Composition 400 I won't give up (4 popular ones)
A happy life
2023-08-02 06:55:49

Composition I won't give up 400 (1)

Everyone has dreams more or less, big or small, but what attitude does everyone have towards dreams?

My dream is to become a singer, an excellent singer who is qualified to stand on the stage of I Am a Singer. Maybe for many people, my dream cannot be realized, but I will stick to my dream and never give up!

I like music from the bottom of my heart. No, I love music from the bottom of my heart! Music will be my life's dependence. In the past ten years, music has always been a must, whether you are happy or frustrated.

On that day, I participated in the table tennis competition, entered the top eight, and stopped moving forward. That was the first time I realized how unwilling failure is! I cried and shed tears. After returning, I listened to music and sang in a crazy way, because only in this way can I erase my loss and reluctance.

That day, my essay won a prize in the city. Although it was only the third class, it was the first time that I won a prize in the city contest with my essay. How happy am I? When I got home, I threw down my schoolbag and listened to music and sang my favorite songs!

How many times have my parents only let me study and not let me touch music; How many times have I lost confidence because of my parents' behavior; How many times have I asked myself, is it OK?

There are so many times, I feel I can not persist, but I have to climb up again and again. Now, I can say to myself without hesitation: about the ideal, I will not choose to give up!

I won't give up composition 400 (2)

Three years of study in high school finally ended, and I also ushered in a long summer vacation.

Originally, I thought I could have a good time. However, the failure of the college entrance examination threw a basin of cold water on me, and let me once fall into despair. However, I know that I will not be defeated and I will not give up. So I walked out of the shadow and chose to repeat. Maybe someone will laugh at me, because I chose the way back. However, I know, I also know that I will not be bent on going to a second rate university. I must go to a famous university.

My father once told me that if you study in a good university, your knowledge will be much greater than that of other people, so you will also achieve greater success. I am convinced of this. Because I think it is worthwhile to stick to it for one year now than for a long time in the future. Moreover, I was younger than most students at my level. Therefore, I think that I should enter my ideal university, which is the most important and also my dream. Besides, my brother has walked on the campus of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and I also want to run on the grass of Luojia Mountain.

The road of life is long, but it is also short, which is the same for everyone, but the difference is that we have written a different chapter on this road. I will not give up.

I won't give up composition 400 (3)

There are many things in life that need to be persisted, but there are also many people who give up persistence because of failure. Because I have experienced one thing, I will no longer give up persistence for failure.

It was the summer vacation of the third grade. During the dance class, the teacher asked us to line up and roll back one by one. Seeing that there were few people in front, I felt like I was dragging a rabbit and jumping all the time. When it was my turn, because I had not looked carefully just now, I could not turn it over. After I had turned it over twice, the teacher demonstrated it to me and said to me, "Kexin, if you go home and practice hard, you will succeed. You can't give up because of failure!".

When I got home, I began to practice. I took the mat and put it on the floor, picked up my mobile phone, opened the video of the teacher's demonstration, and watched the video to practice. For an hour, I felt sore back. But I thought of the teacher's words, and continued to practice. After another hour, I still failed. I was a little unsure. When I wanted to give up, my mother came up to me and said, "You should stick to everything, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can't give up." I nodded and continued to practice.

Another hour later, I finally rolled over, and I succeeded! A feeling of joy came to my heart, and my mother gave me a approving look. After this incident, I learned a truth, no matter what you do, you should stick to it, so you are the best! Since then, I will never give up persistence for failure.

I won't give up composition 400 (4)

I will not give up my composition [1]

"Perseverance, gold and stone can be carved." Tell us to stick to whatever we do and not give up. Only by persevering can we succeed. Since that summer, I have not given up.

Summer is the hottest season for swimming. At home, I fan the fan and blow the air conditioner. I can't get rid of the hot and dry troubles. On a whim, my father said, "Let's go swimming, son. Today we will swim a thousand meters." I readily agreed, but my heart kept thinking: Wow! One thousand meters, what a strong force of persistence it must have.

We came to the swimming pool, wow! The water in the pool is so cool. Dad swam up before I was ready. I thought to myself: Wait and see me surpass you. I immediately swum up with my legs on the wall of the pool. When I swam 200 meters, I was a little overwhelmed. At this time, my father suddenly shouted to me, "Come on, son! I believe you can swim to the other side of the victory." This sentence gave me great encouragement. I gritted my teeth and insisted. After countless times of kicking, skimming, and paddling, I swam over 500 meters, and then my whole body was exhausted to the limit, My heart began to retreat. Suddenly, the figure of Olympic champion Sun Yang flashed into my mind. His fighting spirit of chopping waves in the swimming pool infected me. I thought: I am also a man, and I can't give up. I can reach the other side of the victory by sticking to it. I put my head out of the water, took a deep breath, and suddenly my limbs were full of strength, moving towards the light of victory.

Before I knew it, I had already swam 800 meters, and the point of physical fatigue was over. I swam more and more easily, just like a small fish swimming leisurely in the water. Finally, I swam over a kilometer, so excited that my heart rose from the bottom of my heart. I beat the water with my arms joyfully, and the splashing water looked especially dazzling in the sun. The sun seemed not so dazzling at this time. I said proudly to my father, "Dad, please give your son a thumbs up."

Do not abandon, do not give up, adhere to victory. Since then, I'm not giving up.

I will not give up my composition [2]

He had two tragic accidents in his life.

One was a plane accident when he was 46 years old, which burned 65% of his skin. On the other hand, four years later, the plane he was flying suddenly fell back to the runway when taking off, crushing all his 12 spines and paralyzing all below the waist.

But he didn't take these disasters as a reason for his depression. He said: "Before I was paralyzed, I could do 10000 things. Now I can only do 9000 things. I can also focus on 9000 things I can do. I have suffered two major setbacks in my life, so I can only choose not to use setbacks as an excuse for giving up my efforts.

This is a description of a strong man in an article entitled "Life has no excuses to give up", and the strong man in life is Mitchell. Because he never gave up his efforts, he eventually became a millionaire, public speaker, entrepreneur, and also won a place in the political arena.

When I saw that Mitchell was able to "stand up" and face difficulties bravely after such great difficulties, I couldn't help thinking of myself. Sometimes when I met a little setback, I might be beaten down. Compared with Mitchell, I was really ashamed and shy.

I think we should be happy to meet the challenges in the future. When encountering difficulties and failures, we should never lose confidence in life. We should bravely eliminate the distractions in our hearts, and not give ourselves any excuse to give up. We should bravely rise up to meet various challenges, establish the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and perseverance, and be a climber who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers and dare to win. I will never give up.

I will not give up my composition [3]

After two days of hard work, I learned through hard work that we should persevere in everything and never give up easily.

Song Zikang and I were assigned the task of cleaning the ladder classroom. He and I were very tired with mops. There are some stains that need to be dragged, but they can't be cleaned. After a while, I was tired immediately. I sat down to have a rest. When the teacher came, I pretended to drag it for a few times. As soon as I left, I sat down. So they still haven't cleaned up for a long time. After the break, we started to wipe the air conditioner. The style grille can be said to be extremely dirty. It's hard to imagine how long it hasn't been cleaned. I took a white rag to wipe the air conditioner and it became black. Alas, I didn't expect that labor would be so tiring, so I began to feel like giving up. Until the teacher gave me a game to make me regain confidence. This game is very simple, but it is also difficult. The rule of the game is that if you make a mistake, you should bow to your classmates and say: Sorry, I made a mistake. I made a mistake while playing the game, but I wanted to get by, but unfortunately I was caught. Only then did I know that no matter what you do, you should have the courage to take responsibility for mistakes.

The next day, I was busy again. After my first work yesterday, I had some experience and preparation. I chose two light mops in particular. After we finished sweeping the floor, we began to mop it again. After mopping, we had to wash the mop, and we had to clean the blackboard and the platform. A sense of fatigue hit me. I felt very tired, my head was heavy, uncomfortable, and I wanted to vomit. But I insisted because the teacher told me, perseverance prevails. Song Zikang and I finally cleaned the whole classroom. Looking at the clean classroom, a burst of pride arises spontaneously.

In this labor, I learned that no matter what you do, you should persevere, have a sense of responsibility, and have the courage to take mistakes.

I will not give up my composition [4]

Final exam questions, request to add "I no longer -“

When I was young, I gave up countless times because of a small setback, and cried because the homework assigned by the teacher did not meet the standard, the exam did not achieve the expected effect, and I could not pronounce a word well. But those are all in the past. Since that day, I have stopped doing so - "I don't read! "I threw the book aside angrily and cried sadly. At that time, I often lost my temper over a bad spelling and ran away from the book. But my mother always gently told me not to give up. After I was calm, she picked up the book and put it in my hands. That day, the book was accidentally turned to the chapter of" Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountain ", and I read it with interest.

After reading this story, I was shocked by Yugong's personality power! He dug two mountains in order to reach the other side of the mountain! Since even Yugong didn't give up digging the mountain, why should I give up easily?

Since then, I have never given up anything. Even if I encounter problems that I can't do and books that I can't read, I will wipe away my tears and continue to write and read... instead of immersing myself in the past, instead of making progress and giving up constantly. It is to see the world from a new perspective and enrich my world. Now I no longer cry, no longer give up, and no longer linger in place

I will not give up my composition [5]

Have you ever seen such an experiment? Put a white mouse into a vessel filled with water. It will struggle desperately for survival for about eight minutes. Then put another white mouse into the same vessel. After they struggle for five minutes, put a springboard that can make them climb out and let them live. A few days later, put the two surviving mice into the same container and they could last for 24 minutes! Three times as long as the average time. This sudden change is due to the fact that the mice with escape experience have a survival force, because they believe that at a certain moment there will be a springboard to rescue them, which enables them to persist for a longer time.

I think many people have also had such an experience: when taking an exam, there were a few questions that they could not do, and the score was very high, but they were very worried when the class was almost over, and some people would think that they could not do it anyway, and they would fall empty. But this idea is totally wrong. We will calm down after reading this story. We should have this idea: "Isn't the class over yet? There is still a chance, never give up until the last moment! "Yes, in a critical moment, we should not panic or mess up. We should keep a good attitude. We should know that a person, even if he has nothing, as long as he has hope, he can have everything. A positive attitude is to ignite the eternal fire of hope. I remember once in a math exam, I could not write some word problems, but after repeated thinking, I finally understood the meaning of the question and wrote the correct answer.

Therefore, we must not give up until the last moment, even if there is only a glimmer of hope!

I will not give up my composition [6]

As usual, we ran to the stormy playground to play basketball every day after school, and didn't carry our bags home until nearly six o'clock, as if we had been used to it.

Today, we spent the same way. On the way home, we talked about Xu Zepeng and said that I was too bad at playing basketball. I had violated all the rules that cannot be broken, such as double straps, walking, jumping, and thugs. I grabbed the ball, jogged and patted the ball like a professional basketball player. In fact, I could not hit five or six times, and the ball fell off immediately, It makes people have a strange and powerful 'illusion'.

you 're right! I admit that my basketball playing skills are like immature apples - not red! But at least I have made some progress! You also mentioned that I shoot much more accurately than before, but can't playing basketball every day make progress? Your sentence, "Even if you practice for a hundred years, you are a piece of garbage." is also too absolute. At least I will not commit double belt walking and jumping thugs. I must also learn some skills, right? Even if I am a garbage after 100 years, I will continue to practice until 200 years, 300 years, 400 years and 500 years. I will never give up. Although I have a little fantasy, I will not always be a garbage!

I will never give up! Until forever, I will never give up even if I am tired again!