Extraordinary splendor (20 articles)
Missing is a disease
2023-11-30 05:17:20

Extraordinary splendor (1)

The highlight is the spray on the Miluo River, the blood red on the anti gold flag, the bold and unconstrained "who has never died since ancient times, stay loyal to history" in Lingdingyang, the red flag rising on the Olympic field, the heroic gesture of Shenqi flying into space, and the brilliant color is also the simple smiling face under the sunset


Almost everyone is looking for a wonderful life, so what is wonderful? Many people have used even their whole lives to interpret it. Recalling the previous history, on the Miluo River, Dr. Qu leaped to the ground and achieved a generation of loyal officials; When there was a great storm, Yang Linggong led a hero to fight against gold, and created a wonderful family of heroes with his blood; Lingdingyang's famous sentence of "who has never died since ancient times, stay loyal to history" has written the wonderful story of Wen Tianxiang's generous death... Looking at today, the high flying flag on the Olympic field, the earthquake relief work of all people are brilliant. But what I want to write is an ordinary highlight.

As a teacher, I will deal with many parents. However, one parent who has met me will recall deeply. His special appearance is that he has a crooked neck, bronze skin (probably because of the weather all the year round), and always smiles innocently. Characteristic family circumstances: several children and mentally ill wife have been lost for a long time, and it is very difficult to earn a living by pulling goods for people day and night.

Although I sympathize with him, I am still annoyed with him. The reason for bothering him is very funny: too enthusiastic. Whether in the street or alley, whenever I meet someone who is eager to say hello and ask questions, I can't get away from it. Standing beside the road with such a person, I often smile at the embarrassment of my acquaintances who happen to pass by. It was a embarrassment to be associated with. However, I soon felt guilty for this despicable psychology.

It was late one night. It was nearly twelve o'clock when the phone rang. He was the one who pulled goods and returned late to pick up a large bag of documents near the school. He said that I knew the situation and was afraid of the owner's anxiety, so he asked me to help find the owner overnight. I had a big head at that time. It was so late. I couldn't wait until tomorrow if I had something to do. However, I was kind and generous, and it was not convenient for me to refuse. At that moment, I hated it very much. Fortunately, people near the school are familiar. As soon as we saw it, we quickly contacted the owner. The owner came sweating heavily. They were looking for all their family's documents, because they included all their family's documents: property certificate, land certificate, marriage certificate, work certificate, stock certificate... I am ashamed to be grateful to them.

The next thing shocked and baptized my soul. It was after the 512 earthquake. When we called on all the students to make donations, I found that his daughter had donated 50 yuan. I was very strange about this family situation. Other students donated one or two yuan, five or ten yuan, dozens of yuan, not equal to 50 yuan, and there was another one. If only the children had love, it would not matter how much. It must be decided by the parents, I didn't go into it.

At the end of school the next day, he felt the school rush, flushed and sweated, and stopped me from leaving work. When I saw it, I thought of yesterday's fifty yuan and was worried: Could it be that the child stole the money at home? Parents are so anxious? Unexpectedly, he asked, "Teacher, can I still donate? Yesterday it was only 50 yuan. I just paid back my work account that day, and I want to add more." It was my turn to be stunned. I know very well what dozens or even a hundred yuan means for their family. When I informed him that the donation from the school had been handed over to the civil affairs department and he was going to the civil affairs department, he gave a long sigh of relief, as if he had finally found the direction. He smiled innocently. Under the sunset, the innocently smiling face became a statue at that moment, flashing golden light!

Who can not be moved? As a manual worker at the lowest level, he lives in such a hard and humble way. However, despite this, he can still keep others in his heart, and his country and disaster areas in mind. So many outstanding people have performed many wonderful moments, it seems that because of them, the world has a history. But this ordinary person, he is ordinary and alive, who dares to deny that his life is not wonderful?

When Shenqi flew into space, I cried with joy; When the five-star red flag was rising on the Olympic field, I cheered... I was moved by so many wonderful moments and applauded the wonderful life of so many outstanding people, but I was also moved by the ordinary wonderful people and eulogized for them! They are ordinary people, living in an ordinary way, but their lives are the same wonderful, ordinary and great wonderful!

Ordinary Splendor (2)

Or wait for a thousand years to catch a glimpse, and at that moment, it will be difficult to get stranded.

When I was a child, my father didn't always go home. When I asked my mother, she just touched my head and said with a smile that my father could not always come back from his work in Dunhuang. Dunhuang? What is that place? What is a mural restorer?

Gradually growing up, I can recite the poem "The smoke is straight, the yen sets in the long river", but for my father's career

Still don't understand. My father always said, "Some industries are doomed to be unknown, and that's what mural restorers are like. They spend all their time with murals, just for the civilization left by their ancestors." This made me more curious about Dunhuang and mural restorers

That summer vacation, my mother and I came to Dunhuang, where my father fought. "Dun is a big city; Huang is a prosperous city." At the end of Hexi, the throat of the Silk Road is called Huang. Grottoes murals and stone carvings, "Eye of Shahan" crescent spring, "endless sand singing", "endless spring breeze", Yumen Pass... After thousands of years of Western culture, the beauty remains unchanged.

In the desert of Dunhuang, I saw the sun and the moon appear at both ends of the horizon. Clouds and afterglow fall at the end of Shahan in the distance, flowing silently along the Gobi. Several solemn and stirring, several lonely, a place in the history of a thousand years, rising and falling.

In the caves of Dunhuang, in front of Ban Cong's soil murals, I looked at the images that survived the difficulties, and the murals that had been restored to their original state under the paintings of the mural restorers. A little solemn and stirring, a little shocking. In the distance, there was a clear sound. Those, time and paint seem to be scattered in the air.

I suddenly understood, the original intention and belief of the mural restorer, and why some people said that Dunhuang is a miracle over a thousand years, a power beyond time, desolate and beautiful.

Saving Huang is a kind of belief, which is hidden in the endless Shahanli and the camel bell of the Silk Road. The reason why the historical value of these cultural relics can be preserved is the craftsmanship of national repairers from generation to generation. They even took the time of Yisheng to repair the murals. There are as many mural restorers as there are magnificent murals. As soon as they entered the stone, they settled down and restored the mural to its original appearance.

I was in front of the flying statue of the pipa, and behind it was the bustling Dunhuang night market. Listening to the bell ringing again and again in the world, I remembered my father's excitement and obsession when he mentioned Dunhuang. I understood the consistent ingenuity of my father and thousands of mural restorers like him.

Li Yun said, "What is a craftsman? A craftsman is time." They are fighting against time with the human body and the human spirit. They are both extraordinary and great. They guarded Huang, and Dunhuang also guarded them. Some people asked, "What is wonderful in ordinary?"? I think I have found the answer.

Ordinary Splendor (3)

Ordinary days are not ordinary at all, but lack of eyes to find beauty.

-- Title

It was raining outside the window, so I hid in the study, found a corner, and left a cup of tea.

Holding a book in hand and a poem in the corner of the study, I felt Li Qingzhao's "The rain was sparse and the wind was sudden last night, and I couldn't sleep without residual wine", experienced Bing Xin's "The locks used to be beautiful, and when you locked them, people would understand", pondered Gu Cheng's "The night gave me black eyes, but I used it to look for light", and realized Li Bai's "The long wind and the waves will sometimes, hanging the cloud sail to the sea". Wandering in the sea of books, you can appreciate the various forms of life, see through the past, accept the washing of the soul, fly your imagination, and look at the world,. Such an ordinary day enriches the soul. In fact, it's also wonderful!

Hold tea in hand, lean against the window head, look at the mottled shadows of trees outside the window, look at the rusty iron doors outside the wall, listen to the deep, rapid and sad rain. Close your eyes, feel the beauty of the world, feel the passage of time, feel the years stay in the hair until the night comes, see the end of the evening, rise at night, listen to the stars whispering, taste the white moon sad, see the swaying trees, listen to the wind. On such a leisurely and comfortable day, you can taste the beauty of nature, feel your own inner voice, listen attentively and feel, and find that the world is so beautiful. Such a day, ordinary and full, makes my heart clean, but my body and mind are exhausted and thrown far away. In fact, such a day is also wonderful!

From looking at the clouds in the sky, to taste the world, to look at the stars and the full moon, to feel the vicissitudes of things, to listen to the sound of rain, to listen to the joy and sadness of the world. Ordinary days go on day by day, and the old tree's annual rings are counted again and again, until the green silk is dyed into white hair, and the river of time is gone forever, it is found that every day is wonderful. Day by day, hour by hour, look at the world with heart, and feel life with heart. The past has passed, and what should come can never be avoided. It is better to live each day very often.

Ordinary days are not ordinary at all. I hope you and I can find their own way home. I believe that one day, ordinary will become extraordinary.

Ordinary days are also wonderful!

Ordinary Splendor (4)

Some shabby cards were hung obliquely above the door of the small restaurant, and a light heat was flowing upward. The plain taste of noodle shop has not changed. It is hidden in the world, full of my whole childhood.

Early in the morning, just after Li Ming, Zaoying began to sing, adding vitality to the town that had not yet awakened.

This small and humble art museum seems to have existed since childhood, and now, it seems that there is no possibility of expansion. The town awoke from the traffic jam.

There is an irresistible fragrance in the small white porcelain bowl. The bottom is red oil. Several pieces of white water lie leisurely on the soup surface. The slender noodles are arranged orderly. Two or three pieces of beef are scattered on the ground. It seems that only four or five peanuts are the happiest.

This small noodle shop hidden in the alley is crowded. The anxious people seem to be in sharp contrast to the little guy on the roof. The cat lying on the red tile yawned lazily, then squinted in the sun.

The dense trees cut the morning light into small spots, and Jinhui leaned gently against the tree roots and the dining chair of the noodle shop. For a small town that has just awakened, a beautiful day has just begun, but for ordinary people, a busy and full day has also begun. People who have just started to walk around have left rational memories, and the years have passed in this gap. In a flash.

My childhood favorite came here. The grandma of the noodle shop always happily served a bowl of hot noodles, and her rough hand touched my head, immersed in excitement.

For me at that time, eating a bowl of steaming noodles in a noodle restaurant after school was the greatest happiness. The noodle shop is empty. Ah, bring me a bowl of osmanthus pear. The cool and sweet taste is unique in summer. The sweet scented osmanthus sprinkled on the cool ice powder has an inextricable taste. Taste is the most lasting relationship. After moving, I will go back to the Hutong in a few days.

I don't know why, I think of this small restaurant that stops in ordinary years. Through the bustling crowd, back to the alley, there is not much change, just a few more kittens on the red tile. Suddenly, it began to rain, and the town was slightly cool in the rain. Only this small world, ancient and wonderful, busy and lively.

I ordered a bowl of noodles. The fog had not dissipated in the rain, but there was a layer of fog in my eyes.

The rising white fog merged with the past years. It is the most common fireworks in the world, but it brings comfort to my wandering in this lonely city.

The gentle and easygoing grandma in the small restaurant is still there. The taste of childhood has not changed, but we can't find the light and shadow that are dull and happy, and we can't find the former people.

Fortunately, there is a small restaurant that breaks the time flood. In the noisy world, fleeting time and splendor are cooked into a bowl of noodles. My whole world is ordinary.

Xiaoguan fell asleep in the arms of the isolated city.

Extraordinary splendor (5)

In everyone's eyes, stars are different and extraordinary. They are almost busy with their work all day long, wearing fashionable clothes and always shining with dazzling brilliance. I want to tell you that even ordinary people who are not stars can also burst into dazzling sparks.

I remember that it was more than eight o'clock in the morning of a summer vacation. Although it was the morning, the sun had already shone overhead. There was a "rhythm" that did not dry people and did not stop. I could not bear the heat, and could not resist the delicious "temptation". I was going to buy an ice lolly at the store at the entrance of the community to relieve the heat. Thinking of the cool and delicious popsicles, I bounded towards the shop. Suddenly, at the corner of an intersection, I was rubbed by the handlebar of an electric car. I stumbled and almost fell down. Before I could calm down, an uncle repeatedly apologized, helped me up, saw that I was OK, and disappeared in front of me as soon as I turned around. Watching his familiar figure leaving, I thought it was someone I knew, and suddenly remembered that it was his former neighbor Uncle Zhang. Eh, what is he doing in such a hurry? So driven by curiosity, I followed his direction.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong"! Uncle Zhang was holding a package of things like a package and ringing the doorbell. The door opened, and an aunt came out. She said impatiently that I had waited so long to deliver it, and kept mumbling... She took the package and turned back to the room. Uncle Zhang said with a smile: "Sorry, please sign the receipt!" She glanced at Uncle Zhang, and then turned away after signing.

The sweat on Uncle Zhang's forehead soaked his collar, and the sweat on his hair shone in the sunlight. How hard his work is and how ordinary his post is, but there is always a cool smile on his weather beaten face. I firmly believe that no matter how ordinary people are, as long as they make efforts, they will be rewarded.

Ordinary world, ordinary us. But mediocrity does not mean mediocrity. As long as you work hard, the wonderful will happen to these ordinary people one day.

Ordinary Splendor (6)

The ordinary always contains the extraordinary, and the extraordinary always carries exciting stories, which often condense emotions beyond the life circle. All these constitute the highlight of life.

I once read such a question on the Internet: a retired soldier, a hero in the fight against floods, and a good young man who was praised by everyone but suffered from leukemia. Once he was well aware of his illness, he hid his relatives, used the limited time to do many meaningful things, and gave many people due help. Write an extraordinary page in that ordinary life. Until two years later, he was overwhelmed by the pain. This man is Huang Guoxiong.

"Leukemia", what a terrible word it sounds, but he completely put down his fear of death and supported it for two years with indomitable perseverance. When his illness was known by his family members, his wife and his mother were heartbroken. However, he smiled and comforted, saying, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." What force kept him from suffering so long? It is his responsibility to the society and the fiery heart in his heart. A warm-hearted young man fought against the fate with his optimistic attitude, and created a miracle of life because of his optimism. Because this miracle fulfilled his wish to help others, his ordinary life became more wonderful.

Indeed, Huang Guoxiong is ordinary, but his kind heart is shining. People will never forget such a person. When Huang Guoxiong was in hospital, his story was reported by the media. Everyone who read the report was moved by his character. Some strangers were collecting money for him, but they didn't want to leave their names. They said, "Huang Guoxiong was in danger of life. When we were in trouble, he didn't forget us and helped us. Now it is time for us to repay." "He helped us when we were in trouble, and now it is time for us to repay." What a simple sentence, but it expresses their feelings. In fact, they are also ordinary people, but they found their own coordinates of life in Huang Guoxiong. Their hearts let Huang Guoxiong's life shine again, and their good deeds let Huang Guoxiong inherit and continue this spirit.

Although Huang Guoxiong finally passed away because he missed the best opportunity for treatment, his life was like a red leaf in autumn, which dyed the whole season of his life red. Enthusiastic people like Huang Guoxiong always exist.

Ordinary life is like a candle, with painful tears and happy light. He is like that. Life begins in the ordinary, but ends in the halo.

Ordinary Splendor (7)

A grain of sand, insignificant, looks very small in the desert; The earth where we live is like a boat in the universe, small and fragile; Even the solar system is a small galaxy in the vast universe. Most of us are ordinary people, not great people. But you know what? Ordinary life is also wonderful.

"Ringing bell......" The alarm clock rang. I reluctantly got up from the bed and turned it off. I rubbed my sleepy eyes. When I looked up, I saw a note on the table. I picked it up and said, "Daughter, mother, go out to do something. You can eat in a nearby restaurant. The money is in the drawer and you can take it yourself."

"A-choo..." It's too cold. I hold my money tightly and go into the noodle shop. "Boss, a bowl of beef noodles." "OK" I sit on the chair and wait. Suddenly, I saw an old man wearing thin clothes passing the door of the shop with a bowl in his hand. It seems that he should be a beggar. I was going to give him the rest of the money, but he hurried away. Alas, the old man's clothes are so thin. It should be very cold in this winter.

Thinking, the face came up. At this time, a beautiful girl with a mask came in. She also ordered a bowl of beef noodles. I ate absently, and she ate hurriedly, as if there was something urgent. In a twinkling of an eye, her face was only "half of the country", while mine remained unmoved.

"Da da da......" With the sound of footsteps, the old man just came in, and the chopsticks in the girl's hand also stopped. "Sorry, there is no face left..." The boss wanted to refuse. The old man looked at the girl's half bowl of noodles, and the girl unexpectedly dumped the remaining half bowl of noodles! In a flash, the beautiful image of the girl in my heart collapsed. After a while, the girl smiled and said to the old man, "Sorry, Grandpa, I'm sick, and I don't want to infect you." Turning around, she said to the boss, "Boss, give me a bowl of noodles, and I'll pay for it." "OK, right away..." The boss also smiled.

At this time, I feel that winter is no longer cold.

Yes, a grain of sand is very small, tens of thousands of grains of sand, or even countless grains of sand, can converge into a desert; Countless creatures have converged into the biosphere; Countless galaxies like the solar system have converged into a starry universe. Ordinary days will also be wonderful.

Ordinary Splendor (8)

I am an ordinary student, without brilliant achievements, living a monotonous life of two points and one line every day. In the crowd, I am nothing but a little inconspicuous. Life will not stop for some reason, the earth can still rotate without me, ordinary still covers my figure, even if there is no surrounding admirers, life will not be dull and lustrous for this reason.

But that time I found that ordinary I was also very wonderful. One weekend in the sixth grade, I accidentally logged in. At first I didn't know what to do. After returning from a trip, my father asked me to sort out what I had seen and heard during the trip. So I registered one, and I put everything I saw, heard and thought of in this trip into my online log, with beautiful photos. Look, this is the sunrise on the sea, this is the sunset coconut wind, this is swimming in the sea... On the third day of the record, people began to reply to my record. Ask me: What is this? What's that? Evaluate my articles and discuss with me. I became interested in writing.

Every week, I will write a composition on my personal log, read other people's articles, listen to others' opinions and suggestions on my writing, see other people's compositions, learn to comment on their compositions, and constantly improve my writing skills.

Since then, I have another half of the world. With a small world of happiness, anger and sadness, I have my pen friend. Unconsciously, I have gently knocked on a door to my heart, a door to writing. Have a small world of their own. There you can meet pen friends from all over the country; Let's talk about writing together. Gradually, I began to do nothing at first, and gradually gained confidence in writing. Now I like writing, and the characters in my articles are really "alive".

Writing brings me joy and takes away sadness. Let me also have a wonderful.

Ordinary Splendor (9)

Another piece of paper was torn up by me. The clock on the wall turned a few times before I knew it. What was left on the desk was just more fragmented and ink stained calligraphy paper.

Outside the window, several birds chirped from time to time, and the sound was sharp and harsh. My heart is extremely irritable, as if I had experienced a snowstorm, and the wind is still raging, but my vitality and vitality have already been buried under layers of ice and snow. Glancing at the work that has just been copied, the messy brushwork is piled together in a scrawl, without any rules to speak of. Anger welled up in my heart. I crunched the paper into a ball and threw it into the garbage can. "Why is there never any rules, and why can't I always practice those calligraphy strokes?" I roared in my heart.

"Da Da Da" knocked at the door, and I opened the door impatiently. It was a delivery boy with his mother's delivery in his hand, "Little sister, please sign for your delivery". His eyes flashed with sincerity. Looking at me with a brush in my hand, his words box opened: "You should learn calligraphy, and this calligraphy should be copied more, and the key is to insist..." He said, suddenly realized that there was still a courier, and he made a refueling gesture to me, and then turned to leave in a hurry. Unexpectedly, ordinary couriers also know calligraphy!

Looking at his faraway figure, I thought of another wonderful legend of the miraculous courier team - the little brother Lei Haiwei, an ordinary and ordinary express boy from Hunan, who won the championship of the third season of the Chinese Poetry Conference and surprised the whole audience. And won the Global Chinese Traditional Culture Communication Award. All this stems from his love and persistence in poetry. He is very ordinary, just like most of us, but he always sticks to his love of poetry during his hard work of full-time delivery, and uses all the spare time waiting to read and recite poetry. Through his efforts, he won everyone's applause. Now that he has become a full-time teacher, he still hasn't stopped reciting poems. His perseverance and persistent attitude have created his brilliant life.

Shude, I seem to understand something. Pick up the pen, brush, splash ink, I seem to incarnate a horse, galloping freely on the grassland; It is also like a waterfall running down a steep cliff. Sometimes it is like a butterfly moving gently; Sometimes, if the sword is sharp, it can penetrate the back of the paper. Looking at the mellow pen, I am very satisfied with myself. The vigorous fonts of Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan are beyond my reach, but I can write my own wonderful through hard work.

In life, most people are very ordinary, very ordinary, but ordinary people can also have a wonderful life. As long as you work hard enough, persist enough, and be confident enough, you can create brilliance. A piece of paper is fragrant, and life is not limited. I would like to use Shaohua as a pen to write a wonderful chapter for my ordinary life and create a wonderful life for ordinary people!

Ordinary Splendor (10)

Some people say that mediocrity is mediocrity. In fact, this is not the case. Ordinary only represents a way of life, but it is not that waves and sparks are not allowed. There are few great people. Most people are just ordinary people, but who can say that ordinary people have no wonderful things in their life?

Ordinary life can also produce brilliant flowers.

Liu Tao, an ordinary meter reader, repeated his boring life every day, but he used his camera to take pictures of life on the streets of Hefei and became the "master of street photography" in people's minds. So although his life is ordinary, he can grasp every detail of life; although his work is boring, he can find poetic life. Therefore, even the ordinary life can be made colorful through our own efforts.

Ordinary life is wonderful as long as we take it seriously.

Ordinary Splendor (11)

I believe in freedom, I believe in hope, and I believe that youth has no horizon—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Maybe in your opinion, your life has no fun at all. Youth is just a stereotype, unchanging and painful. At first, I thought the same as you, but since I entered junior high school, I have understood what is "ordinary, but also exciting".

I really didn't want to go to middle school in the days when I was going to start school. I heard from adults that it is hard to go to middle school, with more homework, and my grades will drop much more than those in primary school. People are in a trance all day long. On the first day of school, I was told that military training was needed, and I felt even worse. In my impression, military training is painful, exposed, tired

On the day of military training, I picked up all kinds of boxes and sat on the school bus. I was so depressed that I didn't have any primary school classmates. At this moment, the person next to me turned to me and said, "What primary school were you from before?" I was stunned for a moment and said, "Drum Two Primary School." From her words, we are from the same primary school but in different classes, called Xiaolin. But I was happy, and soon talked about it. After a while, some students put their heads to us and made many new friends at once. Is this a new student, a new environment, a new beginning?

When we arrived at the dormitory, we were told that military training would organize a party the night after tomorrow. The teacher suggested that we sing songs. Xiao Xun, the most organized person in our class, organized rehearsals with the teacher. I, Xiao Lin and seven other girls performed the song I Believe.

The rehearsal immediately kicked off. We immediately worked together to exchange suggestions, download accompaniments and download accompaniments... We were busy, and the clear and graceful songs rang in the dormitory. We shared the belief that "we are the best!"

On the night of the performance, after watching the performances of the previous classes, I still felt a bit worried: "What should I do if I suddenly lose my voice?" "Will the microphone break down?"

As soon as the host reported that "Class XX, Grade One, performed the song" I Believe "", several students walked up together in an orderly manner. When the familiar accompaniment sounded in my ears, the voices of my companions became louder, "I believe in freedom, I believe in hope, and I believe that youth has no horizon..." The clear and loud voice echoed in the starry night sky, and the lyrics we sang were what we believed, "... Let life be fresh, and every moment is wonderful, Idobelieve……。”

Our small body contains the soul of youth, because we have youth, we are not afraid of failure, everything can be repeated. Youth, no matter how painful, also has joy, just like the carbon dioxide in cola, it emits our youthful charm in the squeeze. Although youth is ordinary, it also has wonderful prospects!

Ordinary Splendor (12)

Life is like a clear water, meandering through the years. Even though the waves are surging, it will sink slowly like stones. It is ordinary, but also endless.

Perhaps in a long time, the water can be as clear as a mirror, so that the stars seem to rise from here, which is not a bad thing for life.

I remember when I was young and simple, I once buried a laurel seed in a pot of soil and longed for it to sprout and grow yellow stamens. Maybe I was eager at that time, but I still couldn't hope for its vitality after most of my life. Most people think that this kind of child can't live, and leave it in the corner of the yard, regardless of the weather or rain.

That day, I sat in the courtyard with leisure and elegance. It was October, and the wind was a little cool. I just feel that the autumn wind in the south is so clear, as if it is dew on the morning lotus, as if it envelops the Milky Way. Suddenly, a little fragrance penetrated into my nose, and I was surprised. Isn't it laurel? So I followed the memory of that year to find that corner - a small cinnamon tree. I was lost and excited. Run to the front and look at these flowers, which are the incarnation of Daphne, swaying in the wind, like the graceful figure of a woman.

Although the laurel is small, it has many flowers, and I have never noticed it! It should have been abandoned by me, and laughed at by other plants with luxuriant branches and leaves!

I have to admire its life. It is just a thin laurel. In its ordinary years, how much loneliness it endured before it precipitated a few petals of fragrance. In autumn October, like a silent movie, it quietly won several wonderful performances.

Compared with it, my life is much tougher, but I have never been so tough. I was unwilling to live an ordinary life and could not stand the loneliness of reading for hours at the desk. In this way, what have I gained in the past ten years? It is nothing but the nihility decorated with joy.

I remember once, I also laughed at those school bullies who were too ordinary and too conformity, and they had to obstinately interpret the flying reed catkins, romantic and free, and forget the heavy things in life. Now I am looking at her. The laurel is entranced. Well, she is not as proud and straight as my favorite metasequoia, but she is also crystal clear and has a vivid smile.

So far, after taking a few deep breaths of the air with the fragrance of osmanthus, I felt that the warm traces of the years were floating around me, singing the songs of Suhua. The chest should also be filled with those strands of fragrance. After living here, I only hope that in ordinary life, this fragrance can emanate from the humble room in my heart to light up the light in my heart.

Ordinary Splendor (13)

Wake up hazily, the tightly closed curtain shows a little glimmer. It occurred to me that today is the weekend.

Without the urgency and rapidity of getting up at school, I stayed in bed for a while in the warm quilt before going to wash. The hour hand points to eight o'clock, take the key and change and go out. The stone road and dense green plants in the community are cool, and the air is fragrant with grass and trees. In the breakfast shop, there is smoke and bustle. I live in it. The soymilk in the mouth is hot and sweet, and the small and exquisite fried bun is fluffy and soft. With the sweet and spicy sauce, a beautiful day begins.

When I got home, I sat at my desk and spread out my homework. Or stop writing from time to time, or hold your head to meditate, and immerse yourself in the winding thoughts. Only when the tip of the pen congeals a mass of ink on the paper, can you "brush" the pen as if you are in a trance. The clock moves forward slowly. The tea is surrounded by clouds and slowly becomes like a cup of amber standing on the table. It soon arrived at noon. A box of unpacked instant curry, a bowl of white rice, some Shanghai green and potatoes, and a small bowl of lean meat were the prototype of today's lunch. The curry, which is golden and somewhat similar to caramel, is thick and smooth. Soft and rotten meat, yellowish potatoes and green Shanghai green are crowded on the other side of the plate. With a bang, the easy pull ring was pulled open, and the cola jumped with bubbles.

After lunch is one of the most comfortable times of the day. Because of the delicious lunch, people feel satisfied and satisfied. The afternoon sun, filtered by glass, will not be so hot when scattered on the body, but will have a warm feeling. Open a copy of Lin Qingxuan's prose on his knee - "Ordinary, but with a deep heart."

The life of ordinary people cannot be brilliant all the time, but it is noble to be able to taste tea like philosophies from ordinary days, which is also a little interesting and lovely in small days.

Ordinary Splendor (14)

I used to think that a wonderful life must go through ups and downs, rather than stick to the plain. I sat on the chair, dreaming of the wonderful life. Now I gradually find that life does not have to be always ups and downs, ordinary is the truth of life. It is wonderful to be able to live an ordinary life well.

I was born in a very ordinary family. My parents came to Xiamen for survival. In order to make money, one has to go to and leave Xiamen to work in other places; The other had to find a real estate intermediary to share the pressure. If they want to live safely in Xiamen, a place with high housing prices, ordinary people do not have many opportunities to choose.

You are right. Their working environment is the same as that of ordinary people. They also have to work with sweat in summer. One of them has nothing to do with air conditioning. It is conceivable that the outdoor working environment is above 37 ℃. The other person seems to be better. After all, the intermediary company has air conditioners. But the air conditioners that work in vain are basically for customers, so that they can feel cool and negotiate better. The real intermediary work is more about running outdoors. Where is the air conditioner?

They get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and live more tired than dogs. I sometimes think that if I work for them for a few days, I will break down. Moreover, if they are busy, they will have no time to eat. I remember one noon, the harsh bell pulled me out of the sea of questions. After the phone was connected, there was the voice of various intermediaries talking about the house with customers. I called several times before I got a hurried reply. We won't go back for lunch today. Go to the nearby Shaxian County for snacks. Before I could answer, she went to continue to look at the house for customers.

I have written so much, not to complain that my parents are so busy every day, because I know why they are so busy. Although we are all racing against time, my parents are busy with work, and I want to be busy with reading. However, when our family comes to the weekend, we will still enjoy the slow time at the table as much as possible on holidays. In the evening, when my parents come home, they will take the initiative to put down their mobile phones and TV. When I do my homework and they read, the whole family will be quiet and warm. My body is thin and weak. My mother will urge me to go to sports on holidays, even if it is riding a bicycle in the community. When I come back by bike, I will see my mother urging me on the balcony. If I accidentally get good grades and the teacher sends a praise WeChat message, the family will be happy for several days.

This is the way of life. We are busy with our own affairs, but we all know that we live together and we are each other's dependence. The world is big, and we are small. It is not easy to live an ordinary life, but the hardworking people have their own wonderful.

Ordinary Splendor (15)

In the morning, with the fragrance of the air, the day begins and we embark on a new journey!

I put on my school uniform, grey cloth shoes, carried a heavy schoolbag and a happy mood, and rode the familiar little "BMW" - bicycle! After crossing the crossroads and the big trees on both sides of the road, we finally arrived at school! At present, the campus is still so lovely, beautiful and energetic. The orderly rows of bicycles in the parking lot will always be a dazzling landscape, the energetic person on the school road will always be a wonderful future, the basketball court will always be filled with the sweat of boys' struggle, the footprint on the runway will always be so valuable, and the small world on the playground will always be a paradise for us to enjoy, From every classroom in the teaching building, there will always be the laughter, reading, and struggle of students... "bell -" After class, there will be silence on the campus, followed by a loud and powerful reading voice. Looking through the window, the teacher was explaining the topic carefully, and the students were listening carefully and taking notes. The sound of reading or the sound of the ball pen rustling on the paper came from their ears.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the next classroom, and I walked over. The reason is that in English class, the teacher said that a word "shy" means "shy", which is homonymous with the Chinese word "handsome". The teacher asked the students and said; "Who is the most shy in our class?" The students heard "shy" as "handsome", so they burst out laughing! What a wonderful picture with ordinary! Another "bell -" This is the bell for class ending! The tense atmosphere immediately became more relaxed, and several good friends gathered together, talking and laughing, chatting and being extremely happy! In the corridor, I always see two ordinary girls talking about their dreams and lives. I can see from them that they are growing up and becoming mature. However, boys always like to show their so-called masculinity in groups in a corner of the classroom! Standing on the balcony on the third floor, looking from the first floor to the fifth floor, it feels ordinary with warmth, and the picture is so harmonious! Everyone began to change from ignorance to understanding! One day goes on and on like this, spending time in study, laughter, struggle, ordinary life, and wonderful life! Once, when things happened, we would only be impulsive, but now we are calm; Once, we were very naive, but now we will look at it with unique and mature eyes! Once, we would only cry when encountering difficulties. Now, we will also use our wisdom to solve difficulties. We believe that "sunshine always comes after rain"! Time has pushed us to another climax - youth.

Our life is so ordinary, but so wonderful! The excellence in the ordinary is to be ourselves, the most real ourselves! Pass the ordinary self, walk your own wonderful!

Ordinary Splendor (16)

I love to be with books, to see the sobering stories behind those leisurely words, and to see the vicissitudes of life for hundreds of years. Take books as friends, read to enjoy the great rivers and mountains, experience the fun of life, and experience the wonderful in the ordinary. When I was young, I always liked to hold Andersen's Fairy Tales and pester adults to tell stories for me. Every night I slowly fell asleep with a soft voice. In my dream, I went through countless hardships, from an ugly duckling to a day, living a carefree life... Fairy tales are the highlights of my childhood.

With fairy tales, childhood is not lonely.

A little longer, my life has become more wonderful. I began to walk into the door of Tang poetry and Song poetry to nourish the soul and cultivate sentiment. In front of the hut, listen to Du Fu's voice that "thousands of poor people are happy in Guangxia, and a large number of poor people all over the world are happy: when I face the challenge, I admire Li Bai," I am born to be independent, and I think of the lament poem that "people are better than yellow flowers because of the western wind", which is the highlight of my ordinary youth. Accompanied by poetry, the soul is nourished.

In junior high school, in my ordinary life, I am more and more longing for more wonderful and surprising things. I began to read various literary classics. Travel in the meantime, read

"Red Mansion" feels the joys and sorrows of the world, the ups and downs of the family, the happy appearance of Baodai at the first sight, the sad parting of a long marriage in spring, and the flowers of Yuanchun province. In the exchange of joys and sorrows, I learned that there is nothing in the world. While enjoying the "Westward Journey", I was moved by the richness of the plot. The two gods of the Great Sage's fighting skills are too much to see. The rebellious spirit of Sun Wukong, who made a scene of chaos in the sky, is admirable, and the fighting skills of Chechi State are frightening. Each character has a unique personality. He is as evil as the Sun Wukong, as silent as the Eight Commandments, and as hardworking as the monk Sha. On the way to learn the scriptures, it told me that only by going forward bravely and fearing hardships and dangers, can we achieve success.

The four great masterpieces are great masterpieces in ordinary life. They enrich my life and give me spiritual support. Accompanied by the four masterpieces, you can enrich yourself, know the brave and intelligent heroes, and watch the literary and military strategies; Appreciate brotherhood, loyalty and filial piety, love between children and daughters, lament the nature and trick people: cultivate gods and demons, and wish to save all living beings. Look up at the great universe of famous works and observe the prosperity of literary categories. Yangsheng is ordinary and wonderful. Accompanied by the four masterpieces, it enriches the soul, warms the years, and adds more highlights. A masterpiece is the highlight of my ordinary junior high school. Accompanied by classics, the spirit will be enriched. Books are the essence of my ordinary life. They give me confidence and courage. A cup of tea, a yellow light, alone in a room, holding a book, enjoy it quietly, which is also wonderful in the ordinary.

Ordinary Splendor (17)

In the dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on your face through the treetops. The southeast wind suddenly blows away your white hair, while your mouth is smiling softly and lightly, and your deep eyes seem to be able to see through at a glance.

I picked up the yellowing memories. When you took my hand to school, I was afraid and dared not let go. I sat in front of the door and cried loudly. You said to me that you would wait for me at the door all the time and would not leave for a moment. It took me a long time to let go of your hand. You stand at the door smiling and waving to me, and your mouth seems to be talking about something.

After school, I ran out of the school and saw you at a glance. "You really waited for me at the door all day," you smiled and did not deny that until the graduation of Kindergarten, no matter it was windy or rainy, you would always wait in that tree for four years. That's my most peaceful and happy four years.

You always take me to the park to feed fish. You like the way I run in the south of the city, indulgent, uninhibited, childhood. But you don't know that I have seen you secretly for a long time. The breeze caresses you, the leaves rustle overhead, and the face is engraved with the traces of years. In the cold winter, you were afraid that I would freeze, so you knitted me many kinds of sweaters and warm cotton animals. I often see the threads on your hands when you are sitting in the shade of a tree are intertwined, and different colors of needles and threads are flying around your fingertips. I can't wait to make a few circles around the fat man in the rainbow color circle that has just been woven.

In summer, the sun is blazing. You make my favorite cake under the osmanthus tree. It's sweet and delicious. Osmanthus floating ah, fall in the hair, fall in the palm of the hand, fragrant and pleasant. Your fingertips are thick, full of cocoons, but full of osmanthus fragrance. Thanks to you, my childhood has become my hot light and dream, warm and shining. Later, you died of illness, leaving only a recording for me, "Baby, I'm getting worse. I can't stay with you for long. Don't be sad. Grandma loves you forever. Grandma is useless. She can't leave you anything. It's really hard for us. We have to go our own way in the future. We are the most obedient and sensible. We don't worry or worry." Grandma, Why didn't you leave anything? You gave me the most wonderful childhood in my ordinary life. Who can match your love? You are ordinary people, but you are the only one. You are my favorite. I read about you. I always read about you.

It's a pity that we don't even have a decent group photo. You didn't come to see me in my dream. Why didn't you come to see your lovely doll. When I went to the stream again, the wind rose again in the south of the city. The wind blew over the trees overhead, and the leaves still made a rustling sound. I knew that it was you talking to me, and I missed you most. Missing sounds like wind.

I gradually understand that you have never left me. You are by the brook and under the osmanthus tree. You are the bright light and warm wind. Your love is wonderful in the world and accompanies me like a shadow.

The world is not only present, but also poetry and distance. I will not stop. With the wonderful and fiery dreams in the ordinary, I am no longer afraid of being big and torrential.

Ordinary Splendor (18)

Let ordinary life become wonderful, which should be our common people's greatest pursuit. But life is just like what Zhuge Liang said: "It is easy to know the nature, but difficult to go against it". But don't regret it. Because in history, there are still many people who have changed their lives against the weather. How did they do it? What should we do today?

First of all, we should know about life. Life is cruel. As Mao Dun said, "Either you conquer life or life crushes you". We cannot slack off in life, let alone be overwhelmed by life. Therefore, we need to be optimistic and confident to face the various pressures of life. The great philosopher Emerson said that "self-confidence is the first secret of success". Self confidence is the booster of our life. It can transform small into great and mediocrity into magic. If it were not for Einstein's confidence in his own exploration, the "Theory of Relativity" would not have been born. Einstein will always be a mediocre nobody; If it were not for Seiji Ozawa's confidence in his own judgment, his talent would never be known to the world, and he would live an unknown life. However, it is not enough to have full confidence. We still need to work hard. In this regard, the Chinese women's volleyball team is the best proof. Because of the constant efforts and persistence of those ordinary girls, their life has become wonderful. And China is also famous for them. Stendhal said that "great enthusiasm can overcome everything, and only strong and persistent pursuit can achieve the goal". The Chinese nation is a nation good at hard work and hard work. Since ancient times, there have been many wise people who have worked hard in adversity to create a wonderful life. "King Wen constrained himself to perform the Book of Changes; Zhong Nie wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals; Qu Yuan's exile was an ode to Li Sao; Zuoqiu lost his sight, and there was Guoyu; Sun Tzu Binjiao, revised the Art of War; and without Wei moving to Sichuan, the legendary Lvlan". But in history, there are countless people who meet the above two points, but why are there so few people who can really change their ordinary lives? The reason is that they only work hard and lack wisdom. As Spinoza said, "Wisdom is not the meditation of death, but the meditation of life". We can't just do something, but make good use of our wisdom. A few decades ago, a man from Chao'an, Guangdong, went to Hong Kong with his determination and wisdom and a smile. At that time, nobody looked up to him. However, decades later, the real estate magnate who created "12 billion" is not qualified to stand on the top and let people overlook. "It was really hard to do at the beginning, so we have to do something besides work hard." This is Li Ka shing's summary of his proud achievements. Yes, wisdom is a seed that can let people harvest granary; Wisdom is also a breeze, which can make people ride the wind and waves.

But be careful, wisdom can also be a double-edged sword. If it is not used well, it will become a stupid "little smart", which can directly destroy a person. For example, the death of Yang Xiuzhi made people laugh: "Chicken ribs, chicken ribs!" A peerless talent could have glorified his ancestors and led an extremely good life. But because of his cleverness, he lost everything. Do you desire something extraordinary? Are you willing to be ordinary? Go your own way and let others talk. Let self-confidence overcome setbacks, let efforts break the reality, let wisdom guide the direction, and let life become wonderful.

Ordinary Splendor (19)

Some people say that mediocrity is mediocrity. In fact, this is not the case. Ordinary only represents a way of life, but it is not that waves and sparks are not allowed. There are few great people. Most people are just ordinary people, but who can say that ordinary people have no wonderful things in their life?

Ordinary life can also produce brilliant flowers.

Liu Tao, an ordinary meter reader, repeated his boring life every day, but he used his camera to take pictures of life on the streets of Hefei and became the "master of street photography" in people's minds. So although his life is ordinary, he can grasp every detail of life; although his work is boring, he can find poetic life. Therefore, even the ordinary life can be made colorful through our own efforts.

Ordinary life is wonderful as long as we take it seriously.

Every morning, there are orange figures on the street. Although people in the past are in a hurry, who will notice them? But they use their ordinary lives and plain work to achieve the beauty of the city; At the construction sites wrapped with advertising cloth, migrant workers get up early and go to bed late, and work hard for urban construction. Although their life is ordinary, they have gradually become city landmarks standing high in the sky when they take their own life and work seriously.

Although their lives are plain and ordinary, while they take their work and life seriously, their wonderful life is shown on clean streets and tall buildings. Therefore, as long as you take your life seriously, you can make it wonderful.

In fact, whether you are ordinary or not is just a matter of perspective. Even if others think that your life is boring, as long as you take your own life seriously, try to find the beauty of life, and try to realize your dreams, you can make your life colorful.

Most of the time, the ordinary is like us. Even if the soul is rich, the reality is not satisfactory. But as long as we treat life with confidence, we can live up to the good times that life has given us. Therefore, we just need to use new glory to explore the shining points of life, exchange a hearty, old and regretful years, and comfort the youth that is just right for spring and suitable for running.

Ordinary Splendor (20)

In the rain curtain, I saw him... He, a man in green overalls; He, regardless of the severe cold and heat, wind and rain, must complete the task; He is a busy person who has been dragging an electric car without any points all day; He is an ordinary person, an unusual person, an ordinary and unusual person. He is a dedicated postman.

It was a rainy bad weather last summer vacation. My mother and I lived in the countryside at my grandmother's house for the summer vacation. My mother selected a half sleeve T-shirt for my grandpa when shopping online a few days ago. The post office called yesterday and said that my mother's airmail package had arrived and would be delivered today. But at noon, it was not delivered. Grandfather said, "It's raining so hard to walk. Don't worry about it today. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Mother agreed and went to help Grandma wash the dishes.

well! They don't believe me, but I always have a feeling that the postman uncle, he will come! By two o'clock in the afternoon, we had already had lunch and were ready for lunch break. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door - "Bang! Bang! Bang!" I was so excited that I hurried to change my shoes to open the door, but my grandma and grandpa refused to let me get drenched. But I really wanted to open the door, so I said to grandma and grandpa, "I have to hurry to open the door. We only drenched for a short time, and the people who knocked on the door might have been drenched." So, I rushed out to open the door before Grandma and Grandpa knew it. I was surprised and pleased at the result. It was the postman uncle! He untied a piece of "cloth" on the package, handed it to me, and then asked me to sign. I saw my uncle was in a mess and stood still. My uncle thought I had something else to do, so he asked me, "Little friend, what else is there? If nothing else, go back as soon as possible. Don't let the heavy rain get you wet." I really can't guess, He asked his uncle, "Uncle, where is your poncho? Why don't you wear it?" He didn't answer me, but just smiled at me. Then he wrapped another package with his "big cloth" (that is, his last package, I can see). I was puzzled and walked home with the package. It seemed that the rain was getting heavier and heavier. I slowly remembered the "big cloth" that my uncle had just used to wrap. Isn't that his poncho? I was suddenly enlightened, so I quickly took out my own poncho and ran outside, but my uncle had gone far. I looked at my uncle's back and felt speechless.

Ah! In fact, ordinary is also wonderful. We should use ordinary life to create extraordinary life. As Li Shangyin said, "The silkworms in spring will not be exhausted until they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they turn to ashes." We should devote our limited lives to serving the people.