67 beautiful sentences about roses
Morning fawn
2023-06-28 03:03:23
Complete sentences

1. Black roses are like shining pearls, blooming in the night light with speechless dignity.

2. The red roses are fragrant, and they are paved into a beautiful carpet leading to the Pope's Hall.

3. Roses are very bright, red and white, rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute.

4. The rose blooms more than the plate, which is better than the new purple peony. Unfortunately, the silkworm is busy in April, and only the sick man can see it.

5. After the spring rain, the rose becomes more delicate because of the rain, which makes people want to protect it.

6. From a distance, roses appear red, red like fire, as beautiful as a cloud.

7. Lovely roses, like the flames burning with fragrance, are all so red and beautiful!

8. The white roses, like jade, are pure in ice and snow, glittering with moonlight and cold colors. The roses dance around, outlining your shape and appearance.

9. Roses bloom in autumn, which is as big as the palm of your hand. The budding roses are like coquettish and charming girls. Their smiling faces are full of spring and welcome tourists.

10. In front of me, there is a wild rose garden deep in the forest. There are many flowers, red, yellow, white, and many varieties. It is really a paradise!

11. Look, Rose girls are playing games! In the sun, the roses smiled against the breeze. Some of them swing left and right; Some face up to the sky; There are also those who lean forward and backward, which are really beautiful!

12. The smell of roses is very fragrant, fragrant, intoxicating, and will be intoxicated by the smell. And roses have a wide range of uses. After the petals are dried, they can be used to make cakes, tea, sachets, etc.

13. In summer, roses bloom brightly. When it is in bud, a little flower bud appears on it, like a small cherry. When it is in full bloom, it is round like a small leather ball with several small and beautiful leaves on it.

14. Rose, with full of blood and. This is the rose, which was born in the true love and left in the true love, but never forgets kindness. I pay myself to play up others' roses. I love its roses forever!

15. The flowers are in bloom. Those red roses are as red as flames. Pieces of red roses are so energetic and vital that their fiery color affects everyone who passes by.

16. The roses are very beautiful, and the pale yellow flowers look very elegant and solemn; The edge of the rose petal is pink, covered with fluff, and contains crystal water drops. It is full of vitality and sends out waves of attractive fragrance.

17. One day I felt a headache, so I wanted to come out and breathe. When I walked into the garden, I suddenly smelled a strong fragrance, ah! I feel a lot more energetic. It is a rose, so fragrant! What a surprise! The aroma of roses can also cure headaches!

18. One night later, those roses began to blossom. The flower was simple and generous. The petals were stacked and rolled down slightly. Under the sunshine, the petals seemed to be coated with a layer of bright oil, shiny and bright. The whole flower stood tall like a general who had won a battle.

19. Roses are very noble. In the midsummer or cold winter, roses will appear. They are not afraid of cold and heat at all. It is equivalent to being a guard who is loyal to his duty and not afraid of difficulties. Although she is very soft, isn't her spirit of fearing the harsh environment worth learning?

20. Tingting, you are a rose that everyone admires. Roses are thorny, full of personality, and are not afraid of wind and rain. Mother doesn't want you to be a lily in the greenhouse. Only when you learn to stand up to the test of life can you blossom like a real rose when you grow up.

21. The rose has already opened a smiling face. The flower looks like a small wine cup. The petals are slightly spiraling, but the stamens inside are still not visible. The rose looks beautiful and charming, I gently close to it and take a deep breath, ah! A faint fragrance came to my nose.

22. The rose has already opened a smiling face. The flower looks like a small wine cup. The petals are slightly spiraling, but the stamens inside are still not visible. The rose looks beautiful and charming, I gently close to it and take a deep breath, ah! A faint fragrance came to my nose.

23. On the way home, I smelled a faint fragrance. When I looked down, the roses in my hands were swaying gently in the breeze, emitting attractive fragrance from time to time. The red and red roses are more beautiful against the green leaves.

24. Now it is the season of roses in full bloom. From a distance, several pink flowers are added between the dark green branches and leaves. When I walked in, I saw the petals stacked one after another. Fragrance comes in gusts, refreshing and intoxicating. The fragrance of flowers attracted bees and butterflies, which was very lively!

25. There is a flower on the rose hedge, the most beautiful flower of all. The nightingale sang to it his sorrows of love. But the rose did not say a word, and there was not even a dewdrop on its leaf as a tear of sympathy. It just hung its branches facing a few big stones.

26. Spring is the season when a hundred flowers bloom. Roses attract people with their unique charm. In the morning, the dew appears on the rose. When the first ray of sunshine shines on the rose in the morning, the dew emits a dazzling light, making the rose appear delicate and elegant.

27. When we get up early in the morning, dewdrops roll on the bud of the rose, which gives us a fresh and elegant feeling. Peel it off and see that there are many slender stamens in the middle of the petals, supported by small yellow dots. Fluctuating in the spring breeze, white roses dance like little girls.

28. It is not as ruthless as the cactus, nor as serious as the lotus. It symbolizes love, wordless love. The love of relatives, friends, lovers, teachers and students can't be explained. And roses are the sustenance of this kind of love, representing love and being loved, tears and sadness, true feelings and dedication.

29. In the morning of the next day, I found that the rose had already opened its smiling face. The flower was like a small wine cup. The petals were slightly spiraling, but the stamens inside could not be seen. The rose looks beautiful and charming, I gently close to it and take a deep breath, ah! A faint fragrance came to my nose.

30. When I put my nose close to the flowers, I could smell a faint fragrance. The newly grown leaves of roses are bright red and zigzag. They don't feel prickly, but the grown leaves are very prickly. In fact, its stem also has thorns. So people often say "roses with thorns"

31. The petals of one after another burning roses are squeezed and stacked like red agates, which are extremely beautiful. Some of them just spread two or three petals, and some of them all bloomed. The pink stamens are exposed, warm and unrestrained. Some are budding like a shy girl.

32. The stem pen of the rose is straight, as thick as the pen holder, with several small thorns on the edge. The dark green leaves are olive shaped, soft and thin, with serrated edges and forked veins. It is still an unopened flower bud. It is just like a shy and charming girl in bud, with a smiling face full of spring. It is extremely beautiful.

33. The sun is so bright that people can't open their eyes. It was the messenger of summer who sounded the horn of the competition. The flowers all opened up unexpectedly. The rose opened its bright petals, and the rose opened its bright petals, waiting for the washing of the wind and rain. In this way, it is looking forward to every day, struggling, and the effort pays off. Finally, it succeeded.

34. Roses are colorful, red is more than fire, pink is like rosy clouds, white is pure and elegant... But she is not as elegant as peony; Not as sweet as osmanthus; Nor stand proudly like that; She is not as graceful as Plum Blossom. She is ordinary.

35. Look, the roses are dancing! The "whoop" wind is beautiful music. The blue sky, white clouds and green trees are beautiful scenery. The rose girls bent over and twisted their charming bodies. The red little faces below collided with each other in the sun, as if they were whispering.

36. A gorgeous rose affair. Derived a disjointed attachment. Those inscribed in the heart of the fireworks into poetry. I wrote a lot of words for you, maybe you won't see them. When you sent me a locked diary to write, I didn't write a word to you. Now I write, but I know it's too late. Besides, I won't tell you.

37. We came to the flower bed. The roses in the flower bed are colorful: white like snow, red like fire, yellow like gold, pink like rosy clouds... Especially the pale yellow flowers are more elegant and solemn, with pink on the edge of the petals, covered with fuzz, containing transparent drops of water, and full of vitality.

38. Most roses have a slender and strong main stem, which is covered with hard thorns. It really hurts when it is accidentally stuck in the hand. The rose stems are covered with dark green leaves. When the wind blew gently, the leaves fluttered with the wind, like a beautiful fairy in green. The top of the stem also has many budding flower buds!

39. Look! The numerous roses are as red as the burning fire, as white as the snow in winter, as pink as the sunset glow in the evening, and as yellow as gold; It has flowers and bones, like a small peach; Some are ready to blossom, like a graceful girl; Some of them are already in full bloom, just like the smiling face of a child, with a blush on his face!

40. Tingting, you are a rose admired by everyone. Roses are thorny, stubborn, not afraid of wind and rain, not afraid of hardship, my mother does not want you to be a lily in the greenhouse. You should have personality, be able to face the test of life, be a strong person in life, and be able to overcome difficulties independently. Only when you grow up can you blossom like a real rose. Please forgive my mother for leaving!

41. The roses sway slowly against the warm spring breeze in March. It has a slender and strong main stem, which is full of sword like thorns, which is daunting at first sight. Its stems are covered with leaves. Some of these leaves are thick and green, while others are delicate and green like emerald. The edge of the leaf is like a saw tooth. There is a thin groove in the middle, and there are also thin patterns on it.

42. Rose is a kind of soft and beautiful symbol of lovers. Everyone likes it. 99 roses represent everyone's love. There are thorns on the branches of roses. When you pick them, you must be alert, or you will be stabbed by them. Roses are purple and red. off-white. The pink rose has a strong fragrance and can also be used as spice.

43. Every morning, when I get up, I always go to the balcony to look at the red roses. The fragrance comes to you, and you will be refreshed in the morning. Look at the roses. Some of them are like little girls, hiding and hiding. Some seem to be greeting the sun's father-in-law, smiling at the sky. Some danced happily in the breeze. It's really all kinds of beautiful!

44. I especially like roses in the sun. You see, the sun has gilded the roses with a layer of shining golden light, and the water droplets beside them are like naughty elves, rolling over, rolling over, rolling west, rolling east. In the sunlight, the bright red roses, one by one, become beautiful golden pearls, making the roses more magnificent.

45. In spring, the roses are very beautiful and eye-catching, with various shapes. Look, some roses have only one flower and bone. I want a Thumbelina sleeping in it! Some are trying to grow up, as if in comparison with the United States; Some are half grown, like a little girl just waking up and stretching! After a shower of rain, the fragrance of roses attracted butterflies and bees dancing!

46. Roses have different postures, thousands of which are very beautiful. The unopened flower and bone blossomed as if they were going to crack, showing vitality. Some roses with only two or three petals look like bows on girls' heads; Like a girl's shy face. The blooming roses are like young girls, so proud, tender and beautiful. When a breeze blows, the roses dance, as if to show off their beauty.

47. One rose after another. Look at this beautiful flower like a beautiful girl; Look at that flower. It looks like it is about to break. In the early morning, the glistening dewdrops roll among the leaves and shine in the sun. The rose is like a beautiful girl wearing a pearl necklace, who unexpectedly shows her dancing in the breeze. The fragrance comes to the nostrils, refreshing and refreshing.

48. Roses are colorful. There are red roses as red as fire, white roses as white as snow, yellow roses as yellow as gold, and pink roses as rosy faces. It is said that there are also black roses, but they are extremely rare and are called the best of flowers. After a drizzle, the petals of the roses were covered with dew. The roses were dotted with dew, shining with gorgeous and dazzling brilliance. They were extremely beautiful!

49. Roses have different postures, thousands of which are very beautiful. The unopened flower and bone blossomed as if they were going to crack, showing vitality. Some roses with only two or three petals look like bows on girls' heads; Some are like girls' shy pink dimples. The blooming roses are as proud, tender and beautiful as young girls. When the breeze blew, the roses danced as if they were showing off their beauty.

50. Look, there are only flowers and bones in the roses. It seems that there is a thumb girl sleeping late! Some are trying to grow, as if in beauty! Some are half grown, like a little girl just waking up and stretching! At this time, a gust of wind blew out the faint and charming fragrance of roses, which made people relaxed and happy! It also attracts many butterflies and bees to dance here, which is like a fairyland and intoxicating!

51. I like to see your flowers in layers, and I like to appreciate your style of holding your head high. Although you are not as graceful and rich as peonies, you have elegant and gorgeous posture; Although you are not so proud and lonely, you have the same virtue as barren and fertile; Although you don't have the coldness and elegance of plum blossom, you have the boldness from spring to autumn; Although you don't have the profligacy of sweet scented osmanthus, you have the fragrance of entering my dream late at night.

52. When he came to me and handed me the flowers, the roses were in my hands, but he was already in my heart. His soulful eyes looked at me, and my eyes were also thousands of affectionate. Looking at his handsome and handsome, I was allowed to embrace him with my tender eyes. His eyes and his smile made me unforgettable. The raindrops fell on his windbreaker, his hair, but splashed into my heart, the tender eyes also brought me back to the depths of memory.

53. Yes, the ninety-nine roses are in full bloom. They are the flowers of middle-aged couples who have been together through thick and thin. They emit the fragrance of time. It was knocked out of pots and pans; It is smoked from firewood, rice, oil and salt, and comes out from the hot red world. It is far more than the young impulse of the newly married Yaner. After a lot of tempering, such a flower will always bloom and never wither.

54. When the roses are not in bloom, the buds wear a green coat. A few days later, the bud broke its coat and exposed its petals. At the beginning, the outermost petals stretched outward, while the inner layers of petals were still tightly closed together. Gradually, the flower bud continued to take off its green coat, and the whole rose finally opened. This flower is pink, like a girl in a pink dress, cute and shy, very beautiful.

55. I didn't move you under my window to pick you. I only hope to see your blooming in the daytime and smell your fragrance at night. When you sprout, I can water and fertilize you; When you are in full bloom, I can cheer and sing for you; When it rains, I can hold an umbrella for you. When the wind blows, I can build a windproof wall for you with a fence; When you are sad, I can write a happy poem for you. When you fall, I can shed sad tears for you all night.

56. I suddenly felt like a rose, standing in the sun in bright red clothes. A breeze blew, and I danced, and my bright red clothes fluttered with the wind. After a while, I felt that I had become a small dewdrop, crawling and rolling on the petals, drilling into its branches to moisten it. A breeze blew and sent out a faint fragrance, as if I had become a small butterfly dancing and playing with bees on the petals.

57. There are golden stamens in the middle of the petals, and pollen is stuck on the top of the stamens, emitting intoxicating fragrance, attracting a group of bees to "buzz" around, butterflies flying around, accompanied by lovely roses. The roses swayed in the wind. Whoever passes by her can feel that she is smiling and nodding at you; When you stop to appreciate her, you will feel the fragrance of flowers coming to your face, refreshing.

58. In the morning, I suddenly found several small flower buds on the stem of the rose, and the flower buds were wearing a green coat. A few days later, the bud broke its coat and showed its red petals. At the beginning, the outermost petals extend outward. But the petals inside were still tightly closed together, and gradually, the whole rose unfolded. The petals are red, like a girl in a red skirt. Red flowers with green leaves are charming.

59. As soon as you enter the park, a fragrance comes to you, making you feel relaxed and happy. Looking around, I can see that the double rose is luxuriant, with thousands of petals, like a big flower plate. The rose next to it is simple and generous. The petals are stacked and slightly rolled down. Under the sunshine, the petals are like a layer of bright oil, shiny and bright. But this rose is still an unopened flower. It is like a shy and charming girl in bud, with a smiling face full of summer. It is extremely beautiful.

60. Everyone knows about roses! Roses are the object of my praise. I know that roses symbolize long - term love. Roses are colorful, red is more than fire, pink is like rosy clouds, white is pure and elegant... But she is not as elegant as peony; Not as sweet as osmanthus; Nor stand proudly like that; She is not as graceful as Plum Blossom. She is ordinary.

61. Roses not only have beautiful and fragrant flowers, but also have many colors: red, yellow, black, pink, orange... The leaves of roses are soft and thin, dark green, and the edges with "teeth" are olive shaped. The stems of roses are green and covered with thorns. Maybe they are "weapons" used to protect themselves from others!

62. Holding a rose, when its petals wither in the air, they are still reluctant to part. The remaining pieces fell helplessly in our dispute and turned into nothing. The faint pedicel is broken. Abandoned on the roadside, its beauty has long been forgotten, lying quietly in the soil waiting for the call of death. Corruption and torture day by day. No one sees its sadness. Rose also contains feelings that will cry and hurt. It's just that we never paid attention and didn't listen carefully.

63. There are many beautiful roses in the rose garden: white, red, yellow, pink, beautiful, and numerous. Seen from afar, they look like a world of flowers. The dense leaves cover the soil; The petals of the flowers are stacked one after another, as if they were covering the quilt for the flower core; There are thorns on the flower pole one after another, which should be in order not to be picked by others. The newly grown leaves are light in color, making people feel comfortable.

64. The rose opens its bright petals, waiting for the wind and rain to wash. It is looking forward to it every day, fighting hard, and doing well. Finally, it succeeds. See the red like fire, beautiful like fairy roses? The bright red petals slowly relaxed in the sunshine, the green thorny roots, the blessing of supporting flowers were also so eye-catching, and the oval green leaves swayed with the flowers in the breeze. At a glance, she is really a young girl!

65. Autumn is coming, and everywhere is bleak and desolate. That is the music played before the departure of roses; The petals of a rose turn from red to yellow, which is the struggle when it leaves. It looks up at the sky and worries about the clouds. Once upon a time, it was born on the earth after a lot of training. Now, it must leave quietly. Then, the rose petals floated down with the relentless autumn wind, swirling on the halfway, falling one by one, to feel the vertigo of flying, and finally fell steadily into the land, all the time, the mountain exuded a charming fragrance.

66. The white roses in the yard made me reluctant to part with them. Several small white petals formed a small bud. Early in the morning, the dew is rolling on the bud of the rose, and the strange fragrance is overflowing, giving a kind of elegant and fresh feeling. Peel it off and see that there are many slender stamens in the middle of the petals, supported by small yellow dots. Fluctuating in the spring breeze, white roses dance like little girls. Ah, white rose, you don't express yourself with bright colors, but you repay the spring and autumn with your white heart.

67. See the red like fire and beautiful like fairy roses? The bright red petals slowly relaxed in the sunshine, the green and thorny roots, the blessing of supporting flowers were also so eye-catching, and the oval green leaves, swaying from side to side with the flowers in the breeze, looked like a young girl! So, it became the gold medal winner. At the same time, people reached out their evil hands and cut off its dark green spiny stems without regret. The only thing is that it can only be inserted into the vase silently, blossom silently, and wither silently. But it will also grow without regret. At the moment of its growth, people planted it with endless blood. Now, it also needs to repay people with endless enthusiasm. It believes that "there is true love in the world." Otherwise, it will be so beautiful in the water?