300 words of event composition (19 articles)
secluded orchid in a deserted valley
2024-05-29 08:12:34

300 words of event composition (1)

This morning, on the playground, Principal Zhang said that there would be famous teachers and teachers from all Xingtai City coming to our school to attend classes. At that time, I felt a little nervous after listening to this. I thought: Will the famous teachers and teachers from our school come to our class to listen to our classes, or will they be met by me? Anyway, I was a little nervous.

I didn't go back to the classroom with other students after dinner in the morning, but I went back to the classroom myself. At that time, as soon as I left the dining room, I was very relaxed and walked into the classroom. But when I came to the school gate, I saw a lot of people. At that time, I began to be nervous. Would they be the teachers who came to our school today to attend classes, They were all very serious. They seemed to be famous teachers. But I didn't dare to say hello to them at that time. I went straight to the classroom. When I got to the classroom, I relaxed.

I'm so nervous today. Fortunately, nothing happened.

300 words of event composition (2)

It's another winter holiday. I spent this winter holiday at my grandma's house in the countryside and in the city. I have unforgettable memories in both places.

In the countryside, it snowed heavily on the days I went back. It was like an ice rink outside. People should be careful when walking. The snow fell on my ankle. Although the weather is so bad, my little partner and I still need to take a shovel and wear gloves. When we see here, you can't help asking, where are you going? Of course, I will shovel snow at the gym near Grandma's house. There are many people passing by every day. We were afraid that someone would fall down, so we agreed to shovel snow for everyone. Just do what I want. I shovel hard. When the ice is shoveled onto the shovel, it is as heavy as a stone. I really couldn't support it. When the shovel overturned, all the ice fell to the ground, and I almost fell down myself. Looking at the ice on the ground, I sighed and thought to myself: what was hard to shovel now fell off! Although the gym is very large, we have finally finished shoveling the ice there through our efforts. We can also play there freely!

After the composition about winter vacation life, we will talk about the city again. There are not many students near my home this winter vacation. Sometimes I want to talk to my classmates, but they don't answer. So I can only do my homework at home. It was not easy to stay at my friend's house for two days, but when we arrived at her house, we were no longer as friendly as before, and we didn't talk to each other. At this time, I thought: Alas! I really want to go back to my grandma's house and live for a while. It's so boring here!

Although the city is prosperous, it will feel lonely and insignificant in the face of people coming and going; Although the pace of progress in rural areas is slow, there are many partners and interesting things, so I prefer to stay in rural areas during the holidays. Liu Zijiao

300 words of event composition (3)

Small life, big truth

Everywhere in life, there are big and small truths, which will guide you in your direction.

I remember one time, my mother and I went to the food market to buy food. The food in the market was colorful and colorful, which made my mouth water. When my mother asked me what to eat, my eyes stopped on a bunch of green vegetables, and I blurted out: "Green vegetables!" "OK, I will buy them now." My mother said. With these words, he went to the vegetable seller's house and asked: "How much is a handful of vegetables?" "50 cents." The buyer smiled and said, "You see how fresh the vegetables are." Suddenly, my mother seemed to think of something and took me away.

My mother went to another shop selling vegetables. I saw many people rushing to buy his vegetables. My mother asked, "How much is a handful of vegetables?" "One yuan." Ah? It's so expensive, I thought to myself. This dish is withered and yellow, and it is so expensive. I looked at my mother doubtfully. My mother had already bought vegetables and was taking a dollar to give to my grandfather!

Then my mother bought some vegetables, and on the way home, I asked: "Mom, why do you want to buy that withered and yellow vegetable instead of that green and green one?" My mother smiled and said to me: "Those green and green vegetables were treated with pesticide, but grandpa's vegetables were pure natural."

Unexpectedly, there is such a big truth in the small things everywhere in life. It seems that I will pay more attention to it in the future.

300 words of event composition (4)

I always believe that there are many good people in the world, and I always believe that the world is warm.

On the bus going home on May Day: The bus is so crowded that there is almost no place to stand. At this time, several old people came up, and the young men on the bus all stood up to make way. This will happen at every station. At that time, Xiao'er and I looked silly. I was moved inexplicably.

On the bus of K301 yesterday: the driver is very good, and the conductor is also very good. At a certain station, a middle-aged woman and a little girl got on the bus. The bus was also full. The driver was busy looking for a seat. The conductor picked up the little girl and sat beside her. In fact, the little girl in Qingdao from Shanshi is also very good. We have a good chat. There is a feeling that I hate to meet you too late.

On the way back to Yingcai today: rainy day, this is the result of my waiting. When I was walking, I accidentally got stuck in the muddy road. It was so deep. He was busy buying shoes for me. At this time, a little girl came and accidentally got stuck. Fortunately, it was not deep. When we smiled at each other, the feeling could only be understood but not explained. Those brothers on the construction site, in fact, are also kind. They stand beside us to remind us that they are not like some people telling jokes.

Many times, I will be touched by a little thing, maybe. The shoes with those shoe brushes are very clean. Maybe when they are dry, I will be reluctant to wear them.

Well, I understand. I also need to do all the small things well.

300 words of event composition (5)

When I got home, I almost jumped up: Yeah! There are pigeons for dinner today! Well, some people know (those who let me write the record book) that I like pigeons. How can I eat pigeons? To tell you the truth, I like pigeons... but they are carrier pigeons. (The rear row is fully inverted)

Mom said, "The pigeons we ate today are really delicious." I was rehearsing and singing with Xiao Huo when I suddenly thought, "Nani! You didn't tell me about the pigeons you ate at noon?" (typical food hahaha) "Don't worry, we'll keep them for you." Mom said with a smile. I finally put down the big stone in my heart.

The dinner was really rich: fried barbecue with vegetables, chicken wings, and pigeons I really want to eat! The skin of the pigeon burned dark red, making people "drool three thousand feet". My eyes shone. I licked the skin of my mouth and was about to move my chopsticks - "Don't worry, it's too late to chew after eating first." Dad stopped me.

Dad took a piece of roast meat skin and put it in his mouth with a "sizzling sizzling" sound. Dad thought his teeth were bare! I burst into laughter, and then my father said, "When I eat, it seems that my ears will fall off." I laughed and pulled my father's ears. My father's face became very serious again: "Don't do that. I can't fall down after eating." I laughed again. My father is really humorous!

Do you have these little things?

300 words of event composition (6)

When I was having dinner this evening, I was talking with my mother, but my mother suddenly answered a phone call. After my mother answered the phone, she suddenly forgot what we had talked about before.

I don't know why, I suddenly got angry. I don't know why I am so angry. I look at my mother angrily, and then I will go back to my 'room' without eating.

Mom may also think that I am very angry for no reason, so she did not chase me into my room as usual to coax me. In this way, my mother and I have been in a cold war, and no one speaks to me first.

Later, after I calmed down in my room for a while, I found that this anger was really my fault. Although I was very upset about my mistake, I didn't have the courage to apologize to my mother. I think I'm really too impulsive. I must control my temper well in the future.

300 words of event composition (7)

Fox counts chickens

The fox was hungry and went out to find some chickens to eat. It happened that Mama Bear bought ten chickens for Little Bear. The fox thought that if I could get so many chickens, I would have a good meal. The fox followed Mother Bear to Little Bear's house quietly. Mother Bear put the chicken on the grass, and the chicken played on the grass. Mother asked the bear to learn to count. Little Bear could not count. Suddenly, he saw a fox and asked him to count for him, so he went to bed.

Seeing these delicious chickens, the fox couldn't help drooling and thought, "When the time comes, I must eat these chickens!" In this way, the fox easily ate all the chickens. Little Bear slept for a while and thought, "The fox should have finished counting the chickens!" When he went out, he saw a lot of chicken bones. Little Bear is very strange. Where have all the chickens gone? Suddenly, Little Bear thought that the fox liked the chicken best. The chicken might have been eaten by the fox. Little Bear was very regretful and thought, "I should have thought that the fox likes to eat chicken, so I won't let the fox count it for me. I must do my own thing in the future."

300 words of event composition (8)

Jiulong Home Appliances, where I bought my computer.

They once said that we can never face the future life with the memories of the past. So we spent a lot of time to look back on the past and forget to look forward to the future, so we have been looking forward to it. This kind of longing and hope will be withdrawn when it comes, so I always feel that this feeling is not a normal phenomenon.

But when the perimeter really disappoints us, we will feel like a basin of cold water pouring from the beginning. I don't think many people can't accept the stimulation and shock that my real life has brought to us, so they feel that they can't accept this life and can't adapt to it, so they want to change it.

It's just that simple to describe.

But when they really found out about these investigations and studies, they would think that things had happened. It was not so green at all. Maybe it went through various twists and turns. You may not be able to understand what kind of experience it is to fly here because you just pretend to be a passer-by, so you stay in this village and wonder what happened to them.

300 words of event composition (9)

The endless blue sea, the soft golden beach, waves of spray, and beautiful shells... I think no one does not like this sea! Let me have a date with the sea!

The long-awaited trip finally arrived. On this day, my mother, brother and aunt and I set out on the high-speed railway together. We talked and laughed all the way. Looking at the changes in the scenery outside the window, we were very excited and excited. I finally arrived at the destination at more than eight in the evening. As soon as I got off the bus, I saw the blue sky and white clouds. It was so late. I had never seen such a blue sky before. Then we

Go to the hotel to have a rest first, so that you can have the energy to play the next day.

The next day, just after daybreak, we rushed to the sea. The rising sun slanted on the sea, and the waves on the sea flashed like stars winking at me. It's so comfortable to step on the thin and soft beach! "Eh, sister, come here quickly, there are many small holes here." My brother and I squatted beside those holes and observed carefully. A little guy leaned out of the small body. Before we reached out, he quickly hid into the hole, where there were little sand crabs. My brother and I began to fight with the little sand crabs, catching and digging, but we couldn't catch them. They were too fast. My brother and I are not discouraged at all. We continue to play with them in different ways. Occasionally, some silly little sand crabs will be caught by us. After playing with them for a while, my brother asked me to surf. I took my brother's hand and drew close to the sea. As we went deeper and deeper, the waves were bigger and bigger. One by one, the waves rushed towards us. "Whoa whoa whoa" We were washed down by the waves. Compared with the waves, we were like mice and elephants. We were so small. I suddenly thought of a game. I said to my brother, "How about we play Jumping Wave?" My brother clapped his hands and shouted. A wave rushed towards us, and we tried to escape. One, two, three, four... played until we were exhausted. Later, we also picked up many small shells with strange shapes and colors

Do you like this sea? If you like, please have a date with the sea!

300 words of event composition (10)

During the summer vacation, my mother and I, as well as her friends, went to Dunhuang, Gansu Province for tourism. The first stop is the famous scenic spot - "Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring". "Moon Teeth Spring of Mingsha Mountain" is a famous scenic spot in Dunhuang. It attracts countless tourists to visit here every summer. When we get off the train, we can't wait to come to the foot of Mingsha Mountain. My friends and I ran around excitedly.

I came to the foot of Mingsha Mountain and looked up. Wow! It's so beautiful here! In the setting sun, the mountain of Mingsha Mountain presents perfect shade and sunshine, and yellow sand shines with golden light; The green crescent moon spring lies quietly in the arms of Mingsha Mountain, like a beautiful woman in a green scarf. The whole is like a painting, fascinating! The camels walking in line in the desert walk in order like the primary school students' lines after school. None of the camels left the line, which is really the "boat of the desert"! The sand on the top of the mountain was blown up by the strong wind and danced with the wind, just like a child's hair was disordered by the wind! Pick up a handful of sand, and the sand flows down from your fingers like flowing water. How beautiful!

My friends and I came to the sand skating area with great enthusiasm, but there was a long queue here, so we had to change the place to skate. But these little sands are very disobedient. They can't slide or make my skateboard collapse. What should I do? We finally decided to climb to Mingsha Mountain to watch the sunset. I put on sunglasses, neck covers, sunscreen clothes and shoe covers, and armed to prevent sand from entering my eyes, nose and mouth. At the beginning, I climbed very hard, but slowly became slower and slower until I was exhausted and sat on the sand to rest. You know, it's not easy to climb the sand mountain. It's basically one step back and two steps back. The adults beside must use both hands and feet, and they are also breathless! By this time, my mother had disappeared. I really wanted to go back! However, I saw that the other two partners were still trying to climb. If it went on like this, I would be laughed at by them. Come on, let's continue! In this way, climb two steps and have a rest. I'm finally near the top of the mountain! I suddenly heard my mother call me: "Come on, Xixi!" I looked up and saw that my mother had already climbed to the top. I climbed to the top of the mountain and joined my mother. Looking back, I also surpassed those two little friends. I'm so happy! I posed in various positions and asked my mother to take pictures of me. Finally, I was exhausted and sat on the ground.

We finally saw the beautiful sunset. The sun smiled and waved to me, sprinkled the last golden light on my red little face, and then hid in the cave.

On this day, I defeated myself and conquered Mingsha Mountain with my strength and persistence. This sense of success is really great! I also saw such a beautiful scenery. It was really a worthwhile trip! I must climb again in the future.

300 words of event composition (11)

One day in the summer vacation, the weather was sunny and cloudless. I'm bored at home alone. I want to go out and play, but I don't know where to go. After a while, Xiaodong asked me to go to his grandmother's house with him, and I promised. We walked happily to his grandmother's house.

After a while, we arrived at Xiao Dong's grandmother's house. Grandma said: "Xiao Dong, we have many mice. Can you help me subdue them?" Xiao Dong agreed. Xiaodong and I first found a big bottle, a fork and a stick, and then found a hole. Everything was ready. We used a bottle to find water, and then poured water into the hole. After a while, a big mouse ran out. I saw the mouse and forked it. Unexpectedly, it ran away, so I had to wait for the second one.

After a while, another mouse poked its head out and looked around. I learned the lesson from last time. First, I aimed at the neck, and then I forced a fork. When I was hit, I stabbed the first mouse.

In this way, we caught all the mice in Grandma Xiaodong's house one by one.

On that day, I not only caught a mouse, but also learned a truth: Don't be too impatient to do things.

300 words of event composition (12)

When I mention summer vacation, I will be very excited because there are many happy things in summer vacation. When I think back, they play back in my mind like movies. I think the most interesting thing is to learn the skateboard.

Once, I learned to skate. My sister first slipped once, made a demonstration, and explained the essentials to me: the left foot first, make sure to step on the right foot after stepping firmly. I tightly pulled my sister's clothes and put my left foot on the yo yo board in fear. When I didn't wait for my right foot, I fell down heavily. Alas, it hurt! My sister encouraged me: "How can I not fall? I fell when I was just learning. It doesn't matter, come again." I went up again. This time, I carefully stood on both feet. Just when I was proud, "Pa" fell down again. One knee touched the water and mud floor, and I cried "wow" in pain. My heart was really bad, as if I had knocked over a Schisandra bottle! My tears rolled in my eyes! My sister gently patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't lose heart, don't think about anything else, and concentrate." Seeing my sister's patience, I timidly replied, "OK, I'll try again several times." With the help of my sister, I tried many more times. Little by little, I can move forward with a twist. Slowly, my left and right feet cooperate with the twist and twist out of the law. Let go of my sister's hand, I carefully walked along the path of the small garden and turned around. I was so happy that I couldn't close my mouth.

From then on, I would go out to skateboard whenever I was free at night, and my father, mother and sister often accompanied me. This sport became the fun of our family.

"Nothing is difficult in the world, only if you have a heart!". If you decide to do something, you must persevere and eventually succeed. Although this matter has passed for a long time, I still remember it vividly. This funny story has become a treasure in my memory.

300 words of event composition (13)

The long summer vacation has passed, and it seems a little nostalgic in retrospect, otherwise I will tell you about it!

The most interesting event in the summer vacation belongs to it: when I came to the painting class, I saw a group of people holding cups in their hands, and I hurried to the teacher to get one. When the teacher saw all the people, he began to teach. The teacher first gave us a piece of crepe paper and told us not to rush to paint, After we settled down, the teacher said, "Now I will tell you the process of making carnations, and everyone will listen! 'The first step is to draw eight circles, and then'". Finally, the teacher said, I will make carnations according to the process the teacher said.

About half an hour later, the first carnation in our class was "born". If you want to ask who it is, you don't have to guess. Of course it is me! I held it high for the teacher to see. The teacher said, "Yes, it's great!" Then a dozen pairs of envious eyes shot at my "baby". I hid the "baby" unwisely for fear of being robbed by others.

It's time for "Lingling" to leave school. I reluctantly bid farewell to my carnation and go home!

300 words of event composition (14)

Every summer vacation, my parents will take me to travel. This summer vacation, our tourist destination is the ancient city of Xi'an. After 7 hours of train, I came to Xi'an, a city known as "the ancient capital of a thousand years".

Xi'an's snacks are very famous. They are cold and slippery, which makes me feel very cool; Paomo is also delicious, and people come to eat it in an endless stream; Roujiamo is also essential, because the meat is sandwiched in the middle of the bun, which tastes delicious; The most famous one is "the best noodles in the world". One bowl of noodles is only one piece and one piece is meters long, which means that it was developed on March 8, 20XX, and also represents the hospitality of 38 million people in Shaanxi.

Xi'an has not only many delicious food, but also many places of interest. There are ancient city walls, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Huaqing Palace... What impressed me most is the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor of Qin. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses are composed of cavalry, infantry, chariot soldiers and horses. Now more than 8000 terracotta warriors and horses have been found, and all of them are basically incomplete. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses were originally colored, but as soon as they were dug up, they encountered oxygen, so they became gray. Each Terracotta Warriors and Horses is lifelike, with different postures. There are no two identical terracotta warriors and horses.

Xi'an not only let me see many places of interest, but also let me know many historical stories. This beautiful Gu'an really makes me linger.

300 words of event composition (15)

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, half of the colorful summer vacation has passed.

Today, we got up early and went to Sanyanqiao for a ride. Our laughter filled the way. I drove very fast. It felt like I was riding a Pegasus. It was time in a twinkling. When we arrived at the station, we got off the bus quickly and immediately joined the embrace of nature. From afar, we saw majestic mountains and many fields. Taking a deep breath, a thick smell of soil came to our noses. The green rice seedlings in the fields were dripping green under the sun, shining brightly, and presented a pastoral scene of birds singing and flowers fragrance everywhere. I saw some children picking flowers, chasing butterflies, and catching dragonflies in the far field. My sister and I ran quickly to join them, and soon became good friends. Soon, the clothes and faces were covered with mud, and everyone looked like clay figures.

The long-awaited time has finally come - swimming. When we came to the brook, we heard the sound of flowing water. The water was green like bluestone and jade. When the wind blew, the water was billowing. Under the sunshine, it was sparkling and refreshing. Sometimes dragonflies skim the water, which reminds me of Du Fu's poem "Butterflies in flowers are seen deeply, and dragonflies skim the water". My sister, I and my friends rushed to jump into the water one by one, "plop, plop"... We rowed the river left and right with our arms, moving forward, backward, left, right, and everyone swam in the river. We only heard the children playing, laughing, and the sound of running water in the river, It became a passionate symphony.

As the sun set, the sun's father-in-law threw the last light on the river, and we reluctantly left the original Three Eye Bridge. This summer vacation is really unforgettable!

300 words of event composition (16)

It was a weekend morning. I made an appointment with a friend to go to the city library to buy books. When I was waiting for the bus at the roadside, the rain had not dissipated a few days ago. I don't know whether it was because of the weather or the unreasonable urban drainage system. Just when I thought about this problem, a white car suddenly came and drove past without slowing down, In an instant, the rain mixed with the soil, and the splashed people were covered with it. I don't know why. The mailbox next to it was also marked with spots. A child ran to the mailbox, wiped it with the toilet paper he carried, and said, it looked much better.

I can't help thinking why the car driver and the little boy have different attitudes, which reflects the success of education? Is it the difference of evaluation criteria? It is still that the adults in this society do not play a good role in leading by example. Children know how to respect others. Why can't the adults? This is worth pondering. I hope that the society can have more such little boys and fewer car drivers, so that the world can be filled with love.

300 words of event composition (17)

What do you do in summer vacation? 300 words composition material I for primary school students

"Holiday!" We cheered in the classroom. We thought: summer vacation will be very happy for such a long time! But the reality was just joking with me. Yes! I had a holiday, but my parents didn't let it go, and the chance to travel was in vain again!

During the day, my parents went out to work and I was alone at home, In this "cage", I can only do two things: 1 'study. 2' play. I can only do this. We don't even have an amusement park here, and I can only stay at home every day... On Saturday and Sunday, if my parents have something to do, I am like a bird in a cage. If my parents are at home, I have to study for another day (Unless I have to finish all my homework) Alas! After dinner every afternoon, what I want to do most is to take a walk with my parents, but they don't have the leisure time. When they get home, the old rule is to continue learning! How sad

This summer vacation is the most boring. It's better to play with my classmates during school break. How I wish this summer vacation could pass quickly

What do you do in summer vacation? 300 words composition material for primary school students 2

Although the summer vacation has passed, but we had a different time in the summer vacation, let me introduce a trip in my summer vacation to you.

On August 4th, our family went to Qingdao for a visit. As soon as I got on the highway, I saw the trees on both sides of the highway, and the villages were brushing, brushing, and running straight back. My mood was not to mention how happy I was. We talked and laughed in the car, and completely forgot the boredom of riding.

We soon arrived in Qingdao. As soon as we got there, we looked for hotels everywhere. When we found the hotel, we happily went to the seaside! How beautiful! At a glance, the water beyond my sight immediately attracted me. The waves behind it pushed the waves ahead, and the waves rushed to the beach. I jumped and jumped. The sea was so beautiful and natural. Change my swimming trunks and wear a swimming ring - I rushed to the boundless sea. As soon as my feet touched the sea, I quickly drew back. The sea was so cool! My brother said "!... # ¥% # ¥%" as if he was frightened by the beauty of the sea.

I want to go swimming in the sea alone. When I get to the sea, I use the "dog paddle" style swimming. Walking hard in the sea. On the shore, we returned to the hotel exhausted and fell asleep.

Grade 5: Kong Feifan (thin)

What do you do in summer vacation? 300 words composition material 3 for primary school students

This summer vacation, I did an unforgettable thing - cooking for my parents.

Although we had a holiday, Mom and Dad didn't have a holiday. They had a lot of work to do all day. Once, when my parents came home from work at 9:00, I saw their tired appearance and thought to myself, "My parents are so busy with their work that they are already very tired. I have to take care of our children after returning home... Otherwise, I will cook today." So it was decided. I first scooped up three cups of rice and put them in a basket, and then washed away the garbage with water. I put the rice into the rice cooker. Then close the cover and press the button. By the way, let me heat up the food! So, I packed cold dishes and put them in the microwave oven. After "Dong", I put them on the dinner plate. Then I helped my parents to put food on the dinner plate. I asked my sister and I to bring the food. When Mom and Dad looked at it, they suddenly came to their senses and said, "Why did we forget to cook for our daughters?" "This meal was really delicious!" In fact, we knew that the food I cooked was not delicious at all. It was Mom and Dad who wanted to amuse us. I am really happy to have such a father and mother!

I used to be lazy. Now, I finally understand that a hard work, a harvest. Because I experienced a labor training, and really realized the value of hard work.

300 words of event composition (18)

Summer composition I

The endless blue sea, soft golden sand beach, waves of spray, and beautiful shells I think no one doesn't like this sea! Let me have a date with the sea!

The long-awaited trip finally arrived. On that day, my mother, brother and aunt and I set out on the high-speed railway together. We talked and laughed all the way. Looking at the changes in the scenery outside the window, we were very excited and excited. I finally arrived at the destination at more than eight in the evening. As soon as I got off the bus, I saw the blue sky and white clouds. It was so late. I had never seen such a blue sky before. Then we

Go to the hotel to have a rest first, so that you can have the energy to play the next day.

The next day, just after daybreak, we rushed to the sea. The rising sun slanted on the sea, and the waves on the sea flashed like stars winking at me. It's so comfortable to step on the thin and soft beach! "Eh, sister, come here quickly, there are many small holes here." My brother and I squatted beside those holes and observed carefully. A little guy leaned out of the small body. Before we reached out, he quickly hid into the hole, where there were little sand crabs. My brother and I began to fight with the little sand crabs, catching and digging, but we couldn't catch them. They were too fast. My brother and I are not discouraged at all. We continue to play with them in different ways. Occasionally, some silly little sand crabs will be caught by us. After playing with them for a while, my brother asked me to surf. I took my brother's hand and drew close to the sea. As we went deeper and deeper, the waves were bigger and bigger. One by one, the waves rushed towards us. "Whoa whoa whoa" We were washed down by the waves. Compared with the waves, we were like mice and elephants. We were so small. I suddenly thought of a game. I said to my brother, "How about we play Jumping Wave?" My brother clapped his hands and shouted. A wave rushed towards us, and we tried to escape. One, two, three, four... played until we were exhausted. Later, we also picked up many small shells with strange shapes and colors

Do you like this sea? If you like, please have a date with the sea!

Summer Composition 2

You must be unfamiliar with the word "tax", right? In fact, simply speaking, "tax revenue" refers to the revenue obtained by force to meet the public needs of the country.

On the morning of August 15, I was lucky to come to the tax service hall of Yuhua District Local Taxation Bureau. When I pinned the red ribbon on my shoulder, I felt that I really became a little tax guide. Soon, an uncle in uniform came to us. He first explained the functional divisions of the tax hall in detail, including the information desk, tax window, self-service tax area and taxpayer rest area. Then we were divided into two groups to study separately. I was assigned to the tax window to watch how my aunts and uncles worked. An uncle who came to pay taxes handed the materials to the aunt who handled business at the window. After reading the materials, the aunt immediately clicked on the computer. She kept asking the uncle who paid taxes about all kinds of problems and asked him to check whether the information on the computer was correct. Finally, she printed a ticket to her uncle, who told us that it was a tax ticket. Next, another aunt in uniform took us to the self-service tax district to watch how a grandmother managed taxes online. The grandmother first opened the website of the local tax bureau, entered the account number and password, entered the tax payment page, selected the taxes she needs to pay and entered the specific number, click "Save" and "Send" to complete the online declaration business, A large amount of taxes will be transferred to the national treasury in an instant. How convenient! Then, we learned about the tax guidance business at the front desk. The key point is that we must first ask about the specific matters to be handled, then check whether we have brought all the materials with us, and then handle the business according to the business name on the display screen.

During half a day of watching and studying, I always thought: Why should I pay taxes? In the evening, my mother told me that the money needed for the construction of our beautiful school, bright street lights, spacious roads, environmentally friendly buses, hospitals to see doctors, lively parks, advanced science museums, super large airports, tall bridges and other public facilities comes from taxes, which are inseparable from our lives, While enjoying the national welfare, we should also make our own small contribution to the country, so every citizen should pay taxes according to law.

In fact, it is not easy to be a small tax guide. You must study hard, master skilled skills, and add a sincere smile and thoughtful help. In contrast, I am far from it. I should learn basic cultural knowledge first, and then master more professional skills when I grow up. Therefore, I must study hard and make progress every day.

Summer Composition 3

The second Huangguoshu International Beer Festival opened next to the beautiful Huangguoshu Waterfall on August 13.

Early that morning, my uncle took me to visit. I don't like it. I have played at Huangguoshu Waterfall several times, and I tooted my lips to protest. At this time, my great uncle whispered to me: "This time, we are not going to see the waterfall or drink beer, but we are going to visit a foreign performance, At this time, I saw Qi Tian Da Sheng running to take a photo with me. After the group photo, his mother paid him 20 yuan. As I walked on, three large concert halls appeared in front of us. Each concert hall was full of neat tables and chairs, and the front end was a huge stage. The first concert hall is Belgium Hall, the second concert hall is Moscow Beer Hall, and the third concert hall is Qianling Hall. My mother told me that the second hall was a performance by a Russian troupe. I couldn't understand what they sang. Finally, I led my mother to the first hall. When we went in, the host was playing with the audience with stone, scissors and paper. I rushed forward to take part in it. After a while, a clown with various balloons suddenly appeared on the stage. At this time, the children from the stage rushed forward, and I did not show weakness. I hurried to get a beautiful balloon. After the balloon was sent out, the clown gave us a lot of performances, including somersaults, loops, throwing dishes, making faces, and so on. After the clown performed, an uncle with sunglasses came up and sang, and we all followed him. I also kept applauding. When I was most excited, I also shouted loudly. After singing and playing, he said he could drink a bottle of beer in two minutes. I didn't believe it. I watched him carefully. He bit the beer bottle without using his hands. He really drank a bottle of wine in one breath. I was shocked and clapped quickly. There will be many performances and games next, but it's getting late. My mother must take me back. I'm really reluctant. My mother promised to take me to the third beer festival.

Today's Oktoberfest is really fun. I will visit next year's Oktoberfest.

Summer Composition 4

On July 31, my mother and I went to Guangzhou by high-speed rail, and the wonderful journey began! After lunch and a rest, our uncle in Guangzhou invited us to visit "Little Man Waist". We are going to take the subway, which is different from the subway we used to take. The front, back, left and right of the subway are all glass, and you can see the underground track. After getting off the subway, there is "Xiaomanyao" in front, which is also called Guangzhou TV Tower. "Xiao Man Waist" is thick at both ends and thin in the middle, just like a girl's thin waist. At night, "Little Man Waist" will emit red, yellow, blue, green and colorful light, which is beautiful!

The next day, my mother said that she would take me to Chimelong Water Park. I was very happy. My mother and my brother in Guangzhou bought tickets and went in. Wow! There are many projects in it! After changing the swimsuit, my mother and I walked to the "Juhong Gorge". After putting on the buoyancy jacket and putting on the swimming ring, I pulled my mother into the water. Just jumping into the water, a big wave washed me away from the shore. When I was rushed out more than ten meters, I heard a sound of "Hua Hua", and I saw a big wave rushing towards us on the small slope behind me. I closed my eyes immediately, but the big wave was more terrible than I thought. It rushed over and I choked a few mouthfuls of water. My ears and eyes were full of water, followed by a curtain of water. After a while, a larger current rushed towards me. At this time, my hands were weak and my body began to fall. Fortunately, my mother caught me in time. After landing, my mother asked me if I wanted to play again. I said, "No, it's terrible!" In Chimelong Water Park, I also played with big slides, small buckets, cobras

I didn't go back to the hotel until it was dark in Chimelong Water Park. Today, I learned to be brave, try, persist, and

On the third day, our brother in Guangzhou invited us to have morning tea. We had breakfast and lunch together in Guangzhou, called morning tea. The varieties of morning tea are really various. What impressed me most is du du powder, which is rice paste flattened, rolled into a roll after repeated beating and fried. We also ate an egg tart with a special shape, which was like a flower pot with some chocolate powder sprinkled on it, just like soil. There was a mint leaf or two inserted in the flower pot. The taste of egg tarts is also excellent! In the afternoon, we wanted to visit Chimelong Wildlife Park, but when the typhoon came, we had to go home. It was a little pity.

I'm so happy that the wonderful trip to Guangzhou is over!

Summer Composition 5

During the summer vacation, my mother and I, as well as her friends, went to Dunhuang, Gansu Province for tourism. The first stop is the famous scenic spot - "Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring". "Moon Teeth Spring of Mingsha Mountain" is a famous scenic spot in Dunhuang. It attracts countless tourists to visit here every summer. When we get off the train, we can't wait to come to the foot of Mingsha Mountain. My friends and I ran around excitedly.

I came to the foot of Mingsha Mountain and looked up. Wow! It's so beautiful here! In the setting sun, the mountain of Mingsha Mountain presents perfect shade and sunshine, and yellow sand shines with golden light; The green crescent moon spring lies quietly in the arms of Mingsha Mountain, like a beautiful woman in a green scarf. The whole is like a painting, fascinating! The camels walking in line in the desert walk in order like the primary school students' lines after school. None of the camels left the line, which is really the "boat of the desert"! The sand on the top of the mountain was blown up by the strong wind and danced with the wind, just like a child's hair was disordered by the wind! Pick up a handful of sand, and the sand flows down from your fingers like flowing water. How beautiful!

My friends and I came to the sand skating area with great enthusiasm, but there was a long queue here, so we had to change the place to skate. But these little sands are very disobedient. They can't slide or make my skateboard collapse. What should I do? We finally decided to climb to Mingsha Mountain to watch the sunset. I put on sunglasses, neck covers, sunscreen clothes and shoe covers, and armed to prevent sand from entering my eyes, nose and mouth. At the beginning, I climbed very hard, but slowly became slower and slower until I was exhausted and sat on the sand to rest. You know, it's not easy to climb the sand mountain. It's basically one step back and two steps back. The adults beside you must use both hands and feet, and they are also breathless! By this time, my mother had disappeared. I really wanted to go back! However, I saw that the other two partners were still trying to climb. If it went on like this, I would be laughed at by them. Come on, let's continue! In this way, climb two steps and have a rest. I'm finally near the top of the mountain! I suddenly heard my mother call me: "Come on, Xixi!" I looked up and saw that my mother had already climbed to the top. I climbed to the top of the mountain and joined my mother. Looking back, I also surpassed those two little friends. I am so happy! I posed for my mother to take pictures of me Finally, I was exhausted and sat down on the ground.

We finally saw the beautiful sunset. The sun smiled and waved to me, sprinkled the last golden light on my red little face, and then hid in the cave.

On this day, I defeated myself and conquered Mingsha Mountain with my strength and persistence. This sense of success is really great! I also saw such a beautiful scenery. It was really a worthwhile trip! I must climb again in the future.

300 words of event composition (19)

A meaningful thing

On Thursday afternoon, the teacher told us that we would go to the street to blow up small advertisements tomorrow afternoon. I was very happy to hear that.

The next day, all morning, I was immersed in happiness and joy. It was not easy to get through the afternoon, and we set out happily with our shovels. Our troops are divided into two ways. The tall one goes with the teacher, and the short one goes with the headmaster. Get started! First, we pour a little water into the kettle, and then scrape with a small shovel. However, some small advertisements are difficult to scrape down. I thought to myself: These outlaws are really hateful. Don't they know that their actions will affect the beauty of the city? How time flies! An hour has passed in the twinkling of an eye. We met with Class 4 (1) in the brigade.

Back to class, I have a kind of unspeakable happiness. Maybe this is the happiness of contributing to the city!

Let's join hands to protect the beauty of our city!

Interesting experiment

Today, the teacher asked us to do a small experiment with cups after we went home: to understand the germination of raw seeds and mature seeds.

After I came home, I discussed with my mother and decided to do this experiment with soybean seeds.

After dinner, my mother prepared four seeds for me: two raw seeds and two boiled seeds. I took two transparent glasses and went upstairs to fill each cup with some sand. Then I put two raw seeds in one cup and two cooked seeds in the other cup, and laid a thin layer of sand on the seeds. I poured a little water into each cup. After doing some work, in order to distinguish between raw seeds and cooked seeds, I asked my mother to take two labels, and noted on them: raw seeds and cooked seeds, and put them on the corresponding cups.

Every day after school, I would go to check the seeds to see if they germinated, and record the observations in my diary. I hope that through this experiment, I can know whether the cooked seeds will affect the germination of seeds.

Meaningful green activities

Yesterday afternoon, our class held a green activity to pick up the garbage behind the canteen. We worked hard all afternoon in this activity.

Speaking of yesterday, when the teacher asked us to go to the back of the canteen to pick up garbage, the students cheered and then lined up to go downstairs.

When we got downstairs, we found a bag and put the garbage into it. Sweat was shining on each of our classmates' heads and ran down their faces. Although busy and sweating, our hearts are as sweet as honey.

After a busy afternoon, the garbage bags in our hands were almost full, and our hands were also stained with mud. Some students tried to wipe their sweat with their hands, but their faces were also covered with mud, looking like a mess.

Finally, we threw the garbage in our hands into the big garbage bin of the school, and then went to wash our hands.

This green activity of collecting garbage not only protects the environment, but also lets us know that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Interesting things in winter vacation

Years ago, I was playing in the community. Suddenly, I saw Grandma Li upstairs walking with a big basket in her hand. I hurried up and took the basket from Grandma. Wow! There are many kinds of goods in it, including sugar, fruit, drinks... it's really heavy!

I talked with him while walking to hide my tired expression. It was not easy to get downstairs. When Grandma opened the door, I changed the basket to the other hand and wiped the red hand on my pants. Grandma seemed to see something and hurriedly said, "I'll come, I'll come." I said, "No need." As I rushed upstairs, I was sweating when I arrived at Grandma's house. Grandma took out a towel to wipe my sweat and candy to thank me. I said, "This is what I should do."

This is the most meaningful thing to do in winter vacation.