Golden Silk Grand Canyon (4 general)
2024-03-26 05:29:58
high school

Jinsi Grand Canyon (1)

On the second day of this year's National Day holiday, my father and I, as well as some of his classmates, took a bus to the famous canyon in Shangnan, Shaanxi - Jinsi Grand Canyon.

We first took a car to the entrance of the scenic spot, and then a scenic bus drove along the winding mountain road for nearly an hour, taking us to the destination. The first thing that came into view was a big stone, carved with five powerful big red characters "Golden Silk Grand Canyon". Suddenly, there came a cry of "ah -". I looked up and saw a person whistling through the sky. It was a game of "flying in the air" - three steel wires as a slide, a seat hanging below, and people sat on it and flew down. Below was a deep canyon. How about it? It was breathtaking and exciting!

We continued to walk forward, watching the beautiful scenery as we walked. The river is crystal clear. Many small fish are swimming leisurely. There are many small stones at the bottom of the river. They are very smooth and beautiful. I really want to jump into the water to pick up some, but my father stopped me. When I was walking, suddenly, I saw a waterfall! Looking at the sign beside it, I knew that this waterfall was called "Longbiao Waterfall". Looking up, a stream flows down from a rock that looks like a dragon head. It seems that the divine dragon in the sky saw the beautiful scenery here and smelled the tempting fragrance of fruits on various fruit trees along the way, which made his mouth water. No wonder it is called "Dragon Saliva Waterfall". It really looks like a white dragon saliva! Looking at the long waterfall and listening to the "crash" sound of the waterfall hitting the rock, I could not help but recite Li Bai's poem: "Flying down three thousand feet, I suspect the Milky Way falls nine days". Then we walked forward, and the "Devil Falls" appeared in front of us. I think it may be because the rock wall behind the waterfall looks like the face of the Devil. Is it so named? What a special taste! As we walked, we enjoyed Longquan, Fairy Lake, Shuangxi Waterfall. Each scenic spot has its own characteristics, which can give people endless reverie.

In addition to the crystal clear river and occasional waterfalls, we are accompanied by towering mountains. Bat Gorge is a most representative scenic spot. Why is it called Bat Gorge? To tell you the truth, that's because the peaks on this canyon look like bats. Walking in the canyon, looking at the green pines and cypresses on the high cliffs on both sides, as well as the maple leaves dyed red by the autumn wind, you suddenly feel the tenacity and magnificence of life! These trees seem to give Bat Gorge furry wings, I really marvel at the uncanny workmanship of nature. The canyon is really long. We have been walking for more than six hours. We also went to the Golden Lion Cave, where I knocked the bell like a little monk

As soon as I finished the whole journey, I suddenly turned around and noticed the road I had walked. These roads are paved with wood. Some are like the iron chain bridge where the Red Army captured Luding Bridge, some are paved with wood on the plank road on the cliff, and some are composed of round wooden piles... Ah, in order to let tourists enjoy the magnificent scenery of Jinsi Gorge, the developers of the scenic spot really spend much time!

After the journey was over and we had a quick dinner, we returned by car. I'm really tired after walking all day. When I got home, I wiped my face in a hurry and lay on the bed. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I didn't know anything. Only the murmuring water and towering mountains still emerged in my dream

Jinsi Grand Canyon (2)

I have been to the beautiful Nanwan Lake, the Caiyun Valley with mountains and water, and the Huangshan Mountain with strange peaks and rocks. It is my first time to visit the canyon. After a long journey, we finally arrived at the famous Jinsi Grand Canyon in Shaanxi Province.

When entering the canyon, the first thing you can see is the Bailong Lake, which covers an area of about 200 square meters. Bailong Lake is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom of the lake; White Dragon Lake is really green, green like a flawless emerald; The White Dragon Lake is so quiet. It's as quiet as a mirror. Around the Bailong Lake, you come to the Stone Monkey King, who looks like the Monkey King, as if he is enjoying the scenery of the Golden Canyon. Walking through the woods, we saw the cable car. If we didn't take the cable car, we had to climb 2222 steps, so we had to take the cable car.

When I was halfway up the mountain, I took out my camera and kept shooting. I accidentally found a waterfall about 200 meters long. Ah! It's so beautiful, like a fairy's ribbon, I seem to have entered the heaven of dreams. We continued to watch the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor and the Hall of the Tang Dynasty.

Because of time, we had just climbed to the top of the mountain, and we were in a hurry, unwilling to go down the mountain.

Jinsi Grand Canyon (3)

On the second day of this year's National Day holiday, my father and I, as well as some of his classmates, took a bus to the famous canyon in Shangnan, Shaanxi - Jinsi Grand Canyon.

We first took a car to the entrance of the scenic spot, and then a scenic bus drove along the winding mountain road for nearly an hour, taking us to the destination. The first thing that came into view was a big stone, carved with five powerful big red characters "Golden Silk Grand Canyon". Suddenly, there came a cry of "ah -". I looked up and saw a person whistling through the sky. It was a game of "flying in the air" - three steel wires as a slide, a seat hanging below, and people sat on it and flew down. Below was a deep canyon. How about it? It was breathtaking and exciting!

We continued to walk forward, watching the beautiful scenery as we walked. The river is crystal clear. Many small fish are swimming leisurely. There are many small stones at the bottom of the river. They are very smooth and beautiful. I really want to jump into the water to pick up some, but my father stopped me. When I was walking, suddenly, I saw a waterfall! Looking at the sign beside it, I knew that this waterfall was called "Longbiao Waterfall". Looking up, a stream flows down from a rock that looks like a dragon head. It seems that the divine dragon in the sky saw the beautiful scenery here and smelled the tempting fragrance of fruits on various fruit trees along the way, which made his mouth water. No wonder it is called "Dragon Saliva Waterfall". It really looks like a white dragon saliva! Looking at the long waterfall and listening to the "crash" sound of the waterfall hitting the rock, I could not help but recite Li Bai's poem: "Flying down three thousand feet, I suspect the Milky Way falls nine days". Then we walked forward, and the "Devil Falls" appeared in front of us. I think it may be because the rock wall behind the waterfall looks like the face of the Devil. Is it so named? What a special taste! As we walked, we enjoyed Longquan, Fairy Lake, Shuangxi Waterfall. Each scenic spot has its own characteristics, which can give people endless reverie.

In addition to the crystal clear river and occasional waterfalls, we are accompanied by towering mountains. Bat Gorge is a most representative scenic spot. Why is it called Bat Gorge? To tell you the truth, that's because the peaks on this canyon look like bats. Walking in the canyon, looking at the green pines and cypresses on the high cliffs on both sides, as well as the maple leaves dyed red by the autumn wind, you suddenly feel the tenacity and magnificence of life! These trees seem to give Bat Gorge furry wings, I really marvel at the uncanny workmanship of nature. The canyon is really long. We have been walking for more than six hours. We also went to the Golden Lion Cave, where I knocked the bell like a little monk

As soon as I finished the whole journey, I suddenly turned around and noticed the road I had walked. These roads are paved with wood. Some are like the iron chain bridge where the Red Army captured Luding Bridge, some are paved with wood on the plank road on the cliff, and some are composed of round wooden piles... Ah, the developers of the scenic spot have really spent a lot of time to let tourists enjoy the magnificent scenery of Jinsi Gorge!

After the journey was over and we had a quick dinner, we returned by car. I'm really tired after walking all day. When I got home, I wiped my face in a hurry and lay on the bed. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I didn't know anything. Only the murmuring water and towering mountains still emerged in my dream

Lv Zongzhe, Grade 5 of Henan Nanyang Talent Reading and Composition Training Center

Jinsi Grand Canyon (4)

One day in the summer vacation, my mother took me to visit the Jinsi Grand Canyon with the "Nature Tour". On the first day, we went rafting in Danjiang and stayed at Shangnan Hotel in the evening. The next morning, the sun was shining brightly, and we came to the entrance of the Grand Canyon at the foot of the mountain.

Jinsi Grand Canyon is a national forest park under development in our province. There is a winding river between the two majestic mountains. We walked along the river. Due to the ongoing development, the road has not been repaired. There are only simple signposts, and it is more difficult to walk along the road. In some places, there are ladders made of wooden strips, which are just above them. Er Li is afraid. We several help each other to move forward. At this time, I did not dare to leave, my mother encouraged me to be brave and strong, and told me that "unlimited scenery in the dangerous peak". Looking up from the depths of the Grand Canyon, the sky was just a straight line. Mother said, "This is a thin line of sky." We walked and walked and walked for a long time. Finally, we saw a waterfall flying down, and everyone was very happy. Seeing that there was no way to go ahead, we took a group photo there. On the way back, my mother and I walked in the front, leaving the uncles and aunts in the group far behind. We stopped at a pool, where I played with water. My mother sat on a stone to rest. My mother said, "Look! They are coming down soon." I was about to turn around when I slipped into the water.) I hurriedly shouted: "Mom, help!" Mom rushed over with a lunge and pulled me up with her hands. My clothes were wet, and my mother held me tightly, pale. I suddenly understood that my mother is my protector at all times.

On the way back, an uncle found his wallet missing. I must have left it in our hotel at night. The guide lady immediately contacted the hotel and retrieved the wallet. The uncle was very moved. The Golden Silk Grand Canyon is beautiful, and the hearts of Shangnan people are more beautiful. Jinsi Grand Canyon left us a deep and beautiful impression.

Li Shen, Junior Primary School of Shaanxi Dronqiao Thermal Power Co., Ltd