Praise in the Heart (6 refined articles)
Brilliance in the sun
2024-03-16 06:21:53
Grade 6

Praise in the Heart (1)

There is a song always lingering in my ears, always flowing in my heart. This is the song "You Are an Eagle Flying" written by the famous female writer Emei in praise of our lovely hometown Muling.

"When I was very young, my grandfather told me that I was born in a place called Muling...".

The soft voice brought me to the age when my grandfather lived. When I was young, I often heard my grandfather tell me that his hometown was a poor and backward place where they lived in a simple thatched adobe house. In winter, large flakes of snow squeeze in from the cracks in the wall, and the cold wind blows everywhere, just like ice snakes winding around people. In summer, when it rains, the thatched house also leaks, which is simply "heavy rain outside, light rain inside". Moreover, even if grandparents worked hard for a year, they could not solve the problem of food and clothing for a family. Life was really hard!

After listening to my grandfather's words, I had a big question mark in my heart: is my hometown not like this in my eyes?

Look! Tall buildings; Wide roads; Benefiting the people is a good thing; Sweet songs come and go... The life of the people at home is like the Muling River, flowing with happiness. When I grew up, my father said to me: Muling City is still the first county in the province for sun cured tobacco production, Jinchuan, a hundred miles away, and the hometown of soybeans in China! There are also many good reputations such as the hometown of wind power in China and the hometown of taxus chinensis in China. Ah! This is my hometown, Muling. I'm proud of you!

"A thousand miles of ice and ten thousand feet of sunshine, you are flying like an eagle in Northeast Asia...".

The change of hometown is changing with each passing day, and the people's life is happy and joyful. I am proud of the happy life of my hometown people, and even more proud of the strong motherland. We Muling people inherit the spirit of the dragon horse. Under the wise leadership of the municipal government and the hard work of the citizens, we will work together to build our Muling better.

My hometown is my forever harbor, I must study hard; Muling is the cradle of my growth. When I grow up, I would like to turn into a flying eagle, support a broader sky for my hometown, and write a bright and moving movement for Muling! I believe that the future of my hometown will be more magnificent and beautiful!

Praise in the Heart (2)

Whenever I am in the classroom with a clear voice, I am always intoxicated with your wonderful voice. Your voice is like a ding dong mountain spring, a gurgling brook, and a surging Yangtze River. My heart is surging and stirring like you. You are like a diligent bee collecting knowledge for us, let us roam in the ocean of knowledge; You are like Apollo, the god of the sun, holding up the sun of tomorrow, so that our young hearts are always full of warm sunshine.

Ah, teacher, we will not forget that it is you who use your love to sow spring, ideal and power for us. Ah, teacher, we will not forget that it is you who use your heart to ignite the spark of our wisdom and use your hands to open the window of our hearts. Whenever I am in a happy campus, I always look at the campus with deep feelings and see the small trees growing up by the flag tower day by day.

You are like a hard-working gardener, cultivating us to thrive; You are like a candle, illuminating us and exhausting ourselves. Your noble quality moves me, and your dedication makes me admire you. I stood on the playground again. Our teaching building is like a ship in the sea. Teacher, you are like our captain, directing us to chop the waves.

Ah, teacher, we will never forget that it is you who grasp us with the rudder in your hand, so that we muster up courage, and from then on we will no longer be confused and sail to the distance of victory; Ah, teacher, I want to sing the praises in my heart for you. I want to study hard, grow up and build our country more prosperous and strong!

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Praise in the Heart (3)

With a flick of the fingers, it has been 90 years. In July, when green is surging, flowers are blooming, and flags are fluttering, our great Communist Party of China is celebrating its 90th birthday. Staring at the bright red party flag, our hearts are full of enthusiasm.

So far, we will never forget the day of July 1, 1921, or the boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, because our great China was born on the misty red boat, in that hopeful July.

Maybe China chose July, or July chose China. Today, when we are bathed in the peaceful and warm sunshine, we will not forget the countless revolutionary predecessors who fought in the war of blood and rain. Countless heroes of the Party are willing to sacrifice their heads and blood for the cause of the nation. Although we have not personally experienced the shooting, we have seen countless heroes sacrifice for the future of the country and the belief in the Party from TV, movies and too many scenes. In the past 90 years, we have fought through difficulties and hardships all the way, fought hard all the way, and sang a song of triumph all the way. Through blood and tears, we have gained strength and maturity and overcome difficulties and hardships.

It is this special character of people that makes China, once riddled with holes, rise rapidly. More than 60 years ago, the Japanese aggressors created the tragedy of the Chinese people and trampled on the dignity of the Chinese people at will. It is the Party, it is our great China, holding high the banner of the anti Japanese united front, saving the nation from danger, and protecting the sacred land of the motherland with its sacred body. Today, when our successors reopen this period of history, we feel happy and proud to live in such sunshine.

Party ah! Dear Party, you lead the people, rely on the people, and constantly create a new situation of revolution and construction. Ninety years of ups and downs have forged your strong belief. Ninety years of ups and downs have made our steps more solid and powerful. We have found a shining goal in our exploration, and we have forged new brilliance in our pursuit. Tens of thousands of heroes and heroines, marching under the bright red party flag, rewrite the heroic chapter! Party ah, you are our dear mother, please accept the heartfelt blessing from your children: bless you, coexist with the country, and stay young forever! Bless you, with the sun and the moon, always brilliant!

I love July, sing July, praise July. The flag of July is flying high, the heroes of July are forward-looking, the cause of July is thriving, and the future of July is unlimited. Let's sing the praises of July and go to glory. Let's reach out with our right hand, work hard with life and blood, contribute to the country and win glory for the Party!

Praise in the Heart (4)

Whenever I am in the classroom with a clear voice, I am always intoxicated with your wonderful voice. Your voice is like a ding dong mountain spring, a gurgling brook, and a surging Yangtze River. My heart is surging and stirring like you. You are like a diligent bee collecting knowledge for us, let us roam in the ocean of knowledge; You are like Apollo, the god of the sun, holding up the sun of tomorrow, so that our young hearts are always full of warm sunshine.

Ah, teacher, we will not forget that it is you who use your love to sow spring, ideal and power for us. Ah, teacher, we will not forget that it is you who use your heart to ignite the spark of our wisdom and use your hands to open the window of our hearts. Whenever I am in a happy campus, I always look at the campus with deep feelings and see the small trees growing up by the flag tower day by day. You are like a hard-working gardener, cultivating us to thrive; You are like a candle, illuminating us and exhausting ourselves. Your noble quality moves me, and your dedication makes me admire you. I stood on the playground again. Our teaching building is like a ship in the sea. Teacher, you are like our captain, directing us to chop the waves.

Ah, teacher, we will never forget that it is you who grasp us with the rudder in your hand, so that we muster up courage, and from then on we will no longer be confused and sail to the distance of victory; Ah, teacher, I want to sing the praises in my heart for you. I want to study hard and build a more prosperous and powerful country when I grow up!

Praise in the Heart (5)

Spring, a season of mild sunshine, is sung and chanted for him. How many poets and writers at all times and in all over the world describe the beauty and softness of spring; How many famous painters paint the vitality and passion of spring to show the charming and simple style of spring. Yes! Every light step of spring wakes up the sleeping earth!

The twittering swallows flew in with the spring. These little elves were like messengers of spring, chirping the message of spring, the spring breeze, the greetings of spring, and the spring rain, the caresses of spring

Spring has already arrived at my hometown, Binjiang Road in Daying, by taking the colorful clouds. Suddenly, spring turns into a fairy in myth. Everywhere we go, flowers open their smiling faces and grass is covered with green clothes. Look, birds sing and flowers smell in spring. Everywhere we clap our hands and sing the praises of spring. A group of children with rosy faces pull kites with thousands of postures, Running out of a string of laughter, sound dripping, ah! Who can imagine such a beautiful landscape painting!

The peach blossoms in March have their own advantages, such as red fire, white snow and pink rosy clouds. This one is also beautiful, and that one is also good. Some are shy, like shy girls, and some are countless. They are piled together one by one, like the dawn in the sky, and like children's smiling faces. The white and red flowers are set off by green leaves, Peach blossoms are particularly beautiful. They use their fiery hearts to return to the spring, and the grass comes to the world with the pace of spring. They hold hands, cross their waist, raise their heads, and weave the green carpet of the earth, contributing their green savings for spring. The most graceful ones are willows that make people intoxicated, Its hanging branches and leaves are like the hair of a little girl, and also like a curtain hanging down on the ground. They dance smartly in the gentle breeze. Looking from afar, rows and rows of willows are so thin and soft that they have built a yellow corridor for Binjiang Road. The yellow and slightly green color is not as green in summer or as golden in autumn, But willows represent vitality and the beginning of spring!

Under the touch of the spring breeze, the river water on Binjiang Road looks particularly gentle under the light of spring. Every wave is bouncing with the red spring light, and the river water suddenly turns into a crystal mirror. The weeping willows, western-style houses and cheerful people on both sides of the river are all reflected in the green mirror slantingly. I playfully dropped a small stone, and the water on the river suddenly splashed in all directions, Ripples rippled away. The trees on the river were broken, the houses were broken, and people were also broken. The water on the river was sparkling, which reminded people of Bai Juyi's famous poem "Recalling the South of the Yangtze River": "When the sun rises, the river flowers are more red than fire, and when spring comes, the river water is as green as blue". Indeed! The river is as blue as the ocean, but more pure than the ocean. The river is as blue as the sky, but more profound than the sky. It is pure, deep, gentle and elegant. It is the crystallization of all blues

Spring makes flowers red and willows green; Spring revives everything; Spring awakens the earth. Who won't sing for you? Who won't whisper for you? The plan of a year lies in spring, and we should not fail the gift of spring

Praise in the Heart (6)

The motherland that has gone through vicissitudes of life, like a sleeping lion, suddenly opened its eyes in your dazzling light.

The tassel of the autumn harvest riot, the gunfire of the August 1st Uprising, the horn of Jinggang Mountain, the battle song of the Long March, the Party, my dear mother, you hold high the flag of sickle and axe, and lead the Chinese people forward bravely.

Dawn of the Zunyi Meeting, victory against the Japanese invaders, reconciliation of the Xi'an Incident

Party, my mother, you use your extraordinary wisdom to turn the tide, save the people, and determine the fate of the country

Several times of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the formation of the united front, and the reorganization of the Red Army of workers and peasants

Party ah, my mother, show you everywhere: broad and magnanimous mind, love peace and sincerity.

The wheel of history rolls forward, and no one can stop it.

Party ah, my mother, with extraordinary courage, you led a million heroes, crossed the river, pursued the poor, tied the black dragon, and raised the five-star red flag over the motherland.

Party, my mother, every minute of your life journey is full of vitality.

Your sweat covered with dust has soaked every inch of the land of the motherland. You cut through the thorns, from hope to new hope.

Build the Three Gorges, fight against the flood, and take over Hong Kong and Macao. Party, my dear mother, you warm the hearts of all Chinese people with motherly feelings.

Party ah, my dear mother, with your strong arm, you have maintained the unity of the motherland and the dignity of the nation.

Today, you are still energetic and energetic, leading hundreds of millions of Chinese people to play the symphony of reform and opening up.

From the East China Sea to Tibet, from Nansha to northern Xinjiang.

Party, my mother, under your wise and correct guidance, we are singing the story of spring and holding our heads high to cross the new century.

Party ah, my mother, today is your birthday. As your children, we would like to extend our warmest and most sincere congratulations to you.

No matter when and where, you will always be the most kind, greatest and holy mother in the hearts of children.