Love Rain (19 refined articles)
Old trees blossom
2023-12-05 06:30:26

Love Rain (1)

It has been drizzling in Zhengzhou these days, so I decided to visit Zhengzhou in the rain.

People in twos and threes on the street are walking, several cars are speeding by, and the trees on both sides are becoming hurried and gloomy

The green and dense leaves beat the cheerful drums. The rain brought a ray of life to the streets.

The buildings in the rain are not willing to be outdone. They are presented to everyone with the most beautiful appearance. They are like tall soldiers, protecting Zhengzhou all the time, so that residents can live and work in peace and contentment.

The most beautiful place is the Zijingshan Park, which is covered with silk scarves by rain. Nearby, the water in the pond is covered with microwaves by raindrops. People's umbrellas are like flowers in full bloom in the rain. Red maple trees dance in the rain. It's beautiful. In the distance, the lake is green, the willow is green, and the cypress is dark green. It seems that a green symphony is playing. With the increase of the sound, the green color is getting darker and darker. This symphony is given by nature. Let's enjoy it!

There are too many scenes in the rain to say, and the magic of nature will attract you, me and everyone... Finally, I want to say that I love you so much in Zhengzhou in the rain!

Love Rain (2)

Some people love the fog, its haziness, its mistiness, "the east wind is curling and shining, and the fragrant fog is clouding the moon corridor." Some people love the frost, its whiteness, and its elegance. "The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground." Some people love the snow, its purity, and its elegance, "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom."

And I love rain alone.

I love the rain, its four seasons different character, love its four seasons different style.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness. The continuous spring rain, "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." Drips of spring rain, moistening the grass, urging the flowers to open, shaking the whole earth awake.

I love summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness. It does not have the gentleness and delicacy of spring rain. When I came, I was overwhelmed by lightning and thunder, happy and straightforward. After the rainstorm, "Yingying lotus petals fall in front of the flowers, but the peach blossoms are charming after the rain."

I love autumn rain, its lingering and plump. The cool wind and drizzle drifted in, and they were still confused.

I love winter rain, its seriousness and calmness. The winter rain is like an indifferent maniac holding a thing sword full of cold air. Sweeping the withered grass to the sky, there are still indomitable people, green pines still stand proudly on the mountain peak, and plum blossoms are still quietly budding!

I love the rain, its unique style, but also its unique feelings!

Love Rain (3)

Some people love the fog, its haziness, and its mistiness; Some people love frost, its whiteness, and its elegance. "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground."; Some people love snow, love its purity, love its elegance, "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom".

And I love rain alone.

I love the rain, its four seasons different character, love its four seasons different style.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness. The continuous spring rain, "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." Drips of spring rain, moistening the grass, urging the flowers to open, shaking the whole earth awake.

I love summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness. It does not have the gentleness and delicacy of spring rain. When I came, I was overwhelmed by lightning and thunder, happy and straightforward. After the rainstorm, "Yingying lotus petals fall in front of the flowers, but the peach blossoms are charming after the rain."

I love autumn rain, its lingering and plump. The cool wind and drizzle drifted in, and they were still confused.

I love winter rain, its seriousness and calmness. The winter rain is like an indifferent maniac holding a thing sword full of cold air. Sweeping the withered grass to the sky, there are still indomitable people, green pines still stand proudly on the mountain peak, and plum blossoms are still quietly budding!

I love the rain, its unique style, but also its unique feelings!

Love Rain (4)

Some people love the fog and its haziness. "The east wind is curling in the sky, and the fragrant fog is clouding the moon corridor." Some people love frost and its whiteness. "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground.". Some people love dew, love its crystal, "pity the first three nights of September, dew is like a pearl moon like a bow", and I love the rain all the year round.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness. The rain always comes to the world quietly, and it starts to rain unconsciously. This scene reminds people of "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things as if they were silent". Looking out of the window, everything became blurred, like gauze. When you look inside, you can't hear a sound. You can only see the misty rain in the air. Only when you open the window can you hear the intermittent rain. The rain can revive and grow quickly.

I love the summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness. The rain came suddenly. At noon, the heat wave hit, but after a while, dark clouds would cover, followed by a heavy thunder. With the thunder, the clouds changed rapidly, and the lightning became brighter and brighter. With a "snap", a storm came. Soon, the raindrops at zero formed a dense rain net. It's raining harder and harder. There are countless small waterfalls hanging on the eaves. It keeps falling. What a beautiful picture it is!

I love autumn rain, love its lingering, love its amorous. The autumn rain can't stop at once. It rains for several days. But the most important thing is that the rain has drenched crops, reddened the fruits of trees, and yellowed the leaves. The leaves of autumn rain fall down, and the fruits are full of branches. In this harvest season, the farmer uncle also smiled happily and was busy harvesting the fruits of labor. This is a harvest map!

I love the winter rain, its seriousness and its coldness. The north wind is howling, and the cold rain comes in all directions, making all things become haggard. The winter rain is like a cold and heartless man with a ruthless sword, sweeping away the withered grass to the sky, but the pine still stands proudly on the mountain peak, the holly is still green and dripping, and the plum blossom has quietly sprouted, which is so indomitable.

I love the rain, its unique style, but also its unique feelings.

Love Rain (5)

Love rain flows into my heart.

Nourish the heart and moisten the lungs to compete with immortals;

Emotional melt water splashes.

Brilliant scholars and beautiful women revel;

Sleepless at night, accompanied by candlelight;

Heart intoxicated, love!

Until next year's college entrance examination.

Strive for the university to meet you.

Hand in hand, love the campus.

Youth accompany with romance!

------This poem is written for the girl I love. I hope she can see it!

Love Rain (6)

In the late autumn evening, I walked alone under the lamp. Suddenly I felt a drop of icy liquid hit my neck, but I didn't care too much. Although I had been longing for rain, I also thought it could hardly be rain. However, a few meters away, another drop touched my face and fell on the ground, leaving a small round trace. At this moment, I forgot everything, only the inexplicable impulse and excited joy. Although it is only two drops, I have heard the sound of rain and smelled the smell of rain. Waves of joy and excitement came from time to time. I was ecstatic, and ran all the way, because it did rain, because I heard the intermittent sound.

I love rain, not ordinary love. I love rain and rainstorm. Love is almost crazy.

Love the taste of rain, it is so fresh and natural, it is memorable; Love the heroic rain, it is so grand and spectacular, sweeping past haze; The sound of love for rain, which is sweet and beautiful, brings people infinite reverie and hope.

At this time, there were no pedestrians on the street. Except those who watched the rain, the cold wind was still cold, but I only felt a trace of coolness, invaded my mind, and stimulated me to walk home.

The rain was still falling, and there was a cool wind blowing from time to time. I didn't dodge, but let it blow on my face and take away the cry in my heart. Willows on both sides are also dancing with the wind. The waving willows are gently slapped on my body, bringing me to nature.

The rain gradually grew thin. Under the light, I saw the rain that looked like cattle hair and filaments, falling on the ground silently.

It was only the silence before the storm, the darkness before the dawn. The rain has changed from cow hair to jade beads, hitting the ground and playing a beautiful string music.

The wind also has an aura. With the increase of rain, the wind that had already disappeared began to act again, and became bigger and bigger. The trees bent under the pressure, the grass bowed its head, and even the sturdy plane trees shook violently under its threat.

The heavy rain is crashing down, and my heart feels extremely relaxed: the wind is blowing noisily, taking away my troubles and worries. At this moment, my mind is blank, nothing. I run in the rain, let the rain splash my clothes; I cried out in the rain, letting others throw questioning eyes out of the window. The wind blows and the rain raises waves layer upon layer, and the rain strikes me and arouses wild hopes: Yu Dafu is willing to use two-thirds of his life to keep the autumn in the north, and I am willing to use two-thirds of my life to exchange for this eternal moment!

The wind and rain remain, I have returned home, outside has already become a sea of joy. Lying in bed, accompanied by the cold wind blowing from the cold sky outside the window, I fell asleep.

Love Rain (7)

Rain is a symbol of purity. It is white and flawless. As long as there is no other dirt splashing into it, it is always pure and transparent. Rain is a symbol of motherhood. It has the magic power to moisten the flower heart. Although it sometimes causes harm to human beings, does anyone think it is caused by human damage? And it will come to people when they need it most. Is it not a kind heart or something? Rain is also my favorite, in spring: the sky is often drizzling. However, most people wear large umbrellas, but I am a different kind of person. I don't feel like taking an umbrella, and I don't care if it wets my hair. The rain in spring is a kind mother. It loves to touch children's faces gently, but it will never hurt them.

In summer, the rain is like a naughty child who likes to play jokes with human beings. When it rains, people are caught off guard. However, I still like the rain as always. It is just as cheerful, fun and noisy. It is also good. It can cool down.

Although it seldom rains in autumn, it falls when it is most needed. Many people really believe that autumn is very dry. If it doesn't rain, it is unimaginable. Autumn rain is a timely help.

In winter, rain is an angel of love. Although it snows in winter, has it ever been like a human? What makes snow? Now I will tell you that snow is changed from rain. Rain is not only an angel of love, but also a symbol of purity.

The reason why I love rain is that every time I feel sad, the rain will fall down sadly; The reason why I love rain is that running in the rain can make me feel better; The reason why I love rain is that it has a motherly heart; I love rain because it is pure and beautiful; I love rain because it is an angel of love; I love rain because

Love Rain (8)

The patter of rain gently brushed my ears, the crystal drops reflected the gray sky, reached out to catch a drop of rain, and looked up at the endless drizzle. Yes, I have a wordless love for rain.

This autumn rain has been under the ground for a week. Every day, I walk along the same road with the same umbrella. The cool wind blows in gusts, and autumn comes crystal clear, just like my mood, half relaxed, half bright. Hehe, is it Mei Ziyu? The wind is permeated with the faint fragrance of osmanthus, as well as the natural fragrance of soil. I always let the falling rain fall, always like a child, with a silly smile in my mouth. I thank the rain, it took away the summer heat; I also like the rain. It drizzles everywhere, natural and unrestrained.

Under the light, it is as thin as a needle, fluttering like snow. It is dense and splashes ripples on the ground. It is united, falling one after another, and gradually accumulating puddles. Under the light, the water lines reflect the gorgeous colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, which is really beautiful. The most common sound made by shoes is so sweet in the rain. Walking on the path, looking at all kinds of umbrellas around, it is like a unique scenery. At the gate of the kindergarten, the children snuggled in their mother's arms, and the mother accompanied the children, walking high and low in the rain. The umbrella leans to the child's head, and I silently sigh the thick feeling in the light autumn rain. Looking at the smiling faces on their faces, I know that they love rain, and the rain makes them feel their mother's warmth and concern.

Looking down at the flowers and plants, the sun flower in the cluster is closing its bud. The dark green leaves are stained with crystal raindrops, and the leaves try to suck the rain and dew, stretching the small leaves. The green clover stretched up hard, washing away the dust on the leaves and restoring the brightness of the past. No one can stand the cool autumn rain. The four leaf clover, which often doesn't show up, is also happily bathed in the rare rain. Occasionally, I saw a few hardworking earthworms digging in the soil, snails lying in the soil and enjoying themselves near the roots of trees, and some dogs playing in the rain. It turns out that not only plants love rain, but also small life likes feeling in the rain.

I walked in the community and looked at the tall buildings washed away by the rain, which diluted the stains left by the years, and became quite white. The raindrops sliding down the corners slowly fall to the ground. Gently shake the tall acacia tree, and rain drops fall down layer upon layer, like a water curtain hole, with many "secrets" hidden inside. On the way, some people are enjoying the beautiful scenery in the rain. I guess they love the rain when they are intoxicated with the beautiful scenery in the rain.

There were some drops of water in my hair. I shook my head unrestrained. A gust of wind blew and several leaves fell down. Mother smiled and said that she also liked the rain, and her tiredness after work was relieved by the autumn wind and rain, which was quite comfortable. I also like rain. Indeed, the autumn wind is cool and the autumn rain is cool. The simple enjoyment is what I yearn for. This kind of free and easy feeling can not be emulated by other weather.

Walk in the rain again, and savor the joy from the heart. Love rain, the simplest enjoyment in my heart. what about you?

Love Rain (9)

I love rain, no matter what season of rain, I love.

The spring rain is delicate, the summer rain is rough, the autumn rain is bleak, the winter rain is depressed, and the seasons change with different moods. But the color of rain is as beautiful as the sound of rain.

When the winter rain comes, it snows, and the vast snow covers everything white, except white or white, lacking in fun and monotony. As for the rain, when it is raining, all things on the earth enjoy the natural bath. The grass becomes new, the trees become green, the flowers become beautiful, and everything becomes more beautiful.

Rain never plays hardball. It can be seen all the year round, while snow can only fall in winter. Hum, I hate it! It is always so stingy, so stingy that it only floats lazily in the air in winter, and it takes a while to disappear. The rain is selfless and can be seen all year round.

It snowed, pressed the fields, crushed the grass, flowers, broke the twigs, and finally left as if nothing had happened. But the rain is different. After the spring rain is hope, after the summer rain is cool, after the autumn rain is harvest, after the winter rain is tranquility. The rain is always like this. It comes and goes freely. It never goes in vain.

Can you do anything special when it snows? Tell me, but what can you see when you look at the chilblains on your hands and feet? Besides, how can you have a good time wearing thick cotton padded clothes and warm hats, and the whole person is wrapped like a heavy duck? It's better to rain. You can casually wear a raincoat and walk outdoors. The rain is like honey and wine, nourishing the soul. This dreamy rain, this strange rain, people dream.

In the dark night, the snow is so unobtrusive that it is falling there. How many people know? Besides, sitting at a desk in the dark, listening to the music played by Rain, while reading poetry and prose. This is the best time to do it. Everything is quiet. It is easy for your thoughts to enter the book and the author's thoughts. What is more beautiful is that the essence of the book is automatically absorbed. Of course, you can also invite some friends to make some strong tea and eat a cup of peanuts, which is another kind of fun.

When it snowed, people seldom thought of going home, and few were reminded of some kind of emotion. "He Dang cut candles in the west window, but said that the rain at night in Bashan is" "seeing off Wu at night when the cold rain runs through the river, and seeing off Chu Shan Gu at night when the Ming Dynasty comes," "The melancholy clouds are light and the rain is light, and the dynasty returns at dusk." Since ancient times, the rain has always been the transmission of the emotion of scholars and writers.

In fact, there is no exact reason to explain why I love rain so much. Maybe there is no reason to like it. If there must be some reason for me to love rain, then I think my love for rain is meaningless.

Love Rain (10)

Some people love the fog, its haziness, and its mistiness; Some people love frost, its whiteness, and its elegance. "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground."; Some people love snow, love its purity, love its elegance, "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom".

And I love rain alone.

I love the rain, its four seasons different character, love its four seasons different style.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness. The continuous spring rain, "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." Drips of spring rain, moistening the grass, urging the flowers to open, shaking the whole earth awake.

I love summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness. It does not have the gentleness and delicacy of spring rain. When I came, I was overwhelmed by lightning and thunder, happy and straightforward. After the rainstorm, "Yingying lotus petals fall in front of the flowers, but the peach blossoms are charming after the rain."

I love autumn rain, its lingering and plump. The cool wind and drizzle drifted in, and they were still confused.

I love winter rain, its seriousness and calmness. The winter rain is like an indifferent maniac holding a thing sword full of cold air. Sweeping the withered grass to the sky, there are still indomitable people, green pines still stand proudly on the mountain peak, and plum blossoms are still quietly budding!

I love the rain, its unique style, but also its unique feelings!

Love Rain (11)

I am a child who is easily injured. Even though my face always has a happy and simple smile in the eyes of others, I believe that my bones are lonely and sentimental. Few people know that the sky in my heart is always inexplicably raining from time to time, and then my heart is wet and cool. Therefore, I don't like rainy weather, or even hate rain. But Xiao Wei loves rain, and her love for rain is no less than my love for snow. She once told me that rain will make her awake, so she often jumps in the rain like a madman.

Xiao Wei is the first friend I met after I entered the liberal arts class. We are deskmates. Xiao Wei and I wear glasses with purple frames, but the difference is that I only wear those glasses with countless circles in class, and usually only look at people with hazy eyes. Xiao Wei wears glasses all day long. Xiao Wei asked me why I always let my glasses sleep in the glasses box. I told her that if I met someone I hated, I could pretend not to see them. The reason was that I didn't wear glasses. After hearing this, Xiao Wei suddenly realized that he was smart enough, idol! I laugh. Xiao Wei runs around the classroom like a crazy woman all day long, but that's just Xiao Wei in others' eyes. In my eyes, Xiao Wei is always a poor lamb bound by worries. Xiao Wei will always tell me all her troubles and dissatisfaction without reservation, and sometimes she will add a few painful Jindoudou. I always willingly play the role of her best listener, and then comfort her with some words that I think are very philosophical and more than Marx. After I say my truth, Xiao Wei will give me a face smile, showing joy and emotion.

Shortly after entering the liberal arts class, I ushered in the first snow that I thought about day and night. I took Xiao Wei outside to see the snow. Xiao Wei said that she didn't love snow very much, but actually she wanted to say that she hated snow. I am immersed in the flying snow and Xiao Wei is waiting for me under the eaves. Then Xiao Wei said that when it rains in May, you must accompany me to see the rain. I said OK. The rain in May has not come yet, but it began to rain in April. I took an umbrella to accompany Xiaowei to see the rain. Xiao Wei fights with his classmates in the rain like a runaway wild horse, shouting "Shuang". But I hid under the umbrella and didn't dare to move for fear that the rain would rain on me. Then Xiao Wei shouted at me that when May arrived, you must accompany me to the rain. I shouted that you were still not human.

The heavy rain in May is really coming. The rain should not be said to be falling, because it poured down from the sky. The rain on the road can submerge shoes, and everyone is trapped in the classroom. Xiao Wei still rushed into the classroom like a wild animal, and then handed me an umbrella that I said was borrowed from a friend. Take it and go home quickly. I told you what to do. Xiao Wei said you forgot. I love the rain. If I don't take a shower, I will regret it for life. Then Xiao Wei rushed out of the classroom. Through the glass window, I saw Xiao Wei's thin figure in the heavy rain. Then my eyes became blurred. In May, I failed to accompany Xiao Wei to see the rain

Later, I learned that Xiao Wei bought the umbrella from the supermarket, so my eyes were wet again. Later, Xiao Wei would call me out from the TV on weekends and drag me around the street. Sometimes, she would climb over the wall and go to the river to find a wild flower she had seen as a child. Sitting by the river to blow the wind, Xiao Wei always tells her some sad things, and then I always find Xiao Wei's eyes are very sad. But when I cheer her up, Xiao Wei will immediately smile at me.

Slowly, I learned a lot. In fact, Xiao Wei and I are both vulnerable children, but Xiao Wei is used to releasing all her worries, pouring out like rain with lightning and thunder, and she is still a happy angel when the rain clears up. And I am used to quietly deposit everything in my heart, like snow falling on the ground, and then deposit, but it is difficult to melt in winter.

Life has not changed, day after day. I love Xue Xiaowei and rain, which has never changed.

Love Rain (12)

Four hundred and eighty temples in the Southern Dynasty, many towers in the misty rain.

- Title

The cold wind is coming. The autumn rain is coming. Here comes the fragrance of nature. With full joy, came.

Rain is not as pure as snow, rain is not as fierce as sunshine, and rain is not as shocking as hail. Rain is not even as green as trees, but in my eyes, it is the most beautiful. How many creatures it gives life to. Without it, the river cannot survive, and without it, the trees cannot survive. Without it, even the Yangtze River and the Yellow River will be eclipsed. Rain, isn't it beautiful?

Spring rain, gentle but not blind fast; The summer rain is fierce without losing strength; Autumn rain is delicate and poetic.

Rain, here comes. With its unique breath, unique personality and unique voice, it came down from the sky in a small umbrella.

The melodious, high, clear and graceful sound makes people linger. Elegant as a piano, perfect as a zither~~~A wonderful picture appeared before my eyes~~~

Listening to rain, listening to rain, watching rain, let me love rain more. Rain, the angel of life!

Love Rain (13)

Time: 2020.6.18

Weather: light rain

Some people love the fog, its haziness, and its mistiness. "The east wind curls in the sky and the sun shines in the sky, and the fragrant fog mists the moon."; Some people love frost, its whiteness and elegance; Some people love dew. They love its crystal and delicate appearance. "The dew is like a pearl moon and a bow on the third night of September."; Some people love snow, its purity, and its elegance. "Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom".

And I love rain alone.

I love rain, its different styles in four seasons, and its different styles in four seasons.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness.

The continuous spring rain "sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently". Straight run "spring grass grows in the pond, willows in the garden become songbirds". Drips of spring rain, moisten the grass, blow open the flowers, and awaken the whole earth.

I love the summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness.

It is not as gentle as the spring rain, nor as delicate as the spring rain. When it comes, it is overwhelming with lightning and thunder. "Dark clouds roll over the mountains without covering the mountains, and white rain jumps into the boat." It comes happily and forthright. After the rainstorm, "Yingying and the petal wind fall in front, and peach blossoms are charming after the rain". Everything is very clear after the rainstorm. The bright and flawless jade hibiscus in the pond is exquisite and full of drops, which is really a beautiful picture.

I love autumn rain, its lingering and plump.

The cool wind and the light rain drifted in, and the reason was even more disorderly. Qiuyu is like a sentimental girl. Accompanied by Fenger, she walks into late autumn and spreads the joy of thinking and harvest to all families.

I love the winter rain, its seriousness and coldness.

The cold north wind whistled, and the cold rain beat everything in disorder, making everything haggard and insects disappear. Winter Rain is like a cold hearted swordsman holding a cold sword, sweeping away the withered grass to the sky, but there are still indomitable people, pine still stands proudly on the mountain peak, holly is still green, and plum blossom is still quietly blooming.

Rain, like the rain of elves, looks and figures one by one every season, and walks through the spring, summer, autumn and winter every year.

Ah, I love the rain, its different styles in the four seasons, and its different styles in the four seasons.

Love Rain (14)

Many people do not like rainy weather, in which they will feel depressed and depressed. I don't. I am so devoted to the rain. Every time it rains, I have an impulse to rush out and have a good shower.

I often personify the rain as a naughty child. It sometimes flickers, like a delicate and shy girl. This is an article about zhe. Sometimes it rains in torrents, and it is fresh and clean, like a young man who does not know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth. This is how it brings us different feelings

Love the rain, feel the rain is magical. It is like a strange gift given to us by nature. Each time it comes, it will give us a new feeling. When it is soft and cannot be touched, it brings us a romantic and elegant atmosphere; When it goes wild, it can let our mood get detached relief; When it is straightforward to the bottom, it makes the smiling faces of the surrounding scenery bloom.

Feeling the rain, we can learn a lot from the soul through the rain. When lightning strikes, rain will do whatever it takes to compete with them. The spirit of not being afraid and daring to fight is worth learning; When it comes soft and lingering, we can feel its quiet but not chaotic atmosphere. Everything is so orderly, just like the old people who can still calm and blend in despite of the panic environment. Rain, like this, is the crystallization of wisdom, bringing us enlightenment.

Taste the rain, enjoy it carefully, and slowly understand the people's evaluation of rain since ancient times. The ancients praised the selflessness and value of rain by saying, "Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently"; There is also "returning, without rain or sunshine" to suggest that rain can temper people's character; Nowadays, there are many people who use rain to render the tranquility and harmony of the environment. The girl holding an oil paper umbrella in the rain lane, the moving legend of the white lady and Xu Xian in the rain in the south of the Yangtze River, because of the existence of rain, all these things are so fresh and natural, so detached and free

Love rain, a cry from the bottom of my heart, a true idea, if I can, I would like to use tears to make love rain; If I can, I would like to irrigate my heart with rain; No regrets, no discouragement; Just like its lofty feelings and deep feelings, I deeply love it.

If you love rain, you will not be afraid to wait. Through winter, I can still embrace the rain, still feel its coolness, and hear its voice in the past. Everything will not change, even with age, the feelings for rain will not change.

Love Rain (15)

I am a child who is easily injured. Even though my face always has a happy and simple smile in the eyes of others, I believe that my bones are lonely and sentimental. Few people know that the sky in my heart is always inexplicably raining from time to time, and then my heart is wet and cool. Therefore, I don't like rainy weather, or even hate rain. But Xiao Wei loves rain, and her love for rain is no less than my love for snow. She once told me that rain will make her awake, so she often jumps in the rain like a madman.

Xiao Wei is the first friend I met after I entered the liberal arts class. We are deskmates. Xiao Wei and I wear glasses with purple frames, but the difference is that I only wear those glasses with countless circles in class, and usually only look at people with hazy eyes. Xiao Wei wears glasses all day long. Xiao Wei asked me why I always let my glasses sleep in the glasses box. I told her that if I met someone I hated, I could pretend not to see them. The reason was that I didn't wear glasses. After hearing this, Xiao Wei suddenly realized that he was smart enough, idol! I laugh. Xiao Wei runs around the classroom like a crazy woman all day long, but that's just Xiao Wei in others' eyes. In my eyes, Xiao Wei is always a poor lamb bound by worries. Xiao Wei will always tell me all her troubles and dissatisfaction without reservation, and sometimes she will add a few painful Jindoudou. I always willingly play the role of her best listener, and then comfort her with some words that I think are very philosophical and more than Marx. After I say my truth, Xiao Wei will give me a face smile, showing joy and emotion.

Shortly after entering the liberal arts class, I ushered in the first snow that I thought about day and night. I took Xiao Wei outside to see the snow. Xiao Wei said that she didn't love snow very much, but actually she wanted to say that she hated snow. I am immersed in the flying snow and Xiao Wei is waiting for me under the eaves. Then Xiao Wei said that when it rains in May, you must accompany me to see the rain. I said OK. The rain in May has not come yet. It began to rain in April. I took an umbrella to accompany Xiaowei to see the rain. Xiao Wei fights with his classmates in the rain like a runaway wild horse, shouting "Shuang". But I hid under the umbrella and didn't dare to move for fear that the rain would rain on me. Then Xiao Wei shouted at me that when May arrived, you must accompany me to the rain. I shouted that you were still not human.

The heavy rain in May is really coming. The rain should not be said to be falling, because it poured down from the sky. The rain on the road can submerge shoes, and everyone is trapped in the classroom. Xiao Wei still rushed into the classroom like a wild animal, and then handed me an umbrella that I said was borrowed from a friend. Take it and go home quickly. I told you what to do. Xiao Wei said you forgot. I love the rain. If I don't take a shower, I will regret it for life. Then Xiao Wei rushed out of the classroom. Through the glass window, I saw Xiao Wei's thin figure in the heavy rain. Then my eyes became blurred. In May, I failed to accompany Xiao Wei to see the rain

Later, I learned that Xiao Wei bought the umbrella from the supermarket, so my eyes were wet again. Later, Xiao Wei would call me out from the TV on weekends and drag me around the street. Sometimes, she would climb over the wall and go to the river to find a wild flower she had seen as a child. Sitting by the river to blow the wind, Xiao Wei always tells her some sad things, and then I always find Xiao Wei's eyes are very sad. But when I cheer her up, Xiao Wei will immediately smile at me.

Slowly, I learned a lot. In fact, Xiao Wei and I are both vulnerable children, but Xiao Wei is used to releasing all her worries, pouring out like rain with lightning and thunder, and she is still a happy angel when the rain clears up. And I am used to quietly deposit everything in my heart, like snow falling on the ground, and then deposit, but it is difficult to melt in winter.


Life has not changed, day after day. I love Xue Xiaowei and rain, which has never changed.

Love Rain (16)

My mother said I loved rain when I was young. She often said that I was naughty when I was young, but whenever it rained, I would stand at the door obediently, watch the rain outside, and listen to the rain quietly. These memories are a little vague, but as far as the love of rain is concerned, it is certain.

I love the rain. I like the feeling of freedom and gentleness in the rain. Rain is the fairy dew in Guanyin Bodhisattva. It washes away all the filth in the world. Sometimes I feel depressed, but when I get caught in the rain, the rain falls gently on me, and I feel refreshed. Rain, gentle, soft, like my mother's hand touching me. Rain falls on the body and moistens the heart. At this time, I will close my eyes, raise my head and feel the caress of rain.

I love rain and listen to music played by rain. When it rains, move a chair, take a book and sit at the door, reading while listening to the rain playing. The sound of rain seems to match the music for the book, and the characters in the book come alive one by one. The sound of rain falling on different substances is different: when it falls on bluestone slabs, the sound is deep; Knock on the glass, the sound is crisp; Falling in the porcelain basin, the sound is musical. What falls on the edge of the basin emits a low voice, and what falls on the basin is like big pearls falling on a jade plate. Listen, the sound of rain is high and low, far and near, overlapping, slow and urgent, really like a symphony playing.

I love the rain, the beautiful posture when it falls. Rain, sometimes delicate, like a fairy, light, like smoke and fog. Sometimes he is strong and jumps down from the air without hesitation, full of the sigh of "heroes will never return". It dares to love and hate, and never hesitates. "Drip of water wears away the stone" is not the persistence of rainwater accumulation day after day, year after year? The rain falls on the window and flows down in streams, leaving its own water marks on the window. It seems that it is painting and modifying constantly. The rain falls on the house and flows down the eaves, forming a beautiful curtain of water. I am in the house, as if I live in the Water Curtain Cave of Monkey King's Flower and Fruit Mountain.

I love rain, its tenderness, its voice, and its wonderful dancing. The rain has shaped my soul.

Love Rain (17)

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Love rain

Some people love the fog, its haziness, and its mistiness; Some people love frost, its whiteness, and its elegance. "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground."; Some people love snow, love its purity, love its elegance, "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom".

And I love rain alone.

I love the rain, its four seasons different character, love its four seasons different style.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness. The continuous spring rain, "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently." Drips of spring rain, moistening the grass, urging the flowers to open, shaking the whole earth awake.

I love summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness. It does not have the gentleness and delicacy of spring rain. When I came, I was overwhelmed by lightning and thunder, happy and straightforward. After the rainstorm, "Yingying lotus petals fall in front of the flowers, but the peach blossoms are charming after the rain."

I love autumn rain, its lingering and plump. The cool wind and drizzle drifted in, and they were still confused.

I love winter rain, its seriousness and calmness. The winter rain is like an indifferent maniac holding a thing sword full of cold air. Sweeping the withered grass to the sky, there are still indomitable people, green pines still stand proudly on the mountain peak, and plum blossoms are still quietly budding!

I love the rain, its unique style, but also its unique feelings!

Senior One: The sun will set

Love Rain (18)

Some people love the fog, love its haziness, the east wind curls in the sun, the fragrant fog clouds the moon corridor, some people love the frost, love its white, the bright moonlight in front of the bed, suspect it is frost on the ground. Some people love dew, love its crystal, pity the first three nights of September, dew like pearls and bows, and I love the rain all the year round.

I love spring rain, its tenderness, and its selflessness. The rain always comes to the world quietly, and it starts to rain unconsciously. This kind of scene reminds people of sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things as if they were silent. Looking out of the window, everything became blurred, like gauze. When you look inside, you can't hear a sound. You can only see the misty rain in the air. Only when you open the window can you hear the intermittent rain. The rain can revive and grow quickly.

I love summer rain, its boldness, and its roughness. The rain came suddenly. At noon, the heat wave hit, but after a while, dark clouds would cover, followed by a heavy thunder. With the thunder, the clouds changed rapidly, and the lightning became brighter and brighter. With a snap, a storm came. Soon, the raindrops at zero formed a dense rain net. It's raining harder and harder. There are countless small waterfalls hanging on the eaves. It keeps falling. What a beautiful picture it is!

I love autumn rain, love its lingering, love its amorous. The autumn rain can't stop at once. It rains for several days. But the most important thing is that the rain has drenched crops, reddened the fruits of trees, and yellowed the leaves. The leaves of autumn rain fall down, and the fruits are full of branches. In this harvest season, the farmer uncle also smiled happily and was busy harvesting the fruits of labor. This is a harvest map!

I love the winter rain, its seriousness and its coldness. The north wind is howling, and the cold rain comes in all directions, making all things become haggard. The winter rain is like a cold and heartless man with a ruthless sword, sweeping away the withered grass to the sky, but the pine still stands proudly on the mountain peak, the holly is still green and dripping, and the plum blossom has quietly sprouted, which is so indomitable.

I love the rain, its unique style, but also its unique feelings.

Love Rain (19)

In real life or work and study, everyone has tried to write a composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. So, how to write a composition? The following is the composition about Love Rain collected and sorted by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Many people do not like rainy weather, in which they will feel depressed and depressed. I don't. I am so devoted to the rain. Every time it rains, I have an impulse to rush out and have a good shower.

I often personify the rain as a naughty child. It sometimes flickers, like a delicate and shy girl. This is an article about zhe. Sometimes it rains in torrents, and it is fresh and clean, like a young man who does not know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth. This is how it brings us different feelings

Love the rain, feel the rain is magical. It is like a strange gift given to us by nature. Each time it comes, it will give us a new feeling. When it is soft and cannot be touched, it brings us a romantic and elegant atmosphere; When it goes wild, it can let our mood get detached relief; When it is straightforward to the bottom, it makes the smiling faces of the surrounding scenery bloom.

Feeling the rain, we can learn a lot from the soul through the rain. When lightning strikes, rain will do whatever it takes to compete with them. The spirit of not being afraid and daring to fight is worth learning; When it comes soft and lingering, we can feel its quiet but not chaotic atmosphere. Everything is so orderly, just like the old people who can still calm and blend in despite of the panic environment. Rain, like this, is the crystallization of wisdom, bringing us enlightenment.

Taste the rain, enjoy it carefully, and slowly realize the people's' evaluation of rain since ancient times. The ancients praised the selflessness and value of rain by saying, "Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently"; There is also "returning, without rain or sunshine" to suggest that rain can temper people's character; Nowadays, there are many people who use rain to render the tranquility and harmony of the environment. The girl holding an oil paper umbrella in the rain lane, the moving legend of the white lady and Xu Xian in the rain in the south of the Yangtze River, because of the existence of rain, all these things are so fresh and natural, so detached and free

Love rain, a cry from the bottom of my heart, a true idea, if I can, I would like to use tears to make love rain; If I can, I would like to irrigate my heart with rain; No regrets, no discouragement; Just like its lofty feelings and deep feelings, I deeply love it.

If you love rain, you will not be afraid to wait. Through winter, I can still embrace the rain, still feel its coolness, and hear its voice in the past. Everything will not change, even with age, the feelings for rain will not change.