Qq sex signature love 105 short sentences
Peace is bliss
2023-05-03 13:12:19
Complete set of signatures

1. Life is too long, you are just a scenery!

2. Because I was young at that time, I always thought about the future too well.

3. Shh, don't talk. I'm just a little sad.

4. Covering up sadness, loneliness and sorrow, the first experience of love.

5. Cherish all encounters and respect all losses.

6. You should always smile at me. I like to see you smile.

7. If God knows my sincerity, let the stone sprout!

8. If you are the person I love wrongly, I am willing to make mistakes again and again.

9. It's my fault that I can't hide my love. The dark circles under my eyes are expressing their feelings to you.

10. Don't tell others when you are sad, because others don't care.

11. I want to know whose name I will shout when I get drunk.

12. A simple word of love has buried many people's youth.

13. You must not know that I like you so hopeless.

14. Don't say sorry to me, because I'm not sure it has nothing to do with you.

15. The original promise, no matter how beautiful, will eventually be defeated by reality.

16. In the good also arrived at forgotten, again sad also arrived at time.

17. Happiness is to walk to the end of life hand in hand with each other.

18. Sometimes I do not understand you, do not understand your heart, do not understand your love.

19. What's the use of love? It's not like this.

20. Love does not say will be sad self, all just for love and song.

21. Love is a smile. It begins with a kiss and ends with a tear.

22. I believe that everyone has a perfunctory friend.

23. Today is my big day. I am the happiest person in the world.

24. It is better to be your original self than to be anyone's copy.

25. In your most memorable journey, I can give you an exclusive smile.

26. If you have not seen the true face of love, you will not understand its uniqueness.

27. The reality has taught me that I don't care, don't listen, don't ask and don't be sentimental.

28. Love will not deteriorate if we sincerely maintain and manage each other's love.

29. Life is like a piece of paper, on which only we can write our own life.

30. How many days and nights I have been tossing and turning, hoping that the oath will come true one day.

31. If one day you say you miss me, I will tell you that it is late.

32. I just want people around me to be happy, but I forget that I am not the master of the world.

33. When I woke up in the morning, I found that there was enough sunshine on my face.

34. Time always passes so fast that people can't remember what happened.

35. Real happiness is achieved bit by bit and accumulated day by day.

36. If you meet me, don't break my disguise. I've been here forever.

37. In fact, life is very dull, but we make it unbearable.

38. I am willing to gamble our future with the happiness of this life, are you willing?

39. A person thinks that his memory is unforgettable, but others have already forgotten it.

40. The memory gradually withered and fell on my side, and I could not wake up the original beating picture.

41. Because I don't know what a lifetime is, it's easy to swear for a lifetime.

42. When we were young, we cried and laughed. When we grew up, we laughed and cried.

43. Maybe I know that each relationship is not easy to last, and I don't take it out easily.

44. Some words can't be taken back when they are spoken. For example, I said I love you.

45. All those are just the colorful fireworks in full bloom.

46. Don't think that I don't know who will smirk when you text in class.

47. Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.

48. Loneliness is not born, but starts from the moment when you love someone.

49. I love you: until the end of time! Love will wither away! Love the Yellow River!

50. The so-called love can only allow two people. Not one less, not one more.

51. Off and on, talk about the past, once the most beautiful memories, and remember that it was you.

52. Sometimes life is also extremely simple. Only standing still and running can survive.

53. Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that you value the other person too much.

54. The past is the ashes of memories, while the future is the illusion projected by people.

55. What you dare not say can only rot in your heart; People who can't love can only take it in their heart.

56. Maybe one day, I will look at others and think of you, and forget you by others.

57. Sometimes, forgetting is the best relief; Sometimes silence is the best way to tell.

58. Love makes me play the hard side without hesitation, and also makes us become hysterical and sick.

59. If you leave me, please don't comfort me. You should know that every sewing will also encounter stinging pain.

60. What is brave? Crying to ask you to love me? Or smile to see you leave?

61. The past was just a dream for me. When I woke up, I woke up, and when it was light, it was light.

62. When we were young, we all loved, so painful and sad.

63. No matter how beautiful the memory is, it is just the sadness of the lonely fireworks, filled with the black ridicule of fate.

64. I always wait for that day to forget myself yesterday and those loneliness and sadness.

65. It is said that time is a good medicine to soothe my heartache, but why am I still not good after so long.

66. If you shed tears, my face will always be wet; If you are sad, it is always my heart that cries!

67. I can't hear my heart beat, my breath, my eyes blurred with tears.

68. The so-called love is that there is a person who makes you cry one moment and make you laugh the next moment.

69. With you, my happy world can hear and see, and my happiness will never end.

70. It's really sad when you find that you are not as important to someone as you think.

71. There is always a gap between ideal and reality. Fortunately, there is still a gap. Otherwise, who cares about ideal?

72. People are hypocritical and fickle. This is no longer a second. We should all learn to get used to reality.

73. I just want to take this love that has nothing to do with anyone and anything to go to the end of one's life.

74. "Like you" is an absolute truth without doubt.

75. If I know more than others, it is because I make more mistakes than others.

76. If we give our heart to others, we cannot take it back; When others give to others, love will flow in the world.

77. If I begin to insist on saying good morning and good night to you every day, you have become the person I love deeply.

78. People are out of their minds in the classroom. It is better to love than to learn. Learning is for making a living, and love is for the next generation!

79. If you listen to the music you like often, will you be closer to you. Maybe you don't care?

80. When a friend ignores you, don't be sad. Everyone has his own life, and no one can always accompany you.

81. The world without you, without love, without air, without sunshine, how can I live without you?

82. There is no soft love in a hard city. Life is not Lin Daiyu, and there will not be various feelings because of sadness.

83. You have the right to refuse my love, but you cannot despise my love, because it is a heart beating for you sincerely.

84. When I look at the sky, I don't like to talk again. When I talk, I dare not look at the sky again.

85. It's snowing outside the window. Make a cup of coffee and hold it until it's cold. Then I know I'm thinking of you again. How can you understand my expectations!

86. Hold your hand, day and night, hold your hand, wait for tomorrow, hold your hand, walk through this life, hold your hand, life after life.

87. You are like the milk in my mouth. I'm thirsty, hungry, sleepy, and tired, but you can't help me. It's just a temporary moisturizer.

88. When the sun hasn't climbed the fence covered with vines, the red roses that can't wait have already covered your windowsill. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

89. The water of Dongting Lake is green. Our love has just begun. You are my heart, you are my liver, and you are three quarters of my heart!

90. For the same bottle of drink, the price is $in the convenience store and $in the five-star hotel. In many cases, a person's value depends on his location.

91. It's not painful to give up a person who loves you very much. It's painful to give up a person you love very much. It's more painful to fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.

92. Hiding in a certain time, missing the palmprint of a period of time, hiding in a certain place, missing a person who is standing in the way of origin and also standing in the way of destination, which makes me care about.

93. All men like obedient women, but if a man starts to like a woman, he will unconsciously listen to her. You said, how could I listen to you like this?

94. If you are not beautiful, if you are not smart, if your legs are short, if your waist is thick, even if you are like a cow, it doesn't matter, because in the eyes of lovers, you will be beautiful!

95. Love is very simple. Sometimes it is just a glass of water. As long as there is love, who cares about external things? Those who make love very grand must not really love each other.

96. Why should you forget someone so painfully? Time will naturally make you forget. If time can't let you forget the people you shouldn't remember, what's the meaning of the years we lost?

97. For men, red wine is like the carcass of beautiful women, and for women, red wine is like their blood. If you don't know how to drink red wine, even if you eat more French food, you will never eat it.

98. Peach blossoms blossomed one after another, and the spring rain dripped down with emotion, gently telling my heart that I can't live without you. I will never forget your dimples and love you so much that I just want to hold your hands and share a happy life!

99. The wood said to the fire, "Hold me!" The fire embraced the wood, and the wood smiled and turned into ashes! The fire cried, and the tears extinguished itself. When wood fell in love with fire, it was doomed to be burned.

100. Are you a fairy or a mortal? Your every move moves my heart. Your every look and smile fascinates my soul. When I meet you, I am destined to love you deeply. When I fall in love with you, I am destined to spend my whole life together. Love you is my greatest blessing in this life!

101. The clamor and brightness of the world, the secular happiness and happiness, like a clear stream, in the wind, in front of my eyes, Milu, warm as a spring out, I do not expect, I just want you to be happy, not sad.

102. I want to give you a joy to make you happy every day; I want to give you a greeting to let you not worry; I want to give you a share of pay not return; I want to give you a true love to make you all right; I want to give you a love to make you happy.

103. Greet gently and blend into all wishes; Light blessing, pour infinite true feelings; A short message fills the screen quietly. Nothing, just want to say to you: I have been thinking of you quietly! Do you feel it?

104. True love should be the green of leaves, not just the red of flowers; Because "red" passes away quickly with the drifting of flowers while "green" is with life.

105. There are three important days in the world. The day when you are there, you can touch the heart strings; The day when I was there, I was no longer alone in joy; The day when "I" and "you" become "we", we will be happy forever.