83 verses about the Mid Autumn Festival
The garden is scented with flowers
2023-02-21 14:34:24
Complete Poems

1. Grasping straw for payment, and issuing cloth by turns—— Wen Tianxiang's "Returning Directors Raise the Mid Autumn Festival Feast"

2. You can have a few free days in January. The Mid Autumn Festival is rare in a century—— Huilin's Play on Mid Autumn Festival

3. The taste of Zen is accompanied by sorrow, which gives me a clear and full floor—— Huilin's Play on Mid Autumn Festival

4. It's like a bright front. I don't know who will continue to travel in the cold—— Huilin's Play on Mid Autumn Festival

5. It's half cold—— Sijiake · Mid Autumn Festival by Wu Wenying

6. The city is full of wind and rain. How lucky it is that the two suns are close—— Wen Tianxiang's "Returning Directors Raise the Mid Autumn Festival Feast"

7. Why don't you stop and listen to me—— Guo Yingxiang's Drunk Down, Bingyin Mid Autumn Festival

8. Sound straight up, Toad Grotto—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

9. Ordinary people are rare—— Guo Yingxiang's Drunk Down, Bingyin Mid Autumn Festival

10. There are only red candles in the hall—— Xin Qiji's A Cut of Plum Blossom, Mid Autumn Festival and the First Moon

11. The sky should be covered with meaning—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

12. Where is the height of the building—— Wu Wenying's "Last Offender - Mid Autumn Festival in Jiachen"

13. Lou Polygonum, Xiang Jing, remember the year when we met—— Wu Wenying's "Last Offender - Mid Autumn Festival in Jiachen"

14. From now on, we can see the beauty of the moon—— Huanxisha, Sitting on the Eighteen Guests in Mid Autumn Festival by Zhang Xiaoxiang

15. Just talk about the lotus in the association—— Huanxisha, Sitting on the Eighteen Guests in Mid Autumn Festival by Zhang Xiaoxiang

16. Although the wonderful music is passed on, what a person he is after all—— Guo Yingxiang's Drunk Down, Bingyin Mid Autumn Festival

17. Looking at the sky and the earth, the hole looks like a brush—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

18. The bright moonlight in front of the bed may be frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon, bow your head and think about your hometown—— Li Bai's Silent Night Thoughts

19. Only tonight, all the bright colors are common—— Guo Yingxiang's Drunk Down, Bingyin Mid Autumn Festival

20. The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountain, amid the boundless clouds. The long wind blows tens of thousands of miles across the Yumen Pass—— Guan Shanyue by Li Bai

21. But I'm afraid that Wang Can is opposite to Yongdeng Tower—— Su Zhe's Water Melody, Xuzhou Mid Autumn Festival

22. I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

23. Sitting in the middle of a journey, with green plumage and purple fur—— Su Zhe's Water Melody, Xuzhou Mid Autumn Festival

24. Good time needs some difficulties—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

25. The couple who sent the message should not be disappointed by the cold and get drunk—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

26. When will the bright moon appear? Ask Qingtian about the wine—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

27. Drinks should be kept together. Don't burn too much tonight—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

28. Up to now, it is Chang'e who will throw people—— Pi Rixiu's The Night of Guizi in Tianzhu Temple on the 15th of August

29. Dancing and wandering, the wind is exposed, and I don't know what the night will be—— Su Shi's "Chanting to Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival"

30. Frost is all over the ground, and you want to fly across the colorful clouds—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

31. Advocate to help people appreciate, and wild geese rise from Tingzhou—— Su Zhe's Water Melody, Xuzhou Mid Autumn Festival

32. If you want to ride the wind and turn back, why ride the Peng's wings—— Su Shi's "Chanting to Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival"

33. He is bright and knows how many he is—— The Mid Autumn Moon, the Mid Autumn Moon, by Xu Youzhen

34. Living in Jinghua, it's the Mid Autumn Festival again—— Qiu Jin's "Manjianghong, Dwelling in Beijing"

35. Take Chang'e into consideration. It's cold in Jiuqiu Palace—— Shi Dazu's "Qi Tian Le, Mid Autumn Lodging at Zhending Posthouse"

36. The moon shines on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. Lovers complain at night, but they fall in love at night—— Zhang Jiuling's "Watching the Moon and Cherishing the Far Away"

37. Su E, a rascal, went west and never stayed—— Su Zhe's Water Melody, Xuzhou Mid Autumn Festival

38. When it comes to the cold autumn, it is half broken—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

39. In a good season, we are willing to have the Mid Autumn Festival every year—— The Mid Autumn Moon, the Mid Autumn Moon, by Xu Youzhen

40. Think of Zixu, see Chang'e tonight, Shen Yuanxue—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

41. Ten thousand miles of beautiful scenery, a few mists and clouds—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

42. Humanity and more purity—— Xin Qiji's "Taichangyin · Jiankang's Mid Autumn Night Ode to Lu Shuqian"

43. The precious mirror on earth is still closed, and the immortal raft on the sea is restored—— Sijiake · Mid Autumn Festival by Wu Wenying

44. Leave your shadow behind, endure the darkness, and take photos of the past—— Wu Wenying's "Last Offender - Mid Autumn Festival in Jiachen"

45. Some guests hesitated, and the ancient courtyard hung its own shadow—— Shi Dazu's "Qi Tian Le, Mid Autumn Lodging at Zhending Posthouse"

46. Looking at the water pavilion for a long time, the time is not coming, and the plan is still poor—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

47. The blue sea is turning the clouds, the golden well is getting cool at dusk, and the wind is blowing fast—— Wu Wenying's "Last Offender - Mid Autumn Festival in Jiachen"

48. Don't send Su'e to know that he is also beautiful—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

49. How can I be cheated by white hair—— Xin Qiji's "Taichangyin · Jiankang's Mid Autumn Night Ode to Lu Shuqian"

50. Let's not talk about the ups and downs, but enjoy the good times in the world—— The Mid Autumn Moon, the Mid Autumn Moon, by Xu Youzhen

51. Dew cold and dry, calm lotus silk ice wrist guard—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

52. People are in the Crystal Palace when the wind blows and the bones are cold—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

53. If something wipes the golden mirror clean, who can seize the Milky Way—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

54. The boat under Liuxia is still unstable, and it will be the Mid Autumn Festival for a few days—— Liu Guo's "Tang Duoling, Lusha Leaves Full of Tingzhou"

55. Osmanthus fuyu, the street full of sky in the first month, the night is as cool as washing—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

56. Stimulating qi can drive away powder and indigo, and you can swallow Wuyue with a glass—— Shi Dazu, The Red River, Mid Autumn Night Tide

57. The dragon stretches over the cliff, the watchtower is lofty, and the music is ethereal—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

58. Ask Shen Gong, who is jealous of Yun Di—— Wu Wenying's "Encounter Joy Forever, Mid Autumn Storm at Yisi"

59. When the green bird comes to the west, Chang'e will report to me, and the wedding day is near—— Wen Zhengming's "Chanting Nujiao, Mid Autumn Festival to the Moon"

60. People are still suffering and waste heat, and dust is generated in the heart, which moves me to the three realms of detachment—— Xiangzi Gui's Song of Immortals - Mid Autumn Festival

61. If you want to see Guanghan Palace, the clouds are combing the wind—— Xin Qiji, A Good Thing is Near, The Mid Autumn Festival Feast and Wang Lu qian

62. How can the residual rain interfere with happiness—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

63. When the wind blows at dusk, you will see gold and jade—— Jiang Chengzi, Mid Autumn Morning Rain and Evening Sunny, written by Chen

64. Try to judge your life by yourself. It is better to stay for a few times—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

65. Across the green screen, the new eyebrows are painted, and half of them are still hidden—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

66. Why do you want to be like a hook like a ring? You will meet each other. There is only half a diamond flower—— Liu Kezhuang's Slow Magnolia Flower · Mid Autumn Festival at Ding Wei

67. Kuang Quzhi points to the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon is very good, not according to people—— Xin Qiji's Magnolia Flower · Chuzhou Farewell Fan

68. Laotse sang loudly to ask Chang'e, how about a good night without getting drunk—— Zhang Yanghao's "The Order of Winning the laurel, Mid Autumn Festival"

69. Clean floating jade, which is better than flower shadow and spring lantern—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

70. Ten rounds of frost shadows turn to the court, and the night detainee faces the corner alone. Not necessarily Su E has no regrets, jade toad is cold and sweet scented osmanthus is lonely—— Mid Autumn Moon by Yan Shu

71. The lonely rabbit shines on the water, the morning wind rises, and the Milky Way turns to the west—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

72. The life of the teacher is very round, but he has to fight for a long time and wakes up after being drunk—— Xiangzi Gui's Song of Immortals - Mid Autumn Festival

73. The frost is frozen in the wild, the water is wet in the river, and the curling matches each other—— Shi Dazu's "Qi Tian Le, Mid Autumn Lodging at Zhending Posthouse"

74. White congeals in the morning, fragrant blows light embers, and small bottles lean against the window to disperse osmanthus—— Wu Wenying's "Encounter Joy Forever, Mid Autumn Storm at Yisi"

75. The sea of copper, the mountains of sorrow and haze, Yanbei and Yannan—— Wu Wenying's "Encounter Joy Forever, Mid Autumn Storm at Yisi"

76. The wind near the wild geese is small, fly to Qiong and look around, and the blue clouds come late first—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

77. The crystal curtain will not fall, the mica screen will open, and the beauty powder will be soaked in cold water—— ChaoBuzhi's Song of Immortals in Cave, Sizhou's Mid Autumn Festival Works

78. When you ask me about my fate, there are profits and losses. I am tired of jade axe and my luck is reformed—— Xiangzi Gui's Song of Immortals - Mid Autumn Festival

79. White tree dwelling crows in the atrium, cold dew silent wet osmanthus. Tonight, people are looking at the moon, I wonder who will fall in love with autumn—— Watching the Moon in Fifteen Nights by Wang Jian

80. Every round place is a good night. At this moment, the night is far away, and the songs are resentful—— Wu Wenying's "Yu Lou Chi, Gua Jing Du Zhong Qiu Xi Fu"

81. On the Mid Autumn Festival on the third day of the lunar calendar, you will enjoy drinking and get drunk. This article is written with the purpose of cherishing your children—— Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival

82. Later, we will pay Jinzun a lot of Ming Dynasty, vote for Xiaogong, and pour out all the flowing clouds—— ChaoBuzhi's Song of Immortals in Cave, Sizhou's Mid Autumn Festival Works

83. When it is cold in the dew, there are many cold spots in disorder. Shenjing is far away, but Blue Bridge Road is near—— ChaoBuzhi's Song of Immortals in Cave, Sizhou's Mid Autumn Festival Works