Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (7 refined articles)
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2024-01-06 08:12:21
junior middle school

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (1)

Today is Sunday. My mother asked me to do the dishes. I cleaned up the "messy battlefield", put on my apron and started the "battle".

I dipped a bit of detergent in the dishcloth and gently and carefully wiped the dishes. Slowly, the dishes and bowls were full of bubbles. In addition to the sunlight, it emits colorful light. How dazzling! But do you know what the dishes are doing? By the way, they are enjoying the sunshine!

When I turned on the tap, clear water splashed down and onto the plate. Many transparent pearls splashed, as if to say, "Wow! I flew up!" The water "fell" into the bowl and washed away the residue; Washed away the greasy; Washed away the bubbles... The dishes "took a bath", and they were all radiant, like new!

By the way, I can still hear music in the process of washing dishes! Thanks to the dishes!

The sound of the porcelain bowl is very clear, like shaking a silver bell; The sound of the iron pot is thick, like a bell; The sound of stainless steel tableware is loud, like beating cymbals; With the sound of rushing water and different sounds, it looks like a beautiful piece of music, which is just a song for the working people.

When the labor is over, I have a sense of pride, a sense of pride, and a joy to appreciate the fruits of labor. It also reflected my mother's happy smiling face: that smiling face was my satisfaction and praise.

I think: a very ordinary thing, as long as you do it carefully and diligently, it will become a pleasure, a wonderful enjoyment.

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (2)

One day after dinner, I vaguely remember that I ate Maocai. I volunteered to wash the dishes at the restaurant, but my sister agreed. I thought to myself, "I will drag this guy into the water together", and then said, "Aunt, my sister is very experienced. Why don't you let her wash with me? You can also guide me from the side". The "Song Gongming" in this family agreed to my request.

At first, the soup left over for Maocai was the most difficult to deal with. This made it difficult for me to stop the family. My sister had a way to pour the soup into a plastic bag and place it outside the door. Tomorrow morning, at six o'clock, I would throw it away. The family was very happy and was about to start. The family said, "One premise is that the plastic bag must not leak, otherwise, we will rest."

A stick of incense time has passed.

The elder sister looked at the leaking plastic bags all over the floor and sighed, "Heaven is going to kill me, heaven is going to kill me", which was just what the family wanted, and she thought to herself, "See how you can clean up this mess."

But I said that I was proud of myself. I saw this guy take out a brand new shopping bag, worth 50 cents. This guy really knows how to bear the wolf. This guy poured the leftovers into the shopping bag cleanly, "without leakage". This guy smiled at me and blinked out of the kitchen.

I'm so angry that I just burst into my head from the bottom of my feet with anger. This guy is too deceitful! This revenge is not a gentleman.

I was standing in the kitchen, and it was time to wash the dishes. I was cleaning the dishes carefully, but this guy was sitting in the living room, eating melon seeds. This guy was really... I just felt the second wave of anger rushed to the top of my head, which made me very angry. After finishing the dishes, the waiter came to check, but said that the waiter was in a hurry and didn't clean a dish. The waiter saw that and told the "Song Gongming" at home.

"Song Gongming", who claimed to be the monarch, was going to blame the family. "Ah! Brother, you want me to die, but I don't want to die!"

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (3)

One hot noon, when we finished lunch, I saw that the table was in a mess. Then I got a brainwave and said to my mother, "Let me wash all the dishes today!" My mother was very surprised and said, "Can you do it?" I nodded, and her mother said, "OK.".

I put on my apron and gloves and came to the kitchen. I folded the bowls one by one and put away the chopsticks one by one. When I was ready to wash the dishes, I first filled the sink with water, poured some detergent, took out a dishcloth, took out a bowl, wetted the dishcloth, wiped left and right in the bowl, then wiped the edge of the bowl bit by bit, finally wiped the outside of the bowl, and finally washed the bowl, washed the bowl in this way, and then smeared detergent on the chopsticks, Start rubbing the chopsticks up, down, left and right with a duster cloth, and finally wash the bowl and chopsticks clean and put them neatly in the cabinet, so that we are done. I took off my apron and looked at the shining plates and bowls. Don't worry how happy I was. My mother came up to me, gave me a thumbs up and said, "You are so wonderful!" I laughed so hard that I could not close my mouth.

It seems that labor is so happy! Not only can I get praise from others, but also I am very happy. This experience made me taste the sweetness of labor. If I have a chance in the future, I will help my mother wash the dishes.

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (4)

Childhood memories are like the grapes on the grape trellis, each of which is so clear and shiny.

Now I want to pick the sweetest and brightest one and share it with you. I can't help laughing when I think of this stupid thing. I remember that it was when I was six years old. Every winter, when I saw washing dishes, I would think of the greasy water and my mother's red hands. My heart would be sour. Once, my mother had something to do and asked me to wash the dishes. I nodded reluctantly. Looking at such a large bowl, I am worried. I suddenly remembered that my mother washed clothes. My mother threw the clothes into the washing machine, and the clothes were washed clean. If I put the bowl in the washing machine, won't the bowl be cleaned? I'm proud of my "cleverness"! Smart as I was, I got a basin of clean water, followed my mother's example, and added a lot of washing powder. I stirred the washing powder in the washing machine, then put the bowl into the washing machine, and started the washing machine to wash it. I don't know how long it will take to wash it.

When I turn on the washing machine, the bowls are broken! I was shocked and thought: How could the bowl be broken? Mom always washes clothes in this way. Why is it that the dishes are not rotten? I am puzzled. After my mother came back, I told her the whole story. After listening to this, my mother did not blame me, but smiled and said to me: "Silly child, how can the bowl be washed in the washing machine? Only clothes can be washed in the washing machine." At that time, I nodded vaguely. It's been many years, and now I understand why the washing machine can't wash dishes. But whenever I think of this silly thing, I can't help laughing!

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (5)

I learned how to wash dishes This afternoon, my mother asked me to do the dishes, but I couldn't do them, so I wanted to have a try and agreed. First of all, I filled some water into the rice bowl and washed it according to the method of washing the cup. But there was too much oil in it and it could not be cleaned, so I had to do a random cleaning. It was found that the oil was not easy to clean with water, because soap and detergent were funny and could "slide" the oil or bacteria off the surface together.

So I painted all the dirty places with detergent, washed the dishes with water without any effort, and then I washed all the bowls in the same way. It turns out that everything will be done for the first time.

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (6)

Usually, my parents work very hard, so today I decided to let my mother teach me how to wash dishes.

Mother told me that when washing dishes, first put some water in the bowl, then put detergent on the sponge, then apply foam on the bowl, and finally rinse it with water.

Usually, my hands are very flexible in writing and painting. Today, I can't wash the dishes. After my mother taught me hand in hand, I gradually became more skilled. Next, my mother taught me to wash the pot, but the pot was too big and heavy, and it was not very clean. My mother washed the pot again.

I used to think that it was easy to wash dishes, but from this time, I understand that it is a very easy thing, and you need to learn it carefully to become proficient. Take your time one day or two.

Third grade of Xinggang School: Chen Yiqian

Dishwashing Composition Junior High School (7)

Today is the March 8th Festival. I want to give my mother one of my best wishes: May my mother be happy forever. Mother is too hard. In addition to taking care of my brother and sister, she also has to sweep the floor, mop the floor, cook, wash clothes and many other household chores at home. Today I will share the burden for my mother and let her have a good rest.

After dinner, I cleaned up the bowls and dishes, carefully carried them to the kitchen sink, turned on the tap water, and soaked them with water. Then I put a few drops of detergent on the sponge rag, and gently wiped the bowl with a sponge. A lot of white foam immediately appeared on the bowl. After scrubbing all the dishes, I scrubbed the dishes again. Because there was too much foam on my hands, the dishes almost fell off from my hands. Fortunately, my other hand held them in time, which was a false alarm. It's fun to brush chopsticks. You can use a sponge to brush up and down, like playing the violin. After all scrubbing, I will replace the water in the basin with clean water, put the bowls, dishes and chopsticks in the water again and gently wipe them, and put them neatly in the cabinet after cleaning. After washing the dishes, my back felt sour. Until then, I really realized my mother's hard work.

I am ten years old this year. For more than 3000 days, my mother has to do it carefully every day. It's really hard! Mother is so great, just like a big tree to shelter me from wind and rain, let me live happily. Mom, I love you! My daughter wishes you to be young and happy forever!