Teacher's 400 word composition of love (16 recommended)
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-08-23 04:35:54

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (1)

Our dear teacher Zhao has gone on a business trip. Since the day she left, we have been waiting anxiously. One week has passed, and two weeks have passed. Everyone thinks that the time is too long, but the teacher has not come back yet. One Monday morning, everyone gathered listlessly on the playground. I don't know who said, "Here comes the teacher!" Suddenly, everyone was boiling up like a tide and ran to tell each other. Easy and pleasant music - the bell rings, everyone stands in line, waiting for the teacher to appear, and finally the teacher comes! She was the same, with curly brown hair and a blue dress. Accompanied by music, we walked into the classroom happily. Mr. Zhao went to the platform, took out a pile of stickers from the drawer, smiled and said: "This is the rare fish and bird stickers I bought in Shanghai. Anyone who scores 100 points in the exam or performs well can get a sticker." Later, I knew that those stickers were very precious, and a version would cost 50 yuan! And they can't buy them. At that moment, I was moved by the teacher's love. She traveled thousands of miles and never forgot to care about us.

I think: teacher love is just like a wisp of breeze, which blows away the sadness in our hearts; Teacher love moistens our dry hearts like a spring rain; Teacher love is like a beam of sunshine to dispel the haze of our hearts. I will always remember this teacher's love.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (2)

"Whenever I walk by the teacher's window..." This song is one of my favorite songs. When I hear this song, my heart will swell with heat, because you have paid too much for our door.

I remember that I started to participate in the contest since the first grade. The most impressive one was the story telling contest I participated in in the third grade. I clearly remember that because of the lack of time, you only took one day to take me to write an article with more than 1000 words. Think about it, how difficult it is! The next day, the teacher gave me the manuscript and took me to rehearse. In those days, the teacher took me to understand the article and helped me mark the pronunciation of the words that I was prone to mistake one by one. On the day before the competition, several teachers accompanied me to go home very late, and I got it very late myself. The next day, I won the first prize. I believe the teachers' contributions are indispensable!

In the fifth grade, I was a little uncomfortable because of the change of math teacher. My learning state was extremely bad, and my academic performance fell down. You talked to me every day, which made me quickly enter the learning state and adapt to the new teacher's teaching methods as soon as possible. Thank you, teacher.

I want to thank all the teachers who have taught me. You have led me into the palace of knowledge and painted a colorful blueprint for my study and life. It is you who have taught me how to get along and how to behave.

This year is the last year of our primary school. Believe us, we will try to learn all the knowledge you have taught us in the future, and will absorb it like a sponge, enrich ourselves, be useful to the society, and repay our cultivation.

Thank you, dear teacher!

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (3)

The teacher's love is selfless and sincere.

Teacher Zheng is our class teacher. She always cares about our study and life meticulously. She takes care of us as carefully as a gardener cultivates flowers.

I still remember that Monday morning, I came to school and went to the flag raising ceremony after breakfast. At that time, the sun was very big and the national flag was raised for a long time. Although I was a little dizzy, I still insisted.

But unexpectedly, I got sunstroke. Mr. Zheng asked my classmates to accompany me to the school medical room. After several visits, my head was still faint. And more and more powerful. Teacher Zheng called my mother quickly and explained the situation. Teacher Zheng took me to the school doctor's room again. The school doctor washed the glucose. After seeing me drink the glucose, teacher Zheng felt better and relieved. Until my mother came to pick me up, Mr. Zheng always accompanied me and asked me about my situation with concern.

The next morning, as soon as I got up, my mother told me that Miss Zheng had called me to ask about my situation after ten o'clock last night. I was very moved after hearing it.

Miss Zheng cares about our growth just like her mother. No wonder many students in the class call her mother in private. The teacher's love is selfless and sincere. I want to say to the teacher: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (4)

Mr. Zhao, the math teacher in our class, is very fond of joking.

Once, when the teacher was checking our homework, he suddenly found that one of his classmates had not finished it. The teacher's face suddenly changed, which frightened the student to not even dare to leave. It seems that after a long time, Mr. Zhao slowly raised his head and asked, "Why don't you become the leader of the Blue Cat Guerrilla?" The students could not help laughing. But I don't understand why not to say that he is the leader of the escape operation guerrilla team, but the leader of the Blue Cat guerrilla team? So far I have not understood.

Another time, the teacher took a student's homework book to the platform and said to everyone, "One student's homework was really messy, and the teacher told a story to the student." The classroom suddenly became quiet.

"In the past, there was a man named Ma Nei. Once he went to the hospital to see a doctor, because his handwriting was scrawled, what did the doctor recognize his name?" The students stared curiously. The teacher turned around and wrote "Ma Bing" on the blackboard, and the students couldn't help laughing. The teacher turned around and said, "When he came to the ward, the nurse recognized his name again, but this time it was a big joke..." The students began to talk, some said they recognized him as a "prisoner of horses", some said it must be "Ma Shan"... Finally, the teacher took a piece of chalk and wrote "horse meat" solemnly under the eyes of the whole class Two words. There was an uproar in the classroom. The student whose handwriting was illegible was also blushed with shame. But Mr. Zhao looked at us coldly, as if he were an expert in hiding.

This is our joking teacher Zhao, because Zhao loves joking, and his class is always filled with a happy atmosphere.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (5)

The sacred name "teacher" makes me admire. If the teacher is a happy stream, then I am a happy fish in the stream; If the teacher is a blue sky, then I am a bird flying freely in the sky, if

The teacher's love is far more cordial than the mother's love, and the teacher's love is far more severe than the father's love. Ah! How great is the teacher's love and how broad is the teacher's love.

The person I admire most is my Chinese teacher. She cares about me all the time. She comforted me when my grades fell; When my grades improved, she encouraged me again. The teacher gave me too much care, and I don't know how to repay her.

I remember that in the first semester of the third grade, I was sick, I didn't go to school for two months, and the final exam was coming soon. I was as worried as an ant on a hot pot. At this time, the teacher seemed to understand my mind, smiled and said to me: "Don't worry, let's work together." So, I would go to the teacher's home every weekend to make up for lessons. The teacher worked very hard. She taught her classmates new knowledge again and again every day, and told me again and again on Sundays. The teacher always takes the trouble to teach me and guide me... Looking at the glistening sweat on the teacher's forehead, I really feel how great the teacher's love is!

In our class, no matter which student, in the eyes of Miss Huang, is smart and cute. The teacher's eyes full of wisdom and his pure heart light up the way of life for each of us. However, for the teacher's efforts, we can only say one sentence: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (6)

Since I entered the primary and secondary schools in Nanxue Street, I have had a sincere love, which has always accompanied my personal growth. The deep love comes from the serious and loving teacher Zhang and the teaching director Zhao. Her face is fleshy, her hair is straight, and her face is always wearing a beautiful smile.

She is approachable and amiable, so all students regard her as their mother. She is very attentive to her work and strict with everyone. She is very careful and meticulous, so let us teach and care about everything. At night, she was always busy doing homework for everyone until midnight. At that time, we had already entered a sweet dream. In the morning, she got up earlier than everyone. She got up to prepare for the course content of the day. And no matter what happens, it is not easy to delay everyone's learning and training. It can be seen that she is such a lovely and respectable teacher!

The teacher's love has also introduced a driving force in learning. I have an introverted disposition, and Mr. Zhao often asks me to talk with him. She inspired me to create, and I understood a good way to watch. She helped me find the difference between excellent compositions, and reminded me how to write excellent compositions in a vivid and practical way, so that I could taste the joy of creation! My compositions are often read in class and praised by students. I should remember this move.

Teacher's love, such as light wind; The teacher's love is like the continuous drizzle. Everyone who wants to be with you in the shower is always grateful. I must study hard, contribute to the country in the future, and live up to teachers' expectations.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (7)

From childhood to adulthood, how many teachers have ever given me so much love. The teacher's love is selfless, kind, and strict, which is unforgettable to me at the beginning.

It was a nature lesson on a Wednesday afternoon. My deskmate Ren Ke played with toys when he was idle in class, so I also played with him. When the teacher learned this, he severely criticized me and asked me to write "inspection". At that time, my heart was very painful. I have a feeling in my heart that the teacher has no confidence in me. I was so scared that my eyes could not help crying my sad tears. Suddenly, I felt ashamed and looked up at the teacher. The teacher's eyes were full of expectations for me, but I... I lowered my head and wished I could meditate in the teacher alone.

After returning home, my father didn't criticize me, but told me that writing inspection could improve my writing level. I don't know whether my father's words were words of comfort or truth.

It has been a long time, but it will never forget me.

I think the teacher's knowledge is helping me, not harming me.

Teacher! Your love is like a warm current, warming my heart forever; Your love is like a torch, illuminating my future. You are strict with your requirements and follow your lead.

The teacher's love will never forget my heart.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (8)

Who has been quietly correcting the mountains of homework? Who has been preparing for tomorrow's class late at night? Who has been giving us knowledge and telling us the truth of life? Who scattered rain and dew all over the earth? Who fed the seedlings? These are all teachers. The teacher is like a mellow wine, which tastes strong and is easy to get drunk; Teachers are like flowers, fragrant and elegant; Teachers are like autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; The teacher is like a plum blossom in cold winter, noble and standing proudly. Teacher, you are the cultivator and planter of beauty. It is you who shine with beautiful sunshine, moisten with beautiful rain and dew, and our hearts are green and beautiful!

Teacher, your contribution to us is so different from our return to you! If teachers are like the workers who built the Great Wall, they built the winding Great Wall with bricks washed with sweat. Just like the people who built the Great Wall, the teacher spared no pains to give us little by little with your knowledge... You are busy with the blooming of flowers and the ripening of fruits, silently hanging the shade of leaves! You are like a candle. Although the light is weak, it illuminates everyone; You are also like a stone ladder, helping us step by step to reach the peak of learning. Ah, teacher, I will never forget your spirit! Your love is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as sweet as the spring spring. Your love is more severe than father's love, more delicate than mother's love, and more pure than friendship. Your love is the greatest and highest in the world.

In the spring when flowers are in full bloom, I would like to turn into brilliant sunshine to add some brilliance to you. In that scorching summer, I would like to turn into a sunshade to cover the hot sun for you.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (9)

Teacher, she is a hardworking gardener, who cultivates the flowers of our motherland and cares about us all the time. My teacher, she is like this. She serves us naughty classmates all the time. She is my new teacher in charge of the class in grade five, Chen Chuangchang.

Mr. Chen Chuangchang is a college student who just graduated this year. I was transferred to our school because I wanted to find a good job.

When the teacher came to our class, the students noticed that the teacher was short and often talked in class. But I don't think so. My mother said, "No matter what happens to the teacher, we should respect the teacher." I listened to the teacher carefully every day, so I made a good first impression on the teacher, and the teacher also liked me.

The teacher attended our class for most of the semester. Because the discipline of our class was not very good, the principal changed the teacher. Some students have deep feelings for their teachers. They almost cried after hearing the words of the headmaster. Alas, who told our class to be so noisy?

When the teacher left, he often worried about my study, for fear that my academic performance would decline. Sometimes, the teacher also calls my mother to ask me about my study. You tell me that this is not about what it is? Sometimes I even ask me to study at her home to enhance my study. Until I met my teacher in the exam yesterday. The teacher team said a lot: "Quan Zhan, do you have confidence in this exam? Besides, you should answer the questions carefully and read the questions clearly before writing. You should also write well. Usually you write very rough words. You must write well in this exam, because this time it is not me who corrects your test paper, nor our school, but the teachers in Zhanjiang who correct it. Beautiful handwriting is a surface. People will give you a big score if they see whether your handwriting is beautiful and tidy.

The teacher has given me too much love. Every drop of grace should be rewarded by the spring. I must study hard and will never let down the teacher's hope for me.

Teacher's Love 400 Word Composition (10)

In a class cadre election, I lost the election and felt like pouring cold water. I tried my best to hold back my tears, but finally, it fell down. The teacher came to me to talk about my mind. When I came out of the office, I felt much better. As I walked, I thought: I must be modest about everything.

In the future study tasks, I study hard, do not fight, do not make trouble, unite classmates, actively participate in various activities, and often do good deeds. In this way, I also left a good impression in everyone's mind. In this class cadre election, everyone firmly supported me as the leader of the first group, and I also showed a happy smile.

As time went by, I gradually understood the teacher's good intentions: when the teacher saw that a strong student like me was hit, he might abandon himself, do not study hard, and have a bad attitude, which encouraged me to say a few words, let me make progress day by day, correct my attitude, and face mistakes bravely.

Thinking of this, I felt the teacher's motherly love. She gave us this love and let us thrive.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (11)

Teacher's Love Composition 1

At home, on the street, in the community, on the campus, whether it is everyone, or small home, everywhere is full of love. But the teacher's love for students is like the mother's love for children, and the teacher's love for students is like the gardener's love for flowers! The teacher's love makes me warm, happy and sweet.

I remember last semester, our school was going to hold a "classic reading" contest. After careful selection, the teacher finally chose me as the lead singer. At that time, I felt that I had a great responsibility and secretly decided to win honor for the class, so I practiced hard.

On a sunny morning, I practiced several times. Because I didn't have breakfast, I suddenly felt weak. My eyes were dazzled, my face was white, my lips were purple, and the cold sweat on my forehead was rising. I couldn't support my body at all. It seemed that I would fall down soon. At this time, Mr. Hou saw all this and rushed forward. He did not hesitate to pick me up and hold me in his arms. Mr. Hou anxiously said, "Wang Shuyi, what are you doing? What's wrong with you?" I whispered weakly, "I feel sad and my eyes are dazed." The teacher then asked, "Did you eat in the morning?" I shook my head weakly and said, "No meal." After listening to my words, the teacher quickly ran to the office to make a cup of sugar boiled water, and bought cakes and hot soymilk. At this time, the students had already surrounded me and Mr. Hou, and everyone was asking for help. Miss Hou held my body with one hand and gently stroked my head, saying, "Silly boy, eat these things while they are hot. You should take care of your body in the future. You should eat breakfast every day. Don't let your body get weak." Suddenly, a warm current spread all over my body. I lay in Miss Hou's arms, motionless, feeling like a mother's embrace. How broad it is, How warm. At the moment, I even want to slow down and get better, and let Mr. Hou hold me more for a while. Mr. Hou loves me, and I love my dear Mr. Hou even more.

How time flies! It has been two years since this happened in the blink of an eye, but my teacher's deep love for me has moistened my heart like a drizzle. This love makes me warm, happy and sweet.

Teacher's Love Composition 2

Love is the bright sunshine, giving people warmth; Love is a blooming flower that gives people fragrance; Love is a gurgling stream, which nourishes the growth of all things... The teacher's love is sunshine, flowers, streams, omnipotent, omnipresent.

New Year's Day is coming, and the school New Year's Day celebration is about to be held. Many students in the class have taken on the responsibility of performing. I am one of them. The program I participated in was poetry recitation. In the fourth class this morning, we came to the playground as usual to rehearse the program for the New Year's Day celebration. At noon, after the rehearsal, we returned to the classroom for dinner. The other students almost finished eating, so we were not full at all.

In the first class of the afternoon, our bellies growled with hunger, and our chests were stuck to our spines. I was secretly complaining: "How hungry!" By the second class of the afternoon, we were desperate. Just then, Mr. Wu bought us a cake, and we were excited and happy. While we were wolfing down the delicious cake, we looked up and saw the trees outside the window shaking their pigtails. From time to time, birds sang. How beautiful! My heart is extremely grateful. This gratitude comes from the teacher's love for us!

It turns out that those who love us and care about us are not only our families, but also our beloved teachers!

Teacher's Love Composition 3

I have a unique teacher in the world. She is my current head teacher and my most beloved teacher, Miss Li. I am lucky. Since the first grade, I have been growing up under her cultivation.

Miss Li has long, dark, shiny hair and white skin. She likes to laugh and looks amiable.

She is very responsible for her work and values our study more than anything else. I remember one day in Grade Two, when the bell rang, she walked into the classroom as usual. Speaking of the first sentence, why does the sound change? I listened carefully again. It turned out that Mr. Li's voice was hoarse. In class, I watched her explain the knowledge points to us all the time, and felt very distressed when I heard her hoarse voice. Miss Li worried that we could not hear clearly, and repeated every important content several times until the whole class understood it. Her mouth was much wider than usual, and she tried her best to explain to us. At the end of a class, the sweat on my forehead came out.

The teacher gives us lessons every day. In fact, she is very tired, but what she lets us see is always energetic. I want to say to Mr. Li: Mr. Li, it is you who taught us Chinese knowledge. In the first grade, you taught us to write, and in the second grade, you taught us to rewrite sentences... You have taught me for three years, thank you! Teacher, you have worked hard, and I will certainly repay your efforts with action!

This is my favorite teacher!

Teacher's Love Composition 4

I like Miss Li best. Miss Li is thin, white, soft spoken and beautiful. She teaches us English. She chose me as the representative of English class in the first class of Grade Three. I don't remember what I was doing at that time. I may even be driving away. I have been puzzled about this matter. But I still thank Mr. Li for his trust and love. For this reason, there was a rumor in the class that Teacher Li was my aunt or something. It's funny to think about it.

Miss Li loves us, and she cares for this class as much as Miss Yang. She doesn't know what the reason is. She always has mouth ulcers. I saw her apply the medicine. I also had oral ulcers, and a small white spot is killing me. But Mr. Li has to teach us not only how to speak, but also how to pronounce correctly. It's really painful. If we don't study English hard, how can we be worthy of Miss Li?

Miss Li is our deputy head teacher. As long as Miss Yang is absent, she will carefully supervise our exercises and road teams. She has done her duty as the deputy head teacher. Once, I did poorly in the exam. Teacher Li did not criticize me, but patiently analyzed the reasons for me and encouraged me not to lose heart. It is Mr. Li who gives me the impetus to move forward! It is Mr. Li who gives me confidence to make progress! Miss Li has only taught us English for a year and a half. I fell in love with this course and also with Miss Li, who teaches English. She has poured out our excellent results with her painstaking efforts. We use good results to repay her hard training. She has come up with various ways to inspire everyone to be enthusiastic about this course! It can be said that Mr. Li is a good teacher worthy of respect and love.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (12)


In fact, at the beginning of school, we didn't quite accept you. Because we can't accept that Mr. Zhu, who has taught us for two years, left us to teach younger brothers and sisters; Can't accept a new teacher's teaching style. However, it is not so much that we quickly adapted to you as that you quickly adapted to us. You constantly adjust your teaching methods carefully, and soon find a teaching method suitable for us.

In the year we spent with you, we gradually found that you are not the kind of difficult teacher we always thought. You gradually get acquainted with us, and you will also make some small jokes in class. We also find that you are a gentle teacher, seldom lose your temper, always gentle and meticulous. You are like our friend.

In order to help those students who are weak in mathematics, you often give up your lunch break and find them to give lectures in a low voice. We listened to every sound and were moved in our hearts. Students often talk about your gentleness and strictness, as well as being teachers and friends. More and more students like you.

In the last few days of the high school entrance exam, you also made time for us to watch the video of the inspirational speech, and constantly emphasized the points for attention in answering the high school entrance exam questions. I just hope we can get a few more points in the high school entrance exam.

As your class representative, I haven't done much for you. I am not good at words, so I can only silently hide my respect and gratitude for you in my heart.

After the high school entrance examination, we will go our separate ways, but we will always remember 20xx. 9~20xx。 6 Have a good time this year.

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (13)

Today, September 10, the 25th Teacher's Day, for our sixth grade, today is our last Teacher's Day in school!

Teacher, thank you for your hard cultivation and meticulous care over the past six years

Teacher, your work is tireless and unknown, but the cause of shaping the soul is great. You not only teach us scientific and cultural knowledge, but also set a model for us to be human. You are the light that shines on the ship of our life

Teacher, do you know? Without you, we can't draw beautiful pictures; Without you, we would not be right with those word problems; Without you, we can't play the beautiful melody; Without you, we would have written that excellent composition

Teacher, you are a candle, burning yourself to illuminate others; You are a spring silkworm, who dedicates himself and decorates others; You are chalk sacrificing yourself and leaving knowledge; You make a hardworking gardener selflessly dedicate his youth and cultivate flowers

I will always remember your Chunchun teachings! On the road of life, I will take every step steadily. The future is beautiful. I will never forget your kindness, teacher. I sincerely wish you a happy teacher!

Teacher, on today's 25th Teacher's Day, which is the last Teacher's Day we are together, I wish you happiness, good health and smooth work on behalf of the whole class

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (14)

I love my teacher's composition 400 words

I am 12 years old. In the past 20xx years, I have met many teachers who have taught me that I must study hard, be a good person and win honor for my country. I am very grateful to them, but what I am most grateful for is my first teacher, Mr. Zhu.

When I was in kindergarten, I met her -- my "Chinese" teacher. She was a very gentle teacher. I was a little short at that time, so I sat in the first row. The class was honest, and the teacher liked me. My favorite class is her class, because I like her story class and entertainment class. At this time, the students in our class are as honest as docile lambs.

Once in a story class, the teacher was telling a story, but the story had been heard many times, so he quietly brought down another storybook on the platform. Although he did not know many words, he could understand the general idea. Just when I saw something wonderful, the teacher found me, and I thought: I don't listen carefully, and the teacher will punish me. But the teacher didn't, but asked me to tell the story I just saw. When I finished, the teacher praised me.

When I was in kindergarten, I also had a bad time. It was my middle class, when my classmates were taking a nap, the teacher saw that I didn't sleep, so he showed me the performance first. At that time, he thought that the teacher was really great!

Later, when I was 6 years old, I came to Linyi No. 1 Primary School without seeing my teacher Zhu. I will study hard and become a teacher like Miss Zhu when I grow up!

I love my teacher's composition 400 words

I still remember that when I was just in the third grade, our English was learned from the third grade. My first English teacher was Mr. He.

She is gentle, kind and considerate, and she knows our hearts very well. She treats us like friends. We all like her very much. She is so beautiful in our hearts.

When she was in class, she was very relaxed. We learned as easily as we played. I will never forget the scene when she taught us the first word. At that time, I was not very fond of learning and was not good at English. It was she who aroused my interest in learning English. She also made me understand that no matter how good or bad you learn, you can't lose heart, as long as you study hard and do your best. Otherwise, I think I must still be a child who doesn't like learning. It is impossible to learn our second language English well. I remember once, my homework was a bit sloppy. Teacher He took me to the office and said to me earnestly: "Everyone is careless. If you are careless, you can correct your mistakes if you are serious."

Although Teacher He has left now, I still think in my mind all the time and repeat what she said to me: study hard and finish my homework on time every day.

It takes ten years for trees to grow and a hundred years for people to grow. I sincerely thank Mr. He for his care and care for me. I will never forget your kindness to me.

I love my teacher's composition 400 words3

In the six years of primary school, I met many teachers, but one teacher made me unforgettable.

My first teacher, surnamed Wang, was my math teacher in the second half of my first grade. She was very friendly and respected by her classmates. In the first class, she said to us, "I am your new teacher. Because the teacher only looks at the immediate results, not at your past, as long as you are willing to work hard with good results now, the teacher will also believe that your opportunities are created by yourself, not others. " Since listening to the teacher's words of encouragement, I have been giving lessons seriously. Achievements are made by leaps and bounds. Not only did Mr. Wang have a good impression on me, but also the teachers who didn't have a good impression before slowly changed their outlook. This sense of achievement made me more and more interested in learning. Every time there is an open class, Mr. Wang always asks me to discuss the plan. This gradually made me confident, and my grades were also very ideal. The teacher also trusted me.

Although this was six years ago, I sometimes think: If there had been no teacher Wang who changed my life, what would I be like now? I believe that without Mr. Wang, I would not be confident now! I often think of the teacher's words: opportunities are not given by others but created by myself!

I love my teacher's composition 400 words

When I first entered Yucai Primary School as a freshman, I missed my mother every day because I was not used to the life in primary school. I often sat alone in the corner of the classroom and cried in a low voice. Fortunately, there was a person who took care of me and accompanied me like my mother. That person was Teacher Feng Meirong.

Teacher Feng Meirong has a beautiful short hair. She is not tall, but she is full of air when speaking. She is very stylish when wearing glasses.

Teacher Feng is kind and very kind to us. I like Mr. Feng's class best. He is very interesting in class. Sometimes he tells us how to behave, and sometimes he lets us play games about the course content. When we were all good, the teacher would send us small gifts, and the students were very happy. When we are not good, the teacher will try to persuade us again and again, hoping that we can get rid of our mistakes or bad habits. When we have questions that we don't understand, she always has patience and explains every step very carefully. In Mr. Feng's class, it seems that every day is full of laughter, which makes my school life full of joy.

Time flies like an arrow, time flies like a shuttle. Now I am in Grade Five. But I often go to talk with Mr. Feng after class. I want to thank Mr. Feng for leaving me good memories of my first and second grades and helping me lay a solid foundation! Thank you very much! Teacher Feng Meirong!

Teacher's 400 word composition of love (15)


Guess what special day it is today, of course, Teachers' Day! I wish you a happy Teacher's Day in advance here. You must be very happy!

Every time I see your expression when criticizing my classmates, my heart is like a sword, my head is like a woodpecker flying over, pecking my head hard, making me feel uncomfortable all over. But I know that this is your kindness to us and your concern for us!

When I think of it, I am very moved. It was a hot morning. I saw that your office door was open. Although there is air conditioning inside, I can see that there are countless exercise books on your desk, leaving no gaps. I saw that you had just sat down and were about to change so many homework. It was really hard. I looked at the amiable teacher silently and left quietly.

Teacher, you are like a big tree, and we are birds on the tree; You are the moon at night, and we are the weak stars beside; You are a sea, and we are a small fish. Thank you for your cultivation, teacher!

Teacher, let me say again, Happy Teacher's Day!


Happy Teachers' Day!

Your student: Wu Keke

September 9, 201X

Teacher's Love 400 Word Composition (16)

national teacher day is always the tuesday of the first full week of may. and it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher.

i still remember last year when i was feeling lost,down and out,i had no idea about my life,my love,my study even doubt why i was here in the world.so then came so much wine and smoke,i was tired,physical and mental.i even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our building.

then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what i was afraid of, she also told me that‘s very common like many young people of my age. she told me to call her anytime i need her help.i did so ,we often chat miracle and made some phone call.i just can‘t remember when come the mirical.i have found myself now!!!