Take Care of the Lawn (Collection of 19)
Wake up in the morning
2024-01-06 06:49:03
primary school

Take care of the lawn (1)

There is a large lawn near my home. There is a stone sculpture in the middle of the lawn. The lawn is divided into several pieces by a path in the middle. The lawn is our "paradise". As long as we are idle, we will run to the lawn.

In spring, the lawn is a paradise for children. We ran and rolled on the lawn to our heart's content. We sweated when we played. We took off our winter clothes, said goodbye to winter, went into battle light, and embraced spring. It was very happy.

In summer, the lawn has become a great auditorium for grasshoppers. In summer, countless grasshoppers will gather in the lawn, and then children will go to the lawn together to catch grasshoppers. Especially those bushes are very suitable for us to play hide and seek.

In autumn, the lawn seems to be the cradle of fallen leaves. There are some trees on both sides of the road. The fallen leaves fall on the lawn, and they are dreaming like babies. The fallen leaves fall asleep until they blend into the soil quietly. If we encounter something with beautiful color or special shape, we will pick it up, clip it in the book and use it as a bookmark.

In winter, the lawn is like a racetrack in the wind. The lawn is wide and open. When the north wind comes, you can run freely here. We know we can't run against the wind, so we won't race against it. Only when the sun is sufficient, do not come to the lawn to dry and drive away the cold.

The lawn is not only for our children, but also for adults. They chat on the lawn, enjoy the cool, bask in the sun, work as women workers, dry clothes and quilts

Lawn has brought us a lot of convenience and fun. However, a few years ago, the lawn suffered a devastating disaster. There was a naughty child holding a lighter to ignite on the lawn. He wanted to burn the dried grass and thought he could control the fire. As a result, the fire was unstoppable and burned all the lawn at once. Fortunately, the lawn is not connected, otherwise the whole lawn would be lost. After being burned, the lawn is black, just like large pieces of coal. I thought this lawn was hopeless. Soon, fresh green buds grew on the lawn, which really echoed the poem "Wild fire never burns out, and spring wind blows again".

Although the lawn has been restored for a long time, I think we should take good care of this lawn and make it a permanent landscape in our life.

Take Care of the Lawn (2)

Today's weather is really fine, sunny. Xiao Hong came to the park alone.

Xiaohongyi steps into the park. I saw a large lawn in front, just like a green carpet. Just then, Xiao Hong saw three children playing football on the lawn. Xiaohong ran to her and said, "You can't play football on the lawn.". The child asked strangely: Why? Xiaohong said seriously: Xiaocao is also alive. She can beautify our living environment. Xiaohong then said: Because there are green trees, grass and flowers. Our life will be more beautiful. You play football on the lawn. Stepping on grass, grass will cry, and it is silent crying. So you can't play football on the lawn. It is everyone's duty to take care of the lawn.

The child lowered his head in shame and said, "We won't do it again.". Xiao Hong smiled happily after hearing this.

Take Care of the Lawn (3)

In the morning, I opened the curtains and saw several children playing football on the lawn. They trampled down a large area of grass, as if I heard grass crying. I ran downstairs and said to them, "Children, please take care of the lawn. Listen to Xiaocao crying." After listening, the children bowed their heads and said to Xiaocao, "Sorry! Xiaocao, in the future, we must take good care of you." They took the ball, left the lawn, and went to other places to play.

Take Care of the Lawn (4)

My family lives in Stanford Town. There is a large pavilion in the yard of the community, many fitness equipment, and a large green lawn.

One weekend afternoon, I played football with my friends in the yard. It was on the open ground. The space was originally small, and there were many vehicles parked there. In addition, pedestrians came and went. The ball rolled under the car and hit the pedestrians again. A child suggested, "Let's play football on the lawn. It's spacious!" Everyone nodded and praised. We came to the lawn happily holding the football. The grass felt soft when we stepped on it. The football passed quickly at the children's feet, and we had a good time! Just then, a sister wearing a red scarf angrily shouted at us: "Who let you step on the lawn? Get out! The lawn is used to green the environment, how can you destroy it?" We walked out of the lawn with shame.

We hurt innocent grass for our temporary happiness. I decided to protect flowers and trees in the future!

Take Care of the Lawn (5)

"Turn the camera around quickly, the sub camera is......" Maybe someone will ask me what I am doing, and I will tell you involuntarily: I am shooting a public service advertisement of "Love the Lawn".

This time, there are three scenes in total: in the storm, in the crevices and in the desert.

"Quick! Turn the camera to this side quickly!" We stood steadily in the storm, and I shouted, "Shoot!" The director team immediately put into the shooting of a grass. This grass is fighting with the storm for the last time. The grass slowly raises its head and straightens up, firmly ties its feet to the ground, and fights a fierce war with the storm. Ah! The storm finally gave way. In the morning, a few beads of sweat on the grass head are so conspicuous.

"Hurry, turn the camera to this side as fast as possible." I pressed the shutter and said, "Shoot!" The camera was aimed at a grass in the crack of the stone. The environment here is bad, there is little rain and water, and the sun is scorching every day. The grass can survive, which is really amazing. The local farmers pulled up a small grass. We saw that the grass roots were very long and stuck in the ground one meter below, which was amazing. Although there is no soil or water in this crevice, its spirit of forging ahead is worth learning.

"That's right! Turn the camera to this side quickly." We came to the desert area to shoot a thriving grass, which is not easy. For us, the desert is a barren wilderness. This grass can poke its head out in the desert, and it must have gone through a lot of difficulties and dangers to survive. It must have kept searching for underground water sources to survive. This grass is not easy, it is so strong.

There are also soldiers like grass around us, such as traffic policemen on the street, sanitation workers, and soldiers in white... They all use their lives to safeguard people's safety and happiness. Their selfless' sacrifice spirit is not just a reflection of grass spirit?

The strong grass is known by the strong wind, and the true love is known by adversity. Ah! Xiaocao, you are so great!

Take Care of the Lawn (6)

One day, the sun was shining brightly. Xiao Ming, Xiao Jun and Xiao Gang were playing football happily on the lawn.

While they were having a good time, they didn't see a sign of "Take Care of the Lawn".

The green lawn was kicked out of paths by them. Suddenly, a beautiful sister named Xiaohong came up and said, "Don't play football on the lawn. Grass has life, and we need to protect them. Grass can also help us clean the air and beautiful the environment." They felt a little ashamed after listening to the sister's words, I will play football happily on the vast square.

There is a saying that "it is everyone's responsibility to take care of flowers and plants". Children, you must take care of flowers and plants, because flowers and plants are also alive, so we must protect them.

Take Care of the Lawn (7)

Take care of the lawn
On Sunday, the weather was particularly sunny. Xiao Wang, Xiao Li and Xiao Ming went to the park to play football on the lawn. The scenery of the park is really beautiful! There are several white clouds floating in the blue sky. There is a tall pavilion on the distant mountain. There are many green trees, green grass and beautiful flowers at the foot of the mountain. They are soft on the green grass. So they quickly ran to the lawn with the football in their arms to play football. At this time, a big sister with a red scarf walked and shouted: "Please don't play football on the lawn. The grass is alive, and we should love the lawn." They listened to the big sister's words, and quickly took the football away from the lawn.

Take Care of the Lawn (8)

On Monday, the sun was shining brightly, and I went to school happily. After entering the campus, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, I walked up the steps and saw a beautiful scene. I don't know when a large "lawn" appeared on the right side of our class, about 50 meters long and 20 meters wide. It's soft when you walk up, fuzzy when you feel it, and after careful observation, it turns out to be an artificial lawn. This "lawn" has made our campus more beautiful, allowing students to sit on the lawn and read books, bask in the sun, play football, and play games after class This makes our spare time more colorful and joyful.

I am very happy that our school has this "lawn", because this large green "lawn" is in front of our Class 44. We can play on it as soon as class is over. It gives us a joy, and also allows us to have a happy ten minute break, which makes our life colorful. Sometimes, we also play football on the lawn, Increasing our love for football will also help us to play football to a higher level.

However, there are also some bad phenomena: some students unconsciously throw garbage on the "lawn", polluting the "lawn", some students uproot the "grass", and some students play on the "lawn", overlapping, very bad, "grass" has brought us green, we should give "grass" a love, not hurt it, we should love it.

Xiaocao, I like you, and I will try my best to care for you, love you, and clean you. I want to say one last word: "grass, I love you!"

Take Care of the Lawn (9)

One day, three little boys went to the grass to play football. They were playing happily.

A big sister came to say; You are not doing well. The little boy asked: Why? Big sister replied: Because you hurt the grass and damaged the environment. The little boy was unconvinced and said, "If you step on it, it's still good. The trees over there can also protect the environment."? Big sister said patiently: If you are grass; Do you hurt when others step on you? The little boys thought seriously: If I were grass; I'm sure it will hurt when others step on me.

Big sister reminded them to play football on the playground. They were eager to play football on the playground.

Take Care of the Lawn (10)

When spring came, the grass sprouted. There were three little boys playing football happily on the grass. A big sister came and said, "Take care of the lawn." The little boys bowed their heads in shame and left the lawn.

Take Care of the Lawn (11)

There is a lawn near my home. One night, I was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, I heard a murmur on the lawn. Listen carefully, it was the fairies on the lawn who were whispering!

"Alas! I'm really pathetic. Yesterday, I was torn by a child of two or three years old, split in half, and fell heavily on the ground. It was painful enough, but he trampled on my feet. Now I'm left with my dying body, which is inconvenient to move." A broken grass complained to everyone.

"That's right! People's habits are getting worse and worse now! The slogan" No Tree Climbing "is clearly marked beside them, but someone still climbs on me and breaks off all the twigs and leaves on my body, which makes my whole body ache and not beautiful at all." A bald tree complained.

A small ant also interrupted: "Yes, that is, last time my brother and I were playing, suddenly a big foot trampled my brother to death. Why don't they learn from the ancient Tang Monk and cherish even an ant? It's really a good man, but now people have changed!"

A small earthworm poked its head out of the soil, gasped for breath and said angrily, "That's not all! I was sleeping at home that day, and suddenly felt some water seeping in from the ground, with a strange smell. I wondered what it was. It didn't rain today. How could water seep in? I had to go up to see what it was. I managed to get out of the ground just in time to see a little boy urinating on the lawn, and the adults standing beside him did not care. It turned out that what I just smelled was the foul smell of urine, which made me almost faint. Now people are too careless about the environment. "

"You are nothing." A bird could not help but said: "Last time, I was almost ready to build a nest, and I was going to go out to find some weeds to decorate it. When I was about to fly away, five or six seven year old girls came near my home. They were mysterious and didn't know what to do. When I flew back, I found that the nest I had worked hard to build was missing. I saw some small branches lying on the ground. I finally understood that they had poked my nest. Looking further, the scene in front of me was even worse. The grass on the way was either plucked or broken, which really hurt my heart! "

"We might as well leave here." Someone said quietly, "Yes, leave here." "Find a better place to live." Everyone followed

After listening to the whispers of the above elves, I was shocked, and I deeply sympathized with every elves who were hurt by people. I think we must form good habits and take care of the environment, don't you think?

Take Care of the Lawn (12)

After years of maintenance by gardeners, the flowers and plants in Zhicheng Park are now luxuriant and green. But on the lawn of the park, there are yellow mud roads. On Sunday, several friends and I came to the scene to investigate: many citizens, in order to walk a few steps less, did not walk on the flat tile road, "cleverly" took a shortcut and stepped straight on the grass. The original green lawn has been plagued by the weeds that "the wildfire never burns out, and the spring wind grows again". Under the frequent trampling of people, it has become barren land and bare yellow mud roads. In only 10 minutes, 53 people passed this "road" with disapproval, including 5 bicycles and 3 motorcycles. When we interviewed them, their attitudes were different. Some suggestions were put in signs here; Some said casually, "I am not the only one left behind when others walk like this.

”Some said it was bad to walk on the lawn, but they still walked here.

This is really "there is no road in the world, and many people have become a road." It can be seen that this "road" is a "road" at the expense of flowers and plants and beautiful environment. It can be seen that this is a "road" trampled by those uncivilized people!

Isn't it just a few more steps? Take more steps, and you will get back the green grass under your feet; Take a few more steps to show your beautiful heart of caring for flowers and plants. Why not?

Looking at the yellow mud road, I seemed to see the grass crying and asking people for help. I seem to hear countless good people calling: "Please stop, save flowers and plants!"

Take Care of the Lawn (13)

Take care of the lawn

On Sunday, the weather was particularly sunny. Xiao Wang, Xiao Li and Xiao Ming went to the park to play football on the lawn. The scenery of the park is really beautiful! There are several white clouds floating in the blue sky. There is a tall pavilion on the distant mountain. There are many green trees, green grass and beautiful flowers at the foot of the mountain. They are soft on the green grass. So they quickly ran to the lawn with the football in their arms to play football. At this time, a big sister with a red scarf walked and shouted: "Please don't play football on the lawn. The grass is alive, and we should love the lawn." They listened to the big sister's words, and quickly took the football away from the lawn.

Take Care of the Lawn (14)

In the morning, handsome Xiaogang, naughty Xiaoming and cute Xiaodou went to play football on the lawn. They didn't see the words "love the lawn" carved on a board beside them.

After they had kicked for a long time, they didn't expect to kick the lawn to rot. At this time, Xiaohong came over and said angrily, "What have you done to kick the lawn to rot? Do you know that grass is alive?" After hearing this sentence, they blushed. At this time, it began to rain, and the rain seemed to be tears of grass.

At this time, they went to other places to play football again. At this time, a gust of wind blew. It seemed that the wind was saying goodbye to Xiao Gang, Xiao Ming and Xiao Dou. They thought: "Never play football on the lawn again, and you should be a little guard who cares for the lawn!"!

Take Care of the Lawn (15)

On the lawn of the park, a group of little boys are playing football. A little sister with a red scarf on her chest passed by and saw them, so she hurriedly went to them and said: "The park lawn is everyone's, playing football on it will damage the grass, damage the vegetation, and also affect the greening. I hope they will love the lawn and protect the greening".

After hearing this, the little boys were ashamed of their mistakes, and said they would not do so again. After all, "everyone is responsible for protecting the greening". Turning to leave, the little boys blushed when they saw the warning sign on the grass saying, "Take care of the lawn.".

Take Care of the Lawn (16)

On Sunday morning, Dongdong, Lele and Junjun all played football on the lawn in the park. They played happily.

After a while, a big sister with a red scarf came over. The big sister said, "Don't play football on the lawn." The army scratched its head and felt very strange. Why can't we play football here? My sister smiled and said, "You should know how to take care of the grass when you are so big. It's a pity that the grass is so green. It will hurt when you step on it. If you want to play football, go to the football field."

The three children understood that they went to the football field happily.

Take Care of the Lawn (17)

On Sunday morning, my parents and I went to the Jinshui River for an outing. Under the bright sunshine, the Riverside Park is so beautiful. The trees are green, the grass is green, and colorful flowers are blooming. Birds are chirping songs of spring on the branches.

At this time, three children ran from a distance. They put down the football in their hands and set up a football war on the lawn. For a moment, the football was flying on the lawn and there were shouts everywhere. In a short time, the three children trampled down a large area of grass. I know that visitors are not allowed to enter the lawn, not to mention playing football on the lawn. I thought I had to stop this behavior, so I walked up to him and said, "Excuse me, can I play with you?"

"Of course," said one of the children friendly.

I said, "The grass has life, and it will hurt when trampled on. Look, there is a sign here, asking everyone to take care of the lawn. Let's play in another place, OK?" The three children nodded in embarrassment. So we happily went to the square to start the war again and had a good time.

At noon, we waved goodbye. On the way home, I was still thinking about playing football, so I said to my father, "Today I did a good deed to take care of grass, and you want to buy me a football." My father smiled and said, "Don't talk about football, look at yourself becoming a 'flower cat'." I took the small mirror that my mother handed me, My face is really about to become a 'flower cat'.

Take Care of the Lawn (18)

In the morning, handsome Xiaogang, naughty Xiaoming and cute Xiaodou went to play football on the lawn. They didn't see the words "love the lawn" carved on a board beside them.

After they had kicked for a long time, they didn't expect to kick the lawn to rot. At this time, Xiaohong came over and said angrily, "What have you done to kick the lawn to rot? Do you know that grass is alive?" After hearing this sentence, they blushed. At this time, it began to rain, and the rain seemed to be the tears of grass.

At this time, they went to other places to play football again. At this time, a gust of wind blew. It seemed that the wind was saying goodbye to Xiao Gang, Xiao Ming and Xiao Dou. They thought: "Never play football on the lawn again, and you should be a little guard who cares for the lawn!"!

Tan Tao, the third grade of science and technology education in Wuling District, Changde, Hunan

Take Care of the Lawn (19)

Today is Sunday, the weather is sunny I decided to go to the park.

As soon as I stepped into the park, I saw a large lawn in front of me, just like a green carpet. I was attracted by a loud noise while enjoying the beautiful scenery. Three little boys were playing football on the lawn. Suddenly, I felt the grass silently complaining. I hurried to stand in the middle of them and said loudly: "The grass just poked its head out, and it will die if you do this." My father also came over and said earnestly: "My son, grass is alive, it can beautify our living environment and cultivate our sentiments." I then said: "You will trample on them." After hearing our words, the three boys all blushed and whispered to themselves, which was wrong.

I felt very happy today, and read the slogan in the lawn: grass is sleeping, please don't disturb.