81 classic sad sentences in 2021
2023-01-29 14:11:54
Complete sentences

1. Where it exists, it blooms.

2. Sometimes, there is no way to go except to say goodbye.

3. Beautiful, in a moment, how can you say that you will be eternal.

4. I hate that you don't love me. If this is the end.

5. Hold her hand, you will not be my hero!

6. You haven't noticed all the time. What I care about most is you.

7. You are ashamed to cheat me. I am not ashamed to believe you.

8. Listen to other people's stories and yearn for those troubles.

9. If not met, will everything change.

10. When vulnerability becomes a wall, what can I use to resist it.

11. Don't worry about walking. I won't chase you. I'm really tired.

12. The last station is forgotten, this station is desolate, and the next station is confused.

13. Disconsolate is that I have something to say but don't know who to ask.

14. My forbearance, don't be your reason for pushing forward.

15. I'm not here. I'm afraid your heart will break and no one will wipe your tears.

16. I want to leave silently, as if I had never been here before.

17. Can't accept one person, because can't forget another person.

18. Time is a running book. Some things can't be recalled.

19. Some people, some things, from the beginning is doomed to the end.

20. We agreed to go to Baitou together. You can't go to bake oil secretly.

21. Youth, bright sadness, will not come back after passing.

22. After tasting the best feelings in the world, it's no pity to die later.

23. With the color of sadness, sadness haunts me, and sadness accompanies me.

24. Love is a pot of tea, which should be brewed with heart and tasted with time.

25. Now I understand that tears become cheap.

26. In his whole life, he will never see such beautiful frost flowers again.

27. God gave me the chance to live, but he didn't give me the meaning to live.

28. You think he only warmed you, but he warmed all the girls.

29. If you treat me well, I will naturally treat you well. It's that simple.

30. It's only because I'm not around you and can't share your every moment.

31. The past has become so bleak that how can I stay forever.

32. I know, I know, but I don't know what to use.

33. Time is like a stupid thief breaking the glass, leaving behind pieces that make people sad.

34. For every girl, there is a unique person in my heart.

35. A lot of lies will become a habit, just like a lot of people who love have no feelings.

36. He said that she was far away, but he came home covered with snow.

37. The left eye has never seen the right eye, but can always cry with it.

38. I hope you are always with me like a flower, and I wish I can laugh wildly from now on.

39. Our pain comes from love, but our happiness also comes from love.

40. See her holding your hand and putting your head on it, looking happy.

41. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

42. If only my fingerprint could open your heart, that would be great.

43. What is lost is lost. No matter how hard you try, you can't piece it together.

44. If I say I want to travel around the world, can I circle around you.

45. I am not greedy. I have only one small wish. You will always be in my life.

46. Only in the myth can the true love be beautiful.

47. Drink a glass of iced water and taste the light feeling, but find it is more bitter than coffee.

48. When you are longing for love, you will be afraid of meeting too many passers-by.

49. They value others too much and don't know that you are inferior to dogs in their hearts.

50. Time flies in a blur, and all people and things will become the past.

51. Love is heartache. You can like a lot of people, but only one is distressed.

52. Wandering in the dim light, I didn't meet the person who suddenly looked back.

53. I just want to find a partner who belongs to me, not one who depends on me.

54. I don't know what I feel about you, but I miss you every day without you.

55. The left head is flour and the right head is water. When you think about a problem, your head is full of paste.

56. Moments do not make people feel no pain, nor forget the pain, but make people get used to it.

57. It's good to break up. If you want to have sex with someone, you can have sex with them. You don't have to worry about anything.

58. Young but not childish, firm but not stubborn, sensitive but not sensitive, tolerant but not indulgent.

59. I am afraid that when I plan our future with joy, you are planning how to leave.

60. The most romantic thing is to go shopping with you, choose your life, and then carry the future home.

61. Listening to your love story, I can only pretend that nothing has happened, because I don't want to be seen through.

62. I learned how to drink liquor into my throat and never let anything slip, just like people who are used to my love don't love me.

63. I tried to give up perfectly. It's really practical. You left, I left, and you and I were separated.

64. It is not Columbus who will not discover the new world, but I believe we will find our own way.

65. Don't wait for me to learn badly before you say you love me; Don't wait for me to change before you say you like me.

66. Although I know that promises cannot be eternal, I still stubbornly want the two promises you gave me.

67. I cowered in fear. Everything around me seemed to swallow me up. The darkness was endless.

68. Wake up with tears. It's all about you in your dream. Go home quickly. Don't hide in my dream. I'm so sad.

69. I am the soft hearted person who has been tortured by you for many times and then coaxed into being good by your words and actions.

70. The most taboo in love is that both of them fantasize about each other's future, but always think about each other's past.

71. If something is broken, it is broken. I would rather remember what it looked like at its best than repair it.

72. The worst feeling in the world is that you can't fall in love with others because you still miss the person who hurt you.

73. I shed tears and irrigated the soft grass below. I don't know whether I will be able to open my memory and sorrow in the coming year.

74. The greatest shortcoming of a person is not selfishness, sentimentality, barbarism and capriciousness, but stubbornly loving a person who does not love himself.

75. For me, the most sad thing is to see so many heterosexual friends around you, but I can't let them go.

76. Do you understand that feeling? It's like a glass hit by a stone. Beautiful cracks are spreading, but it can never return to the original.

77. For women, water will always dry up, and for men, mountains will always be bare. Therefore, mountains and rivers can become a reincarnation.

78. Youth is a long journey and can't go back; Youth is a meeting, can not forget; Youth is a pain, too late.

79. End of predestination, end of predestination, end of predestination; Sad, sad, never rest; Missing, becoming ill, and separating forever; Eyes open, eyes closed, tears thin.

80. You don't know my existence when I disappear; I shed tears and you can't see my pain. I give up and you can't see my pay.

81. When I wake up in the morning and see you and the sun at the first sight, it is the future I hope. How I hope you can understand, even if I don't say.