13 figurative sentences of summer heat
How to be a man without going through vicissitudes
2023-05-21 17:13:50

1、 Walking on the road, the oncoming wind is like a heat wave.

2、 Summer is coming, the weather is very hot, and the ground looks like a furnace.

3、 The weather is so hot that it seems that a spark will cause an explosion.

4、 The sun is like fire, and the earth is like a steamer. It is too hot to breathe.

5、 Early in the morning, cicadas shouted loudly to tell people that another hot day had begun.

6、 The sunshine in midsummer is like dipping in chili water. There is no shade on the open street.

7、 In July, the sky was blue and the sun was like a fireball. The clouds seemed to be burned by the sun.

8、 The cicadas kept shouting in the branches, as if they were cheering for the burning sun.

9、 Those ironware, basked in the summer sun, are like baked sweet potatoes, which people dare not touch.

10、 The buffalo had already hidden in the pond, and its whole body was buried in the water, with only one head exposed to breathe on the water.

11、 The sun is like a big boss's fireball. The light is scorching. The road is scorched by the scorching sun. Step down and a stream of white smoke will appear.

12、 The sun in summer is like a big stove, baking the earth hot. Even the air is hot, and people sweat when they move.

13、 There was no cloud in the air, a hot sun overhead, no wind, and all the trees stood listlessly.