Writing Little Bookworm (7 Collections)
Don't gamble youth on tomorrow
2023-12-27 05:58:45
Grade 3

Writing Little Bookworm (1)

"I threw myself on books like a hungry man on bread." Grandpa Gorky's words went into my heart pit! My desire for books is much stronger than the temptation of food!

I love books. When I eat, I hold her; She accompanied me to sleep when I slept. I pretend to be a "little bookworm", which is not boastful! For me, reading is an indispensable pleasure in life.

Open the memory "drawer", many things have forgotten. Only it makes me unforgettable - I remember that time, my mother bought me a copy of Romance of the Three Kingdoms again, and I cheerfully held the baby to look like it. Hungry and thirsty, I swam in the sea of books as if I had forgotten everything! Zhuge Liang, resourceful and resourceful, Liu Bei, ambitious and eager for talents, Guan Yu, frank and honest, whose righteousness is as important as a mountain... "Move" in front of me, and I laugh with them in the book, sharing joys and sorrows. Unconsciously, I had "swam" to the small pool in the garden. As I walked and watched, a stone tripped over me, and the book escaped from my hands, "plopped" and slipped into the pool. In spite of the pain, I found a long stick and hurriedly fished up the book. The poor baby has become a "drowned rat". She is wet and constantly "shedding" tears. I ran home quickly, took out the hair dryer at home, turned the wind to the maximum, and blew carefully. My mother saw my injured foot, and was worried and angry. She grabbed the book in my hand and threw it into the corner. "How can you walk and watch? You think it's great!" Mother scolded painfully. I looked at my mother helplessly with innocent tears in my eyes.

Book, you make me happy; It also makes me sad and painful. Now, books have become my closest friends. They make me yearn for the future and enrich my knowledge. Today, I am happy all day long, like eating honey. It's good to have books with you!

Writing Little Bookworm (2)

I am a little bookworm worthy of the name. I dive into the sea of books and roam around. However, reading too much will cause an embarrassing situation. Yes, something embarrassing just happened to me. Alas! It's not because reading is too fascinating.

After class, I heard the bell, excited, so I quickly picked up a composition book and read it with interest. I am like a hungry wolf, greedily turning over, with endless fun. I am exploring the mystery of knowledge, and I am always hungry for knowledge. Gradually, I became fascinated. I forgot the time and myself. I could not even feel the voice and noise of my classmates after class. My mind was full of words, and I only indulged in the fun of books. I can't feel the existence of anything. Suddenly, the bell rings. I can't even hear the clear and sweet bell, because I have been attracted by the gorgeous and moving of this book, and I am completely intoxicated.

Suddenly, there was a small voice from my ear. The voice became louder and louder. I finally heard it clearly. It was the voice of my classmates. I suddenly realized that it was in class. The next student told me: one minute before class! Ah! I was surprised, and then looked up. I saw that the students were staring at me with strange eyes. I looked at the teacher's terrible eyes again. It was staring at me all the time. I couldn't help but be frightened. I slowly walked up to the platform, only to hear the teacher say: no more. I slowly retreated back. The taste was really bad just now

Reading books can bring me happiness as well as disaster, but I still love reading books. I am deeply fascinated by the beauty of books. I never tire of reading books with countless knowledge. This unknown teacher has brought me infinite happiness. Go and read! Let knowledge arm your mind, let happiness accompany your heart!

Writing Little Bookworm (3)

When it comes to the "little bookworm" in our class, everyone will look at my deskmate in unison. Yes, my deskmate is really a "little bookworm". If you want to know her, please listen to me!

I remember one music class, we had finished the class in 5 minutes, and the teacher took us back to class to study. In the morning, the teacher had not assigned homework yet. When we returned to class, we were absent-minded reading, anxiously waiting for the bell to ring soon.

"Tink, tink, tink." The bell finally rang, and the students left their positions in a swarm, gathered together, talking and playing, as if everyone was playing happily.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and there was only one minute left for class. The students returned to their respective positions, waiting for the teacher to come to class. When I returned to my position, I took a look at my deskmate. God, she was still reading!

At this time, the teacher came in: "Class!" "Stand up!" The students shouted together. The teacher bowed and said, "Hello, students." We replied, "Hello, teacher." But my deskmate was still immersed in the interesting novel in her hand.

In class, she was still reading. I pushed her and said, "Don't read now. Don't blame me for being scolded by the teacher." She nodded as if nothing had happened.

In class, the teacher finally found her, walked up to her and said: "Why are you still reading in class? Don't read!" At this time, she came back to herself and said to the teacher: "Sorry, teacher, I am so absorbed." The teacher took her book, sighed and said: "Come to my office after class."

After class, the teacher returned the book to her and said to her, "Next time, it can't be like this. Reading is good, but it can't be excessive." She nodded.

Do you think the little bookworm in our class belongs to my deskmate?

Writing Little Bookworm (4)

The Little Bookworm Bar is located in the southwest of the rectangular building of the plant garden of our plant material primary school.

The Little Bookworm Bar is open in the morning, noon and afternoon. Therefore, students can go there to read books after class or at rest. There are many books on the first floor. The books are on the shelf. There are many plastic mats on the ground nearby. Students can take their favorite books from the bookshelf and sit on the mat, and then read in peace. There are orange tables and chairs on the second floor, as well as on the third floor. There are many tables and chairs. That's for the students who come to read there to sit and read.

There are many books, including Three Little Pigs and Journey to the West. Usually, these books are kept in the library. There are even more bookshelves in the library. Those books are kept separately by category. The books are divided into "popular science", "fairy tale", "composition"... The management personnel put the books in order. It is very convenient for us to borrow books. As long as we want to borrow any kind of books, we can easily go to that row of shelves to choose.

Those books are very rich in content. Some books tell stories of some people's adventures, some tell stories of history, and some tell scientific truth and knowledge

The books on the bottom floor of the Little Bookworm Bar are suitable for the first and second grade students, the books on the second floor are suitable for our third and fourth grade students, and the books on the third floor are suitable for the fifth and sixth grade big brothers and sisters.

One day every week, it's our turn to borrow books from the reading room of Little Bookworm Bar. Where we like to borrow books according to our own interests. I like to borrow science and mystery books. My good friends like to borrow books about idiom stories, some students like to borrow fairy tales, and some like to borrow books about writing.

The reading room is sometimes crowded because there are many people borrowing books. So I discussed a good idea with my classmates. That's because when we have time at this time, we will go to the bookshelf outside to look at the books and wait for our turn to borrow them. When we were reading books, the students in front of us borrowed books one by one and left. Slowly it was my turn to borrow books. So I used my library card to borrow books. After borrowing the book, I put the book I just read back on the original shelf, took the book I just borrowed and went back to the classroom.

Little bookworm is the source of our knowledge. I like you. I will go to your place to read whenever I am free!

Writing Little Bookworm (5)

Books are an indispensable part of my life. I love reading.

As I babbled, my father told me the story of Cat Fishing. As a freshman in primary school, I read such fables and fairy tales as Ye Gonghao Long and Monkey Descending the Mountain. By the fifth grade now, I have read the Collection of Proses and Collection of Poetry. Of course, Genghis Khan, The Scholars, Zhuangzi, Confucius and other historical books in simple terms have also become my close friends. I am intoxicated with the goodness of fairy tales, the beauty of prose, the vividness of fables, and often immersed in historical books. As a result, I became a real "four eyed senior bookworm" in the eyes of parents, classmates and teachers.

Every weekend, I would pester my father to take me to the bookstore. When I was there, I read with hunger and thirst, and felt infinite happiness. I often forgot time and home, and always returned with a full load.

I not only often buy books to read, but also often borrow books to read.

I remember once, I borrowed a Shen Shixi animal novel from a classmate. I couldn't put it down when I saw it. I really wanted to finish the book at one go. However, school time is limited after all. The time to return the book soon came, and I was very anxious, like ants on a hot pot - round and round. Finally, I used a beloved pen to exchange another day's borrowing time. On that day, I really watched against the clock. I had to wait until I couldn't hold my breath when I went to the toilet. Finally, I read the book in a hurry. Although I returned the book, the plot in the book haunted me, and I was worried about the small lives in the book. I was always distracted in class and didn't sleep reliably. So I decided to buy one back. Under my combination of hard and soft, my father finally agreed, and a new collection of novels was added to my small bookshelf.

As soon as I saw the book, it was like a fish returning to the water and a bird returning to the forest. I dream that I can hold a book I like every day, lean on the chair on the balcony, bathe in the warm sunshine, and wander in the ocean of knowledge!

Writing Little Bookworm (6)

I don't have Wu Zetian's great talent, nor Lu Zhi's ruthlessness, nor Xi Shi's sinking fish and falling geese, nor Cixi's ambition and scheming... I'm just an ordinary girl. Looking at me in the mirror: sword eyebrows and stares, the broken hair in front of my forehead is almost close to my lips, and my clothes are no different from those of boys. I have been very boyish since I was young. I especially like wielding knives and guns, and I don't like those delicate girls. After reading me like this, you will never think that my greatest hobby is reading.

Books are my favorite. Although books make me wear "other two eyes" and make me often scolded by my parents, I choose them as my best friends. Once, when I came home from school and was preparing to do my homework, I couldn't help but be attracted by the book "History of Japan" in my schoolbag. I thought to myself, "Today is Wednesday, so let's watch for ten minutes before we do our homework." Then I rushed to my desk and started reading. "Ding Dong..." The doorbell rang, and I hurried to open the door. "Mom, why did you come back so early today?" "Early? 5: It's 30! "5:30!" "I was stunned." "Have you finished your homework?" Oh, no, I haven't written a word yet. "I just feel as if my hands and feet are filled with lead, and my face is so hot that it seems that an egg will be fried immediately." Sorry, I wrote immediately. "I flashed into the room at once, which made my mother unable to laugh or cry. I had just written two words, and my eyes turned to the book in front of me. After a mild ideological struggle, I picked up the book and read it with relish. I was immersed in the struggle of Japanese officialdom. But my lovely homework was not finished until more than nine o'clock, and of course my mother scolded me. Recently, I just walked out of the magnificent history of Japan, but I became a fan again. Mother said, "You have just left the Longtan and entered the tiger's den!"! "However, it's better to have a tiger's den than a tiger's den," I replied with a smile.

I have neither Wu Zetian's great talent nor Lv Zhi's ruthlessness, nor Xi Shi's sinking fish and falling geese, nor Cixi's ambition and strategy. I'm just me, a happy little bookworm.

Writing Little Bookworm (7)

In our study, work and life, we have all been exposed to composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is a 600 word selected composition of my little bookworm, carefully arranged by my editor, for reference only. Let's have a look.

My eldest sister loves reading very much. Once you get your favorite book, you will love it. You have to read it all at once.

She wears glasses, likes to be quiet and polite. Every time she attends a banquet, others will praise her for being bookish. It is said that the belly is full of poetry and calligraphy.

There was a large bookcase in her room, full of books, which she had accumulated slowly. The eldest sister will try every means to buy the books she likes, read them carefully, and put them in the bookcase after reading them. As time goes by, the bookcase is full of books she likes.

I read my favorite books carefully. Not only do you make marks on the book, but also write down your own. Read and understand, and extract those good words and sentences. Because of her love of reading, my elder sister's grades are not bad. She has been among the best in primary school, junior high school and senior high school, and is now studying in university.

Last time, after reading my sister's books, let me go to the bookstore with her to buy books. When I arrived at the bookstore, my sister ran straight to the famous works like a wild horse. After she has selected one by one, she will let me go to the counter to check out. I thought I could go home, but I never saw her again. Well, I must have gone to the free zone to read books. When I got there, I saw my sister. She is reading a book with great interest. I asked her to go home, and she said, "Just watch for a few more minutes.". I had to wait for her. One minute, two minutes and thirty minutes passed, but she still did not move. I asked her to go home again, and she said helplessly: I really shouldn't have brought you here. When she left, she was still reluctant to part.

Back home, my sister hid in her room to read. She doesn't like us to disturb her while reading. She often immerses herself in the book for two or three hours. I had to knock at the door when I asked her for something, but she scolded me. Sister, we have dinner! I said wrongly. She realized that she was wrong, apologized to me and went to dinner with me. After dinner, she immersed herself in books again.

You see, my eldest sister is a real bookworm.