My Complete Story Compositions (17 popular ones)
2023-09-26 03:32:34

My Complete Story Composition (1)

The new coronavirus is coming fiercely, and the epidemic situation of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus affects everyone's heart.

The first thing I did when I got up in the morning was to focus on the real-time situation of the epidemic. I was surprised at its exponential growth rate. At a time of national crisis, the only thing we can do is not to go out and have meals, as experts say. At this moment, the love is not to meet even though I miss you again.

There is no imprisoned city, only love that does not leave. In the face of the epidemic, there are still many brave men who are not afraid of being infected and stick to the front line with no regrets.

As the nurse in charge of the Respiratory Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sun Xianjie has been on duty for five consecutive spring years. This year, she received a temporary notice to "return to Jinan immediately to support Wuhan". Without saying a word, she immediately ran to Jinan. A taxi driver in Wuhan received a special passenger. The nurse volunteered to go to the front line of Jinyintan Hospital. Doctor Chen Dongsheng, at his own expense, distributed masks to staff and citizens at public places such as high-speed railway stations and bus stops. They could have spent a happy year together with their relatives. But now, in the face of national crisis, they have put down their thoughts, their tiredness, their luggage and rushed to the front line of fighting against the virus. I didn't sleep for days and nights, just to save a fresh life. They are the most beautiful angels and the most handsome heroes.

Ordinary people can't rush to the front line, but they can also contribute their modest efforts. It is precisely because of such a responsible person in silence, we can have more peace of mind.

A restaurant in Wuhan posted that medical staff needed to eat. They called half an hour in advance and were online 24 hours a day. The store and car had been completely disinfected. A young girl rushed into the busy emergency department, put three boxes of things on the triage table, said "This is for you", and hurried away. The nurse opened the box, which was full of 45 pairs of goggles. The small yellow note inside said "Peace, come on". We don't have such professional medical knowledge. We are ordinary people, so we can only do our best to protect our medical angels!

Don't be afraid of cold winter, because warm spring will always come, and there is still a group of people warming us. We are celebrating the New Year, but they are helping us pass the customs. Isolation of virus is not isolation of love. We are together to fight against the epidemic.


My Complete Story Composition (2)

"The first reconnaissance team is in place. over.". I said, and then Mike said, "There are too many zombies in the team leader. We can't stand it for long!" I drove the M16, sighed helplessly and said, "Go away."

Mike and Orea took the lead and walked forward, getting two A's in a flash. W。E。 My bloody hands came out from the ground, and I didn't even respond. In the blink of an eye, Mike and Olea had several blood holes. I cried out, "Mike and Olea!" I pulled out my knife and said, "Go to hell, you A, W, E." Two A. W。E。 I cut it to pieces. When I was about to give an order to cancel this mission, Bill immediately pushed me to the body killing car and said, "Captain, you should leave first." I yelled, "You should leave together!" He said, "Captain, I can't see that our team is dead here!" I pulled him to the car: "Mike and Orea are dead, I can't see anyone dead!" He silently picked up the gun, and I started the pilot brake. Bill and I cooperated tactfully, and he tried to kill himself with one shot. I even saw him shoot six zombies with one shot, and I didn't know how many zombies were killed. We arrived at the base in an instant, and shouted --, We are finally out of the crisis. (

My Complete Story Composition (3)

At present, some of us really have a little more "sense of security" and less "sense of crisis". Although some of us are not fully aware of the gap between China and the world and the urgency of today's economic construction, the main reason for this excessive "sense of security" is that people have been eating the country's "big pot" for a long time, and they can get paid for everything they do.

If the Chinese nation wants to join the ranks of advanced nations in the world, catch up with and surpass the western developed countries, it must be down-to-earth and forge ahead, which requires people to have less "sense of security" and more "sense of crisis".

Excessive "security" is often the beginning of danger. As we all know, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty, because of their "sense of security", always regarded themselves as the "Great Qing Empire". They did not want to make progress and seek development. As a result, they not only did not become safe, but became more and more crisis, were beaten everywhere, and finally lost their power and humiliated the country, became a semi feudal and semi colonial society, and eventually went to ruin.

The "sense of crisis" can often stimulate people's spirit of struggle. After the Second World War, Japan and Germany were very dilapidated and depressed. However, because the Japanese and Germans deeply felt the huge gap between their countries and the world, with a strong sense of "crisis", they worked hard and fought hard for the re emergence of the Daiwa and Germanic nations, and finally became a world power after decades of efforts, It leapt to catch up with and surpass Britain, France and other countries that were previously more advanced than it.

Too much "sense of security" often makes people unwilling to make progress and will fade; And some "sense of crisis" can often make people endure hardships and work hard for governance. Therefore, in order to revitalize the Chinese nation, it is necessary to change the "sense of security" into the "sense of crisis", so that people should not blindly "carefree", but should use the spirit of revolution and hard work, and put down to earth, hard work and hard work into socialist construction. Only in this way can the real prosperity of the Chinese nation be realized.

My Complete Story Composition (4)

The only thing in the world that doesn't worry about growth may be age. Whether you are happy or struggling, it happens all the time and never stops. I don't know when I also had such a sense of crisis. I was really thirty years old soon, and I felt lonely and crisis.

It seems that all my classmates, colleagues and friends are married and have children. Although I don't care, I don't worry and don't panic. When I look at others and look at myself, it seems that we have changed a lot over the years. It seems that I am the only one who has not made any progress and change, nor accept change. It exists alone. I don't know how to accept the life (myself) without making progress and striving. But the truth is that I didn't make any efforts for my own life, and I just stopped at a certain point. It seems that all the sense of superiority still exists in the previous second. Maybe I was blinded by my own sense of achievement and thought that achieving something was everything in the future. But it seems too cruel for me to wake up now, but I still don't wake up now. The future life will be spent in sorrow.

Only then did I realize that that sentence is quite correct. Most of people's pain comes from comparing with each other. In fact, I didn't compare with each other. I just saw a moment (corner) of other people's lives occasionally, and I felt that I was left behind in history. People are striving for a better life. But I still persist in the bad living habits that I should not persist in. I always feel that I am the queen of life, but in fact, I am nothing, let alone a proud princess. Just a king in his own ideological life! Because I only defeated myself. I was defeated only by myself!

Think about the vows once made, and say in anger that you will be better than anyone else in the future. Now it seems so ironic. It's a childish legend, but you are proud of it. Everything in life can not be achieved by casually talking about it, let alone solving problems by imagining everything beautiful. It needs to be put into action, and the doer has the right to speak. But I am just a theoretical expert. I always feel that no one can compete with me if I am smart. Now it seems that I have been sober and confused for so long. I know myself too well. Every time I want to do something, I shout a slogan in advance. I want to start something. When the publicity is in place, I am lazy, boring, and easily give up. The reason can be that I find a loan.

I used to think that I was a determined and brave person who was willing to fight for the ideal all his life. Now I'm disappointed, just disappointed. I don't know how to make a living, what kind of career I should pursue, and who I should find to marry and have children. It seems that this is someone else's life. I watched like a wait-and-see, never participated in it, and I didn't know how I was left behind, even if what was waiting for me was simple and ordinary, farming, animal husbandry and weaving. I just need to find the life track that can make me settle down and go on, what kind of life other people want to live, and how my life should be. Work hard to weave it. Life is always beautiful. I don't want life to bring me any miracles. Just give me a pair of eyes that can escape from the world, ears that can't hear right and wrong, and live quietly in my own corner. Enough!

My Complete Story Composition (5)

Looking at my clear eyes, there is still a me inside, a real me in my heart, and some people have praised its beauty! I suddenly felt a rebellious expectation. What would happen if he wore black framed glasses? But it's just a sad little joke.

I nervously recited the degree that classified me as "nearsightedness", a scared number. His face was Mumu's smile when he came in. He was in a daze and nodded blindly to others, but his eyes were the opposite glass window. The same curvature of the corners of his mouth remained unchanged, but he began to sink a little bit. His heart was bitter and his appearance was pale and sweet, but everyone could see the girl's sadness; Like balsam pear, it is round and lovely. After tasting more, I recognized her "hardship" at a glance.

When I came to the optometry room, there was a boy sitting in front of the optometer. The picture inside was a sunset. How beautiful! But there was a stream of gas coming from his eyes. The boy seemed to be hit by a bullet. Every time he made the direction of "bullet", the boy panicked and shook. Although he was used to it, he did not get tired of shaking and lost his nerve. Every time he drove the chair, "clubbing" was as uneasy as an uneasy heartbeat, and I could not stop laughing; It's true that when I received my first attack while sitting on that chair, I didn't seem to be prepared. I cried out and covered my eyes to escape. Alas, it's my mother's turn to laugh at me

After all, the "stone" in my heart has not yet relaxed. Looking at the doctor's face, there is no expression, and the lips that have never been moved (Ningbo's are indeed different, unlike Ninghai's doctors, whose saliva is more than the medicine they prescribe). The sharp writing hand can not see any strange atmosphere, and who will not dream? I curled up in a corner, slightly clasped my hands, and prayed to Angela Angel in my heart. But the devil told me, in fact, why should I hope? Did you wait for the 20% that appeared laughingly? His face stepped down. For several times, his tears had gone out of the "police line".

But in a "can take medicine treatment" in the unloading of reason!

It's too late to learn to cherish until you lose it. If God gives you a chance, you should learn to grow. The first time, that's your regret!

My Complete Story Composition (6)

"Ding, Ding, Ding..." The phone on my desk kept ringing one after another, (the simplest person can also recall the cicadas' chirping in summer) which almost blew up my phone. Congratulations and thanks for the endless calls and the constant knocking of reporters 24 hours a day. What's going on here? Let me take my time.

In 20__, the world famous biological war ended in the defeat of Germany, Italy and Japan. But when the victorious country celebrates, the crisis of the world comes.

It turns out that in the biological war, the biological bacteria troops dispatched by both sides chewed up all the trees while attacking the other side. Some bacteria even infiltrated into the stratum, destroying the soil structure, making trees unable to grow in the land. Within a few months, trees all over the world died one after another!

Without trees, there would be no oxygen, but this is just a small matter. As long as you can ensure that you do not leave home, the oxygen machine at home that is running lazily can ensure that you will not die from lack of oxygen. But more serious is the soil erosion caused by the lack of trees! Without the stability of trees, large pieces of land were thrown into the arms of rivers, lakes and seas. The land decreases with each passing day, and the river bed increases with each passing day. Without oxygen and food, animals died one after another. In the end, there is no other creature in the world except human! We recommend me to invent a tree that can grow in this kind of soil at the moment. The world is at stake. I accepted this task without hesitation.

As soon as I took office, I first took some soil samples from a piece of land to study what substances in the soil prevented trees from growing. After three days and three nights of research, I found that there was an element called "cerium" in the soil, which was highly radioactive, so that the roots could not grow. Knowing the reason, I went to the electronic library without stopping and looked up the characteristics of various trees. "This is a maple tree. Its leaves will turn red in autumn, and it has no radiation resistance..." I came to the Plant Drilling Institute again. There are only 58 trees left on the earth. Bacteria didn't kill here that year, so the trees here are still alive. I observed each tree and extracted its juice for further study. After doing these things, I went back to the laboratory. A few days later, I buried a tree species containing "fast growth agent" in the soil. The next day the tree grew to a height of one person. On the third day, the tree grew to the height of the house. "Success! Success!" I shouted excitedly. Tree species are transported to all parts of the country. At the same time, another cloning expert also succeeded in bringing those vanished animals back to their familiar land.

Man has saved the day.

My Complete Story Composition (7)

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when humans were only forest apes, the earth was lush and vibrant. Birds flew freely in the sky, flowers were blooming, and trees were luxuriant and upright.

Finally, human beings came out of the forest and evolved step by step: cutting wood to build houses, drilling wood to make fire, and human footprints appeared on the earth. So trees fell one by one, buildings were built one by one, rivers dried up one by one, dams were built one by one... Humans, wake up! Our home is dying!

In recent decades, human science and technology have become more and more advanced. Human beings, who think they are the masters of all things, have become arrogant and shouted the slogan "Conquer nature, use nature". But who knows that nature is more intelligent than human beings. Nature has innovated human beings and endowed them with food and nutrition, but human beings still treat it like this, It seems that children abuse their parents.

Human beings always think that money is omnipotent, and money can make the devil go, but in fact it is not. You must have seen [Robinson Crusoe]. When Robinson was alone on a desert island, money was just a pile of scrap metal and worthless. At that time, Robinson had no chance to survive, but it was nature that gave him power, He can live on the island for more than thirty years. Humans, wake up! Money is like dirt!

What is the heart of the earth? It's a forest. What does a forest consist of? It's green plants. It's just like this. Green plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, providing living space for human beings. What will human beings do to help our lives? Hurt them? Or use them? Perhaps the slogan of mankind should be changed!

In recent years, human activities on a large scale have been abnormal, which has seriously affected the operation of the earth and caused great harm to our human beings. For example, the greenhouse effect sweeping the whole earth is not caused by the large-scale emission of greenhouse gases by human beings? The Antarctic icebergs are melting step by step, and mankind will be submerged by the sea in a few years. There are also frequent large earthquakes and tsunamis that endanger people's lives. Isn't this a demonstration of nature? Humans, wake up! Nature is angry!

It is conceivable that without nature, our life will have all illusions. The slogan of human beings should be "revere nature". As long as we do not cut down indiscriminately, do not kill animals, exploit mineral resources sparingly, and oppose war, I believe that the earth will be more beautiful tomorrow! The crisis of human existence will surely disappear.

I also firmly believe that our future generations will also be very happy.

My Complete Story Composition (8)

When encountering an emergency, you will let go, or calmly and tactfully respond. I have experienced such things:

That day, I learned English in the gym. At that time, the hot sun was in the sky, and there was no cloud in the sky. The ground was boiling hot. A hot wind blew, and a heat wave rolled up from the ground. The fire was so hot that people were suffocating. Weeds can not withstand the sun's exposure and are rolled into thin strips. The sky is crazy. People are constantly blaming the sun. Why is it so hot?

Li Menglin from my English class and I bought a bottle of mineral water. Turning around, I saw an old man fainting on the ground. I was very worried at that time. I didn't know what to do, so I scratched my hair. When I thought about Chinese, I told us not to panic, but to be calm and resourceful. I quickly ran to the old woman and helped her up. Seeing her pale face and hot forehead, I hurried to the gym to call 120. I carefully got to the fountain, put the toilet paper in water to soak it, and then put the toilet paper on her head. Then I asked her to drink iced water. 120 doctors finally arrived at the "scene", The doctor praised my ability to relieve the heat after some "treatment". If you encounter this matter, how would you choose and face it? All of us will face things like me!

My Complete Story Composition (9)

The ancients said that "no rules, no radius". Therefore, "every country has its own national law, every family has its own rules, and every school has its own rules". Without family rules and school rules, I think human will become a non human off track! For example, we don't want to see such pictures as loud eating, random walking in class, etc. Then I ask you, "What is your family motto and style? What is your family education?" Can you answer it clearly? I can.

My family motto is not different or unique, but is known as "filial piety". Respect parents and elders. My grandfather, grandmother, father and mother have always told me: "filial piety is the first among all good deeds" This is a motto that I should always keep in mind. With it, I can stand on the society and realize my great dream! Only by remembering the family motto can we lay a solid foundation for our own life, take an extremely firm step, and become a pillar who can contribute to the country!

I remember when I was a child, every time I went to play with my good friends, I would forget my father's time and go home at night when I had fun. The adults are always worried, so my mother said to me with great sincerity: "How did I give you the time, why did you not comply with our agreement every time? You came back so late. Now we stipulate that the same mistake can not be made three times, agree?" I nodded, and promised my mother that next time we would comply with the regulations and go home on time.

But the good times didn't last long. My inborn "old problem" has been committed again. In one summer vacation, I finished my homework in advance and went to play with my friends. My mother told me that I must go home at 6:30 at the latest, so that I would not affect the time of others' meals. I agreed. We had a great time. At this time, her mother repeatedly invited me to stay at her home for dinner. I hesitated again and again, but I accepted her mother's warm invitation. But before dinner, my mother called me to go home. I had no choice but to walk home with a face of grievance, because it was more than half past six. Upon returning home, she was severely criticized by her mother. I know my mistake is not going home on time, and eating at other people's homes not only bothers others, but also increases their burden. Since then, I have secretly made up my mind to correct this mistake and never make it again.

Now I finally understand what "family style, family discipline, family education" is. "Family style" is the ethos of a family. Once the family style deteriorates, the ideological and moral character of the family will also deteriorate, and it will be difficult for the family to cultivate excellent descendants. If there is no "family instruction", the future of future generations will be destroyed. Only by letting them know their mistakes and correct them, and then slowly educating them, can they become useful pillars. So I think this is to establish family tradition and discipline!

My Complete Story Composition (10)

"School rules and family rules" is a phrase that people often say.

Family rules and instructions are the ethos of a family. Once the ethos of the family deteriorates, the ideological and moral character of the family will also deteriorate, and it will be difficult for the family to cultivate excellent offspring.

Our family style is: "Diligence and thrift foster virtue". Our family style should be observed by the whole family. Grandparents, fathers and mothers often talk about this sentence and often teach us. As time goes by, I am also constantly saving water, electricity and resources. When my parents saw that I knew about thrift, they praised me: "Diligence and thrift, not diligence and thrift, day by day, year by year, the earth will dry up, and the green will be destroyed; diligence and thrift, all diligence and thrift, then, the resources on the earth will not dry up, and the green will be more!"

"Cultivating morality" means respecting the elders, caring for classmates, caring for the young and protecting animals and plants. "Cultivating morality" is a good family style, and our family can do it. Respect grandparents, parents and care for younger brothers and sisters at home; In school, respect teachers and leaders. Be friendly with your classmates and care about them.

I hope my family style will be passed down from generation to generation, to the next generation, and then to the next generation forever. My family style should not only be passed on to the next generation, but also let people around know that "hard work and frugality" is a good family style.

My Complete Story Composition (11)

China is a nation of ceremonies. Five thousand years of cultural heritage has been deeply engraved in the hearts of Chinese people. Every family has its own family motto, rules and customs. As the saying goes, "No rules, no square": moving from Meng's mother to her mother-in-law, good family motto, rules and customs not only carry the hope of generations for future generations, but also reflect the fine national ethos of the Chinese nation!

Every family has a simple family style, and every parent will educate their children with the way of life they have learned. Home is the first space for children to grow up. Family style is stamped on children everywhere. It can be said that family style is the teaching of culture and morality, and it is the subtle influence of wisdom and strategy.

I remember when I was young, every festival, especially the Spring Festival, the 30th of the lunar new year, when the family watched the Spring Festival party and ate the New Year's Eve dinner together, my father began to tell us about his childhood: his father (her grandfather) was a large family of more than 20 people. When eating, my grandfather first served my grandfather a meal. When he moved his chopsticks, they dared to eat, and my grandfather gave my father a mouthful of delicious food, This reflects our family style of "respecting the old, loving the young, and respecting the elders". Every holiday and slack season, some people in the village get together to gamble. My father warned me not to participate in gambling. Gambling can lead to the separation of my wife and son, the destruction of my family, and smoking is not allowed. Smoking is harmful and has no benefits. Drinking less is enjoyable, and drinking more is harmful to my health. I have formed the habit of not smoking, not gambling, and less drinking. Mother said every day: develop a good habit of paying attention to hygiene; When eating, you can't say what you don't want to eat or what you don't want to eat, leave no leftovers and waste nothing; Respect the old and love the young. Don't contradict your parents. Cultivate good children with good manners from childhood; Don't lie, don't like to take advantage of small things, be an honest child. The parents taught us that "harmony is the most important, filial piety is the first, diligence is the treasure, and frugality is the virtue" and "knowledge

Always be happy and treat others with kindness. These maxims are appearing in our life today in the form of "family instructions".

A good family style can create a good family. As the saying goes, family and everything are prosperous. Mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, mutual trust and mutual understanding are the premise of family harmony. A family based on this is a happy family. The family is the cell of the society. Only when the family is harmonious, the society will be stable.

Good family customs need to be inherited and summarized, not only by subtle influence, but also as a solidified educational concept to form a family motto.

The family style of a poor family is good, and young people become talents early. As ordinary and ordinary people, we should try our best to inherit the good family style of our predecessors, make it a potential and invisible force, and lead us to grow healthily.

My Complete Story Composition (12)

Every time I go to a good friend's house to play, I forget the time set by my mother or father to go home. When I have fun, I will go back very late. The adults are worried. So my mother said to me seriously, "We once made a rule that we would not make the same mistake three times, right?" I nodded and promised my mother that we would abide by the agreement and go home on time next time.

Because no matter how excited I am in my study or in my daily life, no matter how excited I am, no matter how much my mother tells me to do the same thing again and again. So the family rule of "less than three things" was made, and I willingly accepted the agreement: if the same mistake was made three times or three times, I could let my mother or father punish me appropriately.

The good times are not long, and I have made old mistakes again. When I finished my homework last Saturday, I went to Qin Xiaohe's house to play with her. My mother told me to go home at 6:30 at the latest, so as not to affect others' dinner time. I agreed. We had a good time. Her mother invited me to have dinner at her house again and again, and I gladly accepted. After a while, my mother called me and asked me to go home. I had to go back quietly because it was past 7:30. Upon returning home, she was severely criticized by her mother. I know my mistake is not going home on time, and eating at other people's homes not only bothers others, but also brings burdens to others. I made up my mind to remember the time of going home next time.

The next night, I went to Ningchen's house to play again. My mother and I agreed to go home at 7:30, and we should respect the rest time of others. Ning Chen and I played CS gunfight on the computer, and we always thought about the appointment time with my mother. Five minutes to half past seven, I quickly said goodbye to Ning Chen and rushed downstairs to go home. As soon as my mother opened the door, she gave me a big hug and praised my punctuality. This time, my mother not only gave me a kiss, but also rewarded me with an hour of computer time next weekend. I'm so happy!

The third time was not so lucky. After school, I told my mother that I would go to Chen Xinyu's house to get the silkworm babies. My mother agreed, and asked me to go home and do my homework as soon as I got them. I walked absentmindedly with my good friends on the road, accidentally bumped into a pillar, and was laughed at by them all the way. When I got the silkworm babies, Chen Xinyu suggested picking mulberry leaves together. In order to prove that I can play water rafting on the road, we went to the pond of the community together to start the competition. I threw a small stone flat on the water and hit three water floats. Now, everyone envies me. We searched for mulberry leaves while playing until seven o'clock. I went back home with more than I wanted to say, and completely forgot my mother's words.

As soon as I knocked on the door, my mother stood in front of me with a face full of anger and scolded me: "You play so irresponsibly until now, if something happens, my mother can't contact you at all, and I don't know where to find you. Do you know how worried adults are about you? I didn't come back to do my homework at the time agreed with you, and you know how much time you wasted? Do you accept the rule of "no more than three"? Then come in first, stand quietly at the door for three minutes, think about whether there is anything inappropriate today, and then summarize it for me. "

My Complete Story Composition (13)

Family style is also called family style. In fact, family style is to form a unified moral standard in the family. Therefore, a good family style can help members in the family better learn some principles of life and life!

"Learn to increase wisdom, learn to stand", and take diligent learning as the normal task of cultivating good family style. Sages are learned by learning. A political party will become strong through learning, a nation will become strong through learning, and the family will continue to progress and develop through learning. Noble personality and good moral integrity are nurtured from the influence of family at the beginning, and then in the practice of study and work for a long time. Through the ages, many people of insight have always attached importance to managing their families with culture and learning, and linked personal cultivation and career development with the cultivation of a good learning style. Cultivate the habit of being good at learning, loving learning and diligent from an early age, so as to constantly cultivate moral sentiment, improve temperament and style, and avoid falling into the dilemma of ignorance and confusion, ignorance and blindness, ignorance and confusion. The ancients said, "Scholars are not necessarily officials, but officials must learn." Party members and cadres should not only set an example of being diligent in learning, but also stimulate family members' interest in learning, cultivate learning habits, and build morality, wisdom and ability through learning, which can also make good family ethos of learning pass on from generation to generation.

"There should be two ways to become rich for officials", and taking the willingness to be poor as the value pursuit of cultivating a good family style. It is an important sign to test whether Party members and cadres have a good family style whether they leave their children with great wealth or precious spiritual wealth. Luo Yin, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, has a famous saying that "the national plan has been pushed forward and the family wealth is not planned for their children". There is also a strong voice for government officials: "There should be two ways to make a fortune for officials. Since we have held public office and served the public, we must break the idea of making a fortune." An official is not allowed to make a fortune, which is determined by the nature and purpose of the Party, professional requirements, and family education must follow. Facts show that the more money you have, the more likely you are to breed laziness and stifle creativity, which is extremely detrimental to families and society. The truly brilliant parents leave their good ideas and moral integrity to their children, so that they can win long-term honor and respect for their families and bring long-term happiness and peace to their families.

"Thrift supports morality, and morality comes from thrift", and taking the willingness to be thrifty as the code of conduct for cultivating a good family style. It is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to advocate thrift. In ancient times, there was a saying of "being diligent in running a family and being frugal to support morality". Thrift is a kind of life attitude and value orientation, as well as an inspiring spiritual force. Only by receiving the education of hard work, plain living and thrift from an early age can we truly understand that "it is hard to think about one meal with one porridge, and it is hard to survive with half a wisp of perseverance", so as to prevent the sense of superiority and consciously overcome arrogance and pettiness. Thrift is not only a virtue, but also a magic weapon for personal healthy growth. In reality, some party members and cadres began to pursue luxury life and gradually embarked on the road of violating discipline and laws. We should consciously stay away from the temptation of luxury desire, and always keep the idea of hard struggle. We should not only pride ourselves on frugality, but also let our children live in poverty and hardship, so that they can truly regard frugality as a kind of consciousness, embed it in the depths of their souls, as the basis for settling down, and become a rational choice for survival and wisdom.

"Teach children in front of the classroom and teach wives at the pillow", taking strict discipline as an important link in cultivating good family style. Family gives people a sense of belonging and becomes the softest part of people's inner feelings. Because of this, the family is easy to become a haven of human weakness, the principle is easy to adapt in front of family, and the bottom line is easy to break through in front of family. Poor management of family members' children often leads to family misfortune. Party members and cadres should consciously put a good style of work through their family life, often publicize policies and regulations to their families, help them distinguish between right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, honor and disgrace, and be good to the bedside style, but evil to abandon; The illegitimate demands of children should be firmly rejected. At the same time, "teaching by example is more important than teaching by words", which requires children to have a harmonious family. First of all, they should be emotionally single-minded; Ask your family to keep clean, and first of all, keep away from low taste. Only in this way can the family be built into a family that pursues progress, a family that can stand the test of storms, and a harmonious and happy family.

I hope every family can form a good family style, so that family style can help us learn the truth of life and form a good atmosphere in society!

My Complete Story Composition (14)

"Poverty eradication has been the dream of mankind since ancient times and the basic right of people all over the world to pursue a happy life." In recent years, the "Chinese voice" has been issued many times on the cause of poverty alleviation, and the importance of poverty alleviation is self-evident. At present, whether the hard fight against poverty can be won or not is directly related to the well-being of the people and affects whether the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in 20XX can be achieved.

Hear the drum and think of a good general. In the face of the serious situation of the fight against poverty, the group company has selected a group of young cadres from government departments and grass-roots units to be the first secretary in poor villages, leading farmers to shake off poverty and become rich. They have crossed the rapids and opened up new development paths in the quagmire of poverty. Among them, a group of "Zhang Min style" model figures emerged. They were concerned about the people and helped each other with all their strength, turning the slogan of helping the people out of poverty into a resounding commitment. In essence, to complete the task of poverty alleviation, the village cadres must be deeply rooted in the countryside.

When you are in the village, you should first be in the heart. Helping poor people get rid of poverty as soon as possible is not only the responsibility entrusted by the Party Committee of the Group Company to every cadre stationed in the village, but also the deep expectation of the people in poor areas. All cadres stationed in the village should regard every poor people as their relatives, "think about what the people think, and worry about what the people want." They should sincerely understand the people's demands and shoulder the burden of poverty alleviation. Avoid the appearance of "day reading" and "nominal" help, as well as the vanity of "only talking about, but not taking photos". In this way, we will have an indomitable fight against poverty and join forces with the people to tackle the difficulties, which will eventually enable all poor people to take off their poverty hats and live a good life.

"Feet cold hurts, and people's cold hurts the country." The treatment of coldness cannot be achieved overnight, especially for people. Poverty alleviation is a long cycle and slow to take effect. Village cadres must make long-term contributions and concentrate on taking root in poverty alleviation. On May 24, Yang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Group Company, pointed out that the poverty alleviation work should continue to enhance the hematopoietic function, adhere to the expansion of the collective economy and increase personal income simultaneously when investigating the targeted poverty alleviation work in Jianghe Village, Beizhong Town, Taihu County. Developing the local economy and increasing personal income is a continuous process of cultivating industries and talents. Village cadres should give full play to their own abilities, reasonably use existing resources, plan and implement policies comprehensively and accurately, and persevere.

It is necessary for village cadres to warm their hearts in the process of assistance. If you want to send warmth to the poor families, you should treat them with empathy. If you are connected, you will know everything. After carefully checking the pulse and thoroughly mastering the situation, look for the "root of poverty" and apply the right medicine to the case. While giving the poor people material assistance, they should also help them ideologically and spiritually, and urge them to move from the passive of "asking me to get rid of poverty" to the active of "I want to get rid of poverty". At the same time, we should help poor families to establish confidence and determination in poverty alleviation, guide them to actively learn knowledge, technology and advanced experience, find ways to become rich, and finally remove the poverty cap to achieve a well-off life.

My Complete Story Composition (15)

It was pointed out at the forum on the decisive fight against poverty: "It is a solemn commitment made by the Party Central Committee to the people of the whole country that all the rural poor people will be lifted out of poverty by 20XX under the current standards, and it must be realized on schedule without any retreat or flexibility." It is a major task to enable the poor people to lift themselves out of poverty, what they want to do, and to fight against poverty is to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. As a discipline inspection and supervision cadre at the grass-roots level, I believe that the discipline inspection and supervision organ should be based on its functional responsibilities, closely focus on the implementation of various policies and measures for the decisive fight against poverty, take a higher position, take more hard measures and do a better job in the supervision, discipline enforcement and accountability work in the field of detailed poverty alleviation, and be a good "escort" for poverty alleviation, so as to escort the poverty alleviation work.

To be a good "escort" for poverty alleviation, we must make good use of the "golden stirrup". Since the poverty alleviation work was carried out, some party members and cadres have only "performed meritorious deeds" instead of "doing meritorious deeds". Formalistic bureaucracy still exists in the field of poverty alleviation. The phenomenon of digital poverty alleviation and false poverty alleviation has occurred from time to time. The problem of corruption and misappropriation of poverty alleviation funds by asking relatives and friends to eat and take cards has been repeatedly prohibited. The discipline inspection and supervision organs should strengthen the education and management of cadres, pay close attention to the rectification of cadres' style, closely weave the "cage" of the system, and standardize the "positioning" and "red line" of the functions of party members and cadres in poverty alleviation. We should carry out the supervision, discipline and accountability work in the field of poverty alleviation in a down-to-earth manner, seriously investigate and deal with corruption cases and highlight the problem of work style. With the tenacity of "grasping the iron with traces and stepping on the stone to stay in print", we should resolutely investigate and deal with one case, call names and report to the public, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for the decisive battle to overcome poverty.

To be a good "escort" for poverty alleviation, we must guard the "responsibility field". As the most important work at present, we should not only consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, but also prevent the phenomenon of returning to poverty. The discipline inspection and supervision authorities should focus on the problems found in the "looking back" assessment of the effectiveness of the national poverty alleviation campaign during the special tour of the central poverty alleviation project, go deep into the frontline of poverty alleviation, and urge the rectification of problems to be put in place; We will continue to deepen the special treatment of corruption and style issues in poverty alleviation, select key areas and issues to carry out centralized treatment, start with "small cuts", and deal with prominent problems that the poor people reflect strongly harm the interests of the people, so as to create a political environment in poverty alleviation that is not afraid of corruption, not corrupt, not corrupt, We will ensure that the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee are implemented and effective immediately.

To be a good "escort" for poverty alleviation, we must recite the "tight curse". The discipline inspection and supervision authorities should, with the help of the village working group of the targeted poverty alleviation team and other forces, carry out the overwhelming publicity of discipline inspection, supervision and reporting by posting posters, caravans going to the countryside and setting up supervision and reporting boards, so as to further open the reporting channels; We will extend supervision to the front line of poverty alleviation, make good use of the strength of village level supervisors, give full play to the supervision role of the masses in poverty alleviation, increase the collection of clues to problems in the poverty alleviation field, and zero distance find and correct corruption and work style tendencies in the poverty alleviation field. Organize Party members and cadres to study political theory and discipline and law in various forms, promote the internalization of discipline awareness into the mind and externalization into practice, ensure the "red line" of discipline into the mind and heart, and strengthen the ideological defense of cadres.

My Complete Essays on Poverty Alleviation

My Complete Story Composition (16)

Listening to the footsteps of year, we ushered in the annual winter solstice night - a beautiful night, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.

In the evening, my brother and I came to my grandmother's house early to spend this warm night with them. Grandparents are also happy to welcome us!

It's time for dinner. Grandma brought two bowls of red beans and glutinous rice. She smiled and said, "After eating the winter solstice rice, there will be a long line every day." I quickly picked up the spoon and ate it greedily, thinking: I must grow up quickly! My younger brother also wants to grow up early, boasting of the aroma of rice while immersing himself in "hard work".

After dinner, I began to listen to my grandfather's legend about the winter solstice, "It is said that in the Han Dynasty, the northern Huns often harassed the border areas, and the people were restless. At that time, there were Hun and Tun leaders in the Hun tribe, who were very cruel. The people hated them deeply, so they wrapped them with meat stuffing and called them" wonton "in the sound of" Hun "and" Tun ". Hate to eat, and seek to calm the war, to live in peace. Because wonton was first made on the winter solstice, every family eats wonton on that day. Also, in Jiangnan Water Town, it is a custom for the whole family to get together and eat red beans and glutinous rice together on the winter solstice night. There was a man named Gonggong. His son failed to become a talented man and committed many evil deeds. He died on the winter solstice. After his death, he became a plague ghost and continued to harm the people. However, the plague ghost was most afraid of red beans, so people cooked and ate red bean rice on the winter solstice. "

"A hundred ghosts walk at night. The ghost gate opens at 12 midnight. Remember to go home early to sleep at night!" Grandma also interrupted. The younger brother was so frightened that the whole family laughed. "I lied to you!" Grandma said with a smile. "However, I should also go to bed earlier to add years!" In the laughter of the whole family, I thought of Du Fu's "The Little Solstice":

The weather and personnel are urging each other day by day, and the sun rises in the winter solstice and spring comes again.

Embroidery five patterns add weak lines, blowing six pipes of flying ash.

The bank is waiting for the waxing willows, and the mountain is cold and ready to release plum blossoms.

The clouds and things are different from each other in the country. Teach your son to hit the cup

The next day I woke up. It was the winter solstice. The sun began to come back, and spring was getting closer and closer

My Complete Story Composition (17)

Man invented the word, and civilization began. The words can be linked together to form a sentence to express something; A poem whose sentences can be linked together to express feelings and secret thoughts.

The characters are becoming more mysterious and charming. Human beings make great use of it. Their blood and sweat crystallization is usually expressed in the form of books. Later generations can understand their thoughts and spy on the surging times by reading their words

I seem to have some say in reading. Since childhood, I have loved to read story books with Pinyin annotations, famous works at home and abroad, and ancient Chinese original works now. When I was young, I read the books stored at home, but I didn't recognize many ligatures. Naturally, I knew only a little. After years of rereading, I gained new insights and perceptions.

From Andersen's Fairy Tales to Wilde and Tagore's poetry collections. Books have accompanied me for a long time and witnessed my youth and growth. It is my best friend who never abandons or forgets. I only offered him a small place to settle down and asked him for it, but it never gave up and accompanied me in silence.

In my opinion, all things in the market will depreciate, and they will only be popular for a while. No matter how popular they are, they will only be a flash in the pan. But books will never, their value will only get higher and higher. Although it cannot bring people direct benefits, its enlightenment and intellectual benefits are invaluable. And books don't pick people. The emperor can read books, so can beggars. Its greatest beauty lies in the fact that readers at different stages and with different ideas have the phenomenon of "a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people", which is precisely the reason for promoting human progress.

Yu Qiuyu said, "The biggest reason for reading is to get rid of mediocrity. One day earlier, one day later, one day more exciting, and one day later, one day more mediocre." Even so, some people still question the significance of reading. Because people's memories are limited, they will forget all of them one day. Although it is inevitable to forget, reading can frame bones and flesh in your body and become a part of your body.