Composition describing gold and silver (4 required)
everything is going smoothly
2024-05-12 05:38:01
primary school

Composition describing gold and silver (1)

Today, I heard from my partner that he and his grandmother went to pick gold and silver flowers and earned nearly 30 yuan a day.

I really wanted to go, so I discussed with my grandfather and planned to go there tomorrow. Listen to my partner's grandma. One pound is 4 yuan. My partner and I thought of a way. We only picked flowers and bones, because flowers and bones are heavier than flowers. We filled the bucket bit by bit, and the flowers and bones rose up bit by bit. After a while, we picked a full bucket, and I still lifted it gently. I pressed the button, and found that it was only half a bucket. My partner and I continued to pick. Finally, a full bucket was picked, and we went to weigh it. It's just 8 yuan, 4 yuan for him and 4 yuan for me. On the way home, I was very happy because I also made money.

In the future, I will save money to buy stationery and not spend money on adults.

Composition describing gold and silver (2)

Honeysuckle has already bloomed in April and May. I like honeysuckle very much. I guess the origin of the name of honeysuckle. When honeysuckle just opened, it was white. People would think of the word silver when they saw the honeysuckle at that time. When the honeysuckle was about to wither, it became ochre. People would think of the word gold again. I think people may call it "honeysuckle" according to the color change of honeysuckle.

In the countryside in early summer, there are honeysuckle everywhere. Look, there are clusters here and there. My mother and I would collect some honeysuckle every year, put it in a bottle, and put it in the living room. When we came home from school, when we opened the door, a faint fragrance came to us.

According to my mother, honeysuckle can also be used as medicine. Some cold medicines we drink contain honeysuckle, which can clear heat and detoxify. This year, my mother and I plan to use our break time to collect some honeysuckle in the wild, dry them in the sun, seal them up, and take them out to soak in the hot weather, which will definitely relieve the summer heat.

Honeysuckle is really a treasure, beautiful, delicious and delicious!

Composition describing gold and silver (3)

One morning, when I came to the yard, I found that there were several plants on the wall made of green bricks. They had long vines and many hairs on them, just like the dog tail grass, which felt itchy. I asked my mother curiously, "What kind of plant is this?" My mother said, "This is honeysuckle, and this is the vine of honeysuckle. Honeysuckle has two colors, one is white, the other is yellow, so people call it honeysuckle.

A few days later, I found that the vines had grown longer, and there were also some new green leaves on them, which made the yard full of vitality. I was very happy!

After another 20 days, I came to see the honeysuckle again and found that its vines had grown a lot and were still winding on the wall, like a huge net. Small white and yellow flowers appeared on the vine, just like beautiful trumpets hanging on the branches! It's like a group of girls dancing. A closer look shows that it has two petals like rabbit ears, one on the left and one on the right. In the middle, there are also some clusters of stamens, as if a baby is sleeping inside.

The fragrance of honeysuckle is so charming that it attracts both "Mr." bees and "Ms." butterflies. Just pick a golden flower and put it in a vase, you can beautify the whole room. If withered, it will be more fragrant than before.

I love my honeysuckle. Plants are our good friends.

Composition describing gold and silver (4)

600 word composition 1 describing honeysuckle

Beautiful honeysuckle

At noon today, the sunshine baby could not wait to fall from the sky. I said to my mother, "Mom, the fine weather is not to be missed. Go and bathe in the sun, right?" My mother said happily, "Good idea, good idea! Go! Hurry!"

My mother and I changed our clothes and drove to the Yingbin Avenue. "Ah! Mom, what is this?" Originally, I found a cluster of flowers like bells, yellow as gold, white as silver. My mother and I got out of the car and walked closer. The flower looked like a golden needle flower, but it was much smaller. I asked my mother, "What kind of flower is it?" My mother looked at my questioning eyes and said, "It's called honeysuckle." So I nodded and said yes.

Honeysuckle is a vine plant, which twines on big trees or low shrubs. Its flower has six stamens, one pistil and five stamens. The green one is the pistil, and the yellow one is the stamen. I observed carefully, and found that the color order of each flower was different. There were yellow flowers, white flowers, and yellow and white flowers. It was really dazzling! Honeysuckle has another feature: the front of its stem is red, and the back is green. It's curious and strange. There are many wonders in the world!

A closer look revealed that the buds of honeysuckle were light green, in the shape of a mallet, and then slowly turned white. Then came out one after another trumpet shaped flowers. As the old man gradually walked away, the white flower changed into a yellow suit. At this time, if your nose is in close contact with flowers, a burst of fragrance will come to your nose, making you feel extremely comfortable.

Honeysuckle is not only very beautiful in appearance, but also can be used as medicine or drink with flowers and rattan. What I like more is its tenacious vitality. Its graceful figure can be seen everywhere on the hillside, on the roadside, in front of and behind the house. They cling tightly to the bodies of other plants and live strongly.

I love honeysuckle, but also its indomitable spirit.

600 word composition about honeysuckle 2

I love honeysuckle

Last year, my father brought back a dead tree branch from somewhere and planted it in the open yard. I asked curiously: "Dad, what is this? Can it live?" My face was full of question marks. My father smiled and replied, "This is the root of honeysuckle. It will sprout in a few days after planting." Sure enough, honeysuckle soon sprouted. The light green leaves are really like green insects on the branches. The more you look at them, the more attractive they are.

Time is like water. A year has passed, and the appearance of honeysuckle has changed a lot. The leaves grow luxuriantly. I found that the leaves of honeysuckle are opposite, one by one, like twins. They grow up in a neat and even way on the stem, really like one by one struggling upward doll. Dad also built a shelf around the honeysuckle so that it can climb up the shelf. Now, honeysuckle covered the whole shelf, like a pavilion. This summer, we can enjoy the cool in the bower.

In March, honeysuckle grows thin and long bracts. Some bracts are full and burst quickly; Some are green, just like a little girl sleeping in a green scarf. After a few spring rains, honeysuckle bloomed, one after another as white as snow, like fat dolls blowing small trumpets, extremely beautiful. A gentle wind blows, and honeysuckle emits a faint fragrance, which makes people relaxed and happy. Small bees and butterflies are also attracted. They are busy among the flowers. Honeysuckle will change its face! The first flowers slowly turned into gold, gold flowers, silver flowers full of branches. No wonder people call it "honeysuckle"!

Every evening, our family mobilized to pick honeysuckle together. My father said that honeysuckle can be made into tea after being dried, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

Honeysuckle, you not only have strong vitality, but also give your all in obscurity. I like you! I want to be a useful person like you.

600 word composition describing honeysuckle 3

I love honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is a perennial vine with yellow and white flowers, so it is called honeysuckle. This kind of plant often grows in damp and cool places. Dense branches hang down from the climbing trees, and star like florets come out. The flowering period is very long, ranging from February and March to weeks at least. It usually blooms at the turn of spring and summer, which is a beautiful scenery in April and May.

A particularly lush honeysuckle is climbing on a hibiscus tree near my home. Every flower season, the hibiscus tree will be filled with a special fragrance, which is beautiful beyond description, so clear, so pure, and also has a sweet, mellow honey taste. At this time, I always breathe deeply, and I wish I could suck all the fragrance into my stomach. Not only are the flowers beautiful, but the honeysuckle flowers are also so beautiful. On the dense vines hanging down, there are one after another dense white and yellow flowers. It was a cluster of small and exquisite flowers, full of fragrance. There were five petals, each of which was crystal clear. Each flower was lovable. It was so small that it seemed to break into five petals at a touch. Honeysuckle blooms most luxuriantly in the middle of the flowering period, and the flowers almost submerge all the leaves. The white flowers are not so much like silver, but rather like strings of spotless white pearls hanging from the trees. Occasionally, a few green leaves are exposed, like a few jadeites that are inadvertently strung in, which makes people intoxicated. The string of yellow is more charming, like a piece of gold, shining in people's eyes. It does not have the publicity of peaches and plums, nor the brilliance of wild flowers. It is just implicit, quietly open, quietly emitting fragrance, like a shy girl, even at the most beautiful moment, it just smiles, revealing its own glory. In addition, honeysuckle also has a very important role in medicine, which can clear away heat, detoxify, and cure diseases. Honeysuckle is a kind of useful and considerable flower.

I love honeysuckle. Although it is not elegant, I like its tranquility and ordinary beauty.

Not only are the flowers beautiful, but the honeysuckle flowers are also so beautiful. Not only are the flowers beautiful, but the honeysuckle flowers are also so beautiful. On the dense vines hanging down, there are one after another dense white and yellow flowers.