84 sad sentences about unrequited love
Floating dream
2023-04-09 13:28:20
Complete sentences

1. Your appearance has disordered my world!

2. Thinking of the king is like a bright candle, which can burn your heart and tear your eyes.

3. When the bell rings in the wind, I can see your heart pounding.

4. Love is lovesickness deep well, and grace is lovesickness repair pipe.

5. Hide your love and stop showing off.

6. There are trees in the forest, trees in the wood, and branches in the wood. My heart is pleasing to you, but you don't know.

7. This situation can be recalled, but it was lost at that time.

8. Hundreds of generations of repair come to the ferry, thousands of generations of repair come to sleep together.

9. The falling flowers intentionally follow the flowing water, and the flowing water has no intention of falling flowers.

10. One day I miss you eight hundred times, many times I feel unhappy, many times I feel wronged.

11. Don't appear, don't bother, is the last way I love you.

12. When I miss you, I feel happy and sad.

13. I don't want to disturb you, and I don't want to go against my heart.

14. At a glance of the person who is secretly in love, they all feel that the world is their own.

15. Qingqing Zipei, I think long, if I don't go, Zining won't come?

16. As long as I can't get it, I will scratch my heart with all my paws.

17. I don't want to be friends with the person I secretly love. I'm afraid I'll sink deeper and deeper!

18. I spent my youth in secret love, but failed to stay with you in the end.

19. Secret love is like a rain, in the rain, you didn't look at me, I didn't look at the rain.

20. I have always loved you, in all the ways you know or don't know.

21. Secret love is never waiting for you, and can't wait for you with reason.

22. I like the faint taste of you, but I never told you.

23. If the secret admirer is dumb, then the loved one is blind.

24. Your gentle glance, however, is regarded by me as a soulful look back, which is secret love.

25. Try to love Chunhua, and never forget the happy time. When you are alive, you should come back, and when you die, you should look lovesick.

26. I love you very much, but please forgive me for leaving you for some reasons that cannot be told to you.

27. It is better to be narcissistic and environmentally friendly than to be in love in secret, to be in love alone and to hurt others.

28. A person's secret love is a person's forever. A person's imagination lasts forever.

29. You may never know that I love you as always, to the depth of my soul.

30. I tried my best to get close to you and ran to you, thinking that you would be moved by my persistence.

31. The greatest act of secret love is to help. You don't love me, but I help you.

32. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

33. It's not that you don't love, but that you can't love when you have love in your heart. If you love, it will hurt.

34. After all, I just love you secretly. How can I say that I really mind you being together.

35. Silent guard you, silent and other miracles, silent make yourself like air.

36. Being your good friend is my only idea now. I don't want to think much or fantasize.

37. But it is also doomed to be lonely forever. Secret love is a pantomime. If you say it, it becomes a tragedy.

38. I squinted and looked at you without turning my head. I was afraid that my eyes would betray my heart.

39. It's hard to get used to missing and waiting for you, but I have never been used to seeing you.

40. Can my existence decorate your dream, but your figure is deeply branded into my life.

41. I am like a child waiting to be picked up in the kindergarten, but you are a school bus and can pick up the whole kindergarten.

42. Secret love is a one-man show in which you shine for a while while I have been dizzy all my life.

43. You know how happy I am when you only smile at me. I wish I could kill you.

44. You said that I ignored you that day, but you didn't know that. I resisted the impulse to look for you tens of millions of times.

45. If it rains, I am crying, so you will come back and say that it is a sunny rain, right.

46. Heartlessness is not like sentimentality and bitterness. One inch is worth thousands of strands. When the ends of the earth are poor, there is only endless lovesickness.

47. Is there such a person or a scenery that you have said for countless times that you would give up, but you are still reluctant to give up after all.

48. Every time I miss you, I have to remind myself that if you wanted to chat with me, you would have spoken long ago.

49. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

50. I don't care about you now. It's not that I don't love you, but that I love you deeply. Because when I love you, I won't be too close to you.

51. Who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that infatuation is very heavy, heavy, and the heaviest in the world.

52. I fell in love with you quietly, but I only dare to hide this feeling in the bottom of my heart, even if it is a friend, as long as you are happy.

53. Sometimes, you choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don't care, but because you know clearly that he doesn't belong to you.

54. The water will dry up for women and the mountain will be bare for men. Therefore, mountains and rivers can form a cycle together.

55. If one day you take an overnight train and they circle the city countless times, you will find that it is such a coincidence.

56. Many people just like it in silence. We don't have the courage to say it, but we are afraid of breaking our hearts when we say it.

57. I am happy if I care about you, and happy if I care about you; Even if this happiness is very light and that happiness has never been found by you.

58. I always thought that mountains are stories of water, clouds are stories of wind, and you are my story, but I don't know if I am your story.

59. There is a kind of fate called love, a kind of feeling called having it, a kind of ending called destiny, and a kind of heartache called endless.

60. Everyone has a monster in his heart, which can't disappear even if he is trampled to death, crushed, dried and ground to ashes, but he always has the right to get a little happiness.

61. Acacia, looking at each other, is not like spring. You can't fly to forget the river. Just drown in the sea of desire. Endless tearing, mutual injury, that's all.

62. Looking up at the lonely sky, I can see a smiling face of the past with a dreamy look and smiling clothes, which has hindered my lifelong love.

63. After 17 years, it was like a nightmare that I could not wake up again and again. Fortunately, I finally opened my eyes and found that life could be so peaceful and beautiful.

64. I don't want much, just a little gentle feeling. I really don't want much, just thoughtful greetings and kind smiles.

65. Secret love is too tiring. I pay silently for a person I like, even if there is no return. I know that she loves others, but I still pay for her.

66. Is there any night when a person thinks about something, a person or something, and tears can't help flowing down.

67. Do you know that missing someone is like appreciating a cruel beauty, and then telling yourself to be strong in the face with a very small voice.

68. He is still waiting, stubbornly waiting. It seems that as long as he has patience to wait, that person will come back and continue to live in his blurred vision.

69. Because no matter who it is, there is a fatal black hole in their hearts. Although they don't know how many years and years are behind the black hole, the deep pain shuttling through it.

70. In this autumn, it indicates that all things begin to fall, but the summer has not yet faded, and I feel that some things around me are slowly withering.

71. The feeling of secretly falling in love with a person is like a seed waiting for germination in a bottle. You can never be sure whether the future is beautiful, but you are sincerely and stubbornly waiting.

72. I often walk for a while before turning back. Looking back, I saw the traces left by time. They were so profound, so people could not extricate themselves.

73. The lonely sky, wanton raindrops fall, and the empty blue hides the melancholy world. Because I love you, I can watch you fly to a happier place.

74. I am like a shadow you can do without. Let loneliness exchange sad thoughts. There is nothing you can do about love. This tasteless day, tears, is the only luxury.

75. There must be people in the world who you can't get even with your efforts. So, just like them. Don't expect you to be together anymore. Just tell yourself that you like them all the time.

76. Such a deep love, but it's hard to say. It turns out that if you really love someone, your heart will be sour, but you will not be able to speak. Most of your sweet words will be spoken to irrelevant people.

77. He knows the way to protect important things - keep them in mind and never let others or even himself have the opportunity to comment or slander.

78. I, without wings, do not want to fly. I, without glow, do not want to bloom. Dan, look at the curtain of prosperity. When you are tired, you will turn the darkness into your heart.

79. Go to every place we have ever been, just to feel the joy of the past once again, but every time we leave with tears, there are too many things that are hard to forget and give up.

80. Are you lonely? Almost blurting it out, I was swallowed back. I had never seen it before, but when I first saw his face, I wanted to cry because I always felt so lonely?

81. I look at you in this way. I can't touch you. When time and space are empty, I still stare at you regretfully, in the nearest and farthest place from you.

82. I stayed up all night last night, but I am still in a trance today; A bottle of strong liquor bottoms out, and the anxiety has not decreased. Missed an opportunity, afraid of saying goodbye; Remember life regret, just for a moment.

83. The quiet phone is accompanied by the dull light, and the lonely chest is embracing the cold arms. Through the piercing eyes, I saw a stubborn heart, still waiting for the echo of your love.

84. People always live in the contradiction of giving up. Perhaps, some feelings can only be engraved on our hearts if they are missed. The past is eternal in our hearts.