Ancient sentence copywriting with beautiful freehand brushwork Ancient sentence copywriting (select 90 sentences)
Thinking alone in the snow
2023-06-06 03:09:44
Complete Poems

1. With silver hair on the river, heaven has no choice but to marry. The silver dress is elegant and good at dancing. Frost points the cottage, and light wine laughs with green tea.

2. The mountains are filled with paintings, and the brush and ink are stained with time. Clouds on the water sky, birds singing and fragrant flowers. The breeze sways the curtain yarn, and there are several houses on the dam.

3. Send you a song, don't ask for the song, and people will get together.

4. Fenghua refers to quicksand, and aging refers to a period of time.

5. Under the cherry tree, there was once a world. When a wanderer returns home, he will meditate on Buddhism. The snow and moon are accompanied by wind and flowers. It's hard to realize the true or false.

6. Where is the river in the rustle of flowers and the sound of flutes

7. The delicate finger points the cloud dream of the blooming night.

8. When I'm drunk, I'll carry the light and watch me dance in neon. All my life, I will fight with my sword and conquer the city. There are many injustices in the world and many disputes in the Jianghu.

9. In the morning and evening, what will the clouds and rain be like? The plum blossoms are small in the window on the day of flowers, the snow wind sprinkles the rain, the willows are sparse, and people sing the song of late sunny and early sunny.

10. In Weiyang, we can see the haze all the time in summer. Peach blossom at sunset, hoe the fields and return home. Accompanied by poems and words at night, I envy my neighbors every day.

11. Let the green silk fall, and the cloth cloth rosary cassock. Ancient candle wax, cut her. The imperial staff is left behind in the world of mortals to cultivate the bamboo horse in the afterlife.

12. A few volumes of poetry books have been poor for ten years. The literary grace is penetrating, and the felt paper and ink are engraved. Forgive you for your poems and songs, and you will end up halfway.

13. The cottage is home, and the moon is in the fence. Tea is brewed in clear spring, and gossiping about mulberry and hemp. Picking reed flowers by the stream, the willows are in full bloom.

14. The past is thick and light, and its color is as clear as a mirror.

15. As the sun sets in the west, the red maple reflects the residual glow. Beauty has no time to draw. Pity is the morning dew Epiphyllum, unexpectedly is an instant horizon.

16. Who is surprised by the look back of flowers? That elegant like water, the meeting under the moon, hand in hand who? The promise of life.

17. In the bleak scenery, there is your most beautiful shadow. The charm refers to quicksand, and you are old for a period of time.

18. The sky is far, the wind is new, and the clouds are a little wide. The cold branches are gone, and the plane trees are falling. The soul is floating for thousands of miles, and the lonely shadow has wasted half of its life.

19. At the two ends of life, we stand on the shore of each other.

20. Seasonal flowers bloom, fragrant on the street, sad and resentful on the pillow.

21. The night rain dyed the sky and water blue. Some people do not need posture, but can also achieve a surprise.

22. Chase the world, even if rivers and mountains collapse. You will not return home without drama. If you live a peaceful life, there is no end to the world.

23. The pipa of an actor is replaced by pomp for half his life. Life is as thin as gauze. A wonderful melody of fireworks, silent and cold, no longer concerned.

24. Lose your fragrance and thank you, and remember yesterday's red fall. The wind is also clear, the frost is strong, and I have a deep sorrow to stay in the moon alone. Tears melt like snow.

25. He smiled and destroyed himself in the loss of years.

26. People can never see through the beautiful scenery, but I can see through my fingers for thousands of years, just like me in a flash.

27. Do not tie a knot lightly for a chivalrous person, and do not make a alliance lightly for a beautiful woman. I'm afraid it will kill me for its lightness.

28. The past covered by years goes by quickly and quickly.

29. The crowd is flooded, and we can't tell. The past is like yesterday when a goose flies past. I only hope that we can enjoy the fireworks in the flourishing age after a few farewells.

30. Mist gauze, red clouds in the grass house stream. Peach blossom with human face, elegant zither, harmony and birds chirping, picturesque by the green mountains.

31. How can one feel far away when one's heart is slightly moved? Things are not, people are not, everything is not, and in the past, one cannot pursue

32. Urged by Lan Zhou, take it to Jiangnan people. Whisper fine yarn, soft as haze. She kneaded her handkerchief on the bank, and I looked at her in the boat.

33. There is no dust and water in the bamboo dock. Acacia is far away from the city, and the frost does not disappear in autumn, leaving the withered lotus to listen to the rain.

34. The day was full of wind and rain, and the clouds covered ten miles. Who paints now? Fragrance enchants the soul. The heaven and the earth looked for it, but there was no man's shadow.

35. Bodhi has no flowers and lotus platform has no buds. Buddhist cassock is held by Taoist. To cross the world and practice Buddhism, to eliminate demons and turn into emptiness.

36. Through fleeting dreams, I can see the full moon blooming by the water.

37. Smoke is slightly heavy, red flag is high and cool. The fog locks the lanterns, the fallen leaves float dry and the lotus still reflects on the water, and the wind blows the vegetable plane trees.

38. You must remember that neither the red sandalwood nor I have gone.

39. Passing water is fragrant, and fleeting years are easy to change. Jiangnan did not say goodbye to her. At that time, he promised her cinnabar, but after leaving, he married her.

40. You can still drink tea quietly and break this scene.

41. The sea is deep, not half as deep as Acacia. There is still a limit to the sea, and there is no shore for lovesickness.

42. Before flowers and under the moon, the sound of the zither is graceful and graceful. Don't be afraid to speak when you meet Meijia. I will go to the ends of the world with you when I put palace flowers in my hat.

43. When the vast land is broken with one sword, where can the prosperity and music fall.

44. I wanted to get up and leave, but my shadow fell on the earth.

45. Beautiful ancient sentences, delicate fingers, and cloud dreams with blooming flowers