67 Selected Good Sentences for Just Getting Out to Have a Meal
Like a besieged city
2023-03-08 21:21:21
Gratitude sentence

1. God wants me to be fat, so I have to be fat.

2. It tastes like hump oxtail.

3. Eat well and drink well, and live forever.

4. They will never forget to look up at the sky.

5. As long as you are alive, you are sure to meet delicious food.

6. No matter how tired you are at work, no matter how much trouble you have, no matter how bad your mood, when you finish work, please stretch out, breathe fresh air, lose all your troubles, and live happily every second.

7. I hope the weather will be cooler and the watermelon will be sweeter this summer

8. I have a heart to lose weight, but I have a mouth to eat.

9. Eating others' soft mouth makes others' soft hands.

10. The most annoying number of eating is 24 (starving to death)

11. I feel more and more happy to have a hot meal when I come back from work. I want to go home.

12. What wakes you up every day is not the alarm clock, not the dream, not the urgency of urination, but the stomach.

13. The happiest life is nothing more than eating ordinary meals with relatives, having favorite vegetables, and favorite radish chop soup.

14. Food is as gentle as love

15. I broke my leg during work time, and after work, I raised my leg, drank milk tea and listened to the song. I was happy! Pick up your mobile phone and take a look at it. I feel happy when I find happy SMS messages!

16. The beauty in summer can heal the winter in life.

17. Doing business is like buying lottery tickets. It's hard to make a splash. It needs to fight hard for a long time. Working hours race against the clock. When you get off work, relax, adjust your mood and meet new challenges! I wish you a relaxed and happy time after work!

18. Slowly, I also learned to let go. It's not that I've changed, it's that I really can't do anything. I admit defeat, and I can't move anymore.

19. When I was young, when I bought things from outside, I always told my parents the price was higher. Now when I bought things, I always told my parents the price was very low

20. On the road of no return, human beings are never alone!

21. The queen of the food world, please call me Her Majesty!

22. You are always fat when you come out.

23. When others eat, they eat. You eat to survive.

24. Bring you delicious food. Please go and eat delicious food. Take you to eat delicious food.

25. Who can get drunk when eating and drinking late at night?

26. It is fat but not greasy, fragrant and delicious, with the characteristics of fragrance, crispness and tenderness.

27. Eating well is actually the top self-discipline of life!

28. God gave me many opportunities to get fat, and I took them all.

29. Life is always a mess. Fortunately, I fill it with food and sleep.

30. The southeast, northwest and northwest are all along the road. Those who are willing to accompany you to dinner will love both sweet and bitter. Anyone who wants to see you can come from thousands of mountains and rivers.

31. Eat something every day and get fat at night.

32. It makes my mouth water. I was dazzled by other dishes.

33. I admit that I want someone to give me a home! For nothing else, I want to go home and have a hot meal

34. I saved money all my life. I didn't buy a car or a house, so I wanted to buy a Manchu Chinese banquet.

35. It's the happiest to cook and eat at home if you have the conditions. With the changes in the craftsmanship of skillful women, seafood, various meats and various vegetables, it's also fun to come out and share lunch with your family.

36. I know I can't eat more watermelon, but how can I live without watermelon in summer.

37. Eating food, most of them are not bad people! They desperately pursue delicious food and have no time to harm people

38. Summer is the best match for watermelon. In summer, you can't live without watermelon grapes. The sugar content is up, so you give up weight loss

39. Life should not be full of whims and wishful thinking. Instead, it should start from quietly doing a good job and enjoying the moment. Eat well when you eat, walk well when you walk, and sleep well when you sleep.

40. The current overtime work is to pay off the debts owed when he played truant.

41. The environment of this restaurant is very elegant, with beautiful music and excellent service attitude, and the food tastes very good, so I will come here to eat every weekend. I like it very much.

42. Thinking about it, my mother and I went to the street, found a restaurant, and chose a single room to sit down. I think my mother has been thrifty all her life. Today, I will invite my mother to dinner and make her "extravagant". I ordered several "specials" of this hotel at one go. Mother kept saying, "Enough, enough." The food was served quickly, and soon the table was full. Mother was dazzled and hesitated to move her chopsticks. I said, "Mom, eat quickly. It will be tasteless when it cools down." My mother said, "OK, OK, let's eat together." While eating, my mother said, "You can eat first. I want a plastic bag when I go out. We can't finish eating so many dishes. Let's go back." My mother was thoughtful, I thought.

43. I'm hungry. My father likes fried rice with eggs, but I like noodles in soup. But you can't cook two kinds of food at night.

44. This is not a problem for food. If you want to ask, just ask whether you are full

45. Three meals, four seasons, don't rush.

46. When I get off work, my eyes are shining, my three spirits are happy, my limbs are relaxed, my body is five feet long, my six roots are clean, my seven orifices are exquisite, my eight faces are carefree, and my nine to one is very comfortable; Wish you happy after work!

47. The beauty of getting together is only clear in our hearts. The happiest time accompanies us all the way. This is the heaven of love, and this is the story of love.

48. Happiness is that my mother has read all afternoon, my brother has read all afternoon, and I have read all afternoon. Grandma has made a family meal, which is the happiest moment.

49. Different delicacies, but without you, they seem to be the same.

50. If I look listless, I may be tired, ill, or hungry

51. You must enjoy your life when you are satisfied, and enjoy yourself when you eat and drink.

52. Ash is also looking forward to Feifei's coming home today to eat delicious food together

53. I finally meet you after reading.

54. Life is too short. Don't suffer your stomach.

55. Eat noodles frequently.

56. People are iron, food is steel, and it is better to eat goods than to be crazy.

57. Fireworks in the world, lasting flavor

58. It is white, fragrant, salty and delicious. Every time my mother makes chicken soup, I take a small spoon to drink, drink, taste, swallow, drink, taste, swallow, drink, taste, swallow, swallow, drink, taste, swallow, drink, taste, swallow, drink, taste, taste, swallow.

59. It's going to rain and food is going to be served.

60. The best time for spring outing is when rape flowers are everywhere and wheat seedlings are everywhere green.

61. When sisters meet, they never worry about anything.

62. Food is steel, and it is better to eat goods than to be crazy.

63. 2% of the food fragments+98% of the cute pieces make up me

64. My dream is to live in the Shijia Village, where all the food is delicious every day and every night.

65. After work, I will give you a bicycle: relaxation is the cushion, leisure is the foot binding, happiness is the bell, and stretching is the handlebar. The happiness bell rings, you can sit on the cushion easily and stretch your bike. I wish you a happy journey after work and a good mood all the way.

66. I finally realized that I would like to have a hot meal when I come home after a day's work.

67. It would be better if we didn't sun in summer. After cleaning inside and outside, we should close the curtains and take a nap. It's so happy to blow air conditioners and eat watermelons