Washing clothes for mother (7 articles are preferred)
2024-04-11 08:04:43
primary school

Washing clothes for mother (1)

When I was young, I always did wrong things in front of my mother, and always made my mother angry.

On the first day of this year, I washed clothes for my mother. I found my mother finally smiled. That kind of smile is sweet in my heart, sweet as if falling into a honey pot.

Washing clothes for mother (2)

Nowadays, it is common to wash clothes for my mother. Every time I wash clothes for my mother, I always think of the scene of washing clothes for my mother for the first time in the second grade winter vacation.

The north wind was howling, and I was bending my head to count the "mouth" on my mother's shabby clothes. "One, two, three..." A total of twelve "mouths"! And big! I'm distracted again. I need to wash my rags quickly. "Rub, rub, hey!" I sang as I washed. Before long, I said to myself, "Mom's clothes are so dirty." Suddenly, my face turned red, and I suddenly woke up. The reason why Mom's clothes are so dirty is that she runs around doing housework, neglecting her own cleanliness. But I still laugh at my mother here. It's really wrong. Fortunately, my mother didn't hear what I just said, otherwise, the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional, and my mother would be sad.

The breeze blowing also brought my thoughts back to reality from three years ago. I think my mother's hobbies are selfless, her mother's efforts are selfless, and her doctor is selfless. I, my mother's daughter, should use my hands, my love, and my heart to do what I can to repay this great maternal love.

Women's Day is coming. I want to bless my mother with the most sincere voice: "Mom, happy holiday, I love you, let our love flow forever!"

Washing clothes for mother (3)

Today, the sun is shining brightly. I think it is most suitable to wash clothes in such a fine weather. "Mom, I want to help you wash your clothes, OK?" I looked at my mother expectantly for fear that she would not agree. Mom was busy. Maybe she didn't have time to rub her lips with me. Without raising her head, she waved: "Just wash if you want." I brought a basin, put the clothes in the basin, and poured hot water. We can start. I rolled up my sleeves, poured some laundry into it, and rubbed it again and again. Eh, why is it still so dirty? I'm so angry that I won't wash it. I threw down my clothes angrily and quit drying. When my mother heard the news, she ran up to me and said, "You have no patience at all. You should be patient when doing anything, otherwise you can't do it well!" I nodded my head, as if I understood something. If I fight with clothes again, I don't believe I can't clean them. Soak my clothes in water and sit there to think of a solution. After a few minutes, I tried to pour more washing powder into the dirty place and rubbed it vigorously. Ah, yes, the clothes are getting clean. Hey, I see. Washing powder can't be rushed. You can't catch your eyebrows and beard at once. You can wash wherever you are dirty. In this way, I cleaned the clothes bit by bit and finally cleaned the whole clothes. My mother always praised that I was a good and capable child, and my heart could not mention how happy I was.

Washing clothes for mother (4)

Come into the room and have a look. Ouch! Why are there so many dirty clothes? I thought: Mom is working in the fields and needs to wash these clothes when she comes back. Isn't that too hard? Yes, I will help my mother wash these clothes!

Just do it. First, I ladle two scoops of cold water into the large basin, then mix some hot water, soak the dirty clothes in it, and wash away the dust on their surfaces. Then I put my clothes in the washbasin, poured out the muddy water, replaced it with clean water, mixed it with hot water, and put on the washing powder. When the washing powder dissolved in water, I soaked the clothes in it and scrubbed them vigorously. As I was washing, I suddenly remembered that my mother had told me that when washing clothes, we should put detergent on the collar and sleeve of the coat and rub them more; The buttocks and cuffs of trousers should also be scrubbed vigorously. Thinking of this, I dipped these parts of the clothes in water again, and then put on the washing powder and rubbed them hard. Adults' clothes are really hard to wash, especially Dad's clothes. Because of doing chores all day long, they always get large stains on them. For this reason, I put a bath of detergent on his clothes and rubbed it vigorously. I shook off the foam on my hands and opened my clothes one by one to check them. I did my best to eliminate the stains on my clothes. Humming "Song of Laundry", I rinse out these clothes and put them on the clothes hanger. Watching my parents' clothes flying in the wind on the clothes hanger, my heart felt like eating peaches. "Squeak!" The door rang. It must be my father and mother coming back. I quickly hid in the house. My mother's surprise voice came from the yard: "It's really clean." I felt very happy when I heard this sentence.

I feel that when I grow up, I should do some housework within my power to reduce the burden of my parents.

Washing clothes for mother (5)

Early in the morning, I got up. I opened the door and saw my mother making breakfast in the kitchen. I said to my mother, "Mom, today is Women's Day, March 8th. I wish you a happy holiday! Is there any dirty clothes at home? I'll help you wash them!" My mother smiled and nodded, agreeing. I came to the balcony and saw several dirty clothes in the tub. I took one of them, found a tub, filled it with water, and put the clothes in the water for a while. Then take it out of the water, find a piece of soap, and apply it to the clothes. At this time, my mother came and said to me, "The collar, sleeve and chest of the clothes are the dirtiest, so they should be washed well. Next, I found a brush and tried my best to brush the clothes. Soon, the dirty spots on the clothes were "invited" away by me and flowed into the wooden basin. After only ten minutes of work, my hands felt sore, my waist was bent, and my nose was sweating slightly. But as soon as I wanted to make my mother happy, I continued to wash it. Then, the last stage is the cleaning stage. I poured out the dirty and foamy water and replaced it with a basin of clean water. Then soak the clothes in the water for a period of time and rub them continuously. Then put it into the washing machine for dehydration. Later, I washed it twice in clean water, and by the last time, there was no foam in the water. So I dried it and hung it on the balcony to dry. It's finally washed! I jumped up happily. My mother looked at the clean clothes on the balcony, looked at me with sweat and water on my face, smiled brightly, kissed me on the face, and said with a smile that I was really a good and capable child.

By helping my mother wash clothes, I realized my mother's usual hard work. She has to go to work during the day and wash so many clothes for me at night. How tired and bitter she is! I also want to be a clean and sanitary person like my mother, let her wash less clothes, help her do more housework within her power, and reduce her burden.

Washing clothes for mother (6)

By helping my mother wash clothes, I realized my mother's usual hard work. She has to go to work during the day and wash so many clothes for me at night. How tired and bitter she is! I also want to be a clean and sanitary person like my mother, let her wash less clothes, help her do more housework within her power, and reduce her burden.

Washing clothes for mother (7)

Today is the annual "March 8th" International Women's Day.

Early in the morning, I got up. I opened the door and saw my mother making breakfast in the kitchen. I said to my mother, "Mom, today is Women's Day, March 8th. I wish you a happy holiday! Is there any dirty clothes at home? I'll help you wash them!" My mother smiled and nodded, agreeing. I came to the balcony and saw several dirty clothes in the tub. I took one of them, found a tub, filled it with water, and put the clothes in the water for a while. Then take it out of the water, find a piece of soap, and apply it to the clothes. At this time, my mother came and said to me, "The collar, sleeve and chest of the clothes are the dirtiest, so they should be washed well. Next, I found a brush and tried my best to brush the clothes. Soon, the dirty spots on the clothes were "invited" away by me and flowed into the wooden basin. After only ten minutes of work, my hands felt sore, my waist was bent, and my nose was sweating slightly. But as soon as I wanted to make my mother happy, I continued to wash it. Then, the last stage is the cleaning stage. I poured out the dirty and foamy water and replaced it with a basin of clean water. Then soak the clothes in the water for a period of time and rub them continuously. Then put it into the washing machine for dehydration. Later, I washed it twice in clean water, and by the last time, there was no foam in the water. So I dried it and hung it on the balcony to dry. It's finally washed! I jumped up happily. My mother looked at the clean clothes on the balcony, looked at me with sweat and water on my face, smiled brightly, kissed me on the face, and said with a smile that I was really a good and capable child.

By helping my mother wash clothes, I realized my mother's usual hard work. She has to go to work during the day and wash so many clothes for me at night. How tired and bitter she is! I also want to be a clean and sanitary person like my mother, let her wash less clothes, help her do more housework within her power, and reduce her burden.