Master Composition (18 required)
one's nobility lasts forever
2023-08-05 04:19:04

Master Composition (1)

Just after breakfast on the Lantern Festival, Ding Dong, the doorbell rang. I hurried to open the door. When I opened the door, I saw that it was my uncle. My uncle brought us gifts. I said to my uncle, "Please come in, uncle. Happy New Year!"

After my uncle came into the room, I said to my uncle, "Please sit down, uncle." I poured a cup of tea for my uncle. "Uncle invites you to have tea." My uncle said, "Thank you. I grow up every day. I really understand." I also brought my uncle fruit to eat. My uncle praised me for being thoughtful and sensible. I played with my uncle for a while and then went to do my homework.

My uncle is leaving. My father and I sent my uncle to the door. I said to my uncle, "Good bye, please come to my house often." My uncle said, "OK, Xiaotiantian has really grown up. Goodbye." I was very happy after listening to my uncle's words. I am eight years old and have grown up. I want to help my mother and father do something within my power.

Master Composition (2)

Hello, everyone. I'm running for monitor today. The monitor is the leader of a class and the bridge between teachers and students. As a monitor, you should first set a good example for the whole class, play a leading role, and set an example everywhere; Secondly, we should also manage classes and classmates and serve everyone. I think I have the ability to be a good monitor. First, I think my performance is generally good, and I am qualified to be a model for students to learn, but there are still some shortcomings, and I will try my best to correct them. Second, I served as the monitor when I was in grade one, and I had some experience in managing classes. Although there are some things that are not done well enough, I will try my best to overcome them. I am confident to be the monitor of our class. I hope you can support me and vote for me. Thank you!

Master Composition (3)

In November in the north, it is nearly winter, and the streets are covered with thick fallen leaves. The once lush trees are only bare trunks, like a colorless sketch. The sun seems to be afraid of the cold, hiding like a cat, and has not appeared for many days. She is stingy and unwilling to share her enthusiasm with all things. The wind has lost its tenderness and become cold and strange. Walking on the road is full of withered yellow and lifeless.

In the evening, we will visit the noisy city very early. When we lean against the window at dusk, we can see that there is no children playing around in the community, and the scene of the elderly walking leisurely. Most pedestrians on the road are heavily packed, and most of them are in a hurry.

In such a season, it is inevitable to feel a little melancholy. Every day when I get off work, it is already early in the city. After returning home for dinner and looking out of the window at the dark and cold night sky, I have no interest in going out for a walk. No wonder my husband said that I have no perseverance and perseverance. Still in a warm room, listening to music online is relaxing.

People's mood is really affected by the environment, isn't it? The sunny weather will always make us happy, while the autumn wind is bleak. The bleak and chilly weather in the evening rain can take away the heat in our hearts and make us sad and lost.

Sometimes even I don't know what I need. When the winter is cold and desolate, the spring will be full of birds singing and flowers, and the grass will be full of birds and birds flying. When the spring is over, the summer will be full of trees. When people are really not satisfied, their desires will be endless, no matter how rich the material life is, they will not be satisfied, There will be complaints, born in happiness, not happiness.

In the colorful world, we are all busy and busy. When we enjoy ourselves, we often ignore what we really want.

Just like admiring spring in winter, we don't need to envy others' superior material life, and we don't need to deliberately pursue it. We should leave a happy space for our busy life. This space may be the indifferent mood of "letting flowers bloom and fall",

The pursuit of money and material things is happiness as long as you are satisfied. This is a casual remark made by a friend of mine. People should pursue something. It is justifiable to pursue the ultimate of material things, but don't let your life be full.

It is true that life is plain and light. There is no need to aim too high. It is a never-ending pressure on the soul. With a calm mind, it can give the soul a seclusion. Say goodbye to the endless material pursuit. Is my lifelong pursuit. I would like to be the master of my own life.

Master Composition (4)

As time flies, we have spent more than five years at school in our classes with our classmates. Through the joint efforts of all of us, hand in hand, our class has become a warm home. This includes the efforts of every student, because every student in the class is the small master of the collective.

In order to create a warm class atmosphere and mobilize the enthusiasm of each student, our class has set up positions for each student that can be selected. More and more students are able to remember their job responsibilities and perform their own duties in their own positions. Some students not only take the initiative to complete their own work, but also actively and enthusiastically help other students to complete their work when they are sick or have something to do. The whole class silently contributes their wisdom and strength to creating an excellent class.

In addition, our class also carries out a variety of activities. How do we cooperate in the activities? On the second Friday in April, it was my turn to preside over the class team activities. First, I set up an idea creation team, collected many meaningful golden ideas, and then discussed with the class cadres about the process of the class team activities; Then I recruited students who were willing to participate in the performance in the class to practice with them so that they could play their talents on the day of the activity; Later, I found that some students did not like performing, but they were willing to look for information. After asking for their consent, they also made a contribution to the class team activities. In this way, a class team activity completely organized by our classmates went smoothly. Maybe the activities we hosted can't be said to be perfect, but they exercise our ability, let us understand the hard work of teachers in managing the class, and let us experience the pride of being the little master of the class.

Because I use my talent to add luster to the class activities, I am willing to be a green leaf for everyone in the future activities, and to be the most competent young master of the class.

If the class is a skyscraper, we are hard bricks, and give our hardness to it; If the class was a stream, we would be a spray and give it our beauty.

Master Composition (5)

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world", I don't understand Gu Yanwu's words. What is the responsibility? Unable to see or touch, my mother told me: "Responsibility is what you should do, so you should have a sense of responsibility." I thought about something that happened when I was on duty in my class.

Last semester, the school had to carry out a major health inspection. It was our team's turn to be on duty. After school, the students cleaned the floor and ran away. When I was about to leave, I found that the podium had not been cleaned and there was some garbage near the health corner, Besides, if you go home early and finish your homework, you can have more fun! But on second thought: if we get the last place in the exam tomorrow, the teacher will certainly criticize us, and we will not be an excellent class. Finally, I decided to stay and wipe the podium clean with a wet cloth over and over again, and sweep the paper scraps in the corner of the wall clean. Then I checked carefully in the classroom three times before returning home with peace of mind.

Later, our class won the first place in the whole grade, and I jumped up happily. I felt that this was the effort of our whole group and the honor won for the class. My heart was sweeter than honey.

I asked my mother, "Is this a sense of responsibility?" My mother gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Yes!" I seemed to understand responsibility. Responsibility is everywhere. In the classroom, on campus, at home, in the community, if everyone has a sense of responsibility, the world will be more beautiful!

Master Composition (6)

With the development of science and technology and the arrival of the Internet era, computers have been popularized to thousands of families, but the problem of teenagers' infatuation with the Internet has become increasingly prominent.

There are different opinions about teenagers' infatuation with the Internet. Let me say something about my understanding of teenagers' infatuation with the Internet: the computer network is originally a part of people's life. It can be said that everyone can't leave it. As long as it is used properly, it can become a satisfactory tool for our life and learning.

We should be the masters of the network, not the slaves of the network.

Those who can use the network correctly are the masters of the network. They will use the network to preview courses, learn some content that they are interested in, understand many knowledge that is not available in textbooks, increase their knowledge, and improve their personal quality and comprehensive ability. They also like shopping and making friends online.

The network can let us learn something, but it also has some disadvantages.

Some people use the Internet for entertainment, but they can't treat the Internet correctly. Some people use the Internet to play some games, and play them for a long time, which affects our eyesight, easily leads to Internet addiction, addiction to the Internet, affects learning, and makes learning plummet. Although online games give us a moment of excitement and passion, a long time online will affect our physical health, which will lead to visual fatigue, irritability, excitement, irritability, etc. Long time online will also lead to chronic diseases, and Internet addiction, which can not extricate ourselves. Being in the virtual world for a long time, it is easy to be indifferent to real life, rely on the Internet excessively, and use our emotional anxiety, depression, etc.

Therefore, when we face the network, we must learn to use the network correctly, which will make us gain a lot. Since the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the Internet are great, why don't we make good use of the benefits of surfing the Internet and stay away from the dangers of surfing the Internet. Make the world a better place.

In a word, we strive to become the master of the network, make the network a powerful assistant in our life, help us understand the world, improve our knowledge, and become useful people to society. Only in this way can we contribute everything to the construction of our motherland!

Master Composition (7)

When the bell rang, we all could not help crying, because we were deeply moved by Robinson's perseverance, courage and calm spirit.

Daniel Foday introduced Robinson to us that he was exiled to a desert island by boat because of the storm. He worked independently on the island and saved a savage named "Friday". After spending a long time with "Friday", he returned to the civilized society.

After reading this story, I understand how to call perseverance. Only when there is hope of survival in the heart of danger and loneliness can we say perseverance. At this time, I suddenly thought of myself. I still remember one time when I was doing math homework and came across a thinking problem that I couldn't solve. I wanted to go back to school and ask my classmates if it was OK. I had to rack my brains to think about it! Now, why bother your classmates? Do others teach you not to use time? What if it's an exam? Compared with Robinson, I feel extremely ashamed!

Yeah! Learning should be regarded as a kind of enjoyment. As the saying goes, young people don't work hard, old people are sad. If you miss the good time of youth, you will regret it when you grow up, so you should cherish the time. You should know that a scientist, Newton, once invited his friends to dinner. When he was about to have dinner, he suddenly thought that he still had an experiment to do, and then he buried himself in the laboratory. His friend could not help but eat first when he was hungry. When Newton came out, the food had been eaten by several friends. The friends thought they would be scolded by Newton, but Newton thought that he had already eaten, I walked into the office again. This is enough to show that Newton cherishes time and studies.

Gorky once said that the world's fastest and slowest, longest and shortest, most ordinary and most precious, most easily ignored and most regrettable—— That is time. Now I finally know the meaning of this sentence. In the months of my primary school learning career, I must strive for time, squeeze out time, and not let it escape. As the owner of time, I will find back all the lost time and lock it tightly!

Master Composition (8)

"The past days are like smoke, blown away by the wind, or evaporated by the early sun..." This is a sentence in Mr. Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry". Focusing on the word "rush", the article delicately depicts the trace of the passage of time, expressing the author's frustration and regret for wasting time, thus warning us to cherish time, be the owner of time, and spend every minute of time on learning.

Time is fair and equitable. For those who cherish time, time will be generous to you, allowing you to do more things; For those who waste time, time will be merciless to you, making you accomplish nothing in your life. Let's ask, which person with achievements is not the one who cherishes time? Lu Xun spent all his coffee drinking time at work. He worked late into the night every day. I never give up learning and writing when I get sick. Therefore, he became a great revolutionist, thinker and litterateur. Madame Curie stayed in the laboratory for more than thirty hours. Because of this, she extracted 0. She has won the "Nobel Prize" for many times and is known as the "giant of world literature".

Thinking of this, I could not help blushing and ashamed. Every Sunday, as soon as I finish my homework, I will stay by the TV, never leave, and leave my study behind. Before the summer vacation, I made a review sheet for English, Chinese and math. But when the summer vacation began, I remembered the wonderful programs on TV as soon as I picked up the book. I think, the summer vacation is so long, tomorrow is also OK; Who knows, I went out with Xiao Dan again tomorrow. Until the end of the summer vacation, I didn't even turn over my English, Chinese and math books.

Tomorrow returns to tomorrow. There are so many tomorrow. I will wait for tomorrow and waste everything. Only by cherishing time and being the master of time can we achieve something. In the future, I will work every minute to be a master who cherishes time.

Master Composition (9)

As a child, the kindergarten teacher asked us to introduce ourselves. I just said my name. With the continuous growth of knowledge, I also wrote many articles about introducing myself. The so-called articles are just a few words of gossip.

On the first day of last year, the words "Know yourself and be your own master" were suddenly put on the masthead of the book "Ideology and Morality". At that time, I felt very childish. Who can know more about yourself than I can. At that time, I didn't think much of it. That class was also very absent-minded. I just proudly claimed that I was my own master, and I knew myself very well, I didn't know

Am I really my own master? I wander.

"To be your own master is to control yourself and do your own things". I vaguely remember this saying in the political book, but I didn't care about it at that time, and thought it was nonsense. But now... it's really sad to think that I have become someone else's puppet.

Now I have fallen behind more than half of the courses, and I have only begun to recite the annotations of classical Chinese. You know, these texts have been going on for more than half a century. Alas! I hurried to the starting point, but I couldn't start, because I was robbed by the old man of time; Think about my physics, mathematics, English, history, politics... all of them are sad and lost. How much have I learned? I ask myself from the bottom of my heart. I wasted my time and suddenly remembered such a unique sentence that can be described.

Master Composition (10)

In our daily life, we always see some students who are tardy and do not value time. Take the winter vacation as an example. They often wait until the "balance is insufficient" during the holiday to realize that their homework has not been completed. At this time, they were in a hurry to make up the work, and the quality of the final work was worrying!

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "Time is 24 hours a day, but a day's time can bring wisdom and strength to people, leaving only regret to lazy people." It can be seen that time is so precious!

I used to be a person who didn't know how to cherish time. In my second grade, my mother said that I was too slow to do my homework. As soon as I sat down to write, I wanted to go to the toilet and drink water. I couldn't concentrate on my homework. For this reason, my mother was very upset. One day, when I just came home from school to do my homework, I found an hourglass on my desk. My mother came to me and told me, "In the future, when you do your homework every day, you will use this hourglass to time yourself and see how much time you have spent doing." From then on, I used the hourglass to urge myself and ran a race with the hourglass. Slowly, I learned to seize the time, Finish homework efficiently and learn to be the master of time.

As the saying goes, "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." Precious time is like a river flowing to the east, and it will never return. Although I believe that students all know many famous sayings about cherishing time, sometimes it is unavoidable to waste time. I hope that every student around me can cherish time, grasp every minute and every second, and be the real master of time.

Master Composition (11)

Once upon a time, there was a student who only knew how to eat, how to play, but didn't know how to study.

On Thursday, the teacher asked him to go home and write Chinese on Friday, math on Saturday and English on Sunday.

On Friday, he thought: "There is still time tomorrow anyway, let's do it tomorrow." He ate and played.

Friday passed quickly. On Saturday, he thought that there was still time tomorrow. He would still eat and play. So the day passed again. On Sunday, he thought, "Why don't you go and write in school early tomorrow?" As a result, he did not rest until one o'clock in the morning.

In the morning, he slept until noon. When he saw that it was too late, he ran to school quickly. The teacher criticized him very much after reading his homework and not doing it. As a result, he still didn't change, didn't do his homework, didn't listen carefully in class, and often played truant. Under the teacher's severe criticism and instruction, he still didn't correct his mistakes, and the school dismissed him as a result.

Since then, he never took a pen. When he was old, he saw that he had learned well. He wanted to learn from scratch, but it was impossible. Children, as the saying goes, today is the end of the day. Don't wait until tomorrow if you have something to do. There are tomorrow's things to do, and there are things to do the day after tomorrow. We should not learn from this person and be a person who knows how to cherish time.

In the future, we should cherish time and seize today.

Master Composition (12)

Family owner

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the window and the first tinkle of bell rings into your ears, open your eyes and stretch out, a new and promising day begins. "Labor is the most glorious". Once I heard this sentence, I thought it was a joke. But when I grew up, I could not help but feel sorry for my mother when watching her hard work every day. So today I am going to be a "little master of the family" to taste her daily hard work.

Every morning, my mother has to get up early to cook for us, so I got up early and went to the morning market downstairs again. I never went to the morning market. I was also a little overwhelmed, so I had to buy some bread and hurried home. When I got home, I woke up my parents who usually wake me up. They slept soundly and had nothing but milk, bread and hamburgers for breakfast. After breakfast, I washed the dishes and cleaned all the rooms. When the last basin of dirty water was poured out, a stream of soreness spread all over the body, and the limbs fell limply on the bed, not wanting to move. If you want to give up, have a good rest in the afternoon. But in my mind, in my heart and in front of my eyes, it emerged that my mother was tired every day, and I wanted to give up after only doing so for a while.

Remembered the words of "Mill": maternal love is the greatest power in the world! I pulled myself together and decided to continue. At noon, I made my best "famous dish" instant noodles, simple. In the afternoon, I swept and dragged all the rooms. Sweating, I was very happy because I finally understood my mother's selfless love for me!

At dinner, my mother taught me how to cook and cook with her hands. She taught me every word in Tianjin, one by one, and acted seriously. Mother's love was flowing into my heart unconsciously. Even though the dinner was not delicious, with more salt and less oil, and different salt and light, my mother said, "This is the best dinner I have ever had.". Although I was very embarrassed, my mother's words were more like a shackle, connecting my heart to my heart. After dinner, the three members of the family went to the courtyard to see the stars, the moon, the grass and the flowers.

A short and full day passed by me. In the evening, I thought a lot carefully, thinking about the scald when cooking, the sweat when working, and the laughter with my family. Old Time has left me a good memory, which has taught me a lot of truth, understood the original meaning of "labor is the most important thing", and recalled the great maternal love, the thread in the hands of a loving mother, and the jacket of a wandering son

Master Composition (13)

From my birth to now, my life has been led and dominated by my parents and teachers, including thoughts and actions. At home, we must obey the nagging and command of our families, and at school, we must obey the earnest instruction of our teachers. It was not easy to get the parents' permission to go out and play, but they still couldn't control the place and time they designated. It seems that "I am a good boy" has become a "puppet". The other day, I read the book "I Succeed, I Decided" and benefited a lot. So I secretly made a decision: when I grow up, I must be the master of my own destiny!

Take this as an example——

I like painting very much and have a talent for painting. But my parents just applied for the Olympic math class for me. Looking at those Olympiad math problems that can not be solved with all my efforts, I am extremely distressed! I protested many times, saying that it was useless to want to learn painting. My parents always said, "What, don't you want to learn? In the future, junior high school still expects you to go to Hui'an No. 1 Middle School. You can't keep up with others without learning Olympiad Maths! Besides, computers are being replaced faster than airplanes in this era. What's your job if you don't hurry up to learn? What kind of painting is entertainment!"

My parents' words seemed reasonable, but I didn't give up my favorite painting, and I used a little spare time every day to practice painting. Kung fu pays off. I won the first prize in a school painting contest! I was ecstatic and took the certificate home. I said happily to my parents, "Mom and Dad, I won the prize in the drawing contest. Let me learn painting. The teacher said I have great potential in this field. Rather than let me face the Olympic math in pain, I should give me a chance to show my potential!" My father nodded thoughtfully and said, "It seems that our son has really grown up, Let him decide what he wants to do. "

This time, because of my persistence, I did what I wanted to do. How proud I am! In fact, life is like a piece of music. The gains and losses of life are just the notes on the staff. The performer of this song is you. No matter how skillful others are, they can't play it well. Therefore, only when you become the master of your own destiny can you play your own wonderful song of life

As a child, the kindergarten teacher asked us to introduce ourselves. I just said my name. With the continuous growth of knowledge, I also wrote many articles about introducing myself. The so-called articles are just a few words of gossip. On the first day of last year, the words "Know yourself and be your own master" were suddenly put on the masthead of the book "Ideology and Morality". At that time, I felt very childish. Who can know more about yourself than I can. At that time, I didn't think much of it. That class was also very absent-minded. I just proudly claimed that I was my own master, and I knew myself very well, I didn't know

Am I really my own master? I wander.

"To be your own master is to control yourself and do your own things". I vaguely remember this saying in the political book, but I didn't care about it at that time, and thought it was nonsense. But now... it's really sad to think that I have become someone else's puppet. Now I have fallen behind more than half of the courses, and I have only begun to recite the annotations of classical Chinese. You know, these texts have been going on for more than half a century. Alas! I hurried to the starting point, but I couldn't start, because I was robbed by the old man of time; Think about my physics, mathematics, English, history, politics... all of them are sad and lost. How much have I learned? I ask myself from the bottom of my heart. I wasted my time and suddenly remembered such a unique sentence that can be described.

Master Composition (14)

One day, when the five senses were idle and bored, they sat down to debate the quality of the host.

His mouth was the first to speak, and he said happily: "The master is very kind to me. He took me to taste all the delicious food in the world, and I have the best taste. When he eats, he is very elegant. He never eats like a wolf, but chews slowly. Everyone praises him for his cultivation and grace, and I am also flattered. He always takes out a tissue to gently touch me after eating. I will never forget that feeling. " The mouth is deeply intoxicated with the infinite happiness, the corners of the mouth are slightly upward, and the face is satisfied.

Hearing what he said, his eyes were unconvinced. He said discontentedly: "The master is too partial. He is not good to me at all. Every night I like to stay up late and play computer games, which makes me exhausted. The next morning, I can't lift my spirits, which makes us fight and kill each other. As a result, with black circles, people always laugh at me, saying that I was transplanted from a panda. How much harm this has done to me. I also have self-respect! This is a personal insult! Sobbing... "As he said, his eyes suddenly began to feel sad, and many glistening tears suddenly burst out like a flood.

"It must be true, it must be true." Before his eyes stopped crying, his nose said, "The master is not as bad as you said! He waters and disinsects flowers on time every day. When the flowering season comes, the refreshing fragrance comes to his nostrils, and the fragrance tends to spread all around. Everyone is intoxicated with flowers!" His nose slightly fluttered, It seems that everything is in front of us.

"No, no, the master is not considerate at all. He likes to show off his precious MP3 player everywhere. He also puts two hard earphones on me all day, making me uncomfortable all over. Every weekend, I tremble all over for fear of being hurt again. For this reason, I have been on tenterhooks for many days every day. Now my hearing is obviously reduced, which is really uncomfortable. ”The ear frowned and said with lingering fear.

After saying that, they held their own opinions and quarreled:

"Hello, master!"

"Bad master!"

"Good master!"

"Bad master!"


The incorrigible quarrel woke up the sleeping Doctor Skin. When he opened his sleepy eyes, he saw four naughty boys quarreling fiercely and immediately told them to stop bickering. After he understood the ins and outs of the matter, he calmly said: "People are not all perfect. Even the most perfect person has shortcomings. He may be needed for work. Therefore, we should not complain about the owner when we see his disadvantages. We should try to find his shining point. At the same time, we should be in his place, and each of us should take his own responsibility, as long as we serve the Lord wholeheartedly. "

Master Composition (15)

One day when I was walking on the road, I met a little dog. The dog was so skinny that it seemed that it had not eaten for a long time. So I gave it a sausage.

Strange things have happened. That dog can talk! It said: "Thank you! Good people!"

I asked, "How can you talk?"

It said: "I used to be an ordinary stone, but I was hit by a blue lightning and became a super dog."

I asked, "Why are you here?"

It replied, "I am a dog, but I have no home! A rich man saw me and took me home. But the good times are not long. One day I went for a walk with my master and met a villain. The villain found that I had super power and took me away while the master was not paying attention. I escaped from the villain, but I have no home. Since then, I have wandered on the streets.", He began to cry.

When I saw that he was pitiful, I said to him, "You are pitiful, I will take you in!" He said, "Yes, I can, but I will go to the master after I find him." I promised him.

Unexpectedly, it went to find the owner every day. I knew its purpose and made an advertisement. It finally reunited with the owner.

Master Composition (16)

There are different opinions about teenagers' infatuation with the Internet. Let me say something about my understanding of teenagers' infatuation with the Internet: the computer network is originally a part of people's life. It can be said that everyone can't leave it. As long as it is used properly, it can become a satisfactory tool for our life and learning.

We should be the masters of the network, not the slaves of the network.

Those who can use the network correctly are the masters of the network. They will use the network to preview courses, learn some content that they are interested in, understand many knowledge that is not available in textbooks, increase their knowledge, and improve their personal quality and comprehensive ability. They also like shopping and making friends online.

The network can let us learn something, but it also has some disadvantages.

Some people use the Internet for entertainment, but they can't treat the Internet correctly. Some people use the Internet to play some games, and play them for a long time, which affects our eyesight, easily leads to Internet addiction, addiction to the Internet, affects learning, and makes learning plummet. Although online games give us a moment of excitement and passion, a long time online will affect our physical health, which will lead to visual fatigue, irritability, excitement, irritability, etc. Long time online will also lead to chronic diseases, and Internet addiction, which can not extricate ourselves. Being in the virtual world for a long time, it is easy to be indifferent to real life, rely on the Internet excessively, and use our emotional anxiety, depression, etc.

Therefore, when we face the network, we must learn to use the network correctly, which will make us gain a lot. Since the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the Internet are great, why don't we make good use of the benefits of surfing the Internet and stay away from the dangers of surfing the Internet. Make the world a better place.

In a word, we strive to become the master of the network, make the network a powerful assistant in our life, help us understand the world, improve our knowledge, and become useful people to society. Only in this way can we contribute everything to the construction of our motherland!

Master Composition (17)

Indeed, time is life, life is time, and life is composed of countless bits of time. Throughout the ages, many scholars have expressed their views on time: Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry" expressed regret and anxiety about the passage of time, and how many celebrities advised us to cherish time. Leo Tolstoy said: "You can never return to the time when you put it away without using it most effectively." Lu Xun also said that "wasting others' time for no reason is like killing people for money".

I know that time is precious. However, when someone talks to me about how to cherish time, he will look blank. Some people think it should be learning, others think it should be dedication, and others think it should be struggle. I think everyone has different views, likes and is good at different things, and they use time in different ways. Those who are willing to learn spend their time studying hard, and those who are willing to contribute spend their time caring for society. I think they are all right, because they didn't waste their time, but spent their time on the things they focused on.

It is a great knowledge to allocate and use time reasonably. Only when time is allocated can time not pass in vain. It is not stupid to devote time to what you focus on.

I said to myself: "Work hard, be the master of time, cherish every minute and every second, do well what I love to do, and make life more perfect!"

Master Composition (18)

Lu Xun published more than 10 million words of novels, essays and essays in his life. Some people said that he was a genius, but Lu Xun himself said, "Where there is a genius, I just spend other people's time drinking coffee on work." It can be seen that his knowledge and achievements are obtained by cherishing time, working hard and studying hard. He collected and read thousands of books in his life. Lu Xun once said, "Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze it, there will always be some." This further shows that Lu Xun is good at squeezing time out of busyness and never misses bits and pieces of time. I tried to use Lu Xun's "crowding" method in playing the piano, memorizing words, practicing calligraphy, and so on. It really worked. Even if it was just a few minutes before school and after lunch, as long as I used it, I always benefited a lot.

In the years when I grew up, I realized that one of the gains from reading Lu Xun's books is that let us imperceptibly learn the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun, be the masters of time, develop the habit of racing against time from an early age, and persevere in making every job and task early, work hard for a lifetime, and become useful people in the future.