Love Silence 600 Word Composition (15 popular articles)
Unique rabbit
2023-09-09 03:03:54

Love Silence 600 Word Composition (1)

Love is a lamp, illuminating our way forward; Love is a jasmine, plain but fragrant; Love is air, silent but everywhere

Love needs to be found with eyes and felt with heart.

I still remember that it was a day in midsummer. The sun hid behind the dark clouds shyly, and Lei Gong angrily sounded the drum he had collected for a long time. Father Tian didn't know who to quarrel with, and cried out.

I was coming home from the Olympic Maths interest class at that time. Looking at the changeable weather, I felt helpless and thought, "I'm bored, this weather! Grandpa is not feeling well today. I told him not to pick him up. I went home without an umbrella. What can I do now?" I sighed and leaned against the wall in a daze.

"Fan Zihao!" A cry came from a distance. Who seems to be calling me? I looked for the origin of the sound. It's Grandpa! Yes, it's Grandpa! Grandfather walked towards me in the storm with his umbrella swaying in the wind in both hands. "Grandpa!" I shouted, rushed to him and asked: "Grandpa, you are not comfortable. I didn't let you come to pick me up. Did I go home myself? Are you better?". In this way, grandpa put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around grandpa's waist to go home together in the wind and rain.

Finally, I got home, and suddenly I saw that Grandpa's right body had been wet! It must be the reason why grandpa kept the umbrella close to me because he was afraid that I would get wet! But he is still ill! Suddenly, my nose is sour

This is love! Flat and faint, silent!

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (2)

Under the same blue sky, every day of our life, there is love from others. There is the love of parents, the true love of teachers, the love of helping and helping each other among classmates, the selfless love of strangers, and of course, the hatred of iron is unstoppable... Love is the persuasion that everyone has that no one can deprive others of love and being loved. So, while we accept the kindness of our parents, the true love of our teachers, and the friendship and love of our classmates, we should not forget to repay their love to us! With the loving care of our parents, we can grow up healthily and spend our childhood carefree.

They have paid a lot of time and love for us to spend our childhood carefree and healthy, so it's hard to say that "grass heart" can repay "Sanchunhui", but we can use our love to return their love! In the true love of teachers, we learn; A lot of knowledge and the truth of life. Therefore, we should study hard and become the pillars of our country when we grow up to repay our teachers' true love! In the mutual help of classmates, we learned how to make friends and how to deal with some complicated interpersonal relationships. Students and friends give us love, and we should also return more love and friendship to them! The most rewarding thing should be the love from strangers.

Because when you are most confused, a stranger offers you a helping hand! Isn't it worth paying back? Therefore, when strangers ask you the way, you should also extend a helping hand to them as a reward for the love they have shown you! Of course, hatred is also a kind of love, which is to let us not make the same mistake again! We should understand their painstaking efforts instead of complaining! Love is endless, because there is love, there will be a harmonious and beautiful world. Therefore, please cherish the love of others. Return or give others another love!

Love Silence 600 Word Composition (3)

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally looked forward to our fifth grade practical activity - to visit the tomb in Yuhuatai, Nanjing. The day before we left, the teacher told our class to wear school uniforms, but the next day our class only had Mingming not wear school uniforms. So Mingming called his parents to send them. Mingming's mother kept driving to catch up with our motorcade and sent him school uniforms, After telling us in the car for a while, we didn't feel at ease, so we drove to Nanjing with us to participate in practical activities.

At first glance, we can't help but see the greatness of maternal love through this small matter. But after careful consideration, is this kind of behavior really love?

The first is Mingming's mistake. If he had prepared carefully the night before, he would not have gone to school without school uniforms the next day, nor would his mother have left her job to send him school uniforms and accompany him to spring outings.

The second is Ming Ming's mother's mistake. Ming Ming should not give him school uniforms if he doesn't bring them. He should let him do his own things by himself. Occasionally, he will suffer a setback, so he will remember that he won't make the same mistake next time. But if he gives them to him, he will not remember the lesson, but will become dependent on others, He will think: My mother will certainly help me send it. This time it is the school uniform, and next time it may be something else. In this way, the problem has not been solved, but a layer of mistakes is added on the basis of mistakes. Such repeated mistakes can be said to add fuel to the fire.

What's more, Mingming's mother still accompanies Mingming after sending her school uniform. Under the excessive care of her parents, won't her children's self-care ability be poor? I remember one thing: a boy was admitted to a famous university with excellent results, but soon after he entered the university, the president advised him to quit. Why? Because of his poor ability to take care of himself, his parents said that he needed help to dress and eat at home. He was a "giant baby". Speaking of "giant baby", I seem to see how many parents' false love, doting, doting

Therefore, our parents should open up their children, cultivate their self-care ability, and let them learn the spirit of "young eagle spreading its wings".

Love Silence 600 Word Composition (4)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. If you put it in your mother's arms, happiness is indispensable.". Maternal love is great. She makes me feel warm all the time.

I remember it was a summer Sunday. When I finished my homework, I found my parents had gone to work. It was at noon in June, and the sun was sending out waves of heat, as if to cook the earth, and I was sweating all over. "It's so hot. It's really uncomfortable. Let me eat some ice lollipops to relieve the heat!" I thought like this and walked to the refrigerator unconsciously. Three pieces of ice lollipops were cut by me. "It's delicious! It's so cool!" Touch your stomach and lick your mouth. It's so enjoyable!

"Ah ah. No way! What happened? Why did my stomach suddenly hurt?!" I tightly covered my stomach, extremely uncomfortable. I really want my mother to come back quickly and give me medicine to eat. But when my stomach hurts, time seems to pass very slowly. At this time, my mother called, and I immediately picked up the receiver, regardless of three or seven or twenty-one, to pour out the pain. Soon, my mother came back. Looking at me with a pale face, my mother's eyes were filled with anxiety, and she immediately went to find medicine. As he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, he kept on nagging: "You greedy little cat, how dare you eat so many popsicles in the future?" Unfortunately, there was no medicine, so my mother had to go to the drugstore to buy it again. Soon, my mother came back, panting and sweating. Pour tea for me to take medicine, then hold me in my arms, gently caress me, and unconsciously I gradually fall into a sweet dream.

Mother's love, like a ray of sunshine, warms my young heart; Mother's love is like a dew, moistening the tender heart; Mother's love flows slowly in her heart like a clear spring.

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (5)

Walking in the maple leaf forest, golden maple leaves fluttered all over the sky, beating on my body, but my steps did not stop. I did not want to stop my steps, but just wanted to go forward, without direction, not only to find a trace of tranquility belonging to my heart. The wind is still blowing gently, and the maple leaves on the ground can't stand loneliness. They dance with the wind. The rustle of the wind, like the waves of the sea, is constantly beating my heart. I keep putting away my messy thoughts and want to feel the peace of this moment with my heart.

Suddenly a drop of water fell on my hand, cold, with some sadness, I can see its sadness, we are a kind of people. Once upon a time, there was a tear in my hand. It was a woman's tear. How much joy in the past was finally condensed into a tear. Since then, I never want to see others cry or remember the painful and messy memory.

The night came slowly. The gray sky was dotted with yellow. I was alone in the empty maple leaf forest. No one knew whether I was thinking or introspecting. The wind is blowing more and more strongly, along with the notes of maple leaves, the melody of the piano is drifting farther and farther, and gradually disappear. Go ahead. Those who want to leave will leave sooner or later. Regret is also indifferent. I lay quietly under a tree, let the maple leaves tightly surround me, and raised my hand to let myself feel the loneliness and sadness heartily.

As the night gets deeper and deeper, the stars begin to smile. The lonely sky is very bright with stars. I try to find my own destiny. I thought of Liu Lang and Zhinu. I tried my best to find the millennium river, but I couldn't see it. Maybe it's just a legend, maybe it's a joke, but I would like to believe that this move, this true love.

Love Silence 600 Word Composition (6)

"Only if everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world." The lyrics of the song "Love's dedication" let me feel that if there is true love in the world, there will be a clear heaven of "love" in the world. The May 12 earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 made us feel the true love of the world, and let us deeply know that there is still true love in the world.

In my school, a student named Wen Linlin was finally diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer by a doctor, and there may be no treatment. If there is treatment, it may cost hundreds of thousands of people. How can such a large number of people make their families affordable? Without money for treatment, we can only wait for death and slowly consume time.

After hearing the news, we looked at Wen Linlin and thought about how to help him.

The next day, our school donated money to help Wen Linlin. All the students donated their pocket money to Wen Linlin. Some donated 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 30 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan, and each teacher donated 500 yuan. A total of more than 60000 yuan was raised. This money was not enough, far from hundreds of thousands. The good news is that his aunt sent him 150000 US dollars in the United States and converted them into hundreds of thousands of RMB. We listened to the good news and were happy. Everyone said that Wen Linlin was saved.

On the day of the operation, we came to the hospital. Wen Linlin got the money to do the operation. With God's blessing, a miracle came. Wen Linlin did the operation. The doctor said that the operation was very good. We praised Wen Linlin for overcoming the disease. The doctor said that Wen Linlin was weak after the operation and would have to observe for several days before leaving the hospital.

When Wenlin Lin Kang returned to school one day after he returned from the hospital, the teacher and we praised Lin Lin for overcoming the disease and wished him a full recovery as soon as possible. Knowing this, we know to dedicate everything to make our world more bright and beautiful, and let us know that "love" is selfless.

Devotion, let us know that there is truth in the world.

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (7)

When I miss you, you are so far away from me; When I forget, you are so close to me. I think I'm free and easy. I think time can go beyond the horizon. In fact, I have always been unable to break away from my own heart. If I can accompany you, I would like to wait quietly at night just to accompany you. If I meet the right you at the right time, I would like to accompany you everywhere.

I once naively thought that no matter how far the distance between time and space is, the feelings will be constant, because there is no reason for love... I once thought that my love could last, and I thought that sincere efforts would bring happiness. In fact, it's wrong... Meeting is a kind of fate, knowing each other, and falling in love is even a kind of fate. It's a kind of fate that comes together, ends and ends, and letting go is true love!

In real life, your favorite often doesn't choose you; The one who loves you most is often not your favorite; When you have experienced loving and being loved, and learned to love, you will know what you need, and find the most suitable person for you to spend your whole life with! But the longest one is not the one you love the most or the one you love the most, just the one who is most suitable for you at the most suitable time!

Who did you meet when you were most beautiful? When you love someone deeply, who will accompany you? How much time has love given you to meet and separate, to choose and regret? It's not that we don't feel excited or regret, but we have no time to embrace each other again. If you love, but love at the wrong time, what choice can you have except to treasure that drop of tears from the bottom of your heart and walk away wordlessly?

Because I have loved, I cannot be an enemy; Because I've been hurt, I can't be friends. I can only be the most familiar stranger. Because I stayed, I will linger; Because I have left, I am very lonely. It can only be a familiar and unfamiliar city.

Love Silence 600 Word Composition (8)

Do I love my parents?

This question always comes to mind from time to time. At this time, I always take it for granted: that's for sure. It was not until I read an article called "Red Rose in the Snow" that I found it difficult to answer this question, which is a question worth pondering.

The mother in the story cut her wrist with a sharp stone in order to make the rescuers find the place where she and her daughter were trapped. The blood dyed the white snow and her sincere love.

I began to think about what I had done for my parents.

In the bedroom, the bed and the floor are full of dolls and puppets that I like and used to like - my eyes stay on the tall Bunsky - I used to go shopping alone all day in order to find the lovely Bunsky. There are many unanswered calls with familiar numbers on my mobile phone, each of which is a great worry for my mother.

In the trash can, there lies a broken ashtray quietly. I just had a big quarrel with my mother, and it was thrown to the floor by me. It broke not only the cheap ashtray, but also my mother's humble heart.

Originally, I brought only the quietness when I needed company and the noise when I needed quietness.

Every year in May and June, I always try my best to prepare two gifts for two thankworthy festivals. Finally, I said "Mom, I love you" and "Dad, I love you" sweetly.

Just, is love just spoken? No, that's not enough.

The true love should be real, and the loved one should be happy. So... goodbye, my rabbit; Farewell, my Little Times. I decided not to waste my time doing idle things and reading idle books. It would be better to spend that time with my parents. In short, if you love, you must really love.

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (9)

Being strong is a kind of power; Strong, is a paean; Being strong is a kind of success!

First of all, tell us a story: Mom takes her young children for a walk in the park. Suddenly, the child fell down. She lay on the ground and cried, "Mummy, hug!" But her mother shook her head and said, "Son, you must be able to stand up by yourself“

After reading this story, some people may think that this mother is too ruthless, but I think it is right. Life is bound to have setbacks, more setbacks, more mature and stable. Just get up again and stick to the end is victory. The mother wants to exercise her children by letting them stand up on their own. People are brave only when they encounter setbacks and overcome difficulties with their own strength. The little flowers in the greenhouse can't stand the wind and rain, while the snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountain can stand the low temperature and cold. As the authors of Teenagers Who Serve the Bowl said, human life is a life of struggle. Only those who dare to work hard can achieve success. In the desperate situation, if you try again, you may see that there are many flowers in the dark; In the severe cold of ice and snow, if you try again, you will surely welcome the warm spring breeze. Schopenhauer said: "A man's Holy Spirit must suffer setbacks before he can sail in the sea with a cabin like stability, otherwise, it will be a toy of the wind!" Nietzsche also said: "Without the barrier of rocks, how can there be beautiful waves?" Success is what everyone desires. However, to achieve success, we have to pay a considerable price, that is, we have to be exposed to the wind and rain to hone our perseverance. Therefore, the seeds under the boulder will not die, the pines and cypresses in the wind and rain will grow green, and the darkness contains light. After suffering, it will be a dazzling success.

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (10)

"If there is no you in the sunshine, I may have gone with the wind; if there is no you in the expectation, I may only know how to cry" Walking on the long and quiet path, this song sounded in my ears. Yesterday's scenes seem to have just happened and are playing back clearly.

The school's monthly exam came as scheduled, and my troubles followed. Looking at the test papers with big forks, I was a little embarrassed, and the bright red scores seemed to hurt my eyes.

I trudged home. The earth held her breath, so stuffy that the willows shook desperately and made a "rustling" sound; The sky held its breath, and the black clouds rolled in the air with a groan. I also held my breath and waited for a storm to come.

As usual, the door was still open and the house was still quiet. I went into the room, but my mother was nowhere to be seen. I used to come to the garden and saw my mother working. Seeing me back, my mother said happily, "Have a rest, I will cook and eat soon." I gave a faint "Hmm". My mother was a little surprised. She put down the tools in her hand, walked up to me and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Is it something wrong?" I shook my head and lowered it uneasily. At the moment when I lowered my head, I suddenly found several more wrinkles on my mother's forehead. My eyes were wet, and I swallowed the words just to my mouth. My mother quickly dried my tears and asked, "Did you fail in the exam?" I nodded.

The mother was silent for a while, and said softly, "Never mind, don't be sad again. It's not too late to mend the situation. Work hard! I believe you!" After saying that, she looked at me with a soft eyes, for a long time. At the moment when my mother's eyes were opposite, I understood the expectation and bitterness in her eyes. Everything was in silence. I know that maternal love does not need too much language.

Mother, when can I let you stop worrying about me? When can your efforts be rewarded? I would like to be a white cloud to cover the shade for my mother in the heat; I would like to be a flower to send fragrance to my mother; I would like to become a wisp of spring breeze, sweeping away the dust of my mother's journey.

Silent love often stands alone in front of the window, savoring the deep and silent love - fatherly love.

My father is a worker who is not good at speaking and is often away from home, so I don't know him very well. I always feel that he doesn't love me, because every time he comes home from vacation, he always lies in bed and sleeps, as if he hasn't had a rest for a long time. When I was a child, I always lay in front of the bed, holding my father's hand, and asked him to get up and play with me. But my mother always said to me, "Dad is tired, can we let him have a good rest

Get up early and come to play with me early, but it's OK to do it once or twice. Often, as a child, I come to a "conclusion": my father doesn't love me, so the gap between me and him grows with age, so that we are strangers. Until I was 12 years old, I really understood my father's love for me, a love no less than mother's love, a silent love.

On the 27th day of December that winter, because of my playfulness, I had an accident on the 107 National Highway, which was far away from my home. Fortunately, someone knew me and hurriedly informed my family. As for how I got home, I didn't know at all. I only knew that when I was in a coma, someone had been holding my hand and talking in front of my bed. I really want to see who that person is, but my eyes seem to be stuck by glue, and I can't open them. Finally, a miracle occurred. I opened my eyes. Everything in front of me surprised me: white walls, white beds, white sheets, white quilts. The second reaction is a bad headache. "Little friend, you finally wake up. You have been sleeping for three days, and your father has accompanied you for three days without blinking. How happy you are to have such a father!" I smiled bitterly. Will he treat me so well? He is a "sleepyhead" who always sleeps in bed. Will he stay with me for three days with his eyes open? When I scan around listlessly with suspicion, a familiar and unfamiliar face comes into my eyes, he is my father. His eyes were covered with bloodshot, and a kind of liquid was flashing in his eyes. His expression was decadent, as if he had aged a lot overnight. At this time, I felt as if I had knocked over the bottle.

It has all kinds of flavors, and it also called out "Dad" for the first time in my life. "Well, my daughter is good. I'm good when I wake up. I'm good when I wake up!"

In retrospect, no matter what I wanted, someone always slipped it behind my back to my mother and asked her to hand it over to me. Every time I ask my mother where those things come from, her mother always prevaricates: "Don't worry, someone bought them for you anyway." Now I finally understand that that person never said he loved my father. Instead of blaming the car accident, I would like to thank the car accident for letting me know my father's love for me, a kind of love that doesn't need words to express, as described in Du Fu's poem, "sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently". This silent fatherly love moistens my heart just like the silent spring rain, Make me keep forging ahead on the road of growth

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (11)

I want to build a bridge, a bridge of hearts, so that the hearts of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits can connect. There is no longer a vast ocean between them. This ocean will turn into many hearts, dissatisfied with everyone's heart.

The friendship between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will never break, because this is an eternal pledge. The vast ocean will turn into the hearts of thousands of people, silently guarding the other side. The vast ocean separated can only be illusory forever, because everyone's hearts are always connected. This is the power of love. The power of love surpasses everything. It can cross the sea and weave bridges.

The friendship between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will turn into twinkling stars to weave their own sky and imagine the future happiness

This can't be a dream!

The surging waters of the Taiwan Straits, the love between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits! Even the sea can't stop their missing each other! This yearning only belongs to both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and they are continuing to rebuild their friendship in the past.

Look into the distance, but there is no end in sight. But when you start flying, when you take off with your heart! Passing the friendship between the two sides, you will feel that they are insignificant whether it is the endless sea or the vast sky, because you take off with your heart! When you begin to imagine that the sea and the blue sky are always in your control.

I believe that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits will one day become one. The vast ocean is like the tears of the people on both sides of the Straits. They are missing, they are missing their relatives and friends on the other side; They are recalling, they are recalling the beautiful days. Tears gradually merged into the sea. This sea represents their vows, and this sea is their mutual yearning!

I hope I am the daughter of the sea. I will let the tears on both sides of the Taiwan Strait pass on to each other and let them understand each other's missing! The most painful missing is looking forward to seeing through. The most painful missing is: he is in front of you, but you can't touch him, even talk to him. How painful it is!

The hearts of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits will never be separated, because we will always be in the arms of our motherland, which will never change.

Tears gradually merged into the sea. This sea represents their vows, and this sea is their mutual yearning! This will never change!

This will never change!

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (12)

What is love? Care is a jar of old wine, sweet and mellow; Care is a famous painting handed down from generation to generation, exquisite and meaningful; Love is a classic old song, gentle and gentle; Love is in my heart. I can't forget such a love.

I remember that when I was in the second grade, during the summer vacation, I, Du Chenxu, Pei Xianchen, Wang Yongxing, Zhang Quanming and others played the game of Cat and Mouse together, After we "stole" the food, Zhang Quanming sped up again. Unexpectedly, when he wanted to make a sharp turn and ran into the "mouse hole", he fell down. He immediately cried. We met and ran to check the injury. First of all, he lifted his trouser legs, "Ah! I scraped a layer of skin, and then opened the sleeves. His arm was OK. At this time, Wang Yongxing said," I'm running fast, go and call the parents. "After Wang Yongxing ran, everyone waited anxiously. One second passed, five seconds passed, and fifteen seconds passed, when Du Chenxu said, "I'm a fifth grader, older than you, and I'll carry him." Du Chenxu stepped forward.

Du Chenxu carries Zhang Quanming on his back. Pei Xianchen and I are watching to prevent Zhang Quanming from falling off Du Chenxu's back and causing secondary injuries.

When we arrived at the unit gate, Wang Yongxing brought Zhang Quanming's parents down. His parents said, "Thank you, let's carry it." So we let Zhang Quanming's parents carry him home.

Who can say that the power of love is very small? Because with love, the world can be beautiful.

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (13)

In our daily study, work or life, we have written compositions. We must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a small compilation of love, often in silence - 600 words of chronicle composition. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope to help everyone.

The teacher is a big tree, which protects me from wind and rain. Friendship is a glass of water that moistens my throat. One is a street lamp, which illuminates my way forward.

- Title

In the sunny morning, the birds on the branches of the window are singing happily, the sun is shining on my desk, and the birds in the sky are flying freely.

When I went to school, the weather was sunny and the sun was shining on the ground. I had my back and would not frighten anyone. School was over. Time was running down. I waited at the gate of the campus for a long time, and all the students were gone, leaving me alone. The teacher suddenly came from the teaching building and asked me, why didn't you go home? I said that Canada International Studies School was a little far away. The teacher told me a few words and asked me to take his car home. The teacher took my hand and touched me. It was very cold. The teacher put his coat on me. When the teacher sent me home, I saw that the teacher's face and nose were red with cold. I told the teacher to drink a glass of water to warm up before leaving. The teacher said no more. I asked the teacher to wait for a while and came over with a cup of hot water. After I could not see the teacher's eyes and won, I realized that the teacher was not on the way. He sneaked into the night with the wind, moistening things silently. It was a silent action that warmed me and loved me silently.

Once, the school held some activities, and our classmates were all afraid of losing their favorite activities. They surrounded there and surrounded many people. My good friend and I signed up for the same event, running 300 meters. He has participated many times, and his total score has always been in the first place. He was not afraid at all, but I was different. I didn't participate in it once. I signed my name under her encouragement. He called me some running skills. During the running, I saw him twist his neck. When he left the court, I asked him to sit aside and rest. When I came on the court, he immediately got up. He immediately got up and ran outside to cheer me on. Whenever she gave me encouragement and courage, when I was at the end of the runway, he was already waiting for my victory. Friends go together all their lives, and those days will never happen again. Love is in silence.

Their actions warmed me, and love was silent.

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (14)

Have you seen Thousand Hand Guanyin? What a beautiful dance they are dancing! Who would have thought that the team that performed on the stage for the first time was composed of deaf mutes! They can't hear music, but they can dance to the beat!

What is the silent world like? We played a small game. The rules of the game were as follows: one person could not speak with his mouth open, and the other guessed what he was saying. I played with other students. I first "said" the greeting of "Hello". She looked at me blankly, apparently did not "understand". I "said" again, but she still did not understand. So, I changed one, and "said" word for word: "Howareyou?" She asked: "What am I?" I smiled and replied: "Howareyou?"

The teacher showed us the news broadcast again. When I said I wanted to watch it, I kept whispering: "What does this have to do with the silent world?" But something unexpected happened to us. The teacher turned off the voice. Let's guess! After watching it twice, my deskmate shouted, "Are you welcome to watch the news broadcast?" As a result, he just told a story about the barber grandpa! The teacher told us that this is the case of deaf mutes.

Then, the teacher taught us a few sign words: love is in the heart, love is an invisible language, love is to pay a little more every day. We all struggled to learn these words, not to mention the deaf and dumb! I learned how inconvenient it is for deaf mutes!

Finally, we saw the sign language version of Gratitude Heart, and followed the comparison. I felt that my hands were really sour, but it was not easy for deaf mutes to do sign language every time!

Through this silent lesson, I understand how difficult it is for deaf mutes. We must love them and care about them!

Silent Love 600 Word Composition (15)

Love in Silence 600 Words Composition 1

"If there is no you in the sunshine, I may have gone with the wind; if there is no you in the expectation, I may only know how to cry......" Walking on the long and quiet path, this song sounded in my ears. Yesterday's scenes seem to have just happened and are playing back clearly.

The school's monthly exam came as scheduled, and my troubles followed. Looking at the test papers with big forks, I was a little embarrassed, and the bright red scores seemed to hurt my eyes.

I trudged home. The earth held her breath, so stuffy that the willows shook desperately and made a "rustling" sound; The sky held its breath, and the black clouds rolled in the air with a groan. I also held my breath and waited for a storm to come.

As usual, the door was still open and the house was still quiet. I went into the room, but my mother was nowhere to be seen. I used to come to the garden and saw my mother working. Seeing me back, my mother said happily, "Have a rest, I will cook and eat soon." I gave a faint "Hmm". My mother was a little surprised. She put down the tools in her hand, walked up to me and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Is it something wrong?" I shook my head and lowered my head uneasily. At the moment when I lowered my head, I suddenly found several more wrinkles on my mother's forehead. My eyes were wet, and I swallowed the words just to my mouth. My mother quickly dried my tears and asked, "Did you fail in the exam?" I nodded.

The mother was silent for a while, and said softly, "Never mind, don't be sad again. It's not too late to mend the situation. Work hard! I believe you!" After saying that, she looked at me with a soft eyes, for a long time. At the moment when my mother's eyes were opposite, I understood the expectation and bitterness in her eyes. Everything was in silence. I know that maternal love does not need too much language.

Mother, when can I let you stop worrying about me? When can your efforts be rewarded? I would like to be a white cloud to cover the shade for my mother in the heat; I would like to be a flower to send fragrance to my mother; I would like to become a wisp of spring breeze, sweeping away the dust of my mother's journey.

Love in Silence 600 Words Composition 2

In one's life, there is no smooth and smooth journey. There are always ups and downs, and it is inevitable to encounter some difficulties and setbacks. Although I am only 14 years old this year, I can say that the road I have traveled has twists and turns. When I see other people's families getting together to talk and laugh, I will realize that my fate is very unfortunate. I was born in a silent family world. Why can't I talk and laugh with my parents at home like others?

Why can't I hear my parents call my name?

An ordinary person may not be able to imagine: how did I grow up as a normal person living in a silent family? But I deeply understand that it is a great pain. In the years since I became sensible, I have seldom said a word at home, and I have never heard a word. The room is quiet and terrible.

I still remember clearly that when I was watching TV at home, I once saw a very wonderful clip, so I couldn't help saying, "Dad, Mom! Come and see!" My voice has dropped, and the reply to me is just a silence. Since then, I have almost forgotten that I am a normal person at home. I seldom talk and always communicate with my parents in sign language.

What is more tragic is that a person has never heard his parents call him a son or his name. When my parents called me, they always mercilessly patted me behind my back. However, I have already adapted to these things. I have thought of my parents' wordlessness as their love for me that they cannot express in words. I will always remember loving my parents in obscurity!

God, if you can, please let my parents be like normal people, and let me enjoy the complete love that ordinary people can have!

Love in Silence 600 words Composition 3

Love is a simple word, and there is a trace of love in everyone's heart. Let's travel in the world of love and taste its beauty in the world of love!

My father is sometimes strict and sometimes humorous, but I like when he is strict.

I remember that time, because of illness, I asked for a few days' leave, and I lost a lot of valuable knowledge in these days' holiday. I only got 60 points in the test. Alas! What can we do? When I got home, I sat on the sofa and sighed. Then my father came out of the room, and I was shocked and said: "Dad, why did you come back so early?" He picked up the newspaper and said: "Today the company had a power failure, so you came back early! Oh, by the way, have you handed out your examination papers the other day? "When I heard the words of the test paper, I became nervous and my voice changed." The test paper...... I found that the test paper was coming, but it was missing. " "It's gone. Do you know how many points I got?" "I don't know. I just... disappeared before I got it. Dad, no... I'll do my homework if I have nothing to do. "Alas, you are not serious about anything. You can lose your test paper. How can you lose it?" I scratched my head, smiled at my father, and ran to the room. Whoa! I'm scared to death. Finally, I escaped. "Eh, where is my schoolbag? Oh, it's in the living room." When I opened the door, I saw my father looking through my schoolbag. I ran to it and grabbed it. Unfortunately, the old man saw the test paper and said, "It's only 60 points. Why did you get 60 points? You failed!" He was very angry. I threw down my bag angrily and shouted to my father, "Why do you turn my bag over?" Then he ran out of the door.

Just as I was walking on the lonely road, the cold wind was biting, suddenly a familiar figure came over, and I looked closely at my mother. I wiped my tears and ran to my mother, hugging her. I listened to my mother's persuasion. I knew my father's good intentions, and finally returned home to apologize to my father. As I grow older, I gradually understand my father's deep love for me, and I will love him forever.