Blessing words for joining the army Blessing words for children joining the army (120 selected sentences)
Peace of mind is a blessing
2023-01-25 20:37:46
Blessing words

1. The top of the military cap is the responsibility, the top of the military uniform is solemn, the top of the military shoes is sacred, the top of the military cap is the mission, the top of the text message is a blessing, I wish to join the army happy, and win honor for the country.

2. People in green barracks yearn to swallow mountains and rivers with vigor and vitality. It is a mission to defend the country. The red flag guides the way forward. Under the command of officers and men, they make outstanding achievements on the charge road. May the youth join the army enthusiastically, promote our national prestige, strengthen our military spirit, and join the army with honor.

3. You are going to join the army, and you will be given a blessing. Keep in mind the instructions. Training is hard, and safety is fundamental. Contact more often, and don't forget to write a letter. May you take care of yourself. The military camp is built for meritorious deeds. Wine and flowers are dedicated to the victorious people!

4. A man should be self strengthening, a man should be independent, and a man should be responsible. A daughter should be independent, a daughter should be confident, and a daughter should be a soldier. Who says only men can be soldiers? It is a glorious thing for men and women to join the army!

5. Raise the flag high, listen to the Party's orders, always keep the steel gun in hand, and always remember the mission; In order to defend our country, we are willing to devote ourselves; Desperate to protect the people; This is a kind and respectable soldier. Joining the army will honor your life, and I wish you a happy and eternal military career!

6. Not for money or fame, but for youth and brilliance, integrity and integrity are hidden in the heart, and joining the army is glorious and the whole family is happy. I wish my brothers a strong will in their military career, practice their skills hard, be happy and wear medals of honor.

7. It's said that being a soldier is hard and tiring, but being a soldier is admired by people. It's hard to fight drought and provide disaster relief, defend the country and people, sacrifice oneself for the people, and bear hardships and stand hard without complaining. I know that you should send a short message to congratulate you, and the road to becoming a soldier is bright and wireless!

8. I joined the army, was satisfied, and the whole family was happy. I wore red flowers, set off firecrackers, and it was time to enter the military camp's bridal chamber. Remember, don't cry hard after suffering, and don't become a deserter if you can't bear it. I wish you a happy life in the military camp, like a honeymoon.

9. When the spring flowers and autumn moon are coming, how much do you know about joining the army? Last night, I didn't sleep. The soul of the army should still be there, but I asked you when it was the most glorious time to join the army. I wish you many wonderful achievements and victorious returns.

10. There is a pursuit called loyalty to the country; There is a belief that we will never regret. Put on the military uniform and cap, and wish the soldiers who are about to join the army a good journey.

11. In the cold winter, you guard the border; In the hot summer, you still guard the border; At all times of the year, what we can do is to send blessings to you! I wish you happiness, I believe you are the most glorious!

12. Soldiers are the embodiment of justice and the most lovely people! To be a man, you should be a soldier. Friends, come on! Joining the army is our most glorious thing. The army will make youth more glorious.

13. You are a soldier. You come from a dog's pile. You carried a gun from childhood to adulthood and became the king of children; You are a soldier. You are very picky in selecting soldiers. You have been chosen by many levels, and the leader likes you. Hey hey, let's have a bright future! Hands are high and eyes are not low. The enemy dares to invade and destroy one of their battalions!

14. Actively sign up. When a soldier guards a green land, a green border, and a green military camp, with your lovely green uniforms, the motherland will become prosperous, strong, peaceful, and friendly because of you. I wish all the brothers who are going to join the army can train their skills and serve the motherland!

15. No matter how it will end in the future, at least we have been together. I once heard that no friendship can defeat military friendship. Friend, wherever I go in the future, I am proud of you and of having a military friend. After joining the army, you will be happier than you are now!

16. The iron camp, the iron soldiers, the iron discipline, the iron fist, the iron head and the iron eagle are all iron men and men. Bless the new recruits to develop iron strength and iron will. The "Iron Man Triathlon" shows great momentum and creates marvelous achievements!

17. When you wake up, the sky becomes very blue. Sunshine, flowers and pigeons hover over you. You form a dense queue, waiting for a special mission, waiting for the arrival of a big storm.

18. A good man should become a soldier, and one should become a soldier and show off his family; Put on the military uniform and march to the zenith; A steel gun in the chest is upright, protecting the country for the people; Only when the people are rich and the army is strong can the country prosper, and only when the outside is secure and the inside is stable can the world be peaceful!

19. A man, with a gun in his hand, rushes forward with his head held high, and rushes out of life; Protect the country, love the people, stand upright and stand upright, and break through the sky; Hard training, sweet and cheerful, cheerfully welcome to join the army, handsome youth aspirations. I hope you can participate actively and have a good time joining the army.

20. High mountains or silent, still lofty; The green water is silent, and we cannot ignore the vitality; Soldiers are also ordinary, just you and me. Joining the army is a declaration, a majesty, and the most respectable hymn.

21. Armed forces and guns are heavy and heavy in their hands. We can't put them down, we dare not put them down, we will not give up and compromise for the sake of our motherland and the people, and we are great soldiers to build a harmonious and peaceful society for the people.

22. In the past, we had the same village, the same window, the same certificate, and the same dream. Now, you need to wear military uniform, hold a gun to protect your hometown, and be ambitious to fight for glory for your country. I sincerely wish you: strong, strong and strong again, win glory, win glory again.

23. Soldiers are the Great Wall of Steel, protecting the happiness and security of the country; Soldiers are heavy land, bearing the safety of the country; A soldier is a blue sky with deep feelings. Come on, join the army, comrade, your life is therefore inseparable from this world.

24. Join the army! Give you a chance to get close to the snow mountain and challenge your life limit! Join the army! Give you a chance to camp on the island and watch the sunrise and sunset! Join the army! friend. Congratulations, you finally found the organization.

25. The military uniform is powerful, the military cap is eye-catching, the hat badge is serious, the military badge is dazzling, the belt is showing off, the military shoes are practical, and the soldier is kind. I take this message to wish you who will soon become a soldier and a colorful life in the military camp!

26. Meteor flies across the sky, busy making wishes for you; The spray splashed on the rock, busy blessing you. I wish you all the best when you are about to enter the military camp and serve your country.

27. When my brother joined the army, he had to travel far. My sister's thoughts should be kept in mind. It is the most glorious thing to think about me when eating and drinking. My dear, I wish you a smooth and peaceful military life, healthy and happy every day.

28. Young seedlings will grow into towering trees after years of wind and frost. Warm blooded youth, after the baptism of the military camp, will cast the backbone of steel. Wish you a new soldier, and may the flowers of youth bloom in the barracks.

29. Gun and gun, from today on, they are mothers. Military uniform and military uniform, from today on, they are fathers. When you go out, take your father and mother with you. Protect the country and be a good son. When you join the army, serve your father and mother. Set a good example in the army. May you show heroism in the army and have good luck.

30. You are needed for flood rescue. It is hard for you to put out mountain fires. It is also for you to help the weak and help the poor. It is still you to eliminate the tyranny and pacify the good. You are the only one who can defend the border and defend the country. My mother thinks of you and my lover thinks of you. The people of the motherland will never forget you.