Friendship is precious 400 (8 in general)
Jasmine tea
2023-08-05 07:37:08

Friendship is precious 400 (1)

Xiaomeng and I are inseparable good partners. We go to school, finish school, do homework and play together every day.

One day, we took out the small wooden boat we had made in the handwork class to play. Xiaomeng accidentally threw my beloved small wooden boat to the ground with a "splash". In a twinkling of an eye, the exquisite wooden boat turned into a pile of ruins. I was extremely sad! I gave Xiaomeng a vicious push, and Xiaomeng was pushed back a few steps. I said angrily, "It's all your fault. I won't play with you anymore." Then I threw her wooden boat to the ground again, and her wooden boat became fragmented. She said wrongly, "I didn't mean to." Since then, we never went to school together.

One day, I found an exquisite wooden boat in my drawer. There was a note beside the wooden boat. It said, "Sorry, I was careless that day. To express my apology, I made another wooden boat for you. I hope you can accept it. Let's shake hands and make peace and become good friends together, OK?" I felt ashamed when I saw it, I was wrong, but she apologized to me first. I really shouldn't!

I really learned a lot from my childhood dream. I should cherish friendship and be tolerant.

Friendship is precious 400 (2)

In the fourth grade, I quarreled with my best friend. The quarrel was so fierce that we paid no attention to anyone in the end.

When class was over, her homework seemed to have difficulties again. Just looking at me, she thought of the quarrel and turned her head back. "You can't get my help!" I laughed in my heart. She lowered her head and silently turned her pen. I didn't see her expression clearly, but I thought she must be very sad at this time. She felt a bit remorse in her heart.

She can't do without me! In recent days, her study has gone backwards! I thought to myself. However, I unexpectedly found that without her, I also lost a lot of things.

After class, no one asked me to play with him again. After PE class, no one spilled a handful of cool water on my sweaty forehead. When I met difficulties, there was no encouragement to regain my confidence... I suddenly understood that I had lost a very important friend.

By chance, the teacher assigned us to the same group. She and I were silent and dared not look at each other. "Sorry," I said in unison with her. This is too surprising for me! Looking at her expression, I guess she felt the same as me. We all laughed. We all worked hard for each other to become the first. So, this is friendship! Friendship is so precious!

After class, a stream of cool water returned to my forehead, and I smiled happily.

Friendship is precious 400 (3)

In my life, I always feel that there are only a few people who care about me, but this time, I know there are still many people who care about me.

I went home after the operation. At first, I thought I would just lie there for dozens of days. After removing the thread, I could get off the ground. At that time, I never thought that anyone could come to my house to see me. But after a day, several aunts from my mother's unit came to see me. I was very surprised. What's the relationship between my operation and them? Why did they come to see me. At this time, my heart is warm. The next day, when I was still asleep, my mobile phone rang QQ. I picked up my mobile phone and saw that it was my good friend Mou Yunxi. At this time, I was very happy. I opened my mobile phone and talked. After talking for more than hours, we ended the conversation. I just put my mobile phone on and wanted to have a rest. As a result, there were dozens of messages sent by Li Jiaheng, and I replied in a hurry. At more than 10 o'clock, my friend Gao Kaidong came to see me. He also knew that I had always wanted to drink RIO cocktails, so he secretly bought two bottles. We spent the afternoon together. In the evening, it is normal for us to investigate the new situation. Because we always want to live in each other's house, we are afraid that our parents will not let us go. After we are separated, Gao Kaidong is very unhappy. But today he left without a word. He also said, "I'm not living at your house today. I'm dishonest in sleeping at night, so I can easily kick your feet. Then he went away.

Friendship is precious 400 (4)

In daily life or work and study, everyone has written a composition. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a 400 word composition about valuable friendship written by Xiao Bian Jidun. Welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

Description of valuable friendship Composition 400 words 1

Friendship is hard won. Friendship needs to be protected and tested.

Wang and I are already very good friends. We play together every day. If you have questions you don't know, you can let them tell you, and they won't refuse. But a contradiction almost made us "hate each other".

In the physical education class, I was pushed by Zeng Yiquan, so the chain reaction accidentally hit Wang already. At that time, Wang's happy face immediately darkened. I quickly said to Wang: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." But Wang already seemed ungrateful, and his face remained unchanged. Suddenly, he ran straight to me, and my "innate reaction" was to run away. However, Wang seems determined to beat me back today. At this time, Wu Yixin and Xu Tang Zijun also joined in, and Wang and I had chased me together. I thought: No! How come! Then they hit me on three sides. I ran right and was stopped by Wu Yixin; I ran to the left again, but Xu Tang Zijun stopped me; I've reached the bottom line and can't run any more. My heart is pounding. Now I have to surrender. After I surrendered, Wang hit me very hard, and I immediately cried out, "Ah!" They ran away. At that time, my heart was very depressed.

After class, I found Wang already and explained to him that Zeng Yiquan pushed me, so I hit him. After hearing this, he was also ashamed and apologized to me. Finally, we made up.

Friendship is like the wind, it will not come back once it has passed; Friendship, like water, flows in our hearts; Friendship is like... Let's cherish friendship!

Description of Valuable Friendship Composition 400 Words 2

I remember when I first entered the school, I was very naughty and always liked to run around on the playground.

Once, a senior brother ran over, and I couldn't avoid it. I bumped into him head-on, fell on the ground, cut my knee, and bled a lot. I was so scared that I cried loudly.

When I was legally helpless, my classmates gathered around me and eagerly asked me: "What's the matter? Where is it?". Everyone's comfort helped me alleviate my pain. Some students even squatted down to blow at my wounds and dried my blood with napkins.

Just as everyone was talking, my good friend Xiao Zhao stood out.

"Why don't you take her to the clinic and ask the teacher to clean her wound?"

The students quickly supported me and limped to the clinic. The teacher used iodine to scrub my wound, and I suddenly shed tears of pain and cried loudly. The students patted me gently on the shoulder to make me brave. With everyone's encouragement, I relaxed and became less nervous. Looking at the eager eyes of my classmates, I felt everyone's love for me. When I met a problem, my classmates extended their hand of friendship and made my heart warm!

From this incident, I know how valuable friendship is. How impressive it is! Although this matter has been gone for a long time, it is still fresh in my memory!

Description of Valuable Friendship Composition 400 Words 3

Everyone has his own valuable friendship, and my most valuable friendship is my friendship with Yan Yuhao, the naughty king of our class. When I was in the third grade, I was transferred to Xiaoyan by Miss Gu in order to help him improve his grades.

At the beginning, I looked at him with strange eyes and spoke humbly to him. But I changed my opinion of him after that. After that time, we became friends.

After an exam, Mr. Gu stood in front of the podium holding the test paper and said to us, "Let me report the score of this unit test."

My heart is like fifteen buckets of water at once - seven up and eight down. Look at everyone's legs shaking, and Xiao Song's face looks nervous. Xiao Yan encouraged me and said, "You must be better than me in the exam." I waited anxiously. what! what! My Chinese score was only 79. I slouched back to the chair and sat in a daze, like a frustrated ball. My Chinese has always been in the top ten, and this time I counted down. I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes when I thought of it. I buried my head underneath and cried. Suddenly, a napkin was placed in front of me. Xiaoyan said to me, "You are excellent. Failure in this exam does not mean anything. It is inevitable that there will be mistakes. Don't care too much. Just learn from your lessons. You are my idol!" Hearing his words of encouragement, a warm current suddenly came to my mind.

At this time, I had a 180 degree change in my opinion of him. From then on, I would patiently teach him as long as he encountered difficult problems in learning. Slowly, we became good friends who talked about everything. Sure enough, I won the third place in the final exam, and Xiao Yan scored 90 points in math. We hugged each other excitedly.

Everyone has a beautiful and kind-hearted side. The friendship of classmates is as precious as gems. Let's pick up the gems quickly!

Description of valuable friendship Composition 400 words 4

Chen Ming and I are good friends. One day, we took out the small wooden boat made in the handwork group to play, and Chen Ming accidentally broke mine. In the dispute, Chen Ming trampled on it again. I was very angry. I grabbed his boat and fell to the ground. I stepped on it again because I was too angry and lost my sense.

Chen Ming is surprised: "I didn't mean to say 'I'm sorry'. Isn't it over?" As soon as his words ended, Chen Ming walked away without looking back. In this way, the valuable friendship between Chen Ming and I was broken for a small matter.

I rushed home angrily, kicking and stomping at our sofa. When my mother saw it, she said, "What are you doing? The sofa is not guilty. What are you doing kicking it? Tell me what you have to do." So I told my mother everything from beginning to end. Mother thought about it for a while and said to me earnestly, "You both made mistakes in this matter. Chen Ming accidentally broke it, but you don't have to break it. In this way, you lost both the boat and friendship." After listening to my mother's words, I thought about it carefully. Indeed, we are all wrong.

The next day, I went to Chen Ming's house and saw Chen Ming thinking about something. I took the initiative to apologize: "Chen Ming, I'm sorry, I shouldn't throw your boat.".

"Ah? My favorite chocolate?" I was very surprised, and then tears filled my eyes. We firmly embrace each other. At this moment, our valuable friendship has been reunited and become more solid!

Description of Valuable Friendship Composition 400 Words 5

There are many valuable things in our life, some people think money is valuable; Some people think honesty is valuable; Some people think kindness is valuable, but if a person does not have friendship, his life will become boring, boring, lonely... So I think friendship is the most valuable. Gorky once said that only by being honest with others can we gain true friendship

Friendship, like a ray of sunshine in the winter sun, brings us warmth and peace; Friendship is like a candle in the dark, illuminating our way forward; Friendship is a cup of cool spring water under the scorching sun, bringing me cool and comfortable

I remember when I was 7 years old, I transferred to a new school. I was a medium-sized boy. I have no friends at school. I lie on the table silently all day long, very lonely. Xiao Lai wants to make friends with me when he sees that I am unhappy all day long. He came up to me and said to me sincerely, "Xiao Jiang, let's play games with us!" I asked Xiao Lai, "Why should I play games with you?" Xiao Lai smiled and said, "Come on, we are not only new friends, but also new classmates. Of course, we should take care of each other." In this way, with his sincere smile and sincere words, Make my cold heart burn when I tidy up.

Friendship is the direction of the soul, the wealth of life, the good friend of integrity, and the light in the darkness. Believe! Time is above wealth, above all is love, and the most valuable love is friendship, the most sincere feelings of life is friendship.

Friendship is precious 400 (5)

400 words of lost friendship (1)

Lost friendship

Let go, they don't belong to me, we are not in a heaven, and our end is only separation Is that consolation? My world, withered

——Play curtain

Yeah, we used to be friends. good friend. She came into my world, yes, that small black and white world.

I always regard her as a gift from God. She came and brought the most beautiful poem in the world. My world is no longer black and white, it is colorful because of her. We laughed together along the way, and were called "the new generation of the hall master and the second hall master of the First Laughing Hall". We worried together and worried about each other. We discuss the philosophy of life together and argue about the meaning of life; We don't want to be mediocre. We are eager for Dapeng to spread his wings together. She is here. She is my best friend.

Then, we are friends.

Too much has happened. Our first quarrel, the first cold war, and the first tears because of the hurt from each other. We are no longer as close as we used to be, and no longer have the cheerful laughter of the past. There is less friendship and more hatred. Suddenly, I felt the palpitations I had never felt before. This was a sign that friendship was about to lose. My heart was trembling!

Finally, we are nothing.

She has gone away from my colorful little world without saying anything. I stubbornly believe that I am still happy without her. Just like the gift she once gave me, as long as you smile, it's no big deal. But, wrong, all wrong! Nothing?

Big deal? no I lost her smile that should belong to me, lost her friendship that should belong to me, my world has returned to black and white, and my heart has always left a bloody scar! This scar is formed by her cutting off a piece of meat from my heart. There are my whispers to her, my jokes to her, my yelling at her, my bitter tears when I lost her. She took them away, leaving only a cold figure.


I can't go on like this. I have to smile

I have friends again. Several. They. They are so good that my injured heart can feel the warmth of the sun. We came out of every corner and got together. We never had a quarrel. We fought together, quarreled together, and cried together. When I am sad, there are walls of people surrounded by them. With the words of comfort coming from all directions, it is very stuffy, but it warms my ice flow. More than once, I thought about it.

Maybe they are worth my choosing, and they are my real dependence. And she is just a small episode of my life.

Of course, my world is no longer silver frost.

But is it God's ruthlessness? Who on earth created graduation? Who created separation? In such a short year, my friends have gone their separate ways. Friendship has turned into smoke and gone with the wind. I fell into the glacier again. Such blows again and again make me feel at a loss. I look for them, and I don't know who to tell my pain. How I want to extend the time again, forever

——In the play

I see it through. There is no feast that will not end. No matter how many people are unwilling, they still have to leave. "Goodbye" does not mean loss, because the heart has always had everything of yesterday; "Goodbye" does not mean separation, because there will be a person behind who has been silently concerned about himself. He is a friend, a person who can cry for you, be happy for you, and worry about you. I thought of her. From a close friend to a stranger, she taught me what loss is; I miss them. They let me know what it's like to be moved from being together to being torn apart. Ah, friends, you taught me how to cherish.

Once there was a friendship in front of me. I didn't cherish it until I lost it. The biggest pain in the world can't be greater than this. Let them go. I have learned to smile.

I hope you will remember each other and never forget each other. You cup will be unforgettable. Friend, it's a long way to go, and you can't stop your thoughts from flying thousands of miles away?

——End of play

400 Words of Lost Friendship (2)

Lost friendship

That friendship flew around with sincerity, but this time the friendship was far away.

All of this is too sudden and decisive. It seems that God has rained cats and dogs. Has our friendship been washed away like this? We are similar to what happened before our eyes

I still remember that you are the teacher's favorite student. Like you, I am also a student that the teacher pays close attention to. But I am different from you. The teacher pays attention to me because my academic performance is too poor. The teacher is afraid that I will drag the class behind. Because I am slow in reaction and not very quick in thinking, I know nothing about mathematics. The teacher thought I was hopeless, so he once told you on Friday that you would help me with my homework.

You know what? I spent that weekend in fear. I was afraid that you would scold me as stupid as a teacher. On Monday, I came to school in fear, but I found that I was wrong. You were very gentle. Instead of criticizing me, you kept encouraging me. For the first time, I was praised by others. You don't know how excited I was at that time. Later, we became a pair of inseparable good friends and stayed together every day. During the summer vacation, we made an appointment to see each other after school started. I always hope that school will start earlier every day, so that we can continue together. It was not easy to look forward to the beginning of school, but I didn't see your familiar figure on the day of reporting for duty. Many students are talking about your transfer, but I don't believe you will leave without saying goodbye. I have found a suitable excuse for you. Maybe you are sick, and you will come tomorrow. But a few days later, your seat was still empty. From the teacher, I got the news that you were going to Beijing to study. At that time, tears blurred my eyes. I wanted to cry bitterly, but I held back.

Is our friendship broken like this? I really don't want to believe what happened

Class 6 (1), Dongfeng Primary School, Qiaodong District, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Grade 6: Ban Yufeng

400 Words of Lost Friendship (3)

Lost Friendship: "You said that we are best friends..." "Sorry, I regret it..." Xixi looked at Tong's departure, and tears came down again. "Tong Tong, what's wrong with you today? Why are you so angry?" Tong's mother asked, "Nothing, just a little bit awkward with her friends.", Tong left this sentence and slammed the door. Sitting on the swing in the garden is a girl, Xixi. The garden is where she and Tong often come to play. Looking up at the sky, Xixi felt very sad because Tong was her best friend after all, but now, how could Tong say that she would not be a friend? Tong walked out of the house, but he could not help walking to the garden. The sky was still gray. Suddenly Tong saw a figure. It was Xixi. Tong had to hide. "Why? She cried. Anyway, she never regarded me as a friend. Cry and cry, I don't care..." Tong tried to be brave, but he couldn't help looking at her. "Do you still regard her as a friend? Why would that happen? Why should I cry?" Xixi thought, But the tears came out like a spring... The memory began to recede, and scenes returned to that day... "I went on duty! Wait for me first! Don't forget to tell my teacher what homework to leave after I come back." "OK, you go!" This is a pair of friends who used to be so close to each other, but after Tong returned on duty, everything changed, Xixi didn't wait for her, and didn't even tell her what homework the teacher left. As a result, Tong was told by the teacher the next day, so Tong counted all these enemies on Xixi. Since then, the class has lost a pair of very tacit friends. But who knows why that night? Only Xixi knows, but Xixi knows that she will not believe what she says now. She must think that she is sophistry, so Xixi can only watch her friends stay away from her. Tong doesn't know what's going on. Now she is inexplicably jealous when she sees Xi Xi. So Tong talks ill of Xi Xi with her classmates. But Tong doesn't know how much she hurt Xi Xi's heart when she did this. This lost friendship has not only happened to them, but also to us and you. Everyone's heart has been tortured by the pain

400 Words of Lost Friendship (4)

Lost friendship I remember the time of that year in my mind when I was in the fourth grade. I have a very harmonious friend and I am grateful for him. When I was in the third grade, my parents received me from the countryside to study in the county town. Because I was young and ignorant, I was also a rustic. As a result, my friends were interlaced. In only one year, my interest in learning changed with each passing day. Achievements plummet. When I was in the fourth grade, my grades began to become unattractive, and even my parents who hoped to get rid of poverty and become rich were amazed. Fortunately, I met him, my classmate, who was a little fat, and became the object of ridicule in the class from time to time. He was always studying hard behind me. Gradually, I was not good at communication, and I was influenced by him. I don't know when we became rivals in learning together, both partners and enemies. The results began to be good, he taught me a lot, but time flies, but it is our time that has passed, and the memories of that year are retained. After we graduated from primary school, we lost contact with each other. Even though we sometimes worried about each other, our desire became disappointment forever. In junior high school, I was an inanimate person who might make friends indiscriminately. They made me neglect my studies; When I was in the third year of junior high, I finally found him. Even if I didn't meet him, he lived well and studied very well. I can't compete with him. At first, I thought that our friendship would be very firm, but... although I found his contact information, his voice on the phone seemed sad, the tacit understanding between us had disappeared at that moment, and then I felt as if we could not be the same as in previous years, we were separated by a transparent and inaccessible wall. The estrangement makes us live in a different world. This reality is like thousands of hands pulling me back from the "wall" to my own situation. Then I lost it, that honest friendship. Junior 3: Flying Bird II

400 Words of Lost Friendship (5)

Lost friendship People say that family is the most precious thing in the world. But if you lose friendship, what's the fun of life? There has always been a person around me who can forgive me, listen to me and care about me. She is my friend. I don't want to write her name, I just want to praise her silently. When I first entered middle school, my grades were not ideal. Because of her help, I was climbing up step by step. Until now, she has been helping me. When I was most helpless, I saw her figure. When I felt sad, only she listened to me carefully. When I was angry, she was still tolerant of me. But now that I have lost her, she has a new friend. After 10 years of being a friend, she suddenly turns into nothing. I don't know why we have changed from friends to just joking classmates sometimes? I don't want to ask her. I know she has her reasons. It's time for me to understand her. Now that you have friends, don't make conflicts because of little things. If you really regard each other as friends, you should be more tolerant of each other. When you really lose, you will feel a sense of desolation and cherish the friendship between you. Shanghai Fengxian District Touqiao Middle School Junior One

400 words of lost friendship (6)

Lost friendship

People say that family is the most precious thing in the world. But if you lose your friendship, what's the fun of life?

There has always been a person around me who can forgive me, listen to me and care about me. She is my friend. I don't want to write her name, I just want to praise her silently.

When I first entered middle school, my grades were not ideal. Because of her help, I was climbing up step by step. Until now, she has been helping me. When I was most helpless, I saw her figure. When I felt sad, only she listened to me carefully. When I was angry, she was still tolerant of me.

But now that I have lost her, she has a new friend. After 10 years of being a friend, she suddenly turns into nothing. I don't know why we have changed from friends to just joking classmates sometimes? I don't want to ask her. I know she has her reasons. It's time for me to understand her.

Now that you have friends, don't make conflicts because of little things. If you really regard each other as friends, you should be more tolerant

Friendship is precious 400 (6)

She's gone. She's gone forever. I can't see her anymore

It was autumn. When the withered and yellow leaves fell, she left the world of remembrance and me, leaving only a vermilion wooden music box.

She is my best friend. I remember when I was 6 years old, playing with children, I fell my head into a hole, and my blood kept straight. Lying on the white bed in the hospital, wearing patient clothes, bored, looking up at the ceiling all day. One day, the nurse aunt brought a little friend. I saw her. She walked up to me, looked up, handed me a big red apple, and cried; "I went to Grandma Shiyan's house. I miss you so much in Shiyan. I brought you one because you love eating apples. Eat it quickly. Tomorrow I will hang thousands of paper cranes in this ward, so that your illness will be cured quickly." The next day, she did hang thousands of paper cranes in the ward. I cried and cried happily.

In the days when I was ill, she always accompanied me and made me happy.

However, when she was 7 years old, she got leukemia. In the autumn full of leaves, she left, forever.

It's the autumn wind again. The autumn leaves are falling in piles. I miss you so much, friend.

Friendship is precious 400 (7)

Between last year and this year, our class has been writing class diaries, that is, boys and girls write compositions. Whoever writes well will get high scores. In this fierce competition, we fight to the death. We also set a plan for how to deal with each other to win. Every time, the plan has to be changed. Because different people have different unique skills, the old method is not good, so we need to improve. After a period of competition, we boys think that girls have a greater advantage, while girls think that boys have a greater advantage, so sometimes we are noisy or have conflicts.

But soon after the beginning of school, there was a new teacher, Miss Zhong. Since she came, all the students like her very much, especially girls. When we finished reading the class diary, Miss Zhong said to us: "Students, a composition, a diary, no matter who writes or reads, only better, no best. Students should live in harmony." Mr. Zhong's words made most of the students understand a truth: in a class, students should have friendship, and create a peaceful future, whether it is competition, writing, etc., friendship is indispensable, because without friendship, people cannot survive, without friendship, there is no peace in the world, there is no society.

Since then, the students have cared for each other and cared for each other. When they read the class diary, they did not make any noise. Because we want to trust the teacher, trust the teacher's vision, trust the teacher's judgment, we can have friendship and peace!

Friendship is precious 400 (8)

There is a newly born bird lying quietly in the warm nest. It looks very lovely in blue clothes, sharp mouth and a pair of black bright eyes. The bird is called Grey Grey.

One day, Grey Grey wanted to travel because he was curious and yearning for the outside world. At this time, a reindeer came over. Ash asked quickly, "Sister reindeer, can you take me to see the outside world?" "Yes," the reindeer said. Ash carefully flew to the reindeer's back.

So the reindeer started the journey with the birds on their backs. They passed the waterfall. The waterfalls fell down from the top of the mountain like silver belts. It was really spectacular. Then they came to the orchard, yellow oranges like little red lanterns. They looked straight. Ash picked two and tasted them with reindeer. They ate with relish.

Then they came to the endless prairie. Gray was amazed and flapped his wings. Suddenly, an eagle circled on the bird's head, and then swooped down in the direction of the bird, but the bird did not know it. The bird was about to be caught by the eagle. Just at the critical moment, the reindeer was desperate and had to use its horn to head it, so Ash was able to escape. Ashy was frightened into a cold sweat and said to the reindeer, "Thank you for sparing no effort to save me." The reindeer said sheepishly, "You're welcome, we are good friends." They went back happily.