Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (19 popular)
Begonia fragrance
2024-05-27 00:53:55

Sweet and Sour Spareribs Composition (1)

Every time I eat sweet and sour ribs, I think of my amiable grandmother and the delicious food she made for me, which is my beautiful collection.

Grandma is old and looked after by her grandparents. She usually sits in her grand chair, like a static statue. Only when my parents take me to visit them will my grandmother's wrinkled face become vivid and her heavy steps become much lighter.

On such days, she would cook by herself and make my favorite dish sweet and sour ribs. While watching her wielding the spatula, I listened to her talking about the key to sweet and sour ribs: small row of boiled water, hot oil pan, fried small row, adding spices, and finally harvesting juice by fire... I enjoyed it when I was old and young.

Grandma likes to watch me devour ribs. Every time, she smiles very brightly. Her kind face seems to be a teenager younger.

The weather is unpredictable. The disease still took my dear grandmother away. When I heard the bad news, I couldn't believe it all the time. On the day of seeing her off, the sky was drizzling. It was God's tears. It cried for the death of a kind old man. At that moment, I wished my grandmother could get up and make sweet and sour ribs for me again.

A sweet and sour spareribs, full of my grandmother's love, it is my beautiful collection!

Sweet and Sour Spareribs Composition (2)

[First of all, we need to add a proper amount of vegetable oil. When the oil boils, we need to add sweet white sugar and boil it slowly on a low fire. We need to control the heat, otherwise the sweet taste will become bitter]

I brought home a little friend I just met. I played with her happily. She was one year younger than me and met on the train. Because she was all children, she was easy to get along with.

I took her to the bedroom, showed her many treasures I collected, and introduced my most precious ancient coins to her one by one. This is my proudest thing. She stared at these strange things with wide eyes and fondly touched them again and again.

We happily shared my small collection.

[The oil temperature is high, and the sugar has been boiled to a thick shape, which is very beautiful. Then, pour in the cut ribs. Do you remember the sound of cooking? The cracking is very scary.]

When I opened my treasure box, I was shocked. All my ancient coins were missing. "Did my mother take them?" I thought to myself, no, no, it was my mother. How could she take my things? My respect and firm belief for my mother immediately gave up the idea.

"Yes, it's her, it must be her!" I confirmed the answer without hesitation. She liked it so much, and even picked them up so carefully. Why don't I remember? I almost wronged my innocent mother.

Without saying a word, I rushed to her house. She saw that I was very happy. Of course she was happy. She took someone's treasure. "Take things out!" I said angrily. "What?" "You pretended to steal my things, but you still didn't give them to me." I became louder and louder, which led her dog to bark desperately. She shook her head firmly, with tears in her eyes. "If you don't give it to me, our friends have nothing to do. Goodbye." I rushed out angrily, and did not forget to look back and add, "It's never seen again!"

[The ribs are golden yellow. Add a little salt and stir repeatedly]

Since then, we have no contact any more, and my heart still hates her.

[Cover the pot and let it sit for a few minutes. It tastes better]

One day many years later, my mother took out the coin that I had disappeared. I was very upset and looked out of the window, "Where is she now?"

[Sweet ribs are a little sour, add vinegar according to your taste]

One day a few months later, I met her on the train. In the place where we met, she was more beautiful. With a permanent smile, she looked at me, and a burst of sadness made me cry.

[After stir frying, the sweet and sour ribs are finished. They are complete in color, smell, taste and taste. Have you tasted them?]

I held her hand tightly and let happiness never slip away.

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (3)

[First of all, we need to add a proper amount of vegetable oil. When the oil boils, we need to add sweet white sugar and boil it slowly on a low fire. We need to control the heat, otherwise the sweet taste will become bitter] I brought home a little friend I just met. I played with her happily. She was one year younger than me and met on the train. Because she was all children, she was easy to get along with. I took her to the bedroom, showed her many treasures I collected, and introduced my most precious ancient coins to her one by one. This is my proudest thing. She stared at these strange things with wide eyes and fondly touched them again and again. We happily shared my small collection. [The oil temperature is high, and the sugar has been boiled to a thick shape, which is very beautiful. Then, pour in the cut ribs. Do you remember the sound of cooking? The cracking is very scary.] When I opened my treasure box, I was shocked. All my ancient coins were missing. "Did my mother take them?" I thought to myself, no, no, it was my mother. How could she take my things? My respect and firm belief for my mother immediately gave up the idea. "Yes, it's her, it must be her!" I confirmed the answer without hesitation. She liked it so much, and even picked them up so carefully. Why don't I remember? I almost wronged my innocent mother. Without saying a word, I rushed to her house. She saw that I was very happy. Of course she was happy. She took someone's treasure. "Take things out!" I said angrily. "What?" "You pretended to steal my things, but you still didn't give them to me." I became louder and louder, which led her dog to bark desperately. She shook her head firmly, with tears in her eyes. "If you don't give it to me, our friends have nothing to do. Goodbye." I rushed out angrily, and did not forget to look back and add, "It's never seen again!" [The ribs are golden yellow. Add a little salt and stir repeatedly] Since then, we have no contact any more, and my heart still hates her. [Cover the pot and let it sit for a few minutes. It tastes better] One day many years later, my mother took out the coin that I had disappeared. I was very upset and looked out of the window, "Where is she now?" [Sweet ribs are a little sour, add vinegar according to your taste] One day a few months later, I met her on the train. In the place where we met, she was more beautiful. With a permanent smile, she looked at me, and a burst of sadness made me cry. [After stir frying, the sweet and sour ribs are finished. They are complete in color, smell, taste and taste. Have you tasted them?] I held her hand tightly and let happiness never slip away. Comment: This is a novel article. The article is narrated by two clues alternately: one is the clue that "I" and my partner know each other, misunderstand, discover the truth, and make up as good as ever; One is the clue of "I" cooking sweet and sour ribs. The former is more practical and is the main content of the article; The latter is more virtual and plays a role of contrast and rendering. Because of the alternate narration of the two clues, the article appears vivid, novel and full of charm. The narrative rhythm is well controlled, and the words are smooth and refined. However, the implication of "cooking sweet and sour ribs" is not very consistent with the main content of the article. (Comments by Li Zuolin, Teaching and Research Section of Writing, School of Literature, Hunan Normal University)

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (4)

"Radish and cabbage, each has his own love." It's still true. Let's take our family for example. My mother likes steamed fish, my father likes braised pig's feet, but what about me? Only love sweet and sour ribs. Some people say that there is no reason to fall in love with a person, but there is a reason for me to fall in love with sweet and sour ribs. In my childhood memory, my parents gave birth to me and left me alone. They gave me a grandiose excuse that I was busy working, and then they sent me to my grandmother's house in the countryside. So, when I was a child, the person who liked me most was Grandma. Grandma is good at cooking. It is said that her specialty is braised pork in brown sauce. The reason why I say it is "said" is that although I also think that braised pork is delicious, sweet and sour ribs are my favorite since my grandmother once cooked sweet and sour ribs for me. I remember that day, Grandma said, "My dear, what are we going to eat today?" I was too young to know what to order for myself. I probably muttered something in my mouth. Grandma said, "My dear, did you say you want sweet and sour ribs? Good, good, good. Grandma will make them for you." It was my first time to eat sweet and sour pork chops. I can't remember other details, but I remember Grandma picked out a pork chops that had hardly been cut after she finished cooking. She blew and shook it to let it cool down quickly and then handed it to me. I just hold it in my hand and chew it. The sour and sweet taste is like eating a popsicle. I put it in my mouth and lick it. It seems that the sour and sweet taste will never be exhausted. Since then, my favorite dish is sweet and sour ribs. Later, when I went back to school in the city, my grandmother told my mother that my favorite food was ribs. Mom certainly remembered, but somehow, she just opened the recipe, sugar, salt, vinegar, ginger, onion, and all the ingredients were in order, but she could not make Grandma's sweet and sour ribs taste, either too sour or too sweet. Even if it was sour and sweet, it would not leave a lingering aftertaste. So I missed my grandmother very much and wanted to eat her sweet and sour ribs. Once, my parents took me to a high class banquet. During the banquet, the diners at the same table praised the dishes. Especially after a dish of hairy crabs came to the table, everyone broke their legs to get shells, moved their chopsticks and knives, and ate with relish. However, I never tasted the sweet and sour ribs made by Grandma. Nowadays, the material life is getting better and better, and I eat more and more food, but I can't forget the sweet and sour ribs made by my grandmother alone. Later, when I returned to my hometown, the first thing I had to tell my grandmother was to make sweet and sour ribs for me. Now, Grandma is old, dazzled, her back is bent, and her hands and feet are not as sharp as before. Although greedy insects always crawl around in their throat, they are embarrassed to ask Grandma for sweet and sour ribs again. My mother said, "Well, my son is sensible and knows that he loves Grandma. It means that what you love is not Grandma's sweet and sour ribs, but Grandma's love for you.". I will smile heartily. (Chongqing examinee) Full score analysis In this composition, I love one thing and love one person. This is a borrowing of things to play, and I wrote Grandma's love for her grandson and grandson's love for her grandmother. This way of using a prop to write people is more meaningful and literary than writing people directly. In order to reflect the love for Grandma's sweet and sour ribs, the author has used contrast techniques in many places. For example, the first part uses braised pork in brown sauce to compare with sweet and sour ribs, and the second part compares hairy crabs with sweet and sour ribs, highlighting the position of sweet and sour ribs in "my" heart. On site scoring: 20 points for content+20 points for expression+19 points for development=59 points in total

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (5)

These days, as the epidemic situation continues to improve, parents are rushing to work in the factory. When they come back at noon, they have to work hard to cook for us. It's really hard. But I also like my father's specialty sweet and sour ribs. When I mention it, I will be salivating. So I asked my father to teach me how to make sweet and sour spareribs. My father said, "Although sweet and sour spareribs are delicious, the process is very complicated. You should learn it carefully!".

The next day, I got up early and went to the street to buy some of the freshest ribs. After everything was ready, my father came back to instruct me to make sweet and sour ribs. I put some oil in the pot first, and then put the ribs into the pot after the oil was soaked. But the spoon I used was too big, and the oil accidentally spilled on my hand. I resisted the pain and continued to make sweet and sour ribs. Dad said, "At this time, we should quickly stir fry the ribs with a spoon, or they will be burned!" When the ribs are golden, we should pour yellow wine, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, sugar and water. It will take another twenty minutes or so to make it, and turn down the heat after boiling! " After waiting for a while, I asked "Is Dad ready now?" My mother said, "It's still early! If you eat it now, it must be very hard, and you can't chew it at all." After waiting for a while, the aroma of sweet and sour ribs became stronger and stronger, and the whole house was immersed in the sweet sea of sweet and sour ribs. Then she asked Dad if he was ready now? Dad said, "It's almost now." When I opened the steaming pot cover, the aroma of sweet and sour ribs came to my nose. I couldn't wait to put the sweet and sour ribs into a bowl. I picked up my chopsticks and quickly put a piece in my mouth. It was sour and sweet, and delicious!

So I came to the table with sweet and sour ribs, sprinkled some white sesame seeds, and sat there quietly looking at my masterpiece. Suddenly, my heart was filled with infinite pride. This time, I was satisfied with my performance. Through this experience, I also know that it is not easy for my parents to make great efforts for us. It seems that I have to learn more good dishes to honor my parents!

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (6)

This evening, my uncle bought a lot of small ribs. When I asked him what he was cooking, my uncle replied, "Your favorite sweet and sour ribs." After listening, I was very excited and asked my uncle to teach me how to cook them together. My uncle agreed happily.

First of all, we cut the ribs first. The bones were very hard, and it was very difficult to cut them. My uncle looked at me and said, "Let me come!" Regardless of my opinion, he took away the knife. Three times, five times, two times, he cut the ribs. When he cut the ribs, his muscles were tight, the tip of the knife was against the cutting board, and the back was hanging in the air. Then he cut the knife, and the meat was split in two, looking very relaxed. I was dumbfounded.

After all the ingredients were ready, we started to work. First, pour the ribs into water, boil them for 30 minutes, and then use one tablespoon of cooking wine, one tablespoon of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of old soy sauce, and two tablespoons of sweet vinegar. Note that it is not white vinegar. Last time we put white vinegar, it tasted strange. Then marinate for 20 minutes.

After marinating, take out, wash, and control the water for standby. I put more oil into the pot, but my uncle wouldn't let me. He said, "Put less oil, but you should fry it frequently." Under my repeated movement, I finally fried them until they were golden. It started to burn. Put ribs in the pot, water for curing ribs, three spoonfuls of white sugar, boil over the fire, and then add half spoonfuls of salt to improve the taste. Cover the pot. Soon, the sweet and sour flavor of ribs wafted out, and it was almost ready! At this time, we need to put some sesame oil, put a little MSG before closing the pot, and take out the pot!

Sweet and sour ribs are ready! I tasted it. It was fat, not greasy, not oily, moderately sweet and sour, rich and delicate in taste, and neither flavor would stand out, not thick or light. It was also a good choice to use juice to mix rice, which was extremely delicious.

Sweet and sour ribs, the first difficult dish in my life.

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (7)

Sweet and sour ribs are my favorite food. Speaking of it, I will be salivating. In addition, cooking sweet and sour ribs is also mother's specialty.

The sweet and sour ribs look very attractive. The red ribs are soaked in the crystal clear soup. They are sticky and make people want to taste them at a glance.

Although sweet and sour pork ribs are delicious, the process is very complicated: first cut the ribs into small pieces, then put them into boiling water to scald and remove the fishy smell of pork. At this time, you will see a layer of oil floating on the water, which is the fat in the pork. Finally, take the ribs out to dry. Do these steps well, and then you can make sweet and sour ribs.

First, put some oil in the pot. When the oil bursts, pour the ribs into the pot. The oil is like a naughty fairy, bouncing, and may spill on your body. Don't stay here at this time. You should stir fry with a shovel as soon as possible, or the ribs under the pot will be burnt. When the ribs are golden and crisp, add some salt, yellow wine, soy sauce, sugar and vinegar. After a few more minutes, the sweet and sour ribs will be ready. When you open the steaming lid of the pot, the sweet and sour ribs will be fragrant.

I can't wait to pick up the bowl, ready to taste it first. As soon as sweet and sour pork ribs entered my mouth, a sour and sweet smell immediately came to my nostrils, which made me couldn't help praising. After eating one piece, I found sweet and sour ribs very delicious, so I began to devour them. Pieces of sweet and sour ribs came into my stomach one by one, which is really memorable.

The sweet and sour pork ribs taste really good. They are really attractive delicacies.

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (8)

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for the people", there are many delicious dishes in China, but the sweet and sour ribs are the most memorable.

On Sunday, I got up early and quarreled with my mother to make sweet and sour ribs for me. Mom said, "You just ate yesterday, why do you want to eat today?" "Mom, the sweet and sour ribs you made are so delicious, NO.1!" I gave my mother a thumbs up, and her face was full of joy. "Let's go shopping!" Then my mother led me straight to the vegetable market.

When we came to a butcher's shop, my mother pointed to a sparerib and said, "Look, this is the young sparerib, which is the most suitable for making sweet and sour spareribs." I nodded, pointed to a nearby sparerib and asked, "Mom, look, this one has the most refined meat, can it?" My mother touched my head, smiled and said, "Whole refined meat is not good. You should choose fat and thin evenly. The sweet and sour ribs made in this way are delicious! "

When we bought ribs and came home, I volunteered to say, "Mom, can you let me learn how to do sweet and sour ribs today? You can guide me, OK?" Mom nodded after hesitating for a few seconds.

My mother helped me. After the ribs were washed and dried, they were wrapped with a layer of dry starch. After the pan was heated and the oil that could not pass the ribs was poured in, I put my hands near the oil and felt hot. Then I carefully put the ribs one by one into the oil pan. I heard the sound of popping like a firecracker, which scared me to hide beside my mother, I saw that every spareribs was like being blown open, and I thought to myself: Ouch, I didn't expect to be injured at any time if I wanted to eat so delicious. After about six or seven minutes, my mother fished out the fried spareribs. I smelled them and smelled them fragrant. The golden ones were really beautiful. The next step is simple. Put onions, ginger and garlic in the pot, stir fry until fragrant, pour in ribs, and then put water on the lid of the pot. Let them take a sauna.

After an hour, a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs will be served. This is my first time to make sweet and sour ribs under my mother's guidance, and it is very successful. I can't wait to eat it! Do you also want to taste sweet and sour ribs on your tongue? Then you can try it according to my mother's practice. I believe you will also succeed!

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (9)

Speaking of the delicious food in the world, it is really countless. But what I like most is sweet and sour ribs. Today, I asked my mother to cook this "delicious food" for me.

As soon as school was over, I ran home quickly. Before entering the house, a strong sweet and sour fragrance is refreshing my heart and spleen. When I tried to smell it again, it was mixed with the mellow smell of meat, which made my mouth water three thousand feet. Without thinking much, I rushed to the kitchen.

On the dining table, in a white jade like plate were lying pieces of red ribs, one by one, looking ruddy and shiny under the light. The thick juice is evenly smeared on each spareribs, like a layer of delicious jelly. It is soft and seems to bounce back when touched. Green chives are scattered around the ribs, which is really "a little green in the red", making this dish more bright and beautiful. The unique natural fragrance of chives also makes "sweet and sour ribs" more attractive.

Looking at this tempting dish of "sweet and sour ribs", I couldn't help salivating. I picked up a pair of chopsticks and reached for it. I picked up a piece of spareribs and gently took a bite. The sour and sweet juice immediately flowed into my mouth. At this time, the meat became particularly fresh and tender. It was perfectly integrated with the thick smell of ingredients and penetrated into every cell of my body. I feel relaxed and intoxicated. After eating one piece, I want to eat another piece. It's really memorable. After eating meat, those bones are also essence. With a gentle bite, the juice inside erupted immediately, sweet and sour, sour and sweet. The strong bone fragrance curled in my mouth, making me squint and taste the juice like a spring. This is really "because there is such a taste in the sky, it can be tasted several times in the world"!

In fact; The practice of sweet and sour ribs is very simple: first, put the washed ribs in a pressure cooker for about half an hour, fish out the ribs, stir fry them in an oil pan, then add sugar and vinegar, after a while, add shallots. In less than five minutes, a delicious sweet and sour spareribs was ready.

How are you? Are you excited? Come to my house then!

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (10)

Sweet and sour ribs is a delicious and appetizing dish, and it is also my mother's specialty!

Every time Wang Yongyi comes to our house, she is likely to cook this dish. Although I always want to go to see how she does it, she will push me away and let me sit in the restaurant because she is afraid that I will be fried. The waiting process was long. Finally, my mother brought up a plate of sweet and sour sweet and sour ribs, and I immediately "drooling three thousand feet". I wish I could taste it soon! The sweet and sour spareribs were wrapped in a layer of sweet and sour pork that was dark, red and slightly golden. They sparkled in the light. Before I ate them, they gave me a sweet and sour taste.

Whenever I pick up chopsticks and greedily approach the ribs, I always hear: "Chen Guanting! How can you eat before the guests come?" I reluctantly put down my chopsticks and thought: tragedy! It's a tragedy that a plate of sweet and sour ribs is so hot that it can't be eaten!

Finally, Wang Yongyi and his wife came. I was ecstatic. I quickly picked up chopsticks and picked up a piece of ribs. When I was about to put it into my mouth full of saliva, I heard my mother shouting, "Chen Guanting, come to feast!" Although I put down my chopsticks to feast, my heart was worried about "sweet and sour ribs", and every step of saliva increased by half a milliliter, When I went to the restaurant again, I could get a cup of saliva!

Finally, I can eat spareribs! When I picked up a piece and bit it, I suddenly felt a strong vinegar flavor, a sweet sugar flavor that made my saliva quickly secrete, and a delicious meat flavor. Then, I ate one piece after another without mercy. My mouth was full of juice, and I didn't leave the table until I had a satisfied belch. Of course, I still left 2/3! Because this is also the favorite of guests.

Every time I wait like this, waiting for the delicious sweet and sour ribs to reach my mouth; Every time I wait, waiting for plates of delicious and delicious mother's meal, waiting for the arrival of the taste of happiness.

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (11)

Making sweet and sour spareribs is my mother's favorite dish.

When she was free, her mother quickly boiled the ribs: first, she washed and cut the ribs into small pieces, then washed and sliced ginger and garlic for standby, put oil in the pan, and when it was about five years old, she discharged the ribs into the pan until it was fried to a brown surface. Then she drained the oil and put it on one side. After washing the pan, pour in a small amount of oil, put in two cloves of garlic and ginger, then put in salt, vinegar, soy sauce, etc., stir fry with the ribs, pour in a proper amount of water, boil it over high heat, and then simmer it over low heat for about half an hour. When the ribs are fragrant and soft, thicken them with starch and collect the juice. Pour some vinegar and soy sauce on the plate, scatter some scallions, and a plate of sweet and sour ribs with perfect color, aroma and taste will be ready!

The sweet and sour pork ribs just out of the pot are fresh and tender, and the color is red and shiny. The golden ribs are embedded in the brownish red soup, like a blooming lotus flower. The sweet and sour spareribs just out of the pot are also very delicious. They are crispy, sour and sweet in the mouth. After eating them, you will have an endless aftertaste. You will want to eat them after watching them.

Sweet and sour ribs are not only delicious and good-looking, but also have high nutritional value. After the ribs are stewed, most of the soluble calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, etc. are spilled into the soup. Sugar and vinegar can be used to produce calcium acetate from calcium and magnesium in ribs for better absorption and utilization by human body. Therefore, sweet and sour ribs can improve the nutrient absorption rate of cooked ribs, which is very suitable for the elderly, children and pregnant women to supplement calcium.

Sweet and sour ribs are both nutritious and delicious. I must learn how to make them for my parents in the future, so that they can enjoy their family.

Ah, sweet and sour ribs, I love you!

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (12)

Today, I'm going to make a sweet and sour spareribs. After I buy some food materials on the street, I will start!

When making sweet and sour ribs, the first thing must be to put pepper. First, I took out the bottle for storing pepper, then picked up four or five and put them in the basin for ribs. Then I scooped some salt in with a small spoon, and poured some soy sauce into the bottle of soy sauce. Finally, I use chopsticks to mix them.

Next, slice the onion and ginger. I first took out the onion, cut off its leaves, left the pole, and then cut it into sections, each section is about three centimeters. After cutting, I began to cut ginger. I first picked up the kitchen knife, and then cut it obliquely, cutting the ginger into pieces.

When the materials are ready, I'll boil the pot and pour the oil down first. After a while, the oil was about six minutes hot, so I put a fist of rock sugar into it and fried it to make it sweet. That is, when the rock sugar in the pot melted and some bubbles came out, I immediately put the ribs down, quickly stir fry them with a shovel twice, and then put the onion and ginger into it to continue to stir fry.

After the ribs are sugared, I put some old soy sauce in the spatula to stir fry the ribs. After a few times of stir frying, I poured a little more onto the spatula, and then continued to stir fry to make those colors darker. Because there is no set of dishes in our family, there is no way to make it as in the video. Then I put a piece of rock candy on it. When it melted, I fried it twice, and added water just enough to submerge the ribs, so the ribs would be softer. Finally, I closed the lid. After several decades, the ribs were finally ready. I sprinkled some white sesame seeds, cooked them, put them on the plate, and then served them on the table.

It was noon, and we began to eat.

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (13)

There are many different cuisines in the world, and there are many different cuisines in different cuisines.

In Hangzhou, there is a kind of food called "Mandarin Fish with Pine Nuts", which is my favorite!

Every time I go to a hotel or restaurant outside to have a meal, I must order this dish!

Without this dish, it seems that other delicious dishes become tasteless.

A long time ago, I was stabbed to my throat by a fish bone, so I didn't eat fish at that time, let alone a piece of it. It was impossible to drop a drop.

But at that time, a yellow dish appeared on the table. It seemed to sparkle under the light!

I was immediately attracted by this beautiful dish. Look, there are some little stars beside them -- pine nuts!

This is an eye opener for me. I put a small piece in it, and found that the inside of the yellow skin was so white and tender!

I didn't hesitate to put it in my mouth. When it was in my mouth, there was a strong smell on my heart. The taste, sweet with a little sour, sour with a little sweet, really let people aftertaste ah!

I took a gentle bite. Well, it's crisp outside, with a strong taste, and it seems crispy. In short, it is delicious.

Inside, I was worried that the meat would be tasteless and difficult to swallow. But after eating it, I realized that the meat was not only tender and smooth, but also had a taste. It was sweet and sour. One piece was not enough. I wanted another piece!

The dotted little star - pine nuts are not only crispy and small, but also full of flavor. It seems that the outside is also covered with a thick smell of pine nuts and salmon.

After tasting it, I can't believe it's fish. It's so tasty, beautiful, delicious and perfect!

My evaluation of this dish is only one word, that is - like!

This is really my favorite dish!

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (14)

I am not a gourmet, but I am very particular about food. I never eat indiscriminately. I think about food from the perspective of health. As long as it is good for my health, whether it is delicious or not, I will eat it. In addition, I will pay attention to the reasonable collocation of various meals in the diet process, such as the collocation of meat and vegetables, The combination of fruits and coarse cereals, etc. At the moment, many people are pursuing the so-called green food, which proves that people's requirements for food have risen to the concept of being beneficial to health.

Chinese cuisine is known for its four flavors and eight cuisines. The four flavors are: Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Huaihe and Yang. The 8 major cuisines generally refer to Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Anhui cuisine, Guangdong cuisine and Fujian cuisine.

Cantonese cuisine is composed of three local flavors: Guangzhou cuisine, Chaozhou cuisine and Dongjiang cuisine. Guangzhou cuisine includes famous foods in the Pearl River Delta, Zhaoqing, Shaoguan, Zhanjiang and other places. The region is the most extensive, the materials used are numerous, the selection of materials is fine, the technology is excellent, and the flavor is exquisite, clear but not light, fresh but not vulgar, tender but not raw, and oily but not greasy. Try to be light in summer and autumn, but heavy in winter and spring. He is good at stir frying and requires to master the right temperature and oil temperature. Chaoshan cuisine belongs to Fujian, and its language and customs are similar to those of southern Fujian.

Let me tell you some vegetables. I don't know whether you like them or not. Stir fried potato shreds: shred the potatoes, soak in water for five minutes, wash off the starch on the surface, and then shred a pepper. Heat the oil in the pan, add shredded potatoes and chili, and stir fry them together. Add a small amount of salt, vinegar, chicken essence and monosodium glutamate. Stir fry and serve.

Tofu Xihong Hangzhou soup: Tofu is cut into finger sized pieces, and Xihong Hangzhou is cut into pieces. Heat the pan with oil, pour in tofu, add half basin of water in the soup basin, and add a small amount of salt, chicken essence, and monosodium glutamate. Boil it for 3 minutes, then pour it into Xihong Hangzhou, boil it, and put it into the basin.

Tofu and cabbage soup, do the same as above. Pour cabbage into the soup and boil it for one minute, then put it into a basin.

Stir fried eggs with green peppers: three green peppers, cut into shreds, and two eggs. Heat the pan with oil, and then stir fry the eggs until they are cooked. Heat the pan with oil, and then stir fry the green pepper shreds. Add a small amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, and soy sauce, and then stir fry the scrambled eggs until they are ready to serve. We can learn to do it.

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (15)

My father can make good dishes, such as sauerkraut fish, braised pork, and thirteen spice lobster, which make my mother and I give a thumbs up. What I like best is his sweet and sour ribs.

It's the weekend again. Dad is going to show off his skills as usual. I also ordered sweet and sour ribs as usual. All morning, the kitchen kept banging and banging. At last, my father learned to serve food one by one. Suddenly, I smelled a familiar smell. The taste of meat was sour, sweet, and perfumed. Just smelling it made me salivate. Sure enough, my father brought my favorite sweet and sour ribs. The ribs were so neat, and the bones were wrapped with a thin layer of meat. They were lying on the plate like cute babies, their bodies had been dyed red by the sauce.

I can't sit still. I can't wait to put a piece of it into my mouth. Ah, it's really delicious, sweet, sour, and the meat is cooked very crispy. It has a melting feeling. I wolfed down and ate a piece of spareribs without chewing. Of course, one piece is not enough. I have eaten several pieces in a row. Each piece is more fragrant and more beautiful.

I asked my father: "How can you make sweet and sour pork ribs so delicious?" My father told me: "It's really simple. First, stew the ribs, then pour the ingredients, boil them, and let them cool down." I opened my eyes and said, "It's so simple. I can also make it?" My father smiled and said, "The key is to put the ingredients, and the ingredients are good." I keep sticking out my tongue. It seems that it's too early for me to become a cook. I'd better be my "gourmet" first!

Did the sweet and sour spareribs I introduced also make you greedy? Welcome to my home to taste my father's "Huang's Sweet and Sour Spareribs".

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (16)

Some people say that maternal love is like tea, but I think that maternal love is all hidden in the sweet and sour sweet and sour ribs.

When I came home from kindergarten, I smelled a sour and sweet smell as soon as I entered the door. Wow! How fragrant! I ran into the kitchen step by step. "Mom, what kind of food?" I asked with wide eyes. "I made sweet and sour ribs, greedy cat!" Mother teased my chin and said kindly.

After dinner, I can't wait to run to the table. When I saw the sweet and sour ribs on the table, my throat moved and my saliva ran down. I quickly took a piece and tasted it. The sweet and sour ribs are crisp, sweet and sour, and chewy. At this time, my mother saw that I ate with such relish, and said: "Eat more, see how thin you are!" "What about you?" I finally stopped "overeating", and the monk was puzzled. My mother hesitated for a moment and said, "My mother doesn't like eating!" At that time, I was still young. After listening to my mother's words, I wolfed down, like a vicious wolf, and would not let go of even the bones. Mother smiled, looking satisfied.

Time flies. I have to live at my grandpa's house for learning reasons. Naturally, I can't eat my mother's sweet and sour ribs for a long time. I miss that smell and my mother's smile.

Once, my grandpa also made sweet and sour ribs, but I was not interested. At this time, it dawned on me that Mom's sweet and sour ribs contain endless love for me! I missed my mother again, and my tears fell on the sweet and sour ribs

Ah! I miss my mother's sweet and sour ribs, which are full of love!

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (17)

Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs! Today, my mother was going to cook my favorite sweet and sour spareribs for me. I jumped and danced happily.

Mom took out the ribs from the refrigerator. First, put the ribs in the boiling water and boil for a while. It's said that this can remove the fishy smell, and then put the ribs into the pressure cooker to boil. After a while, my mother opened the pressure cooker. The fragrance is pungent. "How delicious! Can you eat?" I asked eagerly. "Not yet. She has to fry it in the pot. She first pours red wine into the pot, and then adds brown sugar and vinegar. She will stir it over and over again, and it will be ready soon. I think that when I grow up, I should learn to stir it by myself.

The sweet and sour spareribs were quickly cooked. I helped to place the cut radish slices and coriander beside them, quickly picked a piece and ate it. I was satisfied and said, "This is 100 times better than the one in the shop!" I couldn't help praising. Mother asked: "Is it so delicious?" "Yes, the meat is sweet, soft and crispy. I think you can open a restaurant. There must be many people coming to eat sweet and sour ribs!" Mother asked curiously: "What's the flavor of sweet and sour ribs?" I thought again: What's the flavor? I finally came up with the idea and said happily, "There is also a taste of mother's love!"

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (18)

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for people". In Jiangdu, there are many delicious foods, such as Yangzhou fried rice, braised lion's head, etc. Among them, I like ordinary sweet and sour ribs best.

The soup of sweet and sour ribs is very important. The light red ribs, sticky soup, and green green onion flowers adorn the soup. The smell is overwhelming, making the population flow 3000 feet!

The practice of sweet and sour ribs is very simple. First, heat the pot, pour the oil into the pot, put the onion and ginger into the pot, stir fry, and then add the condiments: one spoon of cooking wine, two spoons of soy sauce, three spoons of mature vinegar, four spoons of sugar. Then they kept stirring, and after the sugar had melted, they poured the small ribs into the soup. They were stewed for 30 minutes over the high fire. When the lid was opened, the white ribs turned yellow, which had been completely integrated with the soup. A little salt was added, and then the high fire was opened to harvest the juice until the ribs were completely wrapped in the soup and turned light red. A plate of delicious sweet and sour ribs has turned into a pot.

I looked at the reddish sweet and sour ribs, and couldn't help salivating. I couldn't wait to pick up a piece of sweet and sour ribs dripping with juice from my chopsticks. First, I sucked the juice of the ribs, tasted its "rough taste", and then slowly chewed it, tasting its delicious taste. I saw that a sweet, not boring ribs would soon be eaten. Wow, it's delicious! I wolfed down, and a plate of sweet and delicious sweet and sour ribs was soon solved by me.

Ah! The sweet and sour ribs made by my mother really leave me with endless aftertaste. Would you like to try them as well?

Composition of Sweet and Sour Spareribs (19)

Speaking of delicacies, my favorite food is sweet and sour ribs made by my grandma. It is a popular traditional dish in the south of the Yangtze River.

Sweet and sour pork ribs, as its name suggests, have the sour taste of vinegar and the sweet taste of sugar. They are really delicious. After forming, the pieces are marked by the bright light with oil on them. The color is red and shiny, which makes people can't help tasting. The meat is fresh, tender, crisp, sour and sweet. There are "green stars" on the green onion, which is really beautiful and delicious. Although the sweet and sour ribs are made in various ways with different characteristics, I still like the sweet and sour ribs made by my grandma best, because she doesn't put any MSG in them. She insists on her own natural condiments, which is not inferior to MSG. It is delicious and healthy. He did this: First, put the fresh pork chops into the boiled water and soak them for a while; After taking it out, cut it into small pieces and put it into a hot oil pot. After frying for a while, put a tablespoon of soy sauce and vinegar, and a little salt. At this time, there is a faint fragrance. Then continue to fry. When it is half cooked, put a few pieces of ginger on it. Then cover the pot and let it become half cooked. Put a spoonful of sugar on it. When it is completely cooked, put it on the dish and sprinkle some scallions on the red ribs. A plate of delicate sweet and sour ribs will be ready.

When Grandma cooks sweet and sour ribs, I am the first to put them in and taste them slowly. I like to chew the two sides of the middle bone first, soak it in the soup, and then carefully stick to the middle bone. I can eat two ribs in a minute.

Sweet and sour ribs, a dish that makes me forget my troubles when I taste it. Of course, I like sweet and sour ribs made by my grandma best.