Heard (10 Collections)
Ice and clean
2024-01-20 06:34:53
Junior two

Heard (1)

After a long time, I heard that you are doing well.

Not long ago, I learned some news about a friend of mine many years ago. Strange to say, it is not easy to find someone in such a fast information transmission era.

That was my childhood friend. We were neighbors when we were young, but we never went to school in the same school. However, I am a very good friend. We lived together, watched animation, played chess, wrote homework together, worked together, caught dragonflies together, and spent wonderful and innocent childhood together. It was so happy, so happy, So unforgettable.

However, when we were young, we probably didn't think that we would be separated, so that time was also short. We were all very sad when we parted, but at that time, we did not leave any way to contact each other. I have been sad for many days, and even now I remember that the sense of loneliness in the new school has become more and more strong, but at that time, it seems that I could not find a clear reason.

If we want to say why the memory is clear, it is probably because it is the first good friend in the true sense. Maybe it's good for me to have friends around now, but I always feel that I was happier when I was a child. Maybe it's the same reason that grown-up people like to miss their youth. At this age, I like to miss my childhood.

In fact, children may not understand emotion, but they also understand it in their heart. Just like a few days before I left, I didn't tell her the news that I was leaving, so I probably couldn't say it. Who can imagine a small person can also think of this. Now I don't believe in my own thinking. Probably, because after that, there was no such thing, because I had to think about it.

However, what you think is not life. One of the characteristics of life is that it will change. It is probably what others said that plans cannot keep up with changes. In the graduation season, some of my friends will also be separated from me. However, this time, I learned smart. Even if we are still in a city, we all know that we should leave some ways to connect. Within our ability, we can get together more and maintain our friendship.

Maybe it seems that my childhood friends taught me a lesson, but in fact, I don't think so, not only because we are young. It is because I always feel that the friendship does not need to be maintained, and I am always willing to treat her as my friend, even if I can't see, meet or contact her, as long as she exists, even if I lose my memory, she really exists. We had fun together, felt sad, worked hard together, and grew up together. In any case, she amazed the time, had memories about her, and gently recalled the good childhood years. What's wrong, and what's not enough?

After a long time, if you can hear about it, you have a good life. In that way, it will be very good.

Heard (2)

I finally understand you

We were friends when we were young

Listen, tell and talk

Eat fermented skin together on the street

Write sad poems together at night


You are fading away in time


Far away without a trace of nostalgia

I have often dreamed of you in my dreams

I have been looking for you persistently in reality

How about finding it

You've been lying quietly in my circle of friends ever since

Be indifferent

Unusually beautiful

Once felt regretful and sad

I was such an indifferent person

You are my deeply rooted friendship

How could it disappear inexplicably

The ups and downs of these years

Meet and depart from many people

Keep in touch with some old friends

But I found that I forced myself to keep in touch and pretended that the friendship would last forever

What a boring and tiring thing

I finally want to cut off these connections

Just like you

No right or wrong

No judgment

Just as a relationship

No longer bring you the joy of your soul

Even sometimes it brings boredom and estrangement

Cut it off!

I just want to, my heart

A bosom amber/ writing

A wine shop/ pick

Wish you a smile

Heard (3)

This is a shocking report!

The cover of a magazine was printed with a picture of an unformed, bloody fetus. After an investigation in Guangdong, the reporter revealed the creepy truth behind the picture: someone even took a baby as a tonic!

My body twitched like an electric shock, and my stomach immediately expressed disgust. Fear, shock and anger poured out, and I rushed out in a hurry. Looking up at the sky, the sun is still shining. How can one imagine such a dark thing happening under this clear sky; How can one believe that such a wicked tragedy can be staged under the bright sunshine? The sky is so blue and transparent. How can people's hearts be so turbid and dangerous! The primitive tribes regarded dead people as food, which was considered cruel. Modern people regarded wild animals as food, and people with a sense of justice also stood up to protest, not to mention the blood and flesh of the fetus, not to mention the life that was conceived?

When he was angry, his breath became heavy. This tragedy shocked people, but also left deep thinking. For the sake of their own so-called health, the party concerned would not hesitate to kill the unformed little life! Of course, health is what people seek, and who would have thought that valuable health should be associated with this bloody, cruel and even cruel means! And just under this seemingly healthy body, there are abnormal hearts, distorted personalities, and ugly souls. Such health is a thousand times more terrible than extreme sickness! However, what has created such a distorted personality? How can we tolerate such ugly phenomena of praise and abuse of life in today's society where the rule of law is practiced and humanitarianism is advocated? Today, with the continuous accumulation of wealth, money has not satisfied some people's endless desires while enriching their material life. Instead, it has "created" freaks who will do anything to satisfy themselves! Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, computer "Dark Blue" can even defeat chess master Kasparov, but no machine can create perfect human nature!

Mr. Huang Yongyu once said, "I love the world deeply, including its sorrow!" However, no matter how much he loves the world, he cannot love its evil! When we appreciate roses, we should face up to their thorns. Whether people should fill the spiritual void when constantly creating material wealth; When people are constantly beautifying their lives, should they first beautify their own souls? Everyone who loves this world has the responsibility to eradicate its dark side! Otherwise, who can guarantee that the tragedy will not happen again?


Heard (4)

The battle robes were flying in the dust and sand halberds, the war drums were exploding and reverberating in my mind, and the image of the hero, like steel or iron, was moving with the burning blood in my mind, writing the heartfelt heroic and exuberant. Heroism in the world should be opposed to mediocrity. Heroic spirit has become an extremely important part of the spiritual world of Chinese people for hundreds of years.

So how can such feelings shock us? Why is it shocking? How shocked? What are heroes? In troubled times, heroes emerge, and Yue Fei, the sword hero who drives a long car to break through, will be born among the golden enemies. The times and society make heroes. In troubled times, they can give us stronger appeal and shock in peaceful times. Young people are heroes. Heroes are heroic. The swords are mounted and cut through the city. It's just the time for young people. The blood of youth makes the hero's image more three-dimensional and vivid. No matter the heroic heroes in the Water Margin or the true heroic epics in the Three Kingdoms, all heroes have a pure heart to recommend Xuanyuan with blood and repay the motherland with heart.

Qiu Jin in the Republic of China was no stronger than a man in body, but stronger in heart. Through the smoke of war, she would die for her country. Who said that women are not British things? At night, the dragon springs sing on the wall. Heroes regard this as a hero. Why is it shocking? Heroes are the combination of subjective feelings and objective impressions. Therefore, the demonization of heroes was widely and fully affirmed by people in the feudal period. The reason lies in the guidance and exploration of the emotional direction of justice.

People often endow heroes with the ability to be different from ordinary people in the artistic works describing heroes. Heroic feelings are a hand. It passes through countless time and space. After passing through countless nights and dusk, it still firmly holds our hearts and gives us a powerful shock in our emotional understanding. Heroic feelings not only infect us through deeds, but also touch our heartstrings through words. For example, Xin Qiji of the Southern Song Dynasty, the general of the poem, who was leaping and turbulent and gloomy and desolate, was famous for many battles.

The water is rustling, the west wind is cold, and the clothes are full of snow. The image of a patriotic poet is in between the lines. Xin Qiji's patriotic feeling of holding the lamp and watching the sword when drunk has become a moving and impassioned song in the historical trend.

The hero's brilliance and blood hit the earth like a comet, and the sparks of impact burst out the strong and special power between the firmament.

From the postgame in ancient times to Li Cunmei, a Jingke in feudal society, to Yang Liwei in Zhong Nanshan today. In different times, heroes convey their power with the same emotion, giving us the most powerful and vivid spiritual power.

Heroes are extraordinary individuals born under the times and destiny, and also emotional value necessities for a nation and a country to stand in the world's national forest. The soul of a hero transmits the same power in different times.

When the cold halberd of sinking sand is ready to come out of its sheath, the heroic feelings of the times are called in the tide and wind and rain. We are tenacious and tenacious, delivering vivid emotional power, and stand firm in the wind and rain. And all of this, only because we - heard the word hero.

Heard (5)

Occasionally, I saw this kind of flower on the Internet. It's small and exquisite. It's really beautiful.

This is a kind of flower born on the Gobi Desert. What attracted me most at the beginning was that it took three years to blossom, but the real flowering period was only three days.

Three days later, it will wither and fall. Don't you admire the spirit of three days in three years!

So this kind of flower will stay in my heart from now on.

This should also be a holy flower!

Heard (6)

Indeed, youth is too long for them

Youth is a kind of thing that is easy to give people an illusion. It makes people feel that youth is still long and early! Youth is pure as white paper, but the red and white outside the building painted its surface, blinding the eyes of young men and girls, in their eyes, youth is immortal. Youth is a cheap and valuable thing. Its cheapness lies in that everyone can have it; Its value lies in that no one can repeat it.

Youth is not only the striving and positive face of young men, but also the spirit of young women not to give way to men. Do you think that the swallows are still the ones who went when they came back? Do you think the willows are withered? When they are green again, you will feel that the tender new leaves of the willows are still withered in the wind in previous years? Do you think that when the peach blossoms fade and bloom again, you will feel that life is as long as Bing Xin said that the river of life is endless?

Only the four seasons of reincarnation, no reincarnation of life!

But there are some people in life who are not like mediocre people, and they are not "a generation of mediocrity and incompetence".

Jiang Fangzhou, my idol. For some people chasing entertainment stars, it may be very strange! She is a modern girl with wisdom and beauty! People only see that she is enveloped in the aura of youth and success, but they don't know whether she is chasing the non-existent stars with her mobile phone in her 20 years of youth, or is it just a pen that can be picked up and put down?

Whenever I see someone who keeps talking about the appearance of a star like I used to, I always have a mentality of hating iron but not steel. I don't want them to complain about the past and regret it like I did!

I'm not a saint, I can't be perfect, there are too many regrets in my youth, the same, I don't want to have green girls, youth withers early.

May everyone, like Jiang Fangzhou, work hard for more than ten years to gain the light of success!

The frown book was written in the autumn of 2018

Heard (7)

When you hear of love, there are nine sorrows in ten. Why don't you make up your mind and go back to being A, B, C and D.

I remember the first time I saw this sentence on Weibo, it was a bit shocking. But after a long time, I chewed this sentence slowly and felt it was not appropriate.

I know a lot of things that you are unwilling to say and never confide to anyone. At that time, what you thought was never as simple as we thought.

We dare to boldly assume that all those moral sentiments have been understood and discovered by others. Our story is destined not to be so easy at that time.

As they said, it's pitiful and pitiful.

I think that the songs that I have heard will be as beautiful and innocent as everyone imagined to some extent.

However, is your right a bit excessive? They can gently think right, but they never know where you are or what your position is.

These are all things we don't know, so for such a long time, the happiness we feel is completely different.

Maybe we should do more questions, give ourselves some strict requirements, and then under such circumstances, give ourselves a completely different opportunity to see through our dreams and our sadness.

Heard (8)

On the bus to the school, I listened to the gossip of several aunts on the bus because I was bored. At first, I didn't have much interest. It was all about Zhang's parents and Li's family. But after hearing about this, I began to think deeply

The story goes like this: A little boy, who was studying in the city, missed the last bus when he came home on Saturday because of some things. Facing this situation, he had two choices: one was to take another bus, but he was penniless. Second, I walked home, but the distance was nearly 24 kilometers, and it was about 5:30 at that time. Of course, he can also go back to school and ask the teacher for help, or find another way. However, facing 24 kilometers, he resolutely chose to walk.

He walked for three hours. His mother was worried and asked around. When she saw her son and knew that he had walked such a long way, she felt sad and happy. She was glad that her son was so strong and sad that he was 24 kilometers away

I can't help thinking when I hear this. I don't know how to evaluate this little boy. He is only 12 years old. Everyone's perspective is different. Maybe some people will think that he is a strong man. He is really strong enough. However, on the other hand, is he very "stupid"? Why doesn't he seek help from others? Why not do something about it? He can even call home to explain the situation to his parents. As for the telephone, I believe that anyone who is kind will borrow it. However, what on earth made the little boy choose the most "stupid" way to go home?

I think deeply, I can't find the answer for myself! Are you afraid of the "evil" of human nature? Isn't it true that there are more and more good people? Is it an impulse? But how can he walk 24 kilometers on impulse? I can't imagine. I still don't understand——

What makes a man?

Heard (9)

I was surprised to hear that Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, the gold medal seeds of badminton women's doubles in China, were disqualified from the Olympic Games. First they were unbelievable, then they were shocked and angry.

After a detailed understanding of the incident, it is generally like this: it was reported that Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, Chinese women's doubles badminton players, were disqualified from the quarter finals because of injuries and illness and failed to spare no effort to lose to the South Korean team in order to ensure the quality of the next match. A lot of controversies arose at the time, among which many domestic and foreign media strongly criticized and blamed this. For this, I think as a Chinese who loves the country, it is necessary and necessary to stand up and defend!

First, for this matter, let's not say whether the "water release" behavior of the Chinese team is correct, but let's go back to the root cause of this behavior. I think the reason why the Chinese team adopted such a method is the change of the competition system. Because of the change of the competition system, once Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli win this competition, there will be a strong battle between China and China. In fact, if it's just the competition between the two teams on the field, it's nothing. However, it is precisely because of the change of the competition system that the losing team will not be able to participate in the gold and silver medal competition. If China's Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli were disqualified because they did not go all out and did not respect the Olympic spirit of friendship, understanding, unity and fair competition, should the Badminton Federation, as an intermediary, be deprived of its right to make rules when it chooses such unfair competition rules! Olympic Games. This is a fair, just and open international competition. Whoever is strong should win the first prize. The whole world knows clearly that China, the champion team of badminton, has the strength and courage to win gold and silver. Who can say that the team that lost in the competition is worse than the team that won the silver medal in the final? And what are the most fair Olympic competition rules, and why, and why, can they stop China's best Olympic athletes from winning the championship?

Second, when it comes to the behavior of the Chinese team, we have made some mistakes. We should not reserve our strength on this top international stage. However, these two athletes have injury reasons. Do they want to put their best performance in the most important competition to make their mistakes? If we say, we should not fail to do our best, should not "reasonably apply the rules", and should not play tacit football. Is it up to the athletes to decide what happens? Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, they have enough strength to win the championship. What's the need for them to play this game of tacit understanding? To do so is to comply with the strategic arrangements of the national badminton team. So why should they stand on the cusp of the storm and accept the baptism of everyone's saliva? Is their hard work fake? Are their efforts fake? Is their strength fake? That time and time again training, that time and time again falling and climbing figure, that for the dream, dedicated to sports heart is false? Looking at their sweat and tears step by step, can anyone say that they do not respect the Olympic spirit? Can anyone say that they are the "scum" and "disgrace" of our country?

Can anyone say that they should accept the most cruel punishment?

Heard (10)

Chinese, stand up and tell the world that China is not easy to bully!

I was surprised to hear that Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, the gold medal seeds of badminton women's doubles in China, were disqualified from the Olympic Games. First they were unbelievable, then they were shocked and angry.

After a detailed understanding of the incident, it is roughly like this: it was reported that Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, Chinese women's doubles badminton players, were disqualified from the competition due to injuries and illness and failed to spare no effort to lose to the South Korean team in order to ensure the quality of the next game in the 1 ﹨ 4 match, and were questioned for "letting go". A lot of controversies arose at the time, among which many domestic and foreign media strongly criticized and blamed this. For this, I think as a Chinese who loves the country, it is necessary and necessary to stand up and defend!

First, for this matter, let's not say whether the "water release" behavior of the Chinese team is correct, but let's go back to the root cause of this behavior. I think the reason why the Chinese team adopted such a method is the change of the competition system. Because of the change of the competition system, once Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli win this competition, there will be a strong battle between China and China. In fact, if it's just the competition between the two teams on the field, it's nothing. However, it is precisely because of the change of the competition system that the losing team will not be able to participate in the gold and silver medal competition. If China's Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli were disqualified because they did not go all out and did not respect the Olympic spirit of friendship, understanding, unity and fair competition, should the Badminton Federation, as an intermediary, be deprived of its right to make rules when it chooses such unfair competition rules! Olympic Games. This is a fair, just and open international competition. Whoever is strong should win the first prize. The whole world knows clearly that China, the champion team of badminton, has the strength and courage to win gold and silver. Who can say that the team that lost in the competition is worse than the team that won the silver medal in the final? And what are the most fair Olympic competition rules, and why, and why, can they stop China's best Olympic athletes from winning the championship?

Second, when it comes to the behavior of the Chinese team, we have made some mistakes. We should not reserve our strength on this top international stage. However, these two athletes have injury reasons. Do they want to put their best performance in the most important competition to make their mistakes? If we say, we should not fail to do our best, should not "reasonably apply the rules", and should not play tacit football. Is it up to the athletes to decide what happens? Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, they have enough strength to win the championship. What's the need for them to play this game of tacit understanding? To do so is to comply with the strategic arrangements of the national badminton team. So why should they stand on the cusp of the storm and accept the baptism of everyone's saliva? Is their hard work fake? Are their efforts fake? Is their strength fake? That time and time again training, that time and time again falling and climbing figure, that for the dream, dedicated to sports heart is false? Looking at their sweat and tears step by step, can anyone say that they do not respect the Olympic spirit? Can anyone say that they are the "scum" and "disgrace" of our country? Can anyone say that they should accept the most cruel punishment?

Third, the announcement of the solution and punishment of this matter, I think, is the most sad. The disqualification of the Olympic Games is a great blow to the athletes who train day and night for the Olympic Games. It is just like the students who are ready to take the exam but are just informed not to take the exam. The British and American media that disclosed this matter, at this time, were able to criticize how wrong the Chinese team was. But if it is the United States that has this strength today, it is Britain. Do these US and British media who claim to be "honest men" still have the courage to say such words? Each of us is deeply aware that they will do better than us. Moreover, let's not say whether the United States and Britain will be disclosed, but only discuss if today, the United States or Britain is in this position. Will they get the same punishment as us? Or is there an unfair factor? In the 1948 London Olympic Games, the British women's sculling competition. The United Kingdom, in the same way as China, deliberately lost one match in the game to avoid Denmark, the strong team in the semi-finals. At that time, how did the British media evaluate this behavior? They said it was a "great adventure" and a "pioneering effort in history". Today. On the other hand, the British media scoffed at this behavior of China and were filled with righteous indignation. Isn't that ridiculous? Why should China accept such unequal treatment? Why can Britain, which does not follow equal diplomacy, become the host country of the Olympic Games? Isn't this a laughing stock of the whole world?

Fourth, if viewed from the negative side, this incident just reflects the threat of US and British hegemonism to China, and also reflects the rampant US and British hegemonism in the whole world. In 2008, at the Beijing Olympic Games, the 16-year-old American Michael Phelps won 8 Olympic swimming gold medals. He was praised as a genius in swimming. In 2012, at the London Olympic Games, Ye Shiwen, a talented girl in China, won only two swimming gold medals and was repeatedly accused by foreign media with ulterior motives of drinking doping. What makes foreign media so arrogant? They are arrogant hegemonists. They were afraid of China's rapid growth and strength. They seized on one of China's minor flaws, made a big speech, attacked with all their strength, and even paid a high price to invite some famous domestic journalists to be gunmen to start China's internal strife. They want to suppress China again. They want to trample on China again. Should we be subjected to foreign deliberate oppression and soft violence? no We should stand up and tell the world, China, with our own strength! It's not easy to bully!

Speaking of this, I don't know whether as a Chinese, there are still people who have the face to blame Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli's behavior for China's disgrace, and whether there is courage to say that this time the face of Chinese people is completely disgraced. At this moment, I just want to give my silent support and cheer to Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli, who make me proud. And please ask yourself, Chinese, why aren't you angry? Say, Chinese, you should wake up!