About teachers and students (6 recommended)
Dare to bear
2024-04-10 04:25:51
Junior two

About teachers and students (1)

The teacher loves us as much as his parents do. The teacher's love is great. The teacher is an oil lamp, burning silently, guiding our confused heart.

The teacher is sweet dew, dripping quietly to infuse nutrients into our thirsty hearts.

The teacher is a signpost, which will be kept for a long time to point out the future direction for us.

There are laughter, complaints and admiration between us and our teachers, but I can never forget these pictures in my mind.

In English class, the English teacher gave us lessons with dedication, effort, diligence and responsibility. After class, she became our best friend to talk to. She cared about us more like our mother. She will always talk with us when we are lonely, give us pressure when we are proud, and ring the alarm bell when we are lost In math class, the teacher's voice is often shouted hoarse. In class, although only a few students are listening carefully, the teacher always explains every mathematical formula meticulously.

In the scorching sun, even the branches drooped their heads, and the birds flew into the shade of the trees. Only our physical education teacher took the trouble to demonstrate standard actions for us in order to improve our physical quality. When we run laps, he will accompany us in the hot sun He made me know how to be grateful. He said a sentence that made me feel deeply - "The person who will not be grateful will never be a successful person", which inspired me a lot. Not only that, I also learned to be grateful from his words and deeds.

Teachers and students, like friends, are full of infinite love and mutual help. No matter how time goes by, I will always remember the teacher's care, forever!

About teachers and students (2)

When wind blows like flowers, you are most beautiful ornament in my memory.

Students in stormy weather

Dark clouds were gathering, and Lei Gong thundered all the time like he was angry. It rained cats and dogs in the sky. Just after school, I looked at the rain outside, shook my head helplessly, and sat back. After seeing the students being picked up by their parents one after another, my heart also panicked. I was afraid that the last one would be embarrassed, so I went out of school and ran home.

Just ran to a store, where I was about to continue walking after taking shelter from the rain, a man behind me patted my shoulder and said, "I just went to my relatives' house to borrow an umbrella, and when I saw you running in the rain without an umbrella, I ran after you. Come on, let's go together. Anyway, we are also on the way." I saw that it was the same table, and nodded.

As we walked, we came to a fork road. We were in the opposite direction. Then he said, "Please lend me your umbrella. My home is closer to here." I replied, "Then I will accompany you to your home." But he said, "It's OK. I'm going. Bye bye." Then he left.

The next morning, when I returned my umbrella to my deskmate, I heard other students say that he had a cold. My gratitude and guilt are beyond words

In those years, you taught me to help others happily.

Tao and Li's Teacher's Life

It was another time to divide the Chinese test paper. The Chinese teacher said on the platform: "71 points..." When the teacher read my name, the next one was 67 points. After hearing that, my mood fell to the bottom and I sat on the chair. When my deskmate saw it, he helped me get the paper and told me that the teacher was watching me, but I didn't listen to anything at that time.

At the end of class, the Chinese teacher pointed at me and said, "Come to the office." I listened and went to the office without much thought. When I got to the office, the Chinese teacher first asked me to sit down, and then said to me with great sincerity: "It's no use crying. Be strong. To make up for mistakes and try to get a good result in the next exam, you should first carefully analyze the reasons for the poor exam, and review well before the next exam. I believe you will do well in the exam." I listened and nodded thoughtfully.

In those years, it was your teacher who taught me to be strong in the face of setbacks.

Teachers and deskmates, thank you for your company in those years, which made me warm, confident and strong today.

About teachers and students (3)

The love between teachers and students is like continuous spring rain, which moistens my heart; The love between teachers and students is like summer lotus, giving you a beautiful vision; The love between teachers and students is like dancing in autumn, which is spectacular and charming; The love between teachers and students is like white snow, simple and pure.

Looking back on the past six years, we can find everything, but we can't do without the love between teachers and students

Camera 1: Teacher's love for students

One exam, our class Kong Yuexin failed in the exam, 59 points. He buried his head very low. In his opinion, the whole class looked down on him. At this time, Mr. Mao came over and patted Kong Lexin on the shoulder to show him something. After class, Mr. Mao helped Kong Lexin collect his examination papers and took him to his most familiar place - the office. Kong Lexin's performance is very poor, and he is often criticized by his teachers. Entering the office is even more common, and he will be severely punished every time. What will happen this time? Only when Mr. Mao sat down and pointed to the wrong question, he took the trouble to explain it again and again, until he understood it and corrected it, the teacher showed a happy smile.

The second exam result came down, and the whole class was very confident about the score, but Kong Lexin was still so poor, 60 points, the same mess, but I know that Kong Lexin's progress of 1 point was full of Mao's great efforts.

Camera 2: Students' love for teachers

The weather in summer is like a baby's face. It changes as soon as it is said. The sky was clear just now, but now it has become dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

After school, when my mother didn't come to pick me up, I passed the teacher's office and saw Mr. Mao waiting anxiously. Oh, Teacher Mao didn't bring an umbrella. Now he has to hurry back to cook for the children! At this time, I put out my umbrella from the back of Teacher Mao, "Oh, it's Kong Lingxuan's classmate." I quickly pulled Teacher Mao down the stairs. Along the way, Mr. Mao kept urging me to go back. I insisted on sending Mr. Mao downstairs. Mr. Mao waved to me, "Goodbye, child, thank you!" "Goodbye -".

In the day of leaving, I am very excited. I will write down the story of teacher-student relationship, which will become a beautiful memory of my childhood.

About teachers and students (4)

I have many teachers, but the Chinese teacher Shen who impressed me most is also the head teacher of our class.

Mr. Shen is young, with neat short hair, small eyes and small mouth. He is kind to us. Whenever we do something wrong, Mr. Shen will teach us meticulously.

In the first few days of school, something happened between me and Mr. Shen. Today, we are really discussing the problem of "what reading methods need to be changed" after learning the third lesson. Suddenly, Mr. Shen called me and "interviewed" me. Mr. Shen asked, "Xiang Yang, how do you usually read? How many times do you read at most?" I thought for a long time. Finally, under the prompt of Mr. Shen, I mustered the courage and said, "Sometimes I read books that I am interested in several times, but after reading them several times, I found nothing new!" "Everyone has a problem, reading only looks at the surface of the book. Every time you read it, you should think about the problem, and also contact the author's background!" Teacher Shen told us all. "Oh!" I suddenly realized.

Mr. Shen was kind to us all and gave us a new way to read. He was a very good teacher.

About teachers and students (5)

A thick love between teachers and students has added a brilliant touch to my primary school life, making life no longer monotonous. I will always treasure this sincere feeling in my heart and savor it carefully in the long road of life.

When I was 8 years old, my mother forcibly sent me to the cartoon extracurricular class. I was very unhappy. I didn't listen to the teacher when he was teaching. Later, when the teacher said that we would draw "Children Floating on Water" by ourselves, I was dumbfounded.

I thought, I don't want to learn anyway, just scribble! So I took my pen and scribbled on the paper. When Mr. Wang came, I covered the picture. The teacher lowered his head and said, "Let me have a look." I had to release my hand. When Mr. Wang saw what I said, he said, "Oh! I can draw abstract paintings at a young age?" I replied angrily, "Hmm?" Mr. Wang said, "It's not difficult to draw. I'll teach you." After that, he found a piece of white paper to draw in front of me. I don't look, just play by myself. The teacher saw it, stood up, took my hand and said softly, "I will draw a pen, and you will draw a pen, OK?" I listened to the teacher's words, and felt a warm current melt into my heart. So I picked up my pen and drew it according to the teacher. Although the painting is not like it, Mr. Wang was very happy to say: "Great! You learn so fast!" Listen to the teacher, I have confidence. He immediately said, "I can draw, but I just don't want to." "Now think about it? Draw a picture for the teacher to see?" Hearing the teacher say so, I immediately took a piece of paper and began to draw again. Seeing my teacher watching my painting, the more I painted, the happier I was. While I was painting, the teacher praised me for my excellent painting. When I finished drawing, the teacher looked at everyone and said, "It's a good picture! Hang it for everyone to see!" Then he hung the picture on the wall of the classroom. This has greatly increased my confidence. I began to like painting, and my paintings are getting better and better.

Every time I go to class, the teacher will smile at me, and my confidence will rise with it. Every time I finish painting, the teacher will praise everyone: "Great!" With the teacher's encouragement, I participated in the city's painting competition, and I won the first prize! I know from the bottom of my heart that it is the teacher's credit!

Now I can't see Mr. Wang often, but his love always warms my heart.

Part II:

She has long straight black hair and a pair of red glasses on her nose. She always smiles. Although he is nearly thirty years old, he still likes to play with us like a lively child, and sometimes tells us some jokes before class. Therefore, our classroom is always full of laughter. This is my English teacher.

She is a lively female teacher. I remember one time, after half a class, we had a 15 minute break. A dozen people in our class were playing together. Seeing that we were having a good time, they asked, "What are you playing? I'm so happy, let me join you!" "OK, we are playing" Imitation Show "!" Everyone cheered happily. First, it was our turn to have a problem. She said to us, "If anyone doesn't imitate, they should perform!" After that, she danced a difficult Latin dance, and we began to imitate. Girls and some boys barely passed, but one or two boys could not. Especially fat boys were like a duck with a flat mouth when they stretched out their hands to the right, He has to perform! Everyone cheered. Everyone moved a chair and sat down to watch the performance. We were not joking, so we had no choice but to sing with his loud voice: "Let's play the imitation show, and whoever loses will perform the show..." "Ha ha!" We laughed and called it "the king of song changing". She smiled and told us that she could be a singer in the future! " "Ha ha ha!" We laughed again. With the company of teachers and students, our recess is more and more wonderful!

Not only can he get along with us, but also he is a conscientious and responsible teacher. Once, when we learned something that was difficult, we taught us carefully one by one, telling us the phonetic symbols for everyone to remember. I didn't know much about it, so I wrote it down and asked the teacher to teach me the word carefully, made many sentences to demonstrate, and told me where it was easy to make mistakes. Pay attention. This time, because I was going to take the Cambridge English Test Band II, she also made a detailed analysis of my reading, writing, listening and speaking, gave some good suggestions for my shortcomings, and encouraged me to make persistent efforts to take another satisfactory test. Thinking of these, I feel confident and fearless!

This is my English teacher, a lively, conscientious and responsible teacher.

Relevant teachers and students (6)

About the sixth grade teacher's day diary: teacher-student relationship

It will soon be September 10th. How eager that day will come soon. September 10 is the day for all teachers. They put up with hardships, and the shadow of being teachers will accompany us all our lives. I will never forget all the teachers who have taught me, some of whom I like very much, some of whom I hate very much, and some of whom have not had too much influence.

Primary school teachers will have different teachers to take the place of each grade. So what left a deep impression on me was the head teacher who took us for four years. She is an old teacher of the school. She has deep teaching experience. When students encounter any problems, she will be enthusiastic to help. I remember a classmate in our class who studied very hard and lived very frugally. Seldom speaking, the teacher learned from his home visit that his parents both died in a car accident. The young man lived with his 70 year old grandmother, who picked up garbage to make a living. He could not wear new clothes all year round, but the government also compensated him with 150 yuan of living expenses every month. When the teacher learned about it, he immediately reported the situation to the superior leaders of the school, encouraged all teachers and students in the school to donate, and exempted his tuition and miscellaneous fees. The students were very enthusiastic to help him. The teacher would bring him some nutrients from his home every day because he was too thin. The teacher will also help him with his homework. He dropped out of school twice because of his family affairs. It really touched every one of us.

On the "Teachers' Day" that year, each of our students shed tears of true feelings. We are grateful for the "Teacher's Day", which allows us to understand from the bottom of our hearts that a good teacher is not just to teach us how to behave. Teachers who pay for students are always young and happy. Because he is so important in the eyes of students. I won't forget him.

Recalling all my teachers, including those I "hate", I have never "hated" again. I am full of gratitude and missing you. I know many teachers may have reached the retirement age. Yes, it's time to enjoy life. All teachers have worked hard all their lives, served and educated all their lives. What we get is the priceless return of our students, and what we get is our lifelong gratitude and love.

On the upcoming "Teacher's Day", I would like to say to all my teachers who have taught me, "Teacher, you have worked hard! I will never forget the relationship between our teachers and students, and always cherish it in my heart."