My Stories with Chinese Characters (17 pieces)
Old Walled Desert Eagle
2023-10-30 03:09:41

My Story with Chinese Characters (1)

When I was in the third grade, I once found the meaning of learning two words and how to write them on the Internet. I immediately came up with a good idea! That afternoon, we were going to have the first Chinese class, and the Chinese teacher was in a meeting. This class became a self-study class. Shortly after the bell rang, I left my seat and strode onto the platform. I moistened my voice and said loudly: "Students, do you know how to write the word" learning "?" The students shook their heads. I said proudly, "Let me tell you!" Then I wrote down the meaning of "learning" and "learning" on the blackboard. Since then, the whole class has "worshipped" me for my "display".

Within five days, we had a Chinese exam. When writing a composition, I thought: "Last time, I was famous in my class for the word" learning ". Why not use it in your composition? " So I used "learning" in my composition ten times! I am happy and proud, as if stepping on the cloud of happiness! I am happy because I think the teacher will give me full marks on my test paper! And praised me for my good writing in the class, proud because the whole class will "worship" me more!

The next day, the teacher did take out my test paper alone, and I was secretly happy. I raised my head high and put my hands straight. I thought to myself, "The teacher really took out my test paper alone? Now it's hard to praise!" But I only guessed the beginning, not the end. The teacher read aloud: "Wu Olympic 34th, 90 points!" What? I just got 90 points? It shouldn't be! I looked at my test paper carefully and found that my ten "studies" had missed a little! Became a wrong word "Diao"! Everyone in the classroom laughed. Some covered their stomachs, some covered their mouths, and others pointed at me? My pride turned into embarrassment! My face is very red, like a ripe red apple! My breathing was blocked immediately! I lie on the table forcefully But I became ethereal because of the "worship" of the whole class, and I became very careless because of pride!

Ah! A little is worth ten cents! If I hadn't missed this point, I wouldn't have fallen from the peak to the abyss. What a pity! There is no regret medicine in the world. I must remember this profound lesson: "A little is worth a lot".

My Story with Chinese Characters (2)

Chinese characters, I think we are not unfamiliar with them, are the art treasure of our Chinese nation for five thousand years. Everyone's life is inseparable from Chinese characters. There was a funny story between Chinese characters and me.

One Lantern Festival, the community sent three invitation sheets to Grandma, inviting residents to eat sweet dumplings in the community. My grandmother had to lead me to eat dumplings when I was a greedy little cat. At that time, I was only five or six years old. I had just made friends with Chinese characters and knew a few simple characters. I was very proud of my young heart. So I took the invitation sheet and read it carefully: "Go to 'Niu', 8:00 to 10:00; go to 'Niu', 14:00 to 16:00..." In order to let Grandma and the people around me see that I know my words, I read it again deliberately loudly and proudly. Unexpectedly, this reading made a big joke. "Ha ha ha, go up the 'cow' and down the 'cow'!" Everyone laughed in imitation of my voice and tone, gasping for breath. I was puzzled and thought: Isn't it right? Go up 'cattle' and down 'cattle'! Exactly! Looking at the adults laughing, I was even more confused. That's what this piece of paper says! I'm just a monk - I can't figure it out. I raised my head curiously and asked Grandma, "Grandma, why are they laughing? I thought I was right!" Grandma laughed again after listening to the "Puchi" sound. Seeing the adults around me laughing like this, I really wanted to find a hole to get in... When I came home after eating the dumplings, I shouted: "There are cartoons under the Ox, and I want to see them!" Suddenly, I remembered the word "noon" and quickly corrected it. However, getting on the "cow" and getting off the "cow" has become the laughingstock of my family. My mother often "publicizes" my scandal when she knows it. I really can't laugh or cry, and secretly swear that I will never make this mistake again.

Chinese characters are really wonderful. Many characters are similar in length, but their pronunciation and meaning are quite different. This makes me admire the people who created Chinese characters in ancient times even more. We must learn Chinese characters well, never mispronounce or write wrong characters!

My Story with Chinese Characters (3)

Chinese characters are our Chinese ideographic characters, which have a history of many years since ancient times.

There are two examples of mine, one is wrong writing, the other is missing writing. One day, after eating, I began to do my homework. When doing homework. I have a lot of words that are either not neat or missing; Either it is not well written or it is not neat; I either go to the toilet when I do my homework or watch TV when I do my homework. I never pay attention to Chinese characters.

Later, I learned that we must write Chinese characters well. My mother always said that if we didn't write Chinese characters well, we would not be Chinese. When I heard this sentence, I immediately wrote Chinese characters well.

When I was in the fourth grade, I found that my handwriting was not as beautiful as before. I thought: if I write Chinese characters well, it will take me a lot of effort and time. If I don't write Chinese characters well, it will not be so hard. However, whenever I wrote Chinese characters irregularly, my mother criticized me and said severely, "You should write Chinese characters well, and you can't give up halfway!" But I went in one ear and out the other, forgetting all my mother's words. Until today, I realized how important it is to write Chinese characters well!

If we don't write Chinese characters well for fear of a little hard work, wouldn't the history of Chinese characters for thousands of years be abandoned? We must write Chinese characters well, and put writing Chinese characters first in our study, so that we won't fail to write Chinese characters well.

My Story with Chinese Characters (4)

I have been exposed to Chinese characters since I was sensible. At that time, I just read, "father, mother, brother, sister" and so on. I knew them quickly and correctly. As time went by, I knew more and more Chinese characters. By the time I graduated from kindergarten, I could read simple fairy tales.

After preschool, I began to learn to write. Writing is not as easy as literacy. Although it is some simple words, I still write in a twisted way. The teacher taught us to write neatly and beautifully. With the help of my mother, I began to practice calligraphy, copied calligraphy, and paid homage to the teacher. Until now, I still practice calligraphy seriously. After I went to primary school, I learned more and more Chinese characters, which inevitably led to some typos. I remember once in the second grade exam, I wrote "Ba" instead of "Po". I didn't get full marks because of this typo. Later, I practiced this word many times. Until now, I still remember that exam. From then on, I learned that as long as you are careful and understand the form and meaning of the words, you will not make mistakes in writing or reading. I love Chinese characters, and I accompany them every day.

My Story with Chinese Characters (5)

I have been exposed to Chinese characters since I became sensible. At the beginning, I only knew such simple characters as one, two, and three. But as time went by, I knew more and more characters. When I graduated from kindergarten, I knew more than 2000 Chinese characters and could read some simple children's books by myself.

But words are not as simple as recognizing words. At the beginning of learning words, my words were like pictures, because in my young eyes, Chinese characters were pictures. My mother joked that my words were not written, but painted, just like "oracle bone inscriptions". And the posture of holding the pen was also wrong. It was only after I went to primary school that teachers and parents corrected my habit.

As I grew up, I became more and more familiar with Chinese characters, and learned about the origins of Chinese characters. For example, there was a legend that in ancient times, there was a man named Cang Jie. He saw a strange looking god, so he painted the god and created Chinese characters. After writing, millet fell from the sky, and ghosts and gods cried every night. Another is that Cangjie invented Chinese characters according to the shapes of sun, moon, mountains and rivers. These statements are unreliable. In fact, the characters appeared and evolved slowly for the needs of the working people in ancient times.

Chinese characters are the unique characters of our Chinese nation and the crystallization of wisdom and labor of an ancient civilization! We should be proud of it and keep it alive.

This is my story with Chinese characters.

My Story with Chinese Characters (6)

Today, the teacher asked us to collect puzzles about Chinese characters. "Bell -- bell --" The class bell rang, and the students walked back to the classroom in succession. After a while, the teacher came with a beaming face.

"In this class, we will organize activities about Chinese characters. Who has prepared puzzles?" the teacher said kindly. "I!" The students answered with one voice.

"Please let Zhang Zhenwei speak." "Students, you can't see it with your eyes, but you can't remember it with your heart. What's the word?" Zhang Zhenwei asked.

The students pondered for a while. "I know!" One of the students stood up. "It's death!" "Why?" The students were puzzled. "If you can't see, it's just blind characters, isn't it? If you can't remember, it's just forgetting characters? The word 'blind' and the word 'forget' have one thing in common - they both have the word 'death'!" "It's so interesting!" exclaimed the students.

Chinese characters are really magical and interesting! Speaking of Chinese characters, I remembered a story. Once upon a time, there was a man who cut firewood too hard and accidentally threw off his axe and hurt others. The wounded went to the Yamen to complain. The man panicked and hurriedly wrote an explanation. The inside said: One day when cutting firewood, he used an axe to hurt people. "The government decided the man's crime at first sight.

From this point of view, each Chinese character has a different meaning with more strokes and less strokes. If you write a wrong word in an economic contract, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The development of Chinese characters has a long history. Every word and sentence has a moving story. We travel in the sea of Chinese characters every day. The funny allegorical sayings made me laugh heartily; The witty lines make me relaxed and happy; The touching chapters nurtured my growth; The sonorous and powerful words inspire my fighting spirit

As long as we know more about Chinese characters and reflect them with our heart, we can get knowledge and wealth!

My Story with Chinese Characters (7)

The Chinese character is a very strange thing. Sometimes it has only one horizontal line, but there are many details in writing. I have had such an experience once.

Once, when the teacher wrote on the blackboard one by one, I didn't have much patience. I kept talking to others below. I thought to myself: Who can write such difficult words. So I asked the teacher to write a "one" for us to write, and the teacher agreed. I thought to myself: the word "one" should not be so difficult, let alone write it once, it's OK to write one. The teacher said to me, "You will know in a minute."

I started writing without thinking too much. As I write, I find that my writing is much worse than that of my teacher. I always write hard. I feel that this word is a fool, but the teacher writes differently. At this time, the teacher said to me: "See, the simpler the words are, the harder it is to write them. The more complex the words are, the easier it is to write them."

Chinese characters are wonderful. I love Chinese characters. Love our motherland - China.

My Story with Chinese Characters (8)

In my junior year, I always wrote wrong words. For example, "le" is written as "zi", "kan" is written as "zhe", "yong" is written as "illusion", and "rang" is written as "recognition". The easiest thing to make a mistake is to write "衤" as "衤" and "衤" as "衤".

Why? Because they look too similar and the difference is too small. They are just like twin brothers, with only one difference. It is precisely because of this that we sometimes can't distinguish them, and then all kinds of mistakes will appear. If you want to avoid mistakes when writing, you should not only look at their appearance, but also understand their meaning.

I remember that when Qiu Xihui taught us, he told us how to distinguish between clothes and signs.

"衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤 is mostly related to clothes, bedding and cloth. When translated into Chinese characters, it is" beside the word for clothes ". Its radical is a lot of characters, such as".

"Zhen" is mostly related to ghosts and gods, such as "gods" of "immortals", "disasters" of "disasters", "blessings" of "blessings", etc., but there are also non ghosts and gods, such as "society" of "society", "vision" of "vision", etc.

"衤衤" and "衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤衤. Therefore, Chinese characters are very magical. If you are interested, you can also learn them.

My Story with Chinese Characters (9)

A boat is like a shuttle, weaving the beautiful scenery in the river. The mountains on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are like a pen, which can write articles about the world.

Whenever I see such a sentence, I will feel moved and proud. What is moved is that Chinese characters and Chinese are so beautiful; We are proud that such beautiful Chinese characters were invented by Chinese people. When I first learned Chinese characters, many interesting things happened.

The first word I knew was "one", which I learned in a small class in kindergarten. Then I learned the words "two" and "three". When I got home, I told my parents excitedly that I had learned to recognize "one, two, three". They were very happy, but they asked me why I wrote "one", "two", and "three"? I thought for a while and said, "One has one horizontal line, so it's called 'one'; two has two horizontal lines, so it's called 'two'; three has three horizontal lines, so it's called 'three'." My mother asked me, "How do I write the word 'ten'?" I drew ten horizontal lines on the paper to show my mother. My mother looked at it and laughed. I asked my mother why she laughed? Mother said: "If the cross has ten horizontal lines, then the word" ten thousand "does not have ten thousand horizontal lines?" I thought: Yes, if there are ten horizontal lines in "ten", then there are ten thousand horizontal lines in "ten thousand"? I asked my mother how to write "ten". My mother told me and the truth, and I suddenly understood.

Chinese characters are not only magical and interesting, but also rich in culture. I love you, Chinese characters!

My Story with Chinese Characters (10)

The day before Children's Day, Mr. Tang asked us to collect puzzles about Chinese characters. Today is Children's Day, we want to guess puzzles. The bell rang, and the students walked back to the classroom. After a while, Mr. Tang walked to the platform with a smile on his face. "In this class, let's organize activities about Chinese characters. Have you prepared any puzzles?" Teacher Tang said kindly. After that, the students scrambled to raise their hands, anxiously looking forward to the teacher calling their names. Teacher Tang looked around and said: "Zhang Qing, come on." "OK. Lean against the tall building, accompany the spring rain, listen to the sound of the piano, please guess a word." Zhang Qing said loudly. Everyone fell silent. After a while, I thought of the answer to the puzzle.

I stood up and said, "I know, it's Qin." When everyone looked at me, some of the hostages doubted: "Why Qin?" I said slowly, "You think, tall buildings are wood, leaning is a lift, spring rain is spring without sun!" Teacher Tang took the lead in applauding, and then the applause was thunderous. I grabbed the back of my head, smiled shyly, and sat down. "It's so interesting! Yes, yes!" the students commented in succession. Both the sun and the moon can shine, so when they are combined, they become bright. There is no language in the world like Chinese characters, and the font is closely related to Chinese characters.

Chinese characters are really interesting and magical! Every Chinese character has its own meaning. With more strokes and less strokes, the meaning is completely different.

My Story with Chinese Characters (11)

Everyone should have made friends with Chinese characters! But the story of me and Chinese characters is: guessing puzzles.

In the evening, the teacher asked us to search for puzzles. Let's bring them here tomorrow and divide them into groups to do newspaper copying or ppt.

Soon the next day, the teacher said first: "Who will test you first?" I volunteered to raise my hand. I said loudly: "The door is open. If there are visitors, take off your hat first, and then come in. What word is it? " A student immediately thought of it, stood up and said: "It's the pavilion!" "Why?" The following students were puzzled. The student replied, "When the door is open, it means that it is a door word box. A visitor wants to enter the door. Then he said," Take off your hat first, that is, remove the cap on the door, and finally fill the words into the door word. "" Oh, so it is. "

The characteristics of Chinese characters are that each character is different and has its meaning and meaning. One less stroke and one more stroke will not do. One stroke is worth ten thousand gold! Once, a farmer's hand was bitten and he was going to have his index finger cut off. The doctor accidentally wrote "food" into "ten", and the farmer's ten fingers were all cut off.

In fact, we travel in the kingdom of Chinese characters every day. We can't live without Chinese characters every day. As long as we leave it, we can't communicate with each other.

My Story with Chinese Characters (12)

In these lessons, the teacher taught us a lot of interesting knowledge about Chinese characters, such as how Chinese characters were born, how ancient Chinese characters evolved into the status quo, and so on.

Through this comprehensive learning activity, I found that Chinese characters are like small pictures at the beginning. For example, "day" is a circle at the beginning, "month" is like a small ear, and "car" is like a small tricycle. Later, for the convenience of writing, the words were used and changed to form the current characters.

Chinese characters can be written beautifully. They are made up of strokes. If each small part is properly matched, the characters will be beautiful. But if it is not matched properly, the words will be ugly. A beautiful character is a work of art. An article is composed of many beautiful words, just like a picture.

There is also rhythm in Chinese characters. When reading poetry, it feels like a song. When reading poetry, it is catchy and has the feeling of singing.

I am amazed by the color, rhythm and sound of Chinese characters. I must learn Chinese characters well and pass on their beauty. I am proud that I am Chinese.

My Story with Chinese Characters (13)

There are many stories between me and Chinese characters? My close contact with Chinese characters includes: writing fancy characters, being scolded by my mother for a wrong character, writing brush characters in calligraphy class... What makes me most deeply is the close contact between calligraphy class and Chinese characters!

The first time I had a brush writing class, it was a teacher who recommended me and Hu Zhiguo to study. It's my first time to come to this calligraphy classroom full of calligraphy.

When I first came here, I smelled the smell, which made my turbid brain wake up immediately. Let me also hesitate to learn immediately made a decision: I must learn this subject I found a seat. In the bag, take out felt, pen, inkstone, paper and ink, which are the five things you need to use when writing a brush.

Then put the felt at the bottom, the paper on the top of the felt, and other things beside it. Then pour ink from the ink bottle onto the inkstone. Take out the pen from the pen link. That's all right.

When writing, don't forget to take out the copybook.

I am a new student. First write "one". First write a little from right to left, then press and go straight. When writing for almost a long time, I will lift it to the upper right corner, press it to the lower right corner, and finally return to the peak. I write carefully and have always enjoyed the happiness brought by calligraphy.

This is the story of me and Chinese characters.

My Story with Chinese Characters (14)

Today, the teacher told us Unit 5. Unit 5 is about my motherland, China. The interesting characters are called Chinese characters.

We also made a hand copied newspaper about Chinese characters. Chinese characters are the most widely used characters, and Chinese characters are also very interesting. For example, you can guess puzzles, couplets, and make some jokes. There are many stories and legends about Chinese characters. Chinese characters can be used in couplets, but English cannot. Just like old to young, there are three old English letters, and the few should be five letters. The original Chinese characters were not written as they are now. The earliest Chinese characters were inscriptions on bones of animals or tortoise shells. Later, people slowly discovered the inscriptions on gold, which were carved on bronze ware. Then people gradually discovered the seal script, which was carved on dried bamboo. Later, we invented regular script, cursive script and running script. Our Chinese characters are interesting.

Our Chinese characters are interesting!

My Story with Chinese Characters (15)

In study, work and life, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a story composition of 600 words about me and Chinese characters, which I hope can help you.

Chinese characters have a long history. I am Chinese and I love Chinese characters.

Every Chinese character contains a story. How were Chinese characters invented? I think: people must have found out so many pictographs in real life. Because of Chinese characters, we have books and languages, and we have friendly communication with people. We live with Chinese characters every day. Chinese characters record the beautiful world for us and tell us moving stories. By learning Chinese characters, we understand the history of the Chinese nation. It is Chinese characters that teach us to learn and bring us to a wonderful creation of Chinese characters.

Chinese characters accompany us every day. They are meaningful, wonderful and interesting. When I was young, a lot of interesting stories also happened because I knew how to read. One day I went to the street with my mother, and I read the business of a business firm as a business firm (xing 2). My mother said, "Hang 2)." Another time at the bank gate, I said, "Dad, I know this line of words. They are very good at reading Chinese industry and commerce, right?" My father laughed and said, "That's the bank." I said, "Oh, I remember." Since then, I know that "OK" is a polyphonic word. I also know that very is different from the radical of silver. Chinese characters are so complicated. When they become a radical, their meanings are totally different.

In the process of my growth and learning, I became more and more interested in Chinese characters. I liked to ask questions when I met unknown characters. Once, I saw a restaurant named "Ben 羴 鱻", and I asked my father. My father told me how to pronounce the word. Then my father found "Yun, Sen, Miao" to test me. I didn't know any of them. My father patiently explained their meanings to me, After listening to them, I think their meanings are very similar to the words. When I was doing my homework, I often made jokes. Once, when I wrote "Smile Mimi", my father said that my "Mimi" was written wrong. I didn't believe it. I thought that laughter was a smile with my mouth, which should be beside my words. So I thought it was right to argue with my father. Finally, we looked up the dictionary, and I ended up in failure. I was wrong again. Originally, laughter had a lot to do with my eyes, So it is beside the head.

My Story with Chinese Characters (16)

There are many stories about me and Chinese characters, among which guessing puzzles is the most impressive.

After entering Unit 5, I think Chinese characters are becoming more and more interesting! From "interesting Chinese characters" to "I love you, Chinese characters", they all tell the history and evolution of Chinese characters... In this lesson, the teacher gave us many interesting puzzles, let's guess. We can't wait to know what the teacher wants us to guess.

The crossword puzzle begins! The teacher said a riddle, "A thousand words, a wooden waist, the sun comes out and shines down. Boys and girls, guess what it is?" We said the word without thinking about it. "It's the word 'fragrance'," we blurted out. Then the teacher gave us three pictures, let's guess.

"Teacher, the first picture is" Chuang "," said one of the students. I said excitedly, "The second picture is' I '.". Although we can all guess the words in the first two pictures, we can't remember the last picture.

In the third picture, there is a small insect on the left and two piles of soil on the right. I thought and thought, but I couldn't figure it out after racking my brains. Two minutes later, I suddenly realized that it was a "frog". "Teacher, I know! The third picture is' frog '," I said. The teacher listened and said happily, "The students in our class are really smart!"

This class ended with our joy! Although this class is over, the story between me and Chinese characters will never end. It will only accompany me and watch me grow.

My Story with Chinese Characters (17)

I remember once our class held an activity about Chinese characters. The teacher said, "The hammer hammers the egg -- the hammer does not break, is that right?" A classmate replied, "No, the hammer hammers the egg, and the egg will certainly break." The teacher shook his head. Another student saw the teacher shaking his head and didn't want to immediately say, "This sentence is right." But he didn't analyze why it was right, so the teacher shook his head. After racking my brains for a long time, I suddenly got an idea and said: "This sentence is both right and wrong. Because if the word" hammer "in" hammer can't break "is used as a noun, the hammer can't break. On the contrary, if the word" hammer "in" hammer can't break "is used as a verb, the egg can be broken." The teacher gave me a favorable look, He said to the whole class: "Today, the reason why I asked you to guess this puzzle is that I hope you can learn calligraphy with me and feel the charm of Chinese characters."

Yes, Chinese characters are very magical. If you don't learn Chinese characters well, you will make many jokes. I remember when I was in the first grade of primary school, I always liked to write "cock" as "sub chicken" and "hen" as "every chicken". When the teacher saw it, he would always draw a red cross on my homework book, which made me marvel at the magic magic of Chinese characters and deeply impressed by our ancestors' profound ability to create characters. Chinese characters, I want to whisper to you in my heart: "I like you very much!"

This is my story with Chinese characters. The pictophonetic characters, near form characters, homophones and so on of Chinese characters are changing endlessly, and each of them makes me intoxicated. I am proud that I am Chinese, because we have one of the world's best characters. Accompanied by Chinese characters, I am growing healthily and happily.