When I Face Difficulties (Practical 16)
Everything goes hand in hand
2023-12-14 02:51:35
Grade 6

When I face difficulties (1)

It was a hot summer afternoon. The sun was scorching the earth, as if to scorch the whole world. More intense and exciting scenes are also testing people's hearts. A large group of us looked at the rickety suspension bridge in front of us. Under the scorching sun, everyone's clothes were soaked with sweat. My cousin and three family members also participated in the activity of "crossing the 20 meter suspension bridge". There is a large thick mat 5 meters below the suspension bridge to prevent someone from falling down. Everyone is nervous and excited, and they want to test their courage. I stared nervously at the suspension bridge, which flickered.

It's my turn soon. I clenched my hands and felt a stream of hot, humid and warm liquid dripping from my fingertips, and my back was soaked. "This is not a joke! Alas, will a person be reincarnated after death?" This idea kept flooding into my mind. "Next", the thunderous voice of the staff is frightening. I swallowed my saliva and moved carefully to the suspension bridge, my legs trembling uncontrollably. Finally, I stepped on the suspension bridge. The small iron chain made a sound of "creaking", and the suspension bridge kept shaking. I held my breath and slowly moved forward. The suspension bridge was shaking more and more. I could hardly stand. I felt a huge force was about to crush me. I stopped for a while to calm myself down. At the moment when I bowed my head, my worries and fears expanded in my heart. My lower teeth clenched my upper lip. Tears played in my eyes. Two crystal tears were about to roll down from my eyes. I didn't dare to move forward and wanted to give up. "Go brother, go brother", the cry of younger brothers and sisters sounded in my ears. "Yes, I can't give up. I'm an elder brother, and I should have the exemplary role of my elder brother. If I want to succeed, I will succeed, I will!" I took a deep breath, slowly stabilized myself, and began to move forward. I changed my strategy and moved in the order of five steps and a pause. There are still a dozen steps to go before I reach the end. I can feel that all people are watching me nervously. I can hear my heartbeat, which is strong and powerful. "Five, four, three..." In the cheers of everyone, I finally took the last step. I gasped with relief. My younger brothers and sisters jumped and rushed to embrace me, admiring me. Ignoring my trembling legs and sweaty face. I squeezed out a smile, not forgetting Mei: "Brother is very powerful......"

In fact, everyone has weaknesses and will encounter setbacks, but people's spiritual strength is unlimited. As long as they are full of confidence, strong will and belief, and well prepared, they will certainly overcome all difficulties and setbacks.

When I Face Difficulties (2)

When I was young, I was very naughty and troublesome. On my father and mother's face, there are big helplessness almost every day.

It was summer and the sun was scorching. I caught a cold and watched my parents take out iced watermelons from the refrigerator and eat them in front of me every day. Watermelon juice is iced and sweet, which makes my mouth water. I don't believe it. If they don't give me food, I will make trouble in front of them. They are still indifferent.

I'm only half the height of the refrigerator, but the watermelon is on the upper floor. What should I do? What should I do? I panicked and kept turning around like a lost insect. "No! I must eat watermelon!" I said to myself firmly. Looking around, my eyes focused on the small stool, and I was overjoyed. As if I saw a baby, I ran towards the stool. The stool was heavy, and it was very difficult to move. I was tired and sweated all over my body, and sweat ran down my face. He tried his best to lift the stool. A few steps later, he fell into a "dog eating mud". I patted my body with my small hand and then picked up the stool. After experiencing the hardships of taking the stool, I finally moved it to the refrigerator. I stood precariously on the stool and tried to open the refrigerator door. Unexpectedly, I was too weak to open it. I don't believe it. I am unconvinced. I put my hands on the door and tried my best to keep the refrigerator door still. I still feel sorry for watermelon. I keep pulling the door, thinking of delicious watermelon in my head. I don't know where the power comes from. I finally opened the refrigerator door! I was ecstatic and immediately took out a small slice of watermelon, sat on the stool and ate it with relish. The refrigerator is open, like watching me eat watermelon. I feel happy in my heart. After eating the watermelon, put the rind into the refrigerator, took out another slice, and continued to chew.

Until mother came.

When I Face Difficulties (3)

We always encounter difficulties in life. When I face difficulties, I will say to myself: "Jiang Fengyao, you can't give up." The old saying is good: "Wild fire can't burn out, and spring wind blows again." After the test of winter and wild fire, grass is still green in spring. When I face difficulties, I will not cry, because tears can not solve the problem.

I remember that once again I had an exam, and the students were well prepared, and I was no exception. When I got the exam coupon, I quickly finished the previous question, thinking while doing, today's question is very easy! But the good times didn't last long. When I was doing the word problems, I was baffled. I racked my brains and didn't come up with the final answer. I was so worried that I was sweating. I thought I would fail the exam this time. When I was depressed, I suddenly remembered the saying that failure is the mother of success. I could not be anxious or discouraged in the face of difficulties. Now I should calm down and think slowly. After hard work, I finally cleared my mind and solved the problem.

Through this event, I know that as long as I keep forging ahead and don't lose heart, I will find a solution to the problem and finally overcome the difficulties.

When I Face Difficulties (4)

That day, I went to the park with my friends in a good mood.

"Are you ready to go?" my friend asked me. I pushed my brand-new bicycle out of the house. "Wow, this bike is so beautiful!" the friend exclaimed. "This is a birthday gift from my father," I said proudly. My friends and I set off by bike.

When we got to the park, we saw a man drawing roses. I exclaimed, "Wow, this rose is very beautiful. You should be an art teacher." The person drawing the rose replied, "I'm not an art teacher."

I looked up at the sky and looked at the roses in the painting, and my mood became better. I took out a kite from my bike and was about to fly it when I saw clouds moving in the sky. The man was still drawing roses, so he said to him, "Go quickly, it's going to rain heavily, and it's not good if the roses are wet by the rain." He nodded.

I got on my bike and rode away with my friends. When I was halfway there, my bike couldn't be ridden, so I asked my friends to go home first and let my father come over. A world full of rain. Big raindrops poured down, and my whole body was wet. I saw the man who painted the roses also ran to me. He saw me and asked, "Why don't you go? It's raining so hard." I replied, "Uncle, my bike is broken." He put down the painting, looked at my bike again, and said, "It's the chain that fell off. I'll repair it for you." He repaired it for a while, and then the bike was repaired. I got on my bike and said to my uncle, "Thank you. Please go quickly. It's not good for such a beautiful rose painting to get wet." He started running again.

The uncle who painted roses helped me solve this problem, and his roses were planted in my heart from then on.

When I Face Difficulties (5)

In the process of growth, there are both happiness and trouble; There are joys and sorrows; There are successes and failures. On the road of growth, sometimes the road is straight and flat, sometimes it is winding and bumpy. There must be difficulties before success and joy after success in life. So, how do we face difficulties?

When facing difficulties, we should first calm down and calm down to analyze the degree of difficulties, so as to strive for success. Secondly, we should not be discouraged or give up after encountering difficulties. We should have the confidence to overcome difficulties. Difficulties are like an unbreakable wall in front of you, while confidence is like the power to break through the wall. We should turn difficulties into self-confidence. Only with confidence can we overcome any difficulties.

When facing difficulties, we should not escape calmly, but face them bravely. Just like Robinson in Robinson Crusoe, he was alone on a desert island, but he did not choose to bow to difficulties, but launched a challenge to difficulties. He adjusted his mind and decided to survive tenaciously. He tried every means to find useful things from the boat, built his own house on the island, hunted, raised livestock, improved his life, and decided to live alone on the island all his life. How much courage it takes! If another person is in such a desperate situation, he may not want to live, because he will think that a person will die on the island sooner or later, and it is better to kill himself than starve, die of disease or die of old age. How much Robinson cherishes life and loves life! We should learn from Robinson's spirit of fearing difficulties, forging ahead bravely, daring to challenge in the face of difficulties and striving hard.

In the future, when I face difficulties again, I will take advantage of analysis and calm thinking, and also cultivate my self-confidence and courage to face difficulties correctly and strive for success!

When I Face Difficulties (6)

Everyone has different views on difficulties. In my opinion, difficulties are an indispensable part of life. A life without difficulties is incomplete and incomplete.

Since the third day of junior middle school, my study has been getting worse and deeper. I found that what I faced was no longer the simple calculation of the first day of junior middle school or the second day of junior middle school, but more difficult problems.

Among all the difficulties, the one that troubled me the longest is also the one that I remember most deeply. It is not the quadratic function in mathematics. I remember that one exam, one parabola after another, like countless tentacles, imprisoned my thinking. Facing them, I had no choice but to take the math exam "all the way through".

In that exam, I only got 79 points. The bright red score pierced my heart like an invisible blade. Looking at the good results of the students next to me, I made up my mind: we must conquer the quadratic function!

From then on, I dived into the sea of questions to find the golden key for customs clearance. The rising sun is my bright voice; When the sun is burning, I work hard; The setting sun is my pen. One by one, I was confronted with difficult problems, and I overcame them one by one with unremitting persistence and tenacious fighting spirit.

Finally, I have mastered various solutions of quadratic function, and auxiliary line method. At this time, quadratic functions, like beautiful curves, lead me forward. Later, the teacher took an examination of the quadratic function again, and I never lost my confusion and irritability last time. Instead, I was relaxed and happy. I quickly completed the test paper with firm confidence. Announce the results, I got the first full score of my quadratic function!

I didn't flinch in the face of difficulties, I overcame it! Every difficulty, whether insignificant or earth shaking, if we firmly believe, persevere and believe in ourselves, success will not be late.

In the face of difficulties, there is no choice. Only by persevering can we reach the other side of victory!

When I Face Difficulties (7)

I began to learn the guitar when I was very young. At the beginning, I thought the guitar was quite simple. But after more than a year of learning it, I found it more and more difficult and learned more and more complex music. When I first began to learn guitar, I mistakenly thought that guitar was very simple, because everything I learned in each lesson could be absorbed in time, and it was not as difficult as others said. Then, I began to be a little proud, and slowly began not to listen carefully in class until the teacher brought me a song. The other day, he said to me at the beginning of the guitar class: "We need to learn something elementary in this class, which is no longer what you learned before. The class is good, or it will be a little difficult? A little listening is enough. At the beginning of the class, the teacher took out a piece of music score and said a lot to me. Then I replied, "Hmm, ah, oh". Later, he gave me a demonstration. At first, I thought it was quite complicated, but I thought: Although it sounds complicated, I should also know it. Later, I tried again and found that I could not! At the beginning, I refused to ask the teacher. I practiced that song at home. Although my hands have worn out cocoons for a long time, my fingers still hurt a little. When I practiced, my fingers were all scratched by the strings with a deep impression, but I still couldn't find out the arrangement of fingering. This is the first time I met Kan on the guitar. Later, I went to the Internet to check the playing skills of this piece of music. I found them, but they were all professional terms. I couldn't understand them and ended up failing. Finally, I couldn't help asking the guitar teacher. Later, he told me again. I listened carefully, and after I understood the general meaning, I could play it, but I was not familiar with it. Later, I practiced crazily, and finally I could play the tune. Although I look back at the music and find it simple, it is still the most difficult music I have ever encountered in learning guitar in my heart. When we face difficulties, we must not be obstinate and self righteous, but humbly seek advice. Although I haven't met any difficulties on the guitar since then, there are still some difficulties waiting for me on the road of life, but I'm not afraid. In this event, I have learned to face difficulties.

When I Face Difficulties (8)

When I face 300 (1)

When I face the test paper

In the first grade of primary school, I got the third place in the class in an exam. I was so happy that I was so excited with that test paper. Seeing Fang Wanji, the first winner, in high spirits, I couldn't help thinking: Isn't that 95 points? I'm only 4 points less than you, hum! With my clever brain, I will surpass you next time.

In the following days, I was intoxicated with the joy of the third place. But I didn't study very hard. So in the next unit exam, I failed to surpass him as I thought. Look at the red "86" on the paper. My heart is as sad as being stabbed. I can only regret to blame myself when I see the secretly happy man next to me, Mr. Fang Wanji, who I want to catch up with. I hate that I didn't work hard to realize my plan of catching up.

The failure in this exam is undoubtedly a great blow to me. I dare not take it lightly anymore. I studied hard and learned how to find and solve problems. Finally, the emperor's heart won't let the painstaking effort go. In the third unit of the exam, I exceeded my opponent Fang Wanji by 5 points. Looking at this paper, I was excited and excited. Not only because this is the first time I have surpassed him, but also because I understand that only through hard work can I achieve excellent results.

When I face 300 (2)

When I failed in the exam In the face of the glaring "83" score, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty poured into my heart. I carried a heavy schoolbag and walked forward with difficulty. The birds on the tree chirped, as if laughing at me: "Look! The chief squad leader scored so much in the exam. It's really hard to be kind." The people riding or walking on the street also seemed to stare at me with calm faces, as if asking me: "Are you a good student?" In desperation, I had to walk in that remote alley. At this time, a poodle saw me coming and barked loudly, As if to say, "Go, you are not welcome here!" I had to stick to the wall and go forward with a red face. "The weather is unpredictable, and people have unexpected things." God also seemed to be against me. It began to drizzle, and it usually took only five minutes to walk 300 meters. Now I seem to have walked for a year. I walked to the fifth floor weakly, but I never dared to knock. I stood at the door blankly. My parents usually loved me so much, and often cooked delicious food in the busy, Buy me good books and many beautiful clothes, and sometimes work with me to overcome difficulties. But now, alas! I seem to see my mother's sad scene when she saw the results, as if she saw tears falling on her face, as if she saw her disappointed back... I think my mother must regret giving birth to my daughter! Alas, who told me to fail? Those questions that I should have answered correctly were wrong because of my carelessness. This is a painful lesson. "Yes, I should remember this lesson. The sun always comes after the wind and rain. How can you see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain! I will certainly satisfy my parents." I made a decision secretly. After a while, I raised my hand and head, Knock on the door firmly: "Dong! Dong! Dong......"

When I face 300 (3)

When I face success

Success has always been the pursuit of countless heroes at all times and in all over the world. Some people respond calmly, while others are arrogant and arrogant. Success is the ladder of progress, may also be a stumbling block.

Seeing the coming of the final exam, the wind of diligence swept through. I am not willing to fall behind and prepare for the exam actively. Maybe it was God's blessing that I played beyond my ability and won the crown. As soon as I got the news, I got excited and lost myself. The holiday passed in a hurry, and we started a new study. And I, still immersed in the good grades of last semester, began to relax. Looking at the simple calculation problems on the blackboard, I felt boring; Seeing the easy reading questions on the test paper, I felt childish and ridiculous; Seeing beautiful red hooks, I was proud and complacent.

Verification is coming - the Chinese exam is coming, I am full of joy, and the time to show my strength is coming again. Full of confidence, I only turned over the book five minutes before the exam and should take the exam. Despite the difficulties and obstacles, I am still confident. On the day when the results were issued, I stared at a red fork on the test paper. I was dumbfounded and at a loss. Impossible, all this is false. Maybe it's carelessness and bad luck. It will be better next time. I applied for the exam of getting into the strong field of fluke psychology - mathematics test.

This time I still didn't concentrate on my review. Test papers were scattered all over the silent classroom. I breathed deeply, prayed, took up my pen and began to answer. I don't know why, I think this test is more difficult than usual. Fortunately, I met a repeated question I had done before. I picked up my pen and answered it without hesitation. In the middle of the process, the brain is like a infarct, without thinking. I have done it and commented on it. How can I not? Is it careless when doing? Did you not pay attention when commenting? A sense of remorse sprang up in my heart.

Not surprisingly, the performance dropped like a roller coaster. Looking at the two pieces of arrogant verification, I cried bitterly. This is what God told me: pride makes people lag behind!

Success now does not mean success in the future. One failure does not mean eternal success.

With modesty and hard work, let's welcome tomorrow's success together.

When faced with failure

When faced with failure, my mother always told me to face failure bravely. Maybe you can only understand it after repeated failures. Maybe I am the one who has experienced many failures. When I bravely faced this failure again and again. Edison, everyone should know! He invented the electric light but wanted to give up because of repeated failures. He actually stuck to it. Shouldn't we learn from him? Learn from his spirit of never giving up. I will stick to this belief, because it is the magic weapon of success. Is the hope of victory. But in the face of all kinds of difficulties, I still failed.

That was the year when I was in Grade 3, I was still learning electronic piano, but a child I went with learned every time, and I couldn't learn anything. When I saw that other children had gone out to play, I was still practicing. This was a teacher who came over and I thought happily that he was teaching me, but I was wrong. He walked up to him and said, "Why can't you learn? You see that the kid you came with will learn as soon as he learns. Pig head!" Then I cried. The teacher taught me that I still didn't learn, so she just scolded me. I silently hold back my tears. I should go to school again. But I can't live or die, because the teacher's words have deeply hurt my heart. My mother asked me what was wrong, but I was silent. In the future, I always failed in every exam because I always thought that I would fail if I was so stupid. And I don't work hard. I always think I'm a pig. Until one day, I got 70 points in the exam, and my maple tree kept falling, Mom

It must have something to do with the piano learning. My mother asked me what happened to my piano lessons. I had to tell him everything. My mother heard this and said to me, "My child, you should face failure bravely

When I face setbacks

Since preschool, I have never been criticized, punished or even insulted. However, when I was in the fifth grade, my teacher made me suffer a setback because

At that time, I was doing my homework. Lai Yunmei and Liang Yanfen didn't know why. Touching my face hard, I was so angry that I chased them for several minutes in the classroom. unexpected. Liu Jumei told the teacher. The teacher told me in front of the whole class right next to me. My heart seems to want to kill Liu Jumei. Then, I don't know why? Feeling so aggrieved, tears burst out. After class, I thought: It's not my fault, why does the teacher say I am? I'm right, the teacher has no reason to say I am. After a day or two, I seemed to be fighting with the teacher, not listening to her class, and not paying attention to her homework. In fact, I also know that this is not good for me. Maybe I have too strong self-esteem!

Until the sixth grade, the math teacher asked me in class; "Lan Jinhao, if the teacher scolds you, what will happen to you?" I felt very strange, which reminded me of that. I said, "I will fight with him and refuse to listen to his class." After listening to this, the teacher felt very strange, so he told me: "The teacher sometimes misunderstands some students. However, the teacher criticizes you and hopes you can learn well." After listening to the teacher, I no longer hate the teacher and the classmate.

When I faced setbacks, I made a wrong choice. Now I don't do such stupid things anymore. Thank you, teacher. It's you who corrected my life. I will repay you when I grow up.

When I face setbacks

What is frustration? Dependent people say: frustration is an unattainable mountain; The coward said: frustration is the darkness that can't jump; And I want to say: frustration is a stimulant for you; Frustration is a magic weapon that can stimulate your potential. At the age of eight, I began to learn to ride a bike. I was very happy, but the fact soon depressed me. After my father pushed the bike out, I just got on it and fell to the ground before I could pedal it. I was unwilling to sit down again. Just as I was about to kick, my feet were entangled. You know the consequences without telling me. I decided to try again for the last time. I sat on the seat and pedaled carefully, "One, two, three,? S!" Just as I was proud, I accidentally hit the brick, and a "upside down" came, inviting Mr. Nose Bleeding out. When I got the medicine at the clinic, my father asked me: "Do you still practice?" "No more practice!" I sobbed. "If you don't practice, it means you are defeated by setbacks!" Dad's face became serious. I reflected for a while and got on the bus again. "One, two, three, four..." I succeeded. I pedaled 12 times and learned to brake. I couldn't help jumping up happily!

Through this experience, I understand that frustration is not necessarily a bad thing. It can temper our will to be stronger and let us grow bravely.

When I face the applause

Applause is an encouragement, a support and a force. But the applause is hard won. It is the result of people's hard work. Of course, everyone has to face the applause, so do I. What kind of story is behind my applause?

On Children's Day of June 1 last year, our school was going to hold an artistic performance. I was worried. What kind of performance would be good? Tibetan dance! Speaking of Tibetan dance, it's a long story. I remember last November, a new teacher came to the dance class - Mr. Xiong. The teacher said in his first class that he would teach everyone a folk dance. what? National dance is very difficult. At first, we wriggled our bodies, but we couldn't jump well. We felt like monsters, and our bodies were painful and sour. But we were still not discouraged. We persisted in learning hard. After a few months, we could finally jump out through hard work, and I was excited to jump at the moment of learning.

As soon as I did, I began to dance Tibetan dance again. The beautiful posture, cheerful pace, and passionate music filled me with vitality. Every day I danced with sweat. I worked hard in rehearsal and finally was selected. On the day of the competition, I wore a colorful, beautiful Tibetan robe, and danced with the moving rhythm of the music to all the teachers and students on the stage. Finally, I finished the performance with a Tibetan thank-you ceremony and won a burst of fierce applause.

It was the applause that gave me confidence to move forward. When I faced the applause, I felt that my hard rehearsal was not in vain. I really realized the achievements of three minutes on the stage and ten years off the stage. Let me use the power given by the applause to move forward and refuel! After the little puppet got the help of the little witch, the little witch said seriously: "Little puppet, you must use the expression I gave you to get rid of some bad people as much as possible, understand?"

Continue to write puppets

The puppet nodded and felt very happy. Along the way, the sun was brighter and the song of the birds was more beautiful. Everything was so beautiful. He scampered to his house to tell the old carpenter about it and to be happy with him. The little puppet was thinking happily, when suddenly a black shadow appeared in the middle. After a closer look, it turned out to be a little black fox! It turned out that the cunning little red fox told his companion about it. As a result, the whole fox family knew about it and said it was a cheap thing to take. So they came one by one. The little black fox is not as "polite" as the little red fox. He rushes up directly, grabs the puppet's hat, and runs away at a speed of 100 meters. This time, the puppet didn't stop, and ran to seize the hand of the little black fox and argued with him. While they were arguing, Judge Tiger suddenly appeared. "What are you arguing about?" "Mr. Judge, he robbed me of my hat!" "That's definitely mine!" The puppet said and began to cry loudly. The judge looked at the puppet's grievance and anger. According to his years of experience,

When I Face Difficulties (9)

There will be difficulties, setbacks and pressures in our study and life. We can't shrink from them. We must face them bravely to succeed.

When I was in the first grade, I was deeply impressed by an endorsement. Once after school in the evening, the teacher assigned an assignment of endorsement. I was very unhappy after listening to it, because I hated endorsement the most. When I got home, I finished my other homework first, and then I slowly began to endorse. But half an hour later, I was still not familiar with it. I was so anxious that I wanted to get angry. I decided not to do it. I put my Chinese book into my bag, and I was ready to lie down and sleep. Just then my mother came. She knew me well, and she knew what was going on when she saw my face. My mother said to me gently: Good boy, you should be patient in endorsing. As long as you calm down and read it several times, you will be able to recite it. " Accompanied by my mother, I read it carefully over and over again. The more I read it, the more familiar I became. Soon I could recite it in sections. About ten minutes later, the whole text can be recited. I was very happy. I smiled and said to my mother, "Thank you for your encouragement.". My mother patted my head and said, "My son is wonderful.".

From this time, I overcame the difficulties and found a way to endorse: that is to be patient with endorsements, read carefully and attentively, and be sure to recite them. Since then, I have never been afraid of endorsement, and my Chinese achievements have also improved a lot. Students, we should dare to challenge difficulties and march forward bravely, so as to be invincible.

When I Face Difficulties (10)

Once, I remember when I learned to dance, I was always unfamiliar with the waist combination.

As soon as I heard the word "waist", my heart began to beat the drum, because the waist combination was too difficult for me. The teacher began to teach us to lower the waist, then to lower the waist, and then to turn the waist, and finally to control the waist, and so on... I couldn't even keep up with the rhythm of the turning, even I couldn't remember the movements, let alone do it again.

When the teacher asked us to practice again, I fell down when it was time to lower down and get up. I got up. After turning my waist, I felt dizzy and dizzy. I couldn't remember what it was.

During the break, I asked the teacher for advice on what I didn't know and what I didn't understand. After listening, the teacher patiently explained to me what I didn't know and what I didn't understand.

After school, I returned home and practiced again and again with concentration. Until now, I have been practicing like this. Today, I am the best dancer. When I face difficulties, I will think of a sentence I read in the extracurricular book, "Ten minutes on the stage, ten years off the stage."

When I Face Difficulties (11)

Difficulties are not terrible. As long as we have confidence and firm belief, no matter how high the mountain is, no matter how hard the stone is, I will work hard to overcome them.

Last semester, my Chinese score was very unsatisfactory, 89.5 points each time; It makes me very depressed. Later, my mother encouraged me and comforted me. In the second half of the semester, I studied hard. I started a new challenge. Every night, I reviewed, did homework, read Chinese books, and prepared. I gradually became fond of learning.

My Chinese scores began to rise slowly, but one time I did not play well in the exam, and my scores returned to the original point. I was very sad, tears could not help flowing down. My mother saw me and encouraged me to stick it out again. She gave me a sentence, "Believe in yourself, I can do it, I can do it." This sentence impressed me. I carefully reviewed day after day, and finally came to the final exam. I started the exam with confidence, and I carefully checked every question. Later, the teacher announced the score and said, "Yang Bingchong scored 98.5." I jumped three feet high excitedly and said happily, "That's great!"

Difficulties are not terrible, as long as you have a positive attitude, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of hard work to face bravely, to overcome.

When I Face Difficulties (12)

Life is like a vast ocean. Only when encountering hidden rocks can beautiful waves be aroused; Life is like a sculpture, which can be pleasing to the eye only after being tempered; Life is like a book. Only by constantly revising and improving it can the world remember it.

Napoleon once said: "The most difficult time is not far from success." Indeed, we cannot give up the beauty of a flower just because it has thorns. Only by courageously galloping on the thorns of difficulties and enduring unbearable pain, can we see the most beautiful scenery. We should not shrink from difficulties and fear them. If we do, difficulties will haunt you and become more rampant, which means that we have no chance of success. We can only be plain and mediocre. Difficulties are always unprepared. Sometimes, although we can't overcome them even though we try our best, we can't be depressed because of one failure. We should believe that the more we hone, the more beautiful the scenery will be. When Zhang Haidi was five years old, he suffered from spinal cord hemangioma and high paraplegia. As a result, she never went to school. Since childhood, she began to learn knowledge by herself with indomitable perseverance. She taught herself professional courses in primary school, middle school and university successively. He is the pride of a generation of Chinese youth and an outstanding representative of the disabled in China.

Don't flinch and fear when encountering difficulties. Maybe it is the turning point you hit. Face it bravely and defeat it!

When I Face Difficulties (13)

"Grandma, what's the difficulty?"

"Difficulties are stumbling blocks in life."

"What does the difficulty look like?"

"My child, that's not necessarily true. Difficulties are changeable."

"Is the difficulty terrible?"

"No, as long as you face the difficulties, children, they are not terrible." I nodded vaguely, a pair of big eyes endless speculation.

Dancing is my favorite. When I show it to everyone with beautiful dancing, who will know how much I have paid? At the age of 7, when I put my little leg on the stick several times higher than me, I tried hard to suppress the pain and wipe away the tears. My heart could not help shaking. Do you want to shrink back?

At the age of 9, when I was holding my hands on the ground to do the extremely difficult forward tilt, I fell down again and again. Looking at my bruised legs, my heart could not help shaking. Do you want to shrink back?

At the age of 11, I put my legs on both sides of my face and counted with tears: "1, 2, 3..." Because my legs can only be put down when I count to 30. Rubbing the numb leg, my heart trembled for a while. Do you want to shrink back?

At the age of 13 this year, my basic skills have reached a certain level, but I am practicing boring movements again and again, shaking my sore hands, and my heart can't help shaking. Do you want to shrink back?

"As long as you face it, difficulties are not terrible." Grandma's words echoed in my ears again and again. No, I will not shrink, I will face them. I succeeded! Looking back at the road he has traveled, it is so long and hard. "Grandma, is that the difficulty?"

When I Face Difficulties (14)

When I face difficulties

Yu Yansong

One day, when I was doing my homework, I suddenly met a difficult problem. I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think of it. I went to ask my father, who happened to be out, which made me helpless.

Disappointed, I walked back to my room and thought: What should I do? What should I do? My father is not at home, which means that I can't do this problem. The teacher said that I must do this problem!

I felt like I was divided into two people. One of them said to me, "Yu Yansong, go watch TV, and just make up an excuse with the teacher tomorrow." The other said, "Yu Yansong, you must finish this question, you can't cheat the teacher!"

I decided to calm down and think. After a long time of thinking, I finally came up with this question. Suddenly, I felt fresh.

Through this effort, I learned that as long as we work hard, all difficulties will be overcome.

Instructor Cui Meiru

When I Face Difficulties (15)

When I was a child, I was a person with multiple language disorders, so as long as I met those difficulties in pronunciation and language correction, I would be anxious and irritable, sighing helplessly. At that time, I just wanted to avoid this nightmare, and kept thinking about why God would let me get this disease. As a result, self pity would only make me feel depressed.

It is the care of my parents that helps me overcome all difficulties, comforts me, and inspires me to face difficulties squarely. They are my parents and my closest friends. With their care and support, I have the confidence and courage to overcome difficulties. They took pains to teach me pronunciation; Listen to me patiently after I finish telling a simple story book. With their persistence and not giving up, I learn to be stronger and not admit defeat. When I encounter difficulties again, I must face them bravely, do not escape, and stand up even if I fail.

When facing difficulties, I often think of a disabled painter, Mr. Xie, who bravely faced difficulties. He accidentally touched high-voltage electricity while working on the construction site, which caused his body injuries all his life. He never gave up. He believed that as long as he overcame the difficulties in front of him, he would succeed. I also need to learn from his courage and learn to be strong, Only by constantly self reflection and the ability to adapt to accept challenges can we find solutions and get out of the dilemma.

When I Face Difficulties (16)

too bad! I broke the bowl again. What should I do? What should I do? When I was helpless, my mother suddenly appeared in front of me and said angrily, "Why did you break the bowl again?"! Didn't I tell you I had to solve problems by myself? You still don't understand? " After listening to this, I wanted to say again: "I just can't understand!" But later I thought it was too "white headed". Because our parents taught us to solve difficulties when we met them, instead of sitting there watching the "difficulties" stage.

Like once, when I was writing a math problem, there was a problem that I didn't know. When I was trying to give up, my father said, "If you can't solve such a small problem, what will you do if you go out to work in the future?" After listening to my father's words, I immediately racked my brains and finally came up with an answer! At that time, the mood of "sunny after rain" seemed to appear a colorful and beautiful rainbow, which made me excited!

This experience made me remember what my father said to me. I have another unforgettable experience. One time when I was eating, I suddenly lost my mind and slipped my hands - the whole bowl of rice fell to the ground, and I was too frightened to know what to do. Just when my parents were away, I was at a loss when my father's words suddenly appeared in front of me, so before my parents came back, I had saved the crisis of the next "World War II"! Difficulties, it turns out, can be saved in an instant. Although I am silent, my heart is ecstatic!

When I was in the fourth grade, I slowly learned how to solve problems when I met them. I also learned many different solutions, such as quarreling with my classmates. I should try to fill this gap as soon as possible. Of course, I should also make reconciliation with my classmates to avoid being out of control. So, when we encounter difficulties, don't panic, and try to solve them! If we overcome it, the obstacles and difficulties in our hearts will not become higher and higher, and will be more and more difficult to surmount!