I was very moved that time 600 (15 compilations)
Go away smartly
2023-08-27 00:18:32
topic of conversation

I was very moved that time 600 (1)

I was moved 600 words that time (1)

Inadvertently opening the drawer, I saw the broken ruler again, and couldn't help thinking of the incident a few years ago

It was a math midterm exam in Grade 6 of primary school. The day before the exam, the teacher told us: "Students, there are drawing questions in this exam, you must take a pencil and ruler." That night, I reviewed very late and did not pick up the things to take with the exam. The next morning, I opened my eyes to see, huh? It's 7:30! Oh no, I'm going to be late for the exam! I put on my clothes in a hurry, put the pencils, erasers and so on on the desk into my schoolbag and rushed to school.

When I got to the classroom, I took out the things one by one. Pencil, eraser, pen, ruler... Eh? Ah! ruler! I forgot my ruler! It's over. There are only 5 minutes left for the exam. What should I do?

I turned my schoolbag upside down and looked around the seat, hoping to find a ruler. But the miracle didn't happen. The schoolbag was empty, the ground was clean, and there was nothing. Alas, it's terrible. I didn't bring a ruler with me. How can I draw a picture.

The teacher has come in with the paper, and I'm as worried as an ant on a hot pot. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me: "What's the matter with you? Have you lost something?" I looked back and did not recognize it. Although I don't think he can help me, I told him about forgetting to bring a ruler. He sank for a while and said, "I'll give it to you." I was wondering when I saw him snap his new ruler in half. He handed me one of them and said, "Here, take it."

I took the half ruler, and a feeling of gratitude rose from the bottom of my heart, but the bell rang before I could come and say anything, and the exam began. I had to turn around, and began to concentrate on answering questions, drawing carefully with the ruler

The bell rings again, and the exam is over. I let out a long breath. I turned around to thank him, but I didn't know what to say. He seemed to understand my thoughts, smiled, and said, "Don't thank me. It's right to help each other. The ruler is for you." Then he picked up something and left. Looking at his back and the ruler in his hand, I felt speechless.

That time, I was very moved.

I was moved 600 words that time (2)

"That time, I was touched" said that distant relatives are better than close neighbors. In that bleak autumn evening, I felt warm and knew what was moving. It was that afternoon when I entered middle school only a few days ago that I adapted to the life of shuttling between home and school every day. So, besides school, my most important place is home. That day, in the last class, I looked at the clouds outside and secretly complained that the weather was not good? Finally, the teacher looked at the sky, showed mercy and announced the school was over early. That is great! Looking at the rainy day, I thought, ha ha, God, you can't be angry with me! Then he hurried home. I ran to the door of my house step by step. I thought my mother should prepare dinner for me. But when I knocked at the door, there was no movement inside. What's going on? I have some doubts. "Dong Dong Dong", I knocked hard again. Eh, what's the matter? Why don't you open it? At this time, tired and hungry, I was anxious and worried. "Mom, open the door quickly!" No response yet. It seems that my mother has not come yet. I looked at my watch. Mother should have come back long ago. Worry and fear, coupled with hunger, haunt me in turn. Alas, Mom, why don't you come? Just then, the door of the neighbor's aunt's house opened. My aunt looked at my embarrassment and understood what was going on. She smiled and asked me, "Is your mother still not back?" I nodded. "Then come and sit down for a while! Wait here." "No, auntie. Mom should be back soon." Auntie advised me to go to her house again, but I politely refused. "Then you can't wait like this! Well, I'll call your mother and ask her to come back. What's your mother's mobile number?" My mother and I are very grateful. Looking at my aunt's kind smile, my heart swelled with a warm current. A month has passed since this incident, but my aunt's concern for me has always remained in my heart. Yes, "distant relatives are better than close neighbors". I was really touched that time

I was moved 600 words that time (3)

That time, I was touched Before, I had never been touched by anything, and I never knew what it was like to be touched. But that time, I was really touched. It was cloudy on Thursday. I was about to go to school by bike when I suddenly felt dizzy and walked unsteadily. At this time, my father found my abnormality and asked, "What's wrong with you, Shanshan?" I said, "Dad, I feel dizzy." My father took a thermometer and measured it! I had a fever and my father was worried. He was going to take me to the hospital. On the way, it rained. My father and I didn't bring an umbrella. Finally, my father took off his coat and put it on me. Then he protected me with his hands for fear that a drop of rain would fall on me. When I arrived at the hospital, my father's whole body had not been dry, and I was just the opposite of my father. I was almost not caught in a drop of rain. After the doctor hung the water for me, he left. My father came and said, "Shanshan, you are now Ahchoo!" Oh, my father also caught a cold. I said, "Dad, you should go to see the doctor too! Maybe you have a cold too." Dad listened, shook his head and said, "It's OK, Dad's body is fine, I Ahchoo!" I looked at it and said, "Dad, what if you don't go to the infirmary again, and if you come back, let me catch a cold!" Dad thought that I said the same thing, nodded and told me two sentences, and then walked to the infirmary with confidence. I looked at my father's back like a mountain, and finally could not help but shed tears. Another time, when I was riding my bike to school, it seemed that God wanted to do something wrong with me on purpose. The bike broke, so I hurried to push it home. Just when I wanted my father to send me, my father had to go to work. And me? It happened that today I had to take an exam. I was so worried that I took money from home and was going to the bus stop to take the bus to school. When I got to the station, I waited for a long time and didn't see the bus coming. At this time, I almost cried. I complained to my father in my heart, "What father! It's not good to let me see him off. What should I do if I'm late? I really don't want to go to school." At this time, God seemed to hear my complaint. When I was looking around, I suddenly saw a familiar figure. Eh, it's Dad. Dad saw me and said, "Come on, hurry up, I'll take you to school. I said wilfully, "Don't you want to go to work? Why do you want to see me off? Besides, you don't have time." Dad said, "I asked for half a day's leave from the company today. Let me see you off!" When I heard that, I was almost moved to cry. It turned out that Dad asked for leave from the company to see me off. Without saying a word, I sat in the car and saw my father's hair mixed with several white hairs. Suddenly, I felt heartache that I was growing up, but my father was aging. At this moment, I wanted to cry, but I held back. Soon, it was school. I got off the bus and ran to the classroom. It was close. I was almost a minute late. As soon as I sat down on the bench, I began to take the exam. I picked up the pen with my father's hope and began to "struggle" for the questions in the examination paper. My father's care and love for me are countless

Dad put all his energy on me so that my "little sapling" could grow into a towering tree. This time, I was not only moved, but also finally learned how great my father's love is. My father's love is like a mountain. Han Shanshan

I was moved 600 words that time (4)

I was moved by the composition that time

Winter is coming, and snowflakes are flying like goose feathers. In the morning, I walked on the street without anything to do and felt very cold.

I watched the snow flying all over the sky and a group of cleaners busy. Unexpectedly, I found several leaflets and other papers pasted on a smooth wall opposite, where an old female cleaner was carefully tearing the papers. It seems that it is difficult to tear all the paper. The woman cleaner brushed the paper with a brush dipped in water, and then carefully tore it with her hands. I think her hands must be cold, but she is not afraid of cold, because there is fire in her heart. She was very careful and cleared several pieces of paper in succession.

She went to another one.

However, I saw that her right hand was raised, but it stopped in the air, as if it had stopped. She was closer to the wall. Then I saw that she looked at it intently for a while, shook her head slightly, and left the paper slowly without clearing it.

Why not clear it? A series of questions floated in my mind. Well, I'll go and have a look.

I was about to start when another skinny female cleaner approached the paper. Her action was exactly the same as that of the old cleaner: raise her right hand and freeze it in the air; Shook his head slightly; Concentrate on watching for a while and leave slowly.

I became more confused and decided to go and have a look.

Cross the road and come to the wall. What caught my eye was a notice of looking for someone, which said: Zhao Jie, female, 14 years old

I finally understand everything.

The snowflakes are still flying like goose feathers, but I don't feel cold anymore

In one's life, one often experiences many unforgettable things. These things are like cups of strong tea. Only when you taste them carefully can you feel their sweetness.

It was a bright afternoon in early spring. The sun shone through the cracks in the trees and onto the ground, turning into mottled fragments. I walked alone on the tree lined path, smelling the fragrance of flowers and plants, feeling the fragrance of soil, humming a tune in my mouth, and walking on the way to the beautiful scenery in early spring. Suddenly, I heard a series of faint bird calls: "twitter - twitter——

Click ". I looked beside me along the sound. Under a big tree, there was a young sparrow chirping. This little sparrow has not grown up yet. Its fur is sparse and its yellowish mouth opens and closes. It must have been poked down by some naughty child, poor little thing

Curious, I bent down to pick it up. Suddenly, a voice came from my ear, which was very urgent and seemed very nervous. I turned around and saw that it was an adult sparrow not far from the little sparrow. It should be the mother of the little sparrow. It may be that its foot is injured and it can't move at all. I saw it desperately flapping its wings and yelling, as if it wanted to fly. The little sparrow cried again, as if to say, "Mom - Mom -". I continued to reach for it. At the moment when I was about to touch the little sparrow, I was shocked, and a scene that surprised me happened: the injured mother sparrow jumped up, landed beside the little sparrow, and spread her wings to protect the little sparrow. The little sparrow hid under her mother and closed her eyes comfortably.

I was shocked by the power of maternal love. I slowly withdrew my hand, and the shadow that frightened them left them again. The little sparrow cried happily, as if to say "thank you". The mother sparrow's eyes softened and her round eyes narrowed. I left them and walked forward. I could not help thinking about what had just happened. It made me understand that love does not matter whether it is human or animal

That time, I was really moved

I was moved 600 words that time (5)

In the sunset, our family had dinner early and gathered in the living room to watch TV! Maybe I was too full, and my stomach rolled with pain, so I went to bed early.

In the middle of the night, I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep because I had another stomach disease. All of a sudden, my stomach began to cramp violently

I leaned weakly against the bed, my stomach still cramped, and the tan of yellowish vomit gave off an unpleasant smell. I tried not to vomit again. While groaning painfully, my parents ran in and saw my pale and haggard face lying on the bed, feeling distressed and anxious. At this time, they are busy with their hands and feet

My father hurried to find medicine for me, while my mother quickly cleaned up the dirty sheets for me. I didn't want to lose my temper. I vomited all over the floor before my mother finished cleaning up. I almost vomited my stomach. Dad saw that I vomited so badly that he carried me downstairs to the hospital.

I looked pale, spread out on the hospital bed, with a needle in my hand. Watching the salt water slowly permeate my blood vessels, I fell asleep again.

When I opened my sleepy eyes, the ward looked bright under the light. I looked up, and the salt water was still dripping silently. Look at the clock on the wall, ah! It is already more than 5 o'clock in the morning, and I have been asleep for more than four hours. I was about to move my feet, but it seemed that I was pressed by something. I sat up with my support. It was my mother lying at my feet

I was very moved that time 600 (2)

I was moved by 800 words that time (1)

Inadvertently opening the drawer, I saw the broken ruler again, and couldn't help thinking of the incident a few years ago

It was a math midterm exam in Grade 6 of primary school. The day before the exam, the teacher told us: "Students, there are drawing questions in this exam, you must take a pencil and ruler." That night, I reviewed very late and did not pick up the things to take with the exam. The next morning, I opened my eyes to see, huh? It's 7:30! Oh no, I'm going to be late for the exam! I put on my clothes in a hurry, put the pencils, erasers and so on on the desk into my schoolbag and rushed to school.

When I got to the classroom, I took out the things one by one. Pencil, eraser, pen, ruler... Eh? Ah! ruler! I forgot my ruler! It's over. There are only 5 minutes left for the exam. What should I do?

I turned my schoolbag upside down and looked around the seat, hoping to find a ruler. But the miracle didn't happen. The schoolbag was empty, the ground was clean, and there was nothing. Alas, it's terrible. I didn't bring a ruler with me. How can I draw a picture.

The teacher has come in with the paper, and I'm as worried as an ant on a hot pot. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me: "What's the matter with you? Have you lost something?" I looked back and did not recognize it. Although I don't think he can help me, I told him about forgetting to bring a ruler. He sank for a while and said, "I'll give it to you." I was wondering when I saw him snap his new ruler in half. He handed me one of them and said, "Here, take it."

I took the half ruler, and a feeling of gratitude rose from the bottom of my heart, but the bell rang before I could come and say anything, and the exam began. I had to turn around, and began to concentrate on answering questions, drawing carefully with the ruler

The bell rings again, and the exam is over. I let out a long breath. I turned around to thank him, but I didn't know what to say. He seemed to understand my thoughts, smiled, and said, "Don't thank me. It's right to help each other. The ruler is for you." Then he picked up something and left. Looking at his back and the ruler in his hand, I felt speechless.

That time, I was very moved.

I was moved by 800 words that time (2)

"That time, I was touched" said that distant relatives are better than close neighbors. In that bleak autumn evening, I felt warm and knew what was moving. It was that afternoon when I entered middle school only a few days ago that I adapted to the life of shuttling between home and school every day. So, besides school, my most important place is home. That day, in the last class, I looked at the clouds outside and secretly complained that the weather was not good? Finally, the teacher looked at the sky, showed mercy and announced the school was over early. That is great! Looking at the rainy day, I thought, ha ha, God, you can't be angry with me! Then he hurried home. I ran to the door of my house step by step. I thought my mother should prepare dinner for me. But when I knocked at the door, there was no movement inside. What's going on? I have some doubts. "Dong Dong Dong", I knocked hard again. Eh, what's the matter? Why don't you open it? At this time, tired and hungry, I was anxious and worried. "Mom, open the door quickly!" No response yet. It seems that my mother has not come yet. I looked at my watch. Mother should have come back long ago. Worry and fear, coupled with hunger, haunt me in turn. Alas, Mom, why don't you come? Just then, the door of the neighbor's aunt's house opened. My aunt looked at my embarrassment and understood what was going on. She smiled and asked me, "Is your mother still not back?" I nodded. "Then come and sit down for a while! Wait here." "No, auntie. Mom should be back soon." Auntie advised me to go to her house again, but I politely refused. "Then you can't wait like this! Well, I'll call your mother and ask her to come back. What's your mother's mobile number?" My mother and I are very grateful. Looking at my aunt's kind smile, my heart swelled with a warm current. A month has passed since this incident, but my aunt's concern for me has always remained in my heart. Yes, "distant relatives are better than close neighbors". I was really touched that time

I was moved by 800 words that time (3)

I was moved by the composition that time

Winter is coming, and snowflakes are flying like goose feathers. In the morning, I walked on the street without anything to do and felt very cold.

I watched the snow flying all over the sky and a group of cleaners busy. Unexpectedly, I found several leaflets and other papers pasted on a smooth wall opposite, where an old female cleaner was carefully tearing the papers. It seems that it is difficult to tear all the paper. The woman cleaner brushed the paper with a brush dipped in water, and then carefully tore it with her hands. I think her hands must be cold, but she is not afraid of cold, because there is fire in her heart. She was very careful and cleared several pieces of paper in succession.

She went to another one.

However, I saw that her right hand was raised, but it stopped in the air, as if it had stopped. She was closer to the wall. Then I saw that she looked at it intently for a while, shook her head slightly, and left the paper slowly without clearing it.

Why not clear it? A series of questions floated in my mind. Well, I'll go and have a look.

I was about to start when another skinny female cleaner approached the paper. Her action was exactly the same as that of the old cleaner: raise her right hand and freeze it in the air; Shook his head slightly; Concentrate on watching for a while and leave slowly.

I was more puzzled and decided to go and have a look.

Cross the road and come to the wall. What caught my eye was a notice of looking for someone, which said: Zhao Jie, female, 14 years old

I finally understand everything.

The snowflakes are still flying like goose feathers, but I don't feel cold anymore

In one's life, one often experiences many unforgettable things. These things are like cups of strong tea. Only when you taste them carefully can you feel their sweetness.

It was a bright afternoon in early spring. The sun shone through the cracks in the trees and onto the ground, turning into mottled fragments. I walked alone on the tree lined path, smelling the fragrance of flowers and plants, feeling the fragrance of soil, humming a tune in my mouth, and walking on the way to the beautiful scenery in early spring. Suddenly, I heard a series of faint bird calls: "twitter - twitter——

Click ". I looked beside me along the sound. Under a big tree, there was a young sparrow chirping. This little sparrow has not grown up yet. Its fur is sparse and its yellowish mouth opens and closes. It must have been poked down by some naughty child, poor little thing

Curious, I bent down to pick it up. Suddenly, a voice came from my ear, which was very urgent and seemed very nervous. I turned around and saw that it was an adult sparrow not far from the little sparrow. It should be the mother of the little sparrow. It may be that its foot is injured and it can't move at all. I saw it desperately flapping its wings and yelling, as if it wanted to fly. The little sparrow cried again, as if to say, "Mom - Mom -". I continued to reach for it. At the moment when I was about to touch the little sparrow, I was shocked, and a scene that surprised me happened: the injured mother sparrow jumped up, landed beside the little sparrow, and spread her wings to protect the little sparrow. The little sparrow hid under her mother and closed her eyes comfortably.

I was shocked by the power of maternal love. I slowly withdrew my hand, and the shadow that frightened them left them again. The little sparrow cried happily, as if to say "thank you". The mother sparrow's eyes softened and her round eyes narrowed. I left them and walked forward. I could not help thinking about what had just happened. It made me understand that love does not matter whether it is human or animal

That time, I was really moved

I was moved by 800 words that time (4)

In the sunset, our family had dinner early and gathered in the living room to watch TV! Maybe I was too full, and my stomach rolled with pain, so I went to bed early.

In the middle of the night, I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep because I had another stomach disease. All of a sudden, my stomach began to cramp violently

I leaned weakly against the bed, my stomach still cramped, and the tan of yellowish vomit gave off an unpleasant smell. I tried not to vomit again. While groaning painfully, my parents ran in and saw my pale and haggard face lying on the bed, feeling distressed and anxious. At this time, they are busy with their hands and feet

My father hurried to find medicine for me, while my mother quickly cleaned up the dirty sheets for me. I didn't want to lose my temper. I vomited all over the floor before my mother finished cleaning up. I almost vomited my stomach. Dad saw that I vomited so badly that he carried me downstairs to the hospital.

I looked pale, spread out on the hospital bed, with a needle in my hand. Watching the salt water slowly permeate my blood vessels, I fell asleep again.

When I opened my sleepy eyes, the ward looked bright under the light. I looked up, and the salt water was still dripping silently. Look at the clock on the wall, ah! It is already more than 5 o'clock in the morning, and I have been asleep for more than four hours. I was about to move my feet, but it seemed that I was pressed by something. I sat up with my support. It turned out that my mother fell asleep at my feet. My eyes were moist. My mother must have been taking care of me for several hours when I slept soundly, so I was tired and fell down. At this time, my mother was also awakened by me, and the first sentence was: "Wake up? Are you still feeling bad? Are you hungry? Are you better?" A series of questions included my mother's worries and anxieties. I felt that my mother suddenly became much older, and this attitude was deeply imprinted in my heart

When the sun rose in the east, I returned home from the hospital. It was more than 7 o'clock in the morning. I vomited all the food this evening. I was very hungry. As soon as I entered the house, I smelled the sweet smell of jujube porridge. Dad was busy in the kitchen. When I came back, he asked my mother the same question; "How are you? Are you better?" I nodded happily

There is a feeling that is small but deep that is moving, and there is a strength that is light but enduring that is gratitude. That time, I was very moved.

I was moved by 800 words that time (5)

That time I was very moved by the composition

There are many moving things in the world that everyone has experienced. One thing I can't forget!

I remember that it was a week ago. On that morning, I went to my grandpa's house alone. I walked to the station with relaxed and happy steps. It was sunny and warm on the roof, and the car was shiny. "Ah, today's weather is really good. When I arrived at my grandpa's house, I could say," Doodle ". A voice interrupted my thinking. I looked up and said," Oh, here comes the bus. I got on the bus. The bus is very crowded. I finally found a place to stand. ". The "Dudu" car drove away, and the car was driving fast on the road. The door opened again at one station, two stations and three stations, and an old man came up. The old man got on the bus with a crutch. The driver looked and said, "Who will give the old man a seat?". The old man walked up to a young man and stood down, but the young man turned a blind eye and drove away. When he was on the bridge, he suddenly stopped suddenly. The old man stepped back two steps and almost fell down. She looked pale and gasped heavily. The young man still did not move. Several passengers looked at him with dissatisfaction. Suddenly, "Old man, you can sit here." An old voice said. People looked for reputation. It turned out that it was another old man who said this. I looked at him carefully. There were several deep wrinkles on his weather beaten face. "Come on!" The old man paused and said, "OK." Another old man stood up and walked to the door without saying a word. The car was still moving. When the station arrived, the old man got off the car

How can there be such an old man in the world? He is very old, but he gives his seat to someone who needs more. What a noble act! I was deeply moved by him. I thought: The elderly can do this, but what about us young people? My eyes are moist

I was moved by 800 words that time (6)

Inadvertently opening the drawer, I saw the broken ruler again, and couldn't help thinking of the incident a few years ago

That was the first student in Grade 6 of primary school

I was very moved that time 600 (3)

Walking alone on the path, the bright moon shines on the earth. Suddenly there was a cold wind, and I could not help shivering. Remembering the happy memories many years ago, I couldn't help crying... It was a cold night in winter, with the north wind whistling and heavy snow falling outside the window. I was tucked in the quilt, feeling dizzy and distended, my eyes were sore, my whole body was cold, and I couldn't sleep.

Finally, I felt so bad that I had to run to my mother. My mother touched my head with a worried face: "Ah, why is it so hot! It must be a fever. "My mother was worried. She got up and dressed, and quickly took me to the community hospital by bike.

The road was covered with thick ice, so it was easy to slip. Mother held the handlebar with one hand and me with the other. The piercing cold wind made me dare not open my eyes. My mother kept telling me, "Wrap your clothes tightly and don't freeze.". "At this time, my mother only cares about me, and accidentally, the electric car" plopped - "fell down and hit my mother's leg heavily.

At that time, I was really scared. I was so scared that I didn't know what to do. My mother held me tightly in her arms and said anxiously, "You didn't hurt me. Let my mother have a look. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all because of my carelessness..." Looking at my panicked mother at this time, my heart felt painful in waves. I didn't answer my mother's question, but directly opened my mother's pant leg. Her calf was purple and bleeding. ”Mom, does it hurt? "As soon as I finished speaking, my tears could not help but fall down like a broken bead, and I threw myself into my mother's arms.

”Silly child, as long as you are OK, Mom is OK, stop crying. "Mother wiped my tears as she spoke.

Later, my mother took me to prescribe medicine.

That night, my mother was always with me. Her gentle hands gently massaged the acupoints for me and coaxed me to sleep... I seemed to be back in my infancy, and the familiar lullaby sounded in my ears: "Go to sleep, go to sleep, my dear baby..." When I woke up the next morning, I found my mother still lying in front of my bed. Looking at her tired body, my heart was suddenly hit by a warm current, and tears came out of my eyes.

Now, whenever I think of that event, tears of happiness will fall quietly, letting the warm flow in my heart, rippling...... I am like a boat, relying on the harbor of maternal love, feeling the love and moving.

I was very moved that time 600 (4)

You are like a note, around me, intoxicated with me. You are like a big tree, covering me and protecting me.

——To Huijie, my friend

You have told me many times that you can't fight with your classmates in the classroom. My naughty always makes you stop talking. That time, I ran crazy again in the classroom, and I ignored your helpless eyes. Somehow, I felt a dull pain on my hand, so I stopped to see that a small piece of meat on my forefinger had no skin, and blood was flowing from the wound. The students nearby saw that no one cared to hand over the paper towel, but gloated and said, "Ho ho, why are you bleeding?"

"Look at you, alas!" Before I knew it, a pair of warm hands pulled me to the infirmary. On the way, you kept blaming: "How many times have I said that, you still......" I could only listen quietly and follow your cautious and hurried steps to the infirmary. "Doctor, Band Aids!" You took the doctor's Band Aids, observed them, and carefully tore the packaging that could be used to create a Band Aids. Align the center of the gauze patch with the wound, and then tear off the paper at the location of the paste, and gently put it on. While sticking, you smoothed it with your hands and blew it with your mouth. Looking at your worried eyes, my eyes are moist. "Why? Does it hurt?" You saw my red eyes and asked, "Is it because I didn't stick it well or it was too heavy, which hurt you?" "No! I shook my head and said with a smile," It's OK! "I wiped my eyes and let you look at me with a puzzled look. To be honest, I really had an indescribable feeling and happiness at that time. Although it is just a small band aid.

I remember that time, two red numbers came out of the math test paper. I was surprised, wiped my eyes hard, and looked at it calmly, 84, or 84! I was stunned. "How much is the test?" You came bouncing. I grabbed you and threw myself at you, crying all the time. You also saw my score, patted me on the back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, there is a bad exam!" But I still cried. "All right!" You pulled me out of the classroom and helped me wipe my tears. "Everyone has a bad exam, so it's better to spend the time crying to analyze why the exam is bad." I nodded and went back to the classroom with you to analyze the wrong questions. While analyzing, you said, "Look, it's a plus or minus sign again!" "This, it's a mistake again!" "Also, 37 is 21, not 24!"...... I looked at you and laughed. I think your comfort makes me feel what is warm, what is love, what is happiness.

In my eyes, you are my hot milk tea in the severe cold, ice cream in the severe heat, and even a band aid for my soul. You care about me, help me, encourage me, urge me, just like my big sister.

I think my life will be warmer with you in the three years of junior high school.

I was very moved that time 600 (5)

When it snows, I can't help thinking back to that winter when I look at the swirling snowflakes. It was snowing that day. She, an unknown aunt, really moved me.

That cold morning, the snow fell down. I dragged my exhausted body on the thick snow, feeling dizzy. I shivered from time to time. I have had a high fever for two days, but that morning it miraculously dropped to 37 degrees. My mother urged me to take another day off. I thought it was the review stage, so I insisted on going out of the house.

The snow is heavier and the road is smoother. It seems that the schoolbag on the shoulder is getting heavier and heavier, and the legs are also getting tired. I couldn't walk any more. I leaned against a tree beside the road. I really regretted not listening to my mother.

At this time, I only heard a gentle voice: "What's wrong with you?" I saw an aunt in plain clothes pushing a woman's car and asking with concern. I pointed to my fingers and closed my eyes weakly. Then I felt a pair of cold hands on my forehead. "Why it's so hot!" She could not help frowning, and then asked: "Which school are you from?" I pointed to the school logo on my chest. "Come on, I'll take you to school," he said, helping me to the car. I kept shaking my head. She could not help but say that she would push me away. I wrapped my overcoat tightly, and a feeling of gratitude came into my mind. Watching her struggling to pedal in the snow, I choked, and tears almost poured out of my eyes.

The snow is getting heavier and the road is getting slippery. Suddenly, the car tilted and fell on the road. We all fell down, but I was on top of her. Afraid of crushing her, I asked, "Did you hurt?" She patted the snow on her as if nothing had happened and said, "Never mind." Along the way, we braved the wind and snow and finally came to school. "Go in by yourself! I should go." She turned and walked away. Her legs were still limping. She must have fallen just now. I watched her distant figure disappear in the wind and snow, and thought gratefully: we didn't know each other, she didn't even leave her name. But in the cold wind, she gave me help in time of need, gave me confidence to overcome difficulties, and gave me courage to overcome the pain. Thinking of this, tears of gratitude filled my eyes. With firm faith, I strode to the classroom.

That time, I was really moved.

I was very moved that time 600 (6)

You are like a note, around me, intoxicated with me. You are like a big tree, covering me and protecting me.

——To Huijie, my friend

You have told me many times that you can't fight with your classmates in the classroom. My naughty always makes you stop talking. That time, I ran crazy again in the classroom, and I ignored your helpless eyes. Somehow, I felt a dull pain on my hand, so I stopped to see that a small piece of meat on my forefinger had no skin, and blood was flowing from the wound. The students nearby saw that no one cared to hand over the paper towel, but gloated and said, "Ho ho, why are you bleeding?"

"Look at you, alas!" Before I knew it, a pair of warm hands pulled me to the infirmary. On the way, you kept blaming: "How many times have I said that, you still......" I could only listen quietly and follow your cautious and hurried steps to the infirmary. "Doctor, Band Aids!" You took the doctor's Band Aids, observed them, and carefully tore the packaging that could be used to create a Band Aids. Align the center of the gauze patch with the wound, and then tear off the paper at the location of the paste, and gently put it on. While sticking, you smoothed it with your hands and blew it with your mouth. Looking at your worried eyes, my eyes are moist. "Why? Does it hurt?" You saw my red eyes and asked, "Is it because I didn't stick it well or it was too heavy, which hurt you?" "No! I shook my head and said with a smile," It's OK! "I wiped my eyes and let you look at me with a puzzled look. To be honest, I really had an indescribable feeling and happiness at that time. Although it is just a small band aid.

I remember that time, two red numbers came out of the math test paper. I was surprised, wiped my eyes hard, and looked at it calmly, 84, or 84! I was stunned. "How much is the test?" You came bouncing. I grabbed you and threw myself at you, crying all the time. You also saw my score and patted me on the back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, there is a bad exam!" But I still cried that time I was moved by 800 words of excellent composition that time I was moved by 800 words of excellent composition. "All right!" You pulled me out of the classroom and helped me wipe my tears. "Everyone has a bad exam, so it's better to spend the time crying to analyze why the exam is bad." I nodded and went back to the classroom with you to analyze the wrong questions. While analyzing, you said, "Look, it's a plus or minus sign again!" "This, it's a mistake again!" "Also, 37 is 21, not 24!"...... I looked at you and laughed. I think your comfort makes me feel what is warm, what is love, what is happiness.

In my eyes, you are my hot milk tea in the severe cold, ice cream in the severe heat, and even a band aid for my soul. You care about me, help me, encourage me, urge me, just like my big sister.

I think my life will be warmer with you in the three years of junior high school.

I was very moved that time 600 (7)

The bus is a small window of the society. People meet here in a hurry, and in the twinkling of an eye they go their separate ways. Everything is normal, but there is a small thing that I can't forget.

It was noon one day last summer vacation. I went to my uncle's house to play. On the road, pedestrians and vehicles filled the whole street. Sitting on the bus, my ears are full of people's noise and a little sour sweat. I can't help complaining: "There are so many people, crowded like sardines. "When I arrived at a station, as soon as the door opened, a young mother with a child squeezed into the carriage and staggers to the seat of a girl and me.

I wanted to stand up and give up my seat, but I wanted to stand up and feel uncomfortable, so I turned my face out of the window. The girl sitting next to me touched me, smiled and said, "Excuse me, could you move a little inside? "I ignored her and thought to myself: Why do you want to give up your seat again?

The mother held the chubby little boy in her arms, grabbed the pull ring on the top of the carriage inconvenient, and tried hard to stabilize her body. Just as I hesitated, the girl stretched out her thin hands and said to the young mother, "Auntie, can I help you hold the baby? "In my heart, she is just a person pretending to be a good person. That young mother said," No, it's OK. "The girl stood up, just let the young mother holding the child to the seat, made a face at the child, and made the child giggle.

I was relieved, and my heart was no longer entangled. I sat on the chair, and then I realized that it was more painful to sit than to stand. Finally, I arrived at the station. Suddenly, the car bumped and I accidentally stepped on the girl's foot. I quickly said I was sorry, but the girl seemed to be OK. I thought to myself, "What a strange person! "The car stopped steadily, people swarmed down, and the girl slowly walked out of the car door. I couldn't help but look at her again, and suddenly found that her leg was moving straight forward and making a metallic sound from time to time. I was stunned. She was disabled!

After getting off the bus, I watched the girl go away, feeling hot on my face, but warm and moved in my heart. I am so moved and regret that a disabled person is better than me. I must learn from that girl to be a good citizen useful to society!

I was very moved that time 600 (8)

Moving is a happy mine, which stores a large number of concentrated love molecules. When you touch them in the quiet night, those love molecules are like aroma transpiration, which captivates your breath and makes you smile.

It was the summer vacation two years ago. I went to Shenzhen and spent a happy holiday there. That holiday moved me to understand——

On that day, we were going to visit Phoenix Mountain. I got up early in the morning and went to take the bus with my mother and aunt. The morning bus had already left. The next one had to wait more than half an hour before taking the bus. It would take more than an hour to go to Phoenix Mountain. After thinking about it, we decided to take a taxi.

The taxi driver was a middle-aged man with dark spots on his face, dark skin, and several wrinkles on his eyes, which looked like "black loach". I didn't like him very much, so I had nothing to say all the way.

However, after walking for a while, I became carsick. I tried to watch the scenery outside the window, but I felt more and more dizzy. At this time, the air was mixed with dry dust and filled the whole carriage. I finally couldn't help it. I pulled my mother's coat and said, "Mom, I want to vomit, The car vomited in a mess, and the whole car smelled disgusting. The driver looked behind, smiled slightly, and said, "Little girl, get carsick. Here, wipe it." As he said, my mother handed a roll of toilet paper to you before. While receiving the toilet paper, she said, "Excuse me, sir, I have caused you trouble." The driver showed his white teeth, He said, "It's OK. Hold on a bit, and we'll be there soon."

After about ten minutes in the disgusting smell, we arrived at Phoenix Mountain and got off the bus. My mother and aunt kept apologizing, which made me feel guilty and the driver Wan Er laughed it off. We entered the gate of Phoenix Mountain. When I looked back, I suddenly saw that the driver brought a bucket of water from the trunk. He bent down and cleaned the dirt on the car with his hands. Then he washed it with water. His expression did not show any disgust, but was calm. At that moment, I was really moved.

Looking at the back of the driver who drove away, I stood still. My aunt pulled me and said, "Go!" Then I came back to my senses. He was deeply imprinted in my mind - the ugly and simple driver. For the first time, I realized that people were so happy because they were touched.

I was very moved that time 600 (9)

When I was a child, it is very far away from now. In my fragmented and mottled memory, what is not in the distance is Grandma's busy figure.

Since I can remember, I have been in kindergarten. At that time, my father moved to Shaoxing and my mother was busy. In desperation, I had to trouble my mother to bring me to the city. Grandma was very happy to take care of me.

In addition to sending me to kindergarten, Grandma often takes me back to the countryside. My hometown is not far or near. I have to take a half hour bus and walk for more than ten minutes. It would be easy for Grandma to go alone, but it would be troublesome to bring me here. Even so, Grandma didn't mind.

That time, the weather was very bad, and it was rainy. The sky is gray, as if separated by a curtain. It is indistinct, and even the cloud layer cannot be seen clearly.

However, the gloomy weather did not seem to affect Grandma's interest in returning to the countryside. I was still cheerfully taken to the station.

It was easy to get on the bus. I sat on Grandma's lap and looked out of the window. There are only a few people on the street. Colorful umbrellas and colorful raincoats constitute a wonderful scene. Looking at the fleeting things outside, my eyelids can no longer support them. I fell into a sweet dream

I faintly felt that my body was bumping up and down, and the cool wind brushed my face, and I felt a little sleepy. I woke up when I opened my sleepy eyes. What came into view was Grandma's undulating back. The cold rain was floating on my nose, but there was no coolness on my body. Grandma put her clothes on my body, as if a warm embrace had caught me, so comfortable and peaceful.

"Hmm?" I listened to Grandma's heavy breathing and said: "Grandma, let me go down! You are too tired."

But Grandma still kept the same posture and pace, trying to keep steady. Grandma said, "Are you awake? I have to carry you back. It's not a good way here. Are you cold? Say cold, and then I will add some clothes for you..."

Listening to Grandma's warm words, I suddenly felt like crying. Grandma, she is the only umbrella she will bring to cover me! She obviously can't stand the cold wind, but she still asks me if I'm cold! Grandma's solid back and red umbrella kept the whole child in a warm place, without cold or noise

I fell asleep again. In the silence, in the touch, in the warmth, I fell asleep peacefully. Because I know that Grandma will take me home

I was very moved that time 600 (10)

You are like a note, around me, intoxicated with me. You are like a big tree, covering me and protecting me.

——To Huijie, my friend

You have told me many times that you can't fight with your classmates in the classroom. My naughty always makes you stop talking. That time, I ran crazy again in the classroom, and I ignored your helpless eyes. Somehow, I felt a dull pain on my hand, so I stopped to see that a small piece of meat on my forefinger had no skin, and blood was flowing from the wound. The students nearby saw that no one cared to hand over the paper towel, but gloated and said, "Ho ho, why are you bleeding?"

"Look at you, alas!" Before I knew it, a pair of warm hands pulled me to the infirmary. On the way, you kept blaming: "How many times have I said that, you still......" I could only listen quietly and follow your cautious and hurried steps to the infirmary. "Doctor, Band Aids!" You took the doctor's Band Aids, observed them, and carefully tore the packaging that could be used to create a Band Aids. Align the center of the gauze patch with the wound, and then tear off the paper at the location of the paste, and gently put it on. While sticking, you smoothed it with your hands and blew it with your mouth. Looking at your worried eyes, my eyes are moist. "Why? Does it hurt?" You saw my red eyes and asked, "Is it because I didn't stick it well or it was too heavy, which hurt you?" "No! I shook my head and said with a smile," It's OK! "I wiped my eyes and let you look at me with a puzzled 'look. To be honest, I really had an indescribable feeling and happiness at that time. Although it is just a small band aid.

I remember that time, two red numbers came out of the math test paper. I was surprised, wiped my eyes hard, and looked at it calmly, 84, or 84! I was stunned. "How much is the test?" You came bouncing. I grabbed you and threw myself at you, crying all the time. You also saw my score, patted me on the back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, there is a bad exam!" But I still cried. "All right!" You pulled me out of the classroom and helped me wipe my tears. "Everyone has a bad exam, so it's better to spend the time crying to analyze why the exam is bad." I nodded and went back to the classroom with you to analyze the wrong questions. While analyzing, you said, "Look, it's a plus or minus sign again!" "This, it's a mistake again!" "Also, 37 is 21, not 24!"...... I looked at you and laughed. I think your comfort makes me feel what is warm, what is love, what is happiness.

In my eyes, you are my hot milk tea in the severe cold, ice cream in the severe heat, and even a band aid for my soul. You care about me, help me, encourage me, urge me, just like my big sister.

I think my life will be warmer with you in the three years of junior high school.

I was very moved that time 600 (11)

You are like a note, around me, intoxicated with me. You are like a big tree, covering me and protecting me.

——To Huijie, my friend

You have told me many times that you can't fight with your classmates in the classroom. My naughty always makes you stop talking. That time, I ran crazy again in the classroom, and I ignored your helpless eyes. Somehow, I felt a dull pain on my hand, so I stopped to see that a small piece of meat on my forefinger had no skin, and blood was flowing from the wound. The students nearby saw that no one cared to hand over the paper towel, but gloated and said, "Ho ho, why are you bleeding?"

"Look at you, alas!" Before I knew it, a pair of warm hands pulled me to the infirmary. On the way, you kept blaming: "How many times have I said that, you still......" I could only listen quietly and follow your cautious and hurried steps to the infirmary. "Doctor, Band Aids!" You took the doctor's Band Aids, observed them, and carefully tore the packaging that could be used to create a Band Aids. Align the center of the gauze patch with the wound, and then tear off the paper at the location of the paste, and gently put it on. While sticking, you smoothed it with your hands and blew it with your mouth. Looking at your worried eyes, my eyes are moist. "Why? Does it hurt?" You saw my red eyes and asked, "Is it because I didn't stick it well or it was too heavy, which hurt you?" "No! I shook my head and said with a smile," It's OK! "I wiped my eyes and let you look at me with a puzzled look. To be honest, I really had an indescribable feeling and happiness at that time. Although it is just a small band aid.

I remember that time, two red numbers came out of the math test paper. I was surprised, wiped my eyes hard, and looked at it calmly, 84, or 84! I was stunned. "How much is the test?" You came bouncing. I grabbed you and threw myself at you, crying all the time. You also saw my score and patted me on the back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, there is a bad exam!" But I was very moved when I cried again. "All right!" You pulled me out of the classroom and helped me wipe my tears. "Everyone has a bad exam, so it's better to spend the time crying to analyze why the exam is bad." I nodded and went back to the classroom with you to analyze the wrong questions. While analyzing, you said, "Look, it's a plus or minus sign again!" "This, it's a mistake again!" "Also, 37 is 21, not 24!"...... I looked at you and laughed. I think your comfort makes me feel what is warm, what is love, what is happiness.

In my eyes, you are my hot milk tea in the severe cold, ice cream in the severe heat, and even a band aid for my soul. You care about me, help me, encourage me, urge me, just like my big sister.

I think my life will be warmer with you in the three years of junior high school.

I was very moved that time 600 (12)

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, all my cousins came out to play. I took my bike with me and my father took us to the small park next to my home.

When I went there, I was very happy. When I rode my bike, I cheered as if I were riding a horse. Before going to the park, I couldn't wait to rush in. Seeing the "picturesque scenery" here, fish swim happily in the artificial river, and birds chirp. There is a path beside the river. The road is not fenced and there are many mosses. If you are not careful, you will fall into the river. The water speed of the river is not very fast. At that time, I thought: I let you know that my driving skills are very powerful. If I perform here, they will look at me with new eyes? Hehe, try it. I turned around and rushed to the road. "No! Danger!" Dad shouted, "I will slip! Don't go there." I just wanted to say something back. When the front wheel turned, it was skidded by the hateful moss, and people and cars fell into the water. The water is not deep, but I have reached my mouth for kindergarten. It was winter, and the frozen water made me feel like I was in a big refrigerator. Dad rushed up and jumped into the water without saying a word. He pushed me up with his hands because of moss. After several times of pushing, I couldn't get up. About half a minute later, I finally got up.

My father and I have become "drowned chickens". My father rushed me back one by one. When the east wind blew, my upper and lower rows of teeth were fighting. Make a clatter. My face turned blue and my lips turned purple. I froze to death. Dad put me down hurriedly, took a wet coat and threw it on me, saying: "Hang on, it's almost here, it's OK." His harmonious face and powerful words made me feel no cold. I returned to my father's back. After walking for a while, I suddenly felt a shock. It turned out that my father had wet my whole body when he just saved me. With my weight, he was almost powerless, but he still gritted his teeth and walked forward. I immediately asked to come down and let Dad have a rest. But he wouldn't, he wouldn't loosen his grip on my feet. Suddenly, he frowned. The sweat flowed into his eyes, but he walked forward regardless of the pain. I suddenly felt a hot liquid in my eyes.

That time I was moved, my father is my backer, I love my father!

I was very moved that time 600 (13)

Life is full of emotion, and the world will be so harmonious. In my memory, I also had a feeling of hard work.

It was one day in the summer vacation. I saw a stray near my house. It looked like an old cat. From then on, he would beg for food at my door every day. I specially bought fish for it and fed it several times a day. After feeding him for several months, he unexpectedly conceived a cat. Soon, it will be born. The weather was unpredictable. The next day, it rained heavily. The cat's nest was washed away by the rain. It was very cold that day. The north wind was howling. I was worried about the kittens when I heard the cat's eager cry at the door. Open the door and have a look. Ah! The old cat was holding a black kitten in its mouth. The old cat cried bitterly. It must have wanted to move the cats and children in to shelter from the rain. I was at a loss for a moment. Seeing how they were drenched by the rain, I was really distressed, and even more moved by the mother's love of the cat. I had to go out to clean up the nest. After their house was rebuilt, I took the kitten back. On the way to the cat's nest, the cat mother followed me all the time. I settled them down and went home safely. However, more than ten minutes later, there was a cat barking at the door. When I opened the door, the old cat came with a kitten in its mouth. I saw the kitten shivering with cold after being wet by the rain. The old cat barked at me while protecting the kitten. At that moment, my moved eyes were moist. I couldn't care much, so I hurried to bring the kitten in and put it in a warm small paper box.

The old cat seemed to be very grateful. He gave me a low voice and hurriedly turned around and ran back to the cat's nest. Five minutes, ten minutes... The old cat was busy, and finally got all the kittens. The rain had soaked his body. I also brought it into my home, held it in my arms, and named it "Mimi".

The Mimi family huddled together in a small box. The kittens snuggled close to their mother before they opened their eyes and ate her milk. This scene was really touching and unforgettable.

Will this kind of affection and care from the primitive and utilitarian animal world move people who live in a highly civilized and materialistic world?

I was very moved that time 600 (14)

There are many moving things in my life. They are like countless meteors in the sky. But with the passage of time, some meteors have passed before my eyes, but only one is shining forever!

How can my mother let me buy things again! I complained in my heart. As I walked, I saw a beggar on the roadside. I looked closer. Originally, the beggar's wife died in childbirth, leaving him only one son. With his begging voice, I kept my eyes on his son, who had been a baby for several months, with baby teeth growing out of his mouth. He was held in the arms of a beggar and looked very ill. People around me put their money into the beggar's bowl. My heart softened and I gave the money to the beggar without reservation. The beggar thanked me.

Just as I was about to leave, a ragged, white haired old woman came to the beggar. On her weather beaten face, only the rough skin and angular bones were left. It was obvious that the old woman was also a beggar. She poured the only two steamed buns that others had given her from her bowl into the beggar's bowl. This scene really touched me! But the old woman smiled and said, "Eat! Don't starve the baby!" Then she walked away silently, leaving me only a thin figure. The beggar didn't say anything, but his eyes were red. He choked and tried not to let tears come out of his eyes. I was also shocked by this act of the old woman. I never thought that there was such feelings in the world. I also felt extremely sad: the old woman was alone, but she gave the only two steamed buns she could eat to the beggars who had no relatives with her. It can be seen how noble the quality of the old woman is and how kind her heart is! It can be seen that there are many good people in the world!

This event made me understand what is called "there is truth in the world". It makes me feel warm when I think about it. That scene really moved me!

I was very moved that time 600 (15)

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, all my cousins came out to play. I took my bike with me and my father took us to the small park next to my home.

When I went there, I was very happy. When I rode my bike, I cheered as if I were riding a horse. Before going to the park, I couldn't wait to rush in. Seeing the "picturesque scenery" here, fish swim happily in the artificial river, and birds chirp. There is a path beside the river. The road is not fenced and there are many mosses. If you are not careful, you will fall into the river. The water speed of the river is not very fast. At that time, I thought: I let you know that my driving skills are very powerful. If I perform here, they will look at me with new eyes? Hehe, try it. I turned around and rushed to the road. "No! Danger!" Dad shouted, "I will slip! Don't go there." I just wanted to say something back. When the front wheel turned, it was skidded by the hateful moss, and people and cars fell into the water. The water is not deep, but I have reached my mouth for kindergarten. It was winter, and the frozen water made me feel like I was in a big refrigerator. Dad rushed up and jumped into the water without saying a word. He pushed me up with his hands because of moss. After several times of pushing, I couldn't get up. About half a minute later, I finally got up.

My father and I have become "drowned chickens". My father rushed me back one by one. When the east wind blew, my upper and lower rows of teeth were fighting. Make a clatter. My face turned blue and my lips turned purple. I froze to death. My father put me down hurriedly, took a wet coat and threw it on me, saying, "Hang on, it's almost here, it's OK." His harmonious face and powerful words mean that I don't feel cold. I returned to my father's back. After walking for a while, I suddenly felt a shock. It turned out that my father had wet my whole body when he just saved me. With my weight, he was almost powerless, but he still gritted his teeth and walked forward. I immediately asked to come down and let Dad have a rest. But he wouldn't, he wouldn't loosen his grip on my feet. Suddenly, he frowned. The sweat flowed into his eyes, but he walked forward regardless of the pain. I suddenly felt a hot liquid in my eyes.

That time I was moved, my father is my backer, I love my father!