Monkey Learning Skills (18 in total)
All life is a dream
2024-01-08 05:52:43
first grade

Monkey Learning (1)

The annual forest specialty competition is about to start. Monkey also wants to participate, but he has no specialty, so he looks for people everywhere to learn.
The little monkey came to the little rabbit's house. The little rabbit was seriously writing a composition. The little monkey said excitedly, "Can I learn a composition from you?" The little rabbit said happily, "Yes, but you have to listen carefully!" Suddenly, the beautiful trumpet sounded. The little monkey looked at the window, and thought: What fun is it to write a composition? It would be better to learn to play the trumpet like a lark! The little monkey blew the trumpet with difficulty, and his face grew red like a sunflower. At this time, the sika deer ran past like the wind. The little monkey said to himself, "What fun is it to play the trumpet? It's better to learn to run."
On the day of the talent contest, Little Rabbit, Lark and Sika Deer won the prize. Only Little Monkey didn't win, so Little Monkey cried. This story tells us that we can't be half hearted. If we are half hearted, it will lead to bad consequences.

Monkey Learning (2)

One day, there was a talent contest in the forest. The monkey wanted to participate, but he could do nothing. He wanted to learn from an animal.

As he walked, he suddenly saw the little white rabbit writing, and thought: I can learn to write and be a writer by learning from the little white rabbit. The little monkey said to the little white rabbit, "Can I learn to write from you?" The little rabbit said, "Yes!" After that, the little monkey took a piece of paper and pen and began to write. As he wrote, the little monkey felt bored and could not continue, so he scribbled on the table.

Suddenly, the little monkey heard the lark blowing the trumpet. The little monkey thought: How fun it is to play the trumpet! It's good to be a musician. So he threw down the pen and paper and ran out. The little monkey said to the lark, "Can I learn to play the trumpet from you?" The lark said, "Yes." The little monkey blew and thought that the only tune was boring, so he stopped playing.

Suddenly, it saw the deer running, and the monkey thought: running is great, you can exercise and be a good sportsman. The monkey threw down the trumpet and ran to worship the deer and began to learn to run. But when he ran, he felt tired and simply did not learn to play by himself.

Finally, in the competition, Little Rabbit won the title of writing, Lark won the title of music, Little Deer won the title of running, and Little Monkey got nothing. Little Monkey understood that only by persevering in doing things can he succeed.

Monkey Learning (3)

Last time, the monkey failed to win the championship, but the cat won a championship, so the monkey was very unconvinced. So he decided to learn art. Just in time, there will be a competition in the forest. The competition items include composition writing, trumpet blowing, running... Each player has one month to prepare.

The little monkey thought: What should I learn? He walked around and suddenly saw the rabbit writing wholeheartedly at home. The little monkey thought again: The little rabbit can write, so I must also write. So the little monkey took the composition book to the rabbit's house to practice writing with her. However, when the little monkey was writing, he was not only half hearted, but also jumping on the seat, just like a thorn stuck in his buttocks, he could not sit down at all.

At this time, the little monkey heard a beautiful sound coming from outside the window. The little monkey looked outside, and there was no one. Looking at the lush peach tree, it turned out that it was the bird blowing the trumpet, and wearing handsome clothes, it looked very smart! The little monkey thought: It's hard to write. It must be much easier to play the trumpet. The little monkey ran to the bird and learned to play the trumpet. However, when he blew, he woke the sleeping animals. The animals said angrily, "Who blows the trumpet? It's so noisy!" So the little monkey felt sad and gave up.

While he was doing nothing, a lamb ran past him. The little monkey thought: It's too difficult for me to play the trumpet and write a composition. I'd better learn to run from the lamb. Look, the lamb runs like the wind. If I follow the lamb and learn to run, I may be more powerful than him and win a running champion. So the little monkey worshipped the lamb as his teacher. However, when running, the little monkey was so tired that he sweated heavily and felt exhausted. The little monkey stopped running again.

A month later, the competition began, and the animals showed their talents. After the competition, Little Rabbit won the championship of writing, Little Bird won the championship of trumpet blowing, Little Sheep won the championship of running, and only Little Monkey didn't win the prize. The little monkey felt ashamed, and only then did he understand that he should concentrate on his work and stick to it until the end. He could not give up halfway.

Monkey Learning (4)

The zoo will hold a talent contest, and the small animals will actively participate.

This competition includes composition writing competition, trumpet blowing competition and running competition. But the monkey can't do every project, so he decided to learn from other animals.

The rabbit is a good writer of composition, so the monkey learned to write composition from it. After learning for a while, the monkey thought it was very simple. It was so easy to write composition, and I would win the championship this time. So he ran to learn to play the trumpet from the little cock. After a while, the little monkey was bored. It was so easy to play the trumpet. The little monkey thought I'd better learn to run. So the little monkey ran to learn running from the little deer again. After only two laps of running, the little monkey became complacent. I have learned the running skills. I must win three first places in this talent competition. He happily went back to sleep.

The competition began. The composition written by Little Rabbit won the first place, the trumpet played by Little Cock won the second place, and the running deer won the third place. As for the monkey, although he learned everything, he failed to get good results in the competition due to his careless learning, so he had to stand behind.

I think we can't do things half heartedly like monkeys. We should do everything with one heart and one mind to achieve success.

Monkey Learning (5)

One day, the idle little monkey saw the rabbit practicing writing at home when he was wandering in the forest. He decided to learn writing from the rabbit.

The little monkey quickly ran home and took out the paper to write. At the beginning of learning to write with the rabbit, the monkey was in high spirits, but a week later, he became impatient. One day, when the little monkey was daydreaming at home, he suddenly heard a loud and clear trumpet sound. He thought, "It's better to learn trumpet from Little Bear than to dream at home.".

The monkey dropped his pen and paper and went to find the bear to blow the trumpet. At first, the monkey got up early in the morning to practice, and in the evening, he would hold the horn and practice the music he had practiced in the morning again in front of the mirror. A week later, the little monkey felt very boring and uninteresting, so he wanted to give up. That day, when he was practicing playing the trumpet in the forest, he saw the deer running away from him. The monkey looked at the deer running as fast as a bolt of lightning and was very envious. He said to the fawn, "fawn, you run so fast, can you teach me?" The fawn said, "Yes, but it seems to have endurance and patience." The little monkey patted his chest and said, "No problem." The first day, the second day... It lasted for a week. But on the eighth day, he was too tired to move and simply did not get up.

Later, the monkey learned singing from the lark, digging holes from the gopher, swimming from the duck, and lifting weights from the tiger. But the monkey always gave up halfway and didn't taste anything.

The annual talent show began. Little Rabbit, Little Bear and Little Deer became writers, musicians and athletes respectively. Little Monkey, who had done nothing, looked at everyone dancing happily, bowed his head and pondered on the side

Monkey Learning (6)

In the forest live small monkey skin, small white rabbit red, small bird Dingding and small deer Qiaoqiao.

The annual talent contest is about to start. Pipi, who knows nothing, is very worried, but he thinks: our monkey family is very smart. I am the champion!

So Pipi went to the home of Honghong, the famous writer in the forest, and asked: "Sister Honghong, can you teach me to write?", I went to the grass to do somersaults.

At this time, a beautiful song came from a distance. Pipi thought: Singing is simple and pleasant. I'd better learn to sing! So Pipi went along with the singing. It was the beautiful singing of the birds! "Sister Tintin, can you teach me how to sing?" Pipi said. "Yes, but you have to go home and practice your pronunciation well to sing beautiful songs." Sister Ding Ding said. So Pipi went home to practice pronunciation, but after a while, Pipi became impatient and said, "It's not easy to sing! I don't have that talent." So he ran out to somersault.

Suddenly, a shadow passed by him. It turned out that the fawn was running by chance. Pipi said, "Brother Qiaoqiao, can you teach me how to run?" Qiaoqiao said, "Yes, but you need to exercise more so that you can run fast." So Pipi ran on the grass, but he was too tired to run three laps before he sat down on the grass.

The specialty competition was held as scheduled, and the small animals showed their talents. The medals of "Little Writer", "Musician" and "Long distance Running Champion" were hung on the chest of Little White Rabbit, Little Bird and Little Deer. Pipi didn't learn anything, so he had to work off the stage.

Monkey Learning (7)

One day, a skill contest was held in the forest. The little animals have heard of this situation, and they need to strengthen their skills. The monkey thought: Well, there will be a skill contest in the forest, and I will also participate in the contest.

The monkey saw the rabbit writing, and the monkey also wanted to learn to write. So the little monkey said, "Little rabbit, little rabbit, I also want to write." The little rabbit said, "OK, come here." After finishing, the little monkey read it for himself. The little monkey stammered and couldn't hear clearly. Monkeys don't learn to write. Monkey doesn't learn to write anymore. The monkey saw the bear blowing the trumpet. The little bear said, "Then you must be as strong as me." The little monkey said, "OK." The little monkey took a trumpet to blow, and the little monkey 1 tried hard, but still hesitated. The little monkey is going to learn running again. The little deer said, "Then you should also stick to it and catch up with me. He catches up with me, but he can't catch me." The little monkey said, "I don't want to learn running anymore."

The day of the animal skill contest has come, and the little animals have won medals, but the little monkeys have not. The little monkey blushed and went away in dismay.

Monkey Learning (8)

The animal kingdom will hold its annual talent contest. Little Monkey Beibei thought: Our monkey family has been so smart for generations, and the champion must be me!

Beibei had nothing to do that day and decided to go out for a walk. Beibei walked and came to the rabbit window. Beibei looked through the window and saw the rabbit sitting at the desk, writing something. The little monkey asked, "Sister Rabbit, what are you doing?" The little rabbit looked up and said seriously, "The talent contest is about to start. I want to be a little writer and try to win the first place." When Beibei heard that, she thought it was a good idea, so she quickly ran home, found paper and pen, learned from the little rabbit, and sat down at her desk to write.

Before Beibei could write a few words, he heard a trumpet sound of "tick tick tick tick tick" outside the window. Beibei immediately put down his pen and looked out of the window. It was Brother Panda playing the trumpet. Beibei asked, "Brother Panda, what are you doing. Beibei thought to herself, "That's a good idea. Why don't I learn to play the trumpet?" Thinking of this, Beibei hurried to the store, bought a trumpet, and climbed up to the tree to play it.

Beibei played hard, and soon he was sweating. A bird flew nearby and fanned him with its wings. Later, Beibei was exhausted. She put down the trumpet to have a rest. At this time, a running sound of "Da Da Da Da" came from under the tree. Beibei looked under the tree and saw that it was Aunt Sika Deer practicing running. Beibei asked, "Aunt Sika Deer, why are you practicing running?" Aunt Sika Deer stopped and said, "I want to practice running and get good results in the specialty contest." Then she ran away. Beibei thought running was good, so she left the trumpet to practice running.

Soon the talent contest began, and Beibei didn't learn anything well, so she won the last place. Beibei was very sad when she watched the judges put golden medals on the bunnies, pandas and sika deer. At this time, Little Rabbit, Little Panda and Sika Deer came to Little Monkey. The rabbit said to the little monkey, "You will give up everything halfway, so you can't do anything well." The little panda said, "Yes, you must persist in everything to get results." Aunt Sika Deer said, "Little monkey, you can go to practice high jump, as long as you persist, you will get good results." Beibei was moved to tears.

In the next year's talent contest, Beibei won the first place through her own efforts.

Monkey Learning (9)

The animal kingdom is going to hold an annual talent contest, and the monkey has also signed up.

Monkey came to Little Rabbit's window and saw Little Rabbit sitting at his desk, seriously practicing calligraphy. The little monkey asked, "Little rabbit, why do you want to practice calligraphy?" While writing, the little rabbit said to the little monkey, "I practice calligraphy because I want to be a calligrapher when I grow up." The little monkey asked again, "Can I practice calligraphy with you?" "OK!" The little rabbit said happily. So the little monkey and the little rabbit practiced calligraphy together, but they hadn't practiced for a few minutes yet. Hearing the magpie playing the trumpet outside, the little monkey thought, "Maybe it's better for me to learn to play the trumpet!"

The next day, the monkey got up very early. He held a trumpet, jumped into a tree and began to practice. However, the monkey played for a long time, but he could not even play an accurate note, so he gave up.

On the third day, he saw the deer running quickly past his house, and the monkey also ran quickly out of the house without even changing his clothes! The little monkey ran and said, "Little deer, little deer, I want to learn to run with you." The little deer said, "OK, OK, then you can catch up!" Before long, the little monkey's legs became sore and could not run. It repeatedly shouted to the little deer, "I will not learn, I will not learn!"

The talent competition of the Animal Kingdom has finally started, and the small animals are showing their talents. The big medals of "Little Calligrapher", "Musician" and "Long distance Running Champion" were hung on the chest of Little Rabbit, Magpie and Little Deer respectively. As for the little monkey, he didn't learn anything, so he had to be in a daze under the stage.

Monkey Learning (10)

"Little monkey, the most naughty, plays all day long." There is a happy little monkey family living in the forest. Monkeys play all day long. Mother monkey and father monkey said to little monkey anxiously: "Little monkey, you can't play like this. If you don't learn a craft, you will suffer when you grow up, and you can't live!" Little monkey listened to his parents and decided to learn a craft.

One morning, the little monkey was playing on the swing in the forest when he heard a beautiful and graceful singing coming from a distance. The little monkey ran quickly with the sound. It was the elder sister of the lark who was practicing singing! When the little monkey saw it, he quickly smiled and said: "Sister Lark, your singing is really beautiful. Can you teach me?" The lark stopped practicing and said seriously: "It's OK to learn from me, but it's hard to learn singing! Have you suffered?" The little monkey said disapprovingly: "What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of hard work!" "Well, come to me at six o'clock tomorrow morning on time." With that, the lark fluttered its wings and flew away. The next morning, the little monkey arrived on time, saw the lark sister practicing singing again, and the lark saw the little monkey


The ground said, "Come on, little monkey, the first step in learning to sing is to practice your voice first. Sing 'Duo Laimi...' with me." The little monkey followed and sang, "Duo Laimi, Duo Laimi..." The lark sang, "Duo Laimi, Duo Laimi..." The little monkey also followed and sang. "Well, I did a good job today, so I'll learn so much first, and I'll learn the rest tomorrow!" "Good ray" So Monkey skipped home. After several days, the little monkey can arrive on time and practice hard. But a few days passed.

The little monkey feels

Be boring

Taste, dry mouth and dry tongue. It seems that my throat is smoking. I said to Sister Bailing, "I don't want to learn! I don't want to learn! My throat is like a fire, too uncomfortable! There are only a few everyday, too boring and boring." Then I left without looking back.

A few days later, Monkey wandered around the forest again and saw Uncle Panda painting intently. Monkey

be curious

The ground asked, "Uncle Panda, what are you painting?" Uncle Panda smiled and said, "I am painting the forest. Look at the picture, there are blue sky and white clouds in the distance, flowers and grass near, and lovely animals. Is it beautiful?" Monkey


He said, "It's so beautiful. Uncle Panda, you are so powerful! Please teach me!" "Well, I will teach you. Tomorrow you can get the painting tools ready and start!" Uncle Panda said kindly. The next day, the monkey took the drawing board, hummed a tune, and jumped happily to the place agreed with Uncle Panda. See Uncle Panda painting again. The little monkey also sat down and drew carefully. Draw trees, grass and flowers. Monkey thought: It's so easy to draw, I thought it was so difficult! Next, he drew rabbits and other animals. The monkey was so foolish that he could not draw them.

I was so anxious that I scratched my ears and sweated.

He threw the pen away and said, "No, no, no, it's really too difficult. It's not fun at all."

Little Monkey is afraid of sore throat when learning to sing and difficult when learning to draw. As a result, he failed to learn anything. The little monkey's parents said to the little monkey, "No matter what you learn to do, you can't be afraid of hardships. You must not be afraid of difficulties and persevere to learn real skills." The little monkey suddenly understood.

He got rid of the bad habit of being afraid of hardships and difficulties. With his hard work and unremitting efforts, he learned a series of skills such as singing, drawing, and circling. At the Forest Games, the monkey also won the "Best Talent Performance Award".

Monkey Learning (11)

"Great news, great news, the biennial Forest Kingdom Talent Competition has begun, and all animals are welcome to participate!" A squirrel is standing on the branch with a big horn and shouting.

The mother monkey said to the little monkey, "My child, the talent contest of the Forest Kingdom has begun. You can also take advantage of the holiday to learn something!"

The little monkey picked up his bag and set out with his hat on. Colorful flowers are in full bloom on the grass, pink, yellow, purple...... Beautiful butterflies are dancing in the flowers.

With a pen in his right hand and a composition book in his left hand, the rabbit is skipping along. The little monkey saw it and asked, "Little white rabbit, where are you going? Can you take me?" The little rabbit said, "I'm going to learn to write a composition, and it's just us." "Great!" The little monkey happily went with the little rabbit to learn to write a composition. But after only a few days of study, the little monkey complained: "It's too troublesome to write a composition. I have to read extracurricular books, extract, and use my own brain to conceive. My hands are numb! Alas, I'd better learn something else!"

The next day, Little Monkey ran away secretly. He came to the forest happily. He saw a little bear blowing hard with a trumpet. He said, "Little Bear, you play very well. Can you teach me?" The little bear said, "Thank you for your praise. I can teach you." "Great!" The little monkey learned to play the trumpet again happily. But after not studying for two days, the little monkey complained again, "It's too difficult. It makes my mouth numb. I'd better learn something else!"

The little monkey carelessly came to the grassland, and suddenly saw the deer flying by. The little monkey shouted, "Little deer, can you teach me how to run?" The little deer stopped and said, "OK." "Great!" The little monkey was happy to learn to run from the little deer again. But after running for two days, the little monkey complained again: "It's too hard to learn to run. I can't breathe after running. I don't learn anymore."

The talent contest started, and the article written by Little Rabbit won the first place in composition; The trumpet played by Little Bear won the first place; The fawn ran fastest and won the first place in long-distance running. But the little monkey can't do anything. He doesn't even have the qualification to participate in the competition. He cried sadly.

The mother monkey said to the little monkey, "My child, all the honors are earned by hard work. You can't be careless in your study or give up halfway. You should persevere. As long as you make up your mind, you will also win the first prize."

After listening to the mother monkey's words, the lost little monkey made up his mind to get rid of his half hearted problem and finally won the first place in the free climbing competition two years later.

Monkey Learning (12)

"Pa - pa pa pa" firecrackers sound like bullets, and firecrackers bloom like flowers. Now the annual talent contest has begun, Uncle Yang bent over, held the microphone and said with a trembling smile.

The little monkey sighed: "Well, the talent conference has started again. What should I do?"

He hurried back home, scratching and scratching, frowning and lying on the table. Suddenly, a ray of hope was inserted into the child's mind like a sword. He had an idea: "Ah, I can go to other people's houses to ask." He thought that he ran to the rabbit's house like an arrow: "Oh, rabbit, can you show me your talent?" "Good!" The rabbit agreed to let the monkey in. The rabbit and the monkey went to the backyard. The rabbit squatted down, lay on the ground with its front legs, and put its back foot on the ground. When the foot was lifted, it seemed ready to run. Sure enough, the rabbit shouted, "I like running best, so my talent is running." After that, the monkey ran around the backyard, thinking: How can I run so fast? Look at the rabbit. The monkey goes away.

He ran to look for Uncle Elephant, "Uncle Elephant, can I see your talent?". Oh, I can't do that. Who can drink water with his nose? The little monkey ran away again with a whoosh.

He came to the frog's house and asked, "Sister frog, can you show me your talent?". What should we do? I can't imitate everyone's talent. He ran home. Little monkey lost the ball at home? Three balls at a time, four balls again. "By the way, I can throw the ball!"

Everyone has his own advantages, as long as he finds his own advantages and carries them forward.

Monkey Learning (13)

The annual specialty competition of Animal Kingdom has begun! The baby monkey is eager to try.
Monkey happily came to Rabbit's home and saw him sitting on the chair, earnestly and wholeheartedly writing his composition. Monkey said, "Rabbit, my composition is not good or long, and it is not tight at all. Can you teach me?" The rabbit said, "Yes, yes, but you must be serious and not be half hearted. If you have any questions, please ask me quickly. You can't wait and ask whether you have heard." The little monkey was also happy. After a while, the little monkey heard the lark blowing its horn. The little monkey thought to himself, "If it is so difficult to write a composition, I will not write it.". I went to learn the lark to play the trumpet. The monkey asked, "lark, can you teach me to play the trumpet?" The lark said, "OK, take it." Xiao Hong used her strength to blow hard and even drink milk. At this time, the sika deer ran like the wind, and the monkey thought: it's too difficult to write composition, and it's too hard to blow the trumpet, so it's better to run! Running is easy. The little monkey is exhausted from running, and the little monkey doesn't like this sport.
The competition began. The rabbit, lark and sika deer all came to the competition. At last, the rabbit, lark and sika deer all won, but the monkey didn't win. The monkey cried sadly.

Monkey Learning (14)

The Children's Day is approaching, and the animal school will hold a "specialty" competition.

The naughty monkey also wants to participate, but it can do nothing. It's said that Sister Rabbit's composition is excellent. I want to learn from her. Little Monkey couldn't wait to find her. Sister Rabbit agreed and said, "But you should read more books and accumulate more good words and sentences to write a composition. Can you do that?" Little Monkey said, "I can do that." But soon, Little Monkey couldn't sit still. After a while, she felt this and looked at that, and felt that writing a composition was too boring. Want to learn other skills. He saw Brother Bird blowing the trumpet and thought it was fun. He played the trumpet with Brother Bird, but the good times didn't last long. A few days later, the little monkey felt that blowing the trumpet was too boring and made his throat ache. He babbled all day long and then gave up. Finally, the little monkey learned to run from the goat. The little goat walked fast and the little monkey followed, But after only three laps, I was tired and had backache. The little monkey can't hold on anymore and gives up halfway. The little monkey doesn't learn anything well.

In this competition, Sister Rabbit won the first prize for her composition, Brother Bird won the first prize for music, and Little Goat won the championship for running. But the little monkey got nothing. It repented and blamed itself for not having perseverance and perseverance, and walked away dejectedly.

Monkey Learning (15)

In a forest, every small animal has its own specialty, for example, the deer's specialty is running, the bear's specialty is blowing the trumpet, and the rabbit's specialty is writing. But there lived a playful little monkey in the forest. It only knew how to play every day, and could do nothing. So it decided to learn from its teachers.

The monkey first visits the rabbit. The little rabbit taught the little monkey how to write. The little monkey wrote and wrote. He felt bored. He yawned several times and left his notebook and pen to play.

Monkey walked and saw Little Bear blowing the trumpet. It was very interesting and he decided to play the trumpet with Little Bear. The little bear taught the little monkey how to play the tone. The little monkey listened and was impatient, so he played with the ball.

As time went by, Little Rabbit became a doctor, Little Bear became a musician, and Little Deer became a sportsman. The little monkey was so silly that he didn't have anything. He sat there and thought, "If only he hadn't been so playful before."

Second year: Zheng Shijun

Monkey Learning (16)

One day, the mother monkey said to the little monkey, "Baby, you are growing up day by day. You should learn the same skill." So the little monkey said goodbye to her mother happily and went out to learn from her teacher.

He came to the forest and saw the rabbit doing his homework. He went to the rabbit and asked, "Sister Rabbit, can you teach me how to do my homework?" The rabbit said, "OK, I like helping people best." The rabbit helped Monkey prepare a notebook and pencil. The little monkey sat on the chair and pondered. Without writing for a while, he felt impatient. He said to the little rabbit, "Oh, too tired, I will not learn, I will not learn!"

At that time, a beautiful song came from afar. Monkey walked along the song. It was a magpie blowing the trumpet. He went up to ask, "Sister Magpie, can you teach me to play the trumpet.

The little monkey saw the deer running and went to ask, "Brother deer, can you teach me how to run?" The little deer promised the little monkey. The little monkey learned to run from the little deer. After running for a while, the little monkey was very tired and panting. The little monkey said to the little deer, "No, no, it's too tired!"

The forest held a talent contest, and the rabbit, deer and magpie all won awards, while the monkey got nothing, and his face was red with shame.

Little Monkey regretted very much and thought: I will do things seriously in the future, and I can't give up halfway. Finally, under the guidance of his mother, the little monkey finally learned a good skill - climbing trees.

Monkey Learning (17)

There will be a talent contest in the forest, and the animals are eager to try and get ready.

One day, little monkey was playing on the swing when he saw little rabbit carefully practicing writing a composition. So he walked up to him and said, "Little white rabbit, can I learn to write a composition with you?" The little white rabbit said, "OK, let's start from writing sentences." The little monkey just wrote half of it. He felt bored, so he didn't want to write. The little monkey stopped learning.

When the little monkey heard the sound of the trumpet outside, he ran outside and wanted to learn to play the trumpet. He said to Little Bear, "Can you teach me to play the trumpet?" Little Bear said, "OK, let's start with a simple tune." After learning half of it, Little Monkey felt his cheeks hurt and refused to learn. He dropped his horn on the ground as if he had slipped away. Little Bear said, "Don't give up halfway, or you won't get good grades." Little Monkey didn't listen to a word and left.

On the way home, the monkey saw the deer running. I thought: running should be easy, then I will learn to run. So he learned with the fawn. After only a few hundred meters of running, he felt tired and sour, and muttered, "Running is too tiring. You'd better learn something else."

When the game was over, everyone got medals, but Monkey was empty handed and got nothing. The little monkey stood aside, feeling humiliated and blushing like a ripe apple.

Monkey Learning (18)

The annual talent contest is coming. Monkey has never won a prize. This time, he also wants to participate in the competition to win a big prize.

What should I learn? The little monkey suddenly remembered his good friend, Little Rabbit, who wrote a very good composition and once won a big prize! So the little monkey went to the little rabbit's home to learn to write a composition. The little monkey told the little rabbit that he would participate in the competition. The little rabbit listened and was happy to teach the little monkey to write a composition. Monkey began to write very carefully, but soon he didn't want to write.

When Little Rabbit saw that Monkey was not interested in writing a composition, he told him, "Since you are going to win a big prize, go to Magpie and learn to play the trumpet."

So the little monkey went to learn to play the trumpet from the magpie. At first, Monkey learned very hard, but soon he didn't want to learn. He said, "My throat is smoking." Monkey said goodbye to Magpie and walked forward. He saw the goat running past him, as fast as a gust of wind. The little monkey was so envious that he went to ask the little goat to teach him how to run. The little goat nodded and agreed. Running, running, the little monkey was out of breath, and finally, he gave up running. The days passed quickly. When the day of the competition came, the little white rabbit, the little magpie and the little goat all had gold medals on their chest. Only the little monkey didn't have them. His dejected look was very funny. I think he even wanted to find a place to hide.