600 words of my junior two (16 recommended)
Kindness is my nature
2024-03-26 06:53:27
Junior two

My junior two 600 words (1)

Everyone has his own ideal. As in life, we are all in pursuit of beauty - clothing, food, housing and transportation are often designed. On the way, I will always be attracted by some unique patterns and shapes. I hope that one day, my works can appear in the public space.

Since I was young, I think the profession of designer is very interesting and can make people's lives better.

Architectural designers make our living and transportation more comfortable. After all, it is a tall building, which should increase the sense of beauty on a solid basis; Jewelry designers make us more beautiful. Some of the jewels are beautiful, and the exquisite polishing and carving make the wearer more outstanding; Fashion designers make our clothes more tasteful and highlight our individuality.

Of course, I also know that becoming a qualified designer is not as simple as I thought. However, nothing is difficult in the world. As long as I study hard, I can be a designer. The first element of being a designer is to have a painting foundation. I think I have got it. I love painting. Still life, figures and scenery can be painted well. Even my mother often praises my painting with verve. I should redouble my efforts in the future.

In addition, designers also need inspiration. This is what we call "brain hole". I think this is the sense of design, which can make ordinary people different or feel comfortable to use. Of course, this kind of inspiration is hard to get. Maybe I need to experience life constantly. In short, the road to becoming a designer must be very uneven, but I still decided to go to the end without hesitation.

I don't want others to comment on my ideal, nor do I want to comment on others' ideal. A star once said that people who have no ideal are salted fish. So even if I am a salted fish, I am also an ideal salted fish!

Being a designer is my ideal, and I will continue to strive for my own ideal! Until success!

My junior two 600 words (2)

I remember a famous person said: "Hard work does not necessarily mean success, but if you do not work hard, you will definitely not succeed!" Yes, life is like this, and you must always have the spirit of struggle, otherwise it will be difficult to support a piece of your own sky.

I am a timid girl, and I am not confident in everything I do. Especially when I take an exam, I always think I must have done badly in the exam, and I must be inferior to others. Besides, I don't study hard, so I always do badly in the exam

The monthly exam is coming again. All that awaits me is tragedy, because I know myself—— Is lazy. However, the students in my dormitory formed a sharp contrast with me. They are all activists, but I am a sluggard.

Every noon, every night, there will be a shadow of them studying hard in the dormitory, because they are not willing to lose, they want to catch up with each other, but my heart is not to be a slave of learning, because I want to be free. When the monthly exam results come out, I find that my performance this time is worse than the last time. This is the happy and satisfied smile I saw from my roommate, My inferiority complex erupted, and I began to find that I had tried hard? Have you tried your best? Are you happy again No

From that time on, I worked hard, I fought hard. Gradually, I found that I was so happy when I was studying, and I began to find out how naive I was before, but now I still have time to realize

More than a month later, the second monthly exam came. This time, I became confident, and I was no longer timid. My mood was very calm, just like the calm sea... "Wow! Is this really my score! This is a happy and satisfied smile on my face, because I succeeded.

My friends, I succeeded. How about you? Are you working hard! Did you succeed?

My junior two 600 words (3)

Home is the place where the whole world is snowing, and it is spring to walk into it

Each of us has a home, and everyone's home is unique in the world. Maybe your home is sunny; Perhaps your home is happy; Perhaps your home is warm; My home is warm.

Everyone in our family must be strange. Only one person has never appeared. This is my father. In my mind, my father is never as kind and gentle as my mother. Now it seems that maybe it is because I have little contact with my father. I once said in "Thanksgiving, Father's Day" that almost all fathers are not good at expressing themselves. Because of this, children feel they are very indifferent. Sometimes, on my birthday, my mother may not give me a birthday gift, but my father will give me some stationery. This is my father's love for me, which has never been expressed in words.

Next, I will introduce my mother to you. For all of us, my mother has no eyes at all. She is the 224th teacher blog - childhood flower path. Although we are familiar with my mother, we have never seen her real face. Now, I would like to introduce my mother to you. My mother is thin, and my fat father is in sharp contrast. Although my mother is a teacher, her cooking is absolutely superb. Especially after the holiday, mother will have more time to cook delicious food for us. For me, my mother's biggest weakness is nagging. Whenever I do something wrong again, my mother will tell me what I did wrong 800 years ago. Even so, I did not dare to resist and could only listen respectfully on the side.

If I separate myself, I can only introduce my little brother. You must also know him. He is the "handsome and free little prince". From his article we can see his innocence. But my brother is always on the up and down, which makes me at a loss. To be honest with you, world wars often break out between my brother and me.

This is my home. I have a loving father, a gentle mother and a lovely little brother. On the whole, my home is really warm.

600 words of my junior two (4)

The first day of the junior year passed in a hurry. We stepped into the second day of the junior year and unconsciously moved closer to the senior high school entrance examination. The second day of the junior year should study harder than the first day of the junior year, and the requirements for ourselves should also be higher.

On the first day of school, Mr. Du put forward three words: persistent, persistent and professional. But I did not do well in these aspects.

Persistence means having a goal and direction in mind, and working hard towards the goal without stopping. But I set my goal in the first day of the junior high school, but I always failed to reach it, which caused my goal to fall again and again, and my requirements became lower and lower. I still have a long way to go before I can be persistent. I hope I can get closer to it in my study and life in Grade Two.

Persistence means never giving up in order to complete a thing or achieve a goal, rather than giving up halfway. The good habits formed in the first day of the junior year should be persisted in the future, and those who do not do well or give up should also be reconsidered and repaired. One step at a time will not lead to a thousand miles; There is no river or sea without small streams. I believe that as long as I put these good habits together bit by bit, one day I can achieve the word "persistence".

Profession is to face the most important thing in front of you with the most sincere and dedicated heart. At present, the most important thing for us is to learn. In the face of learning, we should not only be diligent and hard working, but also have a sense of responsibility. When learning, we should devote ourselves wholeheartedly to achieve 100% concentration, so that we can be considered as a "professional" student. In some cases, I can't be 100% focused. In the future, I will always remind myself to strive to be "professional".

The English and Chinese entrance examinations were very bad, and part of the reason was that I didn't do the three words that Mr. Du said. I will remember the six words "persistence, persistence, and specialty" in my study life in the second day of junior high school.

In the new semester, I will calm my heart, reflect on myself from time to time, stick to that commitment and live up to it.

600 words of my junior two (5)

In winter, there is only ice and death, which is pure. Only cold and quiet are kept in the bottom of my heart, so that everything can learn patience, waiting and breeding in winter. Only dusk can bring dawn, and only winter can bring spring.

Winter is peaceful and quiet.

The arrival of winter is doomed to its fate. It is doomed to freeze everything, store life and cover the sky. However, it is not lonely, it has the pursuit of snow. Winter is quiet, the snowflakes have never changed, and the snow always falls inadvertently. At first, it was just snow, and soon it rolled down with great momentum, such as the summer rainstorm blocking the sky. But snow is different from rain. Snow is modest, and it just wants to give nature a beauty and give life a short breath in peace; Snow, like rain, is melted by water, but it is different from rain. It gives people a sense of purity, a sense of clarity, and a sense of peace of mind and body.

Winter is also selfless.

Winter exists in the cold and extreme cold. Life challenges the limits and sharpens the will in order to survive. Although generation after generation of life fell into purgatory, it also outlined a pair of indomitable bodies. It can be said that winter is the watcher of nature and the incubator. It obliterates defective inferior products and casts immortal life for generations. It bears the curse of the dead and leaves its cruel and dark side to itself, Just to give the most beautiful scenery in spring. Winter is selfless.

Winter is more meaningful.

In winter, all things are full of hope while enduring the cold, because they believe that the warm spring will come after the cold. Life also realizes the true meaning of nature: only by feeling pain can we realize what happiness is.

I love winter, its tranquility, its selflessness and its transformation. Winter is like an angel, people love it, appreciate it, praise it, but people only pay attention to its beauty when it comes, but never pay attention to what it leaves when it leaves. It goes quietly, which is hard to detect, but I know that it leaves behind not only beautiful scenery, but also the eternal continuity of all things.

I love winter, because it once flowed in my heart.

600 words of my junior two (6)

Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Each of the four seasons has its own characteristics.

In spring, flowers bloom, summer rains pour down, foliage is luxuriant, winter snowflakes fly... But what I love most is the autumn with maple leaves like fire. "Shuasha -" The withered and yellow leaves with beautiful appearance fell on the ground. Autumn is coming. The gusts of cool wind caressed my face. Somehow, it hurt a little, but I like this feeling. The water in autumn is very beautiful. Several newly fallen leaves float on the clear river, setting off the extra quiet of the river. The river is still, like a sleeping baby. The wind blew gently, and the river sang along with the wind. The song, accompanied by the bird call, became a slow and quiet song. People seemed to have no worries after listening to it. "Hualalalala, Hualala -" It rained. Drops of water moisten everything, and flowers and grass all laugh. Autumn rain reminds me that my aunt added a cousin to me last year. Because she was born in autumn rain, she is called Zhou Shirui. Autumn is a harvest season, and farmers' uncles and aunts are busy. "Harvest the rice, everyone!" "OK, here we go" In the countryside, there are many voices like this, and many fruits are ripe. I hurried to the orchard. Fruits, here I come, I pick one here, and one over there. "Wow! This is so sour." I looked at the orange on my hand.

"Falling red is not a cruel thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers." The fallen leaf looks very ordinary, but it is also very strong. It works hard to grow until it is old. It has been working hard. When it falls, it gives its mother a big tree to make good fertilizer. Everyone is the same. Everyone was born ordinary, but as long as you work hard, you will become extraordinary. The extraordinary you also need to know how to be grateful and make more contributions to the country. You will be loved by many people. You can also live in seclusion without fame and wealth, which makes you unique.

600 words of my junior two (7)

"Books are like medicine, and good reading can cure fools." "Books are the ladder of human progress." These famous sayings about books are said by great men. Without exception, they all tell us one truth: we should read more books, which will help us.

I remember when I was young, I saw my mother reading a book attentively. I felt very curious and came to my mother. It's very interesting to see the pictures and words in the book. So I begged my mother to buy me a book. My mother happily agreed to buy me a comic book, which became the first book in my life.

Gradually, I grew up. From kindergarten to primary school, from grade one to grade six, as the grade rises, the books I read are also changing, from comic books to fairy tales, to esoteric science books. At the same time, my feelings for books are also growing, and I have become inseparable friends with books. When I was in the fifth grade, I made jokes about books! If you don't believe me, I will tell you.

One day, my father and mother were going to work, so I stayed at home alone. In the morning, before my mother left, she cooked three dishes and prepared meals for me to eat hot at noon. Then he told me again before going to work. Soon it was time for lunch, and I began to heat up the food and prepare for dinner. I took out the food and heated it with a gas stove. I thought it would take a few minutes for hot food! Why not take out the book and read a few pages first. I did what I said. I took out a copy of Robinson Crusoe that I had just bought from the bookcase and came to the kitchen. Then I read it with interest. The content of this book is wonderful. I soon came to the scene, sailed with the hero Robinson, came to live on the island together, and saved the prisoners together Friday - I was fascinated and forgot the food in the gas stove. It was not until I smelled a pungent burning smell that I came back to myself and hurriedly turned off the gas stove. When I opened the lid of the pot, the food was burnt. Alas, I regret it!

This is me, a happy little fan.

My junior two 600 words (8)

Once, I saw a magazine reprinted the news of the British Times: if human beings disappear from the earth, then 200000 years later, the human mark will disappear. After reading this sentence, I didn't get much shock, because after all, it was if, but it triggered a daydream: if all the people on the earth disappeared, and only I was left, what would happen?

It should be a lucky thing that I am alone. In the shop, you can eat whatever you like and drink whatever you want without paying. I can play whatever I want in the park. No one is competing with me. Originally, I had to watch the traffic lights when I crossed the road, otherwise I would have an accident. Now, I can go on a rampage without being constrained by the traffic police. You can wear whatever you want in a famous brand shop. Which hotel is luxurious? I'll sleep there. Anyway, I'm the only one on the earth!

But I also think that there are many bad things. Well, the purified water was drunk all at once. I called the purified water company on the phone, but there were no workers in the purified water company. I had to move the purified water over and over again. There is no electricity. I can only repair it myself. It's too troublesome! I ate too many expired snacks in the shop, and my stomach was killing me. Usually the injection is terrible. Now the injection is gone, and the doctor is gone. How can I live. These are small things. The most unbearable thing is loneliness. Every day I just sleep, which is like a walking corpse. I have no school and no place to find work. At night, I lay in bed thinking of my parents, relatives and teachers. I really hope they can come to accompany me, even if it is a dog, but this is impossible. I am like a living fossil, forgotten by the earth.

Therefore, I came to a conclusion: if there is only me on the earth, it is not a lucky thing, but a bad thing. This reverie has inspired me: I want strange students to help each other now; I apologize to my classmates for the minor contradiction between them; I will not be angry and complain about the teacher's criticism; I will show filial respect to my parents, smile at strangers, and greet relatives and friends... In short, I will cherish every minute of my life!

My junior two 600 words (9)

On the road of growth, we need the care of friendship and family. Of course, kinship is essential, but friendship is not always treasured.

In the past, we always talked about breaking up with each other. A break up means not talking for hours or a day. Some even go home and yell with their parents to change schools or classes because of the break up. Now that I have grown up, I feel childish in retrospect and don't cherish friendship. It's really a pity to quarrel over something bigger!

"Ding Dong --" QQ on the mobile phone kept ringing. I quarreled with Xuan because of a photo. The class wanted us to apologize to each other when they saw us like this, and the matter was solved. However, no one would bow his head, thinking it was the other party's fault. So the next day, they met without saying a word. We used to fight together after class, but now we are like strangers. I am only one person away from him, but it seems that we are far away. In this way, we remained frozen. Later, with Xin's persuasion, we realized our mistakes and apologized to each other, just like before.

Xin and I became the best friends, and we talked to each other. She is like a bosom sister, who knows what you are thinking; Like a cute fairy, she will tell jokes when you are unhappy; Like a strict teacher, he will find out your mistakes and criticize them, and then tell you the correct methods and ideas to correct and correct them.

Once after class, I wanted to go to Xin Play, but I accidentally knocked Ying's stationery box off because I ran too fast. I looked back and walked on. Ying was angry because of my impoliteness. When Xin saw it, she said to me, "You should apologize and pick up her pencil box." I said, "She can pick it up by herself." Xin said seriously, "You shouldn't do this between classmates. You should apologize and be polite..." I heard that I was wrong, so I went to apologize. Xin withdrew her serious expression and smiled at me.

As the saying goes, "It's hard to find a bosom friend, and it's hard to find a bosom friend." You also changed me, let me know the importance of friendship, and hope that the boat of our friendship will never turn over!

My junior two 600 words (10)

I entered the second day of junior high school with good hope and ideal sailing boat. Once upon a time, when I looked at the mysterious and strange classroom of Grade Two, it always gave me a feeling of awe. I once asked the former junior high school students what it was like: some people said that it was a mountain, and it needed to grasp a rope of faith and strive to climb up; Some people say that it is a sailboat. As long as you set a goal and hold the ideal oar tightly, you can wear its illusory coat and enjoy its sacred beauty; Some people say it is a desert, dry and barren; Some people say it is a valley, quiet and boring.

Facing many answers, I was lost. Now, when I entered the second day of junior high, I deeply felt the life of the second day of junior high and experienced many difficulties and hardships. Before the war, I believed that my hard work would bring me a final smile.

Although life in the second day of junior high school is very busy, there is joy in suffering. People often say that hard environment can stimulate people to work hard and cultivate their interest in learning. Sometimes traveling in the sea of topics for the purpose of learning is also a kind of beautiful 'enjoyment. Why not do it? The second day of junior high school is also rich and substantial. The intense study is not boring. When you finally solve a problem that has puzzled you for a long time, it feels as fresh as the breeze. The second day of junior high school is a test of life. No matter how difficult life is, as long as I straighten my chest, raise my head, and march forward bravely, although there are valleys and steep slopes ahead, I will not be afraid, and I will work hard to go forward.

Junior two is an important year for us.

Second day, for us, we should go down to earth. No matter whether we win or lose, we will walk through firmly and confidently.

The second day of the year is even more fleeting. In this crucial year, we will all surpass ourselves.

The second day of junior high school is a year of struggle, a hard year, and also a year of hard work. Next year, when Mingchan climbs up again, we will go to the battlefield to fight for our ideals. At that time, when I look back at me, I believe that I will reap an ideal harvest, which has won many hardships. Whenever I struggle hard, the distant dawn is encouraging me to work hard.

My junior two 600 words (11)

Get up, get up Every morning, my mother wakes me up like this. Then she said, "Oh, when can you get up by yourself? Don't bother me!"! But I can't get rid of laziness. Until that day

On the first night of that day, my mother said to me that she would go to Xiantao to eat wine overnight, and she could not wake me up tomorrow. I listened and took out the alarm clock in case I overslept tomorrow.

A tinkling bell woke me from my sleep, and I will sleep a little longer. I muttered to myself, turned off the alarm clock and lay down again. After a short meeting, I suddenly got up and looked at the alarm clock! It's seven o'clock! I got up quickly, dressed quickly, and went straight to school. I ran all the way to the class. Fortunately, I was not late.

The first and second classes are composition classes. The teacher asked everyone to write a composition. He handed it in before the second class. I thought it was bad. I hate writing compositions. I pondered hard in my seat, but I seldom read compositions, and I didn't say anything when I wrote them. I searched my brains and just thought about the topic, then the class was over. I can't help regretting that I should study hard at ordinary times!

When I got home and lay in bed, I couldn't help recalling what happened today. It's all because of my bad habit of laziness, which I must change in the future.

Change what you say.

The next morning, the sound of the alarm clock woke me up from my deep sleep. I dressed quickly, ate breakfast, and set out on the way to school. When I arrived at the school, I found that there were only a few students in the class. They looked at me like monsters. One of my good classmates said to me: Don't you like sleeping late? The sun is coming out in the west. Why do you get up so early? I said: I have changed my bad habits and am no longer lazy. My classmates admired me very much. I am also very satisfied with myself.

Now I have kept the habit of being diligent.

My junior two 600 words (12)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has written compositions, and must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. According to different writing time limits, compositions can be divided into timed compositions and non timed compositions. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is my dream composition of 600 words collected by Xiaobian. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

When I was young, I sowed the seeds of awakening in my small heart, hoping that one day I could open the wings of dreams and fly freely in the blue sky.

As time goes by, that little seed slowly sprouts in my heart. The distant dream in my heart is no longer far away. I'm working hard to become a teacher when I grow up. I'm working hard towards that distant dream. I believe that the flowers on the other side are blooming beautifully and waiting for my arrival. I will set up the sail of the voyage to fight for my future.

In fact, the dream of becoming a teacher was quietly sown by me in that accidental scene, which made me aspire to be an excellent people's teacher.

One day, I was sitting at home alone watching TV, and I accidentally saw this scene on the TV - a dilapidated brick house, only supported by two pieces of wood, which was in danger of collapsing at any time when the storm came. There are long benches in the house, and a small broken blackboard hanging in front of it may surprise you. It's such a classroom, such a blackboard, such a desk. Outside the window, there was a loud sound of reading, which was the love for learning and the desire and pursuit of knowledge of those children in the mountains! One by one, these children are as lively and lovely as we are, but their poor fate has changed their lives. They are also the flowers of the motherland, and the future of the motherland is so beautiful and moving! They also have great ideals and ambitions, and they can also blossom heartily. At that moment, my heart was deeply hurt. I was determined to become an excellent teacher of the people, to pave a bright future for those children in the mountains, and let them go out of the mountains to devote their lives to the motherland.

I will try my best to realize my dream and let more poor children realize their dreams as soon as possible! Let the children of the motherland become more outstanding, and let the future of the motherland become more brilliant!

My junior two 600 words (13)

It was raining outside the door, and the room was a bit stuffy. Although my parents were at home, I still felt that something was missing.

When the rain stopped, I watched the clock on the wall turn round and round. It was almost time for me to go to school. I opened the door and saw fresh air coming. I was greedily breathing and in a good mood. When I came to school, I saw the boys in the class playing in the corridor. After a long time, the bell rang and class began. I sat in the classroom and listened carefully to the teacher's class.

When I turned my head, I saw a naughty boy in the class. Because his hair was shaved very short, his head looked bald and funny. He shouted that it was drizzling outside. At this moment, the students all quarreled, and vaguely heard that some students said, "Fortunately, I took an umbrella." Some students said, "What should I do if I didn't take an umbrella?" But I thought to myself, "Fortunately, there is an umbrella in my schoolbag." The whole classroom began to quarrel, and the teacher took his pointer and knocked on the platform: "Be quiet, stop quarreling..."

It rained heavily outside until school was over. I came to the school gate. I was stunned. A boy's hair was wet, his clothes were wet, and his hair was dripping with water. His face was also full of rain, and his big eyes were worried. I seemed to see that when I was in primary school, I was also waiting anxiously at the school gate.

I want to continue watching. Suddenly, a tall, thin man ran over, with his short curly hair hanging behind his ears. Maybe he had been working in the sun for a long time. His dark skin looked old and his face was full of wrinkles.

It turned out that he was the little boy's father, and the little boy saw his father. Extremely excited, he ran to his father's side despite the heavy rain. The father saw his son running over, with a smile on his face, and saw that the father had only one umbrella, but it was carrying two people.

Seeing the direction of their departure, seeing the father's action... Isn't that what my father did to me? Tears hung on my face. I didn't know what to do. I ran home with my umbrella. I don't know whether the little boy knows that this is his father's love

And I have always remembered the father's love.

My junior two 600 words (14)

My idol has a little bald gray hair, and a smiling mouth on a face without star appearance. Although he is over 40 years old, he still looks like a young man, full of dreams. He has a pedal to move forward, weaving a dream of cycling around the world. Keeping his enthusiasm, he went to the university campus for further study and relived his old dream of becoming a student in a completely unfamiliar field. My idol is my father.

My father is a surgeon. As long as a phone call from the hospital explains what's wrong with the patient, even in the dead of night, my father will still drive to the hospital to solve the patient's problems.

I often joke that my father must be the representative of the "Buffalo Association". Buffalo always works hard. The father, a buffalo, has 365 days a year, and there are many days to rest, but he is happy with his work, devoted to it, and silently gives light and heat to the patients. In the hot summer vacation, a group of hardworking fishermen worked in the fishing port.

In the small room without any empty space, there was a doctor who was treating the fishermen, and his father took over the hard work in everyone's eyes. At this time, the father is a warm sun, illuminating the hearts of fishermen, bringing them warmth and hope. My idol, my father, I admire his professional attitude.

I admit that there is a crazy dad who loves cycling. Whether it is on the field road on the plain, or on the steep and winding mountain road when going up the mountain, or on the busy main road, there are traces of us stepping on the pedal and trying to move forward.

In the sweat, my father composed an "Etude" for cycling, and he is ambitious to participate in triathlon. After work, I often see my father moving his bike up and down in the garage alone, and planning the route for the next ride.

The golf coach who taught my father once said that my father had a foolish spirit to learn! I think it is also because of this foolishness that we can follow our father and write brilliant achievements for life! I have great admiration for my father, who has dreams and has the courage to challenge himself.

On the stage of life, I am proud of my father's daughter. Once I changed my strict father's nature, he gave me an unremitting attitude and endless love.

My junior two 600 words (15)

I was born in a family in Hetan Village, Wendi Town in. I am lively and active by nature. I will do whatever others ask me not to do, and I will not do whatever others ask me not to do. This is me, a stubborn and naughty me.

When I was seven years old, my mother sent me to school. I used to sit with Xiaoqing, but because of my naughty, I threw Xiaoqing's schoolbag on the ground to ask her not to sit with me anymore. She was very sad and went home crying. I sat down with another classmate. At that time, I was ignorant and hurt Xiaoqing's heart. I was still a partner growing up with her. Why did I hurt her heart like this?

When I was ten years old, my sister and I played together. My sister blamed me for lying to her and refused to play with me. I begged her to play with me. She agreed, but because I touched something, it fell off the top and just fell on a piece of glass. The glass broke with a "pop". I am at a loss and very sad. Suddenly, my mother came back and saw the broken glass. She lost her temper and said, "Who is it.

When I was fourteen years old, I went to junior high school. I felt very happy at once. Finally, I didn't have to be controlled by my mother anymore. I was very lucky. At school, I had many classmates and friends playing with me, but I still felt that my mother was better. I wanted to go home, but I held back. Studying hard was the best reward for my mother. There are warmth, happiness, sadness, but also concern in this class. Teachers urge us to study hard. Students and I explore and learn. We often roam in the sea.

I sincerely wish the students progress in their studies and make progress every day; I hope students can care about their parents. Love your parents, be friendly and honest. This is me, a naughty me.

My junior two 600 words (16)

Winter vacation. Mention these two words, I have no answer. It was said that it was a holiday in winter, but that time evaporated faster than in summer. In a twinkling of an eye, half of it had already gone to heaven. It's almost New Year's Eve, and I'm half happy and half worried. I can't say. I just have no joy or worry, and I'm light inside and outside.

These two days, I just stayed at home like a zombie. Occasionally, one or two people could warm up a little, and the rest of the time was just to move their limbs. It is often said that a gentleman speaks but does not act. But I can't help it. Writing homework is really asking for help, and playing computer is casting pearls before swine. No wonder the political teacher said every day: "Be honest and do honest things". In fact, she asked us to write her homework on a bag of 50 kg rice.

But everyone in our class is heavier than a bag of rice. What I am holding a temporary post is pit work. I don't know what I can do and what I can't do, but I am full of it; Those who don't hold a temporary post but have to face the music are those who cheat on their homework. Make the assignment in the form of total - score - total. There are also those who have thicker skin than homework. Of course, I belong to the second category.

Nevertheless, the workload is considerable. Now, I still have a reverence for my homework: it can be viewed from afar rather than played obscenely.

Staying at home all day, looking at the golden house, I have developed a new realm. People are fatter than Huang Hua. Maybe Li Qingzhao will not understand. I feel dizzy when I think about eating and drinking during the Spring Festival.

The home is desolate and helpless; There is a lot of traffic outside the house. It's very busy. I don't know where there is a peach blossom garden. It's not easy to surf the Internet. The speed of the Internet is slower than that of the rabbit racing with the tortoise. Chatting is also regarded as a waste of life, time, thought and thought, and finally came up with a good place - a house called "memory". There, I know, there are the most unforgettable ones that I want to forget. Like genius and madman, although extreme, they belong to strange people.

In my memory, there are cheerful smiles, carefree giggles, happy smiles, as if pure as the blue sky, containing everything, it seems that it is not only the sea accepts all rivers. There are also sad cries, sad sobs, numb heartless sadness in my memory. That each other's moment after moment, warm, sad, all here. It seems to be predestined. What cannot be forgotten is always forgotten. Time is a good healer. I know that what he heals is just a layer of skin, like a snake molting, leaving behind the essence of the essence. The concentrated essence still exists, and like a cup of salt water, the less water left after evaporation, the more salty. The saltier.

I am still drinking this cup of salty water, looking at the years passing by and little by little, with an expression of joy and worry, living through the winter vacation and years.