Compositions about describing chickens (4 compilations)
let nature take its course
2024-05-09 05:43:06

Composition about Chicken (1)

My mother-in-law raised a group of chickens. They are very cute.

A small cockscomb on the chicken's head is like a row of bamboo shoots just emerging from the ground. The fluff on the chicken's body is short and soft, as if wearing a goose yellow coat. A pair of thin feet worried me very much. I was afraid that it would hurt. It was so cute when walking. The chicken has a sharp and short mouth. Under the sunshine, it is suffused with yellow light, and a pair of bright and flexible small eyes are embedded in that mouth. Next to their eyes, there is a cluster of white hairs. Pull out that layer of hair, and you will see two small holes, namely its ears!

I took out a bamboo board and filled it with ingredients. When I walked into the chicken house, the chickens immediately crowded around me. Those big, watery eyes stared at me motionlessly, as if to say to me: "Little master, we are hungry, give us some food to eat!" Before the small bamboo board landed, the chickens had rushed to the ground and ignored me, Seems to regard me as a floating cloud. A few of them pecked a few times and then looked up and shouted "Jiji" to me, as if they were thanking me. A few chicks could not get enough to eat, so they had to squeeze from behind. The chicks in front glared at the chicks behind, as if to say, "Here, let's go, this is mine!" The chicks could only wait and eagerly watched a plate of delicious food being snatched away.

The chickens should have had enough, so they walked away happily. Suddenly, a naughty chick flew down from the flagstone flapping its wings and pecked a chick's leg. The pecked chick quickly paid back to the chick. Finally, the two chicks scuffled on the ground. I pecked you, you pecked me, I stepped on your belly and patted you again. When I saw their funny appearance, I couldn't help laughing

Look, the chicken is going to shit again! It raises its wings so high that it seems to want to cover its buttocks, and then goes out in a big way after taking a good shit. It doesn't care about hygiene at all!

At the end of the moon, the noisy village quieted down. The chickens huddled together in the box, as if to get a little warmth. They closed their green eyelids and fell asleep peacefully.

Composition about Chicken (2)

Today, on the way to the end of the English interest class, I heard bursts of "squeaky squeaky" cries. Looking back, it seemed that an uncle was selling chickens. I hurriedly squeezed in and saw a flat bamboo basket full of chickens. The fluffy chickens were crowding around in the basket, so cute. I asked my uncle how much a chicken cost? Uncle said three yuan each.

My mother agreed to buy me two chickens, and I began to pick chickens. But the chickens are so flexible that I can't catch them. Later, my uncle helped me catch two chickens and put them in a plastic bag. I hold the plastic bag and feel that the chicken is trembling, maybe afraid. I quickly put them on my legs so that they can stand, and asked my mother to drive the battery car slowly.

I took my chickens to the park and let them eat grass in the sun on the grass. Many people came around to see my chickens. But a little boy always wanted to catch my chickens and beat them with a branch. I yelled angrily, "You can only look, you can't move." Later, I went to the side store to get a carton and went home with chickens.

But in the evening, the chicken began to tremble, its eyes could not open, and it died soon. Mother said that we don't know how to take care of them, so we'd better not buy them in the future. How pathetic it is now. I looked at the dead chicken and was very sad.

Composition on Describing Chicken (3)

well! Look at those little guys. The round little brains have a pair of tiny eyes, and they are wearing a cute goose yellow sweater. Their hairy wings grow on their chubby bodies. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the little feet covered by your body. How small and yellow they are! You should have guessed that it is a very cute chicken.

A few days ago, I went to my grandmother's house and saw many chickens. At noon, the chickens should also be hungry. I pulled out some big green vegetables to feed them. This feeding, I found that the chickens were very filial to their parents.

——In order to let the chickens slowly taste the delicious food I cooked myself, I gently tore off a little green vegetables. There were no wormholes on the green vegetables. The white roots were shiny. I thought the chickens would enjoy the "delicious food" when they saw their favorite green vegetables. Who knew it was filial, I took a piece of vegetable leaf and walked slowly to a big rooster who lived in the nest. I put the leaf on the ground and cried "Jijiji..." and talked with the chicken for a while, then the chicken walked away.

As the saying goes, "Man is iron, and rice is steel, and you will be hungry if you don't eat at a meal." This is true of man, as is true of chicken, which is very gluttonous. I divided the remaining vegetables into several portions, and threw them again and again. Where they were thrown, the chickens would be squeezed everywhere, one by one, hairy heads, one by one, chubby 'bodies, squeezed together like large goose yellow cotton balls. "I eat, I eat, I eat..." The chickens chirped. "Peck"! Another piece to the mouth! There are several chickens that haven't been caught. They are greedy and want to eat more outside. I squatted down and rolled vegetables into the small hole in the fence. Look! The chickens were attracted by the green vegetables again. "Click"! A chicken pecked hard, and I was scared, afraid that its sharp beak would peck my hand. But I still think they are cute and naive.

Come on! Protect animals! They give us happiness. Don't hurt animals, let them be lovely and innocent forever!

Composition about Chicken (4)

It was such a joy that I never thought that my mother, who had never been interested in small animals, would buy 10 newly born chickens from the farmers' market, which made me happy. These chickens are very cute. The whole body is fluffy, like a small ball of fluff. The sharp mouth is tender and makes a subtle sound. A pair of small round eyes were shining, looking around vigilantly. Maybe I just came to my home, I am very strange to everything here! Some hid under the bed and refused to come out; Some stood in the corner staring at us blankly; Some shrink into a ball and tremble; Some run around the house; Some are scared out of their wits?? On the third day, Dad moved them out of the house and put them in the yard to bask in the sun. I thought they must be hungry, so I took some biscuits, crushed them and put them on the ground. When the chickens saw food, they immediately gathered around and scrambled to peck at it. At last, their stomachs were like one or two dumplings. This helps digestion. They play with each other. They also completely dispel their doubts about me. When I clap my hands, they jump and jump to ask me for food. Ho! Which chicken is that? It is also very energetic. The other chickens are asleep. This little gray chicken does not jump up and down, making the chickens restless. When other chickens sleep, it jumps on the heads of the chicks, making others wake up. When other chickens eat, it kicks over the food bowl, alas! It's really "a rotten chicken spoils a pot of soup"! Once, I scattered many kinds of food on the ground. The chickens seemed to see something exciting, and soon the food on the ground was swept away. Only then did I understand that they could eat omnivores! This time, I specially prepared more food to help them grow up faster. Ooh! It seems that this is right! They all know that if they don't have enough, they won't be satisfied, so they scramble for food like crazy! Crying and lowering his head, his sharp mouth quickly pecked at the food on the ground. I love this interesting scene, ah! What a lovely little life! I really hope they will grow up soon.