Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (19 Collections)
Roses in the wrong season
2023-08-23 02:46:36
describe the scenery

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (1)

The spring when everything recovers is fascinating, the starry summer is fascinating, and the snowy winter is enjoyable. What I particularly like is the thriving scene in autumn.

Autumn is coming, and the weather is getting cold. I changed my clothes and came to the street to feel the unique style of autumn.

The sky in autumn is so high and blue, which will bring people into reverie. Look at the floating white clouds. They look different. Some like a rolling mountain; Some are like strong trees; Some are like galloping horses; Some of them are like lively and lovely children... They are really in various shapes! The geese lined up and flew to the south freely. Willow leaves withered and yellow, reluctantly refused to retain the branches, and danced lightly in the air, throwing themselves into the embrace of the earth. Stepping on the dead leaves, the dead leaves "creak", as if singing the last movement of life. I seem to see that spring returns to the earth, and the green leaves stand on the branches, gently nodding and smiling at me

The orchard is a scene of bumper harvest. The branches were covered with heavy fruits: the pomegranate was red and big, its skin was cracked, and the agate like pomegranate seeds were exposed. It was so bright and crystal clear, and it opened its mouth with joy, revealing its white teeth; Apple is competing whose 'big' is red in the face; Pears are yellow, like small bulbs; The flaming persimmon was a bit shy, half hidden and half exposed on the high branches, as if there were countless small lanterns hanging... The bright color and attractive fragrance made my mouth water.

Autumn is a charming season, a colorful season, and a season full of fruit fragrance. Autumn is full of happiness and harvest. It is more colorful than spring, more fascinating than summer, and more vital than winter. Golden autumn, I love you!

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (2)

Looking out of the window at the last piece of yellow leaf that is about to fall to the ground, it turns into yellow discs flying in the air.

The last year of junior high school is like autumn now. The time is as short as fireworks in the sky at night. Although the life of ninth grade is very hard and tired, you can get rich fruits like autumn, and finally get the results after three years of hard work for yourself.

In September, the last year of junior high school, at the beginning, I was still as lively as Grade 8. But after the first monthly exam, I really found that the life of Grade 9 has become so busy since then. I am as busy as a top every day, Although I tried my best, I still got something like "the pathetic fruit I got after not working all year round".

I walked alone in this busy street, feeling that I was really ordinary and could not set my next goal for myself. Looking at the orange street lights on the road, I had a kind of vicissitudes and a feeling of helplessness

When I was drenched with cold water from head to foot, I realized that the world had not changed at all, but the ridge in my heart had never passed. When I lay on my bed and looked out of the window at the quiet and lonely starry sky and saw the shining star forever, I understood that I had never lost my own light, but I was still not hard enough or learned to be strong.

In the cool autumn wind, I understood and realized that although there are always examinations in the world, there can be no permanent success. Only failure makes our dreams more meaningful and my self-confidence stronger.

Looking at the whole sky, the orange reflected by autumn, such beauty can only be felt by heart. I still look at the fascinating scenery of autumn, still changing myself constantly, making the fruits I may get richer. I still live in the autumn season more naturally.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (3)

When was your flaming figure forgotten by people?

When did you never hear your beautiful legend again?

Today, we came to Jindian Park for an autumn outing. There are many ginkgo trees, locust trees and eucalyptus trees beside the avenue. The most striking thing is the maple forest in the forest. Tall and fiery figures came into my eyes and immediately attracted me. What a beauty! The leaves are red like fire, like burning and beating. The whole tree is a huge flame. When we look closely, we find that each leaf has its own beauty: straight, curly, and high, like a small red hand, welcoming us. Some leaf tips are slightly bent, like bowing their heads to tell something; Some of them are slightly bent on both sides, as if they are praying with their hands together, and the whole piece is rolled up, as if they are sleeping

The maple leaf dancing with the wind is not only like a small burning flame, but also like a fiery butterfly. It flutters and waves down. My eyes are quick and my hands are quick. I reached out to catch it and looked at it carefully in the palm of my hand. Suddenly, I felt a shock, as if I had known it before. It turns out that Du Mu wrote in the Tang poem "Mountain Walk": "Stop and sit in love with the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February.". The autumn scenery is better than the maple forest scenery in spring, which makes Du Mu drunk when parking.

Maple Leaf will not feel sad because of the departure of autumn and the coming of winter. Autumn is the stage of Maple Leaf! It grows in spring and summer, hides in the green leaves, is unknown, and accumulates strength. In autumn, when hundreds of leaves withered, it stretched out its red hands, bringing people an exciting "good start", that other "red", giving people the courage to overcome the cold winter and difficulties.

I gently stroked the leaf surface with my hands, felt the vigorous and powerful veins, and then looked down at the beautiful maple leaf. The leaf surface was as red as fire, and it reflected in my eyes, my heart... The intoxicating maple leaf, I will clip you into the Chinese book. Whenever I see you, I will remember the beautiful legend, which makes me stronger to face the difficulties in learning and life.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (4)

After school on Friday afternoon, my father came to pick me up and told me that I would return to my hometown tomorrow. I was very happy because I had not returned to my hometown for a long time.

In the morning, I got up early. We packed our things and set out. On the road, I looked at the tall poplar trees outside the car window. The leaves on the trees changed from green to yellow and fell one by one. Autumn is really coming!

When we got to our hometown, my grandfather and I went to the cornfield to break corn. Looking at the corn trees is like looking at the soldiers who come back triumphantly with long swords on their waists, watching the fields in order. We started to work, broke off one corn after another, and finally loaded a whole truck. Looking at the car full of golden corn, my face showed a happy smile.

Back home at noon, Grandma had prepared a table of food, including steamed sweet potatoes, boiled peanuts and boiled pumpkin soup. It was very rich. After enjoying the autumn harvest, I followed my grandmother to the fields with excitement to pick peppers, which had turned red with laughter. When grandpa brought me here last week, the chili here was still green. When she came home, Grandma took out a needle and thread to string chillies. But Grandma was old and her eyes were dazzled. I helped Grandma sew needles. Soon, Grandma's dexterous hand was stringing chili peppers. My father hung the chili string under the eaves, which looked like big red lanterns from a distance. It was very beautiful.

How time flies! It's leaving in a twinkling of an eye. A gust of autumn wind blew the leaves on the trees, and the chilli strings hanging under the eaves shook with the wind. It seems to be waving goodbye to me.

On the way home, I was thinking that there is joy of harvest in autumn, and there is also the hard work of grandparents. Thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously. I had a dream that Tian also had no workers, but large intelligent machines took the place of people to work

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (5)

Autumn is a beautiful season.

The weather is always sunny, and there is no cloud in the blue sky. I often look up and feel that the sky on the grassland in Lao She's writing is like this - the sky is so high and blue. Looking at it, my heart feels open. Occasionally, a bird flies across the sky, which will make your heart tremble. It's good to think that if people are as happy and free as birds.

There is no wind in autumn, and the air is dry. Occasionally, a little rain will make you feel more comfortable. Smell the smell of soil, moist air moistens your face, look at the colorful colors in nature, you will unconsciously stretch out your arms, raise your head, gently close your eyes, take a deep breath, at this time, you are a leaf, a flower, a fruit... you will melt into the life of autumn.

I like the yellow of ginkgo leaves in autumn, especially under the light of street lamps. Against the background of the dark night, the yellow is not golden. It is somewhat tender and implicit. There are few pedestrians on the road. The ginkgo tree illuminated by the street lamp is like an oil painting on the canvas, very beautiful. I also like the red of maple leaves. They are so red that no paint can bring out such strong colors. I am imagining that one day I can go to a big maple forest, wander alone in the maple forest, and let the red maple leaves flow into my blood. At this time, I thought of the poem "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February". Presumably, the ancients also loved maple leaves.

Autumn is the harvest season. The happiest one is the farmer, whose bronze face and wrinkles marked by years are full of smiles. The hard work and sweat of the past seemed to have never happened. Looking at them, you can't help thinking: Happiness is so simple. Why should we bother?

I like autumn. I like all the beautiful things in nature. I love life. I want to make my life as colorful and fruitful as autumn.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (6)

The autumn wind has just blown away the summer. Miss Qiu is coming. Miss Qiu blew the fruits in the orchard and the vegetables in the vegetable garden. The harvest season is coming.

Miss Qiu has blown all the fruits in the orchard. A variety of fruits are hung on the fruit trees to swing, like a few colorful lanterns hung on the New Year, which is extremely beautiful. Peach smiles at me with a red face on the peach tree, like a naughty child. The pineapples could not stay in the field and stuck out their hair one by one. An orange is like a small lantern hanging all over the tree. Watermelon was so angry that his face turned blue. Strawberry girl came with a beautiful green hat. The big pomelos rolled on the ground like a fat baby just born. The yellow pear is coming. It must have eaten a lot just now, and its stomach is almost full. Ah! Dangerous fruits are coming. Big durians with thorns and stink are coming. Fruits should be careful. Here comes Grape Girl. She is purple and green, like wearing purple and green clothes. It's really beautiful. The red litchi smiled and blushed her little face. Pomegranate is coming. Its hair style is really handsome

Miss Qiu has cooked the vegetable garden again. The colorful vegetable garden looks like a beautiful rape flower. Brother Cabbage came and said, "I am the king of vegetables. Even foreign countries like to eat. Do you dare to compete with me?". Pepper brother and sister, one little red face, one angry green face. The hair style of cauliflower is really beautiful, like a flower. The eggplant girl turned purple with anger and said, "You are not, I am, I am the vegetable queen. You see, my color is better than you, and also better than you.". Tomato girl said, "Don't make any noise, be harmonious". Cowpea slowly climbed onto the vine and said, "I am the king of vegetables. I am taller and handsomer than you, so I am the king of vegetables". The younger sister of rape flower is here. All of them are rape flowers, just like a sea of flowers. The tall corn brother said: "Do you have more brothers than me? I should say the king of vegetables

Autumn is beautiful. There are apples, strawberries, pineapples, peaches... There are cabbages, peppers, cauliflower, eggplants, tomatoes... I finally know why people like autumn, because the harvest season is coming!

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (7)

Autumn is a charming season with clear sky and crisp air. I like autumn, more like the colorful leaves in autumn.

When the autumn wind blows, the leaves on the trees begin to fall, like yellow butterflies dancing in the air, and like happy birds playing mischievously in the air. Others, like special small planes, flutter and fall on the ground.

Yeah! In the colorful autumn, many leaves are beautiful. In my opinion, the most eye-catching leaves are ginkgo leaves. Ginkgo biloba is like a fashionable and personalized magician, constantly changing its own color. In early autumn, the leaves of ginkgo biloba are still green. When the autumn wind blows, it begins to turn yellow. The branches are covered with green and yellow leaves, which look very beautiful. After several autumn rains, after the baptism of autumn rain, ginkgo leaves completely turned golden. I often look at these leaves in trance, in clusters, as if to dye this autumn yellow. Occasionally a leaf falls, I reach out to pick it up, and the leaf falls in my hand. I observed carefully that the golden ginkgo leaf veins are clear, the surface is not very smooth to the touch, but it is not as rough as other leaves. It looks like a delicate fan, and also like yellow skirts with lace. It's so beautiful!

If ginkgo leaves are beautiful, maple leaves are also beautiful. The fiery maple leaves are unwilling to lose their charm. They dance and jump with the autumn wind. It seems that the hands of children are always applauding to welcome the arrival of Qiu girl. It is also like a lively and lovely goldfish swimming around with a big red tail.

In the late autumn, the big tree could no longer retain these leaves, and the leaves also fell to the ground with reluctance to the big tree. Like cute little babies, snuggling in the arms of Mother Earth. It seems that the earth is covered with a thick, soft blanket. Walking on it, you will hear the sound of "rustling" in autumn, smell the unique breath of autumn, and see the charming colors of autumn. At this time, I suddenly remembered a sentence I had read somewhere: "The golden wind and jade dew brush up the red falling on the ground".

Autumn is a charming season when the sky is high and the air is crisp. I like autumn, and I prefer the colorful leaves in autumn.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (8)

Farewell to the last ray of enthusiasm in midsummer, I also slowly entered the pure silence of autumn. That desolation, that silence, let us Hugh (body) will come to the "sad loneliness in autumn since ancient times, I say autumn is better than spring" feeling of pride. Let's have a leisurely reverie of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain".

When you sit on the stone bench by the river or walk on the path full of dead leaves, you will really feel the scenery of autumn, so beautiful. (Point question)

The Fog Fairy came down to the world quietly, weaving a soft white yarn (net) and throwing it into the air. So everything became obscure and implicit again. Lift the veil of this layer of fog. You will be surprised to find that the yellow coat of grass is dotted with large and small white flowers, which is the credit of frost. Although ordinary, it is simple and fascinating.

The weak water is thin, and a few duckweeds on the water are drifting around. Maybe he lost his way and could not find his own home. The flagstone bridge across the river looks particularly elegant and solemn under the antique houses on both sides. There were ancient tears in the stone. Occasionally, there were several wild geese flying south, accompanied by the rustling sound. This sad beauty was the soul of autumn! Stepping on the fallen leaves of Susan, walk gently in the golden world. Everything is so fresh and dazzling. Listen carefully to the sound coming from the foot, very soft, very pleasant. It gives you a tender feeling like a baby. If you want to run for a few steps, you will see the trees on both sides quickly passing by, and the surrounding area is extremely empty, but the leaves are still falling down, so calm and relaxed in your heart. Those happy fruits waiting to be picked are the spirits of autumn.

The bright moon was in the sky, and the cold moonlight poured into the world. I wonder if the cool air in the Guanghan Palace was heavier than that. The silvery moonlight was like silver thread straight down from the sky. So far away, when I walked to the window, the window sill was like a layer of white gauze, so lovely and beautiful. Everything has crossed a layer of silver yarn, the beauty is cold!

The river is like a silverfish, lively and ethereal. A gust of wind blew, everything shook, hazy. After a loud sound, the leaves fall down to the ground with the kind of light voice, inadvertently, that kind of serenity. If you close your eyes, the dream is coming to an end. The moonlight in Guanghan Palace is getting colder and colder.

Autumn is so beautiful, autumn has so many reverie, autumn has so many regrets. The spirit of autumn and the soul of autumn burst to the extreme. Everything is silent and desolate. Autumn is so beautiful.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (9)

Autumn is coming. Autumn is a good day for chrysanthemums to bloom. I was attracted by the thick fragrance, and I was almost entranced.

Chrysanthemum can be seen in the flower beds in the park, on the wide roads, in the magnificent mountains and in the rice fields in the countryside. It is also a gentleman among plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo! It's very exciting. Some of them opened their petals and welcomed you with smiles. Some of them just spit out a little tiny buds. They are growing and preparing for the new year. Soon the buds will become blossoming flowers and become adults!

Speaking of the color of chrysanthemums, it is colorful, all kinds, everything. The golden chrysanthemums are fluttering in the wind, and the snow-white chrysanthemums are spreading their petals in the air. Just then, chrysanthemums gathered like a fair. The garden is beautifully dressed and looks like a big living picture.

The role of chrysanthemum is even greater. For example, people can boil it into medicine, cure diseases, make chrysanthemum tea, reduce fire, and cook it. It has a lot of nutrition and can repair the body. It's said that there is still secret in the chrysanthemum! It attracted many bees and butterflies.

Chrysanthemum is also a strong plant. When autumn frost comes up in the sky, other plants sleep with their heads folded. Only Chrysanthemum looked up and stood with her chest facing the autumn frost. It was not afraid at all and had to persevere in the end.

I suddenly froze and remembered the spirit of Chrysanthemum's courage and facing difficulties. I really admire it!

The role of chrysanthemum is even greater. For example, people can boil it into medicine, cure diseases, make chrysanthemum tea, reduce fire, and cook it. It has a lot of nutrition and can repair the body. It's said that there is still secret in the chrysanthemum! It attracted many bees and butterflies.

Chrysanthemum is also a strong plant. When autumn frost comes up in the sky, other plants sleep with their heads folded. Only Chrysanthemum looked up and stood with her chest facing the autumn frost. It was not afraid at all and had to persevere in the end.

I suddenly froze and remembered the spirit of Chrysanthemum's courage and facing difficulties. I really admire it!

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (10)

Autumn is coming, the autumn wind is blowing, and the flowers are rushing to open. I like rich and elegant peonies, fragrant and lovely osmanthus, and various lotus flowers, but I prefer the petite and charming begonia.

You see, the stem of the Begonia flower is straight, and there are nodes on the stem. It looks like green bamboos, and the stem of the Begonia flower has young leaves of different sizes and shapes. The tender leaves of Begonia flowers are very special. The leaves are asymmetric, one side is high while the other side is small, the other side is wide and the other side is narrow. The edges of the leaves have a circle of serrations, which is comfortable to feel. The leaves are dark green, and the leaves are dotted with stripes, like a shaped heart pattern. When a gust of wind blows, a basin of leaves will ripple, like a dancing butterfly, which is very beautiful.

The most attractive flower is the begonia. It's a bit open and exuberant. Wearing pink clothes, it's beautiful and lively. It seems to be greeting the arrival of National Day; Some are still half open and half closed, with their heads sticking out, but their whole bodies are still inside! I can't wait to have a grand festival with us. Some are flower buds, ready to bloom, like a trumpet announcing its arrival. Some in groups like whispering; Some are watching the scenery alone. Look at this one, it's beautiful. Look at that one, it's also beautiful. If you compare the crabapple flower in front of you to a painting, the artist's ability is really great!

Watching, watching, I suddenly felt that I was one of the Begonia flowers, wearing a pink dress, a gust of wind blowing, I would dance, pink clothes dancing with the wind. The butterfly flew over and told me the happiness of honey gathering; The earth walked under my feet, telling me the good dream I had last night; The sun also shines, giving me warmth; My partner also came over and talked and laughed with me, telling me beautiful stories.

After a while, I remembered that I was not Begonia, I was looking at Begonia, I like Begonia.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (11)

In autumn, leaves are dancing in the air. Uncle and aunt pick apples and leaves in the happiness of harvest.

The orchard is full of sweet and delicious fruits. Look, apples are all hung there, looking from afar, they really look like red gemstones. They seem to say, "Come here, come here, I'm much bigger and sweeter than it, pick me, pick me!" Uncle, aunt and children rushed to pick it, afraid that the big red apple would be picked by others. The children held the big basket in their hands, stood on tiptoe, stretched their long hands high, and made their uncles and aunts laugh. When they picked it, they said, "This apple is good, I want to pick this." When they picked it, they smiled.

There are not only fruits here, but also many beautiful sceneries nearby. Look, the flowers beside are swinging their beautiful bodies, and welcome us with their beautiful dances. There are many colors in the flowers! There are purple, red, pink, orange... There are many kinds of flowers, such as chrysanthemum fairy, music trumpet flower

There are also the grass we are most familiar with. They are all yellow, and only a few are green. When they heard the footsteps of our children, they immediately asked the wind to dance with them. They shook against the autumn wind, and we were amazed.

The fallen leaves fall down from the trees and dance in the air, just like butterflies. It's hard to tell whether they are fallen leaves or butterflies. A little girl and a little boy were picking up fallen leaves. They squatted down, holding a maple leaf in one hand. The little boy took a piece of ginkgo leaf and ran. The little girl called a little boy, and the boy ran to her. The little girl said, "Look, how beautiful my maple leaves are. They are just suitable for making specimens." My ginkgo leaf is also very beautiful. Let's use it as a specimen, "said the little boy and the little girl. They are all very happy!

You see, harvest fruits, beautiful flowers, lovely grass and dancing leaves bring us joy.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (12)

The footsteps of autumn came into my hometown. The grass slowly turned yellow, and the garden was like covered with a golden carpet. The grass in autumn had become listless, not as tall and straight as in spring. In a small garden near the village, there was a golden osmanthus fragrance wafting in the air, intoxicating

In my hometown, a cool and golden place, there are many happy scenes everywhere. A golden "butterfly" is flying in the sky, setting off the beauty of autumn, forming a colorful landscape. Maybe you will be full of questions: in autumn, animals and plants are either hibernating or moving south, where will butterflies fly? In fact, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that it is not butterflies flying, but the old clothes that the trees have changed. They all feel that they are going to spend winter, and the clothes they have worn for a year are old, so they should change clothes. But the pine trees are on the contrary: they are still the green clothes. It seems that they think it is too wasteful to throw away, or "save" a little. What about the maple trees?

Are you following the fashion, or are you changing a red dress unexpectedly in order to be in the limelight? Even the attractive green face has turned crimson. Have you just been drunk, or are you shy after doing something wrong? Autumn is the harvest season, the golden season. In the boundless rice fields, the rice is ripe. As far as you can see, there are heartbreaking golden waves everywhere. Under the sunshine, it is more and more dazzling, as if there is gold everywhere. Ho! No wonder the farmers who harvest rice are so happy that they can't even close their mouths. Who is not happy to see such a harvest? Sui! In the south of the paddy field, there are white flowers. What is that? Ah! This is a good cotton field. The snow white cotton looks like a peach in the gray cotton leaves! No wonder people call it cotton peach. Look, those pots of chrysanthemums are in full bloom in Aoshuang. They are colorful and red like fire; As white as snow; Pink like rosy clouds; Yellow Saijin. They are various, some like a lion's head, majestic; Some, like the braids on the girl's head, are colorful; Some of them look like girls' shy faces, slim and graceful. The beautiful chrysanthemums add a lot of vitality to the golden autumn

The autumn dusk is more beautiful than words. The sun has converged its dazzling light, the night has fallen, and the sky has become dark. The night is also warm, charming, cool and quiet. The stars blink and the moon sings, turning the earth into notes, rising and falling

I like autumn, which is so bright, beautiful and colorful

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (13)

Autumn is a cool season, a harvest season, and a season in which hard working people are rewarded. In autumn, the park is full of colorful chrysanthemums, including red, white, yellow and purple... Various colors add many colors to autumn.

Look at the orchard again: the pomegranate doll smiles: the apple doll wears a red coat, and the children on the vine wear purple robes, like purple crystals: where are the oranges? They put on their orange coats and shook in the autumn wind... The fruits swayed in the wind, like the sound of wind chimes, echoing gently in the orchard, very sweet.

After the orchard, there are cotton fields in the east and maple trees in the west. The cotton field is full of white cotton, which is blown on the ground by the wind. Looking far away, it looks like a white cotton padded jacket is put on the mother earth. The maple forest is full of fireworks, which will burn wherever the wind blows.

After reading these two places, I'm not satisfied. The best place to see is the field. In the south, there is a field, looking far away, is the golden heaven and earth. Look, there is the sorghum field. The sorghum people seem to be drunk with wine and their faces are red. Here are the wheat fields and rice fields. The wheat and rice put on a golden wallet, lowered their heads, and had a gentlemanly manner. Below them were golden weeds. The wheat and rice wanted to dance with them like a gentleman. We have finished watching. The farmer uncle is going to harvest. Let's not disturb them, let them harvest!

I love autumn, I love the colorful chrysanthemums in autumn, I love the sound of "wind chimes" in the orchard, I love the white cotton, I love the red "fireworks" maple leaves. I prefer drunken sorghum and gentlemanly wheat and rice. I love the farmer uncle who is harvesting hard even more. Otherwise, if there is no farmer uncle, then we will not have such delicious food. If there is no farmer uncle's hard work and their sweat, then where will we have such a beautiful and happy tomorrow?

Autumn! You are really a beautiful season, really a cool season, really a season where the farmer's uncle's efforts are rewarded. Autumn, I love you, you are really a beautiful season.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (14)

The beauty of autumn

In autumn, many people think it is extremely terrible, and they think it is a 'devil' who is angry and unpredictable and will suddenly turn over and show a sinister face. As soon as autumn comes, typhoons with dense clouds and torrential rain rush in with thunder and electricity. At this time, the flood is surging in torrents, making people feel worse than dead. I think these situations are only occasional. And autumn should be the harvest season, the golden season. Autumn is as lovely as spring, and summer is as charming. If you don't believe me, look at the scenery below me!

In the morning, when I was just going to school, I saw the light mist, which was beautiful. As soon as I opened the door, the fresh and bright air came to my face. I walked towards the school while breathing the fresh air. On the way, I saw an aunt's hair with many shining "pearls" shining. I looked carefully and found that it was some dew. At the intersection, the fog seemed to be heavy. There was no car at all 10 meters away, only the red halo from the headlights. The red halo dyed the fog red, which was beautiful. This realm made me feel and excited.

At noon, when we finished school, I suddenly saw the Chinese parasol tree in our school was extremely beautiful. The leaves of Chinese parasol trees are shaped like palms. Like golden gold hanging on the tree, a leaf fluttered and fell to the ground in the breeze. Like a dead leaf butterfly dancing. It makes people relaxed and happy.

In the afternoon, when we were cleaning the sanitary area, we inadvertently took a look at the big flower beds in the sanitary area, which immediately fascinated me. The jar full of chrysanthemums is extremely beautiful. These chrysanthemums are blooming so luxuriantly. Most of the chrysanthemums in the jar are yellow, and only a few are purple. The purple chrysanthemums really stand out from the crowd. Chrysanthemum has many "feelers", which are very interesting. I think this chrysanthemum is the most beautiful flower in the world.

Autumn, you are a warm season, you are also my favorite season.

I love autumn.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (15)

Autumn is coming, the autumn wind is blowing, and the flowers are rushing to open. I like rich and elegant peonies, fragrant and lovely osmanthus, and various lotus flowers, but I prefer the petite and charming begonia.

You see, the stem of the Begonia flower is straight, and there are nodes on the stem. It looks like green bamboos, and the stem of the Begonia flower has young leaves of different sizes and shapes. The tender leaves of Begonia flower are very special. The leaves are asymmetric, one side is high while the other side is small, the other side is wide while the other side is narrow. The edge of the leaves has a circle of serrations, which is comfortable to feel. The leaves are dark green in color, and the leaves are dotted with stripes, like a shaped heart pattern. When a gust of wind blows, a basin of leaves will ripple, like a dancing butterfly, which is very beautiful.

The most attractive flower is the begonia. It's a bit open and exuberant. Wearing pink clothes, it's beautiful and lively. It seems to be greeting the arrival of National Day; Some are still half open and half closed, with their heads sticking out, but their whole bodies are still inside! I can't wait to have a grand festival with us. Some are flower buds, ready to bloom, like a trumpet announcing its' arrival. Some in groups like whispering; Some are watching the scenery alone. Look at this one, it's beautiful. Look at that one, it's also beautiful. If you compare the crabapple flower in front of you to a painting, the artist's ability is really great!

Watching, watching, I suddenly felt that I was one of the Begonia flowers, wearing a pink dress, a gust of wind blowing, I would dance, pink clothes dancing with the wind. The butterfly flew over and told me the happiness of honey gathering; The earth walked under my feet, telling me the good dream I had last night; The sun also shines, giving me warmth; My partner also came over and talked and laughed with me, telling me beautiful stories.

After a while, I remembered that I was not Begonia, I was looking at Begonia, I like Begonia.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (16)

Autumn is a rainy season, but also a season of maple leaves fluttering.

One day, I sat on the chair in the bus and saw the red maple leaves slowly falling down the road along the cold breeze, and the flying maple leaves also fell to the ground under the urging of the air.

One day, I walked in the park not far from my home, strolling along the icy lake paved with cobblestones. A gust of cold wind blew, my body could not help shaking, and I hugged myself and looked at the maple leaves in front of me. They came down at random and fell in front of me. This scene and object seemed to be familiar.

One morning, I passed the zebra crossing near the park and looked sideways at the maple tree. Suddenly, a gust of wind roared past and took a leaf away. I looked at it, circling and dancing in the air, like a beautiful red butterfly. ( )

In the afternoon, several red maple leaves appeared in the sunny sky, floating in my eyes, just like dancing red feathers slowly flying with the support of buoyancy.

In the afternoon, on my way home from school, I saw beautiful maple leaves falling on the road of Mercedes Benz.

The setting sun is slanting to the west. The orange red sunset glow and the blue sky complement each other, forming a beautiful scenery.

At night, the bright road light shines brightly in front of my window, and maple leaves fall, as if autumn is coming to an end. The thin branches on the maple tree no longer have the shape of leaves.

The autumn evening is very cool, just like those maple trees without the luxuriant foliage, or the cool ice-cream is slowly melting.

The already fallen leaves rotate down like dancing S-shaped lines, full of elegance and tenderness.

One by one, many maple leaves fell from the branches of the maple tree with the wind and landed on the brown land.

At this time, the speeding car picked up the fallen maple leaves and flew into the sky randomly and erratically.

In the dark autumn night, I don't know how many fallen leaves are hidden. But the most beautiful leaf I have ever seen is the red maple leaf, which shines with unique brilliance like a pentagram.

I looked at the dark sky through the window, and the maple leaves falling on the ground were illuminated by bright lights, which was very beautiful.

The time of falling leaves in autumn seems to pass quickly like seconds, and it's winter in a twinkling of an eye.

Winter is coming, and I'm still thinking about the fallen leaves in autumn.

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (17)

Friend, there are four seasons in a year. Which season do you like best? Some people like spring when birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, others like summer when people are passionate and unrestrained, and others like winter when people are covered with silver makeup. What I like most is the crisp autumn.

In the golden autumn of October, the sky is blue and the cool wind blows the grass yellow. The trees wear yellow pajamas and the flower beds are dressed in gold. Stepping into the campus, the beautiful autumn scenery immediately appeared in front of us. The two rows of tall and straight ginkgo trees in front of the teaching building and the playground are full of leaves.

When the autumn wind blows, leaves fall from the branches, like beautiful butterflies dancing. The leaves falling on the runway look like a yellow carpet from a distance. Students do exercises and take a walk in the gentle autumn wind. During the break, everyone can enjoy playing on the playground. Bursts of songs and laughter echoed over the campus

Walking into the autumn fields, the first thing that catches our eyes is the overwhelming rice ears. The corn over there changed into gold coats and grinned happily, revealing golden teeth. Soybeans may be too excited, and some even burst into laughter. Sorghum blushed when she saw Miss Qiu. The farmer uncle is sweating like rain, and is rushing to harvest.

Wow, there are so many fruits in the orchard in autumn! Huge apples hung all over the branches, showing a sweet smile, even his face was red. Grapes are like purple pearls in the sunshine. The pomegranates hanging on the tree, when they saw the arrival of the girl Qiu, some of them opened their mouths and some of them broke their stomachs, revealing agate like seeds, which were crystal clear and made people salivate. Look over there, the lanterns like persimmons are hung all over the branches, red and bright. The yellow orange looks very attractive, and tastes really sweet and sour.

Although autumn is not as beautiful as spring, romantic in summer and cold in winter, it brings us the joy of harvest. I love this beautiful autumn!

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (18)

The autumn leaves are accompanied by the gentle breeze, the elegant blue sky with white clouds is accompanied by golden fields everywhere, like a crystal clear gem set in people's eyes. As people are busy and sweating all day, night is coming. Outside the window, thousands of lights have already lit up, like stars strewn all over the ground. Slowly, slowly, the moon is like a sword, illuminating the whole dark night sky, but my heart can't be calm for a long time. Sitting on the bed, a voice from my heart echoes in my ears repeatedly: "To be an honest man."

When I think of this, my heart is still full of guilt, even though it has gradually gone away

It was a rainy day, and the rain was falling, like threads on the ground. With the sound of my father's footsteps, I carefully turned on the TV. While I was elated, the rain suddenly poured down, and the wind suddenly whipped the world like crazy, and it was like a runaway wild horse galloping and howling. The big trees in the yard were like soldiers who could not stand firmly, Rocky. With a sound of "Pa", the thunder and lightning like a pair of scissors tore the warmth and tranquility, the TV suddenly flashed, and then it fell like a meteor, becoming as dark as night

My father came back after a while. I admitted this fact to him and sincerely apologized to him. Instead of blaming me indiscriminately, my father smiled at me and told me something unforgettable in my life: "My child, without the falling leaves in autumn, how can the beauty of green buds in spring come? There will be many setbacks and mistakes in life, depending on whether you can usher in the beautiful spring...... "Before the words were finished, one of my tears with repentance rolled down, and my eyes were blurred by tears.

Smile is a trace of green in spring, a shade under the scorching sun, a wisp of breeze in early autumn, and even a warm current in severe winter. Father's love is silent, but it is greater, more selfless, and more simple than mother's love.

The night is still silent, I stare out of the window, the starry lights fall little by little, and disappear with the cold in my heart

Primary School 500 Word Composition Autumn (19)

One leaf knows the autumn. When Miss Qiu puffed up her cheeks and blew a cool wind, the naughty leaves floated down and landed under the roots of the mother tree. Hey, it's really yellow leaves that fall under the tree - leaves fall to their roots! I know that it is the beautiful autumn girl who came with the joy of harvest.

The autumn field is a picture that is ready to come out.

Walking on the footpath beside the field, the endless paddy field looks like a shiny gold carpet, soft and comfortable; Such as the huge, pot free golden sea, the "rice" is sparkling; The cotton fields stretching for thousands of miles are like soldiers in white, solemn and powerful; Such as an angel in white who is willing to sacrifice himself for others, gentle and considerate... The old persimmon tree in the northeast corner seems to be rejuvenated and more lovely. The palm sized leaves are gradually turning red. I probably want to compete with its old partner, Big Maple, to see who is so lovely. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the leaves of persimmon trees gradually shed light. At a glance, round persimmons like many red lanterns hung on the branches, making people salivating.

The autumn field is a happy song.

In the golden autumn of October, the farmer uncle who had worked for a year tasted the joy of a bumper harvest, but it also implied that everyone would be busy again. This year, the weather was good, the country was peaceful and the people were happy. No, when harvesting, they also sang a song they made up: Good autumn in October, every family was busy harvesting... I saw them holding a sickle in one hand and a rice straw in the other, They cut them carefully for fear of hurting these noble little princesses, and their faces could tell their uncontrollable joy. In the fields, the singing of laughter, the laughter of harvesting, the laughter of sowing, intertwined into a beautiful song. With less and less wheat seeds being sown, the songs became louder and the smiling faces became more and more happy. People not only saw the harvest this year, but also looked forward to the hope of the next year.

The autumn field is a natural Analects of Confucius.

The golden wind is blowing gently, and the drooping ears of rice make me understand that "the humble bamboo has a drooping leaf, and the proud plum has no flower to look up to." The planting and harvesting of the farmer uncle made me understand that "Diligence is good training, and every effort is worth every talent." The little scholar made me understand that "time flies like an arrow, and every day flies like a shuttle, saving young people." ... More importantly, I have come to a conclusion: if it is not for the good policies of the Party, how can there be a sea of rice and laughter?

I love the fields in autumn.