Being Blind Once (Selected 16)
Man is not a sage
2023-10-27 02:39:23

When a blind person (1)

Do you know who is Helen Keller? She was a blind and deaf female writer in the 19th century America. With the help of teacher Anne Sullivan and her persistent efforts, she mastered five languages and wrote such works as "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", "My Life" and "My Teacher". In order to let us understand the difficulties and hardships of blind and deaf people, the teacher closed our eyes for three minutes to experience the feelings of blind people.

In the first minute when I lost my sight, I felt lonely, uneasy, helpless and afraid. When I closed my eyes, I just felt empty all around, and I was totally unconscious. I was in a mess, and my feeling of disdain immediately disappeared. At this moment, I really want to scream to calm my anxiety. As time goes by, I hope more and more that my sincere prayer time will end soon. At last, one minute's time has come. I opened my eyes and felt that everything around me was so familiar and beautiful. The hanging heart was finally put down. I can't help thinking: I just closed my eyes for a minute, and I was ready to cry. Those blind and deaf people have lost their sight all their lives. How did they persist? I can't help sweating.

The second minute after the loss of light, the teacher assigned us a task: to write an ancient poem from memory (with eyes closed), after writing it, carefully appreciate your "masterpiece" and talk about your feelings. I closed my eyes and quickly finished the poem. When I opened my eyes, I saw: Ouch! What a masterpiece! The poem is sometimes "two orioles sing in the green willows, and a line of egrets goes up into the blue sky", while it is sometimes "fly down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days". The words are really "ugly"! I also thought of the lives of the blind and deaf, and immediately sighed: "We have our own suffering, and the blind and deaf also have insurmountable monuments!"

The third minute, our task is to close our eyes, turn around three times in front of the classroom, and then find our seats. After I finished the turn, I was dizzy, unable to distinguish the southeast from the northwest, and then I stumbled forward. From time to time, he bumped into a person, or a chair or table, and almost tripped. I felt it with my hands and moved forward a little bit with small steps. Finally, I got around the seat, but I didn't know where the seat was. I turned around like a headless fly. When I got to my seat and opened my eyes, I really understood how difficult it is to be deaf and blind! No wonder it's hard to see blind people moving outside now!

This lesson made me realize a truth: in the face of the disabled, we cannot discriminate against them, laugh at them, we should treat them as normal people, respect them, because they need more care than we do!

Being blind once (2)

There are many disabled people in the world who need our help. Some people don't think so. They think they are too humble to help themselves. In fact, it is great for these disabled people to survive. This time, let's experience the blind and see how difficult their life is.

First, I folded my red scarf a few times to cover my eyes, and then walked back and forth. I was very nervous, afraid of falling, making a joke, and also afraid of bumping into somewhere. What about the students below? Although I can't see it, I can also hear it: some are quietly shouting "Come on" for me, some are instructing me where to go without bumping things, some are "Ow Ow", and others are knocking on the table with a pen box for fear that the world will not be chaotic. Maybe it's because I'm thinking about the students below. I haven't responded yet. My forehead is a sharp pain, and below it is a burst of laughter.

After experiencing, I asked Chen Yi, my deskmate, what did I hit? Chen Yi laughed and said, "You hit the platform!"

Then Chen Xiewen and others came to the stage and faced the blackboard. Everyone had a circle in front of them. They covered their eyes and added five features to the circle, making the circle become a "face". But Chen Xiewen painted the five features extremely small and the ears "long" into the circle.

This time, although it is just an experience activity, we know that the life of the disabled is very difficult, so we must help those disabled enthusiastically!

Being Blind for One Time (3)

After school on Tuesday, Mr. Shi left us a special 'homework' - let us experience being blind, disabled... I heard that life for blind people is very difficult, so I decided to be blind once.

When I got home, I told my mother about this homework. My mother said, "I'm afraid you'll have to cross the river with the mud bodhisattva this time - it's hard to protect yourself." I thought: will it be so serious? Fall down a few times at most! So I said, "I don't believe it."

So I closed my eyes and went up the stairs. Fortunately, my home is on the first floor. I got home easily. Since I can't see anything, I dare not move. I have been sitting on the sofa waiting for my mother to cook.

After a while, my mother finished cooking, and I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. Because I was afraid of falling, I always felt for things to walk, afraid of "accidents". But the most worried thing happened. I tripped over something. Oh! It hurts! It took me a lot of effort to wash my hands. I went to the restaurant again, touched the stool, sat down, and touched the chopsticks. As soon as I touched the chopsticks, I immediately grabbed them to pick up the food. But where is the food? I simply started to "look for" the dishes with my hands. I touched and touched, "Wow! It burned me to death!" It turned out that my fingers touched the soup of "bad temper"! I felt again and again and found a big "plate" with nothing in it. Then I found that the "plate" was Dad's ashtray. I felt it for a while, and finally found it. I was busy helping myself. But I only heard the sound of "ha, ha". It turned out that I had caught my "natural enemy in vegetables" - pepper. The second time, I tried very hard again and caught a potato

After the experience, I found that the life of blind people is more difficult than we thought. They have been living in darkness, so we should care for them.

Being blind once (4)

Today, the teacher assigned a special assignment to be a blind person.

When I got home, I asked my mother to tie my red scarf on my eyes. All of a sudden, my eyes were red and I couldn't see anything. When the meal was ready, I couldn't wait to hold the chopsticks. I grabbed something and hurried to deliver it to my mouth. Wow, it's hot. It turned out that I had a bite of chilli, which made my tears flow out. I picked up the chopsticks again, clamped a thin piece of things and bit a small piece. Suddenly, a strong spicy taste rushed to the heart. "What is this?"? I asked my mother. Mother smiled secretly aside. I can't help it. I put a bunch of rice into my mouth. Antipyretic

This time, I became smart. As the saying goes, "A fall in the pit, a gain in wisdom". This time, before I bite, I first smell the taste, then lick it, and then taste it after confirming it is correct. I caught a small thing, slightly fishy, thin and long. I tasted it. Hmm, it was delicious. I took a bite of food and wanted to pick up this strange thing again. But this time I picked up a small thing, with a strong pungent smell and a small smooth surface. I tried to chew it. It was slightly spicy and mixed with various strange smells. "What did my mother burn today?" I wondered.

I want to get my favorite sweet and sour ribs, but God is against me. I don't know what I got. Smell it, and the fresh fragrance comes to your nose. Touch it as if it is stained with water. I threw this thing into my mouth and bit it. It was delicious. It was sour and hard. There was a clear sound when I bit it, which made people feel extremely comfortable.

When I finally finished the meal, my mother took off my red scarf and told me that I had eaten pepper, ginger slices, kelp, garlic and cucumber respectively.

Alas, it's not easy to be blind. Children, you don't laugh at blind people when you see them on the street.

Being blind once (5)

Eyes are the window of the soul. With eyes, we can see the world. However, among us, there is one kind of people who live in darkness all their lives, that is, the blind. I also became blind once.

In a class meeting, Miss Sun walked into the classroom with a smile on her face and mysteriously handed us a piece of paper. There are different questions on the paper, some are calculation questions, some are drawing smiling faces, some are writing English words... mine is calculation questions. Miss Sun said, "Later, please cover your eyes with red scarves to be blind. First remember the first three questions, and then do them on the back of the paper." We listened without saying a word and quickly remembered the questions.

"Start to work!" A loud voice broke the silence. We quickly pulled off the red scarf, blindfolded and began to work. I felt dizzy in front of the dark. After getting used to the darkness, I groped on the table. I felt and felt, finally found the pen, and I found the position of the paper, and slowly wrote down the questions "180 ÷ 6=30", "360 ÷ 120=3", "48 ÷ 2=24".

Then, Miss Sun asked us to recite ancient poems and draw a big smiling face. I had already adapted to writing in the dark, so I began to write quickly. In a short time, I silently recited the poem. I drew another circle, and then I clicked two points inside and drew an arc. However, my arc is crooked, so I need a rubber. I couldn't touch the rubber, and I was so worried that I was sweating. I finally felt the rubber, regardless of three or seven or twenty one, and rubbed it vigorously.

At this time, Miss Sun asked us to take off the red scarf. I looked at my "masterpiece". There were only three calculation inscriptions written askew, an ancient poem had been wiped "beyond recognition", and a smiling face with a mouth askew.

I looked at other students again: some were dumbfounded, some were smiling, and some were unable to laugh or cry

Alas, it seems that it's not easy to be blind! They don't need sympathy, they need help, we should give more love to the blind!

Being blind once (6)

Around our lives, we often meet some blind people, some of whom are born or acquired. And when you face these blind people, have you ever offered them a helping hand? Have you ever experienced the feeling of blind people? Today, I'm going to be a blind person and experience the life of a blind person.

I told my mother my idea, and she immediately agreed to my request. She was afraid that I would get hurt, so she only gave me a try.) She asked me to find a red scarf, cover my eyes, and let me walk in the dark. In the dark, you can't see anything, let alone open your eyes. I felt the wall and walked on. "Ouch!" I fell down. I asked my mother: What is it? " My mother said, "It's the stairs." I fell down on the stairs. This fact reminds me that when I was in the third grade, there was once a composition on the Chinese book called "Being Blind Once". At that time, we formed teams to be blind according to the teacher's requirements, and one student cooperated with another. One student leads the way, and the other student acts as a "blind man". Walk from the east side of the school building to the west side of the school building. After walking, another person will walk. It is a challenge for us to cross five or six steps on the way. Wei Xinhao and I are in the third group. When it was our turn, I first asked Wei Xinhao to guide me to be a "blind man". I put on a red scarf. Wei Xinhao instructed me to go right now, and then go down the stairs. I walked very well on the way. But just as I was finishing the task, my foot hit the right stairs, and I almost fell down. Fortunately, Wei Xinhao helped me, or I would have broken my head and bled. Then Wei Xinhao guided me back to the classroom. When he came to the classroom, Wei Xinhao smiled at me, and I wondered why. " He didn't answer, but when I walked in, a teacher asked me: classmate, what are you doing here? " I hemmed and hawed for a long time, so I entered the wrong classroom! They had to turn around and leave, while the students all laughed. This experience is exactly the same as my current situation. It is this staircase that has touched me twice. The life of blind people is hard

If I were Ma Liang, I would draw a pair of bright eyes for every blind person in the world, so that they can see the light from now on! Let them feel the beauty of nature and life with their eyes as we do.

After this experience, I deeply felt the difficulty of blind people's life. In the future, we must study hard, use our knowledge to overcome this problem, and truly realize the desire of "magic pen Ma Liang". Love every blind person! Let our actions light up the light in their hearts!

Fourth grade: when a "blind person"

Being blind once (7)

Today, my mother took me to my shop. The wind was very strong and there was a lot of sand on the road. There were sandstorms everywhere. I covered my eyes and asked my mother to tell me about the road ahead so that I could avoid obstacles.

Our route is like this: first go to the bakery to buy bread, then go to the shop to help.

My mother and I were walking step by step. Suddenly, my mother said, "Be careful, there is a speed bump in front of us. Stop and step. All right." In this way, my mother successfully crossed the first obstacle.

My mother and I crossed two speed bumps. We thought there would be no speed bumps (there are only two speed bumps from my home to the school, and the school is very close to the bakery). Unexpectedly, my mother stopped me again and asked me to walk carefully. Because we were going uphill, I had to walk very carefully. Alas, I can't help it. Who wouldn't let those hateful sands enter my pure pupils.

However, when we pushed the door, we found that the door of the bakery was closed - the bakery had not yet opened! I'm so angry, which means that my mother and I have to go to the store from here by my house again.

In this way, I passed the two speed bumps, stepped into two other pits, and bypassed a lot of pine trees before reaching the store. It was really not easy!

This event made me truly realize the difficulty of being blind. By the way, I would also like to thank my mother. If it were not for her, I would not sit here today to write a composition, but hang up an emergency in the hospital!

Fourth grade of the first primary school in Erguna, Inner Mongolia: amy is me

Being blind once (8)

I am a fifth grade student. Before the fifth grade, I did many meaningful things. But what has always been on my mind is to be blind again.

I remember that it was in the fourth grade. At noon, our class held an activity. "Dada" teacher walked into the classroom, and we all looked at the teacher with great expectation, because the teacher said in the morning that an activity would be held this afternoon. As soon as we entered the classroom, the teacher asked us to take down the red scarf. I was puzzled. Do we do anything with the red scarf? Then, the teacher asked us to put the red scarf on our faces. At this time, some people began to have a clue. They said, "The teacher must let us play with shrimp." I thought: How can we touch shrimp? The whole class crowded on red scarves and touched who? Is it difficult to touch the teacher? Probably not! Suddenly, the teacher's words frightened us all. "Next, take out a notebook and write Spring Dawn from memory." "Ah!" shouted the class.

I began to write from memory with full confidence. I read as I wrote: "Spring dawn, change my career, sleep in spring without knowing it. Mosquitoes bite everywhere. The sound of wind and rain comes at night, and you know how many flowers fall. Wait a minute, sleep in spring without knowing it. The following sentence seems to be singing birds everywhere. But where is it? Come again. Sleep in spring without knowing it, listen to birds everywhere. The sound of wind and rain comes at night, and you know how many flowers fall. Tang Dufu. Ha ha, it's a piece of cake. " Come here for a while, the teacher said: "OK, take down the red scarf, and look at your handwriting!" I was happy and thought: Ha ha, my handwriting must be the best in a while, ha ha, I'm waiting to be praised by the teacher! However, after taking down the red scarf, my words actually became like this: overall, all the words were "dancing". Looking separately, the first sentence was OK, but Spring was not written clearly; But the last sentence is too bad. Chuwen overlapped with the wind and rain, and I could not even see that it was cursive. Du Fu's two words are written behind what he knows. Alas, it's hard to write with your eyes covered.

After this little activity, I understand that the life of the blind is very hard. In addition to the blind, those with disabilities are also very hard. We should not only not help them, care for them, but also laugh at them.

Being Blind for One Time (9)

One day in the winter vacation, I suddenly had a fancy to experience the life of blind people. I took out a piece of cloth, put a mask on my eyes, and tied the belt after three or two times. My eyes suddenly "lost" the "light".

The experience officially begins. I was just about to sit on the bed and have a rest. I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly I wanted to go to the bathroom. I tried to walk two steps. I didn't touch any obstacles, so I walked confidently. But I didn't walk a few steps. "Bang" hit the wall. I rubbed my injured forehead and scolded: "Wall, wall, you are against me. Hum! Let's see!" I carefully found the door and went out, Step by step into the bathroom carefully. I walked into the bathroom, felt the toilet with my hands based on my memory, and was about to sit down. My feet slipped, and I stepped on the water. "Ouch, my butt is killing me. It's hard to be blind!" I shouted. But I didn't give up. I stumbled to the toilet, went to wash my hands, and was about to hit the toilet soap. Because the toilet soap was too slippery and fell on the ground, I slowly squatted down and touched the ground for a long time before I found the "naughty" guy. After washing my hands, I want to put the soap back into the soap box. Who knows, I accidentally heard a "plop" again, and the soap fell off again. I hope it didn't fall into the "toilet". Forget it. I'd better go back to my room and have a rest first, regardless of the soap.

I stumbled back to the room again and climbed onto the bed again. Who knows, I climbed over my head again and fell to the ground, killing me.

It's hard to be blind. Although they can't see, they are still optimistic. They will feel with their hearts and every organ in their bodies. Shouldn't we learn from their strong and optimistic spirit?

Being blind once (10)

"What is the life of the blind?" I said as I walked. With a lot of questions, I decided to experience the life of the blind. "Didi..." The alarm clock rang. I thought that if I wanted to experience the life of the blind, I would close my eyes. So I closed my eyes, dressed, and brushed my teeth. This made a lot of jokes!

As I closed my eyes, I opened the quilt, pressed the alarm clock, touched the bedside, walked step by step to the clothes rack, and felt around. Finally, I found my clothes, and with great effort, I put on my coat carefully. Then I helped the wall to the bathroom, but accidentally stepped on the soap, and the PP almost fell apart. 555

Because of my poor sense of balance, I don't know where my mouth is, so I brushed it on my nose for the first time, and on my face for the second time... After N times, I finally found my mouth, and I brushed it a few times, and rinsed my mouth... Eh? Why is there no water in the cup? I just remembered that I haven't put water into the cup yet! (Stop cooking) I had no choice but to turn on the tap to rinse my mouth. But I boiled the water too much and poured it into my clothes. I had to turn off the water, draw out the washbasin (actually the foot basin) and towel (actually the bath towel), wash my face, put on my shoes, and open my eyes to see

Oh, my God! I wore my father's shoes, my pants (turned upside down), my coat and socks, one red and one green (red with green, match * fart), and went back to the bathroom. I took the foot wash basin to wash my face, and the soap was trampled on (I wanted to go to sh

Being Blind Once (11)

Eyes are the windows of the soul. If we are blind, we will not see the colorful world, our relatives, and books. Today, the teacher did not tell us to enjoy the light, but let us experience blindness. How would it feel if I couldn't see it?

So when I came home, I couldn't wait to experience blindness. I think it's not ten meters from the door to the room. It must be easy! I quickly closed my eyes. At this time, there was darkness in front of me, like a monster called by the four or four grid in "Dalin and Xiaolin", blocking the light in front of me. Fear suddenly hit me. I reached out my hand trembling and waved forward in a panic. I stood on tiptoe against the wall and moved slowly. Suddenly I hit a place Ouch! I fell on all fours. When I opened my eyes, I found that I stumbled when I got to the kitchen. I kept closing my eyes and walked, and then I hit something again. When I opened my eyes, I found that I hit the chair. How painful the blind are!

In the evening, after finishing my homework, I suddenly felt very hot and wanted to change a dress. I wanted to experience blindness by the way, so I took out a short sleeved dress from the wardrobe. I took off my clothes and put on the short sleeved dress, but after putting it on for a long time, I didn't find the collar. I insisted on going to noon and found the collar, but once I put it on, I felt uncomfortable, I opened my eyes and saw that it was reversed! I put on my clothes again with my eyes open.

Blindness is really painful! Therefore, I remind you that we must take care of our eyes and never let them lose their sight. We should pay more attention to the blind and help them to reduce their pain and make their lives better. Good to see!

Being Blind Once (12)

I am a fifth grade student. Before the fifth grade, I did many meaningful things. But what has always been on my mind is to be blind again.

I remember that it was in the fourth grade. At noon, our class held an activity. "Dada" teacher walked into the classroom, and we all looked at the teacher with great expectation, because the teacher said in the morning that an activity would be held this afternoon. As soon as we entered the classroom, the teacher asked us to take down the red scarf. I was puzzled. Do we do anything with the red scarf? Then, the teacher asked us to put the red scarf on our faces. At this time, some people began to have a clue. They said, "The teacher must let us play with shrimp." I thought: How can we touch shrimp? The whole class crowded on red scarves and touched who? Is it difficult to touch the teacher? Probably not! Suddenly, the teacher's words frightened us all. "Next, take out a notebook and write Spring Dawn from memory." "Ah!" shouted the class.

I began to write from memory with full confidence. I read as I wrote: "Spring dawn, change my career, sleep in spring without knowing it. Mosquitoes bite everywhere. The sound of wind and rain comes at night, and you know how many flowers fall. Wait a minute, sleep in spring without knowing it. The following sentence seems to be singing birds everywhere. But where is it? Come again. Sleep in spring without knowing it, listen to birds everywhere. The sound of wind and rain comes at night, and you know how many flowers fall. Tang Dufu. Ha ha, it's a piece of cake. " Come here for a while, the teacher said: "OK, take down the red scarf, and look at your handwriting!" I was happy and thought: Ha ha, my handwriting must be the best in a while, ha ha, I'm waiting to be praised by the teacher! However, after taking down the red scarf, my words actually became like this: overall, all the words were "dancing". Looking separately, the first sentence was OK, but Spring was not written clearly; But the last sentence is too bad. Chuwen overlapped with the wind and rain, and I could not even see that it was cursive. Du Fu's two words are written behind what he knows. Alas, it's hard to write with your eyes covered.

After this little activity, I understand that the life of the blind is very hard. In addition to the blind, the disabled are also very hard. We not only didn't help them, care for them, but also laughed at them. It's really wrong.

Being blind once (13)

Today, Miss Plum organized an activity to experience the blind. There are rewards for being such a good teacher! The students all discussed: "Cut, being blind is just like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake?

At the beginning of the activity, Li Sixian braved himself to become a blind man, and confidently said, "Hum, I will go very fast. Don't blink your eyes!" Then he put on a red scarf and walked with great strides. We all thought Li Sixian could really be foolproof. Unexpectedly, he met a "mine" just two steps away!

Then it was my turn. I put on my red scarf and prepared to start the "journey of the blind". While holding the students' desks, I used my feet to explore whether there were obstacles in front of me, fearing that I would encounter a "big mine" like Li Sixian.

I managed to avoid the maze of tables and chairs, and now I'm looking for the door. As a result, I was busy for most of the day and didn't even touch the door handle. Fortunately, there was a hint from Miss Mei, otherwise I would really be trapped here.

Next, I looked for the stairway in fear. I didn't know which naughty bag ran over and hit me straight, which made me cry "wow wow" in pain.

After this experience class, I can feel that it is not easy for blind people, so we must help the disabled and extend our hands more.

Being blind once (14)

On the way home from school, I accidentally saw a group of boys stop a blind child and constantly bully him. When I got home, I thought of the blind child on the road. I also planned to be a blind person and experience their life.

I first tied my red scarf to my eyes, and suddenly it was dark and I couldn't see anything. My mother shouted for food in the restaurant. I was always the first to rush to the restaurant, but today I was "blind", so I had to be patient, hold the wall, and carelessly walked to the restaurant step by step. Finally, I found a chair and sat down. Picking food became a problem again. I held my chopsticks and stirred in the dish. I selected a thing to put into my mouth, "Wow, how hot!" I covered my mouth and shouted. I used pepper. After a hard meal, I held the wall and wanted to have a rest in the living room to watch TV. Who knows, I went to the living room and found that I was now "blind". I was so angry that I pulled off the red scarf from my eyes and shouted angrily, "Ah, I don't want to be blind anymore!"

When I became a blind person once, I knew the pain of the blind person, the hardships of the blind person, and I knew how to cherish our bright eyes.

Being blind once (15)

Mr. Shen gave each of us an eye mask. After putting on the blindfold, my eyes were black. How can I cross the street if I walk into the street with an eye mask at this moment? How can I eat if I wear an eye mask now? The life of the blind is too hard.

"Now take out a pen from the pen bag, touch the approximate place of the paper, and write down the class and name," Mr. Shen continued. It's understandable to take a pen from the pen bag, but how is it possible to write down the class and name? I tried to reach forward and felt the pen bag. I opened the pen bag and continued to touch inside. I picked up a pen. It should be my usual pen, not a ballpoint pen. Usually it's easy for me to take a pen from the pen bag, but a blind person needs to touch a pen several times. "Touch" is the only way for them to understand the world. No wonder blind people can only learn by touching Braille.

I first felt the paper from the corner of the table, then turned it upside down, and then wrote down my class and name on the paper. "Will it be written on the horizontal line? Or is it written outside the horizontal line? I hope I wrote on the horizontal line!" I thought secretly.

Teacher Shen said, "Now take off the blindfold!" I took off the blindfold with doubts, and suddenly felt that I could see the light again. It was so comfortable! On the other hand, the class and name I wrote were a little above the horizontal line, but it was still difficult to write. This time I deeply realized that it is not easy to be blind!

We should respect and help the blind. Do not park on the blind road; If you see blind people on the road, you should help them cross the road; We can't laugh at them... I believe the students also realize that it's not easy to be blind. Let's help the blind together!

Being blind once (16)

"Eh? What's the life like when I'm blind? I really want to try! Hmm, let's do it!" I suddenly had a strange idea and came up with such a strange idea while sitting on the bed. So I jumped out of bed, closed my eyes, and "enjoyed" the life of the blind for a while!

I felt around and touched a piece of clothing. I put it on, no matter what, I feel good about myself! So, it took a lot of effort to put on my pants. It was not easy to find the socks, but I didn't know where my feet were. Alas... It's not easy to be blind! After trying twice, I finally found the place with long feet and put on socks. It was really troublesome. When the blind people were so tired in the morning, what should the real blind people do? "Ah! The slippers are missing, what should I do?" I screamed loudly. I felt around and around. I found my slippers under the bed. My wife was so tired that I was sweating.

It's time to go to the bathroom to dress up my appearance. I stumbled and fell into the bathroom, which made me covered with "injuries". It really hurts! "Unfortunate! Unfortunate! When I was blind for the first time, I fell all over with 'injuries'!" I couldn't help singing with relish! So, I accidentally touched my own comb and began to comb my hair with my eyes closed. This was the first time I combed my hair so specially. I combed it left and right. It was rough here and it was bad there. It was very difficult and careful to comb it there. Finally, it was done. Ah! How happy! I was touching the toothbrush cup again. I touched the faucet again. I finally touched all the toothbrush tools, but the toothbrush fell off. Alas, I have to find it again! I felt it carefully. Ah, I found it! I squeezed the toothpaste again, and finally I could brush my teeth. I brushed left and right, up and down. When I finished, it was time to wash my face: I found a towel, washed it, and soon a face was washed, and it was finished!

I opened my eyes and saw that my hair was combed in a mess, my slippers were put on backwards, and my clothes were in a mess. It was really out of control!

It's hard for me to be a blind person in the morning, let alone a real blind person? It's tiring to be blind! I must study hard and invent something beneficial to the blind in the future! Let them see the world and be knowledgeable!