Sentences describing life (5 practical articles)
Wind Farewell Crane Leaf
2024-05-09 03:42:12

Sentences describing life (1)

NO.1: The original appearance of life is colorful. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple coexist.

NO.2: Life is a glass of water. If you put a little sugar in it, it will be sweet; A little salt makes it salty!

NO.3: The person who lives the most meaningful life is not the person who lives the most, but the person who feels the most about life.

NO.4: People who can eliminate pain in life are happy; Happiness in life, people who can ride are happy!

NO.5: Many things that we thought we would never forget in our lifetime are forgotten by us in the days we never forget.

NO.6: Will the love engraved on the back of the chair, like the flowers on the cement, open a lonely forest without wind.

NO.7: Hiding in a certain time, missing the palm print of a period of time; Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who stands in the way of origin and also in the way of destination.

NO.8: I don't like to talk when I look at the sky, but I dare not look at the sky when I talk.

NO.9: Hold my hand and walk with your eyes closed. You won't get lost.

NO.10: Maybe my personality is too negative. As long as it is sad and beautiful, I like it.

Sentences about Life (2)

Full of vitality Spring is full of sunshine

The crowd is buzzing, the books are booming, the weeping willows are extraordinary, and the avenue is lined with trees

Catching up with each other, laughing and laughing, the environment is elegant, fragrant and charming

Struggling up and growing up in groups


Our school is like a big garden, how beautiful, how lovely, we thrive here.

When we walked into the classroom, we saw the thick fog rolling into the window, and the classroom was like a big steamer.

Spring brings a new look to the earth. Spring fills the school garden with spring. Spring gives us joy and hope and urges us to make progress.

There are four charming seasons on campus: pink and willow green spring, leafy summer, maple red and chrysanthemum fragrant autumn, pine green and white winter. Four old dilapidated school buildings have disappeared, and new classrooms and meeting rooms stand inside the barrier like walls, small and exquisite reception rooms

The guard is on the west side of the gate.

In the middle courtyard of the school, there is a diamond shaped goldfish pool, in which there are many small red goldfish. They chase and play in the clear water.

(1) Words describing learning attitude

Diligent, diligent, conscientious, dedicated, diligent, diligent, diligent, diligent, diligent, diligent, down-to-earth, never ashamed to ask questions, keep improving, never forget to eat or sleep, never let go, be hungry, persevere, be meticulous

(2) Concentrated words

Concentrate, concentrate, hold your breath and stare intently

(3) A good sentence to describe learning

Xiaofei sits in his seat and devotes himself to writing. There seems to be a continuous stream of spring water flowing out of his pen. It takes less than a class time to write a composition.

Xiaohong just sits facing the window. The afternoon sun shines on her round face, making her cheeks more rosy; Her hand holding the pen held her cheek. In her wide eyes, her bright eyes slowly swam, and her plump chin slightly cocked up. This is when she came up with a more ingenious solution

When doing math problems, I am familiar with and liked by math teachers.

When I do my homework, the pen is rustling. It seems that the bird is singing to me, and it seems to encourage me: "You should not be afraid of difficulties, climb the peak bravely." She stands up and answers so accurately, so naturally, so smoothly, as if she had been prepared.

She recited in cadence, with a beautiful voice and a beautiful voice. She raised her seat and moved her face.

He is such a naughty guy. He reads too fast and chops like fried peanuts.

Juanjuan read the text in Mandarin, her voice was crisp and beautiful, and even the sunshine was fascinated, so she sneaked into the classroom from the window.

I fell on her book and didn't want to leave for a long time.

I read greedily, like a hungry lamb rushing into the green grass.

She went into the vast number of books, like a fish into the sea, forgetting the passage of time.

He reluctantly braced himself up and opened the book. At the beginning, he felt that lines of words were moving on it, like flying; Later I thought it was just vague

The paste looks like a nest of ants crawling on the paper.

He buried himself in his homework again, and the room was quiet, only to hear the pen rustling on the paper.

The students sat in the classroom and listened attentively to the teacher's lecture, like dozens of flowers quietly bearing the watering of hard gardeners.

Loud sound of reading flies out of all classrooms, like a moving children's chorus, with notes all over the sky.

1. "Look!" I couldn't help shouting, because it was so beautiful, it was Sister Dong's masterpiece; The silver playground. At this time, the big playground was different from the past. It was dancing like thousands of pear flowers, and it appeared before my eyes like jade chips. This scene in my heart is free to do as I like, like a melody, melodious, fresh music, and like a light, harmonious, bright poem. It's strange that you don't get drunk!

2. There is a green lawn in the middle of the playground. Students are willing to go to the lawn to read and play in groups. The sound of reading often attracts pedestrians outside the playground.

3. Spring brings a new look to the earth. Spring fills the school garden with spring. Spring gives us joy and hope, and urges us to make progress.

4. Although Miss Winter is not as delicate as Miss Spring, nor as gorgeous as Miss Xia, nor as rich as Miss Autumn, she brings another style to the world like her crystal. Maybe this is why I like the campus where Miss Winter dances.

5. Miss Winter danced heartily in the freezing campus, and we could only shrink in the thick cotton padded clothes to enjoy her solo dance. With the approaching of spring, Miss Winter gradually left the stage and waited for the arrival of the next winter.

6. Look! Here is another beautiful scenery. The fiery maple always infects and inspires me with full spirit and fiery enthusiasm. Look, the frost on its body is as clean as jade, as white as silver, as light as smoke, and as soft as catkins. It's really beautiful.

7. Walking around the campus, I saw that the whole campus has become a world of silver makeup; The building stands in white and plain clothes; The branches of the small saplings became bloated silver bars; The bright green leaves and red petals are covered with crystal frost flowers. All this is really hard to describe in words, which makes me happy and relaxed.

8. On the evening of late autumn, when I walked on the quiet campus, I saw the flowers withered, the leaves dried up, the bare branches drooping listlessly on the tree trunks, and the once lush green grass is now just a withered yellow.

9. Time passed quickly, and the East had shown its white belly. Soon, Father Sun showed a smiling face. In an instant, Sister Dong has quietly retired. At this time, the campus is so warm and charming.

Sentences about Life (3)

1. There are many helplessness in life, which is not as simple as we expect. For example, when you are about to complete the work at hand, someone suddenly tells you that the requirements of this thing have changed. Then you have to stop the work at hand and choose materials and appearance again. The so-called plan can't keep up with changes.

2. There are always helplessness in our life. Too many helplessness fills every drop of our life. Every good memory has joy, and it is also full of helpless sadness. Some joy, some sadness, some richness, some sadness. The helplessness in helplessness is life, and this is the helplessness in life! The life of each of us is full of helplessness. We can't talk about it, nor can we think about it! There are always helpless regrets in a good life!

3. Life is really lonely. It's like rowing a wooden boat and walking alone. The cold wind and the piercing sea water rush towards me, so helpless.

4. Every time a person is still in a daze, thinking about the wound alone, only he can understand the endless sadness. The pain after sweet is a long sobriety! And all this happened in this year. I will never forget this year. It was so pure and sunny, but now it may be replaced by depression, yes! You can't go back to the past. After a long journey, you can't go back. A thing lost once is lost forever.

5. Life is very helpless. There are many things you can't do and don't want to do. There are always reasons in one way or another that make you have to work hard and get used to it. There is nothing to complain about.

6. Life is like a piece of white paper, white can only see your shadow, maybe you are tired of living like water, maybe you want to be a colorful picture, maybe you get rid of the secular disturbance, but you can't defeat the reality after all.

7. The present life is totally not what I want. When I think about my carefree life in my teens, I always wanted to grow up quickly so that I could fall in love, make boyfriends and have fun. It's really silly to think about it now. Now that I have grown up, I am more mature than before. It is no longer easy to think about things. When I have a boyfriend, it is time to talk about marriage, But I want to shrink back. Although I haven't got married yet, I have realized that life after marriage is trivial, boring, and really boring. So I don't want to get married. I want to go back to my single life, and live alone, lonely but free!

8. Sometimes life makes people feel helpless! No matter how angry you are, you can't fly. No matter how many reasons you have, you don't want to show them.

9. In life, we have to encounter many contradictions, many of which we cannot solve by ourselves, so we should ask others to solve them. When asking for help from others, we can only be helpless when others do not follow our wishes or are inconsistent with our wishes. There are many such helplessness in my life. I really mean that I can't say, and I can't complain, because things always have to be done by others. Even if things are done, you can't lose your character and complain about it.

10. People often say that time can change everything and dilute many things. But I think: the helplessness of life is that there is no good way to change it, it is a familiar suffering, and it is also a kind of "helpless thoughts"!

11. Life is very helpless. I don't know what to do when I see so many people struggling with the helpless life of Xianzhuang. Whether to cry, laugh, or choose to escape, life is still to live. So no matter what happens to you, let's smile at life!

12. Life is helpless. Everyone will not be successful, but everyone will think others are successful. Although in the eyes of others they have been very successful. But no one will be satisfied, because everyone's desire will not be filled, or it may be that everyone has some regrets in his memory that he cannot forget in his life, so he thinks he is not successful. In my opinion, this kind of regret is a kind of success. Although it has left me with the pain, it also reminds me of the happy feeling I once had. But now or in the future, there may no longer be such simple happiness, and there is only frustration left.

13. Why is our life so helpless? The connection point between people may not be suitable for everyone. Two people with the right connection point may not meet. Even if they do, there will be some reasons why they cannot be together. Who is my connection point.

14. It is this kind of helplessness that oppresses you day by day. All the things you want to do are beyond your control, and the results are in the hands of others. The helplessness everywhere makes you bear the guilt of incompetence. The stage in your heart is very broad, and you can't even see the backstage in reality. If you want to be the leading role, you can only be an unknown spectator.

15. Don't say love easily. A promise is a debt!

16. How many times and how many times, memories divide life into a circle, and we have turned around in the same place countless times, unable to extricate ourselves. I always hope to return to the place where I first met. If I can choose again, I think I can love more simply.

17. The space formed by singing is free to come and go in time, so the face of the person who is still protecting has never changed and there is a huge and endless hate.

18. Many people miss a person because of loneliness, but more people miss a person because of loneliness. We can love each other, but we are doomed not to be together. It's not that I don't love you enough, but I'm not sure whether this love is the most correct.

19. The leaves that want to decay in memory, those fresh and green, have long been buried in the front of the time scale, and only the overwhelming smell of decay remains at the end of the time scale. When I started my new journey with my backpack on my back, I knew that only a few friends would stand behind me and stare. Their eyes are as boundless and profound as the sunset, which makes me feel heavy. However, when we decide to go alone, all the curses and betrayals are left behind, we can smile obstinately, cry sadly, but still keep the footsteps sonorous.

20. Just when I thought that everything would not change if I was happy, I could plunge into your arms again for a lifetime. In fact, everything has changed. I am like a sleeping nautilus hiding in a shell. When I look out to look at the world, the sea I lived in has become an unattainable mountain, and I, It is a fossil frozen on the cliff.

21. People can see the happiness on their faces. Who can feel the pain in the heart.

22. Some of the mistakes that have been made are due to lack of time, some are due to deliberate avoidance, and most of the time, they stand aside in a daze. We made mistakes again and again, but never learned from them and did some introspection.

23. When are men the most handsome? When he says he doesn't love you, this charm is the most toxic. Be careful!

24. You don't know I miss you because you don't love me. I know you don't miss me, but I still love you because I'm too stupid. Maybe sometimes, escape is not because of what you are afraid to face, but what you are waiting for.

25. The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, stubbornly adhere to what should not be insisted on.

26. The most difficult thing for people is to know themselves, and the easiest thing is to know themselves. Many times, we can't recognize ourselves because we put ourselves in the wrong position and give ourselves an illusion. Therefore, we are not afraid of the bumpy road ahead, but we are afraid of going in the wrong direction from the beginning.

27. If betrayal is a kind of courage, it requires a greater courage to accept betrayal. The former only needs to be brave enough, or maybe just impulsive, while the latter tests the degree of tolerance, which is not so simple as impulse, and only needs time.

28. If waiting can bring miracles, I would rather wait, even for a year or a lifetime!

29. If you know the end of the story clearly, you can either choose to say it or pretend not to know it. Don't stop talking. Sometimes it hurts more to leave others hurt by choosing silence than confessing.

30. If the truth is harm, please choose lies; If the lie is a kind of injury, please choose silence; If silence is a kind of injury, please choose to leave.

31. Living in a city, or loving a person, or doing something, for a long time, you will feel tired and have an impulse to escape. Maybe I'm not tired of the city, the people I love and the things I insist on, but I can't give myself the courage to persist.

32. Life cannot be used for love, just as we can no longer believe in love. In this city, as Rolex is a material luxury, love is a spiritual luxury. However, life is extremely fragile, and there is no way to bear so much luxury.

33. Everyone thinks that he will be the exception to regret. Everyone thinks that the feelings they have are exceptional except for fading. Everyone thinks that the object of love happens to be an exception to change. However, it was finally found that except for changes, there was no exception. Luxurious life, forget a season. Empty memory, disturb lingering. The smile is gone, and the loneliness is endless. String, thinking of the Chinese year. Those years, suddenly like a dream. It is also like flowing water. Do not cry goodbye, do not tell the end of the war.

34. The taste of missing someone is like drinking a glass of cold water and then condensing into tears drop by drop.

35. When he said he loved you, it was unintentional. Don't be moved easily.

36. There is no trace of wings in the sky, but the birds have flown; My heart was not cut by a knife, but the pain was so clear. These softest places in the chest, the wounds that have been hurt by the lover, are far more sharp than those hurt by the limbs, and only time can heal them.

37. We are like needles on the surface, constantly turning, while watching the time rush away, we can do nothing.

38. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed did not deceive me.

39. I always like to squat down to see the traces of time on the ground, like ants passing through my memory line by line.

40. Forgetting is our unchangeable destiny. Everything seems to be an unaligned drawing. Everything in the past cannot go back to the past, so it slowly extends a little bit wrong. Maybe we should forget what is wrong.

41. Thinking that if you cover your eyes, you can't see the world; I thought that if I covered my ears, I could not hear all my troubles; Thought that when the pace stopped, the heart could not travel far; The love I need is just a hug.

42. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people choose to hurt themselves.

43. There are some things that we know are wrong, and we must persist because we are unwilling; Some people, we know is love, also want to give up, because there is no end; Sometimes, we know we have no way, but we are still moving forward because we are used to it.

44. What I once thought I could never forget will one day become beyond recognition. Time has not taught us anything, but it has taught me not to believe in a myth easily; And the most worshipful place of myth is that it is not credible!

45. I am always attracted by the beautiful chapters composed of Chinese characters. Reading them over and over again, I always feel that Chinese characters are the most beautiful language, but not the most beautiful words.

46. Always in a long dream to complete the parting and parting that is unwilling to perform in the reality of life. Whether such a dream is too cold and cruel depends on how dangerous and difficult the world is. Such as capricious weather, there is no map. We have been let down all the way, lit up hope all the way to find answers. How happy the past imagination is, how long the present regret is.

47. One day I will walk away from you silently. I missed a lot without any sound. I am always sad alone.

Sentences about Life (4)

2. Let's set the ideal sail and sail in the colorful learning. There may be ups and downs, but I firmly believe that under the command and control of our beloved teacher, the helmsman, we will overcome all difficulties, avoid all the shoals, reach the other side of success, and win the college entrance exam next year.

3. It is a pursuit that comes after suffering. The success of solving problems is a rare snack for us. It makes you forget that you used to be tired, breeding a trace of pride, and the feeling of being egotistical, and forgetting the duty of "hard work" as a student. On the way to school, however, there is no lack of sweetness. This sweetness is the expected "hard work pays off". Only this sweetness is worth fighting for tirelessly.

4. In the face of senior three, I chose to make my life a little monotonous, let myself have more power to take, and less insightful to see through the world of mortals. When the innocence of childhood has gone away from us, we have a vibrant youth. Do not recall the past. Because we once had. I don't expect tomorrow, because it is a passbook with no amount.

5. Success is our joy. Behind success is our hard work. Without hard work, there will be gains. Without hard work, there will be no gains. Therefore, for senior high school seniors, we should cherish this precious time to enrich ourselves and turn our dreams into unstoppable power.

6. Life without wind and rain will never see the beautiful rainbow. The ancients used to have: head hanging beam, cone piercing bone. They can bear hardships for the nomination of the gold list. We live in the 21st century, why can't we work hard like the ancients. How about being a hero who vows not to return?

7. I don't want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen to go far away, I only care about trials and hardships; I don't want to think about whether I can win love. Since I love roses, I will bravely reveal my sincerity; I don't want to think about whether there will be cold wind and cold rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, the only thing left to the world is the back; I don't want to think whether the future is flat or grim. As long as I love life, everything is expected.

8. I like every student in our class. In ups and downs, we "fall in love" more warmly. Maybe everyone has defects, but in the intersection, we learn to be tolerant and considerate. I like them because they are very important to me. I want to remember you that parting does not mean forever SAY "GOODBYE". Fate ties us together in the first line, and we meet in the third year of senior high school. Farewell is also in the third year of senior high school. I believe that we will meet again in the future, youth forever!

9. Give a smile to the life of senior three whether you are standing at the peak of happiness or wandering at the bottom of loss, whether you are intoxicated with the wonderful past or sad for the indulgence of the past. Give a smile to your senior life, and you will reap your own happiness and joy.

10. Looking back on history, people who have made achievements have realized their dreams only by grasping the reality. We can learn from the past. Only by studying hard can we achieve our goals in life. Senior three will become faster and faster because of our tense life; Senior three will become full and energetic because of our diligence; Senior three will bring fruitful results because of our efforts.

11. The college entrance examination is a battle without gunsmoke. In the face of the cruelty of the college entrance examination, many of our students choose to work hard, work hard, and work hard again. I, like them, feel nervous. When I am too tired from doing homework, I will listen to MP3, let the evening wind off my tiredness on the balcony, look into the distance, hope to exhaust everything and find my own way of hope. The wind blew my face wantonly. At this time, I wanted to cry hysterically: Senior three, precious and unforgettable, lonely and confused at the same time. There is no answer to which way is the most suitable for me. I have to go to high buildings alone and look at the world

12. I am about to enter the third year of senior high school, and I am always not calm. I can't help being a little timid when I think about the college entrance examination in a year's time. After all, I have been on my way to school for more than ten years. Looking at the falling leaves outside the window and listening to the loud and clear reading in the room, my former passion and ambition have all disappeared. The inspirational vows of that year have all disappeared, followed by tension and depression. Close your eyes and the future will flash through your mind.

13. There is no doubt that life in senior three is hard, tense, and even like hell. But it will come. After all, it belongs to us. As long as we hold on, what passes through us will be the rainbow after rain and the joy of success. Even though the tears of failure come to us, we will still harvest the faith without regret. "There is no trace of birds in the sky, but I have flown", Tagore once wrote in the face of his own efforts. Don't give up your belief, go forward bravely, because the dream is in the harbor not far away. Some things we need courage to give up, only to give up is wise. Qingsong on the cliff knows that it is difficult to show his unique life style without giving up the flatness, and plum on the wilderness knows that only by giving up the comfort of spring can he sharpen his strong character.

14. I like my senior high school life. Thank you for your tireless teaching and patience. The days are really short, but there are many memories left. The teacher's words in class and encouragement from the audience have moved our hearts again and again. We work together, struggle together, and strive together to achieve the same goal - to climb from the lowest point.

15. With hesitation, fear and worry, I entered the senior high school. Once upon a time, when I looked at the mysterious and strange classroom of senior three, senior three always gave me a feeling of awe. I once looked forward to asking my elder brother and elder sister, what is the third year of senior high school really like: some people say that it is a mountain, and it needs to grasp a rope of faith and strive to climb up; Some people say that it is a sailing boat. As long as you set a goal and grasp the ideal oars, you will be able to wear its illusory coat and enjoy its sacred beauty; Some people say it is a desert, dry and harsh; Some people say it is a valley, lonely and boring.

16. Zi said in Chuanshang, "The passage of time is like a rush of time, day and night." Every night in the moon, morning in the flowers, and night in the snow, there is a sound of reading. We re examined the senior three and started a busy but happy senior three life.

17. Senior three's life is a part of the torrent of life, but it has to go against the current. How many people struggle in it, how many people complain and scold in it... How many people bite their teeth at the end of their struggle to break through the barriers? How many people are still persistent and tenacious in complaining?

18. The tall banyan trees outside the window, I don't know when, began to quietly support my senior life. It may be a kind of happiness from outside, which surprises me and moves me. If life is God's gift, we should cherish and appreciate it; Then, the banyan tree makes my life more passionate. I will persevere to move forward, fearless in the torrent of life.

19. The life of senior three is very hard, not to mention the mountains of books, the tireless posture reflected in the window, not to mention how boring the daily life is, just the homework and test papers that can never be done are enough to impress people. However, although life in senior three is hard, there is joy in suffering. People often say that hard environment can stimulate people to work hard and cultivate interest in learning. Sometimes traveling in the sea of topics for the purpose of seeking knowledge is also a kind of enjoyment of beauty.

20. I like my senior high school life. It is light and beautiful. The wind gently brushed my face, leaving a gardenia like fragrance.

Sentences about Life (5)

2】 Learn to enjoy life: enjoy the joy of work, enjoy the laughter of friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy of creation, and enjoy the sweetness of fruits.

3】 Four joys of life: youth and vitality, successful entrepreneurship, harmonious family and harmonious neighborhood.

The four great tragedies of life: being plagued by illness, worrying about gain and loss, repeating the mistakes and achieving nothing.

4】 Life addition and subtraction: knowledge should increase progressively, and worry should decrease progressively; Friendship should increase, resentment should decrease; Kindness should increase, and discouragement should decrease; Confidence should increase, and dishonesty should decrease; The amount of appetite should increase, and the amount of jealousy should decrease; Step by step, smoke and wine will decrease.