It used to be here (15 compilations)
Keep away from dust
2023-12-25 03:50:52
college entrance examination

It was still here (1)

The path in my memory is full of dandelions, camphor trees, and strange stones. My sister and I spent our childhood on this path.

"Hurry up, sister." The sister ran forward quickly and happily. "Look!" said my sister excitedly. I looked in the direction of my sister's fingers, and there was something indistinctly in the lush trees. "Bird's nest," I cried in surprise. My sister winked and asked me: "Dare you climb up?" "I'll try." I tightly held the thick trunk of the tree and pushed my feet up desperately. "Come on, come on!" My sister cheered for me under the tree. I clung to the bark and kicked down, hugged the trunk not far away from me, pushed up with one foot and rode directly on it. Whew - I take a deep breath. "Go on, grab the trunk above you!" My sister said anxiously below. The one on the top is a little far away from me. I stood on tiptoe and tried to touch it, but it was still a little... I tried hard, ouch! I cried out, but one failed to stand firm and fell down from the tree. Fortunately, there were thick camphor leaves piled up below. I fell on the top and raised them like butterflies. "Are you all right, sister?" The sister hurriedly ran over. "Nothing." When I was a child, I always liked to be brave. In fact, although there were leaves under it, my feet still hurt. "Don't say, I'll give you some fruit candy when you go home." "Really?" "Hmm." My sister promised very quickly. Great! As long as there is sugar to eat, what's a sore foot! As we continued to move forward, it was dusk, and the sunset had drawn our shadow very long

I can't remember how many times my sister and I played and stayed on this path. We picked dandelions and blew them. They took small white parachutes to travel around the world; We chased the yellow butterfly and let the happy laughter fly in the air; We jumped the grid on the path and hid cats. Accompanied by this path, we grow up day by day.

When I saw the lane later, I had to turn out from the main road because the main road was built. I was stunned suddenly. The white dandelion is still there, the camphor is still there, but things are different from people. Now we can no longer play like before, and each of us has entered a new track. You have disappeared on the road of growth. Looking back, you are still here, still in our childhood. Think, inadvertently, eyes wet, tears across the cheeks.

It was still here (2)

What is youth? In my eyes, it looks like a wisp of red dust, but it is not so glamorous. It's like a floating cloud again. I don't know where life is going. A fair lady is a good match for a gentleman. Try to be a child~

If you don't know why you were born at the beginning. What can birth change. Then you are wrong. Maybe you are worried about what to do today and what to do tomorrow every day. What to do next. Isn't life like a flash in the pan? Although some people still live in the sewer. But can't be confused by the present sad time. Just think about being happy. I know it's hard. But it was because you had a wonderful life before. The more fragile it is when sorrow comes

Maybe you have lived a happy life but don't know how to be happy. Then please change it! Time is good. But now the study is also beautiful light~try to be a Epiphyllum even if there is no. Roses are so enchanting. But that is you after all. Looking back, I found that. The last thing left in youth is learning. And family. Only these two things can change your life. If you don't want to let your family give up and let yourself down. Then change it.

There are many things you can't stand. Life can not stay in a moment. Can not return to that moment. I hope everyone can enjoy learning. Love learning. Only learning can bring us happiness in the future.

For example, you play games secretly during online classes. Then it is a waste of time and youth. A moment of repentance may change your life. Motivated to study hard but not really hard. That's nothing. Opportunities often only go to those who work hard. I can't miss it because I've experienced it.

It is not God's intention to target you when all the cases happen. But you have to pay the price for what you did wrong before. Youth is always just hard work. Now, after a few years of hard study, you can play freely? Maybe something is wrong and changed. It's too late, but if it hasn't changed. Then you are gambling all your life. Through my experience, I found that my self conceit is my pride. But I will correct it. Give. And efforts. Others double their efforts. Then I have to squeeze four times. Six times the effort. Because I missed more than others... a lot.

The thing is that you can change it. Come on. There is still a long way to go before you miss the beauty of the world. We must also walk this way. To youth, in fact, you have always been here~

It was still here (3)

Chanting Snow for Ease, and the Book for Love Goose

-- Title

The moonlight turns over the red pavilions and shines low into the carved windows. It shines on your white eyes and several tears on your face. The spring wind blows across the calm lake and moves the willow shadow in front of the window, but it cannot open your sadness.

After many years, you are still here. Look at the yellow flowers in the courtyard and whisper your sadness.

When you were waiting for words, your face looked like spring flowers. When you go boating with friends, you get drunk and lose your way. You slip into the deep lotus pool, only to be surprised by a flock of gulls and egrets.

You bow your head and play the piano. The sound is beautiful and refreshing. His heart was touched by your light, beautiful and moving attitude. He is obsessed with your music, appearance and talent. Since then, he is your good match, and you are his lover.

However, the Jin soldiers came and fought everywhere. The country broke down and the family died, facing the weak and incompetent imperial court. You angrily wrote down the famous line that has been sung for thousands of years, 'Life is a hero, death is also a ghost.' Yue Fei, a famous general of the Song Dynasty, was amazed.

But after all, you are alone. You have experienced national hatred, family hatred, separation and death. Filled with sorrow, who can pick with you now? The autumn rain is beating the leaves of the parasol tree bit by bit in the dusk.

In your old age, you are like a flower in the river.

You are willow catkins, floating and swaying.

You are jade, exquisite.

Some people say that all your words are neat, and their refinement can capture the sound of a dream window. Others say that you can't just look down on women and try to overwhelm men. I want to say that drinking ice for ten years is hard to cool and warm, which explains your love for words.

You are sentimental and talented. After a storm, you lie on your couch and look out of the dim window. Your mind is full of small houses. In a hurry, time quietly slips away in poetry.

The night is deep, everything is quiet, the cold beauty in the cold is stirring your mood, and under the gentle eyes is your endless sorrow. Low head, green everywhere has disappeared, yellow leaves have piled up everywhere, spring and summer have gone, and the appearance is old, who can favor it?

How many midnight dreams, you still lie there, looking at the thick clouds in the mist, smelling the incense burning in the incense burner. I seemed to see the young woman in the moonlight waiting for her husband's return.

Time has changed, so you are still here.

It was still here (4)

What is youth? In my eyes, a ray of red dust is not so glamorous. Like a floating cloud, I don't know where life is going. A fair lady is easy for a gentleman to talk about. Try to be a child~

If it is not the reason for birth at the beginning. What can birth change? You are wrong. Maybe you are worried about what to do today, what to do tomorrow, and what to do next every day. Isn't life like a flash in the pan? Although some people still live in the sewer. But cannot be confused by the present. When you are sad, just think about being happy. I know it's hard, but it's just because you've had a good time before. When sadness suddenly comes, it's more fragile.

Maybe you have lived a happy life but don't know how to be happy, then please change it! It's a good time, but now it's also a good time to study. Try to be a Epiphyllum, even if it is not as glamorous as roses, it is your own after all. Looking back, I found that the last thing left in youth is only study and the company of family. Only these two things can change your life. If you don't want to let your family give up and disappoint, please change it.

There are many things you can't stand. Life can not always stay in a moment, nor can it return to that moment. I hope everyone can enjoy learning and love learning. Only learning can bring us happiness in the future.

Everything happens because God wants to target you, but Star, you have to pay the price for the wrong things you did before. Youth is always just hard work. Now, if you study hard for a few years, you can play freely? Maybe some things will change when they know their mistakes, then you are gambling with your life. Through experience, I found that my arrogance is my pride. But I will correct my efforts. If others pay twice as much effort, I will not have to pay four times as much effort. Because I missed a lot more than others.

Things can change. Come on! The beauty of the world cannot be missed. There is still a long way to go, and we must also go this way. To youth, in fact, you have been there.

It was still here (5)

In a twinkling of an eye, five years of time flew away in such a hurry. Once upon a time, the fragrant steamed bun shop, the black and white kitten, and you all went nowhere, as if they were swept away overnight. Even the last chance to say goodbye to you, the last chance to say "I hope you can be better", didn't give me the chance, only left me a incomplete dream.

The green camphor in front of the door is still lush, it is always the same, where are you? I couldn't help asking again and again.

Your appearance has become blurred again and again in my face. I only remember that you liked to smile at that time. I rarely saw you in a dejected manner. You always smile. When you see you, it is like seeing the bright sun. The yard is full of your innocent smile. Maybe my habit of laughing was formed at that time.

We grew up together and ran on the road together. Sometimes you eat delicious white rice at my home and I eat hot noodles at your home. Since then, you have become my best friend.

You always deliberately hide behind a tree and let me run around the yard. I am so anxious to find you. While you were quietly smiling and pretending to be calm when I came to see you, when I came to you panting, you smiled again and ran away mischievously.

But I can't find you anymore. You are like a gust of wind, and suddenly you are gone.

In the days after you left, I really understood what loneliness is. Once upon a time, you were always around me, making up all kinds of jokes to make me laugh, and letting me play with your favorite toy. However, the figure of you running from your home and jumping around me with praise has disappeared, your laughter has slipped away, and the toys have disappeared as if they had been agreed.

Sometimes, when I'm bored, I go into the backyard and see two Magnolia grandiflora trees. I thought you would hide behind that tree and wait for me to find you. Then I was scared. But can I really find you this time? Sometimes, I imagine you are still here, playing happily with cats and catching butterflies. Then, I want to stop you and ask why you must move away? Don't you know how lonely I will be when you leave? I want to ask her this.

I hate you very much. At that time, I didn't understand why you had to leave. Why must I face the empty street alone? It's you who make me really happy! You are the most important person in my childhood! Guo Hui, I will not worry about something anymore, and blame myself. But why did you throw me here again? You should know that I don't have many friends!

Day after day, year after year, I gradually grow up and know why you left. However, I still vaguely hope that you can come back, play hide and seek with me, and then stand in the opposite steamed bun shop, laughing and shouting my name. Of course, it can't be true. Maybe you have forgotten my name.

Then I formed the habit of folding stars. I hope you can make a lot of friends in some corner of the world, play hide and seek with them, play with cats, tell jokes to them, and give them your best toys to play with. You will live the life you want happily with a smile. Even if you don't know, there is a person in the distance silently folding the stars, silently hoping that you can come back. But will you know?

Sometimes, I will feel that you have never gone far. You are still here, crouching quietly in front of the door to tease the cat, or jumping up to catch the butterfly. You are in my memory, giggling and saying to me, "I'll tell you a joke!"

For so many years, I still hope you can come back, even if you have forgotten me and play hide and seek with another girl. However, it's good to let me know that you are still very happy.

I am relieved because I know that you have lived happily here and you are still smiling happily in my memory.

It was still here (6)

"Search, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look.

When I was a child, I was a sentimental, alarmist child. The rumor of "the end of the world" in the winter of 2012, although CCTV has refuted the rumor, I still worry that the end of the world will come and we will die; Whenever I see old beggars on the roadside, my heart will suffer for a long time. I will worry that my relatives will fall to such a level when they are old... I attribute all these to my inner weakness.

I don't want to be a paper tiger that looks strong on the outside but extremely weak on the inside. Then, when I saw those poor beggars again, I would tell myself: "What's the sad thing? The poor people must have something to hate!" "These people must have done something bad to get to this place." Gradually, I used these helpless and confused excuses to build an indestructible shield for my heart. So, when the students were out of breath crying to see the moving film and to see off the intern teacher, I was not moved at all, and I suddenly felt that I was too cold; When I regarded the good and good, the bad and the bad reported in the news as a surprise, I suddenly felt that I was a bit good and evil. I began to miss the kind-hearted me before.

One day, my mother took me to see her poor family. The head of the family was an old woman who dragged four children. But three of them got a strange disease when they were 20 years old, which led to paralysis of the lower body and completely unable to take care of themselves. And the youngest daughter, after she went to college, recently felt that her legs and feet were not working properly, so she could not escape the strange disease inherited by her family. The granny and her three children were crowded in a house of less than 50 square meters. Even though life was very tight and the granny began to wipe away tears when we entered the house, she still did not stop her trembling to burn a pot of milk tea for us, and served us with some pieces of Nang cakes. "The 80 year old takes care of three children who cannot take care of themselves every day. Now the only hope is about to be dashed. Although the family is destitute, the granny still wants to cook tea for us. Obviously, not all poor people are hateful. We should do our best to help those who need help and care for those who need to care..." Mother's words flowed into my heart like a warm current, more like a bucket of strong sulfuric acid corroding the extreme shield in my heart. All of a sudden, I found the kind-hearted one who can distinguish between good and evil, instead of pretending to be myself with extreme words.

I searched, dissipated the helpless smoke, and finally found that you are still here. This "you" is not my friend, but another me, which I always believe: everyone has an ignorant and simple young man in his heart. May righteousness last forever and good and evil be rewarded!

It was still here (7)

When the warm light of summer shines through the window lattice on the smiling young people who are still asleep, the ancient Nanjing City is quietly waking up.

In this ancient capital favored by the emperors of the Thirteen Dynasties, too many Western or simple or gorgeous cultural relics have been left. Walking slowly on the newly awakened Nanjing Road, only people passing by wake up the city. When we arrived at the university town, there was the blood of youth and the breath of culture. The hostess of the Cat Cafe opposite is cleaning the green apples hanging at the door of the shop with a watering can. The delicate leaves look like a baby who hasn't waked up yet. The edges of the leaves are like the feet of a sleeping girl. They are slightly bent inward, and the branches are drooping and winding. There are some Du Mu's "green apples grow new vines, wrapped and hanging in the corner." Means.

In this busy Nanjing, on the crowded road, she is like the gentle raindrops moistening a pure land. The sky above her is like a blue mallow after dripping lemon, which makes people feel comfortable.

Stepping into the store, a woman's bright eyes crossed the front desk with a little surprise, and the bright pupil seemed to fall into the heart of the sea in the waves. She closed the book on the desk quietly and leaned down apologetically, indicating that it was an unfortunate arrival. The confused blue and green eyes of Buyu Cat lying at the foot of the sofa indicate sleepiness. Everything is just right. The quiet morning starts here. Busy Nanjing also seems to have the worst situation imaginable.

Sitting on the cloth sofa elaborately arranged by women, delicate and lovely balls made of bamboo strips lie in the arms of a tiger cat with its belly turned upside down. Occasionally, tourists come to the door to tease cats, or students, white-collar workers walk into the shop and sit quietly and enjoy a cup of thick and mellow coffee with mixed flavors. People of all kinds seem to have been enchanted by the hostess. They are no longer in a hurry, but naturally intoxicated in a mood.

The woman holds a cup of kabu, and the fragrant milk foam drips into the taste buds along the smooth coffee. The woman smiled at me and relaxed under the Beatles' music. "I thought that Nanjing's busyness would multiply because of its prosperity, but there was never a blissful Pure Land here." She stroked Garfield lying beside her with her hands, and her eyes were filled with different starlight: "The prosperity of the ancient capital will eventually return to calm in the midst of noise, right?"

Blind belief in the busy world can only make you sink deeper and deeper into the bottomless swamp, and you can only listen to God's jokes quietly. But if you learn to be free, calm, and put down your steps, you will find that life is much easier and the scenery is just around the corner.

Out of the coffee shop, one person, one umbrella, one sunshine, enjoying the quiet years, I am still here.

It was still here (8)

Yongxue for ease, and the book for love goose

-- Title

The moonlight turns over the red pavilions and shines low into the carved windows. It shines on your white eyes and several tears on your face. The spring wind blows across the calm lake and moves the willow shadow in front of the window, but it cannot open your sadness.

After many years, you are still here. In the courtyard, looking at the yellow flowers everywhere, whispering your sadness,

When you were waiting for words, your face looked like spring flowers. When you go boating with friends, you get drunk and lose your way. You slip into the deep lotus pool, only to be surprised by a flock of gulls and egrets.

You bow your head and play the piano. The sound is beautiful and refreshing. His heart was touched by your light, beautiful and moving attitude. He is obsessed with your music, appearance and talent. Since then, he is your good match, and you are his lover.

However, the Jin soldiers came and fought everywhere. The country broke down and the family died, facing the weak and incompetent imperial court. You angrily wrote down the famous line that has been sung for thousands of years, 'Life is a hero, death is also a ghost.' Yue Fei, a famous general of the Song Dynasty, was amazed.

But after all, you are alone. You have experienced national hatred, family hatred, separation and death. Filled with sorrow, who can pick with you now? The autumn rain is beating the leaves of the parasol tree bit by bit in the dusk.

In your old age, you are like a flower in the river.

You are willow catkins, floating and swaying.

You are jade, exquisite.

Some people say that all your words are neat, and their refinement can capture the sound of a dream window. Others say that you can't just look down on women and try to overwhelm men. I want to say that drinking ice for ten years is hard to cool and warm, which explains your love for words.

You are sentimental and talented. After a storm, you lie on your couch and look out of the dim window. Your mind is full of small houses. In a hurry, time quietly slips away in poetry.

The night is deep, everything is quiet, the cold beauty in the cold is stirring your mood, and under the gentle eyes is your endless sorrow. Low head, green everywhere has disappeared, yellow leaves have piled up everywhere, spring and summer have gone, and the appearance is old, who can favor it?

How many midnight dreams, you still lie there, looking at the thick clouds in the mist, smelling the incense burning in the incense burner. I seemed to see the young woman in the moonlight waiting for her husband's return.

Time has changed, so you are still here.

It was still here (9)

”Looking for it, I feel sad. "I found you were still here when I lifted the thick fog.

When I was a child, I was a sentimental, alarmist child. The rumor of "the end of the world" in the winter of 2012, although CCTV has refuted the rumor, I still worry that the end of the world will come and we will die; whenever I see the old beggars on the roadside, my heart will suffer for a long time. I will worry that my relatives will fall to such a situation when they are old... I attribute these to my inner weakness.

I don't want to be a paper tiger that looks strong on the outside but extremely weak on the inside. Then, when I saw those poor beggars again, I would tell myself, "What's so sad? Poor people must be hateful! These people must have done something bad to get to this place. "Gradually, I used these helpless and confused excuses to build an indestructible shield for my heart. Then, when the students were crying out of breath to see the moving film, to see off the trainee teacher, but I was not moved at all, I suddenly felt that I was too cold; When I regarded the good and good, the bad and the bad reported in the news as a surprise, I suddenly felt that I was a bit good and evil. I began to miss the kind-hearted me before.

One day, my mother took me to see her poor family. The head of the family was an old woman who dragged four children. But three of them got a strange disease when they were 20 years old, which led to paralysis of the lower body and completely unable to take care of themselves. And the youngest daughter, after she went to college, recently felt that her legs and feet were not working properly, so she could not escape the strange disease inherited by her family. The old woman and her three children were crowded in a house of less than 50 square meters. Even though life was very tight and the old woman began to wipe her tears when we entered the house, she still did not stop her trembling to burn a pot of milk tea for us, and served us with a few pieces of Nang cakes. " The 80 year old takes care of three children who can't take care of themselves every day. Now the only hope is about to be dashed. Although the family is destitute, the grandma still wants to cook tea for us. Obviously, not all poor people are hateful people. We should do our best to help those who need help, Concern for those who need to be concerned... "Mother's words flowed into my heart like a warm current, more like a bucket of strong sulfuric acid corroding the extreme shield in my heart. Suddenly I found the kind one who can distinguish between good and evil, rather than just pretending to be myself with extreme words.

I searched, dissipated the helpless smoke, and finally found that you are still here. This "you" is not my friend, but another me. I always believe that everyone has an ignorant and simple young man in his heart. May righteousness last forever and good and evil be rewarded!

It was still here (10)

Of course, Su Yunjin can't detect Cheng Zheng's contradiction. She is more worried about her father's illness. Her father's liver disease is getting worse and worse every day. Now even the normal teaching time in middle school can't be guaranteed, and the whole person is losing weight quickly. When talking to her mother on the phone in the afternoon, her mother sobbed at the other end of the phone line, making Yunjin's heart sink into the dark little by little. She asked to go back to see her father, but her mother choked and refused. Now is the key time for the college entrance examination. Nothing is more important than concentrating on preparing for the exam. Yunjin can't say how sad she is. Not only did she fail to accompany her father, but also she couldn't give him the consolation that she got good grades in the exam. No one has failed more than her. At the end of the phone call to her mother, she felt powerless during the evening self-study, and could not tell whether she was feeling uncomfortable or physically uncomfortable. Then, she felt a heat flow from her thighs. It rained all night, and she almost forgot that it was "those days" every month. It was hard for her to stay up until the midway of self-study in the evening. She took a spare sanitary towel out of her bag and wanted to run to the bathroom. But she couldn't find a pocket that could hold the sanitary towel all over her clothes and pants. In a hurry, she grabbed a book and put the sanitary towel in the book, He hurried to the door of the classroom. With his head down and running fast, Yunjin ran head-on into a man near the door of the classroom.

"Su Yunjin, are you going to have a reincarnation?" Hearing Cheng Zheng's voice, Yunjin felt dizzy and was about to disturb him to move on, but he deliberately blocked her way Yunjin's face became whiter, and without saying a word, she pushed towards the space beside him to the door. Cheng Zheng saw her strange look and grabbed the book in her hand. He said, "I'm sick. I went to the toilet and looked at the kind of book. You, Between two grabs and hides, the classical Chinese analysis book fell off the floor of the classroom, and a small piece of white things fell out of the page.

Cheng Zheng stared at the thing on the ground for five seconds, but Yunjin looked at him straightly. Astonishment, shame, anger, long held grievances, physical discomfort, worry about her father's body... All the negative emotions erupted in her heart like a volcano. She slowly bent down to pick up the piece of sanitary napkin, lowered her head and gently dusted the dust, and then in the eyes of everyone, accurately and forcefully slapped it on the stunned face in front of her, Hysterically shouted, "Here you are, here you are..."

The whole classroom was eerily silent for a few seconds.

When Cheng Zheng came to his senses, the poor sanitary napkin had slipped off his straight nose and slightly opened lips, and fell on the floor for the second time. The initiator had already run out of the classroom at a speed of 100 meters.

Cheng Zheng reflexively picked up the thing and chased her back. Instead of going to the bathroom, she ran towards the girls' dormitory. Cheng Zheng caught up with her in the middle of the long path between the classroom and the dormitory area. He grabbed her clothes and forced her to stagger and stop. Yunjin looked up at him breathlessly, his hair messy and his face full of tears.

Cheng Zheng is frightened by her tears. He doesn't know why he wants to catch up with her, but he intuitively wants to say something to her! But now she is ten centimeters away from him, and she is crying, but he has no idea what he wants to express. He held back for a long time before he promised to say, "...... I heard that...... You girls can't run violently these days every month."

Yunjin shook her head in horror, as if watching a madman, tears gushed out more quickly, "Cheng Zheng, what do you want to do?" At the moment, she had no previous impulse, just felt tired, and did not know where she had provoked this person. He would not let her go.

As it was evening self-study time, there was no one on this dark path except them. The pale street lamp pulled out two entangled shadows of their figures. From time to time, a slight night wind slipped, driving the leaves on the roadside, making a small sound, which could not hide their rapid breathing.

Cheng Zheng, what do you want to do? He also asked himself blankly, and then, before his brain came up with the answer, his lips fell on her eyes, sucked her tears, and finally printed her lips, tossing and turning. For a long time, he didn't let her go until there was a sharp pain in his shin. Yunjin breaks away from him, wipes her lips with her hands, and wipes away the shock and embarrassment on her face. She turns around and moves on. This time, Cheng Zheng didn't catch up with her. He just stared at her and said softly, "Yunjin, actually I don't want to do anything, but I don't know how to care about you.".

He didn't know if she had heard it, but he suddenly felt as if he had been enlightened. So, so.

Back at the door of the classroom, Zhou Ziyi saw several curious looking heads. When he saw him coming back, he put a hook on his shoulder and whispered, "Brother, did you catch up with her just now?" "Shit!" Cheng Zheng slapped his hands on his shoulders, disdaining to answer such questions without nutrition. Ziyi smiled and closed up again. "Let me tell you something, don't take it too seriously, although every man will feel extremely humiliated when this happens."

"Fuck you." Cheng Zheng smiled and walked lazily to his seat. His whole mind was still immersed in the sweetness of Yunjin's lips. He felt that his whole heart was not his own. Naturally, he did not pay attention to the sympathetic eyes of his classmates around him. Ziyi murmured behind him: "This guy is a victim of evil. He was humiliated by a local girl, but he laughed in love. He is not overly stimulated."

Su Yunjin did not appear in the classroom until the end of self-study that night. When the teacher on duty checked on duty, Mo Yuhua filled a sick leave note for her. "Overstimulated" Cheng Zheng looks at the empty seat in front of him, unable to take it back all night.

Grade 5:? Mu Zhiqiu

It was still here (11)

In this ancient capital favored by the emperors of the Thirteen Dynasties, too many Western or simple or gorgeous cultural relics have been left. Walking slowly on the newly awakened Nanjing Road, only people passing by wake up the city. When we arrived at the university town, there was the blood of youth and the breath of culture. The hostess of the Cat Cafe opposite is cleaning the green apples hanging at the door of the shop with a watering can. The delicate leaves look like a baby who hasn't waked up yet. The edges of the leaves are like the feet of a sleeping girl. They are slightly bent inward, and the branches are drooping and winding. There are some Du Mu's "green apples grow new vines, wrapped and hanging in the corner." Means.

In this busy Nanjing, on the crowded road, she is like the gentle raindrops moistening a pure land. The sky above her is like a blue mallow after dripping lemon, which makes people feel comfortable.

Stepping into the store, a woman's bright eyes crossed the front desk with a little surprise, and the bright pupil seemed to fall into the heart of the sea in the waves. She closed the book on the desk quietly and leaned down apologetically, indicating that it was an unfortunate arrival. The confused blue and green eyes of Buyu Cat lying at the foot of the sofa indicate sleepiness. Everything is just right. The quiet morning starts here. Busy Nanjing also seems to have the worst situation imaginable.

Sitting on the cloth sofa elaborately arranged by women, delicate and lovely balls made of bamboo strips lie in the arms of a tiger cat with its belly turned upside down. Occasionally, tourists come to the door to tease cats, or students, white-collar workers walk into the shop and sit quietly and enjoy a cup of thick and mellow coffee with mixed flavors. People of all kinds seem to have been enchanted by the hostess. They are no longer in a hurry, but naturally intoxicated in a mood.

The woman holds a cup of kabu, and the fragrant milk foam drips into the taste buds along the smooth coffee. The woman smiled at me and relaxed under the Beatles' music. "I thought that Nanjing's busyness would multiply because of its prosperity, but there was never a blissful Pure Land here." She stroked Garfield lying beside her with her hands, and her eyes were filled with different starlight: "The prosperity of the ancient capital will eventually return to calm in the midst of all the noise, right?"

Blind belief in the busy world can only make you sink deeper and deeper into the bottomless swamp, and you can only listen to God's jokes quietly. But if you learn to be free, calm, and put down your steps, you will find that life is much easier and the scenery is just around the corner.

Out of the coffee shop, one person, one umbrella, one sunshine, enjoying the quiet years, I am still here.

It was still here (12)

In our youth, we all loved an excellent boy. He could solve complicated mathematical problems. He was very handsome when playing basketball. Sometimes he was childish and sometimes he was responsible. Cheng Zheng in the story is such a boy. And ordinary like us, just like Su Yunjin who works hard and has a little inferiority complex.

I don't doubt that Su Yunjin also likes Cheng Zheng, so she doesn't refuse him to offer a helping hand to help with math, so she is willing to watch him play football. As she said, being loved by such an excellent boy will still feel very happy even when she is 100 years old. However, Su Yunjin is inferiority complex. Different family circumstances and Cheng Zheng's light made her retreat. After graduating from high school, she completely disappeared from Cheng Zheng's life. What impressed me most in the film was Cheng Zheng's persistence. In the face of Su Yunjin's disappearance and rejection, he was willing to put down his self-esteem and always accompany Su Yunjin. Especially for several years, the name "Su Yunjin" has been written on the merit book. "Long term love" is the most moving word in love. It makes us believe in the everlasting and the eternal. It gives us the courage to forget past grievances and the strength to overcome inferiority. This persistence finally moved Su Yunjin, who had the courage to rush to Cheng Zheng and the happiness she had been waiting for.

Go around and hope that someone is waiting for you all the time.

It was still here (13)

Slightly folding sadness, slowly folding melancholy, embellishing the desolation with a smile, happily packaging the past, the years bound into a book, every fold, but vividly in the heart. Perhaps, the pain can be buried, my poor disguise, how can you withstand the wash of a drop of clear tears? Your heart is the only place where I can fall. Who is half open now in these years?

When you are here, the rain will come unexpectedly. I have always wanted to be a woman as warm as jade, nourished by your tenderness. Memories of the temperature wrapped in your breath, no longer thin and cool.

Rain, the refreshing sky, just like your smile, fresh and clear. The wind is as light as water, the sleeves flowing with clouds, and the romantic dance grows with the wind. The blue sky makes propaganda, the white clouds make ink, and the wind is free and easy. The elegant picture is integrated into the eyes and collected in the heart. Listen attentively, you flick the sound of falling flowers, and awaken the beautiful. My swaying posture makes me dance like a butterfly, singing softly in the clouds, in the water, on your shoulder holding the falling flowers. A red bean brightens the whole maple forest. Because of you, the world becomes unusual.

The days without you, tea warm memories, Acacia gradually thin. Who made a promise lightly, drying in the vicissitudes of winter, the dry years, in the sound of a broken heart, nothing to hide, toward the sky, scattered to flee... vendors?

Where to synthesize sorrow, leaving people's hearts in autumn. In the thick night, I count the groans of dreams, and in the morning, I weave into words, which frames the pathos of poetry. The wind can't read, but will come to read. There is no place to send love, no place to rely on dreams, two hurries to gather and disperse, and a vast sea of people.

In the streaming light of broken shadows, the past that has already precipitated cannot afford the spring of a billow. Outside the window, the wind, the snow and the moon, the paths of the world of mortals, and inside the window, the red candle burns the heart, and the ink dance becomes a mourning. The missing of the falling moon, falling into the fleeting time of ink dye, and crushing the ink fragrance of a pool, just for thousands of years, a sad paper, two lines of clear tears, if you see, will you return me a piece of blue sea and blue sky?

Time wasted, quietly crushed the youth, lost the youth. The days of arrogance and arrogance, the years of love and hate, were drowned in a gentle sigh. Now, that clear sorrow can only be condensed in the tip of the brow, flowing slowly in the four seasons of reincarnation.

Your arrival is like the wind wrinkling the heart lake, causing countless ripples. Your departure is like a drop of tear water falling into the heart lake, light but not melted.

Lift the curtain of time, travel through time and soul. No matter how bright the love is, it is also like a flash of fireworks, which will eventually fall into the loneliness of soot. Any initial throb will inevitably crack in the bottom of my heart and become the spring of time. If there is an afterlife, I will drink Mengpo soup resolutely, and walk through the bridge. The afterlife will no longer be fettered by love. In this way, can we forget each other without complaining about the loss?

When you came, the wisteria flowers were blooming, the water flowed like a waterfall, the vivid and gorgeous, the deep and shallow, thick and light purple, and the winding of the branches and vines, in that ancient legend, were born for love and died without love. Pick up a blown flower petal, which smears the blurred purple, cold and beautiful, the flowers bloom well, and fall also cherish.

At this time, let go of the obsession, but the heart is still. Missing seems to be a habit. Maybe it's just a habit without waiting.

Whether, after years of encounter, you will smile and say: Oh, you are still here.

It was still here (14)

Summer has gone, and autumn has come quietly. The autumn wind rustled carelessly, blowing the yellow autumn leaves hanging on the tree trunk. I don't know where he is going. With the yellow autumn leaves, look for the traces you left. You are still here.

After leaving you, I always feel confused, like a deer lost in the wild, and I don't know where the road is.

On that day, the gray sky shrouded the campus, and even birds were unwilling to fly in the air. But you took my hand and walked to the playground. "The devil!" I complained. But you acted as if nothing had happened, still holding my hand as always, to the old place full of our laughter and laughter.

Somehow, my heart felt like it was filled with lead, heavy, as if something was going to happen. At this time, you, like a prisoner, are holding my hand tightly in silence. I couldn't help being curious, and opened my mouth first: "What's the matter, sullen and wrinkled!" You seem to have resisted your usual hip-hop temperament and still keep silent. Day, it slowly began to rain, the rain fell on the body, the past dazzling uniforms now seems to be no longer dazzling. I want to leave the playground, but you hold my hand and still stand there.

You said to me hesitantly, "We are going to be separated." I kept asking, "Why? Why?" Seeing that you kept silent, I stopped asking. At this time, the thin, thread like raindrops gradually turned into beanstalk like raindrops. You cried in a low voice. I couldn't help but burst into tears. Tears, rain, now fused together. I found that the little hand that had been holding my hand tightly retracted. You turn around, wipe your eyes with your hands, and leave me far away. What I see is just your back.

"Don't you mean to be friends all my life?" I squatted down slowly, buried my head in tears, and let the rain hit me randomly. The rain is splashing, as if laughing at my sentimentality

Spring and autumn are fleeting, leaving you like days and light years, and I still stick to our old place. One day, I stood alone once, and the rain came as promised. In my daze, the rain isolated me from the space. An umbrella covered half the sky for me, and I suddenly turned around. The owner of that umbrella was you. You smiled and said nothing, just looked at me quietly. The corners of my mouth rose slightly. Oh, so you are still here.

You are still here, never far away------ Postscript

It was still here (15)

"Hurry up, sister." The sister ran forward quickly and happily. "Look!" said my sister excitedly. I looked in the direction of my sister's fingers, and there was something indistinctly in the lush trees. "Bird's nest," I cried in surprise. My sister winked and asked me: "Dare you climb up?" "I'll try." I tightly held the thick trunk of the tree and pushed my feet up desperately. "Come on, come on!" My sister cheered for me under the tree. I clung to the bark and kicked down, hugged the trunk not far away from me, pushed up with one foot and rode directly on it. Whew - I take a deep breath. "Go on, grab the trunk above you!" My sister said anxiously below. The one on the top is a little far away from me. I stood on tiptoe and tried to touch it, but it was still a little... I tried hard, ouch! I cried out, but one failed to stand firm and fell down from the tree. Fortunately, there were thick camphor leaves piled up below. I fell on the top and raised them like butterflies. "Are you all right, sister?" The sister hurriedly ran over. "Nothing." When I was a child, I always liked to be brave. In fact, although there were leaves under it, my feet still hurt. "Don't say, I'll give you some fruit candy when you go home." "Really?" "Hmm." My sister promised very quickly. Great! As long as there is sugar to eat, what's a sore foot! As we continued to move forward, it was dusk, and the sunset had drawn our shadow very long

I can't remember how many times my sister and I played and stayed on this path. We picked dandelions and blew them. They took small white parachutes to travel around the world; We chased the yellow butterfly and let the happy laughter fly in the air; We jumped the grid on the path and hid cats. Accompanied by this path, we grow up day by day.

When I saw the lane later, I had to turn out from the main road because the main road was built. I was stunned suddenly. The white dandelion is still there, the camphor is still there, but things are different from people. Now we can no longer play like before, and each of us has entered a new track. You have disappeared on the road of growth. Looking back, you are still here, still in our childhood. Think, inadvertently, eyes wet, tears across the cheeks.