Individuality talking about mood phrase material
Give you half a kiss
2023-04-15 10:48:04
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Don't ask you to comfort me. But please don't put salt on my wound.

2. I don't want what I didn't care about before.

3. He is just a person who makes me forget after a while of pain.

4. Some people want you to wear a skirt, others like your long hair, but have you ever been told that I like the way you feel comfortable.

5. I also learned to refuse what I like with a smile. Share.

6. My biggest failure is to believe that you will not betray me.

7. Some people will be indifferent if they don't contact each other for a period of time. Some people will still feel excited after seeing each other for several years. It takes a moment to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, he is the person who should appear in your life. It is no accident. If there is no debt, how can we meet!

8. It used to be just a hoax. He hurt us all deeply

9. In fact, only time can really prove how great love is.

10. You know how it feels when your parents don't pick you up when it rains after school, and your friends throw you aside on the way home

11. You don't understand my loss. My sadness is also blamed on me. I pretend to be happy. I'm good at hiding, but you never guess

12. A real woman man is one who bares her teeth and says "I'm OK" when she cries, but you never know.

13. More and more capricious is because love is too deep. The reason why I became more and more silent was because I was hurt too much, and the reason why I became more and more polite was because I was disappointed.

14. Your cruelty is beyond my power of words.

15. I'm not good at consolation and retention, so don't leave even when you are sad. All I can do is stay by your side, even without a word.

16. Love should be romantic. I insist on this belief, but you said you want to taste the cruelty of love.

17. Sometimes, I can't accept one person because I can't forget another.

18. Young people grow old, innocent, lazy, young, quiet, and soul aching

19. I finally got up the courage to say I like him. He said, so what

20. Others can see your scar, but they can't feel your pain after all.

21. The love that used to be so vigorous can now be abused in hysteria.

22. Has anyone ever appreciated your kindness? In addition to making progress, they will only make progress.

23. Do you like short sentences with personality? Talking about personality can attract others' attention. Today, I have sorted out some for you. Welcome to read them.

24. Many first loves are very bad. Memory is the pain we can't afford

25. Let go of the past pain to embrace the future