What do you miss (8 selected articles)
Half a cigarette
2024-02-16 05:49:23

What do you miss (1)

It's so hot and stuffy, it makes people feel breathless, and suppresses my mood. I was powerless to pull the drawer open and turn it around with my hands. Suddenly, a photo jumped into my eyes. It was a group photo with my grandmother when I was a child. It reminded me of infinite pain and missing.

In the photo, I leaned against my grandmother, and she sat on the stool. I had my hair clip on my head and wore the flowered pants that my grandmother bought. I should be very happy! Because I am smiling, Grandma is also very happy! This is the first group photo with my granddaughter. Grandma's smile is so unforgettable, Grandma's smile is so kind. I recalled the scene of getting along with my grandmother.

It was also a midsummer night. Grandma gently shook the brown fan, and I leaned my head on Grandma's lap. Listening to Grandma telling the story of the cowherd and the weaver, she stroked my head from time to time, making me feel very happy. She said a sentence that made me unforgettable: "Our family Tingting must grow up happily, and if my grandmother died, she would also bless our family Tingting." At that time, I was not sensible, and I didn't know what it meant to be a farewell between life and death. I just felt that my grandmother was telling me a story. She continued to shake her fan, but stopped telling stories, so I argued that she must tell. She told me stories vividly until I fell asleep on her legs.

Now, I regret it. I still remember that every time Grandma came to my house, she asked me to sleep with her. But I was used to sleeping alone, so I weaved various reasons to prevaricate Grandma. Every time, when I saw my grandmother happily step into my room and then leave my room disappointed, my heart felt very guilty. The disappointed eyes and the crooked back have become the eternal pain in my heart. Why didn't I seize the opportunity to sleep in Grandma's arms? Why is Grandma lonely and disappointed every time? Too many why tangle my heart, tears have been beyond my control. Because it is the tears of missing grandma, and it is the repentance from the heart.

Every time I look at my grandmother in the picture, my heart breaks. Never forget, never forget the hands that caress me; Never forget, never forget that kind face.

Grandma, you have been away from me for almost a year. How are you? Do you know that your granddaughter misses you all the time. Let me tell you that the little girl who doesn't understand has grown up.

What do you miss (2)

Some people say that missing is an emotion, that is, not giving up something; Some people think that missing is a painful process, and people can only immerse themselves in the fantasy world; Others believe that missing is a colorful prism, and its every move is pulling the deepest emotion in your heart - love.

With the bleak autumn wind, my thoughts drifted to the remote and beautiful place - hometown.

Walk along the path covered with fallen leaves as you like. The unique sound of "click click" leaves is particularly prominent around the silent and deserted area. The birds on the wire seemed unable to appreciate the bleak scenery, one by one they fluttered to the south; The disordered grass on the ground smiled at passers-by with a straight back yesterday, but today it bowed its head and became lifeless. Forced by the autumn wind, it shook its broken body reluctantly; Not far away, there are several residual trees. Their trunks have more and more striking tree lines, proving their long history. The few dead leaves left on the trunk have long been tortured by the wind into a shapeless state. It seems that the next second it will not hesitate to open the hands of the tree grandfather and dance with the wind like a dead leaf butterfly.

The air gradually became damp, the wind gradually lowered its voice, and the whole body was quite scary. As before, the sun came back home with great fanfare after the farewell of the girl Wanshuang. Sister Moon, always quiet, also came out on time to stand guard. She was accompanied by only a few broken stars. I could not help murmuring "I send my heart to worry and the bright moon, and follow you to Yelangxi". I could not help but open my hands and embrace my hometown, which has raised me for 13 years. My hot heart is fearless in the cold autumn wind.

I am an ordinary person. In my ordinary heart, my hometown is the deepest part of my heart.

What do you miss (3)

I really want to turn back the clock

Back to last summer

But everything seems so far away

Make sweet days so short

Let me hate to say goodbye

Your smile is so sweet

My heart is so strong

Looking at your smile, I don't know if we have a future

I don't know if there will be another night to say good night to you

I don't know if there will be a tomorrow with you

Miss so sweet

But the distance between our hearts is so far

Looking back on the past

How warm it is

I seem to see your smiling face through the lamp outside the window

Sadness and happiness blend in the bottom of my heart

I didn't know that my face was covered with tears

Heartless words a hundred times

But still can't summon courage and memory to wave goodbye

The memory you left me fills my heart

How can I bear to drive it away?

It's so hard to chat with you

Forced me to be helpless

Had to choose to let go


Since it can't be the past


I will hide it in my heart

Silent nostalgia

What do you miss (4)

What is missing?


Is that we can meet tomorrow

But you can't stop missing

What is missing?


It is clear that we have met at this second.

But you are still infatuated with

What is infatuation?


It is a person who is clearly attached to life and death.

Always miss and infatuate with each passing year

If you were the king

I'd rather be a princess


The king has N princesses

The prince only loved the princess.

Stop loving you

I feel very painful

I hope in the next second

I can see your

A handsome smiling face.

What do you miss (5)

I really want to turn back the clock

Back to last summer

But everything seems so far away

Make sweet days so short

Let me hate to say goodbye

Your smile is so sweet

My heart is so strong

Looking at your smile, I don't know if we have a future

I don't know if there will be another night to say good night to you

I don't know if there will be a tomorrow with you

Miss so sweet

But the distance between our hearts is so far

Looking back on the past

How warm it is

I seem to see your smiling face through the lamp outside the window

Sadness and happiness blend in the bottom of my heart

I didn't know that my face was covered with tears

Heartless words a hundred times

But still can't summon courage and memory to wave goodbye

The memory you left me fills my heart

What do you miss (6)

In real life or work and study, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Compositions can be divided into time limited compositions and non time limited compositions according to different writing time limits. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a 600 word composition about missing relatives collected by Xiaobian for you. We welcome you to use it for reference and hope it will be helpful to you.

I am most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet, I am most afraid that I will be alone in a corner, only my own eyes will blink in the dark, and I am most afraid that everything around me will suddenly be taken out, leaving me alone to bear the suffocation that makes people crazy.

I don't know when I began to get used to watching the sky, watching the mountain, listening to music, walking, basking in the sun, and doing nothing.

A person's nest in a corner, can not see his eyelashes blink across the curved trace, can not touch the lonely across. I can only hear my shallow breathing in this quiet space. I reached out for the dark, which was invisible and intangible. I tried to capture the darkness, tear it, and burn it in the sun. But what I felt was emptiness, a darkness without seeing the moon. I felt everything around me was hollowed out, and I was in chaos. It feels like Pangu is wrapped in an egg. There was something in my heart, shouting and trying to rush out of the tightly closed heavy door. The air seemed to be sucked away by an air extractor. I felt suffocated for a moment. This crazy chest tightness lasted for a while, and the world suddenly quieted down, and the cells that were jumping and exulting not long ago also quieted down.

next. As long as a century.

Why? With the feeling of missing. Home, father, mother, everything and everything passed through my mind. I hold my knees, and there are a few days left to wrap around my fingertips like the Milky Way for a long time. Miss, my heart is empty, I don't know who to tell. I only hope to share everything with the darkness. I think my silence can give me the whole universe. Blending with this chaotic darkness, the bitter taste of yearning slowly fades out of the mouth.

Catch a mass of air to make up for the short suffocation. It feels like a homeless child. The warmth of homesickness sweeps through the internal structure of the whole body again. Lonely and fragile touch will crack, which is the cleanest, purest and most complex feeling in my heart.

What do you miss (7)

The third watch rain, do not leave love is bitter.

Spring is as old as old, people are empty and thin, is the road safe?

When I was a child, I didn't know what missing was, but I thought it was an emotion generated by the long absence of family members. But as I grew up, I realized that missing is missing, and it is the most sincere expression of affection for my relatives.

I understand that missing is when I go to my grandpa's house every time. Every time I went there, Grandpa would smile and say to me, "Have you missed grandpa?" "Yes." I said as if I was dealing with an errand, and then I went to play. At that time, I felt very strange. Why did Grandpa always ask me if I missed him? Didn't he see me for only a week? But how did I know that when I played this week, Grandpa was thinking of me at home.

I know when I miss you. It's when Grandma calls me. Every time Grandma calls me, she asks me whether I have eaten, whether I am in good health, whether I drink milk every morning, how about my study... Every time I think, didn't I say it last week? Why should I ask. Every time I can't wait to say, "Oh, OK, Grandma, goodbye." Grandma hesitates, then says, "OK." Finally, she puts down the phone. Later, I realized that Grandma wanted to convey her missing for me and me by phone, but I always thought she was very fond of me? I always want to hang up the phone.

I learned to miss my grandpa when he was ill. I went to see my grandpa that day. When I came in, I saw him lying on the bed. I asked my grandma, what happened to grandpa? Grandma said Grandpa was not feeling well these days. I asked grandpa what he wanted to eat, and grandpa said he only wanted some bread. Hearing this, I walked to the door. Grandma asked me what to do? I said to buy bread, but Grandma said to buy some ordinary ones. In the car, I thought that if I bought ordinary bread, I could save money to buy books. But in the end, I stayed in front of a good bakery and went in to select some of my grandfather's favorite bread and snacks. Although it is expensive, I am very happy.

When I got home, I gave my grandpa bread and snacks to eat, and grandpa smiled happily. From then on, Grandma told everyone about it and said I was sensible.

The original miss is around us, as long as we try to understand it, we will find its true meaning.

Missing is a deep concern from one heart to another, a bond that connects family, friendship and love. Missing is a kind of kinship, a wisp of lovesickness, and a kind of happiness.

This is the end of the 800 word composition describing missing relatives. I wish everyone can write a good article as soon as possible.

What do you miss (8)

In the photo, I leaned against my grandmother, and she sat on the stool. I had my hair clip on my head and wore the flowered pants that my grandmother bought. I should be very happy! Because I am smiling, Grandma is also very happy! This is the first group photo with my granddaughter. Grandma's smile is so unforgettable, Grandma's smile is so kind. I recalled the scene of getting along with my grandmother.

It was also a midsummer night. Grandma gently shook the brown fan, and I leaned my head on Grandma's lap. Listening to Grandma telling the story of the cowherd and the weaver, she stroked my head from time to time, making me feel very happy. She said a sentence that made me unforgettable: "Our family Tingting must grow up happily, and if my grandmother died, she would also bless our family Tingting." At that time, I was not sensible, and I didn't know what it meant to be a farewell between life and death. I just felt that my grandmother was telling me a story. She continued to shake her fan, but stopped telling stories, so I argued that she must tell. She told me stories vividly until I fell asleep on her legs.

But now. I regret it. I still remember that every time Grandma came to my house, she asked me to sleep with her. But I was used to sleeping alone, so I weaved all kinds of reasons to prevaricate Grandma. Every time, when I saw my grandmother happily step into my room and then leave my room disappointed, my heart felt very guilty. The disappointed eyes and the crooked back have become the eternal pain in my heart. Why didn't I seize the opportunity to sleep in Grandma's arms? Why do you always let Grandma be lonely and disappointed? Too many why tangle my heart, tears have been beyond my control. Because it is the tears of missing grandma, and it is the repentance from the heart.

Every time I look at my grandmother in the picture, my heart breaks. Never forget, never forget the hands that caress me; Never forget, never forget that kind face.

Grandma, you have been away from me for almost a year. How are you? Do you know that your granddaughter misses you all the time. Let me tell you that the little girl who doesn't understand has grown up.