Take the First Step (Collection 5)
Literary man
2024-03-06 09:12:56
Grade 6
topic of conversation

Take the first step (1)

Today, we read the article "The First Time", which inspired me deeply. The text mainly talks about a little boy who wants to get on the sidewalk from the road. With the encouragement of grandma, mother, little girl and bearded grandpa, he finally overcomes the difficulties and gets on the sidewalk.

After reading the article, I also think of myself in life. Once in the morning, when the sun was shining, my father and I went running together. At first, I didn't go. I watched all the children younger than me go running. I got up the courage to run with my father. I ran for a while and sweated all over my head. Suddenly, a stone from somewhere tripped me over. My eyes were wet with tears. When I was about to cry, my father said, "Don't be afraid, son! stand up! Be a man! "Looking at my father's encouraging eyes, I immediately dried my tears, stood up immediately, and immediately ran with my father again. After running, I was exhausted and could hardly breathe. I smiled and said:" I am a man! "My parents gave a thumbs up when they saw it.

In this way, all the difficulties in my life have been solved by me. I also learned a truth from the article "The First Time" and the setbacks in my life: there will always be setbacks, difficulties, and failures on the way of life. We must have firm faith, perseverance, courage and climbing, and challenge ourselves to achieve success.

Take the first step (2)

"Wow, wow, wow," is another birth and a new life. The cry of a baby brings me into a question. What should be the first part of life? Where should the first part of life go? Where is the first step in life?

Some people say that the first step in life is language, some people say that the first step in life is happiness, some people say that the first step in life is life. Everyone is right, but these are just the details of the first step. The first step of life is to: "morality, respect, self-esteem."

Morality can make people grow up in the long river of time. Morality cultivates people's quality. People with good quality will eventually become a shining star. Morality is the source of strength that supports us to stand up. This is morality.

The premise of happiness is respect. If you don't respect others in life, then others do not respect you in turn. You live in a life without abuse and a life of struggle. Are you happy? Are you happy? On the other hand, if everyone respects each other and lives in a harmonious environment, aren't you happy? So we can't live without respect.

When it comes to self-esteem, we should be clear that without self-esteem, people are always servile, act like an ox and be despised. Is there life to talk about now? What is the meaning of life? Living in a meaningless life, in a hot water life, you are like an ant on a hot pot, a headless fly. You don't know where to go. Do you have life to talk about? What is life? It is not blind or without demands. The slave in the original works lives a life of ignorance. This is not life. Life is a life of self-respect.

Grade 6, Shunchang County, Nanping City, Fujian Province: Chen Xuexin

Take the first step (3)

I once saw such a story in a book. Wang Tingxiang, a philosopher of the Ming Dynasty, once told a story: One day, he took a sedan chair into the city. When it rained on his way, the sedan chair walked slowly. It turned out that the sedan bearer was wearing a pair of new shoes and was carefully avoiding the muddy water. Unexpectedly, when he reached Chang'an Street, the road was more difficult to walk. The sedan bearer accidentally stepped into the mud. Since then, he no longer cherishes the new shoes. Later, not only were the shoes stained with mud and water, but there was no clean place in the whole body. The royal court said with relatively deep feeling: "The way of living is also like an ear. If you make a mistake, you will achieve everything!"

This story tells us a truth about how to take the first step. As the story goes, at the beginning, the sedan bearers were still "carefully avoiding mud and water." They tried to be innocent; However, when he "accidentally stepped into the quagmire", he broke the jar and broke it. "He didn't cherish himself" until "there was no clean place on his whole body." It can be seen that this "careless" "foot" finally caused how bad the consequences. This story warns us to take the first step of life carefully, especially the first step.

There are many firsts in one's life. Some of them are meaningful and worthy of my memory, such as the first exam, the first praise, etc., and some of them are "quagmire" is the beginning of degradation, such as the first disobedience, the first gambling, etc. Moreover, distinguishing right from wrong for the first time does not require much profound knowledge, but only a conscience of an essential character. Anyone with conscience should take his first step carefully.

As we are still in the learning stage of students, we are still facing many firsts. So take your first step seriously. You should avoid the "sewage" and "mud" on the way of study and life far away and grasp each step of your own.

Take the first step (4)

Step forward and the future is at hand.



Holding an umbrella, I slowly walked on the empty path, surrounded by fine rain. In front of me was an invisible foggy lane, which was about to melt me.

I like this place, like the mystery and freedom it brings to me.

I walk in the rain. It seems that there are thousands of words left on the empty hilltop. Is the Fog Lane tens of thousands of miles away? Even people can't walk away.

There are old trees in the front, auspicious clouds in the temple, and fragrance. Several old people are leisurely playing chess and enjoying a cup of famous tea. I found a place in the pavilion and sat down quietly watching the drizzle outside.

I don't know when several old people started chatting:

Uncle A said, "My family is on the first day of the junior high school this year. From now on, we should let him learn more about our neighbor's granddaughter. He has won the first exam for many times, and he was admitted to Tsinghua University last year!"

Uncle B said, "Oh, so powerful! I will ask my grandson to learn from her!"

Uncle C sipped his tea and said leisurely, "You are just worrying about nothing! Everyone has his own dream. Why should we learn from others? To follow the path others have taken is to repeat the life of others. Wouldn't it be better to follow your own path?"

Several old people nodded in agreement and then continued to play chess. Before leaving here, I silently wrote a sentence on my notebook - take the first step in life and set a new personal goal. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but the fruit of success is the sweetest.


The rain doesn't mean to stop.

I walked silently with an umbrella, and the words of Uncle C echoed in my mind for a long time. Yes, what's the meaning of a person if he is just repeating the way others have walked?

China is a self strengthening country. The successful explosion of China's first hydrogen bomb marks that China has officially taken the first step towards the world's high-tech field; The successful development of the Jiaolong is our step forward; The successful flight test of the first passenger plane independently developed by China is the sweet fruit of the struggle of scientific and technological personnel. When I thought of this, I wrote another sentence in my notebook - only when there is an ideal can there be hope and success.


The rain gradually stopped, and the misty lane in front of us was about to dissipate. I am in Fog Valley, listening to the dialogue between fog and nature. They muttered and shouted sometimes. Close your eyes and you can feel the natural conversation.

After going down the mountain, I saw a young mother. She is playing with her children. Suddenly, the mother grabbed the child and said to her gently, "My child, the button on your collar is loose, please help me tie it!" But the child pushed away his mother's big hand and tied the button with his tender little hand. My mother was very happy to see her and said, "My baby is so cute!"

Seeing this scene, my heart was also inspired - is not tying the first button the first step in life? Wish this sensible girl a safe life!

I didn't feel sorry for embarking on the journey home. On this day, I have gained a lot. It will be a turning point in my life. Take the first step of life, fasten the first button of life, work hard together to build a prosperous and strong China!

Take the first step (5)

Advocating science and creating civilization is the eternal theme to promote the continuous progress of human society; The first step to consciously accept the influence of beauty given by scientific civilization and take a good life path is a required course for our teenagers to learn how to behave. These are my greatest insights and enlightenment from reading The Mirror of Life. First, we should consciously accept the influence of virtue. In the big garden of society, the fragrance of civilization is everywhere. The 44 stories described in "The Mirror of Life", whether they are true stories, folk legends or fables, reflect the noble moral sentiments of ordinary people from different aspects and teach the truth of life. Teenagers at the beginning of the world feel fresh, curious, and even hazy about social phenomena. Therefore, we must accept the edification of virtue from teachers' teachings, the enlightenment of books, the power of models, as well as the propaganda of movies and television, absorb the nutrition to purify the soul, so as to learn the basic skills of self-reliance, kindness, honesty, tolerance, progress, and how to distinguish between true and false, right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness. Life is really a mirror, which can let us have a bright heart and grow healthily in the process of self shaping a beautiful mind.

Second, learn to be a man in the mirror. Life is a kaleidoscope of all kinds, and it is also a great classroom for people to make progress. In the face of the mirror of life, it is very important to always have a "traffic light" in your heart, consciously restrain yourself with laws, discipline and morality, what to do and what not to do, keep your mind as a mirror, conduct yourself according to rules, and aspire to learn to be honest. The story of "Change Name" in the book vividly tells the world that the honest attitude of knowing a mistake and changing it will be praised by the public. The child Ding Zhong in the story, when he was found by his grandfather writing his name with chalk on the ground in the alley, tried to cheat Mingming into playing the game of "changing his name" in order to avoid accusations, and designed Mingming to be his "scapegoat". When his dishonest behavior was seen through by the old man, and after education, he finally realized his mistake, and with Mingming's help, he wiped the floor clean with a rag, which was praised by the old man for "Ding Zhong has become good". There is also a story entitled "Mental Cancer", which tells of a doctoral candidate from a famous French university, whose achievements have impressed professors. However, this talented student once made a 55 minute long distance call in the laboratory and lied to his tutor, saying, "I have been doing experiments". A few days later, he was expelled from the school. Because this talented student's behavior violated the truth that "the spirit of science is truth seeking, and the purpose of science is also truth seeking", and was properly handled. His tutor also made a profound conclusion that "lying is a terrible cancer". These stories make me realize that honesty is the foundation of being human. We should cultivate the virtue of being honest and honest. On the long road of life, it is inevitable to do something wrong. As long as you dare to admit it and correct it, you will be able to make continuous progress. On the contrary, opportunism and deception will ultimately hurt you.

Thirdly, we should study hard to take more responsibilities when we grow up. The society is a big family of mutual help and love. From the day of birth, people are loved, educated and helped by families, schools and society. Therefore, when we grow into mature people who can take responsibility, we are duty bound to take the responsibility of giving back to people around us and returning to the society, so as to be a useful person in the society to build our motherland and defend our homeland. Although Huang Zhiquan, the hero of "The Last Minute of Life", is an ordinary bus driver, his sense of social responsibility drives him to do three things to ensure the safety of passengers at the last moment of life, which is awe inspiring. At present, we are in the prime time of learning knowledge. We must firmly establish a sense of social responsibility, make full use of the superior learning environment created by society for us, complete our studies well, and make a difference on the road of life. "Reading is like climbing a mountain, and you won't be idle at half a step". You should learn Yang Zhenyu's patriotism of "vowing to be stronger than foreigners", study hard, climb the peak of science, and win honor for the Chinese nation. We should learn from the persistence of Dutch youth in "grinding a mirror in one's life" and realize our aspirations with strong perseverance. I will learn from the ancestors, study in the mirror, and strive to learn cultural knowledge, constantly enrich myself, increase talents, and make full preparations for taking more responsibilities when I grow up.

"There is a golden house in the book". I will remember the enlightenment and teaching of the book "Mirror of Life". From now on, start from small things and take the first step in life.