up. But my classmates said to me, "Failure is the mother of success. If there is no failure, where will success come from?" I heard it and aroused my fighting spirit. I did it on the day of the final exam. As soon as the paper was handed out, I read it first, I said to myself: "This test paper is so simple that I can definitely get 95 points or more. I did it carelessly, but I did half of it. I remembered that the previous tests were failed because of my carelessness. I became nervous when I thought of this. I did it carefully. When I finished it, I didn't want to check it. I began to make small moves. I could do it I began to think: I failed the exam because I didn't check it carefully before. I put down what I had in my hand and checked it one by one. There were errors, errors, and errors... It was OK not to check it. I was scared when I checked it. I found a total of 5 wrong questions. I sighed and thought: Fortunately, I checked it. If there were 5 wrong questions, My score is gone. Time passed by minute by minute. When it was time to hand in the paper, I handed in the paper with confidence. As soon as class ended, I handed in the correct answers with my classmates. It was great. I was all right. I was secretly pleased. Two days later, the test paper was corrected, and I got my test paper from the class representative. I saw that I had scored 95.5 points. The math teacher came to our class and asked the students with 95 points or more to stand up. I stood up happily from my seat. The math teacher praised our students with 95 points or more, and I felt very happy. At this time, I wanted to shout to the sky, and I did it! But I'm afraid of causing a disturbance. So I held back, but I couldn't help being excited and dancing happily.

Through this event, I want to say to everyone: "There is nothing you can't do, only what you don't want to do. As long as you never give up and strive for the goal in your heart, you will succeed! As long as you are brave to face, no matter how painful, you can overcome!" I shouted to my heart: I have done it! This voice reverberates in my heart for a long time!

I did it (2)

When I was in the senior grade of primary school, what gave me marks was not Chinese and English, but mathematics. At that time, I didn't like mathematics, because I felt that mathematics was a very difficult course, so I didn't think I could achieve my ideal score in any exam, and my score was also very poor. But that time not only let me like math, but also math scores are very high.

It was a math exam. I was tired of writing, so I wanted to finish it quickly and I began to write or not to fill in. I finished it in a short time. Mr. Wang saw that I had finished and took my test paper to judge. After a while, Mr. Wang finished judging. Then he came over and asked me why I did it. I said I would not, and Mr. Wang said that it was all about class, I stopped talking. Mr. Wang understood my heart and asked me to sit down. After class, I went to the math office to find him. I nodded.

When I arrived at the office, Mr. Wang asked me why I didn't like mathematics. I said, "Mathematics is too difficult. Even if I study hard, I can't achieve my ideal score." Teacher Wang said: "Mathematics is not as difficult as you think, and you are not stupid. As long as you are eager to learn, you will certainly get the good grades you imagine. Maybe you will become a top student in mathematics! I am optimistic about you!" After my teacher's words, I hope I can not disappoint the teacher's trust!

So on that day, I began to take notes every day, listened carefully to Mr. Wang's lectures and spoke actively. My efforts paid off, and I finally achieved my ideal good results! I finished primary school with 98 points in mathematics.

I finally did it. Thank you, Mr. Wang, for cultivating me.

I did it (3)

"Honesty is a shoe with a high price, and the quality will never change when you travel all over the world." This sentence is really good! In life, we should be honest people.

One dark night, I counted 25 yuan to buy fruit for my mother. Once I got there to weigh the weight, the boss said, "It's just 30 yuan." I hesitated to tell the boss that the money for fruit was not enough. I thought the boss would not sell me or scold me. What fruit would I buy if the money was not enough. However, the boss kindly said, "It's OK. I'll bring it next time." I was very sorry to hear the boss say so. I patted my chest and said, "It's only 7 o'clock now. I will bring it at 8 o'clock."

When I got home, I forgot about it and sat on the sofa, watching my favorite TV play and eating melon seeds. Until my mother came back from the square dance, eating the fruit I bought, she asked me, "Honey, the fruit is really sweet! Where did you buy it? How much was it?" So I told my mother the 5 yuan I owed my boss. When my mother heard this, she taught me a lesson. Then she said to me gently, "Honey, Confucius once said," You must keep your word and act accordingly. "To be an honest person, you promised the boss to pay back the money. What do you think we should do now?" At this time, my face was red, my face was hot, and I thought to myself: I am still a good student, how can I not do even this bit of integrity.

I shut myself in the room and thought: No, no, I can't! I quickly picked up the 5 yuan on the table, rushed into the darkness like an arrow leaving the string, and returned the money to the boss.

I am very grateful for the 5 yuan. Thank you for helping me find selflessness, kindness and integrity.

I did it (4)

Pig Day - afternoon.

The mountain was illuminated by the setting sun. After dinner, I was walking slowly, humming a tune, but I didn't find that Mr. Xin was sitting in the classroom, taking a cold breath, and just ready to "roll" back to his seat. Teacher Xin suddenly stopped me and asked, "Li Zihe, how is your reading ability?"? Although I was puzzled, I read the list out of habit. At the end of the sentence, Mr. Xin asked, "Which one do you want, her or Wang Dan?" "Li Zihe." At the end of the sentence, I saw dozens of hands pointing at me. Suddenly, I had an ominous feeling that something was going to happen.

In a few minutes

"Ah, why? I read so badly. If I can't speak nervously when I come to the stage, I'm really finished. It not only destroys the collective honor of the class (afraid that the teacher is not confident in teaching the students), but also disappoints the expectations of the students and teachers." But on second thought, since the teachers and students trust me, I have the ability to do well. We must live up to our expectations.

So that night, I practiced again and again, and I must do my best. But what if you are good? You will be nervous once you get on the stage. Don't you waste it? No, we must refuel.

After a little practice, I went to chat with Duke Zhou in bed.

The next day, 6.1 began. N links are omitted here. Next, welcome the old Young Pioneers to speak on the stage. Before going up, I kept comforting myself, just speaking, not nervous. But when I came on stage, I was confused. My God, there are so many people. It's strange that they are not nervous.

But I still take a deep breath, much better. I read it with great emotion and voice, and made a little mistake when turning to the second page (I almost didn't turn over). I saw the following judges raise their eyebrows, and my tension has risen several grades. I'm going to let you down. I'm finished at last. I don't know what the result is, so I can only bow deeply and want to go to the stage. But when I bowed, I remembered the warm applause.

I know the answer, because that applause means I succeed!

I did it (5)

It has been some time since the final exam in winter vacation, but I am not satisfied with the result of this exam, because through this final exam in winter vacation, I found some loopholes and weak points in my daily study, of which the most mistakes were in the calculation type exam.

Through the summary of this exam, I realized that the following three points must be achieved if I want to make a correct calculation: first, I must see and think clearly about the calculation symbols. Second, when doing vertical questions, pay attention to the carry. The third is that you must check when you finish the question, and if there is any mistake, it will be found immediately, so as to ensure that the question is correct.

If I can do these three things in the exam, I think my exam results will go up to a higher level.

I did it (6)

Grandma is the gardener who watered me when I was in primary school. It is she who makes me study hard and make me make progress every day.

When I was in grade one, my academic performance was very poor. Every exam was only seven or eight ten. The teacher often sighed for me, and the parents also shouted that I didn't want to win. Grandma was worried about this. For me, she had a wisp of white hair on her head.

Once, my grandma was checking my homework for me. Suddenly, she fainted and I screamed to call my parents. After the doctor's examination, she said that Grandma had a heart attack. I cried and lay beside my grandma's bed. Grandma lingered. He touched my head, and tears fell from the corners of my eyes. He said to me, "Xin'er, you must be good... OK... Learn... Learn... Learn... Don't give...... Parents...... Trouble...... Darling...... Grandma...... Yongyuan...... Love you." After she said this, she leaned her head gently against the bed, Those kind eyes closed. "Grandma!" I cried, tears bursting out of my eyes.

Since then, every time when I wanted to skip class, I thought about what Grandma said to me; Whenever I want to be lazy when I do my homework, I think about Grandma's face and Grandma's hope for me. My grades have improved significantly. I used to count down in exams, but now I always go home with 90 or 100 points. The teacher always gives praise to her, and her parents always smile happily.

Grandma, I did it, I did it, you must look at me in heaven, you must be very happy, in fact, Xin'er also loves you, loves you very much.

I did it (7)

On World Water Day, Shui Junyi said, "Don't let mankind see the last drop of water is their own tears." This is the first signal that the resource crisis has brought to me. The water flowing in my fingers every day is so precious. Mother said that besides water, there are also coal and oil... many things will disappear if they are used up.

What about future generations?

The crisis of the earth's resources has become increasingly serious. Is it true that one day we humans will live on the moon? But there is still no water or grass.

How important and urgent it is to save energy!

Water saving? Energy saving How can we do that? Energy conservation starts from me and starts from now.

In the past, I always wasted paper, and threw it away every time without writing a few words. I think: after all, my mother will take it back. The raw material of paper is wood. It takes decades to grow from saplings to big trees. Isn't wasting so much paper tantamount to wasting wood? I decided to save paper.

There are many vertical patterns on my draft paper. I used to use two or three pieces of paper, but today I only use one. It was so simple to save.

I saw places with poor water resources where people only take a bath once every two or three weeks in summer. If we go there, we can't stand it after a week. Although we are a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is no shortage of water, we should also save because our water is limited.

In the past, I always left the tap on when I took a bath. It was very convenient to wash. What a waste? Now when I take a bath, the sound of the water gradually decreases.

I also often leave leftovers. Every time I have a meal, one third of the rice is in the bowl, and the rice is poured out. I think: didn't Li Shen, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, say, "It's hard to eat every meal on a plate"? Although science and technology are developed now, there are harvesters for harvesting, and weeding can only be done by spraying liquid medicine, we should also cherish it. If 1.3 billion people save one grain of rice per person, there will be 1.3 billion grains of rice, which is unimaginable! I decided to try to finish the meal later. On the first day, I was about to finish eating, but somehow, I couldn't swallow any more, and finally ended up in failure for the first time. The next day, I saved a lot of food and finally finished it. In the next few days, my appetite gradually increased, and finally returned to the previous appetite.

What about coal, oil and other limited resources? Every summer, we are worried about power failure. The orange warning signal is sounded again and again. Power saving has become a common concern of the whole society. Most of our country are thermal power plants. A medium-sized thermal power plant uses thousands of tons of coal a day! Coal is a non renewable resource, and one day we will run out of it sooner or later. However, before I was aware of energy conservation, I asked to turn on the lights every night. When I fell asleep, my mother was allowed to turn off the lights. Now think about it, I can't help feeling very ashamed, how simple it is to turn off the lights when sleeping.

Energy saving, I did it! In fact, it is very simple.

How limited the earth's resources are! Maybe you don't feel the pain of drought, or the experience of power failure in hot summer. In fact, just turn off the monitor and light when you leave the office, you can save a lot of energy; Just unplug the TV when you leave home, and turn off the power socket of the computer, which saves a huge fortune; Don't let the fine water in the faucet flow frequently. It is a real waste and has no use;


Responding to the call of the country and saving energy, start from me.

I did it (8)

A good life is inseparable from an optimistic attitude, noble morality, rich life, and how to own it. I have thought about it many times, and I think the secret is nothing more than these three words.


Laughing is a joy. Whether it's laughter, smile, or 'bitter smile' in the face of difficulties, all have different meanings. In my opinion, laughter is optimistic and open-minded. A famous person once said: "Smile is the most beautiful expression in the human world." What's more, in Africa, there is a folk organization called "Joy Club", which makes people keep an optimistic attitude in the face of difficulties and pressures. Now domestic entertainment and variety shows also occupy an important position, with the audience rating reaching the top. Everything makes us understand that laughter is so important that we need to use it to resolve the pressure of life and the resistance of difficulties. You can take a step towards success by being "always smiling".

Raise your lips gently and show your sweet smile.

filial piety

Filial piety is the most important virtue in the world. The filial piety culture of the Chinese nation has been passed down for thousands of years. Since ancient times, there has been the Twenty four Filial Piety Map to educate children to respect their parents. People praise those who are filial, while those who are unfilial are spurned. If we can't treat my parents well, how can we treat others kindly and sincerely? Good morality is the basis for winning the respect and trust of others. If you achieve filial piety, you will take another step towards success.

The son wants to support, but not the relatives. Take action now.


Look up the dictionary, and most of the words with the word "effect" are commendatory. I think the word "efficiency" mainly reflects efficiency and effect. Work effectively, not sloppy, clean. Be quick to cut through the mess and act decisively. If you do this, you will have a sharp weapon to defeat laziness. No matter how we study, work or live, we cannot do without the word "efficiency".

Have you achieved "efficiency"? Ten thousand leaps of thought, no action comes true. What are you waiting for?

The words "laugh", "filial piety" and "efficiency" have profound implications. Believe in them and the door to success will be opened to you.

I did it (9)

In my study, I have experienced many unforgettable things, but what I still remember is that I learned ceramics.

I like to do pottery since I was a child. Whenever I have time, I take out a piece of colored clay to play. My mother saw that I like pottery very much, so she signed me up for a pottery class.

At the beginning, the teacher first asked us to get some soil, then the teacher began to teach us how to make small cups, how to fix the handle of the small cup, and how to prevent the small cup from cracking... At the beginning, I thought it was very simple. After showing it to the teacher, I was still exhibiting in the whole class. At this time, I felt very proud. In this way, I was promoted to the junior class.

In the first lesson of the junior class, the teacher raised the difficulty and started to let us pinch small animals and people. I can't keep up. I can't see what it is. When other students saw my work, they were laughing at me. I am very sad. What's more, the soil is soft and thin, which can not form, and the hands, clothes and pants are dirty. I became the cat in the class and the laughingstock of others. I silently packed my things and went home dejected. I wanted to give up pottery.

But on a sunny morning, I regained my confidence.

On Saturday morning, my cousin came to my house to play. She saw my colored clay and began to play excitedly. I thought to myself: I can't hold on after learning for so long. I'll see when you can play. After a while, I suddenly found that my sister did a very good job. Although her work was also left and right, my sister did not lose heart. She tried all kinds of methods to make beautiful works in the end.

At this time, I understand. Although my sister is unskilled and inexperienced, she is enthusiastic and courageous. What are those failures and difficulties as long as we have firm faith and continuous efforts? I feel like learning pottery again. Finally, through my continuous efforts, my ceramic works have been recognized by my teachers and praised by my relatives.

Through this incident, I learned a truth: hardships are the wealth of life. When I am patient and persevering, and after walking through the long tunnel of darkness and suffering, I am as ordinary as sand, and I have achieved success unconsciously!

I did it (10)

One's life is very long. I believe you must have had many successes in your life. However, I still can't forget one success.

I remember that it was last summer, my mother and I went shopping in the supermarket. I found an activity outside the supermarket. Take a closer look. Oh, as long as you can write from 1 to 600, you can get plush toys or star models! First, look at the crowd. There are many people coming to challenge. Then look at the star models on the stage. Jordan, Kobe, James, etc. are really attractive. I made an agreement with my mother that she would go shopping and I would challenge her. Then I walked to the challenge area.

I walked up to the host of the event, without saying a word, immediately handed him the RMB with a face value of 10 yuan, then found a seat to sit down, picked up a pen and began to write numbers. At first, I thought to myself: Is it not easy to write from 1 to 600? You look down upon me too! At that time, I missed a number, but I didn't realize it. I confidently handed in the paper full of numbers, and the result was failure in the challenge.

At this time, I was very depressed and thought: I might as well give up! Buy an identical model when you go home. No, I'm not willing to lose. I can't watch others win. So I sat down in my seat again, grabbed my pen again and began to write. Suddenly, a smell of popcorn came to my face. I thought: It's popcorn! After I win the gift, I will eat popcorn. Unexpectedly, I missed another number in a flash, but I didn't find it after I finished writing. The result is conceivable. I thought: Hey, my hands are sour, so I'd better give up! Yes, enough is enough! Many people have given up anyway! Just as I was about to get up and give up, my mother shouted, "Li, don't give up! My mother believes you will succeed!" Hearing this sentence, I seemed to be full of strength again. I thought: Well, my mother believes that I can succeed, and I can't give up.

With these thoughts in mind, I once again grasped the pen and started the third challenge... I was particularly serious about this challenge, and I dared not take it lightly during the inspection... Finally, I succeeded! Mother smiled with satisfaction.

Through this event, I understand that nothing can be done lightly, we must stick to it in the end, and we can't give up halfway.

I did it (11)

Confucius once said that people have no faith, and I don't know what to do with them. Lu Xun said that honesty is the foundation of life. Today, I also achieved integrity.

Because my composition is not beautiful enough, my mother said to me: "Tingting, if you can persist for a month and write a diary every day, will I promise you a wish?". I walked on the busy street and saw the new peaches in the supermarket. I just wanted to buy them, but I found I was penniless! An idea suddenly flashed through my mind! Didn't my mother say that if I kept a diary for one month, I would realize my wish? I can... Mom! I ran into the house cheerfully and said to my mother: "Mom, I decided to keep a diary for a month, but you must buy me juicy peaches!" "Really? Good! If you can keep a diary for a month, I will satisfy you not only with juicy peaches, but also with everything!" My mother said in surprise. Later, my mother was going on a business trip for a month, and he asked me to keep my promise. I always put it off again and again until 8:00 p.m., and I was still calm. I opened my mobile phone and saw a famous saying "integrity is gold, but gold is valuable, integrity is priceless, integrity is more valuable than gold." I also saw my mother's carefully selected diary and pen, and I secretly made up my mind to be an honest and trustworthy child! Finally, I kept a diary for a month, and my mother bought honey peaches for me. But every night, I always consciously ran into the room and began to write a diary. My mother looked at my change and smiled with satisfaction.

I understand a truth. Honesty cannot leave us. It is a virtue. If everyone of our primary school students can be honest and trustworthy, let honesty accompany us to grow, then the society will be more beautiful and civilized!

I did it (12)

As the saying goes, "No rules, no circles." Rules make our life orderly, safe and beautiful. If we don't abide by various rules, the world will no longer have order and security, so I insisted on the rules.

I remember that it was a hot summer. After school at noon, I walked out of the school and hurried to my waiting companion, holding her hand. I said, "Hurry up, I want to go back to watch cartoons." We said, laughing, and walked quickly. However, at an intersection, we just came to the red light, but it was on, and there didn't seem to be many cars passing by. I thought: Let's go, it's OK, there aren't many cars, and I was about to go, and I realized to tell myself, no, it's a red light now. Although there are few cars, and the traffic police uncle is not here, we should also obey the traffic rules! However, when I thought about the cartoons I like to watch, I was a little anxious again. I could not help but want to take a step that was disobedient. The ideological struggle had been fighting in my mind, and I finally chose to wait for victory. I told myself that in order to be safe, we must adhere to the traffic rules and stand in place waiting for the green light. The time of 60 seconds has already counted down to 23, 22, 21, 20. The red light figures are walking slowly, not worried at all. My heart urges hurry up, hurry up! 5. 4, 3, 2, 1, the green light finally came on, and I walked across the street with light steps and singing songs. This time, I insisted on the rules!

Since then, I have never run the red light again. I think each of us should abide by various rules, be responsible for ourselves and others, and make our life better!

I did it (13)

"Piggy, I have to go out to work and come back at night. You should take care of yourself." My mother said loudly to me while putting on shoes. "What's more, you should mop the floor, make lunch, wash the breakfast dishes, clean the table and watch the Romance of the Three Kingdoms." I didn't listen to my mother carefully when I was doing my homework. I just answered her faintly and ignored her.

"Finished!" I cried out joyfully when I had just finished swimming in the ocean of knowledge. I stretched out in front of the window, and the sunshine outside the window shone in, warming my heart. Suddenly, I remembered what my mother said. I hurried to the living room to check the clock. It was only nine o'clock. I made a small calculation in my mind: "Aha! It's still so early, I might as well play with the computer now." I quickly opened the computer and entered the game world.

I don't know how long later, a "grunt grunt" sounded. What's the noise? It was my stomach that was ringing. I could not resist hunger and temporarily left the game world that fascinated me

Boundary. I looked at the direction of the kitchen and felt 100 unwilling to start cooking and cleaning. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration. I remembered the bucket of instant noodles I had hidden on the top of the cupboard. ah I am great to prepare for a rainy day! I quickly unpacked the package, poured boiling water into it, stewed it for a few minutes, and then devoured it. After eating, I went on to play games

The silence was broken by the "click" of the door. Oh, my mother is back. In a panic, I turned off the computer and ran out of the room. Only then did I find that all the lights were on outside the window. I was trembling and blaming myself, thinking, "How can I indulge in such unrestrained games? Mom, please don't go to the kitchen!" But my mother seemed to see through my mind and walked quickly to the kitchen. In a twinkling of an eye, my mother came out of the kitchen, looked at me with a gloomy face, and said to me with forbearance and anger: "Do what you promised others to do." Then she went back to her room. I think she must be very angry, afraid of hurting me, so she went back to her room to calm down. Looking at the mountains of dishes in the kitchen, I felt a special emotion.

After three or two strikes, I finished everything, although I was already tired and had a sore back.

But my heart is full of relaxation and happiness.

Today, I learned that I must do what I promise others, and I am determined to be an honest and trustworthy person.

I did it (14)

··········Grandpa, I have achieved that I used to be a naughty, naughty little girl. I don't know how high and thick the sky is. I do this because I have a grandfather who loves me very much. My grandpa loved me so much that when someone touched me lightly, he felt extremely distressed. Grandpa likes to watch me smile. As long as I don't smile, Grandpa will feel that I am being bullied. Grandpa also often makes me laugh. We are inseparable every day and live happily every day. But happy times are always short. Grandpa is sick and very sick. He can't play with me anymore. I can't see Grandpa laughing. Every day after that, I only saw the word "pain" on my grandpa's face. Looking at him, my heart was very painful. I wanted to pray to God: I would use my ten year life to exchange for grandpa's health. Maybe God heard my prayer and thought I was silly to let me end this idea. That night, Grandpa was sent to the emergency room with sudden deterioration. Grandpa was in a coma all the time. One day, two days, three days... Grandpa finally woke up. When he woke up, he didn't do anything, so he asked Dad to take me to him to see me. When I saw Qiao hage's grandfather, I didn't say anything, so I began to cry. I said to grandpa, "grandpa, I'm sorry, I hurt you. If I didn't make you play with me every day, you wouldn't be tired and sick. Sorry grandpa, I'm sorry." Grandpa answered me with his delicate voice: "Nana, it's not your fault, it's grandpa's failure to protect his body. You are not only not wrong, but also good. You make grandpa laugh every day, and grandpa is in a happy mood." My heart was much calmer after hearing what grandpa said. Every day later, I accompanied my grandpa, and he recovered well. Everyone thought that my grandpa was getting better soon... Maybe it was because of my lack of sincerity. God took my grandpa away. When he left, he said to me, "Nana, you must remember, no matter how difficult and sad you are, you must face it with a smile. Grandpa wants to see you smile again." After listening to my grandfather's words, I dried my tears and gave him the sweetest smile to accompany him to another strange world. Grandpa saw my smile and he left me forever, even though I could not accept everything. Everyone cried, except me. Because this is what Grandpa wants. Finally, I want to tell my grandpa, "grandpa, I have done it. I have lived every day with a smile, faced all difficulties with a smile, and faced all sadness with a smile. I have done it, grandpa, have you seen it? I have not let you down!"

I did it (15)

Since I went to the middle school,my Chinese grades went down rapidly. I felt very disappointed .And I didn't know the way to improve Chinese grades better."Never give up", my father said to me, "look for the methods which belong to you". After hearing these,I decided to make a studying plan about improving Chinese.The plan included doing some reading,reading newspapers,watching TV and so on.

Since I made up the plan,I followed the details of the plan to do.The f ollowing exam was coming.This time I became self-confident.I got nearly full marks.This made me very happy,because I defeated myself.My parents congratulated me on this.And they said that they were proud of me.

From then on,I become more and more confident,and I determine to continue to try my best to study Chinese as well as other subjects.

[Reference translation]

Since I went to middle school, my Chinese scores have declined rapidly. I am very disappointed. I don't know how to improve my Chinese performance.

"Never give up", my father said to me, "Find your own way". After hearing this, I decided to make a plan for learning Chinese.

This plan includes doing some reading, reading newspapers, watching TV, etc. Since I made this plan, I have followed the details of the plan.

The next exam is coming. This time I became confident. I almost got full marks, which made me very happy because I defeated myself. My parents congratulated me and said they were proud of me.

Since then, I have become more and more confident, and I am determined to continue to work hard to learn Chinese and other subjects.