Composition on mountain climbing (16 selected)
Allure Homme
2023-08-11 00:13:34
describe the scenery

Composition on mountain climbing (1)

One Sunday morning, my father said he would take me to climb the mountain, and said that if I climbed to the top of the mountain, he could let me realize three wishes. I happily changed my sportswear and went out with my father.

At the foot of the mountain, without saying a word, I rushed to the top of the mountain, leaving my father behind after a few times. But as I walked, I felt my feet were getting heavier and heavier, as if my feet were filled with lead. Looking down the stone steps to the top of the mountain, I felt that the stone steps, which were not very long and steep, were like a ladder in the sky. I sat down on the stone steps dejectedly. At this time, my father caught up with me and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?" I said angrily, "I won't climb so high and steep.", I ran to the top of the mountain with all my strength... Beany sweat ran down my cheek, and I ignored it. What I wanted to do was to prove to my father that I was a real man.

I don't know how long it took me to run, but I finally reached the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of "small mountains at a glance".

From this I finally understand a truth: where there is a will, there is a way! Because I didn't give up, I climbed to the top of the mountain. Isn't that the same in learning? As long as we are confident in the face of difficulties and do not give up, we will never be overwhelmed by difficulties.

That mountain climbing not only tempered my will, but also made me understand a lot of truth.

Composition on Mountain Climbing (2)

One day, when I was walking on the road, I found many plants on a wall. At this time, a question arose in my mind - why can this plant stick to the wall? When I got home, I immediately asked my father for advice. My father said that this is a creeper. As for why you can climb the wall, you can consult the information. After hard work, I finally found the answer.

Originally, Parthenocissus tricuspidata is a kind of ornamental plant climbing on the wall. It is also called Bashan Tiger, Dijin and Ivy, belonging to the grape family. It is a deciduous vine with suction cups at the front of its tendrils. It blooms in summer and has small yellow green flowers. It is produced all over China. Stems and roots can be used as medicine.

After careful observation, I found that the feet of Parthenocissus are on the stem. At the place where the stem has long petioles, there are six or seven twiggy filaments, each of which looks like the antenna of a snail. When these feet of Parthenocissus creeper touch the wall, they lie on the wall. The filament was originally straight, but now it is bent. Pull the tender stem of Parthenocissus tricuspidata to make it cling to the wall. Parthenocissus climbs up step by step. If the ivy's filaments do not touch the wall, they will wither in a few days. The filaments that touch the wall gradually turn gray. Don't look down on those gray feet. Those feet are quite firm on the wall. If your hands don't work hard, you can't pull down a stem of Parthenocissus.

This is a green way to use climbing plants to climb to buildings or scaffolding. Parthenocissus tricuspidata is the most commonly used and ideal climbing plant. It relies on suction cups to climb up the wall. So it does no harm to buildings.

The plant world is amazing!

Composition on mountain climbing (3)

Mountain climbing can not only breathe fresh air and exercise, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, so my mother and I decided to climb Hangwu Mountain today.

The mountain road is winding and steep. There are colorful flowers on the roadside, some of which are red. There are yellow ones. Blue. Purple, very beautiful. The cool autumn wind blew, the flowers waved to us, the pine trees welcomed us with open arms, the birds on the trees cheered and jumped, and welcomed us with their beautiful songs.

The eighteen bays along the mountain road, turning left and right, we finally walked to a pavilion not far from the top of the mountain. At that time, we were already sweating, panting, and our legs were sore. I said, "Let's have a rest here". We drank water and looked down. The scenery was beautiful. The rice fields are clothed in golden clothes, and the sea of rice turns into golden waves. The farmer uncle worked hard in the field. The rows of houses are as neat as matchboxes. Gray roads lead to all directions, wow! Why are there many beetles on it? Oh! It was cars running on the road.

Today is my happiest day. Through this mountain climbing, I learned the beauty and essence of nature.

Composition on mountain climbing (4)

Once, my sister said to take me to climb mountains. As soon as I heard the word "mountain climbing", I was as happy as "excited". This is my first time to climb the mountain. I don't know how to do it.

Now come to the foot of the mountain, look at the steep mountains, summon up courage and start climbing. My sister was tired after climbing half way up the mountain, but I was still energetic and determined to climb to the top of the mountain. Then I climbed. I felt stronger and stronger, and my limbs were very agile, even though I was sweating.

But after a while, I climbed to the top of the mountain. This is my first mountain climbing, my first mountain climbing achievement. I seemed to hear the singing of birds, the dancing of leaves, and...... These scenes came into sight.

At the foot of the mountain, it is my "weakness". I feel "afraid of heights". Alas - I can only stagger down the mountain.

This time, my sister gave me a chance to exercise. At the same time, let me summon up courage and have confidence in myself!

Composition on mountain climbing (5)

Today, I'm going to climb Baiyun Mountain with my sister!

So my sister and I got up early in the morning! Due to the cold weather, we are fully armed, hats and gloves!

In order to let us exercise better, we chose to walk to the foot of the mountain. It took us half an hour to walk to the foot of the mountain. We found that we were out of breath and wondered whether we could climb to the top of the mountain! In order to see the scenery on the mountain, we unanimously decided to climb up! On the way, we had several breaks, and our legs and feet were all sour, which made us feel totally unable to stand up! Watching the passers-by on the way, they were all full of vitality to climb up. My sister and I did not admit defeat, gritted our teeth and continued to work hard. As expected, our Kung Fu will pay off. Soon, we will be at the top of the mountain!

When we reached the top of the mountain, a layer of misty rumbling fog lingered in front of us, vaguely feeling like a fairy coming down from the earth, very beautiful! Go ahead and see the uncles and aunts doing morning exercises. Everyone here is full of vitality and gives a special feeling!

The feeling of mountain climbing is very good. Mountain climbing can not only better exercise our bodies, but also cultivate our sentiments!

Composition on Mountain Climbing (6)

My uncle took me to climb the mountain in Jiufeng Park this afternoon.

On the way to Jiufeng Park, I saw small trees, cars and some osmanthus trees. Walk into the gate of Jiufeng Park and you will see a big mountain. I climbed the mountain with my uncle, aunt and brother. My brother and I were very powerful. We climbed to the martyr's tomb at once. I watched there for a while, (Wow, the scenery in front of me is so spectacular! Every house has become small, and the Yongning River is like a winding belt in the distance.) Then we continued to climb. Finally, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain, where we rested for a while, and then we went home.

Composition on Mountain Climbing (7)

Whenever the festival comes, I will go to some places to travel, of course, my parents take me to play. For me, climbing is my favorite. Because there are no mountains or water in our hometown, we have to go to far places by train or plane to enjoy the scenery.

I have visited many big mountains and rivers. In my heart, there is a place where the mountains have a deep impression on me and are the most attractive. It was on May Day last year. My family went to the south to travel. There is a very famous mountain - Baiyun Mountain. At that time, we went to Baiyun Mountain for tourism at the first time, and the tickets were only five miles away, which was very cheap. In addition, there were several gates in Baiyun Mountain, the main gate was the largest and most spectacular.

When we entered the gate of Baiyun Mountain, we found that it was full of scenic spots, with long and long feet, far from the foot of the mountain, so we had to take a tour bus and quickly arrived at the foot of the mountain. At this time, I found that there was a very high mountain standing halfway up the mountain, and there were three big words, that was "Moxing Mountain". It was said that it was the highest peak of Baiyun Mountain. If we stood on the top of the mountain, You can see the scenery of Guangdong Province.

Watching many tourists go up from here, we also walked along the stream of people. As we walked, I found that the stairs were too blocked, my feet were weak, and my mineral water cup was given to my mother. I wanted to look back and turned my head, but I was scared out of my wits. Below is the deep valley. I don't want to retreat, but it's hard to enter. My mother found me boring and encouraged me to say, "Come on, we'll be at the top of the mountain soon, don't be afraid of difficulties!" In this way, I stuck to the end. This mountaineering really brought me a lot of fun.

Composition on Mountain Climbing (8)

When it comes to mountain climbing, I believe that some people love and others hate. Climbing mountains can exercise people's willpower and physical quality, so some people love it. But when climbing the mountain, why not be happy and painful, and when you are halfway there is no one gasping and sweating? I believe everyone will think about giving up when climbing the mountain. Yes, it's too tired. If you don't have strong willpower, how can you persist? How can you climb to the top of the mountain to vent your pride

On a sunny weekend, my parents and I are also going to climb mountains. Hey, although the mountain I climb is not high, I'm still scared. His legs trembled a little, and he thought, what if he could not move when he reached the halfway point? How to get down... When I was thinking about this problem, I had already climbed to the mountainside unconsciously. Looking at the scenery behind me and the trees, my heart was trembling, and then I continued to insist. After climbing for a while, my legs became weak and my energy was drained away, leaving only a drop of sweat on my forehead. I brushed the drops of sweat away with my hands, stamped my feet, and took out some mineral water to fill them. Suddenly, I felt full of strength and walked forward step by step. When I got to the top of the mountain, it was already dark. I stood on the top of the mountain, yelling, my mouth curved, and smiled sweetly. I felt that it was like a dream that I could climb to the top of the mountain. It was unreal, but it was also real happiness

Mountain climbing has gradually become my hobby! On weekends, when I have nothing to do, I like to climb mountains with my parents and feel the sense of achievement that comes naturally

Composition on Mountain Climbing (9)

At five o'clock yesterday morning, Aunt Lan, I and my mother went to climb the mountain. We were going to climb two mountains in a row. When I heard this, I didn't want to climb. But my mother told me, "How can I know if I can do it without trying?" I hesitated for a long time and then went up the mountain with them. We first followed the top of the first mountain on the path. This mountain is really difficult to climb, The path is not only narrow but also steep. There are many stones in the middle of the road. From time to time, a few round stones roll down from the mountain. It's scary. Fortunately, with everyone's encouragement, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain. I was scared and exhausted when I climbed this mountain!

When climbing the second mountain, it was a little better. There were not only many trees on the mountain, but also the call of the titmouse. The call of the titmouse was beautiful, as if it was saying, "Welcome! Welcome!" Everyone talked and laughed. Soon we were at the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, we saw the trees were green, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. Our laughter and laughter spread far and far between the mountains, When I went down the mountain, I also picked a bunch of wild flowers to keep as a souvenir when I went home!

Today's event is really unforgettable to me. Only persevere can we succeed!

Composition on Mountain Climbing (10)

Green giant dragons hover on the mountainside, and several main roads that intersect are looming. Several boys and I gathered at the foot of the mountain, looked up at the peak as high as the mountain, and pulled out a confident smile.

In the midst of laughter and laughter, we have climbed halfway up the mountain, with thin beads of sweat on our forehead and sour legs. Looking up at the unfinished road, the idea of giving up slowly grows in our hearts. Take a break! It was approved by everyone. We found the bench and rested on it. I was thinking about the way to go. I am a little bird. We were attracted by a burst of singing. It was an uncle who was singing. We listened with interest and asked Uncle what he was doing here. He said that he would climb the mountain after a rest. We started to climb up, and just halfway there was a problem. The road was too slippery to climb, so we thought of an idea. Then we started to find leaves to stick to our feet, so that we wouldn't slide. We were about to climb the top, and another person's leg was injured. Take good care of him. It has been a long time. We are getting faster and faster. We are just a few steps away from the top. Then there is a problem. They are tired from climbing. Some eat, some rest, some drink, and some play. This is a person who said loudly that you are still wasting time here because it is almost the summit. Hearing this, we climbed up to the top as if we had beaten chicken blood.

We climbed to the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. We can't help admiring. I learned from climbing that only by persevering hard can we enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Composition on Mountain Climbing (11)

Nanshan is located in the south of my hometown, and it is also the largest tourist attraction of my hometown. The rain is falling, and this weather is a good time! So, while enjoying the colorful flowers and lush grass in Nanshan, our family also enjoyed the buildings near the horizon and climbed into Yunnan Mountain.

The three members of our family enjoy themselves and are immersed in the beautiful scenery full of vitality. Mountain climbing is not too difficult for parents. But for the "little sluggard" who lacks exercise with me, it's as hard as climbing into the sky! So I climbed halfway up the mountain and became lazy. I thought my parents would give me a lecture, but my father said: "Mountain climbing depends on your physical instinct, and more importantly, it is a state of mind: if you want to successfully climb to the top of the mountain, you have to go through thousands of hardships. You can only succeed if you are not afraid of difficulties, indomitable, and persistent. The so-called is to climb to the top of the mountain." My father's words gave me a deep blow.

Yeah! Nothing is difficult if you are willing to climb. When I returned to my senses, I had already found that my parents had reached Nanshan. I got up my strength and insisted on climbing hard. In the end, the kung fu really pays off! Finally, I climbed to the top of the mountain! It will be the top of the mountain! This climb opened my eyes and made me understand many philosophies of life.

These philosophies will benefit me all my life!

Composition on Mountain Climbing (12)

Today, the weather is sunny and cloudless. I, Mom and Dad had breakfast. We put on sneakers, took towels, cups, bread... The whole family came to the foot of Qiyun Mountain in a car, talking and laughing.

When I got out of the car, I saw a clear brook. The water of the brook flowed noisily from the foot of the mountain, and there were several green willows on the side. When the breeze blows, the branches of willows dance in the wind like hair, which is beautiful. There is a road leading to the top of the mountain. I looked up and said, "Hey, how can the mountain hold the sky?" My curiosity grew stronger and stronger. I really wanted to go to the top of the mountain to have a look, so my family climbed to the top of the mountain. As we climbed, we found a sturdy pine tree standing upright like a guard. Then, we continued to climb, and the pastoral scenery was beautiful. There are dense bamboo forests everywhere, and birds chirp, as if singing a beautiful song. When we climbed halfway, we found a pavilion, and mother gasped: "Let's go to the pavilion to eat something." Everyone said: "OK." So we sat in the pavilion and took out the water and bread we brought to eat. After a while, we had almost reached the top of the mountain, and our family climbed to the top with our last strength. It turned out that the sky on the top of the mountain was still so high and far away. Looking at the verdant mountains and plains, my heart is full of pride.

In the evening, when we returned home, I felt very sore feet, but my heart was very happy. Today is really a meaningful day!

Composition on Mountain Climbing (13)

"Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who have a heart". Yes, there is nothing impossible in the world, only those who have no patience.

On the weekend, I had nothing to do. My father said that he would take me to climb the mountain. I was very happy. When I came to the foot of the mountain, I looked up! What a high mountain! The top of the mountain rises to the sky, and I can't see the top at a glance. When my father saw my expression of dejection, he kindly said to me: "Difficulties are like springs. It depends on whether you are strong or not. If you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong". I am a strong person, and I am not afraid! The ground is not afraid! I went up the mountain with confidence.

The birds were chirping all the way, and I kept walking, but I didn't even reach the mountainside, let alone the mountaintop. I was depressed again, and my father said strictly, "Nothing is difficult in the world, if you have a heart, you know what you've learned." I had to go again, and then I said to myself, "Come on!"! Come on, success is only one step away from me. Try to take this step, and you will succeed. Come on! Come on! I kept fighting for myself. Five minutes passed, 10 minutes passed, 30 minutes passed

I finally climbed to the top of the mountain: Ah, the air is so fresh, I look at the beautiful mountains and rivers in the distance, and look down, the traffic is busy and lively.

This time's mountain climbing has brought me endless enlightenment: persistence is the victory, everything is first bitter and then sweet, so is life!

Composition on Mountain Climbing (14)

Today, the sky is clear, cloudless, and the spring breeze is blowing.

I went hiking with my father and cousin. We talked and laughed all the way to the foot of West Lake Mountain. We looked at the big green trees on both sides and began to climb the mountain with great interest. The mountain road is crowded with tourists. I quickly climbed up and passed one climber after another. Half way up the mountain, I felt thirsty, breathing fast, and my whole body was hot. Unconsciously, sweat quietly seeped out of my forehead. At this time, my father came after me. I took off my coat and sweater, put them in my father's hands, and ran up. I felt my feet were sore. I clenched my teeth and climbed to the top of the mountain desperately. Although I feel very tired, my face is full of smiles and high spirits.

I climbed to the eighth floor of the pagoda and looked down! Neat high-rise buildings, more than knot scale. The green Tianma Mountain burns like a flame. The color of the flame is not red, but green, a symbol of vitality. Liuyang River is like a long silver belt. Green mountains and green water form a beautiful landscape.

This mountain climbing was really fun, which made me understand that learning is like mountain climbing, and we should not be afraid of hardship and fatigue to achieve good results.

Composition on Mountain Climbing (15)

In the hot summer, our parents took us to a small mountain to climb.

After lunch, we had to take the bus for half an hour, and the flowers on the road were wilting. Only at noon, they were blooming, and few people came out in the hot summer. After taking the bus for half an hour, I finally arrived at the station. I was like a soldier ready to rush to the top of the mountain, and we started at that time. What we did not expect is that there are many climbers here. Although the road is relatively flat, there are too many trees, jungles and weeds. However, it is not difficult for me to pass the border and kill generals all the way. When I came to a stone that was obviously polished, I sat down and felt as if I had walked tens of thousands of miles with a heavy burden. I am very tired. Although I have walked halfway up the mountain, the road above is very far. It seems that I can't see the end at a glance. I still walk forward. I was about to climb to the top of the mountain. I was exhausted and finally surrendered: "I can't do it, let's go down the mountain." I was scratched by various bushes and weeds on the way, fell again, and I was exhausted due to exhaustion.

Then my father said to me, "Look at those people. They are also very tired. Why did they all climb to the top of the mountain? Because they have faith in their hearts, but they have no faith. What can they use to climb to the top of the mountain?" Suddenly, my heart was full of fighting spirit, and I climbed to the top of the mountain in one breath.

Without faith, one can do nothing well. Therefore, belief in everything is indispensable.

Composition on Mountain Climbing (16)

[Part 1: Mountain Climbing]

On Sunday, my parents and I went to climb Eagle Mountain. The mountains are high and the sky is blue. At that time, I was very nervous. I took my father's hand and said, "I'm afraid." My father said, "You will not be afraid when you get to the peak." At this time, I saw many uncles, aunts and many children also climbing, and my heart relaxed a lot. We stopped and walked. Halfway up the mountain, my mother said, "I'm exhausted." My father looked at her and said, "It's useless!" My father told my mother to wait for us here, and we climbed to the top of the mountain together.

I struggled to climb to the top of the mountain. Sometimes I climbed on the branches, sometimes I climbed with my hands and feet, and sometimes my father pulled me. After more than 20 minutes, I finally climbed to the peak.

What a beautiful view from the top of the mountain! Looking to the south, there are many tall buildings, and our mother river, Puyang River, is like a beautiful ribbon floating in the center of the city; Looking to the west, the industrial zone in the west of the city is under vigorous development. On the expressway, cars are flowing in a stream, and a railway track is winding into the distance

I think mountain climbing is really interesting!

[Part II: Mountain Climbing]

A group of us went to climb the Sun Mountain.

Come to the foot of the mountain, wow, what thick snow! We can't even find the shadow of snow in our city, but here it is covered with snow and snow. Huoyun and I couldn't wait to get out of the car and catch up to play a snowball fight.

Mother urged us to hurry up. The snow on the steps of the mountain was more than ten centimeters thick, and the sound of "creaking" was heard when we stepped on them. Many small trees were bent by the heavy snow, and rows of fir and pine trees were hung with crystal clear little ice beads and ice lollies. It really looks like pieces of crystal handicrafts. The more people look at it, the more they like it.

Halfway up the mountain, we were all panting. We met many tourists who were already going downhill. Suddenly, an uncle didn't step steadily and slipped down. His companions didn't have time to hold him. Before I could think of it, I hurried forward to help my uncle who had slipped down. "Thank you, thank you. This child is really good." Several uncles thanked me repeatedly.

I was very energetic after being praised, and climbed to the top of the mountain in one breath, leaving the adults behind me. Dad always praised me for my progress over last year.

ha-ha! I'm so happy today.

[Chapter 3: Mountain climbing composition]

Today, I, my mother, my brother, my second aunt and my uncle took a bus to Xiangyu Forest Park to climb the mountain.

We first took the minibus to the pedestrian entrance and then slowly climbed the mountain. The mountain road twists and turns all the way, with cliff covered with trees on both sides and flat road in the middle. There are some shady places below. When we wait for the middle of the board, there is no shade. Sometimes there are some big trees. At this time, we will take some photos. After walking for about half an hour, we see several big stones on the other side of the river, with a huge stone hanging above. So we can ride the lightning stone. We walked past the stone. At first, I felt very afraid. On the right is the cliff waterfall. Later, I tried to come here. We ate some steamed buns, beef cakes and three bowls of jin cake. After eating these things, we continued to go up, passed a pavilion, a single wooden bridge, and finally turned into a stairway, which soon ended.

We went down the mountain again and saw the bus, but the number of people on the minibus was not enough, so we had to walk six kilometers to the entrance road. We saw people swimming in the wild, visiting the rolling mountains, and eating farm fun. At last, when we finished the whole journey, there was a riding track. My brother and I rode around and left by bus.

I think today is really a happy day!