Smart Rooster Composition (19 excellent articles)
Understanding Heart
2023-10-12 09:36:47
first grade
fairy tale

Smart Rooster Composition (1)

The clever and brave big cock defeated the crafty fox. One day, the sun was shining brightly, and a beautiful big cock held his head high and walked leisurely on the grass. As he walked, the rooster found a sly fox following him closely. The big cock thought to himself: I must think of a good way to scare the fox away, otherwise, today will become a good meal for the fox. As he walked, he thought about how to deal with the fox. The big cock suddenly stopped, turned to the fox and said with a smile, "Brother Fox, are you going to the pig's birthday party, too?" The fox saw that he had been found by the big cock and stopped hiding. He ran to the big cock and said hypocritically, "It's good to see your big cock, let's go to the pig's house together, OK?" The big cock jumped up happily, He said to the fox, "If we three go together, we won't feel lonely." The fox was pleased to hear that the rooster said there were still companions. Today is really lucky, I can have a good meal. So he said to the big cock, "Brother cock, where is your friend? Call him here to let me know." The big cock took his time and said loudly, "My friend, the hound, is right ahead of us. We will go to find him now." The fox heard that the hound is right ahead, and immediately panicked. He hesitated and said, "Oh!

I left my birthday present for Piggy at home. You and the hound went first, and then I arrived. "The fox ran away with his tail between his legs.

The clever and brave rooster finally defeated the sly fox.

Clever Rooster Composition (2)

That day, the fox listened to the rooster and was going home to avoid the hunter. When he ran halfway, he suddenly thought: Hey? Don't I just run back? I haven't seen the hunter. At this time, the fox found that he had been cheated by the rooster.

This can make the fox angry and angry. He raises his legs and runs to the rooster's house. It saw the rooster still swaggering along the road. It gasped and said angrily, "cock, stop for me. I will never let you go this time. Stop for me!" Suddenly, the cock was startled and looked back. It was a fox. The fox ran to knock the rooster unconscious before the rooster knew what had happened. Then he took the sack in his hand and caught the rooster and ran away.

When he came to the fox's house, the rooster was still unconscious. The fox thought to himself, "Why is the rooster still awake?"? Really, we'd better boil the soup first! The fox began to prepare soup. It took a lot of effort to bring out the cauldron it had kept for a long time, and then went out to steal some food... "It's really delicious, it's all good in color and smell, but it's only chicken!" The fox said happily. At this time, the rooster woke up unexpectedly: "How painful! Where is this?" The rooster said faintly. When the fox saw that the cock was awake, he immediately grabbed the cock and threw it into the cauldron. At this time, a dog barked outside. The fox was worried and thought: Is it the hunter? He quickly looked out of the window. No one was there. "Maybe I'm hearing things!" said the fox to himself. "Look, there are hunters outside," said the rooster anxiously. "This time I won't be fooled by you again!" said the fox viciously.

When the fox was ready to throw the rooster into the pot again, he heard only "bang, bang", and the fox fell down. The rooster regained his freedom.

Smart Rooster Composition (3)

One day, the rooster came out for a walk and was just seen by a fox. The fox quietly

Follow the cock. As he walked, he thought: How fat this cock is! I have to eat it.

The cock heard footsteps behind him. He looked back, and a fox followed him. The cock was nervous at that time, but soon calmed down again.

At this time, the fox said to the cock, "Good morning, brother cock! Where are you going?"

The cock said, "I'll go for a walk and find some bugs to eat."

On hearing this, the fox immediately said to the rooster, "Why are you alone? Let me go with you!"

The cock had a brainwave and said, "How could it be a man? The hunter is behind!"

When the fox heard this, he ran away quickly.

Smart Rooster Composition (4)

Let me tell you a little story. One day, a rooster went for a walk on the grass after dinner, and a fox quietly followed him, looking for a chance to eat it. As the rooster walked, he thought there was a sound behind him. Looking back, he found the fox and was surprised.

When the fox saw the rooster, he smiled and said, "Where are you going alone?" The rooster said, "How can it be me alone? I made an appointment to take a walk with the hound, and he will be there soon!" The fox turned around and walked away.

At this time, the rooster shouted, "The hunter is coming with the hound. Don't go, let's go for a walk!" The fox was so frightened that he hugged his head and ran away. How about this little story?

Smart Rooster Composition (5)

Since the fox was cheated by the rooster last time, the fox has been laughed at by the animals in the forest. Even the tiger, the fox's best friend, laughed at his cowardice. Because of this, the fox has always wanted to avenge the rooster.

But after many times of wandering, the fox still did not find the rooster. One day soon, when the fox was out hunting, he happened to meet the cock. The fox ran to the rooster at the fastest speed and said angrily, "Stop because of you, because you deceived me and made me laugh. Now, I want to revenge you." The fox raised its sharp claws and was ready to kill the rooster. Then the cock spoke. He pretended to be calm and said, "Who are you? Why do you say that to me? What am I doing to you?" "You still pretend! It's because of you, that's you." The fox said angrily. The cock said, "Because what? You have mistaken the chicken." "Have you made enough trouble to stop pretending to me? My patience is limited!" "Don't you see that I am wearing a dress? I am a hunter's chicken." The fox thought, that chicken is from the forest, not a hunter's. He looked carefully at the chicken in front of him again. It was really different from an ordinary chicken. He said to the cock, "Sorry, I mistook the chicken." "Next time, look at it, don't be so impulsive." The cock said proudly. The fox thought he had mistaken the chicken and ran away for fear of being chased by hunters. The cock said proudly, "Ha ha, it seems that my 'chicken trick' succeeded."

At night, the fox lay in bed and thought, "No way, there is only one cock in the forest.". When did the hunter raise chickens? This question puzzled the fox. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. "No, I was cheated by it again." "Stinky cock, I will not let you go next time." Chen Jing's night sky resounds with the fox roaring angrily

Smart Rooster Composition (6)

One day, the rooster came out for a walk on the grass and was just seen by a fox. The fox followed the rooster quietly. The fox thought as he walked: How fat the cock is! I have to eat it. The cock heard footsteps behind him. He looked back and a fox followed him. The cock suddenly became nervous, but soon calmed down. At this time, the fox said to the cock, "Good morning, brother cock! Where are you going?" The cock said, "I'll go for a walk and find some worms to eat.". On hearing this, the fox immediately said to the rooster, "Why are you alone? I'll go with you"! The cock had a brainwave and said, "How can it be a man? The hunter is behind!" The fox heard this and ran away.

Smart Rooster Composition (7)

At noon one day, the big cock was walking on the green grass. It happened to be seen by a cunning fox. He thought: How wonderful it would be if he could eat this fat cock! Smiling, he followed the rooster behind him.

The fox said, "Hello, Brother Rooster! "The cock turned his head and saw the fox.

The fox said, "How lonely you are when you walk alone. Can I walk with you?"? "The big cock thought for a moment and said," How can I be alone? The rhubarb dog will come soon.

As soon as the fox heard about it, he ran away and said, "I have something to do. I will accompany you next time." The big cock laughed happily when he saw that the fox was scared away.

Smart Rooster Composition (8)

In a beautiful little house, there lived a clever rooster. One day, the rooster went out of the house to catch insects. When it came to a green grass, it was just seen by a sly fox. The fox thought: This cock is so big that I can have a delicious lunch. He followed the rooster secretly.

At this time, the rooster heard footsteps behind him, turned around and saw that it was a fox. The cock thought to himself: It's not so easy for the sly fox to eat me. The fox saw the rooster found himself, and his eyes rolled, and he said to the rooster with a smile on his face: Hello, Mr. rooster, your comb is really beautiful, and your feathers are like colorful clothes. Where are you going alone? May I accompany you?

After hearing what the fox said, the cock clapped his wings and said calmly: I am not alone. There are several hunters with several hunting dogs behind me! Before the rooster finished speaking, the fox ran away in fright. The rooster happily catches worms and eats them again.

The cock finally defeated the sly fox with his clever wisdom.

Smart Rooster Composition (9)

A dog and a rooster are good friends. One day, they went to the forest together to find food. At night, the rooster jumped into the tree to rest, and the dog stayed in the hole below. The next morning, the rooster stood on the branch, raised his head, and stretched his neck to cry. The fox in the hole next to the tree heard it and thought, "Yes! I haven't had breakfast yet. It's just the rooster. I can have a full meal! The fox immediately ran to the hole next to the tree and looked up and said," rooster, are you tired? Come down and have a rest. " The cock said, "Then call out the gatekeeper of the tree hole, or how can I get down? "So the dog barked and knocked at the door. A dog came out and jumped at the fox. The fox had to run, and the dog kept chasing the fox. At last, the fox was eaten by the dog. From then on, other foxes dared not bully the small animals any more.

Clever Rooster Composition (10)

One morning, it was sunny and cloudless. What a good day to travel!

A beautiful rooster walked out of the house, humming and striding forward.

At this time, a cunning big fox looked out of the grass and thought: How shiny! Big cock! Judging from his steady steps, he must be a chicken that can bounce his teeth. I want to catch him. Isn't it good for breakfast today? Thinking of this, the big fox got out of the grass, stood on tiptoe, and gently followed the big cock.

At this time, the big cock heard a slight footsteps behind. The big cock thought to himself: Who is following? If I were a friend, I would say hello to you. The big cock looked back and saw a big fox following him. The cock was startled first, and then calmed down. When the big fox saw the rooster found himself, he pretended to be kind and said with a smile, "Good morning, friend, are you alone?" The big rooster thought to himself: this fox must be uneasy and kind-hearted. He must eat my food. I have to find a way to get rid of him. Thinking of this, the big cock said, "Yes, I am alone." The big fox smiled cunningly. The big cock said, "You are the fourth fox I eat today!"

The fox didn't believe him and said, "Is there such a thing?" The rooster said, "Every time I eat a big fox, a red thing will stick out on my head. You can count it. There are just three red things. After eating it, you will stick out the fourth one." The fox counted it. There are just three.

Just after the count, the big cock ran to peck the fox. The fox was so frightened that he ran away.

Boys and girls, we should learn from Big Cock and use our intelligence to protect ourselves!

Grade 3, Shaping Street No.1 Primary School, Heshan, Jiangmen, Guangdong: Ren Yingtong

Clever Rooster Composition (11)

Spring girl arrived, and the earth was green everywhere. The rooster was happily eating the worms he had found on the green grass. It did not notice that the danger was coming quietly. A fox is approaching it silently. The fox thought that if he caught this fat and strong fair, there would be delicious chicken for three meals today! Thinking about it, she drooled. When the cock heard something, he looked back and saw a fierce fox. He took his time. His eyes turned and he had an idea. It opened its wings to the fox with a snap. The flaming cockscomb stood up like a flaming fireworks. It opens its sharp mouth like a fox. When the fox saw that the cock was so brave, he trembled and ran away.

The cock defeated the fierce fox with his own wisdom!

Clever Rooster Composition (12)

One day, a rooster was walking happily on the grass and was seen by a wandering fox. The fox quietly followed the rooster. The fox thought, "What a fat chicken! If I catch it, I won't have to be hungry for a week." Then the fox turned his eyes and thought. So it swaggered after the rooster.

When the rooster heard the footsteps behind him, he turned around and saw that it was a fox. The cock thought to himself, "Ah, what is the fox doing here? Does he want to eat me? I have to think of a good way, or the fox will catch and eat me later." The cock thought again and again, and came up with a good way.

The cock took the initiative to greet the fox and said, "Brother Fox, what are you doing here?" The fox said in a shrill voice, "I'm here for a walk. Brother cock, are you alone? Why don't we go for a walk together? Let's talk while walking." As he said, the fox approached the cock.

The rooster replied, "Of course. Are there many people? But we have to wait for a while. I have an appointment with Brother Hound to play in the forest. I think he will arrive soon."

The fox listened to the cock and looked around. "Brother cock," he said hesitantly, "I suddenly remembered that I had a very important thing to do. Let's take a walk together next time." The fox ran faster than the rabbit, and then disappeared.

The cock laughed and said to himself, "I'm too dangerous alone. I'll go home soon."

Clever Rooster Composition (13)

The clever and brave big cock defeated the crafty fox. One day, the sun was shining brightly, and a beautiful big cock held his head high and walked leisurely on the grass. As he walked, the rooster found a sly fox following him closely. The big cock thought to himself: I must think of a good way to scare the fox away, otherwise, today will become a good meal for the fox. As he walked, he thought about how to deal with the fox. The big cock suddenly stopped, turned to the fox and said with a smile, "Brother Fox, are you going to the pig's birthday party, too?" The fox saw that he had been found by the big cock and stopped hiding. He ran to the big cock and said hypocritically, "It's good to see your big cock, let's go to the pig's house together, OK?" The big cock jumped up happily, He said to the fox, "If we three go together, we won't feel lonely." The fox was pleased to hear that the rooster said there were still companions. Today is really lucky, I can have a good meal. So he said to the big cock, "Brother cock, where is your friend? Call him here to let me know." The big cock took his time and said loudly, "My friend, the hound, is right ahead of us. We will go to find him now." The fox heard that the hound is right ahead, and immediately panicked. He hesitated and said, "Oh!

I left my birthday present for Piggy at home. You and the hound went first, and then I arrived. "The fox ran away with his tail between his legs.

The clever and brave rooster finally defeated the sly fox.

Clever Rooster Composition (14)

That day, the fox was also walking. At a glance, he saw the rooster and thought, What a beautiful rooster! It must be delicious. As he thought, he quietly followed the rooster.

When the cock heard the footsteps, he turned around and said, "Ah! It's the fox. Does it want to make an idea of me? I have to be careful. At this time, the fox found that the cock saw his own man, and smiled and said," Dear cock, it's such a fine day today. Let me take a walk with you! " The rooster smiled and said, "Dear Brother Fox, I'm sorry, I don't have time to accompany you today. I'm going to have a spring outing with my dear Brother Tiger, who is waiting for me at the front intersection Then he ran away. The cock said smartly, "Go slowly."

Clever Rooster Composition (15)

One day, the rooster came out for a walk on the grass and was just seen by a fox. The fox followed the rooster quietly. The fox thought as he walked: How fat the cock is! I have to eat it.

The cock heard footsteps behind him. He looked back and a fox followed him. The cock suddenly became nervous, but soon calmed down. At this time, the fox said to the cock, "Good morning, brother cock! Where are you going?" The cock said, "I'll take a walk and find some worms to eat.". On hearing this, the fox immediately said to the rooster, "Why are you alone? I'll go with you"! The cock had a brainwave and said, "How can it be a man? The hunter is behind!" The fox heard this and ran away.

Clever Rooster Composition (16)

Unit 5, Grade 3 Composition in Chinese Version s: Clever Rooster

One day, the rooster came out for a walk on the grass and was just seen by a fox. The fox followed the rooster quietly. The fox thought as he walked: How fat the cock is! I have to eat it.

The cock heard footsteps behind him. He looked back and a fox followed him. The cock suddenly became nervous, but soon calmed down. At this time, the fox said to the cock, "Good morning, brother cock! Where are you going?" The cock said, "I'll take a walk and find some worms to eat.". On hearing this, the fox immediately said to the rooster, "Why are you alone? I'll go with you"! The cock had a brainwave and said, "How can it be a man? The hunter is behind!" The fox heard this and ran away.

Smart Rooster Composition (17)

On a sunny morning, the cockerel happily went to play on the grassland. A fox saw it and wanted to eat a rooster. His eyes turned and he thought of a ghost idea.

The fox ran up to the cock and said, "Brother cock, why should our two countries fight?"

The cock said, "Because you want to eat us!"

The fox thought for a while and said, "Let's make a friend and keep peace forever."

The rooster thought, "This fox must have some tricks. It's better to pretend to promise it first." So the rooster said to the fox, "OK."

"Brother cock, today is my birthday. Come to my house to celebrate tonight." The fox said, drooling.

The rooster said, "OK! But how boring it is just the two of us! Otherwise, I will invite my partner. OK?"

The fox thought for a while and thought that he could eat more small animals so that he could do more at one stroke. The fox said, "Yes! The more people go, the more lively they are. By the way, how many friends do you have?"

The cock smiled and said, "I have many friends. There are hens, chickens, ducks, ducks, rabbits??" The fox listened, his eyes grew bigger and bigger, as if they were falling off.

The little cock suddenly cried, "Oh, yes! I also have a best friend elephant and a sworn brother lion. I also invited them to play here today, and later I will tell them about your birthday." The little cock clapped his wings proudly as he spoke. The fox was so frightened that he hugged his head and ran away.

The little cock scared the fox away with his wisdom. The little cock is really smart.

Smart Rooster Composition (18)

Chen Yi

One morning, the rooster was going to visit Aunt Duck. A fox saw it and thought: What a big and fat rooster! I must have a good meal! It followed the rooster quietly. When the cock heard the footsteps, he looked back and was startled. It was a fox. The fox smiled and said, "Brother cock, where are you going?" "I'm going to Aunt Duck's house." The cock replied. "I'll go with you!" said the fox. The cock turned his eyes and said, "Good! Brother Yellow Dog is coming too!" The fox thought: Yellow Dog? But the enemy! It was frightened into a cold sweat, turned blue, and ran away in a gray way!

Clever Rooster Composition (19)

Liu Xuanying

One morning, the rooster was walking on the grass. At this time, a sly fox appeared behind the cock. The fox thought to himself: How big and fat the cock is! Just let me have a good meal. Thinking of this, the fox followed the rooster quietly. When the cock heard the footsteps behind him, he immediately turned his head back, but was startled! It was a fox. The fox pretended to say to the cock, "cock, where are you going?" The cock said, "I'm going to be a guest at my friend's house." The cock pointed to the front and said, "Look, Brother Yellow Dog is running towards me to meet me." The fox was so frightened that his face turned blue and his body was sweating cold, so he had to run away.