Re reading Journey to the West (15 selected articles)
Once the love dead
2024-03-26 02:14:51

Re reading Journey to the West (1)

Gently brush off the dust on the paper, open the Journey to the West, and a familiar fragrance comes to my face. Journey to the West is like a jar of wine, mellow over time. The second time I tasted it, I loved it as much as I did before, and I realized its sweetness more and more.

I remember reading Journey to the West when I was a sophomore, because I like Sun Wukong, who has great powers, can change like seventy-two, can turn a hundred and eight thousand mile somersault, can turn out thousands of monkeys by pulling a handful of hair, and has a magic golden stirrup stick... Now, I still like Sun Wukong, not only because he has great powers, I prefer his spirit of fearlessness, resourcefulness, courage and perseverance.

Sun Wukong is brave. In Huaguo Mountain, he jumped into the waterfall and found a special cave after the waterfall. He found a good place for everyone to live - Water Curtain Cave. He made a scene in the Heavenly Palace, fearless in the face of 100000 heavenly soldiers and generals and all kinds of immortals, which made them feel embarrassed. Even in front of the Tathagata and Buddha, he is also indomitable and unyielding, which is impressive.

Monkey King is witty. In the "Three Beats of Baigujing", when Baigujing turned into an old woman in her late eighties for the second time and came to the front of the four masters and disciples, Monkey King decided that the old woman was a demon. He said to everyone, "That woman is eighteen years old, and this old woman is more than seventy years old. Why is the difference between mother and daughter more than sixty years old? It must be a fake..." "Then he rushed forward, took a stick and hit her head". Third, it was more interesting to borrow the banana fan: once Princess Iron Fan refused to borrow it, and Monkey King could not defeat the banana fan, he outwitted Princess Iron Fan and subdued her; Second, Monkey King turned into the Bull Demon King and cheated the fan from the Princess Iron Fan; Third, Monkey King came up with wisdom to invite all the immortals. The Bull Demon King had no choice but to hand over the fan obediently. Seeing this made me laugh and marvel.

Sun Wukong is persistent. No matter what difficulties and obstacles he encountered on the way to learn from the West, he never gave up his luggage half way like Zhu Bajie. He always subdued the demons and subdued the monsters. No matter how difficult it was, the Monkey King could not stop his belief in protecting his master from learning from the West.

Close the book, Sun Wukong's courage, Sun Wukong's intelligence, and Sun Wukong's steadfastness and persistence have long been imprinted on my heart. In fact, isn't he our model?

Whether in life or in study, we often encounter some unexpected difficulties. There is a sentence in a text I just learned: "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times." Yes, where can there be perfection? When encountering difficulties, we should not only be open-minded, open-minded and cheerful, but also believe that "sunshine always comes after rain, and there is sunny day behind dark clouds." We should be more like Monkey King: not afraid, not shrink, not give up. Even if the opponent is very strong, he should be as heroic as Li Yunlong, the hero of "Bright Sword", and dare to "shine the sword" to fight with difficulties to the end, overcome difficulties, and become a strong man in life!

Re reading Journey to the West (2)

Hold a cup of tea, open the window that used to be, Ren Fenger turns over the book, and is quietly intoxicated in the fragrance of ink.

When I was young, I always liked to surround myself by the old TV, watch the Goku Goblin, watch Pig Bajie ha ha, watch Monk Sha calling his elder martial brother, and watch Monk Tang sighing not to kill. These things grew up with my childhood and passed through the river of time together. But when I experienced Wu Chengen's Journey to the West again, I felt the author's hard work.

There are four masters and disciples in the author's writing. His pure heart moved me. In order to help the children avoid the threat and pain of death, he turned the Hell Palace upside down. In the face of the suppression of the heaven, he smiled heartily. He sat down at the Tang Monk and became an apprentice. He smiled heartily and promised that he would never leave. When he was misunderstood, he had no choice but to smile and called the master. When the Bull Demon King mistook Monkey King for killing his children, he wryly smiled, Brother, have you ever blamed me. Whenever I walk in my life journey, I always remind myself to keep a childlike innocence heart.

Bajie is a cheerful and tenacious young man. Among the four martial brothers, he said that he separated the family most often, and is also the most vivid in Wu Chengen's writing. When danger and difficulty come, he can always make witty remarks to ease the tension and make people laugh, but he also wants to make people feel distressed. He became famous, handsome and promising when he was young. He fell in love with Chang'e at first sight and told truth after drinking, but he was considered frivolous and was demoted, After coming down to earth, I mistakenly cast a pig fetus, which produced an ugly appearance. When everyone screamed and fled, I could hear the voice of a young boy who was heartbroken. It taught me to face the suffering, ridicule and pain with a smiling face.

Monk Sha represents a person's middle age. He was escorted by Monkey King in the front, followed by Bajie playing and joking. With Monk Tang's compassion, he seems to be a role that is not paid attention to. But after careful understanding, you can also see the author's ingenuity. Monk Sha is silently responsible for everything, with parents raising and children's education. Middle aged people in the society are also silently carrying the burden, They took actions instead of words to support the family. They worked hard and never complained, which made me understand the responsibility and responsibility.

Tang Monk is a symbol of old age. He is too tired after years of trial and error. The world of mortals makes him indifferent. Add a sense of peace with a simple comfort. After success, maybe I will hold scriptures in his hands like him and calm down in the world.

The tea is cold and the book is finished, but my story is not over yet.

Re reading Journey to the West (3)

"The white dragon horse, with its legs facing west, carries Tang Sanzang on its back, and runs away with three brothers laughing..." I think everyone can sing this song, right? The cartoon Journey to the West is my favorite. The novel Journey to the West, written by Wu Chengen, a great theorist of the Ming Dynasty, is my favorite novel.

I read this book in the summer vacation, and was deeply attracted by the Monkey King. I felt that the Monkey King could go to heaven and earth, subdue demons and demons, go to the sword mountain, and go to the sea of fire. He was omnipotent. I admired him so much that he became a hero in my heart.

These days, I read Journey to the West again with relish, and this time I read a new feeling - harmony is the foundation of success. A team of four Tang Monk masters and disciples, each of whom has his own strengths and weaknesses, but they live together in harmony and unity, and finally achieve the scripture. Tang Seng, the master in the team, is so kind, kind and compassionate that he has great determination to learn from the experience. If the team is short of Tang Seng, the core figure, it will not work. Then look at the eldest martial brother, Sun Wukong. He fights against evil and difficulties. He is smart and lively. It can be said that he has made great contributions in learning from the classics. Let's take a look at the second senior brother Zhu Bajie. Don't think he only knows how to eat, nor is he selfish. In fact, he is not bad hearted, but also very humorous. Without him, he would feel bored and boring. Because it is a long way and full of difficulties to get the classics. Pig Bajie tells some jokes from time to time and has a little episode to relieve everyone's boredom. Every time Wukong fights monsters, he protects his master and never fights for the first prize. Finally, we come to see Monk Sha. He is honest, honest, and silently doing what he should do. When Wukong and Bajie are in conflict, he will try to persuade them to fight and act as a peacemaker.

Reading this book, I can't help thinking that our country is now building a harmonious society, so the harmony of the four masters and apprentices in Journey to the West gives me great inspiration. I also thought about our class. Some students won gold medals in the sports meeting, some students won the first place in the Olympic math contest, and some students wrote essays published. But these students are always modest and never look down on other students. Let's take the sports meeting as an example. Our athletes practice before the competition, while students who do not have sports events take the initiative to clean up. During the match, cheerleaders cheer for the athletes. When the athletes returned to the class after the competition, a cup of water had been poured, rice had been cooked for them, and towels were handed over. Especially on the first day of the sports meeting, when our performance fell behind other classes, we did not blame each other, but encouraged each other and cheered each other on.

Journey to the West, thank you! You have made me gain a lot of knowledge, made me know the truth of life, and made me see the most beautiful flower in the world - harmony. Harmony, you are the foundation of success, you are the foundation of victory. Let our society become a harmonious family full of hope and green!

Re reading Journey to the West (4)

When I finished reading Journey to the West, I was almost too surprised to speak for a long time. In the book, the three masters and disciples of Tang Monk were united, brave and indomitable on the way to learn scriptures, which made me deeply admire. Up to now, I still can't imagine that they walked on foot after a journey of 18000 miles. What's more amazing is that they survived 81 disasters. Why is this? This is because Sun Wukong has seventy-two abilities to subdue demons and eliminate demons, so Tang Monk and his disciples can escape safely and come to the Great Thunder Temple of Lingshan to seek the scripture? No, no, they rely on the spirit of courage, unity and perseverance to learn the scriptures, the hard work of Zhu Bajie, Sha Seng and Sun Wukong, the courage and firm confidence of Tang Seng to learn the scriptures in front of monsters, all of which are magic weapons for their success in learning the scriptures. Think about Tang Seng and think about yourself again. It's a world of difference. Look at the scale. It's 76 kg. I am determined to lose weight. Since Monday, I have done 50 sit ups every day and run three laps. However, I have only done 20 sit ups and run one lap. I was panting and sweating. I said to myself that I would make up the work together tomorrow and delay it until Sunday, Then he said to himself, "Let's lose weight next time." Then everything went on as usual. He ate and slept every day. He never mentioned losing weight at all. No wonder my cousin said that I was "hot for three minutes". Hey, why can't you always stick to it? When I finished reading this book, I was determined to have the perseverance and indomitable spirit like Tang Monk, and never give up halfway.

Re reading Journey to the West (5)

An ancient fairy tale, however, has aroused children's enthusiasm and love, that is, Journey to the West. When I was a child, I would only watch cartoons and picture books. After reading them, I didn't know how to remember them. As a result, I didn't even know who the protagonist was. But now, I not only go to see and remember, but also learn to think and understand.

Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha in Journey to the West are well known. Among them, my favorite is the Monkey King! When I was young, I thought he was cool when watching cartoons, especially when killing monsters. And like the people's police now, Monkey King can distinguish right from wrong, catch the bad and save the good, and protect everyone all the time. Maybe because Tang Monk is too kind, sometimes he will not listen to the good advice of Sun Wukong and fall into the hands of monsters.

I also like Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha very much. I think Zhu Bajie is cute, and Monk Sha is honest and honest. Pig Bajie is not as scheming as Sun Wukong, and he has come up with many good ideas. On the contrary, he gives the impression that he is too stupid to use his head. When Monk Sha meets a monster, he will disregard his own safety and go to protect his master's safety. Many times he fought with monsters to protect his master, but finally he was caught by monsters because he was outnumbered.

In short, the four masters and disciples have their own strengths and weaknesses. In Journey to the West, there were ninety-nine eighty-one tests, but in the end, they also went through thousands of hardships to get the scripture. After reading it, I learned the truth that we should persevere in doing everything, and eventually we can achieve success.

Re reading Journey to the West (6)

[Chapter 1]

Open Journey to the West again, and the wonderful story unfolds before our eyes again. Tang Monk who went to the west to learn from the West, loyal and honest Sha Monk, simple and honest pig Bajie, and clever and alert Sun Wukong. Reading, the pages of text seemed to become familiar faces before my eyes, so familiar.

In Journey to the West, my favorite character is Monkey King. He is versatile, skilled in martial arts, intelligent and resourceful. He has a heroic spirit of "fearless in heaven and fearless in earth", and has an indomitable spirit that makes people admire him. Although he is a stone monkey, he is brave, envious of evil but not lacking in wit. He competed with the Jade Emperor, held a peach party in the heaven, smashed the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord Laojun, ate his elixir, and destroyed the life and death book in the hell. On the road to the west, he tactfully dealt with demons and ghosts, fought against all difficulties and never bowed his head. This is the fearless Monkey King in my eyes!

Tang Monk is a man of strong will, and he is not afraid of fierce battles. He is the embodiment of perseverance. Monk Sha worked hard on the Western Heaven Road. Although he didn't have the magic power like Monkey King, he was the person who accompanied his master at that time, and he was the embodiment of loyalty. Although Zhu Bajie is greedy, lustful and lazy, he provides endless fun for our readers. I also like him.

After reading this book, I felt deeply: Tang Monk taught me to do everything with perseverance; Monk Sha taught me how to be a loyal person; Zhu Bajie told me to be optimistic about life. My favorite Monkey King inspired me to fight against the "evil forces" in the end. Wu Chengen, the author, boldly described a character who dared to rebel, and praised the people's anti feudal spirit in feudal society. In the Journey to the West, there is no competent emperor. The king of Chechi, who loves monsters, and the king of Picchu, who wants to use children's hearts as a guide, are either tyrants or despots. Even if the Jade Emperor was high, his 100000 soldiers and generals could not beat a golden cudgel, it was incompetent; It is ignorance to let real talents become spurned grooms.

Journey to the West took me into the feudal society at that time and made me see such a dark rule. The group represented by Sun Wukong and others is a group of tenacious and indomitable people, expressing Wu Chengen's strong will to dare to fight against the dark forces.

[Chapter 2]

When I was a freshman, my aunt gave me a set of four famous novels for young people. My favorite is Journey to the West. In addition to the beautiful illustrations, I was more attracted by the wonderful and strange stories in the book and read them again and again.

When I read The Birth of Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain, I often asked my mother where I came from. My mother always said with a smile, "Like the Monkey King, you jumped out from under the stone, and I just found you." At first, I didn't believe it, but when I thought of the story in the book, I doubted it. Later, I knew that my mother had lied to me.

When I read that Monkey King defeated the goblin, I would be happy for them. When he killed the goblin and was misunderstood by Tang Monk, he was driven back to Huaguo Mountain to continue to be his "Great Sage". I think he is very aggrieved. Later, Tang Monk was caught by a demon. When Pig Bajie came to him for help, he resolutely went to save Tang Monk. I think Sun Wukong is very generous. Usually, if I am wronged, I will be unhappy for a long time and even sulk. But it is often seen by my parents, who will come to amuse me.

Tang Monk and his four disciples went to the Western Heaven to get scriptures. On the way, they experienced many difficulties and obstacles, and finally succeeded. I think of our usual study. Learning is like learning from experience. If you are like Zhu Bajie, lazy and careless all day long, your grades will be very good. Only by being as steadfast as Monk Sha and thinking more like Monkey King can we achieve better results.

[Chapter 3]

I like reading. Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." So we should read more to enrich ourselves. Books are also the ladder of human progress. We should read more to understand the true meaning of books. The book has its own beauty like jade, and the book has its own golden house. Let's go into the sea of books together!

I have been exposed to books since childhood, but I have the deepest memory of Journey to the West. Looking at her, I always have a feeling of speaking out. In her arms, my mood will change with her. I like her

This is a thought-provoking work. Wu Chengen's superb writing skills are impressive. The objects created in his works are strange and colorful, vivid and fascinating.

After five hundred years, the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk began to embark on the road of learning scriptures, and also embarked on the road of life. On the way, they encountered a total of ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. Finally, "Kung Fu pays off", and Tangmen has finally obtained the scripture.

This experience is like our life. There are different difficulties along the way, including success, emotions and joys. The monster that Tang Monk and his disciples met seemed to be that we had encountered various difficulties. We should finally be brave to overcome these difficulties as they were, and never retreat. When I finished reading this book, I was really excited, and I was impressed by the spirit they showed. Looking back on the daily events, alas, I always fall down for a little wrong in life. I don't have the courage to bear it. I always think escape is a good choice until something is wrong and I can't turn back. But later one time I learned their spirit. That day I just finished reading [Journey to the West], and then I began to do math problems. Suddenly, a problem in front of me baffled me. But after a long time, I didn't have a clue. I was very: Give up. Your math is not so good. Let's go to see the answers tomorrow. But is this all right? Yes, no, no, no, no, no... What should I do? It was here that I accidentally saw [Journey to the West] "Well, how can I be overcome by a little difficulty? I want to overcome difficulties like the characters in [Journey to the West], march forward bravely, and soar to the sky. Well, then I want to come up with" ICAN, ICAN. "It has a great impact on me, and I will always use it as a driving force.

I like reading, especially books like Journey to the West. It enriches my spiritual life and allows me to travel in the sea of books until I reach the other side of the destination.

Re reading Journey to the West (7)

When I finished reading Journey to the West, I was almost too surprised to speak for a long time. In the book, the three masters and disciples of Tang Monk were united, brave and indomitable on the way to learn scriptures, which made me deeply admire. Up to now, I still can't imagine that they walked on foot after a journey of 18000 miles. What's more amazing is that they survived 81 disasters. Why is this? This is because Sun Wukong has seventy-two abilities to subdue demons and eliminate demons, so Tang Monk and his disciples can escape safely and come to the Great Thunder Temple of Lingshan to seek the scripture? No, no, they rely on the spirit of courage, unity and perseverance to learn the scriptures, the hard work of Zhu Bajie, Sha Seng and Sun Wukong, the courage and firm confidence of Tang Seng to learn the scriptures in front of monsters, all of which are magic weapons for their success in learning the scriptures. Think about Tang Seng and think about yourself again. It's a world of difference. Look at the scale. It's 76 kg. I am determined to lose weight. Since Monday, I have done 50 sit ups every day and run three laps. However, I have only done 20 sit ups and run one lap. I was panting and sweating. I said to myself that I would make up the work together tomorrow and delay it until Sunday, Then he said to himself, "Let's lose weight next time." Then everything went on as usual. He ate and slept every day. He never mentioned losing weight at all. No wonder my cousin said that I was "hot for three minutes". Hey, why can't you always stick to it? When I finished reading this book, I was determined to have the perseverance and indomitable spirit like Tang Monk, and never give up halfway.

Grade 6: Tao Zi Xiao Yao

Re reading Journey to the West (8)

Journey to the West is a long chapter novel of gods and demons. This novel records that the four masters and disciples experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of difficulties on their way to the West to get scriptures. They challenged eighty-one kinds of difficulties in order to get scriptures, and suffered many injuries

The most loyal one of the four masters and disciples is Monk Sha. He is honest and sincere, and he wants to get the scripture, which makes me sigh.

Zhu Bajie, as we all know, is lecherous, delicious and funny. He is greedy and can't do anything. When he met with difficulties, he just wanted to shrink back. When he got the scripture, he begged Buddha to let him come down to play! Don't forget that he was demoted by the Jade Emperor.

The greatest characteristic of Monkey King is his courage. He is not afraid of difficulties and fights away demons and ghosts. If Master is caught, he will try to rescue him. He is a good example for me to learn!

Tang Monk is wordy, but a kind Min Cheng's ascetic

Monk, tireless and fearless of hardships and dangers, but fatuous and stubborn, regardless of right and wrong. Strong willed and kind. He is a devout and persistent Buddhist. He is firm in the process of learning scriptures, never slackens or wavers, never confuses himself with wealth or succumbs to death, and finally achieves positive results with perseverance. On the other hand, he is kind and even the cruel enemy can be forgiven.

The Journey to the West made me realize that it is never easy to accomplish any major event. Tang Monk and his four disciples have gone through many dangers and difficulties. Not all of them are mysterious. Let's take our study as an example. Every day we experience is difficult? Our primary school to junior high school, junior high school to high school, high school entrance examination is not only ninety-nine eighty-one difficult? The process of overcoming difficulties gave birth to the success of Tang Monk's four masters and disciples. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses. It is they who help each other and learn from each other's strengths to make up for weaknesses. This also taught me that if I want to do a big thing, we must work together and unite to succeed

Re reading Journey to the West (9)

In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is about to pass. During the two months of summer vacation, I carefully completed the summer homework assigned by my teacher. What's more, I read a particularly beautiful book - Journey to the West, one of China's four famous books.

Journey to the West is a novel written by Mr. Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty. It mainly tells the story of Tang Monk taking three disciples: Monkey King, Pig Bajie and Monk Sha to the West to learn scriptures. They encountered many difficulties along the way, monsters, experienced ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties before they saw Buddha, took the scriptures and returned to the Tang Dynasty.

When I was reading Journey to the West, my favorite was Sun Wukong. He was the great apprentice of Tang Monk. He had excellent skills and could make 72 changes. He killed many monsters all the way and tried his best to protect his master. What impressed me most was the section of "three strikes of white bone spirit". I saw that the white bone spirit of Sun Wukong became a village girl because of killing, the old man and the old woman were chanted the tight hoop curse by Tang Monk, and rolled in pain. When Tang Monk finally drove him away, I felt very sad. I felt that Sun Wukong was so pathetic, and Tang Monk was really heartless, but Sun Wukong still missed his master, Since then, I like the Monkey King more.

What is really moving in the story is the spirit of the four masters and apprentices who persevered to learn from the Sutra. So many hardships did not change their determination to learn from the Sutra. They finally realized their original dream of obtaining the Sutra by virtue of their indomitable perseverance and confidence to win.

By reading the novel Journey to the West, I feel that my summer vacation life has become very full and my knowledge has increased a lot. I will soon become a third grade primary school student. I will study harder and make up my mind to overcome all difficulties and realize my ideal like Tang Seng's master and apprentice. In the future, I will read more similar useful books and strive to broaden my vision and knowledge!

Re reading Journey to the West (10)

Journey to the West has always been one of my favorite cartoons when I was a child, and Monkey King is my hero. I like his golden cudgel, and his seventy-two changes. He can go to heaven and earth, break into the Dragon Palace, make trouble in the Hell Division, and become king in Huaguo Mountain. Even the Jade Emperor is afraid of him. He is omnipotent. I hate Zhu Bajie's laziness and gossiping, and I don't like Monk Sha's silence. The master, Tang Monk, is a "stupid monk" who knows no good from evil and can only recite the "Tight Hoop Curse" to bully the Monkey King. But this summer, when I quietly read the book Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen, I also had new ideas about these four figures.

The first person to appear is the unusual born Monkey King. He has great ambitions and is not willing to live an ordinary and happy life, so he goes all the way to learn from teachers. He was so clever that he could know his secret sign and learned seventy-two changes. However, Sun Wukong, with all his skills, ignored all kinds of rules and finally angered the immortals in the sky. He was designed by the Tathagata Buddha and placed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. After suffering a lot, Sun Wukong is determined to start a new life. Under the guidance of XX, he will follow and protect Tang Monk, the sage monk of the Tang Dynasty, and go to the Western Heaven to get scriptures. On the way to protect Tang Monk's Buddhist scriptures in the West, he blinked his golden eyes and saw through the traps set by demons and ghosts one after another. He was just, bold and skilled, and on the way, he subdued demons, captured demons, and eliminated demons, making great contributions to the Buddhist scriptures in the West. At the same time, he is also a naughty and lovely Monkey Sun. He never forgets to "make fun of pain" in difficult circumstances. He likes to tease Pig Bajie and tease him.

So I like the courage and strength of Monkey King.

Re reading Journey to the West (11)

Journey to the West, written by Wu Chengen, a novelist of the Ming Dynasty, is the peak of Chinese ancient magic novels, and is one of the four famous Chinese novels alongside Dream of the Red Chamber, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Outlaws of the Marsh. This book mainly tells the story of Tang Monk's four masters and disciples who subdued demons and eliminated demons all the way, and went through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties to reach the western sky to learn scriptures. There are four distinct and classic images in the book. First, Sun Wukong, the eldest martial brother, who is full of rebellious spirit and brave, righteous and hateful of evil, will stand up to protect his younger martial brother and master whenever he meets demons. The second is Zhu Bajie, who is lazy but cute. He was once Marshal Tianpeng, but he was demoted to the mortal world and reincarnated as a pig. He is a little timid and always flinches when encountering difficulties. The third is the tireless and loyal Monk Sha. He always carries a pack, holds a white dragon horse in his hand, and has a dark and dense beard. If others are away and the goblin comes, he will do his best to protect the master. He is not afraid of death. Finally, the master of the three disciples

Tang Monk, he is merciful, kind-hearted, weak and pedantic. He always teaches three disciples With different purposes, they have embarked on the same path, which has both contradictions and friendship.

After reading this book, I couldn't help admiring the author's rich knowledge and amazing imagination, as well as his extraordinary sense of humor and superb writing skills, which benefited me a lot.

From this book, I know a truth: on the road of the future, whether studying or doing things, when one is not good enough, one can find more people to help each other, learn from each other's strengths, and unite with great strength. I believe that everyone will succeed one day by working together.

Re reading Journey to the West (12)

I have read Journey to the West before. At that time, I only thought that Journey to the West was mainly about Monkey King, and I only liked to read about Monkey King, because he was strong, honest, resourceful and brave. One somersault was one hundred and eight thousand miles away, and there were seventy-two changes to confuse monsters, weighing thirteen thousand five hundred kilograms. It could be a small and powerful weapon to subdue demons, "Ruyi Golden Stirrup Stick", He is a great hero who kills demons and devils all the way on the way to get scriptures. Tang Monk, however, seemed very incompetent. He could only recite scriptures all day long and could not see through the tricks of demons. He often wronged Monkey King and recited the Tight Hoop Mantra. Zhu Bajie is really a lazy pig. The monk Sha, who can only carry luggage, is an insignificant role. I finished reading this thick Journey to the West again in the time of this summer vacation, and I felt different from before. Now in my eyes, the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk are no longer separated from each other. They are a whole, a super group that has gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties together, killed thousands of demons, eliminated all difficulties and dangers, and finally achieved the goal of becoming a Buddhist. In this group, the Tang Monk is the center of the four people, and only the Tang Monk has the persistence of taking authentic scriptures from the west; Wukong is the main force to kill demons; Bajie is a pioneer in exploring the enemy; Sha Seng is the diligent logistics minister; None of these four people is dispensable. Without the close unity of these four people, there would be no Journey to the West, which is one of the four famous novels handed down through the ages, and it would not show the readers a wonderful story of killing demons and demons on the way to the west. Through this reading, I learned from Journey to the West the importance of a sincere and close team in today's society. Only such a team can overcome all difficulties and finally succeed.

Re reading Journey to the West (13)

In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is about to pass. During the two months of summer vacation, I carefully completed the summer homework assigned by my teacher. What's more, I read a particularly beautiful book - Journey to the West, one of China's four famous books.

Journey to the West is a novel written by Mr. Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty. It mainly tells the story of Tang Monk taking three disciples: Monkey King, Pig Bajie and Monk Sha to the West to learn scriptures. They encountered many difficulties along the way, monsters, experienced ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties before they saw Buddha, took the scriptures and returned to the Tang Dynasty.

When I was reading Journey to the West, my favorite was Sun Wukong. He was the great apprentice of Tang Monk. He had excellent skills and could make 72 changes. He killed many monsters all the way and tried his best to protect his master. What impressed me most was the section of "three strikes of white bone spirit". I saw that the white bone spirit of Sun Wukong became a village girl because of killing, the old man and the old woman were chanted the tight hoop curse by Tang Monk, and rolled in pain. When Tang Monk finally drove him away, I felt very sad. I felt that Sun Wukong was so pathetic, and Tang Monk was really heartless, but Sun Wukong still missed his master, Since then, I like the Monkey King more.

What is really moving in the story is the spirit of the four masters and apprentices who persevered to learn from the Sutra. So many hardships did not change their determination to learn from the Sutra. They finally realized their original dream of obtaining the Sutra by virtue of their indomitable perseverance and confidence to win.

By reading the novel Journey to the West, I feel that my summer vacation life has become very full and my knowledge has increased a lot. I will soon become a third grade primary school student. I will study harder and make up my mind to overcome all difficulties and realize my ideal like Tang Seng's master and apprentice. In the future, I will read more similar useful books and strive to broaden my vision and knowledge!

Re reading Journey to the West (14)

Among children of our age, I'm afraid there are very few people who have not read the four great classics of China. But among the four great classics, I guess your favorite masterpiece should be Journey to the West, written by Wu Chengen, a novelist of the Ming Dynasty. The general content is as follows: Tang Monk and his disciples went to the western sky to get scriptures. In the long road, they went through a lot of hardships, and after ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, they swept away all the demons and ghosts along the way, and finally completed the story.

In the book, I was impressed by the author's rich imagination and superb writing skills, especially the description of the four masters and apprentices. Such as the Tang Monk who sincerely believes in Buddhism and never gives up, the Sun Wukong who is resourceful and brave to fight, the pig Bajie who is timid and delicious and kind in heart, and the monk Sha who is content with his destiny and hardworking... These four people have their own characteristics, which not only form a sharp contrast, but also form a cohesive whole.

My favorite role in it is of course the Monkey King who subdues demons and eliminates demons. He is smart, naughty, brave and lively. In my mind, he is the embodiment of wit and courage. He was misunderstood by his master repeatedly, but still came back to protect his master; When he meets all kinds of difficulties, he can readily solve them; When he meets a strong opponent, he will not yield, and is brave to fight against evil. It can be seen from a small example: Bajie went to Huaguo Mountain to ask Sun Wukong for help. When Sun Wukong heard that his master was caught, he was very worried and rushed to the mountain immediately. When he got there, he fought with the yellow robed monster. The monster had a powerful magic weapon, but the Monkey King was not afraid to hide from him. At last, he saw the timing and hit the yellow robed monster, knocked him unconscious, and saved the master. Of course, the resourceful and brave Monkey King also has some shortcomings, that is, he often follows his own way of thinking, is a little impatient, and his naughty personality will affect their way forward.

Re reading Journey to the West (15)

Journey to the West, written by Wu Chengen, a novelist of the Ming Dynasty, is the peak of Chinese ancient magic novels, and is one of the four famous Chinese novels alongside Dream of the Red Chamber, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Outlaws of the Marsh. This book mainly tells the story of Tang Monk's four masters and disciples who subdued demons and eliminated demons all the way, and went through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties to reach the western sky to learn scriptures. There are four distinct and classic images in the book. First, Sun Wukong, the eldest martial brother, who is full of rebellious spirit and brave, righteous and hateful of evil, will stand up to protect his younger martial brother and master whenever he meets demons. The second is Zhu Bajie, who is lazy but cute. He was once Marshal Tianpeng, but he was demoted to the mortal world and reincarnated as a pig. He is a little timid and always flinches when encountering difficulties. The third is the tireless and loyal Monk Sha. He always carries a pack, holds a white dragon horse in his hand, and has a dark and dense beard. If others are away and the goblin comes, he will do his best to protect the master. He is not afraid of death. Finally, the master of the three disciples

Tang Monk is merciful, kind, weak and pedantic. He always teaches three disciples. With different purposes, they have embarked on the same path, which has both contradictions and friendship.

After reading this book, I couldn't help admiring the author's rich knowledge and amazing imagination, as well as his extraordinary sense of humor and superb writing skills, which benefited me a lot.

From this book, I know a truth: on the road of the future, whether studying or doing things, when one is not good enough, one can find more people to help each other, learn from each other's strengths, and unite with great strength. I believe that everyone will succeed one day by working together.