A fan (17 articles)
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2023-12-05 00:19:53
fifth grade

A fan (1)

Books make people learn from the past to the present; Books benefit people a lot; Books, like a bright light, illuminate our long road of knowledge; Books, like a clear spring, clean the dust outside the road for us; Books, like people's friends, find the joy and truth of life in reading them.

I like books. I like Jia Pingwa's saying that people read books. Reading for the first time is like swallowing a jujube, and you can't read the flavor; =the first reading, chewing the fun in the book carefully; The third reading is called enjoyment, enjoying the essence of the book, the truth hidden in the book.

Whenever I came back home from school, I always involuntarily picked up the book in my bedroom and read it. Until my mother came home from work to buy vegetables, I put down my book and began to do my homework. When the homework is done, I pick up a book and read it hungrily. Sometimes, I read books when I eat or go to the toilet.

One day in the third grade, I lost myself in reading and ignored the time. I woke up early in the morning and realized that I had not done my homework. My anxiety is like ants on a hot pot - Tuan Tuan. Fortunately, my mother "interceded" with the teacher for me and escaped a disaster. Now I'm good. I'll watch for a while. When my mother comes back, I'll do my homework. When I finish, I'll read. Although I have less time to read, my worship of books has never been weakened.

To be honest, I have always regarded books as my idol, and I am his loyal fan. I am very happy to go to the library and visit my idol. Every time I read a book, I always feel that I have "changed", and every "transformation" makes my knowledge go to a higher level.

I am a small fan. I admire books very much, because books can give me a boundless knowledge sky. Reading, let me have unlimited knowledge!

A fan (2)

You know what? I am a small fan.

There are many books in my bookcase, including composition books, fables, myths and legends, and various reference books. As long as you come to my room, you will see a book arranged in order, from shallow to deep, from small to large, from a distance, it looks like a mighty soldier, but also like beautiful rainbows. Although these books have filled the bookcase, they are still not enough for me to read. Because I will read all the books I am interested in as soon as possible. Sometimes I forget the time because I am addicted to the stories in the book.

I remember one time, when I returned to my room after school, I found a book full of oil stains spread out on the table, and some pages still had biscuit crumbs. I knew that my younger brother must have been in my study and read the book without my consent. I yelled at him angrily: "You are not allowed to read in my room without my permission in the future. In addition, even if you read, please cherish every book and do not dirty it!" My brother listened to me and bowed his head in grievance!

As a small fan, I take books as my friends. Every time I read a book, I wash my hands carefully, so as not to wrinkle or stain it. After reading a book, I would take out my pocket money and go to the bookstore to buy new books. No matter how crowded the bookstore is, I will wait patiently until I can buy the book that I have admired for a long time.

I like books because they are my good partners and friends. Friends of books are like bright lights!

A fan (3)

"The whole meaning of life lies in the endless exploration of unknown things, in the constant increase of more knowledge", "knowledge is power". Many famous aphorisms tell us that knowledge is the most important key to open the heart.

I am a book fan. I have been through such classics as Harry Potter and Gulliver's Travels for a long time, but I still can tell the general plot, experience the fun of reading, and learn a lot of knowledge.

A fan (4)

Books are the ladder of human progress, but what about me? He is also a small fan.

I love reading, reading is essential for me. In the past, I often took my mother to the Xinhua Bookstore, where there were all kinds of books. I took a "sheepskin scroll" and sat down on the seat. I read it with interest. In the twinkling of an eye, at seven o'clock in the evening, my mother looked at the time and immediately grabbed my ear to the door. But I have already been immersed in the sea of books. How can I take care of my mother! Seeing this, my mother dragged me home without hesitation.

If I love reading, I must love buying books. I was relatively independent. Last summer, I rode my bicycle and went to Xinhua Book City with my pocket money. But most importantly, I ran out without my mother's knowledge. When I came to the Book City, I looked at it casually, and only saw Sister Sunshine's "Friends at the Same Table" and Yang Hongying's "Smiling Cat's Diary". I looked at my pocket money, and if I could buy another copy, I chose the Sheepskin Scroll that I had not finished reading last time and ran to the cashier. After buying the books, I hopped on my bike and went home.

Sometimes, I will take advantage of my mother's inattention and hide in the bed to read! That day, it was getting dark. After dinner, I sat on the sofa and began to read. "Wu Xinyu, go to bed quickly!" Mother roared there again. I perfunctorily replied to my mother, "I know, I know!" I couldn't help but feel heartbroken when I saw that my beloved book would be separated from me again. At this time, an idea flashed in my mind, reading in the bed should have a different taste. So I hid in the bed, opened my hand and clicked the tube, and began to read. My mother saw the light in my quilt. She opened my quilt, grabbed the book and told me to sleep. I only reluctantly went to bed.

I also cherish books, which are my best friends. Every time I have a new book, I can't keep my mouth shut with a smile. I stick tape on every corner of the new book. Every time someone borrows a book from me, I must make sure that there is no "danger" before lending it. Who calls me a fan?

As a small fan, I also love fantasy. Will there be more books on my bookshelf tomorrow?

A fan (5)

I am a small fan of books. It seems that I have an indissoluble bond with books. As soon as the word "book" is mentioned, I will be extremely excited. Sometimes as long as I get a book, I will read it hungrily. It is really "one book in the morning and one book in the evening, life is better than immortals"! There are many short stories among them!

During the summer vacation, the summer was hot. I was at my aunt's house. What do you think I was doing? Hee hee... For me, a small fan, of course, I am reading! But it was almost lunch time. My dear aunt was calling me to have lunch in the living room, but I didn't hear anything. Seeing that I didn't respond, my aunt repeatedly shouted, "Xiao Yang! Xiao Yang! It's lunch!" I still didn't respond. My aunt wanted to find out - she came to my study, saw that I was "working hard" and withdrew. Because I am also a famous fan in this community! But when I finished reading and came to the living room, the food had been put in the refrigerator to refrigerate. In a moment of frustration, I picked up some dry food and ran into the study to read.

As for me, haha, you don't have to worry. In order not to starve my stomach, but also to "prosper" the reading business, I got the food and jumped into the vast sea of books.

OK? I am really a small book fan!

A fan (6)

Books are our good teachers and friends. As the saying goes, "One day without books, Pepsi is deserted." And I am a small fan of books. This title is not groundless. You know, I can't stop eating and walking, and even sleep is worried about books, which leads to the decline of eye vision. For this reason, I was criticized.

My mother has become more and more strict with my reading time. Since I corrected my eyesight, I have been forbidden to read extracurricular books for several weeks. This is killing me!

That day was the hottest day in the summer vacation. After lunch, I wanted to go to my room for lunch. When I was just across the bed and ready to sleep, the set of Romance of the Three Kingdoms on the "bookcase" sucked me like a magnet. Suddenly, I felt sleepy, just like a person who had been hungry for several days and nights, I rushed at the "bread".

When I watched it, I was fascinated and devoted myself to the plot of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Suddenly, a blast of thunder startled me: "Wang Yexing, it's time for lunch break, go to bed quickly!" Then my mother spoke a little mildly: "You are allowed to take a nap for 20 minutes today, otherwise, I will treat you to 'bamboo shoots and fried meat' this time!" My mother's "imperial edict" must not be violated. Who calls her the "head of the family"!

Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration and came up with a good plan... I pretended to be firm and said, "Follow your command, sir!" I also saluted my mother. Mother smiled and said, "Very good, soldiers who obey the command of the officer are good soldiers. Alas, I won't be poor with you, listen to my mother!" After that, my mother closed the door and left.

After about two minutes, like a ballet dancer, I stood on tiptoe, walked carefully to the door, and put my ear on the door - my mother's footsteps were getting farther and farther, and finally disappeared. I was so excited: "Great! The first step of the plan is completed! Start to implement the second step."

I crept to the bookcase, picked up the Romance of the Three Kingdoms again, and threw myself into the story again. Time passed by little by little... Suddenly, the door was pushed open: "Wang Yexing, you are reading again! How many times have I told you to protect your eyes, and take a serious lunch break at noon..." "Ah! Huang Gai was shot by an arrow!" I blurted out in response, and my mother suppressed a smile and asked, "What?"

Finally, my mother punished me to clean for a week as a warning. In those days when I was punished for cleaning, I didn't feel wronged at all, and it was worth the punishment!

This is me, a hardcore fan.

A fan (7)

As soon as I mentioned the story in the book, I felt as if I had beaten a chicken's blood. I was so excited that I chattered endlessly. For example, "Do you know Gorky once said, 'Books are the ladder of human progress'?" "I tell you,' Read books and travel thousands of miles'. So, you should love reading books as much as I do now, understand?"... It can be seen from this that I am a true little fan of books!

Once, I took the "Laughing Cat Diary" I just bought from the bookstore and read it with interest while walking on the road. When I was walking, I suddenly heard a "bang!". I thought I bumped into a big man with a "big body" and said coldly, "Excuse me, please get out of the way!" After that, I went on walking forward. But when I saw the key point, the "big man" came to me again, and I was very angry. I looked up and said, "Hum! I told you 'I'm sorry'. Why are you still chasing after me? " As soon as I heard a burst of laughter, I felt something was wrong. I suddenly opened my eyes and found that what was "standing" in front of me was a big tree. I ran home with red apples.

Another time, when I was in bed watching the new version of "Charles IX", my mother came to me and said, "Baby, can you help my mother buy a bottle of soy sauce?" Then she gave me 50 yuan, and I reluctantly took the 50 yuan to my bed. After a while, I looked at "Charles IX" again with great interest. "Xiangyi! Did you buy soy sauce

What's more interesting is that I was fascinated by reading! I was sitting on the sofa with Journey to the West in my hand. After a while, my mother's friend came to the house and saw me saying like crazy, "Dare! How dare you come to my water curtain hole without my permission? Do you want to experience my famous golden hoop stick?" My mother's friend was surprised, sat down on the sofa and said, "OK! I will fight you to the death today! " After saying that, my mother's friend picked up the two yellow people beside her and threw them at me. I also picked up my "weapon - wooden sword" and rushed to her. "Alas," the war ended in this way, and we both said with one voice, "Let's go.

Also, on Saturday, when I was reading the Water Margin on the sofa, my mother came to me with her homework in her hand and said, "Baby, do your homework!" I reluctantly wrote my homework on the desk. Suddenly, my mother said to me, "Mom, go out and come back soon. You should do your homework quickly!" I said cheerfully, "OK! I promise to finish the task!" Although he promised verbally, he actually thought about reading when his mother went out. After more than ten minutes, I heard my mother's footsteps and put the book on the sofa to do my homework. When my mother got home, she asked me: "Have you finished your homework?" "Ha ha! Mom, not yet!" I giggled foolishly

This is the little fan - I. As the saying goes, "Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles." I will let the book leader accompany my life and let books enrich my after-school life.

A fan (8)

Books are the sea of knowledge, the source of knowledge, and the ladder of progress. As a fan, I have such a strong desire for reading that I cannot extricate myself from it for a long time.

I read many kinds of books. I like to read all kinds of books. Popular science, science fiction, biology, fairy tales... Among them, my favorite book is a set of novels - Harry Potter. It was written by the famous British writer J. K。 It was written by Rowling. It tells about a boy named Harry Potter who used courage, wisdom and friendship to defeat the big devil and mysterious man.

How valuable is the knowledge of a book, no matter whether its packaging is exquisite or not, I cherish it very much. One day, I saw a book written by Shen Shixi in Xinhua Bookstore. The content deeply attracted me. However, the package of that book was very shabby, but there was only one. I bought it anyway. Moreover, I still cherish it very much and don't let it get any dust.

One day, I was reading a book with relish, when suddenly, a burst of "eat, eat!" reached my ears. However, I still want to read, without the slightest idea of eating. Continuing to read the book, my father came over, grabbed the book with one hand and hid it. "I'm not going to eat, I'm just reading!" I silently read and sat there stubbornly. Suddenly, I saw the book and thought of a plan to read in the toilet. I hid my book in my clothes and pretended to go to the toilet. I watched with fascination. After a while, a knock on the door sounded in my ear, "The rice is cold, and I still can't come out!" I hurried to the table to eat the bowl of cold rice.

How important a book is to a person! And how eager a person is for books! Books and people, people and books, this is a fan - I.

A fan (9)

I like reading very much. Everyone says I'm a little fan.

My bookshelf is full of books. These books are my spiritual food. Whenever I have free time, I will plunge into the stack of books and travel in the sea of books. I will talk with the characters in the books and experience their joys, sorrows and sorrows.

Once, after finishing my homework, I read the extracurricular books with great interest. Before I knew it, my mother called me several times. However, I was so fascinated that I didn't hear my mother's voice at all. My mother was so worried and angry that I woke up after several shouts. However, I didn't put down the book in my hand. Instead, I held the book and slowly moved to the table like a turtle, reading while eating. Looking at it, I was fascinated again and forgot to eat. Mother shook her head and said helplessly, "Chen Siqi, what a 'little bookworm'!"

Another time, my father took me to the library to read. I chose the book Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea. Some of the contents in the book are funny, some are moving. Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry. Everyone looked at me in surprise.

Am I a real fan of small books?

A fan (10)

I loved reading when I was young. When I was young, I loved listening to my grandfather read books and tell stories. At that time, I thought that books should be very beautiful. When I grow up, books will become my good friends. Once, my mother took me to the bookstore, and I saw a book called "One Hundred Thousand Why". I was like a hungry mouse. When I saw the delicious food, I immediately picked up the book and read it. In the book, I found the answer that had been confused for a long time. After a long time, my mother's voice sounded: "It has been three hours, I'd better buy a book and go home. It's time to go home." I happily took the book home. My books are everywhere in the study at home. Another time, I read for a long time in the study and forgot the time. Until my father called me out to eat, I felt hungry. God! I've watched it for so long, but I haven't eaten! I love reading, and I love reading all kinds of books. Literature, science... especially dinosaur knowledge, I can say a lot, so I have a lot of knowledge in my stomach!

A fan (11)

In our class, there are countless small fans who regard books as thirst quenching water and indispensable air. After class, in order to read more for a while, I would rather drink less water and wipe less sweat

I think the super fan of our class is Li Chen. I really admire him. He just can't tear himself away. It's said that he read more than 50 books in a winter vacation. Isn't that great!

After class, Li Chen, who loves books as much as life, picked up the book and read it with great interest. I also picked up Mercenary World and saw it. Suddenly, I saw a man named "Big Green Hill". I didn't know which handsome figure was on the picture. I knew that Li Chen had finished reading the book, so I shouted at him and wanted to ask him for advice. I shouted twice, but he was indifferent. I called again, but he was still reading.

I thought he was deliberately against me, so I immediately ran to the toilet, got a lot of water on my hands, and then walked back to the classroom as if nothing had happened. I thought: Hey hey! Sprinkle water on you. What will you do? Who told you to fight me?

I went to Li Chen's seat and sprinkled him a few times. Unexpectedly, he did not move, but was still reading. I thought I didn't spill it on him, so I was going to spill a few drops in front of his eyes. I was shocked when I was about to attack. It turns out that there are water drops on Li Chen's face, which are still flowing down bit by bit. I couldn't believe it. I thought: No, this guy is so obsessed with reading. Is he a man or a god?

At this time, he found me standing beside him and said in doubt, "Why are you standing here? Find K?"

"It's nothing. By the way, who's the Big Green Hill?"

"The characters on the cover of Episode 2." He answered quickly.

"Oh!" I returned to my seat in a daze.

This is the little fan of our class, the little fan I admire.

A fan (12)

I am a small fan of books. Since the first grade of primary school, I have loved reading books, because there are always some wonderful contents hidden in books, which will fascinate me deeply.

It was a bright afternoon. I had already entered the first grade. At that time, I was only eight years old. I was small, and my height was not up to my waist. At that time, I was sitting in the window seat. I took a book out of my bag and read it with interest. When I looked out of the window, the birds were singing and the willows were rustling. When the wind blew, the willows jumped up with the wind. In the distance, a faint fragrance blew in front of him, making me feel that the world has suddenly become beautiful. This kind of scenery can match my reading. After a while, I felt that I could enter the book, and the interesting stories came to me again and again, which fascinated me.

Now that I am a fourth grade student, I may not have a lot of time to read like the first grade. Now I can only watch it at night when I am going to bed. This is my habit. I can't sleep as long as I don't read books in a day, because when I sleep, I always think of some interesting stories. When I think of these stories, I will quickly fall asleep.

There are a lot of homework in grade four. When class is over, I will do my homework while reading. Several times, when I was in class, my teacher found me. Now I really hope to return to the first grade of primary school. I also like watching TV, but my father always said, "Every inch of time is worth an inch of money. Every inch of money can't buy an inch of time." I began to regret when I was in the fourth grade. I should cherish the time I used to read!

I like Shen Shixi's books best, because I also like small animals. Now on weekends, once I finish my homework, I will pick up Shen Shixi's animal novels and read them with great interest. At the same time, I also like reading Cao Wenxuan's books. Once I open his books, I can quickly become fascinated. He writes about what happened to him. I like his book "One Way Street". When I opened the book, my eyes were always staring at the book. Occasionally, my eyes were a little sour, and I would also look at the outside scenery and listen to the clear singing of birds

Good books grow with me. Reading is my hobby. It has accompanied me for four years. I will always like reading. Because, I am a small fan.

A fan (13)

Reading, everyone must have read it! But have you ever seen someone who is not tired of reading for hours? I, a little girl, with short dark hair, big watery eyes, and a tall man, am not tired of reading for hours at a time.

One morning, as soon as I finished breakfast, I came to Xinhua Bookstore early. But Xinhua Bookstore has not opened yet. After waiting for a long time, it finally opened. I rushed into the bookstore like an arrow leaving the chord. By noon, I had read more than 20 books. I didn't even know that my mother asked me to go home for lunch in front of me. Finally, my mother took the books from my hands, and I came back to my senses and left with my mother.

Another day, at noon, I argued to go to Xinhua Bookstore, but my mother had no choice. I had to send me to the bookstore to read without lunch. I was so fascinated by the book that I didn't even know it was raining outside. Finally, the salesperson said, "It's almost time to get off work." I knew it was raining outside. However, I wanted to read more books, so I came in and said, "Come in and take shelter from the rain.". Until my mother came to pick me up.

After listening to my introduction, do you know me? My name is Wu Yanqi. Would you like to make friends with me?

A fan (14)

On March 7, I was a small fan

My name is Zhao Hong, an ordinary girl in Grade 2 of primary school. I am quiet and love reading. I am a good girl in the eyes of my parents.

I am a "little book fan", and I will be silent in the sea of books whenever I have time. You see, that pair of thick glasses on my nose is the "proof" that I have read for many years.

A fan (15)

I am a small fan. I like reading books very much and am often fascinated by books. I have read Aesop's Fables, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Green's Fairy Tales and other books for many times, but I still read them with great interest, and I was unwilling to leave these mentors and friends who grew up with me.

I remember once, when we were preparing to have a delicious dinner, I was watching Andersen's Fairy Tales attentively when I heard my mother's cry: "Eat! Eat!" I slowly replied to my mother: "I know! OK! "Although I promised, my whole person was still totally intoxicated with the fairy tale. His eyes never left Andersen's Fairy Tales for a moment. He seemed to have been enchanted by a fairy and became a member of the fairy tale. After a while, she became a kind Cinderella, dancing in her dress; Later, she became Snow White with a pure heart, playing with deer, rabbits, birds, squirrels and other small animals under the lush and green trees, and playing by the clear and blue pond; After a while, she became an Arab princess, Princess Jasmine, sitting on the magic carpet and playing around --- "Do you have dinner, child?" My mother asked me loudly. I came back to myself and said to my mother, "Oh, here we are!" But I just looked at the book and wanted to remember the page. I just stood up and sat down again. I began to read again, read one story after another, and time passed by minute by minute. How time flies! When my mother saw that I hadn't come out yet, she was very angry and said, "The food is cold! If you don't come out again, don't eat!" This was terrible. If I don't go out to eat again, I will not only have no food to eat, but also be "stewed with pork with rattan sticks". I was most afraid. I had to put down my book reluctantly and go to dinner.

Books are inseparable from me. They are my best and most loyal partners. It can tell me profound knowledge and let me know more truth. I love reading very much. This is me, a little girl who loves reading.

A fan (16)

Today is Saturday. After finishing my homework, I got into the sea of books and roamed. My bookshelf is full of all kinds of books: literature, cartoon, fairy tale, science, etc.

I picked up a copy of Children's Literature from the bookshelf and read it. The composition in it was so beautiful that time slipped past my eyes silently. "Eating!" I woke up from silence after hearing my mother's voice. I looked up and looked at my watch. It was over 12 o'clock! I watched it for two hours, but I thought it was only half an hour later. I am so fascinated by reading that I have ignored time more than once. Sometimes, I still feel like a nerd!

However, it's good for me to read like this. Sometimes, I can answer everything my mother doesn't know. She also asks, "Where did you learn?" "Book!" I always answer proudly. Are you a reader? If so, let's compare and see who has rich extracurricular knowledge.

A fan (17)

For anyone, the greatest advantage of reading is that it makes people who seek knowledge learn from it, and makes ignorant people become knowledgeable. Books are the source of knowledge. Reading is a great pleasure for people, but also a great hobby for me. I love reading, so I am happy.

Before I went to primary school, I didn't like reading, and I read very little, even limited to not reading words, but only illustrations. At that time, I only thought the words were boring. The key was that I didn't know many words, and it didn't know me either. The illustrations are very interesting. They are red, white, blue, green, green, yellow, purple, talking and laughing, singing, reading, doing and fighting.

The accident in the first grade made me fall in love with reading. Since then, "one hair cannot be stopped". At that time, the teacher asked each of us to bring 5 books suitable for communication and put them in the book corner for friends to borrow at any time. My deskmate ignored my books and swore not to read them, which made me very angry. You know, I chose those books by thousands, and it was not easy to make up my mind to bring them. How's it going? Where do I put my face? My good friend Zhou Yang happened to be passing by, so he suggested that I go to the Book Corner to borrow an animal novel by Shen Shixi, so I picked up the book and began to read it. Looking at it, I found that it was a very beautiful book. After reading it three times, I was still not satisfied with it. Then I wrote down the author and saw three words come into my eyes: Shen Shixi.

Later, I asked my mother to buy many animal novels written by Shen Shixi and read them every night before going to bed, which reached a crazy level. Once, Mr. Dai asked me and my classmates to clean the book bar. I saw Shen Shixi's book "Once More Deceived by a Fox" on a bookshelf. I immediately stopped working and began to eat the book hungrily. I didn't notice when the class bell rang. Fortunately, my friends had a heart of understanding, and they all did all the work as if they had discussed in advance.

I don't know when I fell in love with reading. I don't think it's important. The important thing is that once I pick up the extracurricular books, I can read them for hours, even forget to eat and sleep.

An accident created a small fan. In books, I travel thousands of miles and know the world; I use the knowledge in the book to laugh at life. There is me in the book, and there are books in my heart. Let's read together!