88 famous sayings about life setbacks
Peace is bliss
2023-04-10 12:59:34
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 If there is anything you need to do tomorrow, you'd better start now.

2、 If we fall down, we should get up. If we are frustrated, we should fight better.

3、 On the way of life, we are always surrounded by setbacks and failures.

4、 Struggle is the school to master skills, and frustration is the bridge to truth.

5、 Youth is like a fire. Don't leave only ashes in your old age.

6、 Youth is a flag, which can only be danced in the energetic wind.

7、 A challenge to the weak is far more powerful than a handful of sympathetic tears.

8、 The meaning of life lies in struggle, because the world itself is an arena.

9、 If the water in the sea doesn't meet the rocks, it can't stir up beautiful waves.

10、 Setbacks can put people to death, or they can put people to death and become young.

11、 Life is not full of roses, but sometimes the thorns on the road hurt you.

12、 Success and failure often lie in the difference of thinking: continue to struggle or compromise and give up.

13、 We should face adversity with a smile, and soon it will break down.

14、 Any cause can be frustrated, although the people who strive for the cause are great.

15、 Myopia is not terrible, but what is terrible is that our eyes also become shorter.

16、 Flowering may not be fruiting, and giving may not lead to hope, but life focuses on the beauty of process.

17、 If you are modest, you will be benefited; There is a point of arrogance, there is a point of frustration.

18、 You should work hard all the time if you can't finish reading the ancient books on the shelf, and you should work hard all the time if you can't finish doing good things in the world.

19、 No matter how dry the stream is, there will always be a clear shallow water reflecting the beautiful clouds.

20、 Those who share their happiness with others are generous, and those who are willing to share others' pain are noble.

21、 When we realize our own insignificance and feel inferior for the vastness of the world, it is the beginning of concentration.

22、 Time should be allocated precisely so that every year, every month, every day and every hour has its special tasks.

23、 Everyone is faced with the possibility of setbacks and failures, which is a part of our life experience.

24、 Life is short. People come to this world just to be uncompromising and to prove their determination.

25、 In the face of setbacks and misfortunes, pessimists see death approaching, and optimists see life turning around.

26、 One must suffer setbacks in fewer things in life, and then can understand the full value of the larger part.

27、 Friendship is a rose petal stored in a wooden box. As time goes by, it withers, but it fills the box with fragrance.

28、 As long as you are born, it means you have entered the examination room of life. Why not hand in a satisfactory answer sheet.

29、 Frustration and misfortune are the companions of life, but also a wealth of life, which can make people sober and urge people to advance.

30、 Time is the least valuable thing, and also the most valuable thing, because with time, we have everything.

31、 Even if we don't move, time is moving for us. And the passing of days is to take away what we hope to keep.

32、 Some people are destined to be bearers of suffering. Since they cannot choose, they should face it bravely instead of giving up life.

33、 Don't mistakenly believe that there is no reward for the effort. Sometimes the reward is not in the result but in the process. In fact, the process is more important.

34、 Laziness only means that green life turns into withered yellow leaves, and then drifts away with the flowing water of time.

35、 What I care about is that the carriage I drove can leave some ruts on the ancient road of history to commemorate the journey I have traveled.

36、 Beauty and sorrow always go hand in hand. Nature believes that beauty is too rich, and she can not but encounter setbacks in the world.

37、 No matter how bright a star is, it cannot illuminate the whole night sky. Only countless stars twinkle can make the night sky more charming.

38、 Our disillusioned hopes, aborted talents, failed careers, and frustrated ambitions often accumulate and turn into envy.

39、 I am not at all sorry for my poor life. What made me sad was that the day was too short and it passed so fast.

40、 Our only real responsibility is to move towards our own potential, our own intelligence, and then act in this direction.

41、 No sowing, no harvest; No pain, no success; There is no glory without suffering; There is no glory without setbacks.

42、 For "life", knowledge is a necessity. Because without knowledge, life is like death.

43、 The edges and corners of the rock are rounded because of the persistence of wind and rain day after day, year after year, which can affect any hardness.

44、 The longest is time, because it will never end; The shortest thing is time, because all of us are too late to finish.

45、 The seed does not fall on the fertile soil but in the rubble. The seed with vitality will never be pessimistic and sigh, because it is only tempered by resistance.

46、 Hard work is half the battle. It is inevitable that we will encounter setbacks on the road of life, but we should not retreat, and should forge ahead bravely towards the ideal road.

47、 The whole life is a matter of days. Only the damned family would put itself in the void, instead of seizing the fleeting time.

48、 The review of the first year of senior high school will certainly experience many failures and setbacks. As long as we face failure with a smile, the more setbacks, the more brave, we will succeed.

49、 I think setbacks and tribulations are a good opportunity to exercise the ability to increase willpower. Speaking of this, I would also like to express my infinite gratitude to those who have tried their best to frame up.

50、 Maybe you work hard, but your efforts may only bring a little harvest, and that little harvest may become the fire of your life.

51. The starting point of life is hope, the hope of destiny; The end of life is sustenance, the sublimation of the soul; And the process is the most philosophical journey.

52. On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, depending on whether you can overcome them. If you win, you are a hero and a strong person in life.

53. I think setbacks and tribulations are opportunities to exercise my will and increase my ability. Speaking of this, I would also like to express my infinite gratitude to those who have tried their best to frame me up!

54. If you have a good plan, summon the courage to move forward. Don't be discouraged or give up halfway. Going along a curve is not failure. You don't have to be sad in your mood.

55. Since time is fleeting and irretrievable, it is said to be the most precious treasure in the world. Undoubtedly, abusing time is the most meaningless way for people to spend time.

56. "Don't be ashamed of the last" Even if you are slow, you will relax without stopping, you will fall behind, and you will fail, but you will certainly achieve the goal he is aiming for.

57. Growth, in fact, is struggling to make progress in many ways; At the beginning, you may be lonely, but after passing the twists and turns, your achievements will be a landscape of various forms.

58. Let us become more brave and stronger as we fail. As long as we do not fall, as long as we do not retreat, failures and setbacks are like stepping stones, increasing our height and enriching our life.

59. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable to me as success. Only when I know the way to do everything badly can I know the way to do a good job.

60. The historical road is not the sidewalk on Neva Avenue. It is completely moving forward in the fields, sometimes through dust, sometimes through mud, sometimes across swamps, sometimes through jungle.

61. Failure is also what I need. It is as valuable to me as success Edison, what we care about is not whether you have failed, but whether you have no complaints about failure.

62. What we can give to the world may be very little, just like throwing a piece of tea into a teapot. A piece of tea looks so small, but the whole pot of tea will have the taste of that piece of tea.

63. Failures and setbacks await people. Time and time again, they darken the face of youth, but also add a dignity to the prospects of human life. No success can do this.

Sixty four. Helpless youth is like an hourglass in your hand. The more careful you are, the faster it will flow from your fingers. What we can do is to move forward bravely and dye it with enthusiasm.

65. The dreams of youth are often not perfect, and the road of life is always tortuous. We can experience happiness from success, from frustration, from sadness, and let happiness grow with us.

66. New words cannot be created without taking some risks and encountering some setbacks. Because once a new word is accepted, praise is extremely common; However, once criticized by people, ridicule will follow.

67. People often feel that the stage of preparation is a waste of time. Only when the real opportunity comes and they have no ability to grasp it, can they realize that they have wasted time without preparation at ordinary times.

68. The strong will become more and more brave in the face of setbacks, while the weak will hesitate in the face of setbacks. We should face setbacks squarely and treat them correctly. Only in this way can we make setbacks the ladder to success.

69. In the journey of life, there are not only flowers and applause, but also setbacks and failures. In the face of setbacks and failures, some people dare to rally and fight again; Some people will lose confidence and courage and never recover.

Seventy, youth is like a sword, time is a bow, and we are archers. When the bow is stretched to decline with our strength, youth will eventually shoot into the universe with the years and become eternal. Do our best to shoot our youth into the pure land we yearn for!

71. There is no one who is not depressed when encountering setbacks. However, some people will never be able to cheer up, while others will be able to regroup immediately after a temporary depression, and use more strength to defeat the enemy who was still sneering.

72. Although setbacks are stumbling blocks, if you fail to recover, the stumbling blocks will block your future path and make you stagnate. Therefore, we should actively find ways to overcome setbacks and make them stepping stones to make our life smooth.

73. Life needs and needs to experience some frustrations and failures. Because after you experience these setbacks, you will find that life is not as smooth and beautiful as ordinary people think, and only through these experiences will your potential abilities be inspired in difficulties.

74. It should be noted that human beings have a nature of liking other people's attention. Some famous people deliberately make a reclusive gesture, and don't they use it to advertise their identity? Of course, some people who have suffered great blows and setbacks, or who really see through the world, will not make this argument.

75. Frustration is always a process, and success is the result. Life is like a drama. Frustration is just a small mistake in making up. Life is like a dream. Frustration is just a nightmare. It disappears after waking up. Life is like a road. Frustration is just a stumbling block. Kick him hard.

76. It is not a bad thing or a disgrace for a man to go through detours and make mistakes on the road of scientific exploration. He should be brave to admit and correct mistakes in practice—— Einstein was still tough after thousands of blows, and the wind was from the southeast to the northwest.

Seventy seven. It is impossible for a person to always have a smooth life. In this long journey, we will inevitably experience failure, setbacks and difficulties. Only those who experience failure and setbacks can learn to persist, to be strong, to work hard, and to stand the test of life.

Seventy eight. The size and level of our achievements are beyond our control. Half depends on manpower and half depends on talent. But as long as we are strong, we are not afraid of failure, setbacks, and attacks - whether in personnel, life, technology, or academia.

Seventy nine, life is like tea, and human growth needs tempering. People's growth is in the process of failure again and again. People's growth is in the process of storm after storm. How can we usher in the aroma without repeated tempering? Those who enjoy the warmth will only leave a lot of regret at the end of life.

Eighty, in the face of setbacks, we should not indulge too much in the shadow of pain and frustration; In the face of setbacks, we should not immerse ourselves in the mud of sorrow and pain all day long; In the face of setbacks, we should not lose our immediate direction by being decadent for a long time. It is a wise choice to encounter setbacks and reduce pain.

81. Emotion is my biggest frustration, which makes me lose myself. If I can keep 'free' in this life, I will feel it is worthwhile. I'm not a good lover. First of all, I don't have time and spirit. It's hard to put my spirit on one person, and so is the other person.

82. I like setbacks. A life without setbacks is like a trickle, while a life with setbacks is like a waterfall. And I love the waterfall more. It's good to have no setbacks in my life, but isn't it a pity that my life is too smooth? Life is too perfect, but also a defect, which doomed you to not experience life earlier.

Eighty three. In the crevasse where there is no water or soil, a small seedling has grown up. The frustration it has experienced is to fight against this harsh environment. It is indomitable and struggles with setbacks every day. Finally, in the face of setbacks, instead of lowering its head, it raised its head higher. Rooted deeper and grew into a towering tree.

Eighty four, life, a young man full of hope and never frustrated, believes that life is above all wealth and honor; Death is the most intimate, kind and precious friend and benefactor of those who are abandoned, old, tired and heartbroken, and who are negligently sheltered and comforted. The burden of death on these people is heavy, and they always have to die and sleep forever.

Eighty five, no one can casually succeed. The road of life is full of thorns. Frustrations again and again may make you lose all your spirit, but opportunities again and again will always make you full of hope. When setbacks come, please think calmly: the chance of success is waiting for me not far away! In this way, you can overcome setbacks and achieve success.

86. In the long road of life, failures and setbacks are common. When setbacks come, what should we do? Of course, we should overcome it with unremitting struggle. Frustration is a storm, through which we can see the most beautiful rainbow; Frustration is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Only by drinking it can we obtain long-term health; Frustration is a sharpening stone, and only by rubbing it can we obtain sharp edges.

87. When facing setbacks, we should greet them bravely and with a smile. If you muster up courage and try your best to overcome setbacks, you will find what a beautiful sky is above you when the clouds of setbacks are dispelled. On the contrary, if you only sigh in the face of setbacks and lose the courage to move forward, you will be bound by difficulties and engulfed by the gradually dense black clouds in the sky.

88. Life is like a cup of strong coffee, and frustration is like soaking our boiling water. Life is like pearls, and setbacks are like polishing our clams. Life is like a tough plum blossom, frustration is like the cold wind and snow. "The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold." Let's use the wings of frustration to turn into the power of self-improvement and fly to the peak of success!