Date Punching (Collection of 20 Articles)
A game, a dream
2023-12-12 02:30:18

Date beating (1)

Childhood is a song, a song full of happiness; Childhood is a picture, a colorful picture; Childhood is a flower, a flower with a smiling face. In that colorful childhood, one interesting thing after another happened, which formed our golden childhood.

In my memory, one of the most interesting things that impressed me most was playing dates with my father.

I remember that time, my father and I saw a jujube tree in front of my grandmother's house, but the jujube tree was too high, and we could only pick dates about the same height as ours. My father remembered that when they were young, they used to knock on the jujube tree with bamboo poles, and the dates would fall from the tree. Because it is difficult to find bamboo poles now, we have been worried about finding bamboo poles for a long time. Suddenly, I saw a long bamboo pole, ran excitedly, picked up the pole and handed it to my father.

Dad took the bamboo pole and waved it. Soon, a lot of dates fell on the ground, and the dates on the trees saw their partners on the ground, and they were tottering and falling down. It seems that I want to touch a different world. My father was a little tired, so he handed me the bamboo pole. I got the bamboo pole from my father and continued to beat it. It's just that I'm not very skilled. If I don't hit it, I will feel some pain on my head. It turned out that when I was beating the branch with a bamboo pole, the jujube fell and hit me. Dad also laughed beside him. When I heard my father's laughter, I used more energy, but the pain on my head did not decrease but became more and more serious. My father could not see any more, so he stopped laughing and came to me and said, "You should find a good position when you hit the bamboo pole, or you will be hit on your head by the jujube just like that." I nodded vaguely after listening, and continued to wave the bamboo pole until there was no strength. This time, the jujube on the tree did not hit his head. Looking at the dates on the ground, I found a basket and put the dates in the basket. After picking it up, they washed it with water. Although it was not as delicious as the supermarket, it was not bad.

It is because of such interesting things that my childhood becomes interesting! I will treasure this memory and keep my best memories!

Date beating (2)

After the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, we began to harvest in autumn. There is a big jujube tree in my home. Its green leaves and branches are luxuriant, and there are many red big round dates on it.

Early in the morning, my mother and I began to shoot dates. Mother found a long stick, took the head and the big green net bag, and we climbed up the room. Mother swung the stick and hit the jujube tree without delay. As soon as the stick went down, she heard the sound of "clattering", and many dates fell down. After a while, I heard the sound of "clatter" again. I felt so funny that I was obliged to say to my mother, "Mom, let me play for a while." My mother smiled and nodded, and handed me the stick.

I thought the stick was very light, but it bent me when I picked it up. I swung the stick hard, and it fell heavily on the branches and leaves of Jujube. I heard the sound of "Hua La La La", and my mother praised me: "It's really powerful, and I lost a lot of dates." I also smiled.

After a while, the dates were knocked out wherever they could be knocked out. Mother came down again and moved the ladder hard and leaned it against the tree stump. My mother climbed up the ladder to the branch. I found a small stick and handed it to my mother. My mother leaned against the branch behind her, swung the stick and beat down many dates. It didn't take long for my mother to break the small stick. I handed the long stick to my mother again.

Mother is playing on the top, and I am picking up on the bottom. I pulled the head of Luo and picked it up on the ground. I only picked hard dates and threw them into it. While I was picking it up, some dates fell on my head, but I didn't feel pain. Sometimes I wander when I pick up dates. I didn't want to pick it up when I picked it up, so I took out a jujube from Luo's head, wiped it on my body and ate it. It feels sweet, crisp and delicious.

Mother came down to pick up dates with me after she finished shooting them. We picked up the head and put it into the big green net bag. If you walk around on the ground, you will step on the rotten dates carelessly. If you lift your feet again, it will become rotten, and some of it will stick to the shoes. Eh -- it's disgusting.

After picking up the dates, look at the big green net bag full of red dates.

Date beating (3)

It's early autumn now. There is a proverb in my hometown that says, "July is red at 15 o'clock, and August is red at 15 o'clock. At the end of July and the beginning of August, the dates are about half red and delicious.

Uncle beat jujube, climbed up the jujube tree and shook it hard. Hong had already fallen down. In the remote place, he swung a pole and hit several poles. The jujube fell like rain. The children picked up the dates one by one, but did not wash them. Instead, they put them in their mouths. At the same time, they squatted down, picked them up, and put them in the basket.

My mother told me that when she was young, she counted six big jujube trees in her yard. From autumn to the weekend, she couldn't help running from Jinan to the house, and climbing up the tree when she ran home. Therefore, she stung several times every year, and the taste of piercing is still fresh in her memory. Now, five trees have been pushed down by bulldozers, leaving only one.

Fortunately, the jujube tree is very big.

The tree is at least 40 years old.

The stinging thing is about one or two centimeters long, similar to a caterpillar. It is called "Scratching Jiezi" in its hometown. Scratchers are brown and green. It is hard to find them lying behind the leaves. Once they meet the hairy part of the human body, they immediately cause severe pain, and often get better in three or two days.

But fortunately, I didn't encounter "scratch Jie Zi".

Date beating (4)

[Chapter 1]

On Friday afternoon, I only heard grandpa's order: "Start to shoot dates!"

After listening to this sentence, I ran to the tree alive and kicking. "Ha ha, you can be late again for the delicious, sweet dates that can be called the king of fruits!

Jujube fighting has finally started! My father took a dry branch, but before he could knock down a few dates, the seemingly weak branch broke in two! It almost hit me, ah! It's so close. At this time, the second uncle found a bamboo pole, which was solid, but could not cut down the dates. At this time, my uncle climbed up the tree and shook a lot of dates! So I immediately picked up the dates

Eating sweet dates, I am so happy today!

[Chapter 2]

There is a jujube tree in front of my house. It is about two floors high and divides into two branches two meters above the ground. The leaves of the jujube tree are very thick, and there are thorns on the branches, which are about the same size as the thorns of roses. I have been pierced, and it hurts a little, but it will not bleed. Be careful! Now the branches are covered with dates, green, yellow and red. The branches are bent a little by these dates.

This morning, I took a long stick to the jujube tree in front of the door. Grandma said that as long as the dates are yellow, they can be eaten. I found a yellow jujube, raised the stick and aimed at it. With a sharp knock, the jujube fell. I picked it up, washed it and bit it. Ah, it's crispy, sour and sweet. It's really delicious.

I thought: The yellow dates are so sweet, but the red ones are even sweeter? So I knocked a red one, its skin was a little wrinkled. I picked up the dates, washed them, and ate them. Wow, it's so hard! I spit it out with a "bah". Now I know that wrinkled skin is not delicious. I knocked another full red jujube with a little yellow. Wow, sweet, delicious.

I knocked a lot of jujubes again and had a full meal; There are also many gifts for our neighbors' children to eat together. They all say our jujube is delicious.

Date beating (5)

On October 3, the weather was very sunny. My mother and I are going to my grandmother's house to shoot dates. I am very happy.

We went in the car of our father and classmates. When we got to Grandma's house, Grandma said, "Let's go now.". So we called our uncle to take the bag and the pole and set out. On the way, I smelled a fragrance. It was the morning glory and various wild flowers on the roadside. They were purple and yellow... Eh, Little Yellow Peak and Little Butterfly also came to join in the fun. After crossing the road, I passed a piece of corn field. The big and thick corn cobs are really attractive.

Beyond the corn field is a jujube forest. We took a long and thick wooden pole, and a short one was prepared for me. When we arrived at the jujube tree field, we saw red jujubes hanging on the tree like lit lanterns, and some had matured long ago and fallen on the grass like red and green carpets. The jujubes on the tree have big jujubes and small jujubes, which make people drool.

I began to shoot dates. I took a wooden pole and ate under the tree, thinking: How to shoot? I was in a trance when suddenly Grandma came over and patted me on the shoulder and said, "It was like this." Grandma took a wooden pole with both hands and aimed at Zao Duo. I followed her. After my grandmother and I waved the wooden pole, we used a lot of effort to shoot a lot of dates. Then my mother picked up half a bag of dates with the bag, and my uncle also stood on the high stool to pick up the dates. Grandma said, "It's almost enough. Let's start to pick it up." As soon as Grandma's words fell, I threw down the wooden poles and bent over to pick them up one by one. The hot sun made me sweat. Grandma saw that I was hot, so she let me rest in the shade. One morning we picked up two bags of dates, and I was very happy looking at them.

When I got home, although I was very tired, I was very happy when I remembered that I had helped my grandmother relieve a little fatigue.

Date beating (6)

Speaking of my summer vacation life, it is really colorful. I learned to swim, traveled, and watched several movies. The most interesting thing is to go to my sister's grandma's house with my family to shoot dates.

My sister is the daughter of my uncle. She said that her grandmother's jujube tree is very big and tall. On a sunny morning, we set out happily.

When I arrived at the place, the jujube trees were really tall, which was more than three floors above their home. The trees are covered with green and red dates. It's so tempting! Grandparents have prepared tools for us. We worked together. My aunt, aunt, uncle and sister spread a big net under the tree. My brother and uncle and I went to the third floor to shoot dates. The uncle took a thick and long stick and hit the branches full of dates with a crackle, dropping many dates, most of which fell into the net, and some fell to the ground and cracked. That's too bad! In order to avoid the "date date collision" of the big dates in the net, the aunt first receives the dates in the net into the basin, and then hits the dates after collecting them.

It began to shoot dates, and there was another "jujube rain". I also want to beat dates with a stick, but I can't afford to lift the stick after a lot of effort, so I have to give up. My brother and I picked some dates from the branches that reached the railing and threw them into the net. As a result, we hit the aunt. My brother and I quickly hid.

Who would have thought that the aunt was not angry at all, she laughed at us for being naughty and reminded us to pay attention to safety.

After jujube shooting, everyone came to enjoy the "Victory Fruit". I picked a red jujube and took a bite. How sweet it is!

It's fun to shoot dates!

Date beating (7)

Whenever I eat a variety of dates, I always think of the scene of going to the countryside to shoot dates this holiday.

It was an autumn morning. The morning light was shining and the wind was shining. I went to the countryside with my grandparents to visit relatives. At the entrance of the village, I saw many children running happily outside the village with long and short poles and sticks. They were very curious and stopped to ask. They were going to shoot dates in the jujube forest. What fun it is! I begged my grandpa to take me. My grandpa couldn't beat me, so he had to take me.

Come to the jujube forest, wow, what a big jujube forest! I saw that the jujube trees with luxuriant branches were covered with big dates like agates. Some hid behind the green leaves, showing half their faces, like shy little village girls; Some gathered in groups, as if whispering; Others stand alone, proud as a cockerel. The air was also filled with the smell of jujube, sweet and fragrant. I couldn't help thinking of the jujube I had eaten before, and my mouth was full of saliva.

Suddenly, something hit me on the head. Looking up, it turned out that my childish grandfather had already climbed the tree and struck dates with a bamboo pole. I picked up a jujube from the ground and put it in my mouth. It tastes good. So, I also climbed up the tree. Although I was a little girl in the city, I was not a weak girl. I climbed up the jujube tree with all my strength. Slowly stand up and look down, wow! It's so tall that my legs can't help shaking. I tried to calm my mood, took the bamboo pole from my grandfather, grabbed the branch in one hand, and beat the jujube in the other. I went to the place where there were many dates, but only one or two of them fell off because I didn't use enough force. Later, I hit hard, and the dates fell in groups. I'm not so happy.

Soon, my grandfather and I each made a basket and took it home. Taste the fruits of your labor, ah! It's so sour and astringent. Some dates contain worms, which is terrible. What's the reason for eating Grandpa's food, which is big, sweet and fresh? My grandpa told me that we should pick out the ripe dates when we beat them, and the ripe ones often grow in sunny places, so we can't beat them indiscriminately when we see them. It turns out that you can also learn to beat dates!

Date beating (8)

Today is the day I have been looking forward to for a long time, because our school organizes an autumn outing. The internal yellow shoots dates.

At 6.30 in the morning, we gathered at the school on time to take a bus to Neihuang, and soon arrived at the Second Emperor's Mausoleum. We first visited the mausoleum of the Second Emperor, Zhuan Zhuang Xu, and then visited their palace. There are two bronze statues here, which are magnificent and spectacular.

After lunch, we went to the jujube garden to hunt dates. When we came to the jujube garden, I saw that the dates were already red. Some seven or eight people crowded together, as if in a meeting, others three or five people seemed to be whispering. Others stood alone on the branches, as if looking for new partners, but they were too high to reach. There were already many people in the garden, some knocking with bamboo poles, and some picking on the ground, Soon, we were carrying a large bag of "war" goods. They returned with a full load of dates.

Date beating (9)

Yesterday, our whole family went to the countryside to hunt dates.

At half past ten in the morning, my father and elder sister and I came to the old house in the countryside. My elder aunt and uncle had already started. As soon as she saw me, the eldest aunt shouted, "Tao Tao, hurry up, hurry up. Come and pick up dates together." My sister and I immediately went home and brought two pots, sat on the big plastic cloth under the steps, ready to start picking up dates.

The big plastic cloth was spread under the jujube tree, and my uncle used a dozen long bamboo poles to drop the dates from the tree. Most of them were put into the "big plastic cloth array", but the date leaves and rotten dates also fell down together, and they must be cleaned out. First, I grabbed a bunch of things and put them in the No. 1 basin. I picked out the indestructible, inedible and leaves, and put the good and edible things in the No. 2 basin. Of course, don't forget to eat some first and feed your stomach. Since we are sitting under the jujube tree, some dates will hit us. It will inevitably hurt our heads and backs, but our goal is only to pick up dates. After a while, we cleaned up almost all the plastic dates.

At this time, my father climbed up the tree along the ladder. After standing firmly against the trunk, my father beat fiercely with a bamboo pole. There was a "jujube rain" under the tree, and I was already frightened by the "jujube rain".

After two hours of fierce fighting, we finally picked up all the dates on the ground. Looking up, there were only a few jujubes hanging on the top of the tree, shaking alone in the wind. When I went to the stream in front of the old house to wash my hands, the lotus smiled at me.

Jujubes are delicious. I believe next year's jujubes will be sweeter.

Date beating (10)

On Saturday, my father said that he would take me back to my grandmother's house to shoot dates. I was so happy. My father, mother, aunt and sister and I immediately took the bus to the destination.

When I arrived at Grandma's house, I couldn't wait to pick up a bamboo pole to shoot dates. I immediately launched an "attack" on a shorter jujube tree in the yard. A stick hit the jujube branch, and a lot of jujube fell. Some jujube hit my head and body, which hurt very much, but I enjoyed it. I found that some dates were soft and concave when I pinched them, and some were very hard. Looking at the red dates, I couldn't help picking up the biggest one and biting, wow! How sweet!

Finally, all the dates were knocked down. Several of us classified the dates. My aunt and sister divided the hard dates and my grandmother divided the soft dates. I was responsible for putting together another variety of dates. My father and mother gathered the leaves and branches and threw away the rotten dates.

After the work was assigned, we took our own responsibilities. It was not a simple job to divide so many dates, but after hard work, we finally separated them. Our hands were all black, and the sweat on our heads kept flowing down, but we were very happy because we solved a difficult task for Grandma.

Autumn is really a harvest season! I feel that autumn is the most beautiful season in the four seasons!

Date beating (11)

Autumn is bright and crisp in October. Three members of our family went to grandma's house on the morning of October 1st. Just entering the yard, a breath of autumn came to my face. The red dates on the big jujube trees in the yard are particularly attractive. I didn't care to go into the house and say hello to Grandma, so I immediately climbed up the tree and picked the two biggest ones for my father and mother. I picked the red one and put it in my mouth. How sweet it is! At this time, the little aunt in the backyard came. Dad took out the long bamboo pole, and Grandma took out a large canvas and spread it under the jujube tree.

Dad began to shoot dates. He just listened to "Pa pa pa". The dates fell like red raindrops. The jujube hit my aunt's head, and I laughed; When I hit my mother's head, I burst into laughter; When I hit my grandmother on the head, I laughed heartily; When I hit me, I jumped and shouted: "You naughty jujube, fall on the canvas quickly!" Soon, the canvas was covered with red jujube, and I repeatedly said, "What a lot of jujube! I like to eat jujube, and my saliva is almost flowing down." So I casually wrote a poem: "The saliva flows down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days." This made everyone laugh, Grandma's yard was full of laughter. It's fun to shoot dates! This holiday I have the autumn harvest, jujube brings me infinite happiness.

Date beating (12)

On Sunday, I went to Liujiaxia with my mother and sister. When I got off the bus, I saw green mountains, lush forests, and fields with potatoes, corn, sorghum, etc. Colorful wild flowers bloom around the fields, and there are many crisscross canals, which irrigate this large field.

The adults said that it was the ripe season of jujube. My mother suggested, "Let's go and eat jujube by ourselves!" My sister and I cheered happily, "OK!"

When you come to the jujube forest, there are many jujubes like rubies hanging among the lush green leaves. Accompanied by a wisp of breeze, bursts of jujube fragrance came to the nose, making people salivate. I can't wait to pick up a branch and hit it on the jujube tree. However, I was too small to hit. So I jumped up again and hit the tree. The dates were still hanging on the branches, and I was already tired and panting. When my mother saw me like this, she smiled and said, "You can't reach me. I'll climb up and fight. You and my sister are responsible for picking up dates." I nodded obediently. Mother quickly climbed up the jujube tree, carefully moved to a thicker branch, pointed the stick at the place where there were many dates, and hit hard. I heard a sound of "rustling". The big red dates fell like rain, some of which hit me and my sister. We danced and cheered: "Oh! Eat dates! Eat dates!" My sister picked up a date, rubbed it in her hand, and put it into her mouth to eat. My sister and I knelt on the ground happily picking up dates. Soon, we picked up a large bag.

How interesting it is to beat dates! I tasted the big and red dates, feeling particularly sweet.

Date beating (13)

Last summer vacation, I came to the countryside. Grandfather said to my cousin and me, "Go to the mountain and get some dates and give them to everyone!" We cheered, "Oh, there are dates to eat!"

I followed everyone to the yard and got some long bamboo poles. I was puzzled and asked my cousin, "Why do you want to take such long bamboo poles? Aren't dates?" My cousin said with a smile, "Murphy! You don't often stay in the countryside, so you certainly don't know. Let me tell you! In fact, we are going to shoot green dates. The green date trees are very tall, so we have to use long bamboo poles to shoot them. ”Hearing this, I nodded suddenly.

We set out, each carrying a long bamboo pole on his shoulder. "Ah, come here quickly! Here is a jujube tree!" Everyone ran towards his cousin. I looked at the jujube tree carefully and thought: Wow! How tall this tree is! There are also large and round green dates, which are really fruity. My cousin used a dozen bamboo poles and then picked them up in a basin. Several dates fell into the basin, but several "naughty ghosts" popped out. I also hit like my cousin, and immediately stretched out the bowl. Unexpectedly, my bowl was not only empty, but also was attacked by "missiles" on my head. I could not help but blurt out "Ouch!". Seeing me like this, my cousin said earnestly: "It's OK, Murphy, failure is the mother of success!" After listening to my cousin's words, I tried again several times. Finally, "Kung Fu pays off" I succeeded! I went back with a full harvest.

Through this date tapping, I understand that you have to try more to find tips on what to do.

Date beating (14)

Yesterday, we went to Liangzhu's new home to play.

There is a large courtyard in the new house, surrounded by low shrubs, except for a tall jujube tree, which is very eye-catching. The jujube tree is almost three stories tall, and its branches are also very strong. In the lush foliage, many plump green dates hang on the branches, bending the branches. Looking at the green dates, my greediness was caught and I couldn't wait to taste them.

To satisfy my wish, my father borrowed a long bamboo pole from his neighbor to beat dates. My father and I held the bamboo pole close to the jujube tree, and then waved the bamboo pole and knocked the branches. The leaves made a "clatter" sound, and then the dates on the trees fell to the ground in sheets, like hail. My mother and sister, standing by the tree, scurried away, and I quickly hid in a safe place. Suddenly, my father gave a scream. It turned out that he was hit by a jujube on his foot. It was really "hitting the jujube on his own foot"!

Some of the dates on the ground were too ripe, so they fell to pieces as soon as they fell down. Some of the dates did not fall into mud, but they also cracked several holes. My sister and I picked it up happily, and soon we picked up a large box.

My sister quickly took a green jujube from the box and bit it before washing it. She chewed it in her mouth, one after another, and kept eating it. Her little hands were also picking it up, as if she wanted to eat more. In order not to let her have diarrhea, we quickly put away the dates.

I hope everyone can come here to taste jujube, which is natural, non-toxic and pollution-free!

Date beating (15)

Autumn is a golden season, a colorful season, and a harvest season. I like autumn best.

I remember one day when I was a child, when autumn came, the jujube in my yard became red. The ripe red dates were set off by green leaves, which made people feel greedy. So we picked up a long stick and beat hard on the jujube tree. My family and I beat and beat, and then we got a small basket. The family was very angry and said, "Why can't we beat this jujube down?" Grandpa smiled and said, "Don't worry, just hit hard." At that time, I was very short and could not hit, so Dad held me and beat. One, two, three... I shouted: "I've beaten down! I've beaten down!" But adults have beaten down a lot, and I'm the least. However, the adults praised me for my ability to work, and I was very happy.

At last, our family played a lot of dates. Dad played the least of all adults. It turned out that Dad held me in his arms and I played instead of Dad.

In the evening, our family were eating dates, and there were dates in the meal. I ate very delicious. It was my effort to fight down! It is extremely happy to enjoy the fruits of their own labor. Autumn can bring both harvest and happiness. This is the most unforgettable thing in my childhood.

Date beating (16)

There is a jujube tree in front of my house. It is about two floors high and divides into two branches two meters above the ground. The leaves of the jujube tree are very thick, and there are thorns on the branches, which are about the same size as the thorns of roses. I have been pierced, and it hurts a little, but it will not bleed. Be careful! Now the branches are covered with dates, green, yellow and red. The branches are bent a little by these dates.

This morning, I took a long stick to the jujube tree in front of the door. Grandma said that as long as the dates are yellow, they can be eaten. I found a yellow jujube, raised the stick and aimed at it. With a sharp knock, the jujube fell. I picked it up, washed it and bit it. Ah, it's crispy, sour and sweet. It's really delicious.

I thought: The yellow dates are so sweet, but the red ones are even sweeter? So I knocked a red one, its skin was a little wrinkled. I picked up the dates, washed them, and ate them. Wow, it's so hard! I spit it out with a "bah". Now I know that wrinkled skin is not delicious. I knocked another full red jujube with a little yellow. Wow, sweet, delicious.

I knocked a lot of dates again and had a full meal; There are also many gifts for our neighbors' children to eat together. They all say our jujube is delicious.

Date beating (17)

Autumn is bright and crisp in October. Three members of our family went to grandma's house on the morning of October 1st. Just entering the yard, a breath of autumn came to my face. The red dates on the big jujube trees in the yard are particularly attractive. I didn't care to go into the house and say hello to Grandma, so I climbed up the tree and picked the two biggest ones for my father and mother. I picked the reddest one and put it in my mouth. How sweet it is! At this time, the little aunt in the backyard came. Dad took out the long bamboo pole, and Grandma took out a large canvas and spread it under the jujube tree.

Dad began to shoot dates. He just listened to "Pa pa pa". The dates fell like red raindrops. The jujube hit my aunt's head, and I laughed; When I hit my mother's head, I burst into laughter; When I hit my grandmother on the head, I laughed heartily; When I hit me, I jumped and shouted: "You naughty jujube, fall on the canvas quickly!" Soon, the canvas was covered with red jujube, and I repeatedly said, "What a lot of jujube! I like to eat jujube, and my saliva is almost flowing down." So I casually wrote a poem: "The saliva flows down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days." This made everyone laugh, Grandma's yard was full of laughter. It's fun to shoot dates! This holiday I have the autumn harvest, jujube brings me infinite happiness.

Date beating (18)

One summer morning, my father took my sister and me to Grandma's house. Grandma's home is deep in the mountains, surrounded by mountains and towering trees, which is particularly quiet, beautiful and mysterious. Although the sky is still covered with a veil like mist, I am very happy because I will be able to eat sweet and delicious dates soon.

The date tree is in the southeast corner of Grandma's yard. The red dates hung all over the branches, making my mouth water. The 'father' on the side could not resist the temptation of red dates for a long time. He jumped up and pulled down a jujube with his hand. I rushed up as fast as I could, grabbed it from my father and put it into my mouth.

My sister looked at me eating delicious dates and said greedily, "Dad, I want to eat dates, too!" Dad immediately picked up my sister and let her sit on his shoulder. As soon as she reached out her hand, she pulled down a big red jujube and put it into her mouth. Look at her pride.

Soon, we picked all the dates close to the ground. I ran to my grandma and asked her, "How can I pick the high jujube?" Grandma thought for a while and said, "Yes! I'll take a pole to hit you on the roof."

My father and I climbed to the roof, and then I volunteered to say to my father, "Dad, let me take the task of picking dates.

My sister and grandma were low on the ground picking up dates. My father and I joined the team after playing early on the roof, squatting on the ground and desperately picking up dates. At this time, the basket beside Grandma was already full. I was carrying a heavy basket of dates, feeling the joy of harvest.

Date beating (19)

In my memory, one of the most interesting things that impressed me most was playing dates with my father.

I remember that time, my father and I saw a jujube tree in front of my grandmother's house, but the jujube tree was too high, and we could only pick dates about the same height as ours. My father remembered that when they were young, they used to knock on the jujube tree with bamboo poles, and the dates would fall from the tree. Because it is difficult to find bamboo poles now, we have been worried about finding bamboo poles for a long time. Suddenly, I saw a long bamboo pole, ran excitedly, picked up the pole and handed it to my father.

Dad took the bamboo pole and waved it. Soon, a lot of dates fell on the ground, and the dates on the trees saw their partners on the ground, and they were tottering and falling down. It seems that I want to touch a different world. My father was a little tired, so he handed me the bamboo pole. I got the bamboo pole from my father and continued to beat it. It's just that I'm not very skilled. If I don't hit it, I will feel some pain on my head. It turned out that when I was beating the branch with a bamboo pole, the jujube fell and hit me. Dad also laughed beside him. When I heard my father's laughter, I used more energy, but the pain on my head did not decrease but became more and more serious. My father could not see any more, so he stopped laughing and came to me and said, "You should find a good position when you hit the bamboo pole, or you will be hit on your head by the jujube just like that." I nodded vaguely after listening, and continued to wave the bamboo pole until there was no strength. This time, the jujube on the tree did not hit his head. Looking at the dates on the ground, I found a basket and put the dates in the basket. After picking it up, they washed it with water. Although it was not as delicious as the supermarket, it was not bad.

It is because of such interesting things that my childhood becomes interesting! I will treasure this memory and keep my best memories!

Date beating (20)

Because of the delay on the road, we spent the National Day in the car. It was a bumpy journey until one o'clock in the middle of the night before returning to my grandmother's house in northern Shaanxi. After lunch, I followed the adults at home to dig peanuts in the field. "Walk, walk, walk, walk until September 9????" I sang all the way and soon came to the ground. In front of me, there is green. All kinds of vegetables are fresh and tender. Sunflowers and sorghum are taller than me. I remembered that in the Sorghum Love we learned, it was said that the roots of sorghum are the hardest, and the air roots of sorghum can firmly grasp the land. I tried to taste it. Wow, it was so bitter that I wiped my mouth straight and pulled out with a sorghum in my arms. It seems that the text is true. Grandpa's farm also grows fresh vegetables, but where are the peanuts? Grandfather took a hoe and planed down the dried branches and leaves like bushes. Mom and Dad grabbed the stems of the small shrubs and shook the soil off the roots. It's amazing. There are round and fat peanuts hanging on the root. My aunt and aunt pulled the peanuts from the roots and put them in the basket on the side. I think Grandpa is very relaxed and interesting when he planed, like juggling. Even grandpa's hoe tried to plane. The hoe is really heavy. It took a lot of effort to dig out a peanut, but my hands are numb, and sweat is shining on my forehead. Grandpa must have been working hard all day. I think of the text "Luohuasheng" that I have just learned. It is really not beautiful, but its character is really admirable. The elders were still digging peanuts in the ground, and I watched them silently. In a moment, I seemed to know a lot about them?????? Today's task is to go up the mountain to hunt dates. We set out with long and thick sticks. To climb from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, and then climb to the top of the mountain. Although there are jujube trees all over the mountain, you should hit the top of the mountain first. I went up the mountain with the adults. After a while, I was tired and could only breathe. Finally, I arrived at the jujube tree on the top of the mountain, and the trees were covered with red dates, which made your mouth water. Work started. Holding the stick and beating the jujube branch, the red and round jujube jumped from the tree and fell to the ground. After a while, a floor of red dates was spread under the tree. Some naughty dates rolled down the mountain into the ditch and ridge below. We must find them one by one. It's easy to fight, especially hard to find. Sometimes I went up the mountain, sometimes I climbed the bank, and then I went down into the ditch. I stepped on the red jujube on the ground carelessly. What a pity! I kept going up and down the slope. After several laps, my legs became numb. My cousin dragged me to the hillside to find a flat place to sit down and rest. Watching the adults busy up and down, their bodies stained with specks of soil. By six o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was already close to the mountain side, and five or six baskets of jujube were filled. It's really tiring to shoot dates. It's really hard for grandpa to go up and down the mountain at such an old age!